Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 5/6/03
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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Beth: Mom, this is a nice surprise.
Lillian: Oh, I think you're the one who's full of surprises, sweetheart.
Beth: What?
Lillian: Well, I mean, you threw me for a loop when you moved back into this beautiful house. And then, I heard that my granddaughter ran away from school.
Beth: Wait... Hold on. Lizzie did not run away from school. There was a fire at Alston.
Lillian: A fire? Is she okay?
Beth: She's fine now, but she was upset when it happened. That's why she rushed home like she did. And I know how it sounds, but I called the school and...
Lillian: You called the school. They didn't call you? Did they even know Lizzie was gone?
Beth: Mom...
Nolan: Excuse me, Miss Raines. There's a phone call for you. It's the Headmistress from Lizzie’s school.
Beth: Thank you, Nolan.
Nolan: You're welcome.
Beth: Excuse me, Mom. Yes, this is Lizzie Spaulding’s mother. Well, no, my daughter will not be returning to Alston next semester unless I can get some assurances that security... Excuse me? No. No, that's impossible. You're mistaken.
Lillian: What, Beth, what?
Beth: Oh, I certainly will. I will speak to Lizzie’s father and I will call you back.
Lillian: What was that all about?
Beth: Well, the fire at the school was arson.
Lillian: Oh, that's awful. I mean, to set fire to a school, hurt all those little girls. I'd love to get my hands on whoever was responsible for that...
Beth: Well, according to the school, the person responsible is Lizzie.
Olivia: Great, right through there, thanks. Over here. Thank you. Ah, yeah.
Phillip: Hey. Thank you for offering to take Lizzie shopping later on. I really appreciate you taking the time to do that. Olivia?
Olivia: (Sobbing)
Danny: What... The two of them. You need a hand? What's...
Tony: Yeah, I need a hand...
Danny: What are you doing here?
Tony: Well, I nicked the floor. Marah's going to kill me.
Danny: Don't worry about it. I'm sure it'll just give her another excuse to buy another rug.
Tony: You know what, I'm just going to... I'm going to take care of this later. I don't have time.
Danny: Where you going?
Tony: I'm going back to your house to do the home improvement thing.
Danny: You mean you're going to my house to... to see Marah. Please, you're not going to do any work.
Tony: You think you're...
Danny: Michelle told me that she's over there going over design ideas with her.
Tony: What... Just because...
Danny: Who do you think you're kidding?
Tony: ...Just because I live with Marah doesn't mean I get to see her all the time.
Danny: Uh-huh.
Tony: Why you here, uh? What's going on?
Danny: A little... Damage control, a little Fifth Street emergency.
Tony: Damage control?
Danny: Yeah. A water main break, Tony.
Tony: (Sighs)
Danny: That's it.
Tony: Good.
Danny: Relax.
Tony: That's good, a normal emergency makes me happy.
Danny: Hey, I told you, our problems with the drug dealers and the New York families are over.
Tony: Good.
Ray: You think? I don't know about that, guys. "Urban battlefield: Gang warfare in Springfield." Tell me you don't know anything about this.
Bill: Hey, do I hear my two favorite strippers giggling on the job?
Michelle: Ha ha ha.
Bill: Hey, you girlies better pick up the pace or you're going to be late for the ball.
Marah: It's a gala, Bill.
Bill: Pardon me.
Marah: And you know what? If I’m late then I can just go in this.
Bill: I'll tell you what, I’d take a girl in a tool belt over one in a frilly dress any day. In fact, Marah, what is that on your hip?
Marah: Don't make fun at my little contraption. This has everything a girl needs for every home improvement whim.
Michelle: Yeah, it's like a tool purse, right?
Marah: Yeah.
Bill: Whatever.
Marah: Well, it looks like the cold freeze is over.
Michelle: What?
Marah: What? You guys are acting like friends again.
Michelle: We're working on it.
Marah: So everything's back to the way it used to be?
