Guiding Light Transcript Monday 12/12/03
By Boo
Proofread By Hijrah
Harley: The young executive at work. (Laughs )
Gus: Hey, babe, what are you doing here?
Harley: Well, you left so quickly this morning that you didn't eat your breakfast, so I brought you some. Tie trouble?
Gus: I'm just trying to do a Windsor knot. This is not about my breakfast. I know what this is about. You're just trying to spy on me; I'm not stupid.
Harley: Boy, you're good. There's a reason they have you working for the police. Here, let me try. Come on. See, when you first left I thought, hey, it's got to be first-day-at-Spaulding jitters. But then...
Gus: Ah! No, now it's too tight.
Harley: It's okay.
Gus: You could just...
Harley: No, you have to do it, hon. Breathe, breathe, it's over. But then I realized you just didn't want me to see you looking all sexy in your corporate suit.
Gus: I just figured, you know, I'm going to sit in for Phillip while he's, you know, getting better or whatever; I'll just dress the part. I'll make Alan happy. Why not, you know?
Harley: Yeah, well, you look like a million. Take a look. See?
Gus: Ahh...
Harley: Now go make a million for the family.
Gus: Right, okay. Anything else that you... want?
Harley: Well, maybe you could just try to do some good while you're at it.
Gus: Yeah, no problem.
Harley: Okay. Well, play well with the other kids.
Gus: Uh-huh.
Harley: See you.
Gus: Call you later. What are you doing today?
Harley: Me? Nothing. Same old, same old...
Gus: All righty.
* * * * *
Harley: It's Terrier. Hello? I said, “it's Terrier." The thing we talked about earlier? I'm in.
Jeffrey: Meet me in the place we first discussed this.
Harley: That's it? No ‘thank you’? No ‘welcome aboard’?
Jeffrey: Just meet me.
* * * * *
Announcer: The role of Brad Green is being recreated by Mark Pinter.
Jeffrey: Oh, come on, can you watch it please?
Brad: I believe you ran into me. You. I'd like to talk to you about my wife. She doesn't deserve to go to prison for what happened. I'd like to work out a deal.
Jeffrey: Um, I... I don't make deals in the gym, okay. Call the office.
Brad: Just listen to what I have to... Damn it.
* * * * *
Josh: Not finding what you're looking for, huh?
Reva: Oh, hey, hi.
Josh: Mind if I sit down?
Reva: No, of course not.
Josh: What you got there? Spinal Injuries: Thinking Outside the Box. A little light reading with your breakfast, I see.
Reva: Well, I said that I was going to follow through with what we discussed yesterday.
Josh: Finding an alternative to Shayne's therapy and his coach?
Reva: I'm not looking for ways to criticize you, Joshua. I just don't want Shayne to be hurt any more than he already is, or do something that may injure him permanently.
Josh: I see. But considering the fact that I am his coach, I would be 100% responsible for something that does happen to him, right? I mean Shayne's certainly not responsible for what he does in his therapy.
Reva: So if Shayne worked himself to death, you would just stand by and let him do it? I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to sound as if...
Josh: As if I'm pushing Shayne too far. Or encouraging him to push himself too far.
Reva: Well, that's why I didn't want to get into this with you until I had a constructive alternative, instead of, you know, just coming to you with my concerns.
Josh: Okay. Well, if you've come up with some kind of a painless, risk-free path to 100% recovery, I would like to hear it.
Reva: (Laughs) Well, I've talked to doctors and specialists.
Josh: And?
Reva: And they have nothing definitive. That seems to be a favorite expression of theirs...
Josh: So it sounds like Shayne's stuck with the same therapy and with the same coach. So far, anyway.
Cassie: No, not necessarily. There is definitely another way for Shayne to go. Acupuncture.
Reva: Acupuncture?
Cassie: Yes, this could be the answer you guys are looking for.
Josh: Cassie, just out of curiosity, what do you know about acupuncture?
Cassie: Well, a heck of a lot more than I knew 24 hours ago. Do you remember that headache I had yesterday?
Reva: Well, you're not saying that...
Cassie: Gone. I mean completely gone. A couple of needles here, a couple of needles there, and the pain is gone.
Josh: And you think that might work for Shayne.
