GL Transcript Monday 12/8/03

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 12/8/03

By Suzanne
Proofread By Hijrah

Olivia: Hi.

Beth: Olivia.

Olivia: Thomas assured me that Lizzie's not here.

Beth: No, no, she's not. She's at play rehearsal. Alan told me you were back. He also told me about the baby. I'm sorry. I can't imagine.

Olivia: Thanks. Look, I know that we've had our problems in the past, but when you and Lillian showed up at my shower I kind of felt like... we got past a lot of that.

Beth: I think we did.

Olivia: Good, good, because I... I really need an honest answer from someone, and I’m hoping that person is you.

Beth: An answer about what?

Olivia: Phillip. Is he... really as sick as Alan says he is? Or is this just another Spaulding medical ploy? You know, like the faked heart attacks and the drug-induced psychosis?

Beth: Olivia, a ploy for what possible reason?

Olivia: To make sure that I don't come back into Phillip's life.

Beth: Do you want to?

Olivia: No. But Alan might think that I do, and... Don't mean to sound so jaded. It's just that it’s...

Beth: No, no, it is Alan we're talking about here. Olivia, I wish Alan were making it up. But Phillip is in a bad way. So bad that Dr. Langham thinks he needs to be institutionalized. They're transferring him to Ravenwood.

*   *   *   *   *

Beth: Phillip, I don't care if you're busy. The children need to spend more time with you, especially Lizzie. I've prepared a memo to that effect, in triplicate.

Lizzie: And while you're taking requests, I’d like a pony.

Harley: Make sure to leave time for Zach, Phillip. He needs a piece of you, too.

Lizzie: And a pony.

Harley: Golden retriever.

Beth: Make it a chocolate lab for James. Shouldn't you be taking notes?

Olivia: Well, it's a good thing I left town with your latest offspring, Phillip, because clearly you wouldn't have any time for us.

*   *   *   *   *

Phillip: Olivia?

*   *   *   *   *

Harley: Someone that I care about is in trouble? Who?

Jeffrey: No, no, wrong question, Harley, wrong question. Okay, the question you should be asking yourself is how am I going to help him?

Harley: Him?

Jeffrey: Let's say... Let's say the person that we're talking about was the father of one of your children.

Harley: Well, I assume that you're not talking about Rick. So Phillip is in jeopardy? What? What? It has to do with his business, right? Because I can't imagine anything in his personal life that would be...

Jeffrey: Harley...

Harley: ...Life-threatening.

Jeffrey: ...Listen to me, okay. If it were Phillip, if, let's say, he was involved in a conspiracy, a conspiracy that would not only put him in a lot of legal trouble, but would also threaten his personal safety, would you get involved then? Would you help?

Harley: Absolutely.

*   *   *   *   *

Amy: Nico, for the record, would you repeat what you just said?

Danny: Nico...

Nico: You heard me. The Santos family killed my parents. And if they hadn't offed them, who knows? Maybe I’d be running for mayor right now. But as it is, you all look at me, what do you see? You see some poor street punk from the hood, right?

Tony: Okay, Nico... Nico...

Nico: No, Tony, back off, okay?

Tony: Okay, all right.

Nico: Look... Look, I’m going to tell the truth about Danny. You writing this down? Yeah? Good. Yeah. The Santos family killed my parents. But I don't hold that against Danny because he didn't have anything to do with it. He's been real good to me; him and Michelle both, even when I didn't deserve it. Yeah. Danny gave me a second chance, a chance to prove myself. And that's what you guys need to give him. You won't be sorry if you do. Because Danny Santos will make a great mayor.

Danny: Okay, he had me a little worried, a little worried there...

Michelle: Not me, I knew he'd come through for you.

Eden: Bill.

Bill: I know, he's not even on the payroll.

Nico: Let me get out of here now. Bring the car around.

Danny: Nice going, kid.

