GL Transcript Monday 12/1/03

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 12/1/03

By Suzanne 
Proofread By Hijrah

Sandy: Okay, okay. So, Marina just kicked me out of the kitchen.

Reva: Oh. Well, enjoy that while you can.

Sandy: Yeah, she's a good gal. Shayne's a good guy. They're really cool. What?

Reva: It was just nice having two of my boys here tonight.

Sandy: Ah. It was... different.

Reva: Different?

Sandy: In a good way.

Reva: Well, it was like old times to me. I mean, Shayne and Marah used to...

Sandy: Marah stayed away because she knew I’d be here, didn't she?

Reva: No.

Sandy: I just hope that my being here doesn't mean that...

Reva: ...I gained a son but lost a daughter?

*   *   *   *   *

Edmund: I would like to propose a toast. Now, with the traditions of turkey burgers and bubbly firmly in place.

Tammy: Very cool.

Edmund: (Laughs) I would like all of you to join me in raising a glass to our beautiful hostess and the woman I love: Cassie.

Cassie: Well, I could not have done it without you.

Marah: You've hardly touched your dessert. What's the matter? Don't you like sweet things?

Jeffrey: Well, I'm more of a, you know, cigar and whiskey type, actually. I know they're nasty habits, but...

Marah: Well, that wouldn't matter to a woman who loves you. Love is blind, and has no sense of smell.

Tammy: Love doesn't sound too healthy. ( Laughter) Speaking of healthy...

Edmund: You know, the irony is, love may be blind but it lets you see the world in a whole new way.

Jeffrey: That must be where the rose-colored glasses come in.

Cassie: No. Everything's better when you're in love.

Edmund: RJ, how about we go outside and look at the moon. Come on.

Tammy: I'll go with you.

Marah: Let's all go. Maybe the moon will be rose-colored tonight.

Jeffrey: Well, um, you go ahead. I'll be out in just a second. Was I encouraging her?

Cassie: No, no.

Jeffrey: Okay, so you see how she is with me, right? I was telling the truth the other night okay? I'm not the one that's doing the chasing here.

Cassie: I know. So, I owe you an apology.

Jeffrey: What?

Cassie: I owe you an apology!

*   *   *   *   *

Buzz: Here she is, the woman of the hour, ladies and gentlemen.

(Cheers and applause)

Alexandra: That was a fantastic meal.

Buzz: Superb, Harley. Superb.

Harley: Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Gus: Everything was perfect, babe.

Harley: Yeah?

Gus: Uh-huh.

Harley: Everything?

Gus: Well, it would have been a little better if my sister had been nice enough to show up. Besides that, everything was perfect.

*   *   *   *   *

Bill: Now, are you sure that you really, really, really want to do this.

Eden: I just want to stop by and say a quick hello. And I know that you wanted to go see all the Lewises, so afterwards, I will meet you at Josh and Reva’s.

Bill: Well, I’d rather stay with you, you know? If you want.

Eden: No, I am fine and I will catch up with you later. Go. Go, go, go, go, go.

Bill: Hey, hey, hey. I love you.

Eden: I love you, too.

Bill: You sure, because I can stay.

Eden: You need to go. (Laughs)

Bill: All right. All right, well, then have fun, okay?

Eden: Bill, I don't need a chaperone.

Tony: Well, I can be a lot more than that, Eden.

*   *   *   *   *

Jeffrey: Well, I don't need an apology, Mrs. Winslow. I need help.

Cassie: I barely listened to you when you came to me about Marah. I mean, if anything, I thought you were even more of a...

Jeffrey: What? Pig? Is that the word you're looking for, "pig?" I was even more of a pig than you thought I was before? Well, no, okay. Not with Marah.

Cassie: She's infatuated with you. It's definitely not your fault, okay?

Jeffrey: Well, in case you forget that, I just want to let you know that I'm fully prepared to release this to the press at any moment.

Cassie: Yeah, okay. Something only a pig would do.