Cassie: I'm not the only one. I mean, when Jeffrey took me to the doctor...
Reva: O'Neill? Jeffrey O’Neill?
Cassie: Yeah, look, he's not my favorite person, all right? But when he saw how upset you were and he heard that you were looking for a safer way for Shayne's recovery, he whisked me away to this doctor.
Reva: And he cured your headache.
Cassie: Yes, and explained to me how acupuncture stimulates the body's energy, and how it helps it balance its systems, meaning it can increase blood flow to the areas that it needs.
Josh: Like the spine?
Cassie: Well, yeah. I mean, Shayne was diagnosed with spinal shock. So his muscles and his nerves have to figure out what they're supposed to do all over again, and acupuncture can play a part in that.
Reva: And that's what this doctor said?
Cassie: Yes. "It could be quite helpful." That's a direct quote. Well, actually, a direct translation because the guy spoke Chinese a lot, and Jeffrey had to translate. But you know, whatever. Look, I know this isn't a cure-all. But what have you got to lose?
Reva: What do you think?
Josh: You know, I actually don't have to be sold on acupuncture. Billy tried acupuncture a few years back to... you know, for his bum knee.
Reva: What?
Josh: Yeah, he was laid out on a... on a big table, naked, needles sticking out of him...
Reva: (Laughs) I would love to have seen that.
Josh: No, you did not want to see that. It was not pretty. But the fact is, he claims that it helped him to walk again. And that's of course essentially what we're talking about with Shayne. But...
Cassie: But what? What do you have to be sold on?
Josh: I guess this idea that what I'm doing with Shayne is hurting him more than it's helping him.
* * * * *
Rick: Dr... Lauer... Bauer! Bauer, golly. So how are you doing, Dad? We're working such different schedules these days; I hardly ever see you anymore except at the house. Not even at the house. I don't see you at the house.
Ed: I'm there.
Rick: Well, you know what'd be good, is if we all get together and have a nice dinner; just the four of us: You, me, Danny, Michelle, and...
Ed: We'll see. That might be kind of hard to arrange.
Rick: I'll do all the grunt work. I'll make all the calls and see what works with everybody's schedule and...
Ed: Let's just play it by ear, okay?
Rick: Is something wrong?
Ed: Rick, I got a favor to ask of you.
Rick: Sure, Dad, what is it?
Ed: Do you think you could get your contacts to run a test on this envelope?
Rick: Test for... for what?
Ed: Fingerprints.
Rick: Oh, well, yeah. The medical examiner's office makes forensic requests all the time. I'll just pass it through the right channels...
Ed: No, no channels.
Rick: It's standard operating procedure.
Ed: This can't be done by the book. It's got to be done quietly and it's got to... it's got to be done fast.
* * * * *
Alan: Well, are you ready to dig in?
Gus: Yeah... What is that? Are we going to the country club?
Alan: Well, it's Casual Friday.
Gus: Spaulding has a Casual Friday?
Alan: Well, it's our first time. I thought it was a good idea. They wanted you to feel comfortable on your first day.
Gus: How is that supposed to make me feel more comfortable? Now I'm the only person in this building that's dressed like this. Is that... (sighs)
Alan: (Chuckles) Well, I'm sorry.
Gus: No, it's all right. It’s... very nice gesture on your part. Because here I thought I was at Spaulding trying to make you feel more comfortable. Never mind, it's cool.
Alan: Well, I don't see why it couldn't work for both of us.
Gus: Right, right. You want to just... you want to show me the joint?
Alan: Yeah, I think there's time for that, after the meeting.
Gus: What meeting... meeting whom... who?
Alan: Well, department heads, project managers, senior personnel. They'll all be there. It's a good idea that you meet them all.
Gus: Okay.
Alan: The one that won't be there you already know: Brad Green. He's taking some personal time off.
Gus: Oh, really? On my first day. Isn't that interesting?
Alan: Well, now, I wouldn't read anything into that.
Gus: No, no, of course not.
Alan: Well, come on. I'll give you the grand tour.
Gus: All right.
Olivia: ...What I want to see the quarterly profit statements broken down by division; also the projections for the next six months.
Alan: Well...
Olivia: Hi. Hello.
Alan: Olivia, what are you doing here?
Olivia: I'm here to help.
Alan: Help? Well, define that.
