Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 12/4/03
By Suzanne
Proofread By Hijrah
Marina: Because I hate it when she does that. I mean, she pops in, she leaves us with some piece of information, and she's gone again.
Michelle: Well, you better be careful, because she may be listening.
Marina: Well, I hope that she is. Maybe she can tell us what the heck is going on here. I mean, the way she goes through those tunnels, she's like a little mole.
Marah: And one mole is one too many in this town.
Marina: I thought you liked The Mole?
Marah: Yeah, it's a little bit complicated.
Marina: Oh.
Michelle: All right, girls, girls, we got to focus here, all right? Let's go over what we have. All right, Carrie seems to think that our dads and your grandfather knew some woman named Maryanne Caruthers.
Marah and Marina: Right.
Michelle: And they all swear that the never heard of her.
Marah: Right.
Michelle: And now we find out this Maryanne is dead. So...
Marah: So?
Marina: So what?
Michelle: So who's this Maryanne Caruthers and why do we care? Why?
Marah: You know, I don't really think it's that important. I trust my dad. And Buzz and Ed, they're good guys, too.
Marina: Yeah, and it's not like she's insinuated that they're knowing her is something bad. Hey, maybe she's just sending us on a wild goose chase.
Michelle: I don't think so. I don't think so, because I saw the way my dad reacted when I brought up this woman, Maryanne. I mean, maybe Josh, maybe Buzz covered better than he did, but I don't know, I think they're hiding something. Unless you can tell me you have no doubt in your mind.
Marina: No, I have a teenie-tiny doubt in my mind.
Michelle: Marah?
Marah: I'm sure there's a simple explanation for this, Michelle.
Michelle: Well, then we better find it.
* * * * *
Bill: Are you sure about this? Uh-huh. Tonight? All right, great. Thank you. I bet you're wondering what that was about?
Danny: I'm sure you'll tell me.
Bill: I have it on very good authority that Mayor Hamilton will be holding a press conference tonight.
Danny: Means...
Bill: Nothing.
Danny: Nothing?
Bill: Unless of course that conference is to announce that he will not be seeking re-election.
Danny: Mm-hmm. You know this for a fact?
Bill: Hey, I trust my source. Hamilton will not be running. How do you like them apples?
Danny: So the mayor's out?
Bill: Mm-hmm. And you are in if you want to be in. Do you want to be in? Come on, Danny, you could do this. All you got to do is say the word, and the race is on.
* * * * *
Cassie: What's that look for?
Edmund: What look?
Cassie: That look right there. What are you doing?
Edmund: (Laughing) I'm not doing anything. I'm not doing anything. It's dinner. Can't it be dinner? All right, all right, all right. Fine. You win. I was going to... (Laughs) ...I was going to save this for dessert, but...
Cassie: Well, what’s... What's that for?
Edmund: It's not for anything. All the questions. It doesn't have to be for anything, just open it.
Cassie: Well, what's the occasion?
Edmund: There's no occasion. All the questions. I don't need an occasion to spoil you, Cassie. Come on, open it.
Cassie: Oh, my gosh, Edmund. It's beautiful.
Edmund: An exquisite, much like its new owner.
Cassie: I love it. I do. I just... I mean you didn't give this to me because...
Edmund: Because what?
Cassie: Because I told you that I loved you. I didn't expect anything in return.
Edmund: Well, all right.
Cassie: No, no, it doesn't mean that I won't keep it though. (Laughter) I'm sorry that I took so long to tell you.
Edmund: You told me as soon as you were able to. And I wouldn't have wanted to hear it a moment sooner.
Cassie: Really?
Edmund: Well... A moment sooner...
Cassie: (Laughs)
Edmund: ...Wouldn't have killed me, but you had your reasons.
Cassie: They were good reasons. But now they're as good as gone.
* * * * *
Nurse: Were you able to find Dr. Sedwick?
Olivia: No, no, her receptionist said she's gone for the day.
Nurse: Maybe you can schedule an appointment.
Olivia: Unfortunately I can’t. I won't be in town for very long.
Phillip: Olivia?
Olivia: Thank you for your help.
Alan: Phillip? Phillip, what are you doing out of your room?
