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Guiding Light Transcript Friday 5/2/03
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Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Reva: (Laughs) Oh, no, Dr. Langham, you'll like it here. Well, Springfield’s no Vienna, of course, but there's no place I’d rather call home. And I... I really appreciate the invitation. I would... I would be more than a willing guinea pig if I didn't have so much on my plate right now. Yes. Well, I... I mean, I have had episodes, but it's just a few vibes, nothing I can't handle. (Knocking at door) Oh, you know what, there's somebody at the door. I'm going to have to run, but remember something. As soon as you get to town, would you please give me a call, because I know Josh and the kids would love to meet you. Okay. Okay, thanks.
Edmund: Hello, Reva.
Danny: Bad news?
Cassie: No news.
Danny: Hey, no news is good news.
Cassie: It's too good to be true. Says here that Springfield’s crime rate is an all time low. Maybe we should tell that to the two guys that tried to jump me by Fifth Street.
Danny: Yeah, you showed them who's boss.
Cassie: (Laughs) I did send a thank you note to my tae kwon do teacher. But you know, I was thinking that I should write a letter to the editor of the "Journal," and tell them what happened.
Danny: I don't think that's necessary.
Cassie: I think it's necessary. I mean, if someone's going to read this article, they're going to think everything is fine, and obviously that is not true. Someone needs to take care of this.
Danny: Cassie, Cassie, I'm telling you the problem's been taken care of.
Cassie: What do you mean, "it's been taken care of"? And who's taking care of it?
Tony: Hey. You know, I saw something I want to get you.
Marah: Oh, yeah? Well, you know, I love presents.
Tony: Well, this is a new cell phone. It's got color display. It's got voice activated dialing. It's got text messaging. It's got a picture caller I.D. And you can download solitaire.
Marah: Babe, no. I'm never going to figure out how to use the thing.
Tony: Oh, come on. Look, I promised your parents before we moved into this neighborhood that I was going to look after you.
Marah: And you have been.
Tony: I know, but, unfortunately, I can't be with you every second of the day. So this way whenever you need to reach me, you can.
Marah: And I can play solitaire.
Tony: And you can play solitaire.
Marah: Babe, this extra protective measures that you've been taking wouldn't have anything to do with the drug dealers that have been hanging around, would they? Because I thought you took care of that.
Tony: (Sighs) I did.
Marah: So then it's over, right? (Knocking at door)
Tony: Hold that thought. Oh, hey, Frank. You know, Marina isn't here, so...
Frank: I came to see you, Tony. I need your help. You got a second?
Tony: Yeah. What's going on?
Frank: Four drug dealers were beaten up in the alley just down the street. Now you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
Harley: Hey, hey, Gus. Have you seen the ship in the bottle that used to live up here on the mantel?
Gus: (Mumbles)
Harley: Does that mean you've seen it?
Gus: Uh, yeah. I... I gave it to Alan when he was feeling, you know, all weirded out to calm him down, so...
Harley: My father gave me that.
Gus: All right, well, I’m sorry. I'll get it back for you, okay?
Harley: No. A gift from my father is a gift to your father.
Gus: I'll get it back...
Harley: No...
Gus: I shouldn't have done that.
Harley: It's fine.
Gus: I didn't realize it. I'll make him give it to you...
Harley: It's fine, okay. It's not even the bottle. It's really not the bottle. It's you. And it's Alan. Honey... You are so ready for him to be your father, and he is so not ready to be your father.
Gus: Babe, he said... He said... Son.
Harley: That's just one word. Okay. I know how he is. And I don't want to see him use you.
Gus: What is the alternative? We send him back to Alexandra, she drugs him all up, sends him off to a funny farm?
Alan: Harley, now that I'm myself again, I won't be needing this. Thank you. (Doorbell rings)
Harley: Alexandra.
Alexandra: Oh, Harley, may I come in? Unless of course you have company or...
Alexandra: Look, I won't stay long. I brought a gift for Zach. Where is my favorite little man, huh?
Harley: Well, actually, Zach is... He's at a play date right now.
Alexandra: Oh, well, I thought I heard voices, but...
