GL Transcript Wednesday 12/3/03

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 12/3/03

By Suzanne
Proofread By Hijrah

Marah: I mean, one minute she's talking about something that happened 70 years ago.

Marina: Yeah, and then she just hands us these envelopes.

Michelle: Yeah, all with the same question.

Marina: You guys, I don't get it.

Michelle: Do either of you guys find this really, really weird?

Marah: Uh, gee, Michelle... Yeah!

Marina: I mean, yeah. Like, just out of nowhere, this eccentric woman just steps into our lives.

Michelle: Yeah, Carrie.

Marina: Yeah, and it's like she's a ghost or something. But she's not.

Marah: She asked us to right this terrible injustice that happened who knows when ago.

Michelle: Yeah, but do know what that wrong was?

Marina: No. Only that apparently my grandfather and your fathers know something about it. And she won't tell us anything. Just, you know, here are these envelopes and ask them the question that's inside. "Do you remember a woman named Maryanne Caruthers?" And see what they say.

Marah: But we have to pretend like these just fell into our lap. And we can't tell them about Carrie or how we got these or what we know--

Marina: Which is nothing.

Michelle: But maybe we shouldn't do it.

Marah: All right, Michelle, it's a little late for that now. I already called my dad to come over.

Michelle: Well, you make up some excuse when he gets here. Look, I don't like how this feels. It's like we're setting up our dads. Or maybe we're being set up ourselves. I mean Carrie just sprung this on us and now we're going to be springing it on them.

Marah: What? You want to wait a little while and think it through?

Michelle: Before we pounce on them? Yes, maybe I do.

Marina: You guys, you guys, come on. Come on. I mean we've come this far. It's just a simple question. What's really the harm in asking them?

Michelle: That's the point. See we don't know.

(Knock at the door)

Josh: Hello? Marah, darling, how many times have I told you to keep that door locked? Huh?

Maria: Not enough, I guess. Sorry.

Josh: Hello, ladies. How are you?

Michelle: Hi, Josh.

Marina: Hi, Mr. Lewis.

Josh: Hi.

Michelle: Oh, I’ve got to get going. I have stuff I have to do.

Marina: Yeah, I got to go, too, actually.

Josh: Okay. I'll see you.

Marina: Bye.

Marah: Bye.

Josh: Take care. So what's up? Why did you want me to get over here so fast?

*   *   *   *   *

(Piano playing)

Beth: Honey, I'm sorry.

Lizzie: Um, no, it's okay.

Beth: Are you sure?

Lillian: Oh, but I want dessert. Hello, my sweetheart. Hi, my other sweetheart.

Beth: Hello.

Lillian: I am so glad you got me. Oh, thank you. My word, you're organized. You got me on my break. I'm just sorry that your daddy was called away on his business meeting.

Beth: Yes, yes, it is too bad. But we're going to make him regret it later, aren't we? Really lay on the guilt.

Lizzie: Yeah, I guess so.

Lillian: So, sweetie, how are rehearsals going for Romeo and Juliet?

Beth: They're fine.

Lillian: Yeah?

Lizzie: Yeah.

Lillian: And have you gotten your costume to be a nurse like me? (Laughs)

Lizzie: No.

Lillian: No?

Lizzie: Look, could you guys, please stop pretending like there's nothing wrong here. First, Dad gets dragged away to some phony business meeting and then you're over there whispering on your cell phone. And now you're here. There really isn't a business meeting is there? You're just lying to me because you don't want me to know that Dad's sick. Really sick.

*   *   *   *   *

Rick: Where's Phillip, Alan?

Alan: He's in the study.

Christopher: Why are we here, Alan?

Alan: Christopher, as you know Phillip has not been himself recently. And I'm afraid that's he starting to become delusional.

Rick: Yeah, I told Chris that all on the way over here.

Christopher: Phillip mistook some woman for Olivia?

Gus: It was a complete stranger. I saw the whole thing.

Alan: And Beth and I returned to the study the other day and found him lying on the floor. And he said there was no point in getting up.

Christopher: And after that incident he agreed to check himself into the hospital?

Rick: Yes, and he got a clean bill of health physically, but he checked himself out before we could go any further.

Alan: This morning I had brunch with him and he was going on about how much better he felt, but his behavior was saying just the opposite.

Christopher: So you want me to evaluate Phillip and give you my opinion of his mental state?

Gus: If he's bad as we think he is, I mean honestly --

Alan: Then we will get him the help that he needs.

