Guiding Light Transcript Monday 12/5/03
By Suzanne
Proofread By Hijrah
Reva: Look, I know that Holly's going to be looking for ratings, but I also need to conduct the interview the way I want to conduct it.
Producer: And soft pedal who Danny Santos is, what he's been involved in?
Reva: The alleged former crime boss of the Santos family, yes. Everybody knows that.
Bill: Now, is it possible not to refer to Danny's past?
Reva: In a truthful, accurate, and honest way? You know something, Bill?
Bill: Yes?
Reva: I'm your aunt, which entitles you to a kiss on the cheek. But tonight, more importantly, I'm a journalist.
Bill: I know. And I'm not trying to get you to compromise your integrity here.
Reva: Despite the fact that you're morphing into James Carvelle before my very eyes? Look, when you told me what this interview was really going to be about, I told you then that I wasn't going to be a shill for a Santos campaign. People are going to have legitimate questions for Danny.
Bill: Yeah, and look, you know what he's doing to do? He's going to answer them.
Reva: Then we're done.
* * * * *
Danny: Marah, come on, believe it or not, I have been dressing myself for a while now.
Bill: How's it going in here?
Danny: We're having tie issues.
Bill: Tie issues? All right, well go with this one right here and Windsor knot. And you might want to use this watch here.
Danny: Why? What's wrong with the one I'm wearing?
Marah: A little too flashy.
Bill: A little too flashy, yeah. All right, so how are you feeling?
Danny: Good.
Bill: You feeling all right?
Danny: Yeah.
Bill: You sure? A little nervous?
Danny: No.
Bill: Now, remember, watch for the light on the camera but don't look directly into it. Choose your moments for impact. If you get thrown off-guard, take your time but don't look stuck. It's important that you sound prepared but you don't want to sound like you're being handled.
Danny: You don't want me to sound handled?
Bill: Yeah.
Danny: Better stop handling me. Help me with this.
* * * * *
Tony: Ever think you'd see anything like this? The Santos family on public display for something other than the crime beat on the 6:00 news, huh?
Eden: That was then. Danny has nothing to hide anymore, okay?
Tony: Everyone has something to hide, Eden.
Eden: Mr. Subtlety.
Tony: This isn't real, you know. I mean, come on, take a look around. Cameras around the living room in this house like it's a Barbara Walters special. People acting like we're the Kennedys or something. Come on, it's just....
Eden: You know, you riding the range on a horse farm, that's pretending. This is your cousin trying to make something of his life. Maybe you should try it.
Tony: I am. You just don't see that.
* * * * *
Marah: She showed up last night after you left.
Michelle: What? She did? Did she say anything about Maryanne Caruthers or our dads.
Marah: She was vague, as usual. But I think this may go deeper than any of us thought.
Michelle: Yeah. And some people have something to hide.
* * * * *
Beth: This is going to break Phillip.
Gus: Let me ask you something: Is Olivia really blaming Phillip or Lizzie?
Alan: Well, you know what? I think in her heart she blames every one of us.
Christopher: So Phillip hasn't been told?
Alan: No, he hasn't. And that's why I’ve called you all here, because under no circumstances must Phillip learn that his daughter didn't make it. He is just too fragile right now.
Gus: I don't understand. Why don't you tell the man? Tell him what happened. This way he can grieve.
Beth: Phillip is going to carry the guilt of this child's death for the rest of his life and there is no way that we're going to convince him that it's not his fault or even Lizzie's.
Christopher: His mind is so unsound right now, he might even think it was Lizzie. I'd like to see Phillip's condition stabilize before he hears any news about Olivia or the baby.
Alan: Yes, but we've got one problem. Olivia is back and she wants to see him. So what we've got to do is get him as far away from Springfield as possible before she has a chance to do that.
* * * * *
Harley: Okay. Does anybody have a toothpick so I can pick the coffee grinds out of my teeth? Hello?
Blake: Coffee maker's on the blink.
Harley: Thanks for that, Blake, I figured it out. I'm having massive caffeine withdrawal here. I'm making a run to Company and I’m taking orders.
Blake: Double latte.
Harley: I knew it. Mel, herbal tea?
Mel: That sounds good. Get me a vanilla chamomile. You know what else?
Harley: Let me guess, pickles, right? I mean, I know it sounds cliché, but it always worked for me.