Phillip: Did you see her? She was right here?
Rick: Who was here?
Phillip: Olivia. Don't give me that look. This time she was! She was here.
Alan: You saw Olivia?
Phillip: Yeah. No, I heard her. I was in my room and I heard her.
Rick: So you were in your room and you heard her voice?
Phillip: Yes, I heard her voice. She was out here talking to somebody.
Rick: Phillip, maybe you just drifted off... Dreamt that you heard her voice?
Phillip: I didn't. I was not asleep. She was out here. I heard her.
Rick: All right, look, let's just go back in the room and get some rest.
Phillip: No, not till I find her!
Alan: Rick is right. Rick is right. You got to calm down.
Phillip: All right. I will go back in my room, but she was here.
Alan: Okay.
Phillip: I want to find her!
Alan: Calm down, Phillip.
Phillip: Rick, no! She could be here with my daughter!
* * * * *
Marah: What if what we find changes everything?
Marina: Let's just run the name Maryanne Caruthers, see what we get. Wow, it's a popular name.
Marah: All right, Maryanne Caruthers graduated Notre Dame, 1983.
Michelle: No...
Marah: Maryanne Caruthers writes a gardening column in Sandusky, Ohio.
Michelle: No. Keep going, keep going.
Marah: Maryanne Caruthers, animal rights activist, scuba diver, president of the Neil Diamond Fan Club.
Michelle: That's some combo, huh?
Marah: I can't believe this. That's already four different Maryanne's.
Michelle: All right, well, there's got to be a way to narrow it down, right? Hold on, let me try something.
Marina: That's the short list?
Marah: You know, all these different Maryanne's, and none of them seem to have any connection to Springfield or my dad or Ed or Buzz.
Marina: Well, this looks helpful.
(Phone rings)
Michelle: Hello?
Danny: He's not running.
Michelle: I love it when you speak in code.
Danny: Bill's sources say that Mayor Hamilton’s dropping out of the race. He's going to make an announcement.
Michelle: That's great, Danny! Isn't it?
Danny: I guess it depends on what you and I decide.
Michelle: Well, it looks like we have a decision to make.
Danny: Looks like it.
Michelle: Okay, I’ll be right there. Okay, it's happening.
Marah: What's happening?
Michelle: My wish. My wish I made with Carrie with the rings was for Danny to make a good name for himself, right? And it's happening.
Marina: Wait, how is it happening?
Michelle: I can't really say anything right now. I'm going to have to go. But you guys keep working, all right? See ya.
Marina: Okay, that was a total Carrie moment. You know, she, like, left us with some piece of cryptic information, blew out of here.
Marah: Okay, back to Maryanne Caruthers.
Marina: Okay. So, according to Carrie, she's dead. According to Carrie, your dad, Ed, and my grandfather all knew her. According to the Internet, there are hundreds of her. Where does that leave us?
Marah: Nowhere. I hate this. I feel like I'm accusing my dad of something, and I don't even know what it is.
Marina: No, we're just clearing this up so that we could prove that no one we know knew or knows a Maryanne Caruthers, whether she's dead, alive, or writing a gardening column in... Where was that?
Marah: Sandusky, Ohio.
Marina: Right. Okay, so forgetting about Maryanne for a second, what else do we know?
Marah: We know about the museum and the crazy curator and the gala that happened that night. And... Okay, wait a minute. Do you remember how messy this place was when I first moved in?
Marina:: Yes. And you're happy about that because...
Marah: Because there were boxes. Boxes filled with paper that were probably here since the museum closed down. And we threw a lot of it away, but...
Marina: Wait. Basement?
Marah: If they were anywhere that's where they'd be.
* * * * *
Rick: Just... Just take it easy.
Phillip: Okay. All right, look, I know what you're thinking.
Rick: Yeah, that the game's on in a couple of minutes, and since it's my break, we can kick back and enjoy...
Phillip: Rick, please, don't blow me off, all right. Look at me, look at me.
Rick: I'm looking...
Phillip: I'm good right now. I'm clear. I'm lucid, okay?
Rick: You're also very exhausted...