Harley: No, that was just Jude. He's upstairs. He's got a very bad cold. But I will... I will give Zach the gift.
Alexandra: Oh, well, I did come to see Zach, but...
Harley: But.
Alexandra: Well, you see I did also come to talk to Gus about Alan.
Harley: What about them?
Alexandra: Well, has Gus received any strange phone calls lately?
Harley: Do you mean scary strange or... Funny strange? Could you be more specific?
Alexandra: Harley, Alan’s out there. I know it. I know he's alive and I think he can be very dangerous.
Harley: Well, what makes you think he would call Gus?
Alexandra: Oh, come on, you know why. Gus is his son.
Harley: Well, I know that, and you know that. And Gus knows that, but Alan doesn't know that.
Alexandra: And what if Alan found out somehow? He was in such a terrible state when he disappeared. If he somehow got wind that Gus was his son, that could throw him over the edge. He'd become angry. He would feel betrayed.
Harley: Well, how does this tie in to... What did you say, a prank phone call?
Alexandra: All right, I got a phone call. It was nothing more than just heavy breathing and a hang up, but I know it was Alan. Harley, you and I have had a falling out, I know. There must be something you can do to help me.
Harley: Actually... Alexandra, there is.
Frank: Got some pretty nasty bruises on those knuckles, Tony. How'd that happen?
Tony: We were fixing stuff around the house, and the hammer missed.
Frank: Hm. Then you should be more careful next time. Yeah, home improvement's a great idea, but, you know, sometimes a bigger job is left for the pros.
Tony: Yeah, well, the pros are never around when you need them.
Frank: So I guess sometimes you need to take matters into your own hands, right?
Tony: Sometimes. But, you know, I don't do that kind of thing anymore. It's too dangerous.
Marah: Come on, Frank, you see what Danny and Tony are doing to this place. I mean, it's changing every day and getting better. You remember what it was like before.
Frank: I remember exactly what it was like before. Before the Santos family ruined it the first time. But, hey, I'm all into people cleaning up after their own messes. Whether it's driven by a guilty conscious or a need for redemption, more power to you. But if Tony and Danny think that they're going to rebuild this neighborhood by using the violence that first brought it down in the first place, then that's putting like a fresh coat of paint on rotten wood.
Danny: Come on, Cassie. Don’t... don't look at me like that. What are you...
Cassie: Okay, well, then explain it to me. I was jumped in an alley by two guys. And I'm a little freaked out about it, and you're telling me not to worry about it. Why? Did you, like, make a phone call or something? Is that what happened?
Danny: Look, look, when you grow up in the mob, you get to know people who know people.
Cassie: Okay, so what? Did you call these people and ask them politely to behave themselves? Is that what you did?
Danny: Pretty much, yeah. Something like that.
Cassie: You know, you left that life behind, Danny.
Danny: Yes, I did, Cassie.
Cassie: I just... Did you have to make promises to anyone for this? A favor?
Danny: Cassie, relax, will you, please? I just called in a couple favors, that's it.
Cassie: And that's all?
Danny: That's all. Really, I sent a message...
Cassie: Okay.
Danny: ...That these drug dealers will not be tolerated in the Fifth Street neighborhood. They got the hint. It's over.
Cassie: Great.
Danny: Great.
Cassie: I guess.
Danny: So can we focus our attention on...
Cassie: Yes.
Danny: ...The real high drama stuff now, please?
Cassie: Yes.
Danny: Those are for you to look over.
Cassie: Okay.
Danny: And right now while we speak, the new sidewalks are being put in. I was going to go over there and check out the progress. You want to come with me?
Cassie: I can't. I have last minute stuff with the gala to deal with. I'm sorry.
Danny: It's okay. So how's that going?
Cassie: It's going great. It is. You know, I think that this library, it’s... it's... You know, it's going to keep Richard alive. These people are going to be able to honor his memory, and I think he would be so proud of it. I do.
Danny: I'm sure he would.
Cassie: Yeah. So tomorrow night is going to be great. And Edmund and I have put together one fine fundraiser, if I do say so myself.
Danny: Uh-huh.
Cassie: Uh-huh. What do you mean "uh-huh"?