Bill: Yeah, thanks there, Nico. All right, folks, I think you got what you needed to hear. Danny has to leave to meet his supporters, okay.

Danny: (Laughs) Oh, that was... I'll tell you, that kid's good to have around.

Michelle: Yeah, well, don't make me say I told you so.

Danny: Oh, man. I know, I know. It was my very beautiful, very sexy, very brilliant wife who thought it was such a good idea. And, as usual, she was right.

*   *   *   *   *

Jeffrey: Good, okay, you'll help, you'll help. That's good. That's the right answer, Harley.

Harley: Not so fast.

Jeffrey: What?

Harley: I said that I would do something to help Phillip. That doesn't necessarily mean I will help you. I don't even know what... What is it you want me to do? Who am I working for here? What are the risks?

Jeffrey: Okay, A: whatever I ask you to do. B: I think you figured that out. And C: it doesn't matter what the risks are because we're going to cover you, okay? We're going to get your back. Now, any other information I give to you will be on a strictly need-to-know basis.

Harley: Well, then you better start talking because I need to know.

Jeffrey: You'll agree to my terms.

Harley: Which are?

Jeffrey: Well, first of all, whatever I’ve told you and whatever I will tell you in the future is between us, okay? You're not to share it with anyone, including Gus.

Harley: Because he's a cop?

Jeffrey: Because he's Alan Spaulding's son.

Harley: So Alan Spaulding is involved in this.

Jeffrey: Someone is using Spaulding Enterprises for their own nefarious purposes. And a lot of people, not just Phillip, are going to get hurt if they're allowed to get away with it. Now, if you sign on, you'll learn more. And whatever I don't tell you, I'm sure that you're going to ferret it out, one way or the other. So what do you say, Harley? Come on, I don't have all night. What's it going to be? Are you in or are you out?

*   *   *   *   *

Phillip: It's okay. Just breathe. There's nobody here. There's nobody here.

*   *   *   *   *

Phillip: Olivia, where have you been? Where is the baby?

Beth/Lizzie/Harley: Where's the baby?

Alexandra: Order, order. How do you expect Phillip to pay your alimony if he can't get any work done?

Beth: It's because he's so busy we have to bother him, Alex.

Harley: He never has time for his kids.

Lizzie: Especially me.

Beth: And James.

Harley: And Zach.

Olivia: It's just the opposite with me. He won't leave me alone. He sees me wherever he goes. That's why I had to get away with...

All except Phillip: The baby.

Lizzie: Whoopee, Dad, another kid. Another sibling for me, and I get shoved even further down on your priority list.

Beth: There, there. I will never let that happen to you. And if she tries to hurt herself again, it's on your head, buster. It's all in this memo.

Phillip: No, no more paperwork, please. I'm drowning in paperwork.

Beth: This outlines the amount of time you will spend with your first daughter. The one going through the tough time who needs your help desperately.

Olivia: Don't make fish eyes at me, Beth. I don't want that man anywhere near me or my kid. It's not my fault he won't get the message!

Beth: On page two is a weekly calendar divided into one-hour segments. You must commit to ten hours a week, in addition to your regular alternate weekends.

Lizzie: And don't forget the pony.

Harley: I want the same for Zach.

Beth: Zach doesn't even ride.

Olivia: You can keep the horse flesh, Phillip. I just want you to let me raise my little girl in peace, as far away from you and your crazy family as possible.

Alexandra: Ladies, please. Phillip, can you see what a mess this is? If you really cared, you'd fix it.

Phillip: I do care! I would do anything for my kids.

Harley: Oh, give me a break. You are so self-absorbed.

Olivia: It's always me, me, me.

Beth: You've never been there for Lizzie.

Harley: You don't really love your kids.

Phillip: Yes, I do.

Olivia: They're better off without you.

Phillip: No! Come on, it's all right. You just got to focus. Focus, Phillip.

