GL Transcript Tuesday 12/2/03

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 12/2/03

By Suzanne
Proofread By Hijrah

Lizzie: Grandpa, checking your watch every five minutes is not going to make Dad get here any quicker.

Alan: He's never late.

Beth: And he still isn’t.

Alan: He left the house this morning without saying a word to anyone.

Beth: Alan, relax. You said it yourself, last night he seemed fine.

Lizzie: Do you think he's not okay?

Alan: I'm not saying that. I just would feel a lot better if he'd stayed in the hospital and had the other tests run.

Lizzie: The psyche tests. What do you think he's crazy like me now?

Alan: Elizabeth, none of the Spauldings is crazy. I'm just concerned about your father, that is all.

Phillip: Well, you don't need to be. Here I am. Hello, darling. Beth.

*   *   *   *   *

Danny: Hello, hello, hello. Come on in. Good to see you, Alexandra.

Alexandra: Hello, Danny.

Eden: Hi.

Danny: Hi. The equipment's in the living room. But wherever. The whole place is yours, so...

Eden: Thanks for lending us the house. It really is the perfect place for the shoot.

Danny: Thank Michelle. She couldn't be more excited to see our house in pages of a magazine.

Alexandra: Well, it looks like you two have done a magnificent job of everything.

Danny: Thank you, thanks, yeah.

Eden: I'll call her later, okay.

Danny: We like it. Again, mostly Michelle. Listen, Alexandra, do me a little favor. If it comes up in the press, make sure credit is given where it's due, if you know what I’m saying.

Alexandra: Yes, I think I understand. I think the only questions you want to answer are about your own campaign, huh?

Danny: (Laughs)

Eden: We're not breaking up any strategizing sessions today, are we?

Danny: Uh, no, sorry. He's not here.

Eden: Who? I wasn't looking for anyone.

Danny: Bill. We're not meeting today.

Eden: I know he's not here, and I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to be disturbing anyone because I like to blast the music really loud when I work.

Danny: No, no, there's nobody here. Blast away. I don't mind.

Eden: You know, it's really been Grand Central Station here with the campaigning and... You mean, no one's here? Not even Tony?

Danny: No. No, aside from working on the campaign, I don't know what the hell Tony does with his time. He's... He's Mr. Independence. But I guess you know that already, don't you?

*   *   *   *   *

(Knock on door)

Woman: I was beginning to think you weren't even going to show up.

Tony: Do I look like the kind of guy who'd stand you up?

Woman: You look like the kind of guy who likes to keep women waiting.

Tony: (Laughs)

Woman: Get in here.

Tony: So, how'd you sleep?

Woman: I was up all night thinking about our meeting.

Tony: Hmm. So was I.

Woman: Is someone out there?

Tony: You know, I don't really care if someone's out there. Nor do I care what people think anymore. Except one.

*   *   *   *   *

Michelle: Okay, no way.

Marina: Why not?

Michelle: No way. Carrie is not a real live fairy Godmother.

Marah: Well, she said that those rings have some ancient, magical power to grant wishes, and that we each get to make a wish.

Michelle: Right, but do you honestly believe that she...

Marina: What if she is for real? I mean, what if you could just wish for something and then just, boom, it comes true? That would be so cool. That would be amazing.

Marah: Yeah, okay, but first you have to know what you want, and that's not always that easy to figure out.

Marina: Yeah, and what if there's like a catch? You know, for every wish granted, something is taken away.

Michelle: What... What's happening to us, you guys? I'm waking up in the middle of the night with more and more questions, and we're getting no answers.

Marina: What does Carrie want from us?

Marah: You know, maybe she is just trying to bring some magic into our lives. I mean, not the kind of magic you read about in books, but actual, real-life magic. You know, maybe she is making us ask the tough questions so we can figure out our dreams on our own -- whatever they may be.

Michelle: What if there's more to it than that?

Marina: My guess is there is more. There's a lot more.

Carrie: A clever guess, my dear. You're absolutely right.

Marina: I know what you're thinking, Carrie.

Carrie: Oh, I doubt that.

Marina: "How could a man's undershirt pass for fashion these days?"