Jeffrey: (Laughs)

Cassie: A pig who has his decent moments.

Jeffrey: Oh, now, whoa, whoa, whoa. Come on, now, all right? I'm looking for some help here. Don't go all mushy on me.

Cassie: Okay. Well, have you talked to Marah? Does she know where you stand? I mean, because a woman needs to know these things.

Jeffrey: A woman does? And what about a man?

Cassie: What are you talking about?

Jeffrey: What am I talking about? I'm talking about Edmund. I mean, have you told him how you feel about him?

Cassie: Sure. You know, yeah. In a thousand different ways.

Jeffrey: Except for those three little words.

*   *   *   *   *

Edmund: You see his eyes and his mouth? That's why they call him The Man In the Moon. What do you think he looks like?

RJ: He looks sad.

Edmund: You think so?

Marah: See? Even The Man In the Moon needs a woman in his life.

Edmund: Well, in that respect, Marah, life here on earth is far superior.

Tammy: Hey, RJ. I think I'm going to give Uncle Edmund his present now.

Edmund: Present?

Tammy: It's a thank you for all your help with Romeo and Juliet. I mean, you practically made me Juliet. So open it.

Marah: Wow. Cashmere.

Tammy: As soon as I saw that, I knew I had to get it for you.

Edmund: Tammy, it's beautiful. I'm sorry, I just... I can't accept it.

*   *   *   *   *

Josh: I was just thinking about that telescope I bought you. Remember, when you were a kid? For Christmas? You loved that thing. You used to go outside every night, as soon as the sun would go down, you'd be out looking at the stars in the freezing cold weather. As I recall, you ended up with strep throat and I don't think your mother has ever stopped blaming me for that. When you... when you called the other day, is that what you wanted to talk about? What's going on between your mom and me?

Shayne: No.

Josh: You shouldn't have to worry about that, you know? We're going to be fine.

Shayne: I called to talk about baseball.

Josh: Baseball.

Shayne: How you pushed me. You were always on my back.

Josh: If there was one thing in my life that I could take back, that would be it.

Shayne: Do it again.

Josh: What?

Shayne: Push me now. I want you to.

*   *   *   *   *

Reva: Sandy, it's all right. It's because of me that Marah didn't stay, not you.

Sandy: Did you guys have a fight?

Reva: Not really. She just felt judged by my questions about her and...

Sandy: Mr. O'Neill?

Reva: Yes.

Sandy: Then it was my fault. I pushed her right towards that clown.

Reva: You know, whatever goes on in Marah's head or her heart, it doesn't have anything to do with you. You can't put that on yourself.

Sandy: If the shame fits.

Reva: That is a real mole comment if ever I heard one. Sandy, it's a holiday, and a new one for you. You should try to enjoy it.

Sandy: I never was big on holidays. They just reminded me of what I was missing.

Reva: And here, on the other side of the ocean, I would always wonder, on special days like this, what kind of a person my son had grown into. And now I know.

Sandy: Yeah. Sorry.

Reva: You're a terrific young man. And you're just as fallible as the rest of us, and that's no crime.

Sandy: I wonder. Appearances can be deceiving.

Reva: You know, that's not the first time you've said that.

Sandy: Yeah, well, forget about it.

Reva: No, no. I want to know why that particular phrase sticks in your mind. Is there something you're not telling me?

Sandy: I'm just worried that you're expecting too much, is all. I mean, you've already figured that I’m going to fit right in to the Lewis fold, but I’ve got a bag packed and ready to go. If I feel I can't hack this family thing, I'm gone.

Reva: No, I understood that about you from the minute I found out who you really were. This is a feeling-out process for all of us.

Sandy: Okay, as long as you don't forget that.

Reva: Sure. I know something else for sure: You'll always be my son. So, before you leave, there's something I would like to give you.

*   *   *   *   *

Josh: What does that mean? Push you, how?

Shayne: Walking. Be my coach.

Josh: Shayne, you have a physical therapist.

Shayne: He doesn't know me, like you.