Christopher: How did this all happen? Alan, does Phillip know that I’m here? Does he know what's about to happen to him?

Alan: No. He has no idea.

*   *   *   *   *

Lillian: Sweetheart, it's no secret that your dad has not been feeling well lately. Your grandfather's concerned about him. Your mother is. We all are.

Lizzie: Okay. So answer my question yes or no? Is that the reason why they left? Did they go to talk business, like you said?

Beth: Honey, Alan wants some alone time with your dad so he could talk to him and he can get a better sense of where he's at.

Lizzie: Okay, Mom, and what if where he's at is that Dad's having a nervous breakdown? What then?

Beth: Well, then we are going to make sure that he gets the help that he needs, just like we did with you.

Lizzie: (Sighs)

Beth: No. Listen to me. And just as with you, the first step in him getting better is for him to realize he needs help.

Lizzie: Great. That's just great.

Lillian: Don't you agree, Lizzie? I mean, once you admitted you needed help you started your sessions with Dr. Langham and you're feeling better, right?

Lizzie: You guys don't have a very good memory, do you? Do you remember how you got me to admit that I had a problem? Yeah, you tricked me into going up to that awful cabin. It worked really well, didn't it? If I were you, I'd think really hard before you go and approach Dad, because you guys aren't good at this at all.

*   *   *   *   *

(Knock at the door)

Phillip: Hey, there you are.

Rick: Hey.

Phillip: I thought there was something you wanted to discuss with me.

Alan: Yes, but we can discuss that later. Right now we have some guests, Phillip.

Rick: Hey, buddy.

Gus: How are you doing, Phillip?

Phillip: Everybody just happened to drop by at exactly the same time? Talk about a coincidence.

Rick: I just wanted to see how you were doing, buddy, that's all.

Phillip: Check up on me.

Rick: You checked yourself out of the hospital, remember?

Phillip: Right.

Rick: You checked yourself out before you were suppose to go.

Phillip: Oh, yeah, because I felt better. I was rested. I didn't feel like I needed to be there anymore.

Gus: Yeah, but we... See, Phillip, we know your definition of "rested." It's like you only work 15 hours a day. So, some down time. That would be a good thing.

Phillip: (Laughs) Great. Tips for healthy living from an ex-chain smoking coffee addict. Will you write this down for me, because I'm going to want to give that serious consideration. Let me see if I can guess. The discussion that you wanted to have with me was just a pretext, and this visit is anything but casual.

Rick: Phillip, don't do this.

Phillip: What? One doctor wasn't enough for you? You thought you had to invite two?

Christopher: Phillip, your family's concerned about and so is your good friend, Rick.

Phillip: And now so are you. Cha-ching. ( Laughs slightly) What a guy.

Christopher: You know, you can talk about what you're feeling. You don't have to stuff it down or keep it bottled up. You've been facing a lot of challenges --

Phillip: (Laughs) Oh, God. I love it. I love the PC, “new-agey" euphemisms that you guys come up with. Where the hell do you get off? You lied to me to get me back here? You take me away from -- Lizzie. Is that... You don't trust me to be around my daughter anymore? You're trying to keep me away from her?

Alan: No, I am not, Phillip.

Phillip: Well, the answer better be no. Because she needs me. She needs her father. Now more than ever.

Christopher: You're concerned about Lizzie, Phillip?

Phillip: Oh, come... Am I concerned about her? Yes. I'm concerned about her all the time, just like I am with the rest of my kids. Like any parent is. I want her back here now. Now!

Alan: Phillip, I give you my word, Elizabeth is perfectly fine.

Phillip: Oh, yeah, Dad, she's fine. She's fine. She's with Olivia. She's with the object of all her anger and insecurity. God, it's a nightmare waiting to happen.

Alan: Elizabeth is with her mother Beth. Not Olivia. Olivia left town a couple of months ago.

Phillip: Huh?

*   *   *   *   *

Josh: Okay, there we go. That should do it. Perfect. Good as new.

Marah: Thanks, Dad.

Josh: It was just a loose connection or something. Something with the socket. I can't imagine how that would have happened.

Marah: I don't know. I guess that's what you get for buying a cheap lamp.

Josh: Maybe so. So.

Marah: So.

Josh: Is that it? Is there something else you want done around here? Or do you want to talk, you know, your love life, recent movies, whatever?

Marah: No, no, I think... I think that's good.

Josh: Okay, you seem like you have something on your mind, though. Or maybe my natural charm just isn't working today. ( Laughs) Listen. Listen. We... We missed you at Thanksgiving. We really did.