Carrie: Well, you're right about that. I always think a lady should try and look her best and leave something to the imagination. Well, I've come here today to tell you all a lovely little story. I think it's time for me to make good on all of my promises.

Marina: "Once upon a time..."

Carrie: Yes, once upon a time. Once upon a time, there was a wonderful party in this town and all of the guests who were invited came dressed for the party.

Michelle: Is this the story about the opening of the museum?

Carrie: Yes, but in particular the great gala that took place before the opening of the museum.

Marah: That was the night the curator disappeared. He was found later, crazy as a loon.

Marina: Yeah. Wasn't that night, like, a complete disaster?

Carrie: Oh, but it all began, it began with such promise, such excitement, such glamour.

Marina: What are these?

Carrie: Well, they're your invitations to the ball.

*   *   *   *   *

Rick: What is this, honey? I mean, I didn't know I needed an invitation to stop by and see my wife, especially since I'm bearing all these goodies. Did you see these?

Mel: No, you don't, honey. You don’t. It's just, my mind is... I was working on a case, that's all.

Rick: Okay.

Mel: So, I thought you had a million things to do today.

Rick: I did, but I don't now. So... I need to be distracted, so I thought I’d stop by and see the most beautifully distracting woman I know.

Mel: Honey?

Rick: What, sweetie?

Mel: You're worried, aren't you? That you made the wrong decision releasing Phillip from the hospital?

Rick: If I could think of a reason to keep him in the hospital, sweetheart, I would, but physically he's fine. There's nothing else I could do.

Mel: Okay, then you did the right thing.

Rick: But you don't believe that either, do you? See, neither do I. I don't know what to do for him right now. All I know is I cannot stand around and do nothing until suddenly it's too late.

*   *   *   *   *

Phillip: I'm sorry I'm late. I'm just catching up on a few things at the office.

Beth: You went to work today?

Phillip: I certainly did. And now I'm ready to catch up on what's most important: My family. Especially you, sweetheart.

Beth: We just don't want you to overdo it, Phillip.

Phillip: Beth, I'm getting back in the game. Okay. Look at you. Look at you. You look beautiful. My little girl is thriving. Oh, your granddad was telling me all about the play, but I want to hear about it from you.

Lizzie: Uh, well, everything's great. It's fine.

Phillip: Okay. That's it? Come on, I want to hear some details.

Lizzie: Uh, well...

Phillip: Who else is in it? Do you like the director?

Lizzie: Well, a play's a play, I guess. I mean, I learn my lines, I go to rehearsals. Everything's great, Dad. No, there's no worries.

Phillip: Okay. Because if there were...

Lizzie: I promise I would tell you, you know I would. But there aren't any.

Phillip: Okay. You can all take off the kid gloves. I'm fine.

Lizzie: I'm sorry, Dad. I know what it's like for people to be on eggshells around you.

Phillip: It's all right, honey. I know it's just because you care.

Lizzie: But you don't have to be fine for me, Daddy.

Alan: For any of us, Phillip.

Phillip: Well, you know what? I appreciate that, I really do. And I know that I gave you all a scare, but I got the rest that I needed and I’m fine.

Lizzie: Yeah, but Daddy, things like this take time. At least that's what Dr. Langham always tells me, right?

Phillip: Darling, your Uncle Rick gave me a clean bill of health. I'm fine. Okay? It was... It was... I... I got a little caught up in what I was missing and I lost sight of what I had, and that's something that will never happen again. I'm back.

Beth: Phillip.

Phillip: Beth, please. Enough about me, okay? I just want to celebrate being back where I belong.

Beth: And we have so much to celebrate.

Phillip: Yes, we do. Hey, you know what? If we're going to celebrate, let's get some champagne.

Lizzie: For me, too?

Phillip: No. Sparkling cider for you.

Beth: He seems fine.

Alan: I'd like to think so.

Phillip: Excuse me, I’d like to order a bottle of... Last night. And I thought maybe I was imagining it, but I didn't. You are back.

Waitress: Sir, are you okay? Is there something I can get you?

Phillip: I'm sorry. (Laughs) You look so much like somebody that I know. I... (Laughs) ...I can see now that you're not her.

Waitress: Really, that's okay. I get that all the time.