Danny: Edmund Winslow. And you're worried about me falling in with the wrong crowd? See you.
Edmund: Aren't you going to invite me in? I come bearing chocolates.
Reva: Well, come in. Let's get whatever this is over with.
Edmund: Well, these are for you. Your very favorite chocolates from Switzerland, flown in fresh from Zurich. And they have your favorites, if I remember correctly, champagne truffles.
Reva: You have a very good memory.
Edmund: Yeah. Yeah, so do you. Reva, I've got my work cut out for me if I'm going to prove my sincerity to you.
Reva: (Laughs) Your what?
Edmund: Yeah. Reva, I'm very aware of all the pain I’ve caused you over the years. And I really am very sorry about it. And I'm hoping there's something I can do to make it up to you.
Reva: Oh, I get it. You're sorry for throwing me in a cave to drown. You're sorry you locked my sister in a tower. You're sorry you caused my blindness and all these other atrocities that you did to the people that I love. But here's a basket of chocolates, I hope we can just call it square.
Edmund: Well, no, that’s... Just a bit of a pathetic icebreaker, I guess. But... Reva, I’m going around to the people I’ve hurt-- and there are many of them-- to try to make amends, and today I’ve come for the first time to you.
Reva: (Laughs) Like a 12-step program?
Edmund: Yeah, something like that I guess. It's funny, it's... What Cassie said. Great minds think alike.
Reva: Oh, so you approached Cassie with this?
Edmund: Yes, I did. And she's told me that it's going to be my actions over years that will prove me a changed man.
Reva: But Cassie didn't send you here?
Edmund: No, she didn’t. I mean, she knows about my plans to go about, but she... Reva, what I’m trying to do is follow my brother's example. To be more the man that he was. You're not... You're not buying this are you?
Reva: No. It's something else. You... Care a lot about what my sister thinks, don't you, Edmund?
Edmund: Well, yeah, she's Richard’s widow.
Reva: But that's not the only reason.
Edmund: Well, to be perfectly honest, Reva, I admire Cassie. She's carried herself with dignity and grace since Richard’s death. And she's shown me a great amount of generosity in helping me put together the fundraiser for his library, and I know it would mean the world to her if you showed up for the evening.
Reva: Well, Cassie knows how I feel. And it's not that I don't want to support her efforts, it's just that I refuse to support yours.
Edmund: But it's all for a good cause. Reva, please, put aside your feelings for me, just for one night, and come for Cassie’s sake.
Reva: Well, now that depends.
Edmund: Depends on what?
Reva: On you. If you want me to attend this gala, then there's something I want you to do for me.
Edmund: All right, just name it. I mean, assuming it's not a basket of chocolates. (Laughs)
Reva: I want Alexandra Spaulding’s head on a platter.
Marah: Frank, you've know my parents forever. Do you really think that they would let me live with Tony if he was still involved in the mob?
Frank: I'm not pointing any fingers here, Marah. I'm just trying to do my job. Four drug dealers got beaten up, and I need to find out why.
Marah: It should not be a crime to defend your own neighborhood.
Frank: Well, you do know something about this.
Tony: Frank, she didn't say that.
Frank: Recognize those guys? You ever seen them before, Marah? Were they trying to do a little business in the museum?
Tony: Oh, Frank, come on, no one here does drugs.
Frank: Would you be able to recognize them if you saw them again? And exactly how long did that last?
Tony: Frank, I'm telling...
Danny: Tony...
Tony: Frank...
Danny: Tony...
Tony: Look, Danny...
Danny: Tony, take it easy. Yeah, I heard. He wants to know who took care of those pushers in the alley. Frank, look no further.
Alan: (Whispering) If she gives me up...
Gus: Shh.
Harley: Alexandra, you have come to the right place.
Alexandra: Well, good, then you've heard from Alan, right?
Harley: No, no, actually we haven’t. But Gus is out there looking for him right now.
Alexandra: Then why did you say I've come to the right place?
Harley: Because if you had gone to Frank or anyone else in the Springfield Police Department, they would have laughed you right out of the station house. One prank phone call? And what makes you so sure it was from Alan?
