GL Transcript Wednesday 12/10/03

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 12/10/03

By Boo
Proofread By Hijrah

Olivia: Hello, Alan.

Alan: Well, Olivia. You seem to be making a habit of showing up places where you're not invited.

Olivia: Thomas said that you were in here. And I assume that Dr. Langham told you that I visited Phillip.

Alan: Yes, he did. After I specifically asked you not to see Phillip.

Olivia: I know, but I was worried about him, Alan. I didn't trust that you were telling me the truth about him so I went. I just needed to see for myself, okay? The last thing I wanted to do was to upset him.

Alan: Really? And that's exactly what you did. You set him back. Now you, of all people, Olivia, know the damage that good intentions can do. Now I want you to stay away from Phillip.

Olivia: What's the official diagnosis?

Alan: Of you or Phillip?

Olivia: Oh, I can't get a concrete answer from anyone! I'm not technically family, okay?

Alan: No, you're not.

Olivia: He just seemed very confused and desperate.

Alan: What's wrong?

Olivia: I just feel woozy.

Alan: Here. Sit down. Sit down. My goodness. Maybe it's something you ate.

Olivia: Or didn’t. I haven't been able to able to touch food since I heard about him.

Alan: Well, then I'll have Cook prepare you a little lunch.

Olivia: Alan, I'm sorry.

Alan: No, it's all right. And any information that Dr. Langham gives us concerning Phillip, I will share with you. We're not going to shut you out on this.

Olivia: Okay.

*   *   *   *   *

Harley: All right, sweetie, what's up? You don't want to go to school?

Zach: I'm sick. I'm sick.

Harley: You are? Well, your head doesn't feel warm. Does your tummy hurt? Okay, tell me where it hurts? Is it your ear? Is it your throat? Does your head hurt? (Laughs) Well, bunny, I can not make it better if you don't tell Mommy what's wrong.

Zach: I'm sick like Daddy.

*   *   *   *   *

Josh: Okay, how's your grip? Is your grip, okay?

Shayne: Yeah, sure.

Remy: Keep your head up. Good.

Josh: That's good. That's good.

Shayne: No, it's not good enough.

Josh: Well...

Remy: You're up out of that. That's progress.

Shayne: You're holding me up.

Josh: We're just helping you keep steady. That's all.

Shayne: Yeah, whatever. Whatever. Back off.

Josh: No, Shayne. Shayne.

Shayne: No, I need to see how much weight I can support on my own.

Josh: Yeah, but you don't have to do that right now. Not today.

Shayne: Dad, let me go.

Remy: Not a good idea, Ace. Better to take it slow.

Shayne: No, I have to try.

Josh: Shayne, when Ian outlined this exercise program for you he was specific about the pace, remember?

Shayne: Yeah, he told me I needed to push.

Josh: Yeah, but...

Remy: You push everyday. Every minute we go at this stuff.

Josh: Look, you're not ready to do more. Not yet.

Shayne: Well, let me... let me see. Let me see what I'm ready to do. Please. Please.

Josh: Okay, okay. Careful, careful. All right, that’s...

Shayne: No, stay back. Stay back!

*   *   *   *   *

Darci: Hello.

Frank: Hello.

Darci: Roomie.

Frank: Yes?

Darci: Nothing. I just love you, that's all. And I was hoping that you and I could talk about brown.

Frank: Brown?

Darci: Mm-hmm.

Frank: Brown, as in the color of my house, everything all...

Darci: You're aware of it. That's a good sign.

Frank: Well, I like the color brown.

Darci: Mm-hmm.

Frank: Brown is practical. And it doesn't get dirty.

Darci: Oh, no. No. See that's where you're wrong. It doesn't show the dirt. There's a big difference there.

Frank: Well, and it's also very masculine.

Darci: It is. It is a masculine color. But it's also just a tad bit dull. Frank, I don't want to shake your masculinity here at all. I just think that your house could use a little punch of color.