Phillip: But I didn't make this up.
Rick: No one said that you did, okay?
Phillip: All right, Rick? I know. I broke into a woman's apartment because I thought she looked like Olivia. I scared the hell out of a waitress a little while ago over at Towers because of the same thing. I've done a lot of crazy things over the last few weeks, but this is not that. Okay, you got to believe me. This is not that. This was different. She was out there, and she said to someone she was not going to be staying long.
Rick: You heard Olivia say...
Phillip: Yes! So would you please just go look! For me. Just go... Go look. Check the damn security cameras. See what's out there!
Alan: Phillip, Phillip, you've got to remain calm, stay in your bed, and not wander around in the halls.
Rick: Your father's right, Phillip. You want to get better, this is...
Phillip: Don't you understand? She must have had the baby by now. What if she is in this hospital right now with my little baby girl? Hey! Maybe she's actually looking for me!
Alan: Why would she look for you here?
Phillip: I don't know! Maybe somebody told her I was here! Maybe you told her!
Alan: Phillip, I have not seen her or heard from her. No one has.
Phillip: Right, and that's my fault.
Rick: No, Olivia left on her own, Phillip, she left...
Phillip: But maybe she's back. Maybe she's back. Maybe my daughter is back here with her. Maybe they're out there right now. I'm not going to know if you don't give me the chance to go out there and look.
Rick: You're not missing anything out there, Phillip. This is where you need to be, right here. Look, look, Phil, look at me. We are going to figure out what is going on with you, we are. And then you're going to get a little rest and a little treatment, and you're going to start to get better, buddy. And before you know it, you're going to be back to your old obnoxious, self-indulgent self, and I personally can't wait for that. It's going to happen. Trust me, trust me, okay? And when it does, as your best friend, I'm going to carve out some time for you, buddy, and I’m going to take you on the court and I'm going to teach you how to play the game. As your best friend.
Phillip: You never beat me.
Rick: You're going to be fine, Phillip. You're going to be fine. You've got to trust me. But you got to do your father and I a favor. You've got to... You've got to get some rest. We can't chase you around the hospital like this. Your father's too slow. Hey, get some rest, okay.
Phillip: You're positive that she couldn't have been out there?
Alan: Phillip, she's gone. Look, I know that it pains you very deeply to hear me say that, but you have to accept it. She and your daughter are not here.
* * * * *
Cassie: (Laughs) Olivia? Oh, my gosh, Olivia, hi! Oh, welcome back. How are you?
Olivia: Okay, I just... I just got back a little while ago.
Edmund: Well, welcome back.
Olivia: Thank you. I called the Beacon. They said that you were here. I'm sorry to interrupt your dinner.
Cassie: Oh, are you kidding? Interrupt, please, sit down and join us, join us.
Olivia: Okay, thanks. So... So, how is everything at the hotel?
Cassie: (Laughs) Are you kidding? Who cares? How's that little princess? Please tell me you brought pictures of her.
Edmund: I'll go get some drinks.
Cassie: Olivia, is everything okay?
Olivia: You know, it was a miracle that I didn't lose her when I fell down those stairs, Cassie, with the bleeding and the contractions. It was amazing I could hold onto her. After I left, I went into premature labor.
Cassie: But she's okay.
Olivia: You only get so many miracles in life, right? I lost her, Cassie. I lost my baby.
Cassie: Olivia, I know the pain of losing a child.
Olivia: So, is this the part where you tell me that it will stop hurting some day?
Cassie: I wish I could.
Olivia: You got through it, right?
Cassie: And you will, too. But it takes time and... Why didn't you call me? Why didn't you call me? I would have come to you.
Olivia: I know, I know you would have, I know. It's just that I left Springfield to have this baby on my own, and I needed to grieve her on my own.
Cassie: I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Is there's anything I can do for you? Is there anyone I can call?
Olivia: You know what, it's just... It's just... It's all too soon, you know. I really can't talk about it that much.
Cassie: But when you can... When you can...
Olivia: I will. Thanks. I just... I really want to focus on putting my life back together right now.
Cassie: Oh, come on. You've got time. I mean, no one expects you to jump right back in.