Marah: I know. I'm sorry. Mom and I just got into it.

Josh: I don't need explanation. That's not why I said it. I'm just hoping that we'll all be able to work through the... This rough time we're going through and get things back to normal. Not that I know what "normal" means for this family.

Marah: Good question.

Josh: Yeah. Okay. If there's nothing else, I guess I’ll be on my way.

Marah: Okay. Thanks, Dad, I really appreciate it.

Josh: If you want to talk, just tell me, okay? I love you, though.

Marah: Love you, too. Dad, do you remember a woman named Maryanne Caruthers?

Josh: Who?

Marah: Maryanne Caruthers. Do you remember her?

*   *   *   *   *

Buzz: Boy, am I glad you showed up. I need an extra hand.

Marina: Oh, oh...

Buzz: Jessica just call. She said she's going to be a half hour late. She's taking her kid to the dentist, or something.

Marina: That's great. But --

Buzz: No, it's not great. I have produce that needs to be put away. I have onions that need to be chopped. I have napkins need to be folded.

Marina: Okay, okay. Just let... Like two seconds of your time.

Buzz: I have a spot over there that has to be mopped before somebody slips and falls and sues me for everything I’m worth.

Marina: One second. One thing at a time. Fine.

Buzz: Start with the mop, okay?

Marina: Could you just listen to me?

Buzz: I don't have the time.

Marina: Do you remember a woman named Maryanne Caruthers?

*   *   *   *   *

Ed: I'm sorry? I didn't hear you.

Michelle: Maryanne Caruthers, Dad. I'm just wondering if you remember her?

*   *   *   *   *

Josh: You said you got this note where?

*   *   *   *   *

Marina: It was in the mailbox at the house. I have no idea who put it there.

*   *   *   *   *

Ed: So you came to me about it?

*   *   *   *   *

Marah: Because it specifically said to ask you.

*   *   *   *   *

Buzz: Didn't you think it was odd some unseen stranger tells you to ask me a question, and you just do it.

*   *   *   *   *

Michelle: I guess it didn't seem like that big of a deal to me. I mean, it's pretty straightforward question. Do you...

*   *   *   *   *

Marah: ...Remember Maryanne...

*   *   *   *   *

Marina: ...Caruthers?

Buzz: No.

*   *   *   *   *

Ed: No.

*   *   *   *   *

Josh: No.

*   *   *   *   *

Gus: Phillip? Are you all right?

Phillip: Beth is with Lizzie? Because I... Olivia...

Alan: Phillip, Olivia left town.

Rick: Alan's right, Phillip. Olivia hasn't been seen in a couple of months.

Christopher: Unless you've see her, Phillip.

Gus: Have you been seeing Olivia again?

Phillip: Well, I thought... Maybe... I don’t... No. It doesn't matter. What I’m worried about is Lizzie. Not Olivia. Olivia could take care of herself. Lizzie is an innocent child.

Christopher: Phillip, listen...

Phillip: And you know what? Olivia's already taken one child away from me.

Rick: Lizzie is fine, Phillip. I give you my word as your oldest and dearest friend that Lizzie is fine.

Phillip: You don't think that she's going to grow up and she's going to resent me for all the years that I abandoned her?

Rick: No, you didn't abandon her. No.

Phillip: That's not true. Because there was all that time. I've got so much time to try make up for. And if she tries to hurt herself again, Rick, I’m... There’s... I'm not going to be able to deal with it. There's no way.

Christopher: Phillip, Lizzie is well on her road to recovery. She's making remarkable progress. She's going to be just fine.

Rick: Phillip, you have nothing to worry about. I'm telling you that Lizzie is fine. I promise you.

Phillip: You promise?

Rick: I promise.

Phillip: Okay. If you say so. All right.

Christopher: Phillip, do you remember checking yourself into the hospital the other day? Because you felt anxiety, you felt something was wrong?

Phillip: You think maybe I should check myself back in?

Christopher: I think it would make you feel a lot better.

Rick: Isn't that what you want, buddy, is to feel better?

Gus: You should do this, Phillip. Do it for yourself. Do it for Lizzie's sake.

Phillip: Well, Lizzie and my boys are all that I care about.

Alan: Then you will?

Phillip: Sure.

Alan: Oh, good. Good.

Phillip: Yeah, sure. Go ahead. Call.

Rick: Phillip, you're making the right decision. You are.