Olivia: Well, Phillip is sidelined, and I thought the company could use someone to take up the slack. Someone like me.
* * * * *
Harley: O'Neill? Jeffrey O’Neill? You told me to meet you here, and I'm here. Great. O'Neill?
Jeffrey: I'm here, too.
Harley: Could we lose the film noir lighting effects, please? And don't sneak up on me.
Jeffrey: Any other requests?
Harley: Yes, actually. If we are going to be partners...
Jeffrey: Oh, "if"? You told me on the phone that you were in.
Harley: I am in, but I...
Jeffrey: Whoa, let's get one thing straight, okay? We're not partners. You work for me.
Harley: Fine. Well, let's get something else straight.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Harley: The only reason I'm saying yes to this is because I have a stake in the outcome.
Jeffrey: Well, that's the only reason anyone says yes to anything, isn't it?
Harley: I just feel like if there is something dangerous going on at Spaulding, I feel like I should protect Phillip.
Jeffrey: I suppose you feel the same way about Gus now that he's working there, too. Was it exciting, his first day at work? Don't you find it interesting that one Spaulding son goes down, and Alan finds another one to plug right in?
Harley: No, no, no, no, no. Gus was not plugged into anything. He's just... He just feels a loyalty to Alan and to Phillip. You know, he's just helping them out. He knows what he's doing, okay?
Jeffrey: Does he? I hope you feel that way when this is all over.
Harley: Well, let's talk about this.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Harley: Okay? I want to know exactly what this is. And it's not because I'm hot to catch some bad guys.
Jeffrey: No?
Harley: No, because if that were the case, I'd still have my badge. I want to make sure that the people I care about are covered in case something nasty goes down.
Jeffrey: Which it might.
Harley: Exactly. So would you mind clueing me in about how I'm supposed to protect Gus and Phillip?
Jeffrey: If you would listen, I told you already. It starts with Brad Green.
Harley: Right.
Jeffrey: Hm-hmm.
Harley: Get close to him. Stay close to him.
Jeffrey: Hm-hmm, yes.
Harley: You got a plan?
Jeffrey: Yeah, I do. The plan is, you do exactly what I tell you to do.
* * * * *
Rick: Can I get right back to you on that? Good. Are you going to be there the rest of the day? Okay, I'll get right back to you. Dad, I'm sorry, it was work. I'm... I'm just a little confused. Why all the secrecy with this?
Ed: No, it's not a question of secrecy. I just... I'd like it to be low key.
Rick: I see. So whose fingerprints do you think might be on here?
Ed: Well, I'm hoping that's what you'll be able to find out. And look, I can tell you right now that the only person that this information is going to matter to is me. I can give you my word on that.
Rick: Well, then I don't understand why all the secrecy.
Ed: It's not secrecy. I mean... This isn't official business, is it? So I just thought that maybe we could do it...
Rick: All right...
Ed: ...Unofficially.
Rick: I'm just curious.
Ed: I'm asking my son a favor. And if you don't want to do it, fine, just... Rick, the reason I brought this to you was because I thought that you would do this for me.
Rick: I will, Dad, if it's that important to you.
Ed: Just get it fast.
* * * * *
Cassie: I'm not suggesting that you're doing a bad job with Shayne's therapy, I'm not.
Josh: No, it's just that better, safer alternative we've all been hoping for, right?
Reva: Acupuncture may be exactly what we're looking for, Cassie. But I think Josh and I need to talk about it alone.
Cassie: I'm not going anywhere if you guys are going to fight.
Reva: Well, you better order yourself a cup of coffee then.
Reva: Well, I mean, seriously, would you rather I hid my feelings?
Josh: In this case, I'd rather you weren't having them in the first place.
Reva: I can't believe we're doing this again: You know, staking our claims to what is and what isn't right for Shayne, when he is there, not able to walk.
Josh: But he's going to walk again. You must believe that yourself, right?
Reva: I'm worried that he... both of you want it too much for his own good.
Josh: I agree with 50% of that statement, Reva. But the fact is that the physical therapy that Shayne is involved in right now is not dangerous itself. The way Ian laid it out, it's a logical progression of exercises.
Reva: If forced or pushed to extent could cause serious, if not permanent, damage.