Frank: Okay, so what are we talking here? Maybe yellow and pink flowered wallpaper?

Darci: Ugh, no, no, no. I hate that stuff. I'm just talking about something like spicing it up a little... just giving it a little flare.

Frank: (Laughs) A little flare, huh?

Darci: Mm-hmm.

Frank: Oh.

Darci: Oh, you hate the idea.

Frank: No. No, I don't hate it. I...

Darci: No, never mind now. It’s... it's your house and I don't want to be one of those girls that comes in and tries to change everything. Even though you said that the furnishings were negotiable.

Frank: The furnishings are negotiable. But I didn't say anything about the color.

Darci: Frank.

Frank: Okay, okay. I was teasing you here. I want you to know that this is your house, too. And I want you to be happy. Right after Eleni left, I guess I just attached myself to the color brown just to kind of make my own. You know what, Darci? You do what you need to do.

Darci: Thank you.

Gus: Hey. We have a meeting, right?

Darci: Well, I guess I should let you two boys talk.

Gus: Thanks.

Darci: Oh, I've got so much to think about.

Gus: You got a lot going on?

Frank: Oh, in the midst of negotiations here.

Gus: Well, thank you very much for penciling me in. I appreciate it.

Frank: That's all right. From the sounds of it on the phone you seem like you got a lot going on yourself. What's happening?

Gus: It's family.

Frank: Family? I thought everything was okay with you and Harley.

Gus: No. That... No. That... The other family. The Spauldings.

Frank: The Spauldings. No offense, Gus, but I still find it very hard to believe that you're connected to that family.

Gus: Well, you know, the facts are the facts. And you want to talk about having a lot going on.

Frank: And you're referring to Lizzie going off the rails and now Phillip?

Gus: Look, the bottom line is that they are my family. And they need my help right now. So here it goes. I need a leave of absence from the police force and I need it starting immediately.

*   *   *   *   *

Lizzie: You thought I was at school, didn't you? Sorry, there's teachers’ conferences today. Looks like you didn't do all your homework.

Olivia: How are you, Lizzie?

Lizzie: And that would take so long to answer. But look at you. You look different. Oh, you're thinner. I guess having a baby would do that to you.

Olivia: Well, you haven't lost your touch.

Lizzie: What are you talking about?

Olivia: You don't know. My baby is dead, Lizzie.

Lizzie: Well, what happened?

Olivia: She just died.

Lizzie: And now you're back.

Olivia: Oh, wow. Well, I could see how heartbroken you are.

Lizzie: But I'm amazed that… I mean the way you took off out of town like that, I figured you'd just keep running.

Olivia: Well, there's really no reason to run anymore is there?

Alan: Elizabeth, what are you doing home?

Lizzie: Oh, well, there's teacher conferences at school all day. But don't worry I wasn't alone for second. Olivia's been taking care of me.

Alan: Look, Olivia is not feeling well at the moment. So why don't you run upstairs and get started on your homework?

Lizzie: Please let me stay. We have so much stuff here to catch up on.

Alan: Elizabeth, I want you to go.

Lizzie: You think I'm going to do something to her, don't you? What... what reasons do I have? Huh? I've been through like a million hours of therapy since the last time I've seen her. Now don't you think that maybe just a little bit human?

Olivia: You know what, Alan? I think it might be good for all of us if Lizzie and I had a chance to talk.

Alan: Very well. Thomas will be in shortly with your lunch. And I will...

Olivia: Thank you.

Alan: ... Take these papers. And I will be right outside in the hall if you need me.

Lizzie: Well, what do you know? You're not even in the house for two minutes and they're already whipping you up stuff to eat. Like the good old days, huh?

Olivia: Not quite.

Lizzie: Yeah, I guess you're right. Things have changed.

Olivia: I'd say nothing's the same.

Lizzie: Then I guess we do have a lot to talk about, huh?

*   *   *   *   *

Harley: Who told you Daddy was sick?

Zach: I don't know.

Harley: You just heard somebody say it. What did they say?

