Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 12/16/03
By Boo
Proofread By Hijrah
Eden: Hi.
Alexandra: Well, now, what are you are all dressed up for?
Eden: Our dinner with the execs from the ad agency.
Alexandra: Well, it's been cancelled.
Eden: Why?
Alexandra: Because I cancelled it.
Eden: You could have given me the heads up, Alex. I was looking forward to that dinner.
Alexandra: Well, you could look forward to a nice, juicy, fat sandwich from the Spaulding cafeteria. I think it's still open, dear.
Eden: Who sneezed in your cereal this morning?
Alexandra: (Laughs) My God. What a charming visual.
Eden: You know, it's my visuals that helped you get your Bad Girl and make it a winner.
Alexandra: Yes, well, winners turn into losers, darling. But profits turn into deficits. About the whole marketing plan...
Eden: You know, and that's why it was important for us to have this dinner.
Alexandra: Yes, but one does not meet with advertising executives, and one does not have a budget, my dear. You see, the funding was just fine as long as Bad Girl was just a perfume. But now we don't have enough money to match the product line's potential.
Eden: Alex, you run Spaulding Cosmetic Division. Just get us more money.
Alexandra: Good idea, darling. Which direction would you like me to point this magic wand?
Eden: What is the big deal? Phillip is out of commission. You just need to run it by Alan.
Alexandra: Hmm. Oh, my. You don't know, do you? (Sighs) There's a new kid on the Spaulding block now.
Eden: So? Schedule a meeting with him.
Alexandra: Well, I would. I just don't remember your brother's new extension. That's right, Eden. Gus is now Alan's new VP.
Danny: You could tell your readers I have no intention of hiding from my past. I think my campaign slogan pretty sums it up: Danny Santos, No Excuses, Move On. No, I've got to take a meeting. I appreciate your time. And I really look forward to your article. Thank you. Hey.
Michelle: Take a meeting?
Danny: How are you?
Michelle: Have I been reduced to a block of time on your schedule, Mr. Mayor.
Danny: Never, never. This candidate always has time for his beautiful, sexy wife. Hi. Especially when she's bringing over... Yes! Thank you.
Michelle: Mm-hmm.
Danny: I don't believe I left it on the counter this morning.
Michelle: Oh, you've got a lot on your mind.
Danny: No kidding. I have back-to-back meetings all day. Oh, guess what? Ross came by earlier. A couple of power brokers. I think it went pretty well.
Michelle: So is Ross on board?
Danny: Not yet. But I'm going to win him over. Right now I have a much more important item on my agenda.
Michelle: (Laughs) Hey.
Danny: Hey.
Michelle: I don't want to take you away from your work, you know.
Danny: Oh, no, no. This has been a very long, stressful day.
Michelle: Uh-huh.
Danny: You're kidding, right? Come on. ( Mumbling)
Michelle: Anybody could walk in here.
Danny: Everyone's left for the day. Everybody's left for the day.
Michelle: Oh, really. Everyone.
Danny: Mm-hmm.
Michelle: Uh-huh.
Danny: Everybody.
Michelle: Okay.
Danny: What? What's going on?
Michelle: Nothing. What do you mean, what? Nothing.
Danny: Honey, come on, you're acting you got to go somewhere. Where is it you need to be?
Marina: Where is Michelle? It was her brilliant plan.
Marah: What, are you scared?
Marina: No. I'm just cold.
Marah: Well, maybe we should go ahead and start looking for Maryanne Caruthers grave hole while we wait for Michelle.
Marina: What we should be doing is we should be doing this during the day. I mean, I really don't get why people are always looking for things in cemeteries at night, you know. I think noon is a really good time in, like, May or June...
Marah: Okay, are you done?
Marina: I just don't get why we're doing this. I mean, we don't even know that Maryanne existed much less that she's been here, you know. Maybe Carrie just made the whole thing up.
Marah: I don't think so. I saw the way my father reacted when I mentioned Maryanne Caruthers. You saw the way Buzz reacted. Michelle saw the way Ed acted.