Josh: Don't you think I know that? Don't you think I think about that every single time I'm there with him and working with him in that gym? Reva, this is not the same thing that we were going through before when I was pushing Shayne into pro ball instead of college.
Reva: Well, then why does it feel so familiar?
Josh: Because we lost trust for each other, and we haven't gotten it back yet.
Cassie: I should go.
Reva: No, no...
Josh: No.
Reva: You should stay, because you're going to hear all about this anyway.
Josh: Look, look, look. You saw yourself, right? Shayne was there. He was pushing himself too hard. Remy and I were trying to get him to stop. He ended up trying to hold his entire weight on the parallel bars...
Reva: Right, which he's definitely not ready for.
Josh: And we told him that.
Cassie: Well, he has to know that there is a big risk if he pushes himself too hard.
Josh: Yeah, he knows that intellectually, but emotionally he just wants to walk again, for Marina and for us.
Reva: Meanwhile, Shayne's getting stronger all the time, which increases his chances of hurting himself.
Josh: You want to know what really scares the hell out of me? The possibility that he's going to try and do something when he's on his own, like maybe in the evening when there's nobody around there to watch him. That's why I want to work him hard when he's at the gym, when we can monitor him -- the idea being that maybe he'll be too tired to try something like that at night. Do you think that it's possible acupuncture could help him with something like that?
Reva: I mean, if nothing else, acupuncture may calm him down. But it's something we'd have to research. And I think we should do it together.
Josh: Together? We have not had a lot of success doing things together lately. Do you believe that we can set aside months' worth of mistrust and judgment just like that?
Reva: Well, are you willing to take a chance with me? Again?
* * * * *
Alan: You can go.
Olivia: Would you call me with that information?
Alan: Information? Why don't you tell me exactly how you're planning on helping Spaulding?
Olivia: Any way I can, Alan.
Alan: Well, but we're fine.
Olivia: Oh, come on. Phillip was working 20 hours a day running this operation. He's gone. You want to say that hasn't had an effect on the company?
Alan: Well, nothing more than just a certain amount of confusion, that's all.
Olivia: Well, then, why don't you let me help get things back to normal? I'm in the perfect position to do it. It's not like I'm locked into some rigid job. You could put me to use wherever you think you need me the most.
Alan: Gus, this is what's known as a pitch.
Gus: Yeah, I get that.
Olivia: And you should really take advantage of this and put me to work.
Alan: Well, I'm not sure about that.
Olivia: Oh. You still don't trust me.
Alan: No, that's not it at all. I just think that you and Phillip need a little more time to heal.
Olivia: You would be a fool not to take me up on this offer.
Alan: Well, I can assure you that we have everything under control.
Olivia: Oh, oh. Oh, he... he got you to shore up the Spaulding house.
Alan: Yes, I want you to meet Spaulding Enterprises' newest vice president.
Olivia: And a vice president. My gosh, congratulations.
Gus: Well, it’s...
Olivia: I'm surprised the police force could spare you.
Gus: It's not permanent, so...
Olivia: Really? Well, I know. Nothing ever is.
Alan: Olivia, I will be in touch if there's anything I need from you. And I can assure you that Phillip's interests will be best served with Gus.
Olivia: Look, Alan, I'm in better shape than you think, okay? Besides, business for me is what heals.
Alan: Well, then why don't you check on things at the Beacon? Now, I will keep you posted on how Phillip's condition goes. Don't you worry. Now, where were we?
Gus: We were right around the part where you're going to explain to me how my being here insures Phillip's interests at Spaulding.
Alan: Gus, don't play coy with me. I know Phillip and I know what he worries about. And I know that he probably spoke to you about being here in his absence, and also making sure that I don't dismantle everything that he's put together.
Gus: You're very good.
Alan: Yes, I am. Now, you've got a company to learn about.
* * * * *
Harley: This stuff doesn't help me at all. I know most of this from the case I just wrapped up on Green and his wife. And let me share something else with you while we're on the subject. It's been my experience that when gathering information, it's best to do it undercover rather than the chummy thing.
Jeffrey: Really?
Harley: Yeah. I don't see what would compel Brad Green to share something weighty with a friend, even a good friend.
Jeffrey: Of course, that circumstance would change if it were a special friend, wouldn't it?