Zach: They say he's in bad shape and all that. They can't make him feel better.

Harley: Okay. Well, first of all, Daddy's not... He's not sick like... sick in bed sick. He's tired. And he's sad. He's a little bit sad. But you know how much Daddy works. I think he just needs to take a break for a while.

Zach: Why is he sad?

Harley: Because he's got a lot of worries in his head.

Zach: Why?

Harley: Oh, boy. Okay. You know how... Okay, remember on your first day at the new school? You remember how scared you were that you weren't going to know anybody? And you remember how that morning how you couldn't eat any breakfast? And you couldn't go to sleep the night before? Well, that's kind of how it is with Daddy. I mean he's not worried about school, he's worried about different things. But it's kind of that same feeling. It's going to be all right. It is.

Zach: I don't want Daddy to be sad.

Harley: I know you don’t. But it happens, you know? It happens to people. But the good thing is that it goes away. It gets better after a while. It does. So I don't want you to be worried or scared, all right? And I want you to remember something. I will... I will never ever let anything bad happen to you, okay?

Zach: Or Daddy?

Harley: Or Daddy.

*   *   *   *   *

Frank: Phillip's in that bad a shape that you need to step in?

Gus: Well, he's cognizant enough to realize that he wants to protect his interests at Spaulding, right? And Alan, well, Alan just wants me to be there.

Frank: Alan wants you to help run Spaulding?

Gus: No, he just wants me to be there for as long as it takes for Phillip to get well. At least that's what he is making me believe. But, Frank, here's the thing. I'm getting to know this man, you know. I'm getting to know Alan for the last... well, the whole year. Mostly because he busted his butt to get into my life. And the bottom line is I feel like I owe him a little time.

Frank: I think you mean most of your time being that you're here asking for a leave of absence.

Gus: Is there... is there a problem?

Frank: Well, to be quite honest with you, yeah. I don't want it to set it a precedent with all the other detectives that they feel like they can ask for any time off at any time.

Gus: Well, hold... Wait, wait. Frank, the whole thing equates to me just taking all of my vacation days that I didn't get for the whole year. Can we call it that? Can we call it an extended vacation?

Frank: I think it's an easier sell with the Commissioner. What about your other cases?

Gus: Well, they're easier to read. I mean I'm not working on anyone case by myself.

Frank: You just got it all figured out, don't you?

Gus: Frank, I'd be an idiot to come here if I hadn’t. I thought of it all. Come on, what do you say? What?

Frank: Nah, it's just that I'm just picturing you walking down the halls at Spaulding there with your little pinstripe suit and your briefcase saying ‘Good morning,’ to all of the secretaries. ”Hey, good morning. Good morning.”

Gus: (Laughs) Yeah, well, I'm not going to be doing that. The thing is, Frank, you know, for this past year getting to just to spend time with Alan, I... I mean the guy's my father. And I didn't realize this, but it's starting to mean something to me.

Frank: All right. Well, it reminds a lot of how I felt about my Dad.

Gus: Yeah, right. You and Buzz, you had some father/son making up to do, didn't you?

Frank: Yeah. As a matter of fact for the longest time the mere sight of him made me angry as hell. But the guy hung in there. And I guess I did too, because, you know, in the end I forgave him. That's my dad. All right, Gus, you got your leave of absence.

Gus: Thank you.

Frank: Under one condition. If the crime rate in Springfield spikes, I'm hauling you back in.

Gus: You got it.

*   *   *   *   *

Josh: Okay, that's it. That's it.

Shayne: No, not yet.

Josh: Your two minutes are up.

Shayne: No, not yet. Not yet!

Josh: You have to got to rest right now.

Remy: Come on, man, you could hurt yourself.

Shayne: Just leave me alone, okay?

Josh: There's no reason to torture yourself, Shayne.

Shayne: I have to do this, okay? I have to...

Remy: What happened?

Shayne: It's just a cramp.

Josh: For God's sake, it's --

Shayne: I said it's just a cramp!