*   *   *   *   *

Beth: For a minute there, I thought you were going to faint.

Olivia: Yeah, so did I.

Beth: It’s... Is it the aftermath of...

Olivia: No, no, physically, I'm fine. Emotionally, it’s... been a little hard.

Beth: I'm sure. (Clears throat) No, I just...

Olivia: What?

Beth: I was going to say something sympathetic, and then I realized how inadequate it was. What are your plans?

Olivia: I don't know. I came back here to finish up some business with Cassie, and then I was planning on leaving again. But I... I... have to tell Phillip. Have you... have you seen him since he's been in the hospital?

Beth: Yes, I have. I've been by a couple of times. He's been sleeping. They have him pretty heavily sedated.

Olivia: Sedated? I can't imagine Phillip going along with that. He loves to be in control.

Beth: Until now. Now, it's more important for him to get better.

Olivia: Did I do this to him, Beth? I did, didn't I?

Beth: No, no, Olivia, it’s... It wasn't any one person or thing. This has been building for months and... if anything, I suppose the trigger was Lizzie's illness.

Olivia: Maybe, maybe, but it was my leaving that pushed him over the edge. Yes, it was. It was my leaving and the fear that he would never see our child.

Beth: Olivia, don't... Don’t... Don't... Don't blame yourself. Don't do that on top of everything else that you're going through.

Olivia: I guess it's easier said than done.

Beth: Look, whatever brought Phillip to this point, he's getting the help he needs now, and that's really all that matters.

Olivia: Yeah. And Lizzie... Lizzie, how's she handling all this? I mean, it must have set her back.

Beth: Uh... No, actually, she’s... she's doing pretty well. Look, I know that it seems you've come back to chaos, but the situation really is under control. Actually, for once, the whole family is in agreement. We're going to take care of Phillip. So you don't have to worry. You just go and do what you need to do to take care of yourself.

Olivia: Yeah, I will. I will. I just... I need to see Phillip first, you know. I need to see how he really is.

Beth: Olivia, that really is a bad idea.

Olivia: So you do blame me for Phillip's breakdown?

Beth: No, I don't. I don’t. But you're probably right. Your leaving was the last straw for him.

Olivia: All the more reason I should go and see him.

Beth: He can't handle it.

Olivia: How do you know? How do you know? I mean, if my leaving is what made things so bad, maybe my return can make it a little better.

Beth: Okay, look... Phillip has been having hallucinations of you. He keeps thinking he sees you everywhere.

Olivia: You know, Alan said that to me. I'm having a really hard time believing that.

Beth: Then you can ask Rick. You can ask Dr. Langham. You can ask Gus and Harley. They were there when Phillip practically accosted a complete stranger and broke into her apartment, because he thought it was you.

Olivia: Well, then... then... then I should see him. If he saw me in the flesh maybe these hallucinations would stop. Maybe it would get him grounded in reality again.

Beth: Okay, okay, well, let's go with that for a minute. Suppose you do go to visit him and he sees the real you standing before him. What then? Do you tell him you lost the baby?

Olivia: No... No... No, he probably couldn't handle that.

Beth: Definitely couldn't handle that...

Olivia: All right, then I don't tell him. I don't tell him. I just... I wait until he gets better.

Beth: And in the meantime you lie to him? You let him go on thinking that he has a child out there that he still wants to meet? And then when he gets better, then do you tell him? And what if that sets him back, Olivia? How could this possibly help him?

Olivia: It wouldn't.

Beth: Well, then...

Olivia: All right, Beth, come on, I just... I got to know. Are you sure? Are you sure he's really this sick? I mean, you said that you've only... You haven't spoken to him since he's been in the hospital, and when you saw him he was asleep, right?

Beth: Yeah, but I saw him before he went to the hospital. And I've spoken to Rick. And I've spoken to Dr. Langham...

Olivia: And Alan. Alan who would love nothing more than to declare Phillip incompetent so he could take his company back, right?