Alexandra: Well, who else could it be from?
Harley: Anyone. Look at the number of enemies you've made since you came back to town. I'm sorry, but the Alan Spaulding that I know, if he had something to say, he would just say it. He wouldn't stop with some heavy breathing prank phone call. Unless...
Alexandra: Unless what?
Harley: Well, unless there's something that you're not telling me. I mean, is there a reason for Alan to hate you? For him to want to come after you?
Alexandra: Harley, of course not. All right, but you're right, you are right. I mean... I'm so worried about my brother, I let one little phone call be blown way out of proportion. All right, thank you for bringing me back to reality.
Harley: Oh, anytime.
Alexandra: I do hope Gus is going to be able to track him down.
Harley: I hope so, too. Gus is the only person who's really on his side. I hope Alan appreciates that.
Alexandra: Yes, well... I better be going. Thank you. If you hear anything at all.
Harley: Of course. Alexandra, Zach’s gift.
Alexandra: Oh, yes.
Alan: Wait till I get my hands on my sister.
Gus: Thank you. Thank you.
Alan: Well, Harley, I owe you one.
Harley: Do you mean that?
Alan: I'm a man of my word.
Harley: Well, if you really are and you really want to repay me, then you will get out of my house now.
Edmund: Alexandra's head on a platter. That's a tall order. Why her?
Reva: Let's just say she's been giving me grief.
Edmund: Well, don't take it personally, Reva, but giving grief is Alexandra’s calling card.
Reva: Oh, I know. And I'm sure there are others higher up on her hit list. But then you would know that more than I would.
Edmund: All right, what makes you think that?
Reva: Come on, Edmund. You and Alexandra have been thick as thieves since she came back to Springfield. You've been companions, friends, confidantes. Who better than you would know what her grand plan is? I mean, what does she pay you for your silence? For your line of credit? For your ambassadorship? Or were those just gifts?
Edmund: Just gifts.
Reva: Sure beats the heck out of a basket of chocolates.
Edmund: You think?
Reva: Ah.
Edmund: Even Swiss chocolates, your favorites, champagne truffles?
Reva: Well, I can see I’m not getting through to you. So would you rather I spoke to you in the hypothetical?
Edmund: Yes, I would.
Reva: Okay. Then let's just say hypothetically a certain head of a Spaulding family here in town recently lost his marbles and disappeared.
Edmund: That's not hypothetical. That's Alan.
Reva: And that someone else in that Spaulding family would have much to gain from this hypothetical loss of marbles.
Edmund: You're not very good at this game, Reva.
Reva: And if that head of the family were to become indisposed for some hypothetical reason, it would fall on, let's just say, his sister to... Take control of all things Spaulding. Am I getting warmer?
Edmund: Actually, I’m catching a draft.
Reva: The bottom line is, Alexandra did something to Alan, and you know what it was and why she did it.
Edmund: And if I hypothetically told you, would you hypothetically come to the gala?
Reva: With bells on. But first you have to give up Alexandra.
Edmund: Sorry, Reva, I just can't do that.
Reva: Well, so much for the new and improved Edmund Winslow. Cassie may have fallen for your act, but as far as I’m concerned, you can take your overpriced truffles and shove them.
Edmund: Reva, please just hear me out.
Reva: I've heard enough.
Edmund: No, you haven't. You haven’t... Heard enough until you hear why I won't betray Alexandra. Reva, protecting Alexandra may just be the most decent thing I’ve ever done.
Reva: Really?
Edmund: Really. I don't know if you remember this, but when Alexandra got back to town I had pretty much... I had pretty much just hit rock bottom. I was leeching off of Carmen Santos. Times were tough.
Reva: And, what, Alexandra became your fairy godmother?
Edmund: No, Reva, she became my friend. Yeah, I actually have friends, Reva. All right, all right, fine. I have one friend. I have Alexandra. Reva, she treated me with kindness, whether I deserved it or not. She not only improved my finances and my job status, she improved my outlook on life as well.
Reva: Well, lah-di-dah-dah...