*   *   *   *   *

Danny: Here we go. Help yourself to whatever, everything in the kitchen. You all set?

Alexandra: We're fine, Danny. Thank you.

Danny: Okay, if you need anything else I'm going to be upstairs doing some work.

Eden: Wow, that took longer than I thought.

Danny: What?

Eden: Your escape.

Danny: My escape? Oh, I see.

Eden: I thought you would not watch the Bad Girl shoot.

Danny: Oh, well, I was a little curious. A little bit. So, it looks like it's all working out for you.

Eden: Yeah, it is.

Danny: Good.

Eden: Okay.

Danny: Good.

Eden: I'll see you later.

Danny: All right.

Eden: So, where do you want me?

Photographer: The couch. Let's just take some test shots.

Eden: Fire away.

Alexandra: Okay, first, first, first, I think we need to lose the jacket and do a little something different with the hair.

Photographer: Congratulations, by the way.

Eden: For what? Just being me?

Photographer: That and the People National magazine spread.

Eden: The what?

Alexandra: Well, it seems as though the first Bad Girl spread has generated quite a buzz. People are asking who that mystery girl is, and we're not talking.

Eden: Oh, and I’m the dirty little secret, huh?

Alexandra: Oh, well. If they ask, you know, we don't say. It just causes more of a buzz. You know, it's a publicist's dream. I mean, this magazine's handing over two full pages to us. That's why I pushed for this extra shoot today, because I want, you know, I want to show Bad Girl in a whole new setting.

Eden: Hmm.

Alexandra: Well, what's the matter? I thought you'd be thrilled. You're a hit. We're a hit. It's a hit.

Eden: You mean I’m a hit.

Alexandra: Oh, darling, please save the attitude for the shoot, will you? Yes, the image that we have put together is a huge hit.

Eden: Oh, so I guess it was just a stroke of luck that I wound up in front of the camera.

Alexandra: Well, more like a stroke of genius. You see, that face is going to launch a million bottles of perfume. ( Laughs) That face, that wonderful face is going to be almost indispensable.

Eden: Indispensable.

Alexandra: My God, she's speechless.

Eden: No, confused. If I’m the secret behind Bad Girl's profits, why am I getting so few of them?

*   *   *   *   *

Carrie: The orchestra... The orchestra would have been right about here, and they would have been playing very softly at first so that everyone could talk while the champagne was being served. And then the music would get louder and all of the people would drift in just longing to dance to that wonderful music -- Cole Porter, Gershwin, Irving Berlin. There's nothing in the world more wonderful than dancing to that music -- the tango, the continental. Oh!

Michelle: It sounds wonderful.

Carrie: It was wonderful. It was magical. It was like an evening out of the movies. Everyone looked like they'd just come in off of a movie set. Oh, and the clothes, the dresses, the jewels. Every woman thought she was Jean Harlow, and every man thought he was Fred Astaire or Clark Gable. It was magical. It was like some sort of wonderful, thrilling dream. It's amazing what the imagination can do for you if you just open your mind. Oh, Michelle, I can see you know what I’m talking about, don't you?

*   *   *   *   *

Danny: May I have this dance?

(Music playing)

Michelle: You're a wonderful dancer.

Danny: I hope your dance card's not full. Now that I’ve got you in my arms, I'm never going to let go.

Marina: Shayne. You're so... You're so...

Shayne: So what?

Marina: So handsome.

Shayne: I've got nothing on you. I've been waiting a long, long time for this. I apologize in advance if I step on your feet.

Marina: I won't mind a bit.

*   *   *   *   *

Marah: But how?

Carrie: Just close your eyes.

*   *   *   *   *

(Music playing)

Jeffrey: I hope you don't mind. I just had to cut in.

Marah: I don’t.

*   *   *   *   *

Woman: I hope I didn't hurt you.

Tony: Oh, no, you've got absolutely no complaints from me. You are amazing.

Woman: Well, that's what they say.

Tony: Oh, yeah? Guess I owe you some money, huh? Something.

Woman: That's way more than we discussed.

Tony: Yeah, well, you are a lot better than I expected.

Woman: You know, a girl could get used to this -- to you.

Tony: Well, too bad you're the wrong girl.