Josh: Okay. All right, all right.

Shayne: All right.

*   *   *   *   *

Bert: Josh! Josh, it takes time. Josh, we're at the beginning. You're at the beginning. So am I. Look at how far we've come already. Don't look at the distance that's left to go.

Josh: Don't expect miracles, is that what you're saying?

Bert: No, I'm not telling you that. Because life itself is a miracle. And don't you ever forget it.

*   *   *   *   *

Josh: You're doing great, son. I said it a thousands times. I'll say it again. I'm proud of you.

Remy: Hey, hey. Chill, buddy. I'm serious. He's right on the edge.

Josh: Shayne, you have got to stop right now.

Shayne: No.

Josh: Enough is enough.

Shayne: No!

Josh: Everybody has their limit. You've got yours.

Shayne: Damn it! No!

Josh: You asked me to coach you, to help you, right? 

Shayne: Yeah, so you can push me. So push me.

Josh: How could I make progress? This is not about making progress.

Shayne: Push me!

Josh: This is dangerous. And it's foolish. You have got to stop.

Shayne: Well, then you go home. Then get out!

Remy: Hey, hey, your dad is right.

Shayne: Then you could go home, too. Go home.

Josh: Shayne, stop. Shayne... I got you. Easy. Easy. Easy.

*   *   *   *   *

Marina: Here you go. Enjoy. Okay.

Messenger: Excuse me.

Marina: Yeah, let me just clear off this table and you can sit down, okay?

Messenger: Are you Marina Cooper?

Marina: Yeah.

Messenger: As soon as you sign for it.

Marina: (Laughs) Okay.

Darci: Hey. Is there a problem?

Marina: Well, somebody sent me a package.

Darci: Cool. Well, why don't you take it? Put those down.

Marina: Right. Yes. That's exactly what I was thinking I was going to do.

Darci: Ah-huh.

Marina: I'm used to serving lunch specials, not getting them.

Darci: Thanks.

Marina: Oh.

Darci: Let's see.

Marina: I love presents. Oh, my God.

Darci: Oh, my gosh. That's beautiful. That's gorgeous. Oh, my gosh, who's it from?

Marina: I don't know. There's a card.

Darci: Shayne?

Marina: He's amazing. He had Marah make this dress for me for the holiday dance coming up at school. He said, he'll be dancing with me in his dreams.

Darci: Oh, my gosh, that is so sweet.

Marina: How did I get this lucky?

Darci: Oh, Marina. What else does it say?

Marina: It says that I should close my eyes when I'm dancing and I'll be able to feel his arms around me. I already do.

*   *   *   *   *

Lizzie: So, where do you want to start? The baby?

Olivia: No.

Lizzie: Oh, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be...

Olivia: What, Lizzie? You don't mean to be cruel?

Lizzie: Sometimes I don't know how what I want to say is going to actually come out. But you don't believe me.

Olivia: You know what I believe? I believe that you've had a very hard time of it. And I know how that is.

Lizzie: You know that letter that you left for Mom and me, it was right. I mean, I didn't want to hurt your baby. And I've gotten a lot clearer on that this past few months. Because the baby, she was just an innocent little child and she was going to be my little sister. Why would I want to hurt her?

Olivia: Yeah, why would you? But you know, you're not going to get a chance to know her now.

Lizzie: I wish none of this had ever happened. I can see why you don't trust me though.

Olivia: Yeah, can you really?

Lizzie: I was just so angry before you left. It was coming out all over the place. And I didn't know what else to do or how? I was a mess.

Olivia: Yeah. Do you think that things have gotten better?

Lizzie: I guess a little. But I wasn't trying to hurt your baby. I was trying to hurt you, Olivia. And it just happened through your baby.

Olivia: Yeah, I know. I know. I got that part.

Lizzie: And that's why you left.

Olivia: Yeah, because I didn't think you would stop trying to hurt me until my baby was dead.