Olivia: No, no, but I’m ready, I’m ready. I just... I need to find Phillip and I need to tell him what happened, and then I can... What? What is it?
Cassie: Look, I don't know the details, but Edmund talked to Alexandra, and Phillip's in the hospital. He's had some kind of a mental breakdown.
Olivia: Mental? I don't understand. I thought... I thought that if I left town... I mean, he was running himself ragged helping Lizzie and then saving the company and putting things right with us. I just thought that if I left town, it would lighten his load. You know, it would give him some room to catch his breath and pull himself together. Did I make this worse?
Cassie: No, no.
Olivia: Did I? How am I going to do this? How am I going to go to him in the hospital and tell him that I lost his baby?
* * * * *
Phillip: Remind me how long I signed on for.
Alan: Just a few hours, that's all. I mean, you've got to give this a chance.
Phillip: Just tell me how long.
Rick: Dr. Langham has signed you on for a 72-hour observation period.
Phillip: I can’t... I can't do it.
Rick: Phillip, you've got to calm down and take it easy.
Phillip: I can't, I can't. Not here. I can't, Rick. I went to birthing classes down the hall. I saw my daughter's sonogram here. Whether I'm seeing Olivia or not, I don't know, but my daughter is here. And I can’t... I can't be here if that's the case. So you got to call Langham and tell him to get me out of here.
Rick: I don't think that's a good idea, Phillip. I think you need to stay here and...
Phillip: No...
Rick: ...Get some rest.
Phillip: There are too many images here. I can't do it here. I want out.
Alan: Ravenwood. It's a private facility. You know about it, Phillip.
Phillip: Yeah. Call them. Please.
Alan: All right, I will call Dr. Langham, and make the arrangements.
Phillip: Go ahead, say it, I don't care.
Rick: Say what?
Phillip: Call me a coward. I deserve it.
Rick: You're not a coward, Phillip. You're dealing with this the best way you know how.
Phillip: Am I?
Rick: Yeah.
Phillip: Or am I just running as far and as fast as I possibly can? And when will it be far enough? I lost my daughter, Rick. I can't lose anything else. I can’t. I can't take one more thing.
* * * * *
Bill: All right, all right, all right. This is what we're going to do. First, we are going to contact the newspapers, all right. And then... No. Wait a minute. I'm going to call my Aunt Reva. We're going to get WSPR in on this early, all right. And then we got to contact the unions, because you've got to get the unions on your side. It's very important...
Danny: Bill, you got to stop. Slow down. Just slow down. I haven't even announced my candidacy.
Bill: Yet. Yet, and as your campaign manager...
Danny: (Groans)
Bill: All right, listen, I'm sorry. As your potential campaign manager, my job is to stay one step ahead of you.
Michelle: Then whose job is it to stay one step ahead of you?
Bill: Well, are you volunteering?
Danny: No, no, no, no one is volunteering for anything.
Bill: Yet.
Danny: Bill.
Bill: All right, look, I'm sure you two want to talk about this, okay.
Danny: Yeah, that would be good.
Bill: Good. But Michelle, before you do, you should know that the buzz on the street about this guy, very, very positive.
Danny: Bill!
Bill: It's true.
Danny: Get out!
Bill: Okay, I am going, all right, I am going.
Michelle: So, your buzz is positive, huh? Who knew?
Danny: I guess, I guess. Look, the only voter whose opinion matters to me right now is you.
Michelle: All right, then, how do you want to do this? We'll make a list of pros and cons. You want to do eeny-meeny-miney-mo?
Danny: I don’t... It's not too late to back out, Michelle. That I run for mayor, our lives are really going to change. We're talking about long hours and no privacy. Media will be camped out on our front doorstep.
Michelle: Well, you know, what's a dream without a little sacrifice, right?
Danny: Right, see, that's just... I don't know if being the mayor is my dream.
Michelle: Redeeming your family's name, giving back to this town, righting all of Carmen's wrongs. I mean, that's your dream, Danny. And you know your dreams are my dreams now. And your wishes are my wishes.
Danny: What?
Michelle: What?
Danny: All this talk about wishes and dreams.