Phillip: Just give me a minute to sort of compose myself.

Alan: Take all the time you need, Phillip. I'm going to call Cedars and tell them that you're coming right now. Well, what do you think?

Christopher: I think it's an accumulation of a lot of things. But the bottom line is that he's grieving for the loss of Olivia, for a daughter that he may never see. And that's causing him to be more concerned about Lizzie, the daughter that he still has.

Rick: I am so sorry, Alan. I should have never checked him out of the hospital.

Christopher: I don't think there was anything you could have done about that, Rick. But let's all work to get back in there now.

Rick: You're right. Let me make the call.

Christopher: Yeah.

Gus: Hey. Phillip! Phillip! He's gone. He's gone.

Alan: Where? Where did he go? Where did he go?

Gus: He's gone.

Christopher: He's probably... To find Lizzie.

Alan: Elizabeth can not see her father like this.

*   *   *   *   *

Michelle: "No." That's it? Just "no”? I thought maybe you'd remember at least a little something about this woman Maryanne.

Ed: Nope. Don’t.

Michelle: Are you sure?

Ed: What did I just tell you?

Michelle: I know. I know. But it's just that when I said her name I could have sworn for a second that you recognized --

Ed: You asked me a question, I gave you an answer.

Michelle: I know. I just was --

Ed: But what?! I mean, you're questioning my word now?!

Michelle: What? No. Well, should I?

Ed: Well, what kind of question is that?!

Michelle: Truth, Dad. The way you're acting right now. I mean you're getting so testy it's almost like the way you act when someone brings up stuff that happened when you were drinking.

Ed: Well, you know that that's what my reaction is going to be, I mean why press the point? If I would rather forget an awful time of my life, I mean isn't it kind of insensitive on your part to interrogate me about it?

Michelle: Interrogate?

Ed: Isn't it just a little bit like opening an old wound?

Michelle: A wound? Well, so then you do remember her?

Ed: No, I don't! I do not. Are we going to go round and round about this? Or can we just put it to rest now?

Michelle: No, no. I mean, yes, yes, we can if you really --

Ed: I really want to. So the matter is closed.

Michelle: Okay.

Ed: And that's garbage. I'm going to...

*   *   *   *   *

Marina: So what do you make of it?

Buzz: Beats me. It's got to be some kind of hoax or something.

Marina: You think?

Buzz: Yeah, you know, there are a lot of weirdoes out there.

Marina: (Laughs) I know.

Buzz: More and more everyday.

Marina: But why whoever wrote this single me out? And how would they even know our names?

Buzz: You got me.

Marina: Yeah, but it just doesn't make any sense, you know. I mean, are you sure that you don't remember this woman?

Buzz: Yep.

Marina: Caruthers.

Buzz: No, I don't.

Marina: Maryanne.

Buzz: No. I got to go inside, okay. Get ready.

Marina: But --

Buzz: But what?! But what?!

Marina: Nothing. I just thought you'd know, that's all.

Buzz: Because some anonymous nobody thinks I should? You know what I think I should do? I think I should... I should take care of this.

Marina: Why?

Buzz: Because someone's playing games with you. And I don't like it. You coming?

Marina: No.

Buzz: No problem.

*   *   *   *   *

Josh: You know what? I'm sorry. I can't help you with this.

Marah: You never heard of this woman? You're sure?

Josh: No, I’m pretty sure. It's possible our paths crossed one day. I don't know. Maybe I don't remember. You know what? I really... I got to go. I'll see you later, okay? If I remember anything at all, though, I'll let you know. Although I don't think so. Bye.

Marah: The note...

Josh: Billy, it's Josh. We need to talk.

Marah: Dad?

*   *   *   *   *

Alan: Phillip. Oh, my God. Why did you run away like that?

Phillip: I had to see Lizzie. Make sure she was all right. And she is. She is with Beth like you said. She's not with Olivia. I almost ran over there and scared them.

Gus: Phillip, you didn't, okay? You didn't.

Alan: You didn't do it.

Phillip: I kept thinking I would get better. And I could just will it away. But it's not working. Get me out of here, Dad. Take me to Cedars. Take me someplace where I can't hurt anybody that I love. Where I won't scare my children.

Alan: Phillip, we're going to do that. We're going to do that. Don't you worry about a thing. Just get a hold of yourself.

*   *   *   *   *

Marah: My dad said he never heard of Maryanne Caruthers.

Marina: Yeah, same as my grandfather.

Marah: Michelle?

Michelle: Same.