Lizzie: That wasn't my fault though. It wasn't my fault. See that's why... That's a part of why I hated you so much. No matter what happened, you blamed it on me. There, Lizzie's gone and done something wrong again. She's done something horrible...

Olivia: You still sound a little angry, Lizzie.

Lizzie: Well, I keep my therapist busy. Good old Doctor Langham.

Olivia: Hey, tell me something. What's the other part?

Lizzie: The other part of what?

Olivia: The other part of why you hate me so much?

Lizzie: You really don't know?

Olivia: Well, maybe if you say it out loud you won't have to act on it.

Lizzie: I hate you because you ruined things between me and my dad. You ruined him, okay? I don't get why you ever even had to meet Daddy. Do you know how much better off we'd be if it had never happened?

*   *   *   *   *

Josh: Shayne, are you all right? That's it. Let's get him back in the chair right now.

Remy: Right.

Shayne: No leave it. You leave it!

Remy: What?

Josh: Shayne, you've got to get back in the chair now.

Shayne: I'm not a stupid cripple, okay?

Josh: Look, you can’t...

Shayne: I can't walk? I know I can't walk, okay? But I will! I will. Just... Remy, get over here! Just boost me up.

Remy: Look... listen to me.

Shayne: Just boost me up, please?

Remy: You get hurt, you mess us all up. You, because it'll take that much longer to walk. And your dad and me, because Ian won't let us work with you alone if something goes wrong on our watch.

Shayne: You think I care? I don't care!

Remy: You should.

Josh: Will you bring the wheelchair over here, please, right now? No, just... just...

Shayne: No, no. You touch that, you are not my brother!

Josh: Listen to me. Listen to me now. Going into the ninth inning, you got a one-one lead, you feel your elbow pop on the first pitch. Now what are you going to do? You're going to tell the manager about it, you're going to keep it to yourself until it gets worse?

Shayne: Okay, don't start, okay.

Josh: I mean how irresponsible are you going to be in this situation, Shayne?

Shayne: Oh, you're going to talk to me about responsibility?

Sandy: Come on, guys, chill.

Josh: I don't want to see you do something that's going to get you hurt.

Shayne: I knew we were going to get back to what you want.

Josh: No, no, don't twist this around.

Shayne: No, because it's all about you! It's about your feeling guilty. About your guilt!

Remy: He doesn't know what he's saying. The pain is getting to him.

Josh: I would feel a whole lot more guilty if I let you do something right now that you're not ready for.

Shayne: Yeah, well, that's your problem.

Josh: You have got to stop right now. If you don't stop, if you don't get in that chair, I'm going to walk out of here. I'm going to leave and you're going to have to find yourself another coach.

Shayne: Yeah, well, fine. Fine. Fine!

Josh: You get out of this wheelchair right now... !

Sandy: All right. Hold it. Both of you. You can't go at each other like this.

Josh: Sandy, this is between me and Shayne. Just get in the chair.

Sandy: Let me tell you something. This is what I grew up with: screaming fights with my dad and me, all right? Josh, you're not going to walk, you're not going to leave here and you know that. He's your son. And, Shayne, you're not going to push your body to the point where you’re worse than when you started. You both got it? So you better figure out some calm, reasonable way to deal with this therapy, because this isn't working.

Shayne: No, you don't get it, okay? I have to be stronger!

Sandy: I get that.

Shayne: No, you don't get, because it's not just about me. I have to be strong... I have to walk for Marina! I have to walk!

Shayne: Just...

Remy: Easy, easy, easy.

Josh: Careful, Shayne. Get the wheelchair.

*   *   *   *   *

Darci: Shayne's a special guy.

Marina: I know. He is. Of course you have one, too. And I hear you're living with him in the infamous House of Brown.

Darci: Yes. Marina, are you okay with Frank and I moving in together?

Marina: Please. It's the best thing that could have happened to him. I just hope it's going to work out for you.