Edmund: Okay, okay, Reva, mock me if you have to. But while you're doing that, know what you're asking me to do. You're asking me to forget what Alexandra has done for me. You're asking me to kick her to the curb, and you're asking me to spill all of her secrets to you, so that you can use them against her. Now I could be wrong about this, but it sounds to me as if you're acting just like me. Well, the former me at any rate. Reva, if I do what you're asking me to do, I am just the duplicitous creep you think I am. So I’m sorry you won't be coming to the gala. Enjoy the chocolates.
Reva: Cassie.
Cassie: Reva. What's up? You sound all shook up.
Reva: I am. You're never going to believe this, but Edmund Winslow just left here, and for once in his life, he did the right thing.
Frank: Danny, if you're telling me you're the one who beat up these guys, then we have a major problem.
Tony: He's not saying that...
Danny: Tony, Tony, that's not what I’m saying, Frank. I heard that some people were threatened, I recognized the M.O. as belonging to one of the New York families, so I made some calls.
Frank: Did it ever occur to you to call the police first?
Danny: No, Frank, it occurred to me to call the families first, and that's what I did.
Frank: Vigilante justice, my favorite...
Danny: Well, Frank, how the families chose to handle the situation was their business. I stayed out of it. But to be honest with you, as long as the Springfield P.D. is allowing drug dealers to roam the streets, I will take justice whatever way I... I can get it. Unless you want the neighborhood to go back to the way it was before Tony and I took it over.
Frank: Doing good things in the community are no excuse, Danny.
Danny: Frank, I’m not about excuses, I’m about solutions. And I don't see the police offering any.
Frank: The police know better. They know exactly what they're doing. And your solutions are temporary until the families strike back.
Danny: They won't. It's over.
Frank: How do you know that?
Danny: I just... I know.
Frank: Well, you better hope you're right. Next time you need to feel the urge to play sheriff, call the police first, will you?
Marah: (Sighs) Frank needs to lighten up. You guys brought this place back out of the gutter, and whatever you had to do to do it was worth it.
Danny: Thanks. You're a lucky guy. She understands.
Tony: Oh, she understands. Yeah, she does, because I promised her that this type of thing was never going to happen again.
Danny: It's not, Tony. You heard me tell Frank.
Tony: I heard you tell Frank to get him off your back. Now I need you to tell me. I want you to give me a straight answer. Is this really the end?
Gus: Coop, you can't ask him just to leave right now.
Harley: I think I just did.
Gus: We have... We have Alexandra exactly where we want her. Please.
Harley: And where is that? I'm sorry if I’m a little mixed up. This whole thing just gets more and more complicated every day that man is in this house.
Gus: Well, it won't be for very much longer, all right?
Harley: You're right, it won't be, because he is leaving now.
Alan: May I say something?
Harley: See? I knew this whole thing was going to happen.
Gus: The man is my father.
Harley: He's also a missing person. And we are cops. Half the Springfield Police Department is out there looking for him, and he's sleeping on my couch. Am I the only one who has a problem with that? And I don't want him using you to get back at his sister.
Gus: It's not a...It is not an issue of him using me, okay? I think it's more about us getting Alexandra, nailing her, otherwise we'll never be able to prove that she set him up as Reva’s stalker; that she drugged him. Please, please, don't just quit on me right now.
Harley: I am not quitting. I just have this crazy desire to play by the rules. The rules by the way that we are bending in every direction to help you further your private grudge.
Alan: You're absolutely right.
Gus: Alan...
Alan: No, no, listen... No, we don't agree very often, but you're right. I have overstayed my welcome, put you two in a terrible position, and so I think it's time for me to go.
Gus: Hold it, hold it, hold it. Wait, wait, wait. Sorry to give you the news, Alan, but you're not going anywhere. Look, I know that you hate being in this position.
Alan: No, no, no, she's right. I should leave.
Gus: I know that you hate lying. Lying especially to your brother. I know that you hate helping Alan Spaulding...
Harley: Is there...
Gus: ...No matter what...
Harley: ...A "but" in here?
Gus: Yes, but... but... But what is the alternative? That we send him back home to Alexandra, she drugs him all up, sends him off to a funny farm? Come on. I mean, I'm sure you don't want that.