Mel: No, no. Just get me a turkey horseshoe, curly fries, and a strawberry milkshake.
Blake: You want a vat of chili to wash that down?
Mel: Yeah. Hold the onions.
Blake: My thighs got fatter just listening to that.
Harley: I'll be back with that wheelbarrow of food.
Mel: Thank you.
Federal Agent #1: Harley Cooper?
Harley: Maybe.
Federal Agent #2: Would you come with us, please?
Harley: No.
Federal Agent #2: This doesn't have to be difficult.
Harley: You know what? Let me consult with my partners, okay? Okay. Okay.
* * * * *
Marah: Have you heard from Carrie?
Michelle: No.
Harley: Because I can't stop thinking about what she said. Did you ever realize that all of our names start with the letter "M?" Michelle, Marina, Marah.
Michelle: And this dead woman Maryanne.
Marah: Yeah. All of our dads named us with the first letter of our names being "M." Don't you find that a little bit weird?
Michelle: Yeah. And I'd ask my dad about it but he hasn't exactly been himself lately.
* * * * *
Bill: Ed? After the interview, I want the family to stick around, be available to the press.
Ed: Come on, Bill, I'm really not good at stuff like that.
Bill: Michelle and Danny, people are going to wonder about your support. I don't want to play hard ball, I'm I just could use all the help I can get.
Ed: All right. So I just say nice things about Danny?
Bill: Yeah, yeah, yeah. That would help.
Ed: Okay.
Bill: Great. Thank you.
Michelle: Hey, Dad.
Ed: Hey.
Michelle: How are you feeling?
Ed: I'm fine. I'm fine.
Michelle: Yeah?
Ed: Listen, I told Ross I was going to go over to Company and watch that... this thing here.
Michelle: You don't want to see it live?
Ed: I'm just going to get in the way. I'll see you later.
Michelle: Oh, okay.
* * * * *
Eden: You really are running this show. Barking at people, waving your clipboard around.
Bill: I've got to tell you, Eden, this is the first thing I’ve done in a long time that's just for me, you know? And I want to do whatever it takes to get Danny to win. I want to make this happen. I don't want to do it for the construction company, I don't want to do it for the family, it's for me, you know?
Eden: Maybe that's why I am getting so turned on.
Bill: Yeah? Well, you know, I could spank you with the clipboard.
Eden: Okay.
Bill: Well, you know what? Rain-check because after the interview we've got post- interviews and then we've got pollsters to meet and then there's a party at Company do so....
Eden: I will be waiting.
Bill: Listen to me. If this works, a whole new world will open up for us.
Eden: I know.
* * * * *
Reva: Okay. We're ready.
Danny: Okay. All right, here we go. Wish me luck.
Michelle: This is going to get crazy, isn't it?
Danny: Yeah, I think it already is crazy. But honey, just remember, all the important stuff doesn't change: You, me, our boy, okay?
Michelle: Okay.
Danny: I wouldn't be here without you.
Michelle: I know.
Danny: Lipstick. Is it off?
* * * * *
Ross: Hey, Buzz.
Buzz: Hey.
Ross: That's a bit presumptuous, Danny hasn't even declared yet.
Buzz: It's just a matter of time. That banner is going to be a collector's item one day.
Ross: I'd stick with your Elvis records.
Buzz: Little Billy reserved the place for right after Reva's show. Now, he wouldn't have done that if Danny weren't running. You know something, Ed?
Ed: I'm sworn to secrecy.
Ross: Can I get a decaf for the good doctor? Looks like he hasn't slept in a couple of weeks. I know, Ed, that you've been sleep deprived ever since your residency, but I’ve never seen you look like this.
Ed: It's just all this craziness, Danny and his ambitions.
Ross: Well, soon he's going to be putting your family through the wringer, not to mention the town. Buzz, real cream if you've got it. Oh, excuse me, I have to make a call. I'll be right back.
Buzz: Nightmares?
Ed: You?
Buzz: I keep the TV on until I pass out. Doesn't work. I still dream. You know, I've got to give Alan a call, get some pointers. He's nursing the same secret we are and I bet he sleeps like a baby.
* * * * *
Gus: What does that mean, that Phillip should get out? What does that mean?
Alan: The Spaulding family has a relationship with a facility called Ravenwood and I’ve put in a phone call to them.