Marina: I get it. I get it. I get it.
Marah: Okay. And if Maryanne Caruthers really died... did die in car crash on Cutters Bridge then she would probably end up here.
(Rustling sound)
Marah: Did you hear that?
Marina: Oh, it's probably just the wind.
Marah: Yeah, you're right. The wind.
Marina: Michelle?
Marah: Carrie?
Marina: Yeah, it was just the wind.
Marah: Right.
Marina: Right. Yeah.
Caretaker: What do you think you're... Wait. Are you... You're that little Lewis girl.
Marah: Mr. Fisher?
Caretaker: You and your brother used to play here. Weird kids. So, what are you doing here now?
Marah: Actually I'm with my friend, Marina. And... Well, you go ahead and tell him what we're doing.
Marina: (Mumbling) Go ahead, Marah.
Marah: (Laughs) You know my mom's show?
Caretaker: The one where she talks to the dead people.
Marah: Yeah, right. That's the one. So... Well, she wants to shoot on location. And what better place to do it than at a graveyard, right? Right. Well, we are... we're interns and we're just scouting out the location.
Marina: Yeah. And you're probably wondering why we're here at night. It's a prime-time special.
Marah: Yeah. So if you just let us snoop around for a little bit. Please.
Caretaker: Well, if it's for your mom's show, go ahead. But be careful.
Marah: Okay.
Marah and Marina: Thank you.
Marina: Nice job.
Marah: Thanks. What?
Marina: Did you really play here when you were kids?
Marah: Oh, God, can we just get back to the point, please?
Marina: Okay. Well, you know, Michelle's not here. I'm so cold I can't even feel my toes. I say mission aborted.
Marah: I don't think so. Okay? He just told us that we have permission. We can start looking for her grave if you want to.
Marina: Fine. But we're not splitting up.
Marah: All right.
Michelle: It's Marah.
Danny: Marah? Is she okay?
Michelle: Yeah, yeah. She's just...
Danny: What?
Michelle: She's just kind of hung up on the way things ended with Tony. And she finally wants to talk about it.
Danny: Yeah. I still can't believe Tony let her get away. You know, I know Tony better than anybody. I can come with you.
Michelle: No, no. Oh, no, no. I mean, that's sweet of you, but you know, it's kind of a girl thing.
Danny: Okay, I can take a hint. Thank you very much. Well, I'll just...
(Knock at the door)
Danny: Yeah, let me close up and I'll walk you out.
Bill: Everyone decent?
Danny: Yeah, come on in.
Bill: Look who I found outside.
Danny: Hey. Boy, it's a little cold for you to be playing your music on a street corner, don't you think?
Nico: No, I was actually waiting for you, boss. There's something I got to tell you.
Michelle: Well, that sounds like guy talk to me. And I got the girl-talk thing. So I got to go. Okay, bye.
Danny: Okay. Bye.
Michelle: See you guys. Bye, babe.
Bill: Bye.
Michelle: Bye, honey.
Bill: Bye to you, too. What's that... what's that about?
Danny: Who knows. She had somewhere she had to be. So, what's going on with you?
Nico: Nothing.
Danny: You just said that you had something you wanted to tell me.
Nico: It... it's just that there's something you should know.
Danny: What?
Nico: I'm leaving town.
Eden: Nicky's is Alan's new VP? Of what?
Alexandra: What does it matter? It seems like we're going to toss a title on just about anyone these days.
Eden: So toss a title on me.
Alexandra: No.
Eden: You know, just picturing Nicky in this space gives me the creeps.
Alexandra: Well, Alan says it's only temporary. Just a way to visit Alan's world the way Alan is visiting Gus in Harley's little world, and that must be some trip.
Eden: You know, there is a big difference between Alan chowing down on that slop Harley calls mac and cheese, and Nicky taking an executive position.
Alexandra: Yeah, I agree. Well, it's just a passing gas problem. (Laughing) But, you know, we're Spauldings. The Spaulding Corporation, well... And you know what? In spite of what Alan says, I know that he's planning on bringing Gus into the family business on a lot more permanent bases, especially now that Phillip’s being treated at Ravenwood. Good Lord.