Michelle: Yeah, almost. I'm just kind of worried about this thing he's got going with Eden August. Of course, now I can't say anything to him, whereas when we were close before, I could have made him realize what a big mistake he was making.
Bill: Hey, ladies, looks like we got ourselves another volunteer.
Marah: All right, if you want to help, I think we've got an extra paint scraper.
Eden: Oh, you know, it looks like fun, but that's okay. I just came to round up Bill to take me to the gala tonight.
Bill: See, ladies, it's... it's a gala, it's not a ball.
Michelle: Well, I hope you got like a hard hat and some work boots because Bill was just telling us he prefers a woman in a tool belt, right, as opposed to what... What'd you say, girls in...
Bill: Uh, that was a frilly dress.
Michelle: Right.
Bill: But for you, I'd be more than happy to make an exception.
Eden: Well, good. But I want to know where you got that.
Marah: What, this thing? I... I don't know, I just had some extra fabric at home. I put it together. It's no big deal.
Eden: No, actually, it is.
Bill: Eden...
Eden: You know, you should make one of those for tonight.
Bill: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. Like I said, I’m good with the dress thing.
Eden: Oh, you will be when you see what I’m wearing tonight...
Bill: Is that right?
Eden: Yes, but we're not talking about that. I'm serious. You should make one of those. Like, can you do it in like satin or something? You know, maybe glam it up and... You know what, you should make it to match what you're wearing.
Michelle: Actually, that's not a bad idea.
Eden: Why do you sound so surprised, Michelle?
Michelle: No, I’m not. Actually, I hate those little purses that you can barely fit a lipstick in, too.
Eden: I know, but... I mean, look at this. You could put a whole makeup kit in this. I mean, you can put your cell phone, credit cards, keys.
Marah: You're serious.
Bill: Trust me, when Eden latches onto something, there's no stopping her.
Marah: Okay, well, you know what, I think I have something, extra fabric from the dress that I made for the gala. But if I was going to do it, I’d have to put it together now.
Michelle: Go ahead, go be brilliant. I can hold down the fort.
Bill: Or tear down the house. Come on, Marah, I'll give you a ride home because I got to pick up some stuff at the hardware store anyway.
Eden: And you know what, I'll stay here and fill in for you.
Michelle: Oh, you don't have to do that.
Eden: Oh, no, no, no, it's okay. And you know what, I’ll meet you at the Beacon later.
Marah: All right, I’ll see you there. Michelle, thank you.
Bill: You two ladies have fun.
Michelle: Hmm.
Ray: I'm just pointing it out to you because I thought this kind of violence was over in this neighborhood.
Danny: Ray, it is. Believe me, this paper does not know which end is up.
Ray: Tony?
Tony: What he said was right. It is. What?
Ray: Your hand. Looks like it hurts.
Tony: Not really. It's fine.
Ray: How'd you get it bruised like that?
Danny: Ray, Ray, Ray, how about a little faith here, huh? Come on. Isn't that your business?
Ray: I know my business, Danny. Do you know yours? Look, man, I know your heart's in the right place, but you're new to this redevelopment thing. You guys came in here like gangbusters trying to transform Fifth Street overnight.
Danny: Yeah, so, what are you saying?
Ray: I just hope you're not taking any shortcuts, that's all.
Danny: We're not. You have my word.
Ray: Good, that's all I needed to hear.
Danny: Good, now, can... Now, since I have both of you here, can we discuss something a little more pleasant, please?
Ray: Have you and Michelle set a date?
Danny: Well, we can't because we don't have your schedule. I got my best man but we still need you to marry us, so, what... What's up with that?
Ray: Sure, under one condition.
Danny: What, you want a donation to the C.Y.O. or something?
Ray: No, I need an explanation: Why you stopped going to church.
Olivia: (Crying) I can't take this.
Phillip: What?
Olivia: I'm directing caterers one minute and the next I'm a... Weeping heap of hormones. I cry when I get the mail. I cry when I’m parking the car. This morning I started crying over that stupid coffee commercial.