Christopher: I have privileges there. It's first rate.
Gus: Wait a second. You're not talking about a facility, you're talking about a nut house, is that right?
Beth: Wait a minute. Phillip just checked himself into Cedars for a 72-hour evaluation.
Alan: Yes, but Phillip is not safe there. I mean, Olivia could get to him, some other person could let him know about his daughter. At Ravenwood, though, he would be isolated, no phones, no visitors, only his treatment.
Christopher: I'll check on the status of the paperwork.
Beth: I'll see you out, Christopher. I need to talk to you.
* * * * *
Gus: You know, Al, look, I really... I try to join in with this thing and I appreciate your including me in this and everything. But, I honestly feel like your business with Phillip, that's nothing to do with me, okay?
Alan: Gus, you're a part of this family, and whatever affects Spaulding affects you. And that's what I want to discuss with you.
* * * * *
Harley: I'll have you know that my brother is the chief of police and you're going knob a lot of trouble if you don't let me go. Oh, the bare bulb treatment. You've got to be kidding me.
Federal Agent #1: Let go. Have a seat. He'll be out in a minute.
Harley: He? You. In the back of my head, I knew it was you.
Jeffrey: That sounds like a lyric to a song. And if it's not, it ought to be. How are you, Harley?
Harley: Angry.
Jeffrey: Thanks for dropping by.
Harley: Stuff it.
Jeffrey: Oh, come on, don't revert to type. You're much more interesting, at least to me, anyway, when you're unpredictable.
Harley: I'd love to stay here for some more insults but I have an appointment to keep.
Jeffrey: Oh, well, Blake and Mel can wait for their takeout if that's what you're talking about.
Harley: You just tipped your hand.
Jeffrey: Oh, come on, you always thought that I had your place bugged anyway, right?
Harley: But you're not afraid to confirm it? My friends will know something's up when I don't come back.
Jeffrey: Well, then we don't want to keep you long, do we? Boys, maybe we should get Miss Cooper here something to drink. I don't know, coffee, water, glass of wine, a soda pop. Anything that will make her more comfortable for her stay here with us.
Harley: Am I staying long?
Jeffrey: That depends on... on you.
* * * * *
Mel: Shouldn't Harley be back by now? I mean, how long does it take to make a turkey horseshoe?
Blake: She's probably just stopping to chat with Buzz, you know? Hey, who was on the line just now?
Mel: Oh, the DA's office is going to press charges against Lori and Green's wife. Lori's mom, Brenda, wants us to represent Lori.
Blake: We were the ones who exposed Lori's crime in the first place. Hasn't Brenda ever heard of conflict of interest?
Mel: We'll let a judge sort it out. Where the heck is Harley?
* * * * *
Harley: This cloak-and-dagger stuff is already getting boring. And it just makes you weirder, by the way.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well I would have liked to have done this somewhere else myself, like my office, put my feet up. But I have some matters of a confidential nature that I wish to discuss with you, Harley. And I couldn't risk having the two of us being seen together.
Harley: And if I don't care to listen?
Jeffrey: Then you would be setting yourself up for some legal problems that you might never, ever see your way clear of.
Harley: That would be a threat.
Jeffrey: Yeah, that would be a threat.
* * * * *
Beth: Okay. Next subject: Lizzie. I'm not sure how much I should tell her about what's going on with Phillip.
Christopher: Well, you can't hide what's going on with her father. She's going to have questions.
Beth: But she's been through so much already and she's just now getting back to some semblance of a normal life.
Chris: So what are you going to tell her when she asks about her father, where he is, how he is?
Beth: I know, you're right. You're right. I... I have to talk to her. I'll go call her, now. Marah, hi, do you have a minute? I saw you at Towers the other night.
Marah: This is obviously about Jeffrey.
Beth: I know it's known of my business but....
Marah: He's too old, I'm too young. No offense, Beth, but I really don't want to hear all the reasons why Jeffrey is wrong for me, especially from one of his exes. You're right. It is none of your business, if you don't mind.