Eden: And it doesn't make you happy that Nicky might be sticking around, huh?
Alexandra: Do I look happy?
Eden: What's the matter, Alexandra? Isn't my brother good enough for your precious company?
Alexandra: My goodness, you miss him, don't you?
Eden: You know, you look down on my brother because he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
Alexandra: (Laughs) Oh, it's more than just a silver spoon. I mean, the Spauldings were born with enough silverware in their mouth to outfit the QE 2. No, he’s... I'm sorry, Gus is just out of his league.
Eden: Oh, he'll make it here. No one works harder than my brother. And, you know, he has had to scratch and crawl for everything his whole life.
Alexandra: Ah, yes, just like his sister. My very own Bad Girl, hmm? Well, it's going to be too bad that you and I may come to the end of our road here.
Eden: You're giving up if all we have to do is convince Nicky and Alan to give us funding for the new product line?
Alexandra: Oh, we're not even there yet. Oh. No, no, no. You see, I may be head of pharmaceuticals in the cosmetic division, my dear, but I do not hold the purse strings. No, no. And I've been trying to persuade our CEO to give us enough funding. But so far he seems very cautious in making this kind of a decision, you see. And I think I've tried just about everything.
Eden: Well, you haven't tried me.
Alexandra: (Laughs) And you think you're really up to Brad Green?
Eden: Actually, I believe I am.
Alexandra: Oh. Well, I suppose you've observed a lot pants dropping while running the Garden of Eden.
Eden: My escorts and I never resorted to sleeping with our clients.
Alexandra: Of course you didn't, dear.
Eden: When you know how to charm a man, Alexandra, you could get what you want while they think they're getting what they want.
Alexandra: There's a word for that kind of woman.
Eden: Successful.
Alexandra: Oh, well, I had another word in mind.
Brad: I’ve had a long day, Alexandra. This better be good.
Alexandra: How nice to see you, Brad.
Eden: Don't blame Alexandra. I was anxious to see you.
Alexandra: Brad Green, Eden August.
Brad: I've had the pleasure.
Alexandra: Oh, you've met. But you hadn't been at any of our shoots.
Brad: Well, let's just say I'm a fan of Spaulding's Bad Girl.
Alexandra: Yeah. Listen, Brad, what I want to speak to you about can wait until tomorrow morning. I just realized I'm running very late for an important business dinner, all right.
Brad: Mm-hmm.
Alexandra: If you two will excuse me.
Brad: Don't let us keep you.
Eden: Thank you for your discretion.
Brad: You ran escorts, I was a client. It serves us both to keep that professional acquaintance under wraps. Although, I don't know it might do your Bad Girl image good.
Eden: It's image. That's all it is. I really am a very good girl. Come on, Brad. You and I know we should never believe the gossip. Party line is, is that you are a womanizer and worse. But I happen to know you're trying to patch things up with your wife.
Brad: You've done your homework.
Eden: Always.
Brad: And so have I. I know exactly what you want, Eden.
Eden: You do? And what is that?
Brad: My money.
Bill: You know what? Maybe you could use some privacy. So, I'll just be down the hall.
Danny: No, stick around, will you? Nico, I think I know what this is about.
Nico: No, you don’t.
Danny: No? You're sudden decision to leave town has nothing to do with what went down at my house the other day when I announced I was running for mayor?
Nico: Nope.
Danny: No. And it's got nothing to do with that reporter who tried to trick you into talking trash about me?
Nico: You're wrong again.
Danny: Okay. Then why do you want to leave Springfield?
Nico: I want to play my music.
Bill: Well, he can do that here, right, Danny?
Danny: Right.
Bill: Yeah.
Nico: No, I want to cut a demo.
Danny: You want to cut a demo?
Bill: Well, heck, I know people.
Danny: Yeah, so do I.
Nico: Look, you don't get it. I want real exposure.