*   *   *   *   *

Alexandra: Armand, would you give us a moment, please? Eden, your contract with us is more than fair. You know that and I know that. But if you want remuneration for today, of course that's going to be taken care of. But if you're asking for anything more, it's a little late to be opening and reopening negotiations.

Eden: Why am I surprised? You took care of yourself, made sure you had yours. And me? I got the standard operating contract. The scraps.

Alexandra: Scraps? This is more money than you've ever seen in your life.

Eden: Oh. And, um, I should be grateful because I'm the girl that I am, considering where I come from, hmm?

Alexandra: Eden, come on. I did take quite a chance taking you on.

Eden: And boy, are you raking it in.

Alexandra: Oh, fine. I can see where your attitude's coming from. What, do you think I’m cheating you out of your share?

Eden: Look, you took care of yourself first, which I understand, believe me, but I am damn good at what I do and I deserve a better deal.

Alexandra: Well, fine. You can go out there and find obligation under this contract.

Eden: I'm not going anywhere. I came up with the name and the image.

Alexandra: Eden, look, no one's disputing your contribution here. It's just very bad business to try to renegotiate when the ink is dry.

Eden: Oh, Alex, the ink isn't dry.

Alexandra: Excuse me?

Eden: I didn't like the amendment, so I didn't sign it. You can still fix this.

Alexandra: And if I don't?

Eden: I don't want to, but I will walk if I have to. And when I go, my face goes. You own the idea and the perfume, free and clear, but you don't own me, Alex.

Alexandra: Meaning?

Eden: Meaning I never signed off on my image, so everything that is in print, every billboard, every ad, it all goes when I go. Good luck finding an indispensable face.

Alexandra: Oh, boy. Oh, boy, I can't believe you'd turn away from the best thing that's ever happened to you, for Pete’s sake, for a little bit of cash. Honestly. (Laughs) You're not as bright as I thought you were.

Eden: Oh, and I could say the same thing about you. You have a lot more to lose than I do.

Alexandra: And how's that?

Eden: When I go, all you're left with is a bottle of perfume and no face. I'll just take my image and sell it somewhere else.

Alexandra: (Laughs) Oh, my. I should remind you that no one's completely indispensable, and I'd like to see them lining up to buy what you have to sell.

Eden: Oh, like you said, Alex, "Image is everything." And you helped me create mine.

Alexandra: Yes, created a monster image.

Eden: Oh, I take that as a huge compliment. I don't want to go anywhere, I just want my due.

Alexandra: (Clears throat) Fine. Then you have your lawyer talk to my lawyer. Now, may we get on with the shoot?

Eden: I thought you'd never ask.

*   *   *   *   *

Phillip: Sorry that took so long.

Lizzie: Oh, it's okay. Grandpa had to take a call anyway. But you didn't miss much, I promise. See, we were just talking about my play. Anyway, I was so worried about hitting my mark at the first rehearsal that I completely tripped my entire first line.

Olivia: Which of course reminded me of a trip I took on my own, thanks to Lizzie. And how I almost lost my baby. What a disaster that would have been. We thought we'd do some shopping once we finish up here.

Phillip: Some shopping? (Laughs nervously) why?

Olivia: We both like to shop.

Phillip: Together?

Olivia: Why wouldn't we want to shop together?

Phillip: (Laughs)

Olivia: Oh, I get it.

Lizzie: You do?

Olivia: I think your Dad's upset because it's just us girls.

Lizzie: Is that it, Dad? Because you can come with us if you want.

Phillip: No, that's not it.

Olivia: Well, what is it, Phillip?

Lizzie: Dad, what's wrong?

Olivia: Whatever it is, you can tell us. Phillip?

Beth: Phillip?

Alan: How would you ladies feel about a shopping spree on me?

Lizzie: Really, Grandpa?

Alan: Yes. I just want to steal your father away for the morning, that's all.

Phillip: What's going on?

Alan: Uh, some business I need your help with.

Phillip: I've been looking forward to this breakfast all week.

Beth: What you've been looking forward to is making up for Thanksgiving. So, why don't we do this right, hmm? I'll speak to Cook and we'll have a real celebration. We all want the same thing: A nice family dinner. And I think it would be so much nicer to do this at home. What do you say?