Josh: What about Remy?

Shayne: Do you want to help?

Josh: Well, yes, of course I want to help. I just... Shayne, the last time I tried to push you too hard, look what happened. I'm the one that put you in that chair.

Shayne: Then help me get out.

*   *   *   *   *

Tammy: What's wrong? You don't like the color. It's cool. There was one with a lot more green in it. I'll go back and exchange it tomorrow.

Edmund: Tammy, Tammy. This is absolutely beautiful. I just can't let you spend your money like this on me.

Tammy: I didn't take a hammer to my piggy-bank. I'm not a baby.

Edmund: I'm not suggesting you are, Tammy.

Tammy: Well, then, take it and wear it, please, or else I’m going to be really mad at you. Okay?

Edmund: RJ? Do you like this scarf? Well, then, that settles it. I'm keeping it. Thank you, Lady Tammy. Every time I put it on, I shall think of you.

Cassie: Are you rehearsing?

Edmund: Well, the fair Juliet has just bestowed upon me this beautiful scarf, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the play.

Cassie: It's beautiful, Tammy. And you look very handsome.

Tammy: Doesn't he? RJ looks kind of beat. I think I'll take him back to the Beacon.

Cassie: Okay.

Tammy: And I'll check on Will.

Cassie: Yeah. I've already bugged Ms. Chitwood a hundred times today calling and checking on him. I'll put him down later so you can go out with your friends. Bye, sweetie.

Tammy: Deal.

Cassie: Good night.

Tammy: Good night.

Cassie: And you, come inside.

Edmund: Sure.

*   *   *   *   *

Jeffrey: Well, it's been fun, so...

Marah: You have been avoiding me all night.

Jeffrey: No, I haven’t. Okay, it's... You know, it was a little awkward.

Marah: Because?

Jeffrey: Because? Because of last night, my hotel room.

Marah: Well, you were anything but awkward back then. Lucky me.

Jeffrey: Excuse me?

Marah: Don't you remember what happened?

Jeffrey: Nothing happened. You showed up, I let you in, we talked and then I showed you out. Actually, I kicked you out, is more like it.

Marah: Wow. How many drinks did you have? You forgot all about the fun part.

*   *   *   *   *

Cassie: Edmund.

Edmund: Cassie, is there something you want to say to me?

Cassie: Yes. And it's been on my mind for a while.

Edmund: All right, what is it?

Cassie: I... uh... I... I love... I loved the pumpkin pie here. It's, like, the best, and you didn't really have any, so I think that... I think you should try some.

*   *   *   *   *

Tony: You understand me, Eden. You do. You understand... Okay, you know what? You know what? You understand me, Eden, just like I get you. You know what I mean? It's that simple.

Eden: Just stop!

Tony: Okay, that's fine. You keep pretending that that night on the roof in New York did not happen, that it was a mistake. You tell yourself that, because I don't care.

Eden: I am telling you! Leave me alone!

Tony: Okay, I will. That's fine. But you're going to wake up one day and it's going to be too late. You know that? But I will still... Look at me. Look at me. But I'll still be here waiting for you. I will. It's only a matter of time.

Eden: Where do you come off, coming at me with all of this?

Tony: You want to know where? It's the truth. You and I, we're connected, Eden. You know what I mean?

Eden: Just let it go, Tony.

Tony: Just let it go? I mean, look at our lives, Eden. Come on. I mean, my father killed your father. You -- you -- pushed my father off a roof. Am I right? It evened the score, right? A Santos for an Augustino. That links us forever, as far as...

Eden: Oh, and you know what? We never met each other until last year and I don't know where you get off thinking that we are soul mates, huh?

Tony: Well, it's what I know, Eden. I'll tell you what. You know what? You go in there, you enjoy Thanksgiving. Happy holidays, sweetheart.

*   *   *   *   *

Harley: Okay, Darci will be right out with Phillip's...

Nadine: Way to go, girl. You pulled it off.

Harley: I want to know how you pull off showing up so that only I can see you.