Danny: Okay, I'll make some calls. Done.
Bill: Done.
Nico: Okay.
Danny: Easy.
Nico: Yeah?
Danny: Yeah.
Nico: I want to see the world. There. Beat that.
Bill and Danny: Oh, he wants to see the world.
Nico: Yeah.
Bill: Oh, yikes. So, nothing we could do there.
Danny: Well, then we just got to let him see the world then. And here it is.
Bill: There you go.
Danny: This is the world, isn't it?
Bill: Looks like the world to me.
Danny: It spins like that, it's round. Sort of like a ball.
Nico: You know what? You guys... you guys, are too good at this.
Bill: (Sighs) All right. Look, Nico, maybe you would stick around at least for a little while. Okay, I mean, you've turned what could have been a media disaster into like a slam dunk for Danny, all right. You know what you are? You are our secret weapon, all right.
Nico: You guys need me around like you need a third arm.
Danny: Wow, a third arm.
Bill: Did he say a third arm? That's an idea.
Danny: A third...
Bill: Yeah, that would be good.
Danny: Yeah, would it be able to reach the top of those books shelves?
Bill: I don't know. Just think about it. But buying sweaters will be a little tricky, because what are you going to do with that? Are you going to double up on one, or maybe up the neck like this...
Nico: You know what? I'm really not interested in stuffing envelopes and handing out "Vote for Danny" buttons.
Danny: Yeah, but Nico, when I start thinking I've got all the answers and I start believing my own hype, I'm going to need someone around to tell me I'm full off it.
Nico: Well, that's what you have him for.
Danny: No, Bill's no good at that.
Nico: And Tony and Michelle. Look I'm just stranger you got stuck with. It's time for me to go.
Danny: Who are you calling a stranger? For strangers, how come I know that you used to play catch with your dad in an empty lot on Fifth Street?
Nico: I never told you that.
Danny: You never told me that your mom used to pack lunches for you and the three of you would sit around having your own little picnic surrounded by empty bottles and cans. I mean, you never saw it that way. You called it... What did you call it?
Nico: Paridiso.
Danny: Paridiso. So maybe we're not such strangers after all.
Frank: Ah, yes, we're done.
Darci: (Laughs) Done?
Frank: We are so done. (Laughs)
Darci: We are so not done.
Frank: We're not done?
Darci: (Laughs) No, we're just starting.
Frank: Are you kidding me? We bought enough colored lights to put on our tree, the neighbor's tree, the front yard, the backyard, and everybody else.
Darci: I'm sorry, Frank. They don't make brown lights.
Frank: Okay, but what about getting the poinsettias that you wanted?
Darci: Well, brown poinsettias are dead poinsettias. So...
Frank: Okay. And all the colored wrapping paper here.
Darci: Well, I guess we could go to the supermarket and bring some brown paper bags and use that as wrapping paper.
Frank: You are just never going to let me live down this brown thing, are you?
Darci: Charlie Brown.
(Both laugh)
Buzz: Oh, Frank, you've got to get these out of the way. They're blocking the aisle.
Frank: Man, Pop. Nice to see you, too. Bah humbug, huh? Come on, you love Christmas. What's the matter with you? Hey, if you a very good boy this year there might be a present in one of these bags for you.
Darci: And if you were naughty? I don't know. We might be able to work something out.
Buzz: What's that supposed to mean?
Darci: Nothing. I was just joking.
Frank: What's the matter with you? You okay?
Buzz: Well, you know, other than these bags blocking my aisle, yeah, I'm just... Excuse me. I'm sorry. Chalk it up to, you know, holiday blues. How about I get you some eggnog?
Frank: Oh, no, no. Hey, listen, that's all right, Pop. Why don't you take a break, okay? Marina could take over.
Buzz: No, I gave her the night off. She's meeting up with a study group or something.
Marina: Marah, keep up.
Marah: I just broke the heel off of my very expensive shoe.
Marina: Why didn't you just wear sneakers?
Marah: Well, because I really... I didn't have time to go change after we left the police station.