Phillip: The one with the puppy?
Olivia: Yes, and I don't even like dogs.
Phillip: Uh, okay. Well, what.. What set you off this time? I mean, aside from the hormones?
Olivia: Richard. Tonight is supposed to be about celebrating his life, but all I can think about is how it was cut short. I just remember when...
Phillip: What?
Olivia: I just remember when he and I were in love and... It felt like it would always be that way.
Phillip: Yeah, well, that's the way first love is. And when it ends, yeah, it really hurts.
Olivia: I guess all good things have to come to an end, right?
Phillip: Olivia, I told you I’m not going anywhere. And I've told you I don't know how many times that I want to be with you. And that's a... It's a feeling that just... It grows every day.
Olivia: In direct proportion to me? (Laughs)
Phillip: You have never looked lovelier. And I feel very lucky knowing that I’m going to have you on my arm tonight when we go into that gala. Now, I am assuming that when you take Lizzie shopping later, you are going to be finding something special for yourself.
Olivia: Yeah, something special with a lot of elastic. No, thanks, I mean it, I feel better. You always know just what to say. Except...
Phillip: Except what?
Olivia: Well, you never really say the only thing I want to hear.
Beth: Arson... How dare they accuse Lizzie of such a thing! You know, we chose Alston because they sold us on the personal attention each student gets. Well, they obviously weren't giving Lizzie much attention. I mean, it's as if they don't know her at all!
Lillian: You know, Beth, whenever I thought I knew you better than anyone, I was always wrong.
Beth: No, no, don't do that. Don't put my problems on her. She has had a much better life than I had.
Lillian: Are you kidding, Beth? Are you kidding? As a child, she killed a man to protect you. This child... She had leukemia; she almost died from it. And then, Beth, she had to endure a lot of marriages of yours, remarriages, divorce. And then her stepfather that she loved was killed in a fire. And after that, what did you do? You picked up your children, you moved them right to San Cristobel; you married that tyrant Edmund. And don't forget your death, Beth. That child, when she spoke at your funeral, we ached for her. And, then, when you came back, you weren't yourself, you were Lorelei!
Beth: Okay, you know what, that... That...
Lillian: You wrote that diary. You got involved with a young man...
Beth: ...That is enough, Mom! Yes, we have been through hard times as a family, but we have pulled through it! And I have always tried to be there for my children.
Lillian: You have not always been there for your children. That is a fact.
Beth: Okay, fine, Mom. Lizzie got stuck with a horrible family, including a grandmother who doesn't believe in her.
Lillian: Oh, now, Beth, that's not the point...
Beth: I love my daughter and she knows it. And, you, have made yourself perfectly clear. Now, I will handle this.
Lillian: You will handle it, will you? Well, let's just see. You'll probably put your head in the sand...
Lizzie: Both of you stop it! Stop it! I wish I’d never come home. I should have just died in that fire!
Beth: Sweetie, oh, no, sweetie. Don't ever say anything like that.
Lizzie: It's true. If I had died in that fire, you two wouldn't be fighting right now. And you and Dad would probably be spending time together, planning some fancy funeral.
Lillian: Oh, sweetheart.
Beth: No, no, don't talk like this, don’t.
Lizzie: Admit it. When I’m not around, everyone's happier. It's like that here and at school. Everyone hates me.
Lillian: Who is "everyone"?
Lizzie: All of the girls, especially Karen and Veronica. They practically run the dorm. It's like their goal in life to make me miserable.
Beth: Why didn't you tell us that this was going on?
Lizzie: I didn't want you to think that...
Beth: What, sweetie?
Lizzie: That I'm just your stupid shoplifting daughter who can't make it in boarding schools. Then you'd be like, "Oh, look what Lizzie’s gone and screwed up now. She'll never be smart or popular."
Beth: Oh, no...
Lillian: Lizzie, I'm sorry you're so unhappy, but tell us why the school thinks you set the fire.