Marah: But the way that he acted...

Marina: It was like he did know who she was.

Marah: And you, too?

Carrie: Hello, ladies.

Marina: Carrie.

Marah: Did you know that this was going to happen?

Marina: Did you know that they were going to act this way?

Marah: That our dads were just going clam up?

Marina: That they were going to get uptight and --

Carrie: Oh, please, please, please. Calm down. Now shall we start at the beginning? Did you ask your fathers and grandfathers the questions I posed?

(Marah, Michelle, Marina): Yes.

Carrie: Did you ask them exactly the way I'd written them? You didn't embellish anything?

Michelle: No, we did exactly what you said.

Marah: No, we told them that we got the letters anonymously.

Carrie: Oh, I see. And all of them said that they had never, ever heard of Maryanne Caruthers? They had no idea who she was?

Marina: My grandfather said that someone was yanking my chain.

Carrie: Oh, well, that's charming. And your father, Marah? Oh, what was his reaction?

Marah: He was nervous. I don't know. My dad is never nervous.

Carrie: Michelle?

Michelle: What?

Carrie: Your father? Edward? What was his reaction?

Michelle: He seemed sort of irritated.

Carrie: Angry?

Michelle: Maybe a little, yes.

Carrie: Hmm, I see. And how do you all feel about answers to these questions? Did you believe them? No? Why?

Michelle: Because I’m sure that my father was lying to me.

*   *   *   *   *

Alan: Phillip?

Lizzie: Daddy, are you okay?

Phillip: Honestly, honey, I don't know. You know, I've been going through some stuff, right? Yeah, well, you know, I thought I could handle it on my own. But I'm thinking now maybe I could use some help.

Lizzie: Help like I’ve been getting, right?

Phillip: Right. The difference, though, is that I think I may have to go away for a little while.

Lizzie: Daddy...

Phillip: Yeah, I'm afraid so.

Lizzie: I did this to you, didn't I? It was me.

Phillip: No. No, sweetheart. No, honey. No. This is about me. It's about how I deal with things. I need to figure out how I could be better. I could make myself better so I could go back to being an annoying person that I’ve always been.

Lizzie: Do you know how long? Okay, well, you do what you need to do and just stay there for as long as you need to, and whenever you get out, I'll be right here waiting for you.

Phillip: I'm counting on it.

Lizzie: You're going to be all better. We'll both be better together. Is that a deal?

Phillip: That's a deal.

Lizzie: (Crying)

*   *   *   *   *

Buzz: When Michelle asked you the question, what you'd say?

Ed: Nothing. You?

Buzz: Nothing, of course. Josh? Josh?

Josh: What?

Buzz: When Marah asked you the question, what did you say?

Josh: Nothing. I said nothing, okay?

Buzz: No, it's not okay. Was it something-nothing, or nothing-nothing?

Josh: Nothing means nothing, Buzz.

Buzz: Well, to some people it does.

Josh: You know what? I answered your question. Won't you back off?

Billy: Whoa, whoa, guys. Whoa, whoa. Guys. Time out. Did anybody get a hold of Alan?

Ed: I called. His voicemail picked up.

Josh: So we still don't know whether or not he received the same note?

Buzz: Well, for the moment, no.

Billy: It doesn't make any difference. He's always done everything humanly possible to stay as far away from the situation as he can.

Ed: Yeah. While still being in it.

Billy: All right, let's... Let's just slow down here. Break this down. Take a look at it. See what we got. Somebody out there thinks they know something.

Buzz: Well, that's a brilliant deduction! That's brilliant.

Ed: Question is who? Who's going to send these notes to the girls and then tell them to grill us about it?

Billy: No, Ed, that really doesn't make any difference.

Buzz: Like hell it doesn't!

Billy: No, it really doesn't make any difference.

Ed: How could you say that?

Billy: Because there is fact and there's speculation. And speculation doesn't mean squat. Least not where it counts.

Buzz: Which is where?

Josh: I think we all know where, Buzz.

Billy: Look, guys, the fact is somebody out there is bluffing, because, save for Alan, nobody outside of this room knows the truth. Somebody thinks they know something. But in truth, in fact, there's no way that they can, now can they? If we just keep that in mind, we're safe. If we just stonewall, everything stays buried. Now, in order to do that, we have to keep our heads. We cannot panic. If we panic, everything's lost.

*   *   *   *   *

Carrie: Michelle, you felt your father was hiding something from you. You felt he wasn't telling you the truth.