Marina: Well, you should send the bill to Michelle. Where is she anyway?
Marah: Better question: Where are we?
Marina: I think we're lost in the cemetery.
Marah: Mm-hmm.
Marina: If this were like horror movie this would be the part where the ax murderer jumps out from behind the headstone and... Okay, I'm stopping. I'm stopping.
Marah: You know what? I think we're just going around in circles. We're in the same place where we started.
Marina: Oh, look who decided to show up.
Michelle: I am so sorry I'm late. Did you find Maryanne's grave?
Marah: No, not yet. What happened to you?
Michelle: I was trying to convince Danny not to come with me. And I hope you don't mind, I had to use you as an excuse.
Marah: What do you mean?
Michelle: I just told him that, you know, you were still hung up on Tony and you needed to talk.
Marah: Oh, that's just great, Michelle. Now Danny's probably going to tell Tony.
Michelle: No, he won’t. He won’t.
Marina: Hey, you guys. You guys.
Marah: You know what? You could have told him something like I met some great new guy that was really amazing and so in love with me, and that's why you had to talk to me.
Michelle: Well, did you meet somebody like that?
Marah: No.
Marina: Hey, you guys?
Marah and Michelle: What?
Marah: She is real.
Michelle: And she died so young. I mean, those dates would make her like...
Marina: 35.
Michelle: And all this time I was hoping we wouldn't find her.
Marah: What are you talking about? You're the one pushing for us to come here. I thought you wanted proof that Maryanne Caruthers really existed.
Michelle: I did. I wanted proof. And in the end I was kind of hoping we would come up empty. And we could look at Carrie as some lonely woman with a vivid imagination who needed attention.
Marina: Well, she's got my attention. I mean, everything that she has so far has been true. Maryanne Caruthers lived and died here. And if this part of the story is true, who's to say the rest isn't?
Marah: But there was no record of the accident.
Marina: Yeah, but just because we didn't find a record, doesn't mean there wasn't one. I mean, it could have gotten lost.
Michelle: Yeah, or destroyed.
Marina: I don't know. It's like every time we get an answer there are like a dozen more questions.
Michelle: Yeah, but the real question is: Where were my dad, your dad, and your granddad on October 17, 1977?
Darci: Man, talk about the holiday blues.
Frank: Did you get purple lights?
Darci: I like purple.
Frank: Well, I mean, well, that's great, but, I mean, purple's not really a Christmas color.
Darci: Well, it's not a traditional Christmas color.
Frank: But I'm a traditional kind of guy.
Darci: Don't worry, there's enough red and greens just for you in there. Come on, Frank, loosen up. This is our first Christmas together. Don't you want our tree to be, like, the most beautifulest tree ever?
Frank: I do. No, I really do. It's just that I'm kind of an old fashioned Christmas kind of guy, you know what I mean? I think the Christmas spirit, I think it kind gets lost when people do like way too much and go overboard and all the commercialism and all that. I... For instance, it was our next-door neighbor, this guy. It looked like Santa threw up all in his front yard.
(Darci laughs)
Frank: It was unbelievable. He had, oh, my God, music and lights and fake snow and cut outs of gingerbread men and snowmen and everything else. And then there was this... The worst part was this lit Santa. It was enormous. And he had all the reindeer and he has Rudolph leading the pack with his bright, shiny red nose. It was up on top of his roof and it must have spanned the entire house. Darci, oh, no, please tell me you didn't?
Darci: Frank, just... just don't look into this bag, okay.
Alexandra: (Sighs)
Buzz: Long day at the office, huh?
Alexandra: You don't want to know.
Buzz: Oh, yes, I do. Red or white?
Alexandra: Red.
Buzz: Good choice.
Alexandra: Why is that?
Buzz: Now this is from the vineyard on the Island of Lethos, the mythic land of forgetfulness. And they'll help you forget your bad day at the office.
Alexandra: Well, wouldn't that be just swell? One can sip a little bit of wine and forget all of your mistakes and, you know, you just roll over everything, huh? Slate clean.