Harley: Of course I don't want that. But look at him.
Alan: What?
Harley: Well, the drugs have obviously worn off. You're planning this whole vendetta against Alexandra. You are back to the same old ruthless Alan.
Alan: Spoken like a true enemy. Well, Harley, on that, I will take my cue and leave. I will take my chances among the pit vipers passing themselves off as my family. But I have to tell you something. I'm... I'm going to miss it here.
Harley: Oh, you will?
Alan: Well, what's not to miss? Got a grandson that adores me. And a son... Who knows the true meaning of loyalty, which is so important to me. And you, Harley. (Sighs)
Harley: Well, don't strain yourself, Alan.
Alan: Thank you for allowing me to call this home for the past few days.
Harley: You're welcome. And good luck back at the mansion. Hey, I’m sure Alexandra won't try to poison you now that she knows you're onto her.
Gus: No, she'll just probably try to have him institutionalized.
Alan: What?
Gus: Well, she's not going to need to drug him anymore, because the judge declared him incompetent. She's just going to send him packing off to the funny farm. He's going to get the rap for being Reva’s stalker. She's going to get away with framing him. Phillip and her are going to live happily ever after with his money, in his home, running his company. You're right, honey, you're right. You should go. It all sounds fair to me.
Danny: Hey. I hope you're not doubting my word, Tony.
Tony: No, no. No, I just don't like feeling this way, Danny.
Danny: What?
Tony: I don't like having this guilt that I cannot shake. And now there's Marah. And you know what, I made a promise to her, to her family, to myself, that I would never use these fists to solve any problems ever again.
Danny: Right, I understand that. But even if it was to save a life?
Tony: Well, that's completely different.
Danny: No, Tony, that's exactly what this was. You and I saved this neighborhood and the people in it from a bunch of lowlife drug dealers. We're protecting people. People like Marah, like all your other friends, like Cassie, everybody in this neighborhood who was trying to make a fresh start. Believe me, I hate it when it comes to violence. I hate dealing with the New York families, but, Tony, everything is a tradeoff. Sometimes you got to shake hands with the devil to get things done. You understand?
Tony: Yes.
Marah: Hey, is everything okay?
Danny: I think so.
Tony: Yeah, everything's cool.
Danny: Hey, it's beautiful outside. You guys should go out and get some fresh air.
Marah: Yeah.
Danny: Have you been out?
Marah: No, that sounds like a really good idea. And you know what, I meant what I said before. You saved this place.
Danny: Thanks. Go. Have fun. I meant what I said, the worst is over, okay?
Cassie: Hey, Edmund, check this out. And don't miss an opportunity to critique my champagne selection.
Edmund: For the gala?
Cassie: Um-hmm.
Edmund: Never. Domestic.
Cassie: It is a very nice California vintage, okay?
Edmund: Oh, goody.
Cassie: Well, at least you're still a wine snob.
Edmund: The word you're looking for is connoisseur, but what is that supposed to mean?
Cassie: I just don't know what to expect from you these days. According to my sister, you're a changed man.
Edmund: Reva said that?
Cassie: Not in so many words.
Edmund: Huh, and I just brought her chocolates.
Cassie: That's right. She did mention the champagne truffles. I'm sure those were made with imported champagne, right?
Edmund: Well...
Cassie: She didn't go into detail, but she did say that she was mistaken about your motives, and that you behaved like... A prince. You want to fill me in?
Edmund: I don't think I can. I'm still busy reeling from the idea that your sister actually admitted she was wrong.
Cassie: Don't let it go to your head. But she did say that she was coming to the gala tomorrow night. So whatever you did, thank you. Try this.
Edmund: Oh, good. That's good. You know, Cassie, I think that is very good.
Cassie: I told you.
Edmund: And I think that is a very pleasant surprise.
Cassie: To Richard.
Edmund: And to the gala.
Cassie: And to pleasant surprises.
Gus: Let me tell you something, if Buzz... If Buzz was in trouble, I would do anything I could to help him out.
Harley: I know.
Gus: Yeah, but... Because, you know, my father's Alan Spaulding, we move the goal posts, right?
Harley: Fine. I give up.