* * * * *
Reva: Good evening and welcome to our special edition of the Reva Lewis Show. My guest tonight is no stranger to Springfield. His name is Daniel Santos. For years, the name Santos was synonymous with organized crime in this city. Mr. Santos was feared by many, vilified by many more, including police officials and elected officials, as well. It's on the subject of elected officials where our story takes a turn this evening. Mr. Santos claims to have had a mighty conversion. He says he's turned his life around, much in the same way he's revitalized the 5th Street neighborhood. Mr. Santos' supporters say that if he can do it for 5th Street, he can do it for the rest of the city at large -- if given the chance. My guest tonight, Danny Santos.
Danny: Thank you, Reva, thank you for having me. I'm wondering would it be all right if my wife Michelle joined us?
Reva: Of course, Michelle, please, have a seat.
Danny: Honey?
Michelle: Hi.
Reva: Hello.
Michelle: Thank you.
Danny: Reva, if I may, before you start asking questions, I'd like to address your audience, the people of Springfield.
* * * * *
Jeffrey: Leave us alone. Oh, and Danny Santos is appearing on the Reva Lewis Show. Turn it on, I want to know what he says. We might have a former criminal as our new mayor. I mean, what a country, huh? This is an amazing country that you can do something like. And I suppose that's a good thing.
Harley: It's called a free country. And part two of the civics lesson -- keeping me here: Against the law.
Jeffrey: I'll let you go, Harley, as soon as you hear what I have to say.
Harley: I'm not even going to ask what gives you the right to drag me off the street.
Jeffrey: National security. Yeah. The Patriot Act's got some nice new provisions in there.
Harley: Well, let's cut to the chase. You are obviously not just the District Attorney of Springfield. Is that tough stare supposed to be a yes? Okay, then who the hell are you?
* * * * *
Alan: Just be discreet, that's all I’m asking. We're not trying to start a trade war here. But do call me Monday morning before the bell rings, all right?
Gus: You're a hell of a businessman. Right down to your cuticles, right? Not a second goes by but bang, you're right back in the game.
Alan: Well, but that assumes I’ve been out. You know, Spaulding doesn't slow down just because Phillip is not with us now. You probably think I’m seizing this moment to jump back in and take charge....
Gus: I don't think anything. It's not my business.
Alan: It is your business. It's also your legacy. And that's what I want to talk to you about. Please. Now, I want you to hear me out on this.
Gus: I got ears, I'm fine, just say whatever you want to say.
Alan: All right, I was wondering, now that I'm in charge of Spaulding again, if you might be interested in taking a crack at management.
Gus: Al, you... Seriously, you want me to step into the Spaulding big chair?
Alan: No. No, I will be in the big chair. You will be alongside.
Gus: Al....
Alan: You promised you would hear me out. All I want you, Gus, to do is observe, get the gist of how things are run, that's all.
Gus: So I can use the MBA I never got, right?
Alan: You don't need an MBA to learn the ropes.
Gus: It's happening. I've got to decide whether I’ve got to take the red pill or the blue pill. The red pill or the blue pill?
Alan: I liked that movie. Swallow the red pill and you'll see how deep the rabbit hole goes. Well, look, you've got your water.
Gus: Yeah, I've just got to decide whether I’m going to choke on it or not.
* * * * *
Danny: I think all of you watching tonight know why I'm here. I like to think of what's happened down on 5th Street as not just a renovation or gentrification, but as a renaissance. We reclaimed the neighborhood for our whole town. I believe in redemption, that anyone can overcome the mistakes and the tragedies of their life and emerge renewed. This is America, and I don't believe anyone should be forever defined by the circumstances of their birth or the way they were raised.
* * * * *
Mel: Danny Santos is going to announce his run for mayor on the Reva show.
Blake: Oh, yeah? Where's Harley?
* * * * *
Danny: We all make mistakes in life. But how we deal with those mistakes and make amends, that's what's most important.
Reva: So it's fair to say that you were born into a legacy of crime?
Danny: Very fair. And accurate. That life was all I knew until I met this beautiful angel sitting next to me. Because of my wife, Michelle, I know what it means to fight for what's most important in life: Family, friends, and home. I'm not a perfect man, not by a long shot. But I do know that achieving a better life doesn't have to be just a dream.
Tony: If he's running, why doesn't he just say it?
