[an error occurred while processing this directive] GL Transcript Wednesday 5/7/03 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 5/7/03

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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Reva: The party's in an hour.

Josh: I'll be ready.

Reva: I don't like this.

Josh: It's your sister's big night.

Reva: No, I’m not talking about that. I'm talking about this-- the fact that there are... I don't like the fact that we have so many issues that are unresolved.

Josh: Neither do I.

Reva: Especially when it's an honest disagreement.

Josh: I agree.

Reva: Well, since we're being honest, there's something that I want to tell you, something that involves Harley and Gus, and the fact that...

Shayne: Hey, Mom? Where's that dress shirt of mine? Is it still in the wash?

Reva: Uh, no. It's cleaned and pressed and ready to go. Why? Where do you think you're going?

Shayne: The thing at the Beacon.

Reva: Oh, yeah?

Shayne: Marah, Tony, everybody's going, so...

Josh: Are you sure that's a good idea, son?

Shayne: What do you mean?

Josh: Well, I mean, you know, you're pitching tomorrow, right? You've got a big game tomorrow. You've got that scout that we met, he's coming.

Shayne: Dad, I'm totally psyched the guy's coming to check me out, okay? Relax. I'm no David Wells. I'm going to cut out early tonight, I’ll get plenty of sleep and then I’m going to throw seven innings of smoke tomorrow.

Josh: Okay, well... So what did you want to tell me about Harley and Gus?

Reva: You should get dressed.

Josh: Reva, come on. Don't walk away like that.

Reva: Okay. About the baseball.

Josh: You think that I was pushing Shayne too hard just now?

Reva: It's not that you're pushing hard, it's that you're pushing constantly.

Josh: Reva, I don't think that he's applying himself in the way that he should.

Reva: You mean, in the way you want him to.

Josh: You know what? I wish I had somebody pushing me just a little bit when I was a kid, when I was his age, because my life might have turned out a little bit different.

Reva: I didn't realize it was so terrible.

Harley: I know you are probably the last two people in the world I should even be asking of this, but I can't decide. Which... ...One?

Gus: This one.

Rick: I like that one. How'd you know the two of us were down here? You were upstairs.

Harley: Your cologne. Dead giveaway.

Rick: Why do I sense that's not a compliment?

Gus: Honey, be nice to him. He came all the way, you know, on his way to the party. He's got to get ready, the big, you know, bash and everything. Are you hungry? Oh, we can't give you anything because we don't have anything in the kitchen. Nothing at all.

Rick: No, guys, I won't keep you. I just thought you might want to see the test results from that blood sample you gave me?

Harley: Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Did they find anything unusual?

Rick: A trace of amitryptyline.

Gus: Is that a prescription drug?

Rick: Yeah, a heavy-duty one. It's used to treat anxiety and depression.

Gus: Okay...What would the side effects of that be?

Rick: Well, in high doses, it could lead to delusions, hallucinations, and in some cases, suicide tendencies.

Harley: Good to know.

Rick: Well? I sure would love to know who you took this blood sample from.

Harley: I still can't tell you who it was.

Rick: Oh, come on.

Gus: Rick, nothing personal. Ongoing investigation.

Harley: No, but thank you very much for coming over, and thank you. I think I'll listen to you when it comes to that dress. (Laughs) Um...

Rick: All right.

Harley: And I know you have to go because you are such a busy go, so I'll just see you later.

Rick: Okay. If you change your mind, tell me.

Gus: That's good. We're going to have the whole house to ourselves.

Alan: She was drugging me.

Gus: Just be quiet. He still may be outside. This is good, though. Now we know she was slipping you some nasty stuff.

Harley: Well, we're going to need a lot more hard evidence than this if you take it to a jury.

Gus: Yeah? Well, we're going to get it, okay? And then her next address is going to be Vailsburg State Prison. (Knocking at door) Shh.

Harley: What?

Gus: He heard.

Harley: Rick, I knew it was too easy getting rid of you. Alexandra.

Josh: You misunderstand.

Reva: Do I?