Beth: Alan already has control of the company temporarily...

Olivia: All right, you see, you see.

Beth: Olivia, you've been through a lot in the last few months, and I think you're probably feeling pretty emotional yourself right now.

Olivia: Yeah, you think I’m being paranoid.

Beth: No, I don't. I think that you're concerned about a man you once loved very much. And I think you feel guilt over something you think is your fault. But neither of those is a good enough reason to go visit Phillip and risk upsetting him more...

Olivia: I have to do something, Beth.

Beth: Okay, okay. Then my suggestion is that you speak to Rick or you speak to Christopher. If there is something you can do, they'll tell you. In the meantime I am going to see Phillip later today. I'll call you in the morning. I'll give you a full report, I promise, all right?

Olivia: I promise.

Beth: All right.

Olivia: Thank you.

(Cell phone rings)

Beth: I have to get this. This could be Lizzie...

Olivia: Sure.

Beth: ...Needing a ride.

(Ringing continues)

Beth: Hello? Oh, Sue, hi. Yes, it's a fund-raiser for the library. For the literacy volunteers. If you hold on a minute, I can get you the numbers. I really have to take this.

Olivia: Sure. No, I'll see myself out. Thanks.

Beth: I'll call you in the morning. Sue, yeah, do you need the actual numbers or the projected numbers?

*   *   *   *   *

Jeffrey: Well?

Harley: There's something you're not telling me. There is some missing link here that you are not telling me. And I'm not saying yes until you do.

Jeffrey: It's Green.

Harley: Brad Green?

Jeffrey: Brad Green, okay. You got close to him and you gained his trust when you worked the Jenson case.

Harley: So it's Spaulding's pharmaceutical division that's...

Jeffrey: No, Harley, I need you to get closer and to stay close to him. That's all.

Harley: To get information so that you can nail somebody above him or is it Green...

Jeffrey: That's all I’m going to tell you, okay? Now, are you interested? I think you are. As a matter of fact, I’m sure you are. So just say ‘yes’ so we can get done with this. Okay, now what?

Harley: You keep telling me that this investigation will help Phillip. Okay, that's fine. But we both know how these things sometimes go down, Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: We do? How's that?

Harley: People get swept up in them. Innocent people get caught up, and they take the fall for something they didn't do. Now, can you guarantee me that Phillip will not be one of those people?

Jeffrey: You know I can't.

Harley: Wrong answer.

*   *   *   *   *

Lizzie: I've never been involved in a political campaign before. Actually, it's really fun.

Alexandra: Yes, it's also going to look very good on your college applications.

Lizzie: Aunt Alex, do you think Danny can actually win?

Alexandra: I don't think it really matters. Whoever wins, the Spauldings are going to back.

Lizzie: And you don't really care who, either.

Alexandra: Not particularly, no. Lizzie, darling, I hate to say sound so jaded, but, you know, from where I stand it’s... Most politicians seem to be interchangeable. They're all crooks anyway. Danny Santos is just very up front about it.

*   *   *   *   *

Bill: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please? I'd like to introduce to you the next mayor of Springfield, Danny Santos.

(Cheers and applause)

Michelle: Hey, Ross.

Ross: Hello, sweetheart.

Michelle: So, did you see Danny and me on TV?

Ross: Oh, we all did right here.

Michelle: So, what'd you think?

Ross: Well... It seemed to go pretty well.

Michelle: Just seemed to?

Ross: Well, you can never be sure of these things, Michelle.

Michelle: Okay, but what did you think? I mean, did Danny seem likable, strong, like a guy who could get the job done?

Ross: All of the above. Look, can I buy you something to drink?

Michelle: Ross, how come you don't want Danny to get elected?

Ross: Why don't we talk about this a little later? I have to make a call, check in with my office, okay?

*   *   *   *   *

Alexandra: Oh, he's a born politician, isn't he?