Danny: It can be a reality. The same way 5th Street became a reality. The people of 5th Street gave up believing in their neighborhood. They gave up believing that there would ever be jobs or places to shop or places for their children to play. And I owed it to those people to give back to them their neighborhood because of the misery my mother inflicted to that area for so many years. And I want to do the same for all of Springfield. That's why I’m here tonight addressing you. The only way that I can accomplish that task is if I’m the mayor of this wonderful city. And so I intend to run for the mayoralty of Springfield, Illinois. Together we can do great things for the city. I ask you to give me the chance to serve you. Thank you.
* * * * *
(Cheers and applause)
Buzz: I'll say one thing: The kid's a natural.
* * * * *
Reva: Welcome back. If you missed the earlier segment of our show, Danny Santos just announced his intention to run for mayor of Springfield. Early polls have yet to indicate how he stands with you, the people, but I encourage each and every one of you to let your voices be heard. Thanks for joining us and good night.
Danny: Yes?
Reporter #1: A few questions please, Mr. Santos. Mr. Santos, do you have a criminal record, Mr. Santos?
Danny: Because of my involvement in bringing down the Santos Crime Organization, no charges were ever filed against me and I received the thanks of the local police and federal authorities.
Reporter #2: Was that a quid pro quo? Are you saying the police unions endorse your candidacy?
Danny: I'm just saying they appreciated what I’ve done to help fight crime in this city.
Reporter #3: Mrs. Santos, the Bauers are well respected in this community. Will they be involved in your campaign?
Michelle: We're all a part of the same family. Danny is as much a part of the Bauer clan as I am a Santos.
* * * * *
Bill: So Amy?
Amy: Yeah.
Bill: I just want you to know that you are going to be the first one to get a copy of our platform positions tomorrow.
Amy: And nothing exclusive? I mean, everyone in town is going to be getting a position paper if from you guys. I want something more.
Bill: Do you? Well, if you're nice you'll get a little more.
* * * * *
Eden: Okay. He just announced, so run the article and, yeah, we're going to meet later tonight, okay? Thank you.
Tony: Eden, what do you say you and I get out of here?
Eden: What is it going to take for you to leave me alone?
Tony: Whoa, listen, I’m just... I'm thinking of the common good, that's all. I mean, listen, if you and I lay low, it's going to benefit Danny, right? So, I mean, you remember our headline, right?
Eden: "Mobster and Madame"? Yeah, I remember. And I don't care. So if you want to run out of town with your tail between your legs, go ahead. Me, I don't have to be ashamed of who I’ve been, okay, Tony?
Tony: Okay, so that's Bill talking. You know, my cousin has treated you like a human being for the first time.
Eden: Yeah, he has.
Tony: You think you're Mary Magdalene, is that it? I mean, come on, you're still the same girl, Eden. Am I right?
Eden: What aren't you getting, Tony? Did you hear what Danny just said in there? This is bigger than politics. He talks about, redemption and second chances and admitting what you've done and moving on.
Tony: Okay don’t... Don't play with me. Eden, since when you do you admit to anything, anyway? Well, I mean, to Bill, for example. Am I right?
Eden: I am changing my life. You stay out of my way.
Tony: All right.
* * * * *
Amy: So you're with the Santos campaign? What's your name?
Nico: What's yours?
Amy: Amy. Now, are you related or just a friend of the family?
Nico: Oh, no, I live here. Michelle and Danny took me in.
Amy: You must owe them a lot.
Nico: Yeah. It depends on who you ask.
Amy: Wait, wait. You didn't tell me your name.
* * * * *
Blake: Thank you. Well, I think the word's out. Danny was good.
Ross: Oh, yeah, yeah. It was a very nice speech.
Blake: Ooh, so skeptical, Counselor. You were a politician. You have to admit, he was pretty impressive. He was humble, honest.
Ross: Blake, you know I like the man personally, but he has a very specific constituency; namely, 5th Street. However, not all of us live down there and I happen to think that this guy's going to divide the town.
Blake: How so?
Ross: This is the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln and I think that great emancipator is spinning in his grave. I mean, should the capital of this great state have a mobster for mayor?
Blake: Former mobster.
Ross: Is there such a thing?
* * * * *
Buzz: Anyone that promises redemption for past sins has my vote.
Ed: Is that supposed to be funny?
Buzz: I wasn't smiling when I said it.
Ed: The sharks are going to come after me, too, and they're going to have questions.
Buzz: Only the questions they know to ask. It was buried a long time, it will stay buried. We still have to find out who's tipping off the girls and then deal with it.