Darci: (Laughs) Well, I guess all I could do is try, right? I mean it can't be that hard. Although this is kind of new for me. This whole nesting thing. I don't know. Forget about making a home. I never even lived in one place for more than a month before.

Marina: And I'm sure you've seen your share of brown places.

Darci: Yeah, well, known quite like Frank’s. But then again I never met a man like Frank before. Taking this step with your father really means a lot to me, Marina.

Marina: He's really happy, Darci.

Darci: So am I.

Marina: Good. Not that I'm really Miss Worldly when it comes to, you know, cohabitation or anything, but I think I know one of the keys to you and my dad really making it long term.

Darci: Oh, yeah? What's that?

Marina: You've got to get rid of that tweed recliner.

Darci: (Laughs)

Marina: I am serious. You should 86 that hunk of trash, keep the man who bought it.

Darci: All right, I think I got it. Kill the chair, keep the dad. I think I can remember that. (Laughs)

*   *   *   *   *

Harley: Hey.

Gus: Baby! Well, I guess Zach isn't so sick that he didn't go to school otherwise he wouldn't be here, right?

Harley: Well, it turns out he's not sick, sick. He is worried sick.

Gus: (Sighs)

Harley: He doesn't understand what's going on with his dad.

Gus: Well, that makes two of us. I don't understand what's going on with him, either.

Harley: So how did it go with Frank?

Gus: Yes, right. Well, I am officially off the roster.

Harley: Oh, and putting yourself on the roster at Spauldings.

Gus: (Clearing his throat) Yeah, I'm just going to Alan that now. So... What?

Harley: (Laughs)

Gus: What?

Harley: I'm just envisioning you in this three-piece pinstriped corporate look. It's very sexy.

Gus: No. Everybody’s saying that. No, just keep dreaming, okay? No, my downtown suits, they're just fine. The Spaulding Dress Code can – uh!

Harley: What kind of an attitude is that?

Gus: It's my attitude. Why? You've got a problem with it?

Harley: No.

Gus: Hey, I've got to tell you something.

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Gus: Yeah. Well, I wanted you to be the first to know and I want you to hear it from me.

Jeffrey: Okay, I'm listening.

Gus: I took a leave of absence from the police force to go work with my father at Spaulding Enterprises.

Jeffrey: Why, I think that's great. That means you'll get a first hand look at how your family makes it daily bread. That's wonderful.

Harley: They have tons of dough.

Jeffrey: (Laughs)

Gus: All right, you know, I know it's funny and everything. But the funny thing really is that I think I might be looking forward to this. See you later, right?

Harley: Hey, hey, Jeffrey?

Jeffrey: Yes? Yes?

Harley: I need to talk to you.

Jeffrey: Well, get in line. There's a lot of ladies who want to talk to me.

Harley: It's not that kind of talk. And I'm not one of your ladies, okay? It's about your proposal.

Jeffrey: I don't know what you're talking about.

Harley: Well, what if I had a hypothetical situation? Could we talk about that?

Jeffrey: You say you want to talk to me about a hypothetical situation?

Harley: Yeah. Involves a friend of mine with a decision to make. It's kind of a new case I stumbled on to.

Jeffrey: So, why talk to me?

Harley: Well, I'm figuring you're the only person who could advise me of how to handle it.

Jeffrey: What are the particulars?

Harley: My friend's thinking of making a job change. And what if this new boss -- I don't know -- misrepresented himself when he made the offer? How does my friend find out if he's being honest with him?

Jeffrey: Well, why would he be dishonest?

Harley: Because he's a ruthless bastard who doesn't think twice about using my friend to hurt the people that she loves as long as he gets whatever job it is he wants done done. How does she protect herself against this --

Jeffrey: From this ruthless bastard?

Harley: Exactly.

Jeffrey: Well, that is a dilemma. But obviously the job is attractive to her on some level otherwise she wouldn't be considering it.

Harley: I'll give you that.

Jeffrey: But if she's suspicious, well, then she's not going to be able to devote the proper attention to the job. She's probably not going even to commit to the job in the first place.