Phillip: That sounds great. Yeah, I'll look forward to that.

Beth: Me, too.

Phillip: Okay, I guess I'm all yours. Better be important.

*   *   *   *   *

Mel: Well, honey, you have to keep an eye on Phillip, okay? But that's all you can do. I mean, you said yourself that Alan is well aware of the situation. Maybe you guys can work together or something?

Rick: Boy, that's a scary thought.

Mel: Oh, he's not so bad.

Rick: Oh, sweetheart, please. You like everybody. I mean, you even like Jeffrey O'Neill, right? Almost as much as he likes you, as a matter of fact.

Mel: And that just drives you crazy, doesn't it?

Rick: Honey, everything drives me crazy these days: Phillip, my brother-in-law who now thinks he's capable of being mayor of a town, my father who's acting so strange, and...

Mel: Oh, yes. And then there's your pregnant wife.

Rick: You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You know what I fast forward to, sweetie, when all this stuff gets crazy?

Mel: What?

Rick: Us, in the delivery room. Me going crazy pacing back and forth, sweating like a maniac. And you looking beautiful, doing all the hard work, of course. And in the end we have this beautiful, perfect child.

Mel: It is so sweet how you manage to make it sound like your first baby.

Rick: Well, Jude was great, but that was a crazy situation. I am just looking forward to a nice, conventional experience this time.

*   *   *   *   *

(Techno music playing)

Photographer: You are on fire today.

Alexandra: Well, highway robbery does that to a girl. Oh, this isn't working for me.

Eden: What do you want?

Alexandra: I don't know. Some more heat. Something, I...

Eden: Maybe you're thinking about what's missing from your own life, Alex.

Alexandra: My love life is just fine, thank you very much.

Tony: Wow.

Eden: What are you doing here?

Tony: Well, my cousin lives here, so that's why. What are you doing here?

Alexandra: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Eden: A shoot?

Alexandra: Wait, I've got it.

Tony: What?

Alexandra: (Laughs)

Eden: I am not going to like what you're thinking, am I?

Alexandra: No, no, no, no. Hear me out. Hear me out.

Eden: No, no, no, no. Alex, no. Whatever you're thinking, just stop.

Alexandra: No, no. Would you come over here, please?

Tony: Excuse me? For what?

Alexandra: Well, I mean, we talk about Bad Girl. But we haven't shown anything. We're all talk, no action. Bad girl is supposed to be doing what every woman secretly wants to do, not just pout in front of a camera.

Eden: Not him.

Alexandra: Why not? Just look at him.

Eden: He's not a model.

Alexandra: Well, neither are you, my dear. No, no. No, really. I think it's going to work. I think it's going to work. Just come around here, please. It's a match made in heaven. Absolutely. It's an advertiser's dream, for heaven's... Okay, Tony, are you ready for your close-up? Please.

Tony: Thank you very much but this is not my thing. Thank you.

Alexandra: Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Tony: No.

Alexandra: If you're worried about, you know, girlfriend or something like that, we'll shoot you in the shadows. A little mystery.

Tony: Well, no, I’m not worried about that, no girlfriend to speak of. But like I said, thank you, have fun and...

Alexandra: No girlfriend, no problem. Please, please. We will shoot you right in the shadows. I mean, I love a mystery. What do you say? Come on, you two are friends anyway, aren't you? You'd be doing Eden a huge favor.

Tony: Yeah?

Alexandra: Yeah.

Tony: All right. Well, in that case, where do you want me?

Alexandra: Right over here on the couch.

Tony: The couch.

Alexandra: Right there. And Eden, go sit down. I want you to be very professional about this. Come on. What is it? Don't turn shy on me now. Okay, I want to see some romance, okay? A little romance, some heat. Okay, that's it. That's it. That's coming. Listen, Tony... Tony, would you mind taking off your shirt?

Tony: Are you sure you want that?

Alexandra: Oh, I never ask for anything I don't really want, and I like getting what I want. Please.

Tony: All right.

Alexandra: Oh, my God. What is that?

Tony: Well, what does it look like?

Alexandra: (Laughs) Tell me it washes off.

Tony: Uh, no, it doesn’t. It's brand new and it has very special meaning.