* * * * *
Beth: Marah, I don't mean to butt in but I really feel that...
Marah: Do you really hate Jeffrey so much that you want to keep everyone from seeing him?
Beth: This has nothing to do with any bitterness that I have towards Jeffrey over the breakup of our relationship.
Marah: So I must have confused that scowl on your face for joy.
Beth: Marah, I'm just trying to protect you. Jeffrey is not the man he wants you to believe he is.
* * * * *
Jeffrey: So that's the big question, then. Why would a successful, ambitious young lawyer leave New York for Springfield? Unless he's not just the DA.
Jeffrey: My connections reach somewhat higher up on the political food chain.
Harley: How high?
Jeffrey: Well, I haven't had a nose bleed yet, but it's up there.
Harley: FBI? CIA? NSA?
Jeffrey: All you need to know, Harley, is that there is something significant taking place and it's rooted here in Springfield and I cannot give you specifics, yet.
Harley: Why tell me anything at all?
Jeffrey: From time to time we have been known to hire civilians, you know, for special jobs and in this instance, you happen to be perfect for the job. And I've also watched you work and I have to say I'm impressed.
Harley: Oh, come on. You're not recruiting me for my detective skills, O’Neill -- if that's even your name. What do you really want from me?
* * * * *
Alan: I know you love police work. It's your life, it's your passion. And I want you to know you did Joe August proud. I'm not asking you to get rid of that.
Gus: What are you asking exactly?
Alan: All I am saying is just take some time off, that's all. Nothing permanent. And just give this a try, that's all.
Gus: You just want to see me in pinstripes like you and Phillip. That's what you want to do.
Alan: You know something? This may be my only opportunity to teach you how Spaulding is run. Now, I know that you think that Spaulding is some kind of evil corporation bound on rural domination.
Gus: It's not?
Alan: No, it's not. It's a very powerful and good company and I want to teach you and show you how that works.
Gus: Uh-huh. And then I go back to my life? I go back to my job and there are no strings attached?
Alan: Absolutely, if that's what you want. But you know something? You might get hooked. You might start to enjoy it.
Gus: Yeah.
Alan: Look, you brought me into your world, a world I knew nothing about. You shared it with me and it changed me. It made me a better man and a better father. All I am saying is come into my world. Let me share that with you.
Gus: How long are we talking about? What's the time frame?
Alan: Three, four weeks. I mean, what could happen in three weeks?
Gus: I don't know. The world was created in six days, right? Anything. Anything is possible.
Alan: You know, this may be a world that you want to be a part of.
Gus: Very dramatic, Al. Sometimes you... Sometimes it really gets to me.
Alan: And sometimes you're glad it does. Son, choose.
* * * * *
Amy: So you were telling me how you and Danny hooked up.
Nico: Yeah, well I got into some trouble on the streets a while back and Danny bailed me out.
Amy: What kind of trouble?
Nico: You know, I really wasn't planning on talking much today. I think Danny's the guy you should be interviewing.
Amy: That's interesting.
Nico: What?
Amy: Mr. Santos still must be connected on the street if he was able to help you out.
Nico: See, why do you have to go ahead and use that word, connected? Because I didn't say anything about anyone being connected.
Amy: Well, you did imply that whatever you were into, Danny knew about it and he had the power to help you?.
Nico: The power? What the hell is this?
Amy: Well, I'm just trying to understand....
Nico: No, I’ll tell you what you're doing, lady. You're trying to flash your sexy smile at me, trying to get real close like it's going to get you something.
Amy: Nico, I don’t....
Nico: I'm just a poor, dumb street kid who you think doesn't know jack about the things your people do. And all the meanwhile, what are you doing? Your head's running like a tape recorder remembering every little thing trying to twist it around to put in tomorrow's front page.
Amy: I just thought this we were having a conversation. You were getting to know me and I wanted to know you.
Nico: Oh, please. What you're trying to do is you're trying to get me to spill some dirt on a good man, a man who's held me down ever since I’ve met him.
Amy: Held you down?
Amy: It mean he's had my back, lady. And you know what? I don't even know why he did. Hell, I don't even know why I let him after....
Amy: After he what? After Danny did what?
Nico: Can you just get out of my face?!
Amy: Okay, Nico, there's no need to get hostile.