Buzz: I thought I was the only one. What are you trying to forget?
Eden: Keep it in your pants, Brad.
Brad: The answer is still no.
Eden: I don't remember asking a question.
Brad: I control the budget for the Bad Girl. And it's staying exactly where it is, in the black.
Eden: And I think I'm the reason it's there. I took your boring little perfume and gave it a little attitude.
Brad: You've done a fine job promoting Bad Girl, Eden.
Eden: You're welcome.
Brad: And you're going to continue to do that same fine job with that same fine budget.
Eden: You know, I don't think you're studying the same demographics I am.
Brad: Oh, so you're going to talk to me about demographics?
Eden: Women, 18 to 25, with disposable incomes, they want more than perfumes, Mr. Green. They want it all.
Brad: Heavens, now I'm Mr. Green.
Eden: They want a whole cosmetic line, Bad Girl jeans, Bad Girl shoes. They even want Bad Girl lingerie. ‘Underneath It All She's a Bad Girl.’
Brad: That's good. I like that.
Eden: You like it, but you still won't fund it. You think safe and small.
Brad: Now, Eden, we both know that it's not the size of the budget, it's what you do with it.
Eden: I know. But imagine what I could do with a big one.
Brad: (Laughs) You really are a Bad Girl, aren't you?
Eden: Let me prove it to you. Let me create a buzz on Bad Girl that will make it the next must-have label. And if I could do that, you give me the funding that Alex and I need to follow through. Deal?
Brad: Deal. What do you need to get started?
Eden: A bikini, some sunblock, and I will need the Spaulding corporate jet in the morning. Thanks.
Danny: It's my family's fault that your parents are dead. And I intend to make sure they're not forgotten. What do you think, Bill? You think the next mayor of Springfield could make something like this happen?
Bill: Well, I think his staff would make it top priority.
Danny: It's nice, huh? I like this part here.
Nico: Rafael and Rosita Castano Memorial Park?
Danny: Do me a favor.
Bill: Yeah.
Danny: Not a word to this about... to the press.
Bill: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah...
Danny: I don't want this park to turn into some kind of publicity stunt.
Bill: ...No, no, no. Yeah, you got it. You got it.
Danny: Thanks.
Nico: You know, this... this is all wrong for this kind of neighborhood.
Danny: Oh, yeah?
Nico: (Laughs) Yeah, like over here. And here. And especially this corner right here.
Danny: So basically the whole park.
Nico: Can I...?
Danny: Make some changes?
Nico: Yeah.
Danny: Go for it.
Nico: Cool.
Danny: Okay, all right. Well, take it easy. You know, I had the best landscape architect in town work that up.
Nico: If you can't take some constructed criticism then...
Danny: You'll leave?
Nico: Okay, if you move the playground from here to over here then we could make a band shell, which means we could have outdoor concerts.
Danny: I wonder who I can get to do a concert on Fifth Street.
Nico: Don't worry, I know the perfect guy.
Danny: Yeah?
Nico: But unfortunately, he doesn't come cheap.
Danny: Why am I not surprised?
Nico: Boss?
Danny: Yeah?
Nico: Are you serious about this, or are you just messing with me?
Danny: Messing with you?
Nico: You know, like when a little kid acts up. I'm not mentioning any names or anything, but... okay, Robbie.
Danny: Uh-huh.
Nico: Because I've seen the way you act with the kid, you know. You give him a toy or something to calm him down for a while. Is that what you're doing here? Nico's creating a wave so let's give him an imaginary park to shut him up.
Danny: No, Nico, it's not what I'm doing. Whether I'm elected or not, I'm going to make this park happen. I know that I can't bring your mom and dad back, but I want to make sure that they're not forgotten.
Nico: Hey, don't get this wrong or anything, but if you don't mind, can we call the place Paradiso?
Danny: Hey, you can call it whatever you want. I don't care. I don't know how I'm going to get it built. I mean, you came up with some really great ideas, but I'm sure more things are going to come up during the process. And since you're leaving town...