Gus: Really? Right. Right. You give up because I am right.
Harley: Partly.
Gus: Right?
Harley: This is about family. But it's also about justice. And I cannot let Alan take the rap for the only thing that he actually hasn't done wrong. So the sooner we get the goods on Alexandra, the better. That way he can go home, right? And then you and I can go back to having some sort of a normal life, right?
Gus: Thank you. Thank you.
Harley: (Clears throat)
Gus: Because we don't really have a normal life and...
Alan: Don't mind me.
Harley: Um-hmm.
Alan: I'm going to step outside. And as for that "sooner the better," I’ll take care of that. Because I've got a feeling Alexandra’s going to get what's coming to her very soon.
Alexandra: Nolan.
Nolan: Yes, ma'am?
Alexandra: I'm expecting a package very shortly. If you would let me know when it arrives.
Nolan: Of course. Does it need any special attention?
Alexandra: No, no, it's just an evening gown. It's for the gala. I've stopped by my personal shopper, and had her send several choices over for me to try.
Nolan: Very nice. I... I'm glad you're feeling better.
Alexandra: Well, life goes on. (Laughs) No reason to miss Richard’s important memorial just because Alan has to miss it.
Nolan: Mr. Spaulding is... is missing the gala because he’s... Missing.
Alexandra: I know that, Nolan, you fool. Look, I'm confident that Alan will be found. He will be found soon and safe. And, in fact, I haven't felt this positive in quite some time.
Nolan: I'm glad to hear it. Oh, I almost forgot. There's a letter that arrived today. It was hand-delivered.
Alexandra: Thank you.. I've been expecting something.
Nolan: You're welcome.
Reva: Dr. Langham? Hi, it's Reva Lewis calling. I was just thinking and wondering whether or not you do still have room in your research group. Well, yeah, but can't a girl change her mind? It's just that I have been having these flashes and these sensations, and I just seem to be reading them wrong. Well, I see water and I think a man's drowning, but he's not. I... I see my sister in another man's heart and think he's using her, but he's not. Well, I know the flashes are important, but I just... I can't seem to understand them properly. You can? That would... That would be great. Thank you. Thank you so much. I mean, I know what I said before, but the truth is I have so much going on in my life right now, and it would be helpful if I could understand what all of these messages were. Good. Okay, I'll be looking forward to seeing you here in Springfield. Thanks.
Cassie: There is something to be said about that California vintage.
Edmund: Hmm. You know, Cassie, if I didn't know any better, I’d say you're tipsy.
Cassie: (Laughs) One glass of this stuff does me in.
Edmund: Oh, good.
Cassie: (Laughs) Okay, back to business. This menu. This stuff. What is "foy grass?"
Edmund: You really are tipsy. That's foie gras.
Cassie: (Laughs) No. Don't blame it on the champagne. It's your chicken scratch. Thank you very much.
Edmund: Well... (Laughs)
Cassie: And we're not having it by the way.
Edmund: Cassie, Cassie, if you were completely in charge of the menu, there'd be macaroni and cheese with hot dogs cut up in it.
Cassie: I think the motto of the evening should be "Don't knock it till you try it." I'll have you know that Will and R.J. would love to have macaroni and cheese and hot dogs for dinner.
Edmund: Oh. (Music playing) You know, that sounds just like...
Cassie: ...The San Cristobel royal orchestra.
Edmund: Ah.
Cassie: They arrived earlier and they wanted to rehearse.
Edmund: God, I love this waltz.
Cassie: Yeah, so do I.
Edmund: Shall we?
Cassie: (Laughs) I don't think so.
Edmund: Oh, come on, what did you just say, don't knock it until you've tried it?
Cassie: (Laughs) Oh, man. I haven't waltzed in ages.
Edmund: It's like riding a bike, Cassie, you never forget.
Cassie: You have never ridden a bike in your entire life.
Edmund: (Laughs) I remember the first time you waltzed with Richard.
Cassie: And what'd you say, "There's my brother's wife with her two left feet?"
Edmund: No. I said, "there's my brother's wife. He's the luckiest man in the world."
Desk clerk: Excuse me, sir. Do you have a reservation?
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