Nico: Well that's what you want, right? You want me to get going so I'll spill something?! You want to know about Danny Santos? You want to know what Danny's done to my life!
Amy: Well it sounds pretty bad because otherwise you wouldn't be shouting.
Nico: Well, you know what, I think you'd be yelling, too, if someone murdered your parents!
Reporter #2: Sir, can you identify yourself?
Reporter #3: Can you repeat what you just said?
* * * * *
Reporter #1: Dr. Bauer, Tim Thomas, Springfield Gazette, about a question about your son-in-law.
Ed: So it begins.
Buzz: Good luck.
Reporter #1: Do you believe that Danny Santos is truly a different man now?
Ed: If this is a question of repentance then, yes, I think that anyone should be given a chance to atone for past sins.
Reporter #1: So no sin is unforgivable?
* * * * *
Beth: You deserve someone who will be committed to you, who will be honest with you, who will take care of your heart. Jeffrey O’Neill is not that kind of man.
Marah: You know what? Jeffrey has already told me that he doesn't want a commitment. He wants to just keep things simple and right now that sounds wonderful to me. Because I am tired of dating guys and getting hurt by men who don't know what they want and who lie to me about who they are and what they want.
Beth: Then you don't mind sharing Jeffrey with other women?
Marah: You know, Beth, I don't know if I really care about that. I... I'm happy with what Jeffrey can offer me.
Beth: You're not going to get out of this relationship without getting hurt. You really don't know who Jeffrey is.
Marah: I know enough.
Beth: And he'll prove you wrong even about that.
* * * * *
Gus: My head hurts, okay? I'm just... I'm thinking.
Alan: Good. Well, that's progress. A couple of months ago you would have laughed in my face. But there's still something about this you don't trust. So tell me, what about this is so distasteful?
Gus: You want me to be to be honest?
Alan: Yeah.
Gus: First of all, you're taking one son and you're sending him off to the loony bin. Excuse me, facility. Now you're taking the other son and putting him very conveniently into the chair, the Spaulding chair, the head of the company. It's just too convenient.
Alan: Let me tell you something. My father, Brandon, your grandfather, told me, he said "Never have just one child because if you lose that child you will still have another."
Gus: What are we, like a litter? Look, I know in your heart of hearts that you... You just really want me to be in the Spaulding company, right?
Alan: It's the same heart that has a very deep sadness for what Phillip is going through right now. Look, I'm not asking you to continue the bloodline here, I’m just asking you to do this until Phillip can come back and run the company. That's all.
Gus: Look, yeah, I'll... I will step in, all right, to help Phil out. Until he's well, okay? And then that's... That's it. Does that make you happy?
Alan: That does. And I'll take it.
Gus: Okay.
* * * * *
Harley: You still haven't explained. Why me?
Jeffrey: Isn't it obvious?
Harley: If it were, would I be asking?
Jeffrey: Okay. You're... You're my kind of woman, how's that?
Harley: I assume you mean professionally?
Jeffrey: I know women, Harley, professionally and otherwise, yeah. And as far as the otherwise is concerned, you're not even on my radar, okay? So relax. I like working with women because I can trust them, okay? I can trust that they can focus first and put their ego second. Most of the time. And I like... I like you. I like your style. You're tough, you're a good tactician. You're also a good mother on top of everything else. And you invest in everything that you do and I need that.
Harley: You still haven't answered my question.
Jeffrey: I cannot tell you anymore right now.
Harley: Okay, then I walk. But you know what I do know? I know the truth about you.
Jeffrey: What truth, hmm? I mean, even if you were willing to be prosecuted -- but I don't think you are willing to be prosecuted. You don't want your children drawing pictures of you in prison orange, do you? No. What do you got? You got nothing. You can't prove that I abducted you. We're sitting here and we're talking having a conversation. You're sitting; I'm talking and you're listening. So listen.
Harley: Why should I? You still haven't given me anything.
Jeffrey: You want me to give something? I'm going to give you something. I'm going to give you an opportunity. An opportunity to get the thanks of a grateful nation and the opportunity to save somebody. Somebody that you care about very much.
* * * * *
Marah: Next, on Guiding Light:
Jeffrey: So what do you say, Harley? Come on, I don't have all night. What's it going to be. Are you in or are you out?
Marah: If you're thinking about apologizing, it's a little too late, okay?
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