*   *   *   *   *

(Music playing)

(Music fades)

Marah: Wow.

Marina: That was unreal.

Carrie: It's amazing, isn't it? The power of imagination when you open your mind.

Michelle: But there's more, isn't there? I mean, this is about more than just parties and dancing.

Carrie: Yes, it's about much, much more. I've come here to right a wrong, and I have chosen you three to help me.

Marah: Is this about what happened to the curator that night?

Carrie: There are five men in this town who want to forget. They want to forget something that must never be forgotten.

Marah: Five men?

Carrie: Yes. Men who are very close to you. Men who you love and respect. They're your fathers. Your father, your father, and your grandfather.

Marina: What about my grandfather?

Carrie: There are questions that I want each of you to ask them. Will you do that for me?

Marah: If we can.

Michelle: But what do our families have to do with this? I mean, what kind of questions?

Carrie: You'll find the questions are written down. I think it would be easier if you read them yourselves. They're in your invitations. Open them.

Marah: "Do you remember a woman named Maryanne Caruthers?" What does yours say?

Marina: "Do you remember a woman named Maryanne Caruthers?" Michelle?

Michelle: "Do you remember a woman named Maryanne Caruthers?" They're all the same. Why?

*   *   *   *   *

Eden: I've never seen anything like it.

Tony: Thank you. I will tell the artist.

Alexandra: Okay. All right, I’m afraid this isn't going to work at all. You know what? I'm going to have to rethink this whole shoot, the whole bloody thing. And you know what? You should rethink your desire for self-mutilation. You know, if you want to express yourself, next time why don't you just think of buying a motorcycle? I'll talk to you later.

Tony: Take care.

Eden: That had to hurt.

Tony: Well, it was worth it. That's all that matters.

Eden: What does it mean?

Tony: (Laughs) Let's just say it has something to do with destiny and what I want.

Eden: You don't believe in destiny, Tony, and this is just another stunt.

Tony: Okay, Eden. Eden? Eden, look at me. I know... I know that you think I’m trying to come between you and Bill, and I'm not.

Eden: Because you are.

Tony: No, I’m not. It's just... It can't work between you two, Eden. It won't. All right?

Eden: Oh, because I won't be able to resist you? Well, here I am resisting you.

Tony: It will not work for the same reason that Marah and I couldn't.

Eden: I'm not a quitter, Tony. I will not give up on Bill, not now and not ever. And if you think some stupid tattoo makes me hot for you...

Tony: Eden.

Eden: ...Well, you are wrong.

Tony: Eden, Eden, fighting it only sets you up for a bigger fall, you know?

Eden: I'm not you. And the only fall that you have to worry about is your own. You know what? What if Marah's your destiny?

Tony: The tattoo on my back is a reminder that it will not work between Marah and I.

Eden: Oh, and what am I? Yours by default? I don't think so.

Tony: You know that's not it, Eden. You know that. That's not it.

Eden: I have something with Bill, and it's good.

Tony: Yeah, it may be good, but it won't work. I mean, you will hurt him. He can't stop you. You can't stop yourself from hurting someone when you set out to do it in the first place, Eden. You know? And you sure as hell... You can keep yourself from getting hurt even more if you know who you are and where you're from. The fact is, if you... Well, if you know your destiny.

*   *   *   *   *

Phillip: So, what's the big emergency?

Alan: Well, we'll discuss it when we get home, Phillip, if that's all right.

Phillip: It better be important, you know? Taking me away from breakfast with my daughter.

Beth: Alan, I forgot to ask you something.

Phillip: I forgot my briefcase. I'll be right back.

Alan: Sure.

Beth: What's going on?

Alan: We cannot stand here and watch him fall apart. He is barely holding on right now. That's why I’m taking him home.

Beth: Okay. Okay, and then what?

Alan: I want you to call Gus and have him call everyone that we discussed earlier.

Beth: Alan...

Alan: We cannot waste any more time. We have to act quickly, Beth, or we're going to lose Phillip -- for good.

*   *   *   *   *

Alan: Next, on Guiding Light.

Marina: Do you remember a woman named Maryanne Caruthers?

Lizzie: You’re just lying to me because you don't want me to know that Dad's sick -- really sick.

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