Josh: Reva, I don't know anybody who doesn't feel that they've made mistakes in their life.

Reva: And you just want to make sure Shayne doesn't make those same mistakes. Is that it?

Josh: I just want to give him the benefit of my experience.

Reva: Okay, then these "mistakes"-- no matter how many of them there were-- they brought you to the life you have right now. This, living in a beautiful home with me, two wonderful kids.

Josh: Yeah, yeah. We are what we've done. I understand that.

Reva: Yeah. So why does this strike such a deep chord in you? Is this not the life you would choose for Shayne?

Josh: I think that's his choice.

Reva: Well, I don't see where you're leaving him much else for his discretion.

Josh: Okay, you know what? Maybe you're right. Maybe it's time for me to get dressed, okay? Excuse me.

Reva: No, Joshua, really. Did you give something up to be where you are now? Please, tell me the truth.

Josh: Reva, when I was younger, there were two things I was passionate about. One of those things was you and the other was baseball. Now, I let my passion for baseball slip away. I didn't apply myself in the way that I should have if I wanted...

Reva: ...To make it a career.

Josh: Exactly. Reva, you know what sums up baseball for me? A sound. It was the sound of the pennants flapping in the wind on game day. To me, that was the sound of possibility. On that field, on that day, anything was possible.

Reva: And you miss that.

Josh: I lost it. The dream of doing something that very few people can even do, Reva. I didn't take the risk. I let the chance go by.

Reva: This is a case of selective memory, Joshua. Because you turned your back on baseball-- and on me-- because you wanted to get away from your daddy. And you got away, but you made other... You took other chances, and that's what brought you here, to this life.

Josh: That's not the point, though, Reva.

Reva: It's exactly the point. You keep pushing Shayne to make more, to do better in baseball and what you're really telling him is, "Don't do what I did." You're not-so-subtly telling him to take a path that you were never able to take.

Josh: That's not what I’m doing. I said it before. This is not about me trying to live my life through Shayne. If the opportunity that Shayne has before him now reminds me of what I had when I was a kid, so what? What does that mean?

Reva: I just don't know where it's coming from. It seems like it's coming out of nowhere. I've never heard you voice these kind of regrets before.

Josh: Well, maybe I never had the chance to before.

Reva: And that's somehow my fault? Are you blaming me for that?

Marina: I could kill my dad.

Ben: This isn't about the car, is it?

Marina: You know what he did? You know what he did besides give me a ticket and take the keys away from me? They towed the thing.

Ben: What? I noticed it was gone. I thought you drove it home.

Marina: This is so ridiculous! This is my car! It was a gift from you.

Tony: It was?

Ben: Yeah, it was.

Marina: Only a few more days until I am 18 and then I can do whatever I want. You know, like, for example, drive my own car.

Ben: Hey, hey, you will not have to wait that long, all right? The title is still in my name. All right? I'll get it back, keep it here and you can drive it whenever you want.

Marina: You are so good to me.

Ben: Well, you deserve it. And we're going to have a great time at this party tonight.

Marina: Oh, no. You know what? I don't think I'm going to go.

Ben: Why not? Everyone's going to be there.

Marina: Yeah, including Chief Dad.

Marah: The Beacon's a big place. You don't have to see him.

Marina: I mean, I didn't even bring the dress I borrowed from you, though. And look at you. Your hair and makeup's already done. I'm a complete mess.

Marah: Come on. You can borrow another one. Come on.

Ben: Come on.

Marah: You're going. Come on.

Tony: A new car, huh? That's pretty sweet.

Ben: Yeah, well, it's for a great girl.

Tony: Yeah. Who you're trying to really impress. Or con. (Knocking at door)

Ben: What are you doing here?

Eden: I have got some great news. Hey, is Marah here?

Tony: Yeah. I'll go get her.

Eden: Ben, did you really think I would talk business around civilians? Oh. Is this yours?

Ben: Ha. That's very funny.

Eden: (Laughs) Wait. You're not going to go to the gala tonight, are you?