Michelle: It's because you make them come true. You do. Look what you've done for the people on Fifth Street. What you've done for yourself.
Danny: Yeah, I know.
Michelle: Well, you know, you could have continued to lead a life of crime and blame it on the bad genes, but you didn’t. You changed people's lives for the better, Danny. And I am speaking from personal experience here.
Danny: No. You and Robbie are the ones who changed me. It's true. Everything I am, I owe to you.
Michelle: Yeah, well, you do owe me.
Danny: (Laughs) Oh, really?
Michelle: You know, I’ll call it even if you're willing to let me cast the first vote for mayor, Danny Santos on Election Day.
Danny: Oh. I love you.
Michelle: I love you.
Danny: Bill!
Bill: Does this mean you're in?
Danny: Yep. We're in.
Bill: All right, then let the games begin, all right.
Danny: All right, great. So this is it. This is it. No stone unturned, no secret unburied.
Michelle: I'm ready.
* * * * *
Marah: Oh, that's helpful.
Marina: Well, I may as well entertain myself.
Marah: Hey.
Marina: You're no fun.
Marah: Well, I don't think we've looked at this one yet.
Marina: What?
Marah: Old newspaper clippings from the museum. And here's one about the Egyptology exhibit.
Marina: (Clears throat)
Marah: Oh, right, sorry. "The sarcophagus of Queen Otiri has brought the most attention to the exhibit. Rumors have circulated that an Egyptian High Priestess warned against bringing the artifact from her country." Blah, blah, blah. "…a curse if it's opened. 'This museum has a responsibility to the history and science, not curses and voodoo,' says Horace Caruthers." Caruthers.
Marina: This just keeps getting weirder. Oh, wow, check this out.
Marah: What is it? Oh, my gosh, this is a program
Marina: It's like a program. Oh, my gosh, this is a program from the opening night gala that Carrie told us about.
Marah: Oh, God, I feel like we were there.
Marina: Yeah, me, too. "Many thanks to our generous benefactors, Brandon... Brandon Spaulding and Spaulding enterprises, without whom this evening and this museum would not have been possible."
Marah: Okay, now the Spauldings are involved, too.
Marina: It's like the more we find out, the less sense it makes.
Carrie: Perhaps if you had a more concise filing system. What you have in motivation, my dears, you seem to lack in organization.
Marina: You think you could knock sometimes just to sort of shake things up?
Carrie: Look at this. What a mess. How can you girls ever expect to put things together?
Marah: Okay, when you're talking about putting things together, but none of this makes sense. We've got the museum, the gala, the crazy curator who I'm betting is somehow related to Maryanne Caruthers. And now the Spauldings are in the mix, too? What does any of it have to do with Ed and Buzz and my father?
Carrie: Well, I expect you'd like for me to answer these questions.
Marah: Well, yeah.
Marina: Yes.
Carrie: Yes, but wouldn't it be fun for you to connect the dots yourselves?
Marina: No.
Carrie: Well, all right, I'll tell you. It's all intertwined, everything is connected.
Marina: Well, what is the catch?
Carrie: There is no catch. You just have to know where to look.
Marina: Okay, so clearly you're not just going to give us the answers. But maybe if we ask the right questions.
Marah: What's the deal with Horace Caruthers?
Marina: Yeah, and how is he related to Maryanne?
Marah: And what about the sarcophagus? What was in that?
Marina: Yeah, and what do the Spauldings have to do with it?
Carrie: Please, please, please slow down. You're such an impatient generation. You have all the time in the world. Why don't you just learn to savor it?
Marah: We just want to know what this all means, Carrie.
Carrie: Oh, yes, I know, I know. Well, perhaps it would be more amusing if I asked the questions. Tell me do you believe in coincidence?
Marina: Well, accidents happen all the time.
Marah: But you're probably going to tell us that there are no accidents, right?
Carrie: What do Michelle, Marina, and Marah all have in common?
Marina: What?
Carrie: What do Michelle, Marina, and Marah all have in common?
Marah: We're all young.
Carrie: No.
Marina: Like, young women?
Marah: We get along very well?
Carrie: Nope.
Marina: We live in Springfield?