Harley: What do you suggest?

Jeffrey: Well, I would suggest that she tells the ruthless bastard to find someone else.

*   *   *   *   *

Darci: Hello.

Frank: Oh, no, here's that smile again.

Darci: (Laughs)

Frank: I know you were talking to Marina. So what's next on the hit list?

Darci: Frank. The recliner.

Frank: The recliner. I love that chair.

Darci: You said the other day that you'd be willing to get rid of it.

Frank: Well, I spoke too soon. I mean, well, I guess, I was excited.

Darci: I thought about me moving in.

Frank: Well, I'm still excited about that, too.

Darci: I see how it is. I guess the honeymoon phase is over, huh? Okay, you want to play hardball? Fine. Plan B: Compromise. My green striped chair.

Frank: Your what?

Darci: You let me bring my green striped chair, I'll let you keep your big brown monster.

Frank: Okay, deal. What about the table?

Darci: What about it? The tables are suppose to be brown. But those brown driftwood sculptures, circa 1980, back to the beach.

Frank: And what if I say no?

Darci: I don't think you can.

*   *   *   *   *

Olivia: You know something? I never expected us to become friends, Lizzie, or for you to accept me as part of your family. But I had hoped that you'd make peace with the situation. You're obviously not there yet.

Lizzie: Well, I'm sorry you don't approve of my disapproval.

Olivia: Yeah, you know, disapproval leaves room for maneuver. Outright hatred doesn't give us much to work with. It's really too bad.

Lizzie: Well, my therapist, Dr. Langham, says I should be honest about my feelings. And this is how I feel!

Olivia: Hey, well, you know what? I don't want to stand in the way of your progress. So I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to leave town. This time permanently. What? What? You're not thrilled? Come on, this is what you wanted, right? I'll be out of your life and your father's life for good. Maybe you could stop being angry now if that's possible.

Lizzie: Look, Olivia, I don't want you to leave, okay? I love the thought of it, but I love my dad so much more.

Olivia: Meaning what?

Lizzie: He needs your help. He's lying there in that hospital bed like a basket case and I can't even go see him.

Olivia: That might not be such a bad thing, Lizzie.

Lizzie: You think I don't have any feelings about this? I know that part of the stuff I did is why he's in there for him to break down or whatever it is. But I love him. I love him more than anything in the world. And I know that...

Olivia: You know what?

Lizzie: I know that he loves you. And it makes all the difference.

Olivia: How?

Lizzie: Because we have all tried to help him and get him back to normal. But it didn't work. And you're the only one left who can try.

Olivia: I don't think I could... I... Your grandfather isn't going to let me see him.

Lizzie: Oh, so that's more important than Daddy getting better? I thought you actually cared about him?

Olivia: I do care about him!

Lizzie: Then maybe for once we actually have something in common. Olivia, please just stay in Springfield and try to help Daddy get through this.

*   *   *   *   *

Harley: So you think that given the hypothetical situation my friend should turn down this job offer?

Jeffrey: I think if she's so hypothetically worried about hurting these loved ones, because she's being hypothetically manipulated by --

Harley: I think used is probably a better expression.

Jeffrey: Okay, used by the new boss then maybe she should stay clear of the matter.

Harley: Thank you. I'll tell her that.

Jeffrey: On the other hand, if this employer has to hire somebody else even though your friend is by far in a way the best person for the job, people could still get hurt.

Harley: Why?

Jeffrey: Why? Because the people that your friend is so worried about getting hurt are going to get hurt anyway. Far worse. Because the new hiree is not going to know who they are and he's not going to care who becomes victim to any collateral damage.

Harley: That's a good point. I'll tell her that.

Jeffrey: Of course this is all hypothetically anyway, right? I mean, maybe there's nothing to worry about.

Harley: Maybe there isn't it.

Jeffrey: That's why I hate hypotheticals, you know. I prefer to get right to the meat of the problem, right? And you know, grab on to it and not let go until the problem's solved. Kind of like the terrier with a bone.