Michelle: Look, I... I hate to say it, but yes.

Carrie: And you two, as well? Do you still have the notes I gave you?

Marina: No. Buzz kept mine.

Carrie: And Edward?

Michelle: Same. But --

Carrie: And you, Marah?

Marah: No, my dad took mine, but it was by accident.

Carrie: Oh, it was nothing accidental. They're going to need them for fingerprints.

Marah: Fingerprints?

Carrie: Oh, it's all right. I don't need them anymore.

Michelle: No, okay, it's not all right. None of this is all right. You've brought us down this road by telling us that you need our help to right some terrible wrong.

Carrie: But that's what you're doing.

Michelle: How? By grilling the people that we love about some woman that we've never even heard of until a few hours ago? I think that we deserve to know what's going on here.

Carrie: But you will, my dear.

Michelle: No, no, now. Now.

Carrie: But, please, be calm. It's so unladylike to persist.

Michelle: Okay, okay. But just... Can you help us out here? Can you give us something to go on?

Marina: Yeah. I mean, we helped you out. You know, you have to help us, too.

Michelle: Yes, like, who Maryanne Caruthers is or was?

Carrie: You're correct to use the past tense, my dear. Maryanne Caruthers is someone from the past. Someone that knew all of your fathers and grandfather.

Marah: And they knew her?

Carrie: (Laughs) Oh, yes, they did.

Marah: So then they were definitely lying when they said that they have never heard of Maryanne Caruthers?

Carrie: Yes.

Marina: Why?

Michelle: Okay, and where is this Maryanne?

Carrie: I'm afraid she's dead.

Marina: Wait! Where are you going?!

Michelle: Carrie, get back here!

Marah: You can't just drop something on us like this and then leave.

Carrie: But I must.

*   *   *   *   *

Beth: Thank you. Thank you. How are you doing, sweetie?

Lizzie: How do you think? So is Grandpa and Uncle Rick taking Dad to the hospital now?

Beth: Yes, yes, I imagine that they are.

Lizzie: And we can't go visit him, right?

Beth: Not right away, Lizzie, no.

Lizzie: Just until they diagnose him. Telling him how messed up he is.

Beth: Lizzie.

Lizzie: No, Mom, it's true.

Beth: Okay, yes, it is. But you don't have to...

Lizzie: You just want to sugarcoat it for me. Why? What is that going to do? Make me feel better?

Beth: I was just trying to spare you.

Lizzie: Okay, well, don't. Okay, don't try to spare me anything anymore. You know why? Because I don't have to worry about sparing you. That I can be as angry or confused as I need to be and not worry about having to make people feel better. And that's what I'm supposed to do, isn't it?

Beth: Yes. Yes, it is.

Lizzie: Mom, don't just say that to please me.

Beth: Honey, I'm not. I'm not. I'm saying it because I'm proud of you.

Lizzie: But don't be too proud, okay? Because there are going to be times when I’m going to backslide. And I need you to understand that.

Beth: I do understand that.

Lizzie: It's just that there's a part of me that's so grown-up. And there's a part of me... (Crying)

Beth: Honey. Okay, what? What? Tell me. I want to know what you're feeling.

Lizzie: I am just so worried about Daddy.

Beth: Honey, I know. I know. Me, too, sweetie. Me, too.

*   *   *   *   *

Rick: Hey, buddy. Did you see Lizzie?

Phillip: Yeah.

Rick: So did it go okay? I'm sorry.

Phillip: And so what... What happens now?

Rick: You check in for observation for the next 72 hours.

Phillip: You're going to do the observing?

Christopher: In consultation, if necessary, yes.

Phillip: And then what?

Christopher: And then I’ll decide on a course of treatment.

Phillip: Someplace else?

Christopher: If that's warranted, yes.

Phillip: If. Right.

Rick: Phillip, you're making the right decision. You are.

Phillip: I want to lie down.

Rick: You could do it right in here.

Alan: Phillip, what's wrong?

Christopher: Did you see something?

Phillip: Just help me stop. Just help me.

*   *   *   *   *

Olivia: Excuse me? Do you know where Dr. Sedwick is?

*   *   *   *   *

Gus: Next, on Guiding Light.

Alan: Phillip?

Phillip: She's gone.

Alan: Look, I know that it pains you very deeply to hear me say that, but you have to accept it.

Olivia: I'm not staying, Cassie.

Cassie: What do you mean, not staying?

Olivia: I just came back to talk to Phillip, but I have no plans to stay here.

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