Carrie: (Laughs) Think about it. Think about it. Michelle, Marina, Marah. You're making this too difficult and tedious.
Marah: We all like to shop.
Carrie: No.
Marina: We have good hair?
Carrie: No.
Marah: We watch too much television.
Marina: I like pizza.
Marah: I like pizza, too. Does Michelle?
Marina: I think so. Toppings?
Carrie: Marina, Marah, Michelle. Think about it. Don't make it so difficult.
Marah: "M," "M," all of our first names start with the letter "M."
Carrie: Yes, now don't you think that's a little odd?
Marah: Well, I've never really thought about it.
Marina: "M" like Maryanne?
Carrie: Clever girl. But of course, it may be it's just a coincidence.
Marah: Well, it has to be a coincidence, because I was named after my grandmothers, Martha and Sarah.
Marina: Yeah, and my grandfather didn't name me; my parents did.
Carrie: Well, I said maybe.
Marina: Are you saying that we were all given "M" names because of this dead woman, Maryanne? And why? And who is she? And why should anyone that we know even care?
Carrie: Sometimes our parents and grandparents only show us the things that they want us to see. Even the most respected families sometimes have secrets to hide, and the things that we bury deep inside, they never disappear. Sometimes they have a way of showing up in the most unexpected way.
Marina: Like the letter "M"?
* * * * *
Alan: Olivia?
Olivia: Alan.
Alan: Oh, my God, you've come home. Excuse me, Cassie. Were you just at the hospital?
Olivia: Yeah, I was looking for Dr. Sedwick. Why?
Alan: Then it's true.
Cassie: Okay, wait a second. You know, Olivia just got back in town. I think maybe she needs a little time.
Olivia: No, I... It's okay. It's okay.
Alan: Phillip is in the hospital. He thought he heard your voice outside of his room. I thought he was hallucinating again.
Olivia: Well, you're saying he's been hallucinating? Cassie said he was sick. Is it really that bad?
Alan: He would feel so much better if you and the little baby would go and see him right now. I can't wait to meet the little angel myself. As a matter of fact, we can go right now.
Cassie: I'll be right over here.
Alan: What is it?
Olivia: There's something I need to tell you.
* * * * *
Cassie: Oh, my gosh, she's just being so strong about this. You know, I just wish there was something I could go say to her to make it better, but I know there's nothing. I mean, nothing anyone said to me helped. Oh, God. It's just so senseless, you know. A brand-new life doesn't even get to start. And I know exactly how she feels. I know how empty she's feeling right now.
Edmund: It must be very difficult for her. For you, too.
Cassie: Yeah. Yeah, I guess it brings everything back. You know, I... I'm always going to miss that little baby that I lost, you know? And after losing Richard, if I still had that little boy, I’d have a part of him and a part of us, and...
Edmund: Cassie, if you want... If you want some time alone...
Cassie: What? No. Edmund, this... This isn't about you.
Edmund: Please, how can it not be at least in part? I mean, I'm the reason for all this pain.
Cassie: Stop.
Edmund: Cassie, it's because of me. It's because of me that...
Cassie: Would you please stop. Don't do this, okay. There are always going to be reminders. And I'm always going to miss that baby. But I've got to handle it, and you've got to handle it. We've got to handle it together.
* * * * *
Alan: I'm so sorry. I know how much that little girl meant to you.
Olivia: I don't know how I'm going to tell Phillip.
Alan: Olivia, you can't.
Olivia: I have to, Alan.
Alan: You can't tell Phillip now. Now, if you took the baby to the hospital, it would make him feel better. But if you showed up without the baby and he knew that that baby was gone, it would absolutely destroy him.
Olivia: I have to tell him. It doesn't feel right. He's her father.
Alan: I know. And ordinarily, I would tell you to be honest with him. But he is so fragile right now. You have to believe me on this. Now, no matter how much your and his relationship has hurt me in the past, you know that I wanted nothing but the very best for that little girl.
Olivia: I know that. She was your granddaughter.
Alan: Yes, she was. I'm so sorry.
Olivia: I am, too. So what happens next?