Lizzie: It's all connected, Nana. Karen and Veronica must have told them I did it.
Beth: Why would they lie like that? Sweetie, now whatever it is, you can tell us.
Lizzie: They smoke weed behind the dorm. And because I wouldn't smoke, they turned everyone against me. They were totally high the night of the fire. I saw them drop a match in the recycling bin.
Lillian: And did you tell anyone, sweetie?
Lizzie: I wanted to pull the alarm, but Karen said if I did, she and Veronica would blame it all on me. I pulled it anyway and ran. I guess they did blame it all on me. You... you believe me, right?
Beth: Of course we believe you, my goodness. And you did the right thing. And I'm going to handle this. I'll call that school. I'll fly out there if I have to. You still feel up to meeting with Olivia today?
Lizzie: I guess.
Beth: Okay. I want you to do something for me. I want you to take this card and buy yourself something beautiful for the gala tonight.
Lizzie: Really?
Beth: Yes, but on one condition. You are not to worry about any of this. You're home now, and we're going to handle everything.
Lizzie: Thank you, Mom.
Beth: I love you, sweetie.
Lizzie: Love you, too. See you later, Nana.
Lillian: Okay.
Beth: Well, no wonder she was so upset. To be on the outside like that and then... And then wrongly accused. Mom, you believe her, don't you?
Phillip: Well, I'm not a mind reader. If there's something that I'm not saying...
Olivia: I love you.
Phillip: You know how I feel about you.
Olivia: See, that's what I'm saying. That's what you're not saying.
Phillip: What? Oh, come on, this is... This is pure hormones talking...
Olivia: No, it's not. When was the last time you told me that you loved me?
Phillip: Every day. Every day. Maybe not in so many words...
Olivia: It's three words. It's three words, and you haven't said them to me since the first time we were together.
Phillip: Has it occurred to you that maybe I’m... I say it in different ways? Maybe I'm... Maybe I’m... It's... Forget the words. It's not... It's the... It's the little, everyday things that people do. That's... that's what tells you something. It's... When I made breakfast this morning, you don't like your eggs runny. I made them the way you like them. That's something.
Olivia: (Laughs) That's huge. I don't know what I was thinking. (Laughs)
Phillip: Oh, come on, you know what, we've... we've said the vows to other people. And we both know that just saying words doesn't guarantee anything. Right, that's not what it's about. It's about... Commitment to something. It's about respect. How you are with each other. It's not about the words.
Olivia: All right, I understand what you're saying, I do... Or you're not saying. But I can't help how I feel about it. I love you. I love you. I love the way you sing off key in the shower. And I love how you've arranged the pictures of your kids next to your side of the bed. It's just so easy for me to tell you that I love you. And the longer I’m with you, the easier it gets and the more I want to say it. I just want to understand why it's the other way around for you. Is there something holding you back?
Phillip: What would be holding me back?
Olivia: The baby. Not knowing whether you're the father. I'm sorry. You know what, I shouldn't have come out and said that.
Phillip: No, actually, you know what, it's okay.
Olivia: No, it's not...
Phillip: Now I'm glad you did...
Olivia: No, it's not okay. Look, just forget it, all right? Let's just drop this for now. Because you're right, you know, everything you said is right. I say that I love you and you... you make my eggs less runny. Okay. Now, you have to get going because I'm expecting Lizzie and it's girls only.
Phillip: Okay. I don't want to mess with that.
Olivia: No.
Phillip: Okay. Yeah, connect me with the lab, please. Hi, it's Phillip Spaulding. Have you gotten the results on the DNA test yet? Yeah, I know it takes time. Just call me as soon as you get them. Thanks.
Danny: Ray, come on, just because you don't see me at your church doesn't mean I haven't been going.
Ray: Danny.
Danny: Ray, St. Malachi’s right down the street.
Ray: St. Malachi’s?
Danny: Yeah. I mean, old Father Devlin's not playing to packed houses anymore, but he still says mass every day.