Harley: Excuse me?
Jeffrey: Well, it's just, you know... It's been my experience that men tend to open up and open up more willingly when they have a certain connection with the woman that they're with.
Harley: Are we talking about a sexual connection?
Jeffrey: We may be, yeah.
Harley: No, you may be.
Jeffrey: All right, just hang on, all right? Listen, just listen to me, please. Imagine if... I don't know, imagine if you were a house painter, all right? And you wanted to attract some clients to your business. I mean, how would you do that? You would... you would show them a sample of your work, wouldn't you? You'd show them a photograph or a paint chip or something. If you were a fruit vendor, you would find some clever way of displaying your wares. (Sighs) Look, the point of the matter is this. All right, if you want something from someone -- whether it's money, a job, or information in this case -- you want to do something to ingratiate yourself to the person...
Harley: I'm sorry, did you say ingratiate or humiliate?
Jeffrey: I am sure that you're going to do a bang-up job ingratiating yourself to Brad Green.
Harley: Let me get this straight. You want me... to get this worm to trust me by displaying my wares? By offering free samples? And I know you don't mean paint chips.
Jeffrey: If it does the trick -- no pun intended -- yes.
Harley: Good, because I'm not laughing. Uh-uh. You want me to hit on Brad Green? That's your big plan? Well, forget it. If that's the case, you can find yourself another terrier. I thought you recruited me for my brains...
Jeffrey: I did, I did...
Harley: ...For my experience.
Jeffrey: Listen, if I wanted a hooker, I would have hired one.
Harley: Well, there's still plenty of time.
Jeffrey: Well, they probably would have given me less trouble than you. The fact of the matter, Harley, is that you happen to be the perfect woman for the job.
Harley: "Woman," which I'm seeing is the key word here. Uh-uh. I didn't sign on to be somebody's special friend.
Jeffrey: You're just going to keep reminding me of that over and over and over again, aren't you?
Harley: No, honestly, I wouldn't do that, because I'm out of here.
Jeffrey: Oh, you're out of here? Okay, good, yeah, I thought you had Gus's and Phillip's backs. What happened to that?
Harley: You know what? That's rotten. That's a... You're a jerk to throw that at me...
Jeffrey: Well, this is a tough job, all right? This is a tough job, and it requires tough measures. So just think about it, okay? More specifically, think about Brad Green. If the idea is to get him to open up, then what's the best way to do that? It's to hit him where he's weakest: His soft underbelly.
Harley: Oh, now you're just making me sick.
Jeffrey: Oh, would you just get off of your high horse for one second, would you? You were a police officer, for God's sake... a female police officer for years, okay? I know that. I know that you had cases where you had to get information, and you didn't do it every time by posing undercover as some brain surgeon or some other gender-neutral, politically correct occupation, did you? No. I'll bet... I'll bet a lot of money that a lot of times a tight sweater and a short skirt sure came in handy, didn't it?
Harley: Maybe they did.
Jeffrey: Maybe they did. So why don't we just try to get our priorities straight here, okay? And just try to listen to me.
Harley: Okay, fine, I'm listening.
Jeffrey: Thank you. Now, Brad Green at this very moment is working out at the church gym. And guess what? What a coincidence, you happen to be a fitness nut yourself.
Harley: Who -- let me guess -- loves to do her Stairmaster routine in a skimpy pastel number.
Jeffrey: I hope you don't mind I took the liberty, okay?
Harley: Oh, Jeff, you didn't have to pull something out of your own closet.
Jeffrey: Oh, you're just hysterical. Now, listen, Harley, seriously, keep it simple with Green, okay? And most importantly, don't mention Spaulding right away, okay? The guy is sharp. He'll catch on and you'll tip him off.
Harley: How do you suggest I approach him?
Jeffrey: I don't know, with concern. You know, you didn't want to leave him twisting in the wind after you solved the Lori Jenson case. And being the kind, caring, hands-on detective that everyone knows you to be, you wanted to check up on him, you know, make sure that he was doing okay, and that's not a lie.
Harley: A mic? What a coincidence.
* * * * *
Gus: To me, this looks like an organizational chart of a crime family, complete with fronts and tax shelters and corporate shells. You see what I'm saying?