Nadine: Oh, don't change the subject. We're talking Thanksgiving. Turkey Day. Which you made real special by cooking with love. And look how well it worked.

*   *   *   *   *

Frank: Hey.

Darci: Hi.

Frank: Hi. You look very sexy with that skirt and that plate of leftovers.

Darci: Really? Are you still hungry?

Frank: I'm starved, but not for food.

Darci: Well, hold your horses. We'll be home soon.

Frank: Exactly where will we be going? To your place or ours?

Darci: Ours?

Frank: Well, you know, I can't officially call it my place with you living there.

Darci: I'm sorry, Frank, I'm confused.

Frank: Before you answer that question, I've got a ton of space, closet space. I’ve got, I’ve got these furnishings that are negotiable. I've got this TV couch that has stuffing coming out of it that I’ll throw out. I also have this Elvis print in the bathroom that I'd also like to throw out.

Darci: Frank. Honey, I’m sorry, but if that Elvis painting goes, I go, too.

Frank: Is that a yes? (Laughs) Is that a yes?

Darci: I think so.


Frank: That's beautiful.

Harley: Are they talking cohabitation?

Nadine: That boy's found himself a winner this time.

Buzz: Well, there's nothing like great news on a full stomach. Take him up on the ditching-the-chair thing.

Frank: I didn't know you liked the chair.

Buzz: No, I don't want the chair.

Gus: Congratulations, chief. It's a good move. Congratulations.

Frank: Thank you, thank you.

Buzz: You know, it kind of makes you think, doesn't it?

Alexandra: Think? About what? (Laughs) You and I moving in together?

Buzz: I can see you living full time in the firehouse, yeah.

Alexandra: Oh, yes. And I can see you living full- time at the Beacon. (Laughs)

Buzz: Move to table the discussion.

Alexandra: Seconded.


Alexandra: Ooh. Oh, dear. (Laughs)

*   *   *   *   *

Nadine: What exactly does Buzz see in that woman? Besides a couple of million bucks?

Harley: Come on, you know daddy doesn't care about that stuff. Alexandra seems to make him happy.

Nadine: Well, there is that. There's that for you, too, honey.

Harley: Ever since I met Gus.

Nadine: Yeah.

Harley: Even when he can be impossible.

Nadine: Well, that's all right. It'll spice things up in years to come. You deserve to be happy. And I can stop by now and then. If it'll help.

Harley: You'll be my meal-time cheerleader?

Nadine: Well, it worked today. But remember, I don't do dishes.

*   *   *   *   *

Gus: I'm going to just take the whole plate to the hospital and we should hurry up, because you know, they do stop people from allowing you to go...

Alan: The car's out front.

Harley: Please tell Phillip we said hi.

Gus: I'll get him a napkin and everything. What are you doing here?

*   *   *   *   *

Reva: Here. Leftovers. Turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce.

Sandy: That was what was so important to give me?

Reva: Well, yes. It's kind of an important part of something I missed with you. Missed with most of my kids at one time or another; the chance to send you off to school, make sure your socks matched and that your hair was combed, that you had your lunch.

Sandy: Even if it's leftovers?

Reva: Hey, kid, you better watch it. There could be a note inside that says "Don't forget your galoshes."

Sandy: Oh. Well, then I better count my blessings, huh?

Reva: I think we both should.

Sandy: Well, thank you for tonight and...

Reva: My pleasure.

Sandy: I ought to... It's getting late, I ought to go.

Reva: Sandy? There was one other little thing that I used to do before I sent my kids off to school. I'd give them a kiss good-bye. (Laughs)

Sandy: For the record, I never owned galoshes.

Reva: Oh well, okay. I'll see you soon. I hope.

Sandy: Hey there, fellows.

Josh: Howdy.

Sandy: I was just heading out. Thought I'd say Happy Thanksgiving again, and good-night.

*   *   *   *   *

Jeffrey: That's good. That's funny. You almost got me there.

Marah: You think I'm kidding?