*   *   *   *   *

Gus: Hey.

Alan: Hey, Gus.

Gus: Okay. Number one: no suits and ties. But yes to jackets. But no to three-piece, fat, pinstriped suits, okay. And no suspenders. That's non-negotiable.

Alan: All right.

Gus: Okay, okay. Number two: They are... Oh, right. Okay. I'm not the corporate type, right?

Alan: Whatever that is.

Gus: Okay. But if I ever get, you know, like the heebie-jeebies from doing too much of whatever it is that people usually do who are attracted to wearing fat, pinstriped suits do, then I might need to get some air.

Alan: That's fine. Your office will have a terrace.

Gus: No, I mean, like, a lot farther away from that. Like down the street away from the building, you know, maybe all the way to the police station where I could just check on things and how they're going.

Alan: I have no objection with that.

Gus: Okay, okay, okay.

Alan: But tell me, why would you get the heebie-jeebies?

Gus: Well... I'm not the corporate type, you know, I'm not a corporate cat. I'm not even used to being the rookie anymore. So, you know, Alan, the thing is I don't even know if I could really help you at Spaulding at all. But if you want me there then, you know then I'm there.

Alan: Good. Because I want you there.

Gus: Okay, well, then I'm there. I'm going to need the keys to the executive office, okay. And also the executive washroom, because...

Alan: (Laughs) All right. You know I can't tell you how much this means to me.

Gus: It means a lot to me as well.

Alan: Good.

*   *   *   *   *

Marina: Hi.

Michelle: Hi. Wow! Great dress.

Marina: Well, great boyfriend. What's up?

Michelle: Oh, actually I came by to see your great boyfriend.

Marina: Oh, really? Well, he's still in physical therapy right now. But he should be back soon if you want to wait.

Michelle: Okay.

Marina: So how's Danny?

Michelle: He's busy. He is excited. He's happy. It's like it's a dream... No, it is. It's a dream come true. I mean talk about a life change. Danny's running for mayor.

Marina: This is so amazing.

Michelle: I know.

Marina: I guess amazing things do happen, huh? I've been thinking a lot about Carrie and this wish stuff.

Michelle: Yeah? You've got any ideas?

Marina: Yeah, I just (laughs)... I don't even want to say it out loud, you know, I don't really want to jinx it.

Michelle: Why? Why? I made wish and look what's happened already.

Marina: You wished that Danny would be mayor?

Michelle: Well, I wished for what I wished for the day I fell in love with Danny: Freedom.

Marina: From what?

Michelle: From the world that he grew up in. The life that he led. And now the mayor's about out of the race and Danny in it and the people have been wonderful to him. I mean they want him.

Marina: You think that's all because of the ring?

Michelle: Maybe. I mean it's all a coincidence. I don't know. But I can't help thinking that just believing makes all the difference. So if you have for a wish, why hold back? I say go for it.

Marina: I want Shayne to get better. I want him to walk again.

Michelle: That's a beautiful wish.

Marina: Yeah, I guess I can't really lose anything by saying it out loud, huh? Except my belief that it'll come true.

Michelle: Don't think that.

Marina: You're right. It would be pretty amazing if one little wish could make Shayne walk again.

Michelle: Well, stranger things have happened.

Marina: Yeah. If these rings could make wishes come true, I wonder what else they could help change?

*   *   *   *   *

Edmund: Next on Guiding Light:

Jeffrey: Look, I know of something that might help Shayne. Are you interested?

Cassie: Of course I'm interested.

Sandy: You know how I said the other day that I wanted to keep you out of the family? I don't think that's the right way to go.

Josh: You know, Reva, I wish you would just tell me what's really wrong.

Reva: I will. Soon.

Marah: Why don't you tell us what all of this means?

Marina: Yeah, and what it has to do with our families?

Carrie: Don't you want to make the connections yourselves? And if you do, I promise you that everything -- life in Springfield will change forever.

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