Ray: You go to church every day now?
Danny: (Laughs) Ray, come on, I'm not a saint. But I go every week, just... I thought it'd be good to support the local parish, so that everybody in the neighborhood sees that things are changing for the better. Right, Tony?
Tony: Yeah.
Ray: Well, I'm glad to hear it's not because I’m boring you with my sermons or anything.
Danny: Never. (Laughs) Maybe sometimes.
Ray: Look, man, I’m sorry. I don't mean to bust your chops...
Danny: All right, hey, don't apologize... Don't, don’t. Really, man, I know my track record. But things are different now.
Ray: Good. I'm glad to hear it.
Danny: All right.
Ray: And as far as you and Michelle are concerned, you're still married in the eyes of the church.
Danny: I know.
Ray: But I would be more than honored to be there when you make it legal again.
Danny: Great.
Ray: Who knows, maybe I might join you at St. Malachi’s some times.
Danny: That'd be great. I'd love it. So you'll let me know your schedule?
Ray: Sure.
Danny: As soon as possible, please, so that we can, you know, set a date.
Ray: Sure. I'm going to get back to church and see if I can't liven up my sermons.
Danny: You can do it.
Ray: See you, guys.
Danny: See you.
Tony: (Sighs)
Danny: What?
Tony: You know, Danny, it's one thing to lie to me; and even that stinks. But to lie to a priest, especially when he's your own cousin?
Danny: What are you talking about?
Tony: What's that stuff about St. Malachi’s? So, I... So, I guess all that stuff about the violence being over and the bosses falling into line, I guess that was a bunch of lies, too, right?
Danny: Hey, I did not lie to you. Our troubles with the families are over, okay?
Tony: What about that stuff that you just told Ray?
Danny: I have been going to church. Jeez.
Tony: For real?
Danny: Yeah, for real. Okay?
Tony: Okay. All right.
Danny: Man, it's like the church police around here.
Eden: You hate me, don't you?
Michelle: What?
Eden: It's Bill, isn't it? I mean, you've got the husband, the house, the kid, the job, but you've got to have Bill, too.
Michelle: Whew. Bill and I are friends. We've been friends since we were kids, and I just want to see him happy, that's all.
Eden: Well, he seems pretty happy to me.
Michelle: Well, you know, let's be honest, Eden, guys don't always think with their heads, you know?
Eden: Oh, you mean they actually sometimes think with their hearts?
Michelle: Just don't hurt him, okay?
Eden: What, like you did? I mean, I may not be perfect, but at least I’ve been honest with Bill from the beginning. That's more than you can say.
Bill: Hey, you guys got to listen to this. I had it on in the car.
Sandy: Oh, great. Moley's grinding the rumor mill again.
Mole: I know you're going to love this one, baby. Remember those drug-dealing fools who got their butts trounced around Fifth Street the other night? Well, rumor is the cats responsible for their facial reconstruction were none other than your friendly neighborhood Santos clan. Now, Mama Santos may be comatose, but it turns out her little baby Danny boy seems to be picking up where his mob mama left off. Props from the cops, Danny. We're glad someone's taking care of business, what with the Springfield P.D. being stuck at the drive-through. (Laughs)
Michelle: I'm really sick of those two shock jocks. They just want to get a rise out of people.
Eden: So, what? You're saying it's not true.
Michelle: I know all about what happened on Fifth Street.
Bill: What, Danny told you?
Michelle: Yes. There was a drug dealer that was harassing Marina Cooper, and Shayne ran the guy off, and Tony stepped in and finished the job.
Bill: So it should have ended there, right?
Michelle: Yeah, except the drug dealers didn't get the message the first time around.
Eden: But they've got it now. And they have the hospital bills to prove it.
Michelle: Danny didn't lay a hand on anyone. He just made a few calls, that's all.
Eden: Oh, so he just had someone else beat the living daylights out of them. That's nice.