Ben: Anything wrong with that?

Eden: Well, you might want to reconsider. Your regular assignment, Ramona Hendon, is going to be there. With her husband.

Edmund: There we are. Cassie, you look beautiful. And now you're ready for anything.

Cassie: I hope the staff is ready for anything.

Edmund: Well, I for one have a very good feeling about this.

Cassie: Well, you should. You worked very hard to put this whole event together, and you know what? Richard would be touched.

Edmund: Touched?

Cassie: Mm-hmm.

Edmund: I think he'd be thrilled if we raise enough money to pay for the entire library.

Cassie: True. He would.

Edmund: What's wrong?

Cassie: I was just remembering the first time you came to me with this idea and I thought that it was a scam, a PR move. "Edmund Winslow doesn't raise money, he steals it."

Edmund: Right. Right. Well, I'd like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to change your mind. Oh, and...

Cassie: What is this?

Edmund: Well, it's the rest of the thank-you, I think. Go on. Beautiful. It was my mother’s. And it was supposed to go to Richard when she died.

Cassie: It's a family heirloom. I can't accept this. I can’t.

Edmund: Oh. Well, good. I'm glad, because it's not for you.

Cassie: Okay.

Edmund: (Laughs)

Cassie: Who's it for?

Edmund: Well, I would like Tammy to have it. I just have a feeling that if Richard were here tonight, he'd want her to have it, too, so in a way, I’m just closing the circle up.

Cassie: Tammy will love this. She would.

Edmund: I hope so. May I? Whenever I held it, I always felt as if she were watching over me. Not necessarily with much approval-- it was supposed to go to Richard, after all-- but, well, I don't know, I like the feeling anyway, and I just think that when Tammy wears it, she'll feel her father watching over her with much approval and a great deal of love.

Alexandra: Harley, may I come in? He was back. Last night, in the house.

Harley: Who?

Alexandra: Alan. Who else?

Harley: Really? Did you see him?

Alexandra: No, but he was there, clear as a bell. I mean, he left little messages, cute little surprises all around, just designed to... Designed to terrify me, of course. Harley, look... Look, you know Alan better than any private detective would. And when he comes back-- and he will-- you'd do a far better job of, I don't know, what's that expression, talk him down before he can do any serious harm?

Marah: He's that excited about the bag?

Eden: Girlfriend, I wouldn't be surprised if he gives you a job on the spot.

Marah: (Gasps) Yes! Oh, my God! Thank you so much.

Josh: No! I'm not saying that... I'm not blaming anyone for anything, Reva. All right? I take responsibility for the choices I've made in my life and one of the choices I’m making right now is to help my son to realize his dream.

Reva: Well, he's too young. He's a kid. He's too young to be narrowing down his perspective too much.

Josh: I'm not going to let this opportunity go by because you're worried about his perspective.

Reva: Okay, so he gets all the glory that you never got, is that it?

Josh: He has a future in baseball. I don't want you to jeopardize that. Period!

Reva: So what am I supposed to do? Just vanish? Not have any say in any of these decisions you're making for him?

Josh: Well, it's not like you haven't done that before.

Reva: Well, isn't this nice?

Josh: Reva, I...

Reva: You better get dressed. We leave in half an hour.

Alexandra: Thank you, Harley. Thank you very much.

Harley: Please. I'm not doing this for you. You probably deserve anything that Alan could do to you. No, I'm doing this for Gus' sake. He's obsessed with Alan. He can only think of him as his son, not the power-crazed nut job that I know of.

Alexandra: Oh, the real Alan.

Harley: Exactly. And I don't want Gus taken advantage of. I don't want him hurt again.

Alexandra: Fine, fine. But until we find Alan, I want you at my side at every minute at the Winslow gala tonight, all right?

Harley: Actually, I have a better idea. The gala will be packed with people. You'll be perfectly safe there. It's when you get home that there might be trouble. You said that Alan had already been at the mansion?

Alexandra: (Laughs) Oh, no doubt about that.