Alan: Yes, but with one major difference. Everything here is perfectly legal. And that, Gus, is why we have all of those lawyers.
Gus: Gotcha. I'm not saying that you're like a... you know, a mob boss. I'm not implying that.
Alan: Well, I've been likened to one on occasion. And if the truth be known, there are several CEOs in this country who are criminals. But you see, Spaulding Enterprises is a family-run business, and we pride ourselves on playing by the rules.
Gus: Right. You've never bent a rule in your life, right, Big Al?
Alan: Ah, but that's what rules are for. You know, why don't we just put off that meet-and-greet meeting, huh?
Gus: That's all right, I don't mind.
Alan: No, no, I think it would be best if you didn't feel rushed into this. You can kind of come to it in your own time. Because I think that in time, you're really going to like this place.
Gus: We'll see about that. Ow!
* * * * *
Harley: Brad Green. I was just thinking about you, and here you are.
Brad: (Laughs) Kismet.
Harley: (Laughs) Well, I've been meaning to get in touch with you, find out how you're doing. You know, not too badly from the looks of it.
Brad: You work out?
Harley: Oh, yeah. I'm addicted to it. Especially those. Don't you just love the burn? (Laughs)
Brad: It's a good way to release frustrations.
Harley: Yeah. Well, your whole life's been turned upside down. I mean, that Lori Jenson thing, boy.
Brad: You know, as I recall, you thought that I was a murderer, didn't you?
Harley: Well, that was until we went on our little car ride around town together. Before the flat, of course. No, you made it perfectly clear that you were the victim in this whole thing, not the perp. And I'm glad we were able to prove that. Still...
Brad: Still what?
Harley: Well, I know it's taken its toll on you. And that affects me. Why, I feel like we made a connection in the car that night. And how can I just act like I don't care what's happened to you just because the job is over? I mean, you have hurts. You have... you have needs, you know, just like I do. Right? Hey, you want to spot me? I need to get this workout in.
Brad: Ah, yes, all right.
Harley: (Laughs)
Brad: How much weight do you usually start with?
Harley: Oh, what you got on there looks good.
Brad: All right.
Harley: I'm ready.
Brad: Good? Here we go.
Harley: Yeah.
Brad: Good?
Harley: Got it.
Brad: You know, perhaps this is lucky.
Harley: How's that?
Brad: Me running into you like this. Boy, I remember when I came into your office that night, I was a nervous wreck. But just getting into your car, you made it so much easier for me. You were so easy to talk to. You put my mind at rest. It's been... it's been awful lately.
Harley: I'm sure.
Brad: I mean my wife could go to prison for what happened. Prison. I... I never wanted that.
Harley: It must be a nightmare.
Brad: You have no idea.
Harley: Well, I know this isn't a car, but if you felt like talking some more...
Brad: You know, I'm not sure that I am the victim here. Look, my affair with Lori was just one humiliation too much for Marie. It made her have to deal with her anger in such a way that she lashed out at me with blackmail. Her entire thinking was clouded with rage, which really makes it my fault.
Harley: You think?
Brad: But that smug ferret of a district attorney just can't wait to prosecute her.
Harley: Well, that sure sounds like Jeffrey O’Neill. You know, Brad, your wife did break the law.
Brad: Oh, come on. What's the crime here? No one's dead. I paid back the money I borrowed from Spaulding almost immediately. So my wife tried to milk me. So what? You know, if we got a divorce, she'll do it again, only this time she'll retain the services of an attorney and they'll call it alimony. I want that DA to back off.
Harley: Hey, you don't have to tell me. This is why I left the force in the first place, because it's so rigid. I mean, they never take into consideration that there are all these different situations, and they all require their own unique solution.
Brad: You know, you know, the first rule of business is that you have to be flexible. No flexibility? You're not competitive.
Harley: And then you're not in business anymore.
Brad: You got that right.
Brad: You want to go another round?
Harley: Sure, if you'll spot me. (Laughs)
Brad: Thank you for listening.
Harley: Well, I'm glad I could help.
* * * * *
Jeffrey: Okay, so far, so good. Now just reel him in nice, and slow.
* * * * *
Reva: Thanks for the tip on Dr. Yuan.
Cassie: Hey, as much as I've built him up, he better help you, right? (Laughs)
Reva: Well, don't worry about that. I mean, I think Josh and I can take it from here.