Michelle: No, he just... He happened to know some of the bosses that used to run with Carmen and he put the word out that their henchmen were no longer welcome anymore. How they chose to deal with it was up to them.
Eden: Well, that's very stand-by-your-man. If that was me, I mean, I would have a lot of questions.
Michelle: Well, I don't. I trust Danny.
Eden: Of course you do. Sorry, I’m just new at this whole honesty thing. You know what? I'm going to get going.
Bill: All right.
Eden: So, I’ll see you tonight?
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Eden: Okay. I'm going to go see how Marah’s doing on that purse.
Bill: Yeah.
Eden: Bye, Michelle.
Michelle: Mm. So did you get the extra brackets?
Bill: Michelle...
Michelle: Because I think we're going to need, like, three of them.
Bill: Michelle.
Michelle: What?
Bill: Will you stop acting like everything's okay when it's not?
Lizzie: Hey, Olivia, the car's out front. Ready to hit the mall?
Olivia: Well, one of the perks of owning a hotel is I can bring the mall to us. Lizzie, this is Julie, my personal shopper.
Julie: Hi. Nice to meet you, Lizzie.
Lizzie: Nice to meet you, too. But I like to pick out my own stuff. Maybe we should just... Wow! Did you pick this out for me?
Julie: Olivia told me to bring only the most spectacular dresses. I'll go get the accessories.
Olivia: So?
Lizzie: Maybe this will be fun.
Olivia: I hope so. You know, Lizzie, you and I were friends once. I really would like to be that again.
Lizzie: Yeah. I don't know. You've done some rotten stuff.
Olivia: I have, and I’m not saying it's going to be easy, I just am hoping you'll give me a chance, you know? Everybody makes mistakes.
Lizzie: Is that what that was? It is my dad's, right?
Olivia: Your father and I have agreed to raise this baby as our own. I think that's all anybody needs to know.
Lizzie: Wow. He must really love you.
Olivia: I love him, Lizzie. Look, I am not proud of a lot of things I’ve done in my life, but I sincerely want to make your father happy.
Lizzie: Me, too.
Phillip: Hey, I got your message. What's up?
Lillian: Hi, Phillip.
Beth: It's about Lizzie.
Phillip: What? She's with Olivia right now, isn't she?
Beth: Yes, yes, she is. The Headmistress from Alston called, and Phillip, they think Lizzie set the fire.
Phillip: What?
Beth: (Laughs) I know.
Phillip: That's ridiculous! Did you tell them that that was ridiculous?
Beth: Oh, I told them they were wrong and then I hung up the phone.
Phillip: Good. Unbelievable. Okay.
Beth: Well, who are you calling?
Phillip: I'm going to call Ross and find out what I have to do to sue these people. Accuse my little girl of starting a fire. I'll own their little school.
Beth: I think that you should just slow down.
Phillip: Why?
Lillian: You know what? I'm going to leave you two to discuss your daughter and I'll see you at the gala tonight, okay?
Phillip: Uh-huh. Your mom doesn't seem real concerned that her granddaughter's just been accused of arson.
Beth: Yeah, actually, she's not so sure Lizzie didn't do it.
Phillip: What?
Beth: Oh, yeah. But she doesn't blame Lizzie. No, no. She blames us.
Phillip: Well, but she's a good kid. I mean, you know that. She's not the kind of kid that could do something like that.
Beth: She is a good kid. And Phillip, you should have seen her when I asked her about it. She was crying.
Phillip: Uh-huh. Well, what does she say about it?
Beth: There were some girls at her school that have been giving her a hard time.
Phillip: Uh-huh.
Beth: And they've been doing drugs, Lizzie caught them, so they set the fire and blamed her, and that's why she rushed home like she did.
Phillip: Okay. Did Lillian hear that? And she's still skeptical?
Beth: Yes. And now, you know, Phillip, she's got me questioning myself, too. Is it me? Am I one of those parents who thinks that my daughter can do no wrong? I don't know. Maybe Lizzie is in trouble and she's too miserable or scared or worried about disappointing me to tell anyone. And if that's the case, I just feel like... Oh, she just made me feel like I’m the worst parent...