Buzz: He's not the only one, toots. Come on. Uh, Danny, yo, excuse me. A minute of your time?

Danny: Sure, excuse me. I'll see you later. Sure, what's up? Hi, Alexandra. First, big thanks for letting us do this here.

Buzz: Oh, please, hey, my pleasure. You can do something for me now.

Danny: Okay.

Buzz: Look at those guys over there. You recognize any of them?

Danny: Um, yeah, the guy in the blue shirt. He owns the bodega on 4th and Clement.

Buzz: Excellent, good memory. They are all... All these guys are small business owners in the area, all right. I mean, they're such small fish this is probably the first time you've crossed paths, but...

Danny: Buzz, there are no small fish. Every vote counts.

Buzz: Exactly. And they appreciate all the good you've done for them and their bottom lines. And they'd like to return it with their support.

Danny: I'm on top of it. Thank you very much. Thanks.

Buzz: You're wondering why I’m so suddenly pro-Santos.

Danny: Well, you do have a reason or two to hold a grudge against me.

Buzz: Maybe. But I care about the neighborhood. And if you do for the town what you did for those people, you'd be a damn fine mayor. Go fish.

Danny: Thank you.

*   *   *   *   *

Michelle: Hey, Dad.

Ed: Hey, yourself.

Michelle: So did you see the interview?

Ed: Yeah, sure did. It played great.

Michelle: You think?

Ed: Yes, Danny came across really well. You know, clear-headed, decisive.

Michelle: All right, forget about all that. How did I look?

Ed: (Laughs) You looked wonderful, beautiful. I still... I can't quite understand that you're going to be the new... the next first lady of Springfield. I am so proud of you.

Michelle: Well, I hope that that's true.

Ed: That's the second time in as many days you've doubted my word.

*   *   *   *   *

Marah: Sorry.

Tony: No problem. How you doing?

Marah: I see you like the suit that I made for you. You're wearing it.

Tony: I do, yeah, it fits great. Thanks.

Marah: That's great.

Tony: All right, Marah, Marah, look. I know that I've been cold towards you. You know, kind of cold since I got back in town...

Marah: "Kind of?"

Tony: Yeah, well, I just... Like I was going to say, I thought...

Marah: Tony, look, if you're thinking about apologizing, it's a little too late okay?

Tony: Well, I am going to apologize anyway. If you don't want to accept it, Marah, that's fine. I just think it's a small town, we're bound to bump into each other. And I think that, you know, we should get along, all right?

Marah: Oh, that's nice. You want to "get along" now because it's convenient for you. But before when I was being nice to you, you treated me like dirt.

Tony: Oh, come on, Marah, please...

Marah: You know what, Tony, if it's distance you want, you got it.

*   *   *   *   *

Michelle: I was talking about Danny running for mayor, because you were so worried that it was going to wreak havoc on my personal life. That comment had nothing to do with Maryanne Caruthers thing.

Ed: Why are you bringing her up again?

Michelle: Because you did.

Buzz: Michelle, great interview.

Michelle: Thanks, thanks.

Buzz: You know, when you're first lady of Springfield, I get to do the catering, right?

Michelle: You know, let's just see if Danny gets elected first, Buzz.

Buzz: Absolutely. You know, there was a reporter that wanted to talk to you over there.

Michelle: Which one?

Buzz: That one over there.

Michelle: Okay, duty calls.

Buzz: Steady.

*   *   *   *   *

Bill: I know, Tony, huh.

Eden: What about Tony?

Bill: Well, he and Marah just crossed paths so... I don't know, maybe you should go talk to him.

Eden: Why don't you go, Bill?

Bill: Tony's not going to want to open up to me about my cousin. So go ahead, go talk to him.

Eden: Fine. (Sighs) Bill asked me to come over here and make sure you were all right.

Tony: Well, why wouldn't I be?