Alan: Well, we're going to send him to a facility in a place where he will have no visitors, and will receive treatment. I want you to know that I will make sure that you know how his condition is every day.
Olivia: So if I wanted to see him, I would have to do it right away.
Alan: Did you not hear what I just said?
Olivia: I heard what you said and I understand. But it's my call, Alan, and I haven't made it yet.
Alan: Olivia, I’m not a man that likes to beg, but I am begging you to stay away from Phillip now. He is barely hanging on. Please, wait till he gets better. Please.
* * * * *
Rick: So when you get back from Ravenwood, we're going to play some hoops, right? All right, take it easy, buddy.
Phillip: Okay.
Rick: Try to get some rest. I will... I'll see you in the morning.
Olivia: I won't be in town for very long.
Rick: She's not here, Phillip.
Alan: I haven't seen her or heard from her. No one has.
Olivia: I won't be in town for very long.
Alan: Olivia is gone.
Rick: She's not here, Phillip.
Olivia: I won't be in town...
* * * * *
Bill: Mayor Hamilton will not be throwing you his endorsement.
Danny: Can't say I'm surprised. Who's he endorsing?
Bill: I don't know. I don't even know who else is running.
Michelle: Well, the good news better be really good then, Bill.
Bill: It is, it is, it's good, it's good. Aunt Reva came through, okay. She's going to be doing a live interview with you right here in your house tomorrow.
Michelle: That's great.
Bill: Yes, but look, all I told her was it was about the Fifth Street renovation, all right. And that you might walk away with a big exclusive.
Danny: I can go to the studio for the taping...
Bill: No, no, no, no, no, no. Do it right here, okay, where you come home after a long day's work. You kiss your wife, you read a bedtime story to your son. It's important that you do it right here. Now, are you... You ready for this?
Michelle: Well, I have a little straightening up I have to do...
Bill: No, I mean all of it, okay. You are a very important part of this campaign.
Danny: Yeah.
Michelle: Oh, you know, I was born ready.
Bill: You sure?
Michelle: Yes.
Bill: You sure? All right, well, I’m not kidding, because Danny has made some inroads in this community. But, you know...
Danny: Right. It's not enough to make up for my name.
Bill: Now, look, your old reputation is going to give us a little trouble, all right. But I'm going to sell you as a good, decent family man. All right. And when you think of good, decent family in this community, what name springs to mind?
Michelle: The Bauer family.
Bill: Bauer, that's right. And that name is going to help this campaign.
Michelle: Okay, Bill, but you know as well as anyone, as great as my family is, you know, we're definitely less than perfect.
Bill: Yeah, well, it's close enough.
Danny: Yeah, it's close enough.
Michelle: That's fine. Just don't go overboard extolling the virtues of the Oh-So-Wonderful Bauer family, because, you know, you dig too deeply in anyone's past and you're bound to turn something up.
* * * * *
Carrie: Well, I’ll leave you to your research.
Marina: No, not so fast. Carrie, we had a deal.
Carrie: I beg your pardon.
Marina: When we promised that we'd deliver the notes about Maryanne, you said that you would tell us more of the story.
Carrie: Very well, shall we talk about Horace?
Marah: The first curator of the museum.
Carrie: Horace was Maryanne's grandfather.
Marah: So they were related?
Carrie: Yes. The Caruthers were one of the most respected and powerful families in Springfield, even more so than the Spauldings.
Marina: Well, then why have we never heard of them? I mean, we've lived here most of our lives.
Carrie: Maryanne was an only child, the last of her line. She died without children. After her death, the fortune disappeared, and the Caruthers' name was erased from history.
Marah: History is history, it can't be erased.
Carrie: Unless someone wants it to be forgotten. Unless those left behind want it to be forgotten.
Marah: Our fathers and grandfather?
Carrie: But you're different. You won't let that happen. You won't let Maryanne be forgotten again, will you? I don't think you'll let that happen. Now, it's time for me to go.
* * * * *
Michelle: Next on Guiding Light:
Danny: And so I intend to run for the mayoralty of Springfield, Illinois.
Marah: No offense, Beth, but I really don't want to hear all the reasons why Jeffrey is wrong for me. Especially from one of his exes.
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