Phillip: Beth. Hey. Listen to me. You are not one of those parents. And if it's a sin to love your daughter and to only want to see the best in her, then it's one that I’m as guilty of as you are. Yeah, we've made choices and some of them have been bad, but we have never for a moment stopped loving any of our kids.
Beth: I'm so glad that you're here. I was just feeling so alone in this.
Phillip: You're not alone. We're in this together, okay?
Beth: Yeah.
Eden: Hey, Tony. Can I join you?
Tony: Yes. Does it matter?
Eden: No. So what are you doing here?
Tony: I'm waiting for Marah.
Eden: Really? Me, too.
Tony: Yeah, I heard. The plans have changed. She's making some bag for the gala tonight.
Eden: Oh, this is not just some bag. This is going to be the new fashion statement. Wait until you see this design. It hangs on your hip right here and it's got all these pockets and... You really don't care about this stuff, do you?
Tony: About the bag? No. About Marah? Yes.
Eden: Well, then don't worry, because I am going to promote the hell out of her and her designs so that she gets all the attention that she deserves. What? I'm telling you, like, all this great stuff and you're, like, all doom and gloom.
Tony: It's because Marah sees the good in people, even if it isn't there.
Eden: All right, if you're going to make cheap shots at me...
Tony: No, no, no.
Eden: ... I can just go someplace else.
Tony: I wasn't just talking about you. I'm talking about both of us. You know, Marah doesn't know the dark side like we do. She doesn't know how easy it is to cross that line.
Eden: The dark side. What are you talking about?
Tony: Just... just forget it.
Eden: No, no, no. Come on. I want you to tell me. Oh, my God, what happened to your hand?
Michelle: Look, Bill, I’m not interested in talking trash about Danny.
Bill: I'm not talking trash. I'm not talking trash here. But when there are gang fights going down on Fifth Street and everyone's talking about turf wars...
Michelle: Okay, so what? So what if he did have to fight? There's some things that are worth fighting for and cleaning up this neighborhood is one of them.
Bill: All right.
Michelle: Look, Danny’s hands are as clean as any Bauer or Cooper or Lewis who’s ever had to fight to make a better life for their family.
Bill: All right, listen to me, okay? I don't want to fight you. I don’t. I just don't want to see you get hurt. What?
Michelle: I just said the same thing to Eden about you. That I don't want to see you get hurt.
Bill: Wait a minute. I thought you were going to back off Eden.
Michelle: And I thought you were going to back off of Danny.
Bill: You know, this friend thing is pretty tough the second time around.
Michelle: Well, you know, maybe it'll get better. You just have to trust my judgment.
Bill: Ditto. Deal?
Michelle: Deal.
Tony: I was just doing some repairs around fifth street. It's no big deal.
Eden: Well, you should be careful.
Tony: Yeah, so should you. And all this talk about you making Marah the next big thing? I'm not buying it. You don't do anything for anybody unless there's something in it for you.
Eden: Well, maybe there is. If Marah’s successful, I get a big huge percentage, and that's called business, not exploitation.
Tony: Last time I checked, exploitation was your business.
Eden: You know, I don't make any excuses, Tony. To me, you know, this "dark side" or whatever it is you call it, is just plain old reality. And as long as Marah has you and I behind her, she can live in this perfect little world for as long as you want. Now, listen, there is someone that I want to invite tonight to the gala, someone who can really make a difference for her. But, you know, we both know that she's not that confident about her designs yet to, you know, give me the go-ahead, so I’m coming to you to ask if you think it would be okay if... You know, a realist to a realist. Should I make that call?
Marah: Hey, guys.
Eden: Hey!
Tony: Hey.
Eden: So, how'd it go?
Marah: Well, I pulled it together really quickly, but...
Eden: Wow.
Marah: Ta-da!
Eden: That is amazing! This turned out even better than I thought it would.