Eden: I don't know, Tony. Because you had a chance to make up with Marah and you blew it, and now she's even more hurt.

Tony: Okay, first of all, Marah was the one copping the attitude not me, all right.

Eden: I guess yours is catchy, how sad is that.

Tony: No, it's not sad. It's good. Longer... We won't work, like longer... We won't work, like you and Bill.

Eden: You know, shut up, Tony.

Tony: No, I’m not going to shut up. It's not just talk anymore, Eden. Don't you see that? You will see that, and when you do, you know the rest.

*   *   *   *   *

Jeffrey: What's the verdict, Harley?

Harley: I don't know. I need some time.

Jeffrey: Okay, fair enough. Don't take too much. Here.

Harley: What's this?

Jeffrey: That's a number for you to call when you're ready. Okay, memorize it and then get rid of it.

Harley: Who's Terrier?

Jeffrey: That's you. That's your code name, Terrier.

Harley: Terrier?

Jeffrey: Yeah, yeah, I made it up myself, you know. Because of the way you worked on the Jenson case. You were like a little... what do you call them, Jack Russell, you know they clamp down and they never let go.

Harley: I think that’s a pit bull.

Jeffrey: Well, terriers are cuter.

Harley: Was that flattery? Hey, do I get a secret decoder ring while I’m at it?

Jeffrey: We don't pass those out anymore, budget problems you know. This is serious business, Harley. Especially for Phillip, with no one to protect his interests. My associates will take you home if you want. I hope you join us.

Harley: I'll be in touch.

*   *   *   *   *

Nurse: Excuse me, you can't go in there.

Olivia: I'm sorry. I thought that this was Phillip Spaulding's room.

Nurse: It is, but only family's allowed to visit...

Olivia: Well, I am... I am family. See, I’ve already been cleared, so can I go on in?

Nurse: Sure, of course.

Olivia: Thanks.

Nurse: Sorry.

Olivia: Phillip, are you awake? It's me, Olivia.

Phillip (weakly): Olivia.

Olivia: I just got back to town and I...

Phillip: Why? (Crying)

Olivia: What?

Phillip: Why are you doing this to me? Stop torturing me.

Olivia: Oh, God.

Phillip: I know you're not real.

Olivia: I am. I am real... And you're here...

Phillip: No, you're not. No, you're not. No, you're not!

*   *   *   *   *

Eden: Hey. I hate to see you and Tony like this, so far apart.

Marah: Well, yeah, you better get used to it, because that's the way it is, and that's the way it's going to be from now on.

Eden: Maybe.

Marah: You know, Miss Bad Girl, you're probably the most romantic person I know. And I think you probably want Tony and me to get back together more than anybody, but... it's okay to give up on the dream. I have. And it's not defeat. It's just reality, moving on. Onward and upward.

*   *   *   *   *

Jeffrey: Evening, Counselor.

Ross: Well, good evening, Mr. DA.

Jeffrey: How you doing?

Ross: Good.

Jeffrey: Now, I heard some interesting rumblings down at city hall this morning.

Ross: Ah, do tell.

Jeffrey: Actually, I was hoping that you could tell me.

Ross: Tell you what?

Jeffrey: Well...

Marah: Ross, do you mind if I steal Mr. O'Neill away from you for a moment?

Ross: No, be my guest.

Marah: I'll bring him right back, I promise.

Ross: No, by all means, keep him.

Marah: Oh, thank you, I will. We need to discuss some legal matters. Very pressing matters. Here, okay. Would you relax? I really do need your legal advice.

Jeffrey: Well, on what?

Marah: My contracts, remember? You said you would take a look at them, perhaps over a drink at my suite at the Springfield Inn?

Jeffrey: How about over a non-alcoholic drink right here, right now?

Marah: All right, suit yourself, scaredy cat.

*   *   *   *   *

Tony: Hey.

Danny: Hey. So I remember not so long ago you'd pop a guy for so much as even looking at her.