Nico: Oh, here we go.
Danny: I don't know.
Nico: What's that called? That backward-psychology stuff?
Danny: Reverse psychology.
Nico: Yeah, that's it.
Danny: Is it working?
Nico: Well, it depends on who you're going to book for the first concert in the park.
Danny: Hey, I had a guy in mind, but I don't know if he's sticking around.
Nico: Yeah, he is. But you better start adding some more seats, because he's going to be big time by then. Like over here, here...
Bill: Yeah, listen, I hear what you're saying, Bob. Bob, listen to me. All right, yeah, well, if you expect Danny to fight for better pay for the union, he'll expect better productivity. Yes. Bob, we...
Eden: Say good-bye to Bob.
Bill: Look, Bob, something just popped up, and I think I've got to take care of it. Yeah, well, think about what we talked about and I'll give you a call tomorrow. All right, bye. Well, what a nice surprise.
Eden: Hmm.
Bill: What happened to dinner with Alexandra and the advertising guys?
Eden: Oh, plans change.
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Eden: So I am free the rest of the evening. Unless you're too busy.
Bill: I was just going to field some more calls and work on campaign strategy or... not. I don't have to do that. Okay, listen to me. Not that I'm complaining, but what brought this on?
Eden: Oh, I was with another man.
Alexandra: You know something? It's not working. My mind is still clear as a bell.
Buzz: Maybe you just hadn't had enough.
Alexandra: Oh, I've had enough.
Buzz: Gee, we're not talking about the wine, are we?
Alexandra: Goes with the territory, doesn't it? You know, I should know when a woman tries to make it in a man's world, she has to make some very uneasy choices which sometimes turn out to be mistakes.
Buzz: Now, we all make mistakes.
Alexandra: Well, I happen to excel at it.
Buzz: You're not beating yourself up about Phillip, are you? It's not your fault that he had a breakdown.
Alexandra: Okay, I do have to take some blame in that. The way I pushed him. But, no, it's, well, Gus, too. Alan's brought him into the company. He's going to give him more power. He's going to start questioning every single idea I have, second guessing me all the way. Just when I thought I was gaining some control over my division.
Buzz: Well, then quit. Leave it behind.
Alexandra: What?
Buzz: I mean it. Get on my motorcycle with me, we'll blast out of this town.
(Alexandra laughs)
Buzz: We'll run away from our problems. I mean it!
Alexandra: Buzz, we can’t... we can't just, Buzz...
Buzz: Why not? Why not? Come on, it'll be great. I want to go. Let's go now.
Alexandra: Because you and I have been around the block long enough to know that you can't out run your mistakes. You know, they just... they creep...
Buzz: Sometimes they...
Alexandra: Catch up.
Buzz: Catch up with you, yes.
Alexandra: Yes.
Buzz: Well...
Alexandra: Buzz, what is it with you?
Buzz: Let's put this wine to the test.
Frank: Hey, sweetheart, how was your study group?
Marina: Oh, study group, yeah. Marah and Michelle actually came by to help me out. So...
Frank: Oh, wow. Well, that's great. You mean you helped these freshmen out? Both of you?
Michelle: Oh, well, you know, me the bookworm.
Marah: Yeah. And I love freshmen.
Marina: Yeah, so we got a lot of work done. We practically cleaned up the library.
Frank: Well, was there a flood in the library? Because the three of you look like you were studying right in the middle of a marsh.
Bill: Ah, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. Come over here.
Eden: Ahh.
Bill: Come over here, you. What do you mean you were with another man, huh? You want to fill me in on the competition?
Eden: Oh, he's a real lady's man. And he knows exactly what I want.
Bill: Uh, really. Well, does he have a name? I'd love to meet him. Maybe just, you know, compare notes.
Eden: You know, you could go over to Spaulding and ask for Brad Green.
Bill: Brad Green. Wait a minute, you were with your ex-client, Brad Green.
Eden: He is not my client. He went out with a few of my girls...
Bill: (Laughs)
Eden: ...And I thought we were done with that.