Harley: Well, what if he's still there? Hiding? Waiting? No, see, I... I want you to go to the party and I will search the mansion. I'll wait out Alan. If I don't find him, I’ll stay there. How much staff will be there tonight?

Alexandra: Well, none if you don't want them there. I could give them all the night off when I leave.

Harley: That would be great. That would keep things simple. That's great. Okay, this is what I need you to do. You need... You need to go home and you need to get dressed for that party. You need to act like nothing has changed, okay?

Alexandra: All right. I'll leave a key at the security gate for you.

Harley: Perfect. And Alexandra, stay in touch.

Gus: That was great. That was great. Great work. Are you kidding me? We're going to have the whole house to ourselves to search for the evidence. What's the matter?

Harley: What's going on here? You're terrorizing Alexandra? I didn't sign on for that.

Alan: I'm deranged, remember?

Harley: Alan, I was onboard when the plan was that you would stay here until we got the goods on Alexandra. Now, either we do this thing my way or I’m out, which means you are, too.

Edmund: Journalism at its finest. May I? Let's see. According to this, most of the known universe seems to think I’m the world's biggest hypocrite for hosting this evening after all I've done to you and Richard.

Cassie: Just put it down.

Edmund: Oh, no, no, no. Please, please. Please. It also seems that many people have chosen not to buy tickets because "Who in their right mind would attend an evening hosted by Edmund Winslow," and "The night is destined to be a dismal failure." Well, no surprises here.

Cassie: That reporter doesn't know what he's talking about, Edmund. Okay?

Edmund: No, Cassie. Everything this reporter has said, about me at least, is true.

Cassie: No, no, we are not going to let this spoil everything that you have worked so hard for, okay?

Edmund: Cassie, half the people showing up tonight are fully expecting me to torch Richard’s portrait, stuff the contribution checks in my pocket, and probably drag you off to my bedroom.

Cassie: Don't do this.

Edmund: Oh, I don't know, maybe they're right. Maybe... maybe people can't change. At least the people who have dug themselves into these kind of holes.

Cassie: Stop, okay? We're not going to let this ruin our evening, we're not.

Edmund: Cassie, the damage has already been done, it seems. If people don't come tonight because of me then... Oh, God, I'm sorry.

Cassie: This is a rag, Edmund, okay. It's a gossip sheet, that's all...

Edmund: Cassie...

Cassie: ...Nothing more.

Edmund: ...But every reporter coming through that door is going to be asking questions about this article. You know that's the case.

Cassie: Okay, so you say, "No comment" or you say, "Let's talk about what this evening is really about."

Edmund: (Laughs) Cassie, they ignore that. Raising money for a library built in the name of a fine man is just not news compared to picking apart the checkered life of an Ambassador.

Cassie: So you walk away.

Edmund: "Walk away"?

Cassie: Yes.

Edmund: That's it. Cassie, Cassie, tonight is about... It's not about me. It's your night. It's Richard’s night. So, I'm going to go.

Cassie: You can't go.

Edmund: Cassie, if I ruin this night for you and your family, I just would hate myself...

Cassie: No, no, no, no, no, you cannot go, Edmund, okay. You're not going!

Edmund: Cassie, Cassie, I thought I could outrun my past. I was wrong. I can’t. Please. Thank you, thank you for everything. Have a wonderful night. You deserve it. Good night.

Harley: I was willing to keep you hidden here and lie to my brother, but that... That was so we could get the goods on Alexandra, not so we could destroy her, or help you get Spaulding Enterprises back.

Gus: Honey, it is human to want revenge.

Harley: Well, I’ve never been in the revenge business.

Alan: Well, then you tell me how we're going to arrive at justice by sitting around doing nothing.

Gus: He's right, he's right. We got an invitation; we have to take it. Think about it. We get in there. We get some evidence. She was trying to drug him. She tried to make him look crazy, set him up as Reva’s stalker. We have to do our job. We have to build our case against a felon. That's our job.

Alan: And then Alexandra will go to jail just like she deserves.

Harley: What if something goes wrong?