Tony: I'm not jealous.

Danny: Okay.

Tony: I'm not if that's what you think, okay? I just... I want... I want her to be happy. But, O’Neill, I mean, he's not the guy. He's going to hurt her, you know that.

Danny: Like you didn't hurt her?

Tony: Okay, you know what, if this is going to be a "Bash Tony" session...

Danny: No, no, no, no, it's not. Not at all. I came over to thank you. I mean it. I really appreciate the help that you gave at the house tonight. Thank you.

Tony: That's no problem, Danny. You know I’ve always got your back.

Danny: Well, let's hope that you won't be necessary anymore. So it went pretty well tonight, don't you think?

Tony: Yeah, I think so, yeah, so far, yeah, sure.

Danny: I don't know. Ed doesn't seem too thrilled that I’m running. And Ross doesn't seem to be too excited about it, either.

Tony: Ross, I’m surprised, why?

Danny: No, I don't know. He's always been really good to me and Michelle.

Tony: Yeah.

Danny: And when you and I were jammed up with the Feds...

Tony: He was the man, of course.

Danny: I don't know. Maybe I did something to rub him the wrong way. I don't know what.

Tony: Listen, listen, get used to it. All right. This is where it all starts, you know?

Danny: What?

Tony: The old favors, having to make sides. You know, I mean this is all different now. Now you got to build consensus. You know, you can't just tell people what to do. You got to compromise a little, right?

Danny: (Laughs) Right, compromise.

Tony: Exactly.

Michelle: Oh, Danny is great at compromising. See, whenever I want something, he compromises and says ‘yes’.

Tony: Okay, so on that note, I'm going to go. You guys take care. I'll see you in the morning.

Michelle: Okay. Bye. So?

Danny: Oh, I have something for you. Why aren't you wearing one yet?

Michelle: Oh, sorry.

Danny: All right. So it was a pretty good night.

Michelle: It was a great night, don't you think?

Danny: Yeah. You want to go outside and make out? Or wish on a star, something like that?

Michelle: Uh, see, I already did that and I got...

Danny: What?

Michelle: ...Everything that I wanted.

Danny: I got everything I wanted when you came back to me.

Michelle: Guess we're pretty lucky then, aren't we, Mr. Santos?

Danny: You bet we are, Mrs. Santos.

*   *   *   *   *

Harley: Blake? Mel? You guys still here? Hey, Blake, it's me. Yeah, I'm sorry. I got... sidetracked on the way to Company. Just stuff, stuff. But I promise you the next dinner, it's on me, okay? Yeah, I'm sorry, I am. Okay, I'll see you... I'll see you in the morning. A double latte on me. Okay, bye. Phillip, please be okay. Please, please, be okay.

Automated Voice: The number you have reached is no longer in service. Please check the number and dial again.

Harley: Phillip Spaulding without a cell phone. Well, that's strange. That is very, very strange.

*   *   *   *   *

Phillip: I'm not listening to you. I'm not listening to you. I can't hear you. I don't see you...

Olivia: Phillip, you've been hallucinating... Beth told me...

Phillip: ...You're not here. (Humming)

Olivia: Listen to me, I’m real, all right? I'm standing right in front of you...

Phillip: This is a dream. It's just a dream...

Olivia: No, it's not a dream...

Phillip: ...And you'll go.

Olivia: Listen, can a dream do this? Shh, it's okay.

Phillip: Oh, my God.

Olivia: You see?

Phillip: You feel so real.

Olivia: That's because I am real. Look, I had to go away for a little while, but I'm back now, okay? And I'm sorry. I am so sorry if my leaving... If I had anything to do with this. But I want you to get better now, okay? And you are, you're going to get better because you're in good hands. You are, you're going to get better. You will.

Phillip: I'm going to get better. I'm going to get better. I'm going to get better. I'm going to get better. (Rambling incoherently)

Olivia: (Screams)

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