Bill: Whatever. Is this the same guy that's all over the newspapers? He's cheating on his wife, accused of murdering his mistress.
Eden: She wasn't dead.
Bill: Well, all the same, honey. I don't need you hanging around with a guy like that.
Eden: He's the CFO who oversees the division of Bad Girl.
Bill: Oh, I see. In other words, I have no choice.
Eden: You know, I had business with him tonight, and it went really well.
Bill: (Laughs)
Eden: You know, business is a... kind of like seduction.
Bill: What...
Eden: The give and the take. The stroking...
Bill: All right, all right, I think I got it...
Eden: The egos. I was going... (Laughs) say...
Bill: Sure, of course you were.
Eden: ...Egos.
Bill: Of course you were.
Eden: You know, do you think any less of me because I'm playing with the big boys?
Bill: (Sighs) You know, I think you once gave me the advice "sometimes you got to take your gloves off, fight for what you want." Well, the same goes for you. Okay, I may not always like it, but...
Eden: You trust me?
Bill: Yes, yes, I do. I trust you, okay? But I don't trust them. So, did this Brad Green give you what you want, hmm?
Eden: Oh, he will when he sees me in this.
Bill: What...
Eden: I will model it for you, and you can tell me if it fits my Bad Girl image.
Bill: (Sighs) Work, work, work, work, work. Is that all you ever think about? (Laughs) It's a tough job but someone's got to do it. Well, well, well. (Clears throat) Hey, you know, we should go out and celebrate.
Eden: Celebrate what?
Bill: I don't know, celebrate the fact that I'm just so happy. What do you say, tomorrow, Towers, 7:00?
Eden: How about 8:00? I should be back from Barbados by then.
Bill: Barbados?
Eden: Um-hmm. (Laughter)
Marina: It's zoology.
Frank: Zoology.
Marina: Yeah. It's a study group for a zoology class I'm taking. We're studying nocturnal creatures and... so you know, they're only up at night.
Frank: Oh, yeah, hence the term nocturnal.
Marina: Yeah, exactly. So, we can only study them at night. And then we found some really fascinating specimens.
Marah: Oh, yeah...
Michelle: Really cool, really interesting. Diverse.
Darci: I'm impressed. You guys must be really good friends. I don't think I'd sacrifice my heels... (Laughter) ....For a zoology study group.
Marah: Well, anything for a friend.
Michelle: Yeah, and besides, you know, Robbie wants us to cut down our own Christmas tree this year, so it gave me a chance to scope out some really great trees.
Frank: Oh, well, good, because we were just talking about going and getting a tree, right?
Marina: Yeah, we were.
Frank: Where are some of those trees?
Michelle: Like west of Fifth Street...
Marah: North of the ball park...
Marina: I mean... Well, there were really great trees wherever we looked. You know, Springfield is a really good tree town.
Michelle: God, I could use some hot chocolate.
Marah: Me, too.
Marina: Let's go check out some trees.
Frank: Okay.
Marina: If I had a nickel for every time I had to cover for you guys...
Marah: You could fix my shoe.
Michelle: Let it go, Marah.
Marina: You know what, we could just put a stop to this right now. I could go up to my grandfather, I could ask him point blank about Maryanne Caruthers and the gravesite.
Michelle: No, no, no, we have to handle this very delicately.
Marah: How do we delicately ask, "Where were you the night of October 17, 1977?" I mean, my dad hadn't even moved to Springfield yet. Maybe he didn't even know Maryanne, or maybe Buzz and Ed didn't either.
Michelle: Well, maybe, maybe. But like it or not, this is what we have to find out.
Carrie: Rest in peace, Maryanne, rest in peace. The time has finally come.
Alexandra: Next on Guiding Light.
Marina: Was Maryanne Caruthers around then, too?
Buzz: Why do you keep bringing up that name?
Josh: I don't want to hear this woman's name again. You understand that? Ever again, is that clear?
Ed: I think she's not real to me.
Michelle: Dad.
Ed: She is not real to me.
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