Marah: Thank you. Babe, what do you think? Thumbs up or thumbs down?
Tony: Oh, thumbs up, definitely. Definitely thumbs up. (Laughter)
Eden: I think this is going to be a night you're never going to forget. Well, I've got to run, but I will see you two later. Bye.
Marah: What was that about?
Tony: It was just business.
Phillip: Sorry.
Olivia: You're going to look like a princess in that dress.
Lizzie: I've never seen a princess wear a dress this hot. Check this out.
Phillip: Where's the rest of it?
Lizzie: That's such a dad thing to say. This is what everyone wears now. And look at these shoes? Aren't they cute?
Olivia: Just say yes.
Phillip: Uh, those are unbelievable shoes. The coolest shoes I've ever seen. You'll be the belle of the ball, honey.
Lizzie: Yeah, well, wait until you see what Olivia’s wearing.
Olivia: Wait a minute, that's a surprise.
Phillip: Oh, okay.
Lizzie: I better run home and start getting ready.
Phillip: Hey, hey. Hang on just a second. You've got hours to do that. I was hoping that maybe the two of us could catch up a little bit. A little dad-daughter lunch? What do you say? I'll let you pick the spot.
Lizzie: But it takes hours to get ready for a party like this. Right?
Olivia: Hours.
Lizzie: Thanks, Olivia. This was way fun.
Olivia: It's my pleasure, Lizzie. Hang on just a sec. This is for you. Maybe for your hair? It's all about accessorizing.
Lizzie: Thanks Olivia. Air kiss. Like all the fancy people do it, darling. Bye, Dad.
Phillip: Bye, sweetheart. Have fun.
Olivia: You want to talk about it?
Phillip: Maybe later.
Olivia: I shouldn't have pressured you before.
Phillip: Oh, no. It's not about that. It's not about you. But you are feeling better?
Olivia: Yes, I'm much better. I think spending time with Lizzie has made things more clear for me. We're making progress.
Lizzie: Thanks, Julie.
Julie: Oh, you're quite welcome, Lizzie. You're a lucky girl. Olivia is quite wonderful.
Lizzie: Isn't she, though?
Michelle: Hey.
Danny: How's it going?
Bill: Hey.
Danny: So, what's up? Just you? I mean, I thought we were going to have a house full of volunteers today.
Michelle: Everyone bailed on me except Bill.
Bill: Yeah. But I am no volunteer, okay? Wait until you see my bill.
Danny: That's what I hear. How's it going? Looks good.
Bill: Yeah, yeah. I rewired the living room, and well, Michelle’s been stripping all day.
Michelle: Ah, yeah. Paint that is. How are things going on Fifth Street?
Danny: Oh, you know. We cleaned up the water main break, but good. Good. Everybody's, you know, getting together and getting along well.
Bill: Yeah, I bet.
Danny: What does... What does that mean?
Bill: Oh, nothing. Nothing. I just think it's great that you got so many people to come together on this, that's all.
Danny: What, you think that I’m down there breaking arms and legs to make sure the trash gets picked up on time?
Bill: Danny, Danny... No, no. Listen, that wasn't a shot. A lot of people want to see Fifth Street make a comeback, that's all I meant.
Danny: I guess... I'm sorry. There's been a lot of talk and I’m a little on the defensive. So, my mistake.
Bill: It's understandable. Okay, well, I got to get going, but I'll see you two around, all right?
Michelle: All right. Thanks, Bill.
Danny: See you.
Michelle: You know, he's on our side.
Danny: Your side. Maybe. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. That was uncalled for. It was just, you know, between the garbage on the radio and the stuff in the newspaper, even my cousins were giving me a hard time today. I'm just so tired of people expecting the worst of me.
Michelle: Well, then you came to the right place.
Danny: You are my one true thing. Really. I don't know what I'd do without you.
Michelle: Well, you never have to worry about that. Because before we were fighting lies, but all those lies are over now. Things are really going to be different for us.
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