Cassie: I think Josh already is.
Reva: Yeah, well, you know, this will be good. He'll come for dinner tonight. We'll discuss our options.
Cassie: On all fronts?
Reva: Well, I don't know. I mean, this is a start, right?
Cassie: With you two, that's all you need.
Reva: See you. Thanks again.
Cassie: Yeah.
Josh: Okay, thank you. I appreciate you... Good-bye, Cassie. I appreciate you letting me pick your brain.
Ed: Acupuncture's been around for thousands of years. There's got to be something to it.
Josh: Look, I'd like to be able to call you if that's all right, once I figure out what this doctor has in mind for Shayne.
Ed: Yeah, fine, fine.
Josh: Okay. Has Billy been calling you?
Ed: Billy calls me almost every day to make sure that we stick together.
Josh: He's been calling me, too. Reva, are you okay?
Reva: I just had an image.
Josh: Of what?
Reva: Death.
Josh: You had an image of death?
Reva: Or a death. I can't really tell. It came and went so quickly.
Josh: What do you suppose that might mean?
Reva: I don't know. It was just weird. It was when you were walking toward me.
Josh: Maybe it had something to do with Ed. You know, he's a doctor.
Reva: Ed Bauer?
Josh: Yeah, he's around patients and hospitals and illness and death.
Reva: Maybe.
Josh: What other possible explanation could there be?
Reva: I don't know, really. It was just weird.
Josh: Okay. Well, you've said yourself that many times these images don't have any meaning.
Reva: Yeah. This one was just strange because it hit so hard. Okay, I'm back. So about tonight.
Josh: Tonight?
Reva: Dinner. We were going to meet. I was going to cook you...
Josh: I... I...
Reva: ...Venison...
Josh: I can't do that tonight.
Reva: Ten minutes ago you said you were free...
Josh: Yeah, I know...
Reva: Are you okay?
Josh: I'm not free. I just remembered I have something important that I have to do. Excuse me.
Reva: Well, acupuncture research is important, too.
Josh: Yeah, I know that. I just can't talk to you about it tonight. At least, not in person. If you'd like, I can call you. How would that be?
Reva: Sounds like I don't have a choice.
Josh: Sorry.
* * * * *
Gus: Regal Royale. Dreeson Limited. "See the Central Group Projections file." Right. Central Group Projections file. Central Group... Projections... file. Central Group Projections file. Central Group Projections file.
* * * * *
Harley: (Laughs) Feels good.
Brad: It's a good burn, huh?
Harley: Yeah. Nothing like it.
Brad: You really push yourself.
Harley: Well, you know what they say: No pain, no gain. I'm sure you hear that in business.
Brad: All the time.
Harley: I don't know how you do it.
Brad: What?
Harley: The whole corporate scene.
* * * * *
Jeffrey: No, no, Harley, not yet. Don't go there.
* * * * *
Brad: How did we get onto that, all of a sudden?
Harley: What, business? Well, it's all connected. You know, what you do, how you feel. Me, I couldn't take all that red tape on the force anymore, so I bowed out. But here you are...
Brad: (Laughs) Here I am, what?
Harley: You know, still putting in all those hours at Spaulding. I mean, these past few months have just been hell for you.
Brad: And it's not over yet.
* * * * *
Jeffrey: Back off, Harley. This guy is smart.
* * * * *
Harley: That's what I mean. I mean, no doubt things are tough for you at home. But what about at work? It must be killing you.
Brad: Hm. Here you go.
Harley: Oh, thanks.
Brad: Tell me...
Harley: (Laughs) I feel that.
Brad: You asked for it.
Harley: You've got this big-time job.
* * * * *
Jeffrey: Okay, just end it right there. Let it go, please. No, no.
* * * * *
Harley: Lots of responsibility. The last thing in the world you need is some personal hassle making work more complicated. Or maybe it's not. Maybe things at Spaulding are just fine. I don't know, you tell me. Hey.
Brad: You feel the burn now? I know what you're up to.
* * * * *
Marah: Next on Guiding Light:
Marah: If Carrie is telling us the truth and some young woman died in this town and nobody seems to remember or care, I think that's awful.
Alan: Gus, what... what are you doing with that file?
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