Gus: Nothing's going to...

Harley: Did it occur to you that this whole thing could backfire? You could end up convicted as Reva’s stalker. You can end up in a mental institution until the court can prove that you're not really crazy. And you and I could lose our badges.

Gus: That is not going to happen.

Harley: You're so sure?

Gus: Yes, look, he stays here. We go to the mansion. We get in and out. We get the evidence we need and...

Harley: In and out?

Gus: In and out.

Harley: Fine, what's the first thing we look for?

Alan: You look in the wall safe in the study.

Harley: Okay, I want the combination to that safe. And I want you to draw me a diagram of that house. I don't care if I used to live there, draw me a diagram, anything I should know. Anything else you can give us.

Alan: Gus, get me some paper.

(Phone rings)

Reva: Hello?

Harley: Can you do me a favor?

Reva: Harley.

Harley: Could you please tell Cassie that we will not be able to make it to the party tonight.

Reva: Oh, what, you have a case?

Harley: Well, we're going to spend the night trying to prove that Alexandra is your stalker, and that she's been drugging Alan. Big enough?

Reva: Sounds good. And where will Alexandra be while this is going on?

Harley: Oh, she'll be at the Beacon, which is the main reason I called you. Can you keep an eye on her? And then let me know if she tries to leave or anything?

Reva: My pleasure. And you can do a favor for me. Nail the lying broad. Yeah, we'll talk. See you.

Josh: Who was that?

Reva: It was for me.

Harley: Well, at least we know all those drugs didn't affect his memory.

Gus: I hope that Alexandra enjoys the party. It's going to be her last night as a free woman.

close at hand the winds are blowing

around the time the pressure's growing

around the corner something's waiting

apprehension escalating can't you feel the pinch of tension

way beyond just comprehension old emotions left unspoken

don't delight when hearts are broken

fasten your seat belts it's going to be a bumpy ride

like a freight train couldn't stop it if you tried

oh, oh nothing's gained from introspection

sometimes fact is just perception

self-denial is the fashion telling me turn on with passion

truth is hidden in distortion yellow light, proceed with caution

when the past is resurrected turbulence can be expected

fasten your seat belts it's going to be a bumpy ride

supersonic couldn't stop it if you tried

oh, oh whoa

charlatans and big time players often shed their outer layers

leaving half of what was whole leaving their very soul

fasten your seat belts it's going to be a bumpy ride

worlds colliding couldn't stop it if you tried

fasten your seat belts fasten your seat belts

nothing's gained from introspection

sometimes fact is just perception

self-denial is the fashion till it meets head-on with passion

truth is hidden in distortion yellow light, proceed with caution

when the past is resurrected turbulence can be expected

fasten your seat belts it's going to be a bumpy ride

supersonic couldn't stop it if you tried

oh, oh whoa, whoa

charlatans and big time players often shed their outer layers

leaving half of what was whole leaving their very soul

fasten your seat belts it's going to be a bumpy ride

worlds colliding couldn't stop it if you tried

fasten your seat belts fasten your seat belts

fasten your seat belts fasten your seat belts. (classical music playing)

Tony: Looks like the party's jumping, and the doors haven't even opened yet.

Ben: Looks like it's going to be a good time.

Eden: Marah, they're checking out your bag.

Marina: That is so cute.

Marah: Oh, what this old thing?

Marina: You could have like a major hit on your hands.

Eden: That's the idea. (Cell phone rings) Oh, excuse me a minute.

Marina: What?

Ben: You look incredible, Marina.

Marina: Ooh, I like that word.

Marah: Hey, what's going on with them?

Shayne: Yeah, they don't look too happy, do they?

Marah: I can feel the chill from here.

Tony: Did your folks get into a fight or something?

Shayne: I guess they did.

Marah: About?

Shayne: Baseball. As in, the way Dad's riding me about it.

Eden: That was Adrian. His limo's on the way. So get ready to be discovered. (Laughs)

Marina: Guys, come on, let's go, okay. Let's get to the party.

(Music playing)

(Music continues)

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