Jeffrey: Marah, nothing happened, okay? Yeah, all right. Was I drinking? Yeah, I was drinking. Was I a little fuzzy around the edges? Yeah, but I think I would remember a major engagement like that.

Marah: Ooh, "major engagement." I like that. So is that what it'll be when something does happen?

Jeffrey: You just gave yourself a way. See, that just proves that nothing did happen.

Marah: Yes. Damn it. But that was then and this is now. Do you have any major engagements scheduled for the rest of the evening?

Jeffrey: Sit down.

Marah: Okay, you know... Before you go into how wrong you are for me, too cynical, too old, too whatever, I just... I want to tell you that you were a perfect gentleman last night.

Jeffrey: Oh, yeah. I'm just a national treasure, aren't I?

Marah: You're a man -- the kind of man that I want.

Jeffrey: Marah...

Marah: I'm just trying to be serious with you.

Jeffrey: Well, you're not making this easy.

Marah: No, actually, I'm going to make this very easy.

Jeffrey: Oh, yeah?

Marah: Yeah. See how simple it can be?

*   *   *   *   *

Phillip: Hey. Happy Thanksgiving.

Alan: Phillip, what are you doing out of the hospital?

Phillip: It's all right. Rick okayed it. Everything is fine.

Alexandra: Happy Thanksgiving, darling.

Phillip: Happy Thanksgiving, Buzz. How are you?

Harley: Hi.

Phillip: Happy Thanksgiving. I'm fine. I'm good. I'm fine, I'm fine. He... Listen, he ran a whole slew of tests on me. It turns out the entire thing was stress related. The exhaustion, the claustrophobia, all of it. So, actually, what happened the other day was a good thing, because I got the rest that I obviously needed in the hospital and now I'm fine.

Alan: Did they run any other tests?

Phillip: Like to check me out mentally? It's okay, you can go ahead and say it. Unbelievable. No, they didn't, because I’m fine. There's nothing else wrong with me. I thought it'd be a waste of time. Really, I'm okay. Boy, something smells great!

Gus: That's because it's Thanksgiving. So, look at this. You're in luck. Have you eaten? I mean, if you've...

Phillip: No, I haven’t. Is that for me?

Gus: Yes, yes.

Phillip: Gus, thank you. Hey, this looks great! Did you get Towers to cater again?

Harley: No. Actually, I cooked. (Laughs nervously)

Frank: And Phillip, look around the room here. We're all still standing.

Darci: It was so good. Try it. It was really good.

Phillip: Really?

Darci: Yeah.

Phillip: Okay. Harley? Dear? I didn't think I would ever ask you this but, should I finish this, is there more?

Harley: Really? (Laughs)

Phillip: This is delicious!

Alan: He looks all right, doesn't he?

Gus: Yeah, I guess so. I mean, he seems relaxed.

Alan: Yeah, but then why don't I feel relieved?

Gus: (Sighs) Because I think you're thinking like I am, and a guy like Phillip -- a Spaulding who's got everything at his disposal -- he doesn't have a meltdown because work gets a little hard. You know? I think something else is wrong.

(Talking and laughter)

*   *   *   *   *

Jeffrey: The Springfield Inn?

Marah: I took a room. For us.

Jeffrey: You did?

Marah: Yeah. I can't exactly expect you to come showing up to the Museum to look for me. I mean, with Marina and Shayne and everybody hanging out there, it wouldn't really look good. You being the DA and all.

Jeffrey: No, no. That wouldn’t... That wouldn't...

Marah: Right. And the Beacon is out for pretty much the same reason, because my Aunt Cassie runs it and we wouldn't want to have another run-in with her like we did the other night.

Jeffrey: No, we wouldn't want that, either.

Marah: Right. So this is the perfect solution. You can meet up with me later on and nobody has to know.

Jeffrey: That's a great idea. In theory. But it's not going to happen. Sorry.

Marah: Jeffrey? Is there somebody else?

Jeffrey: Yeah. Yeah, as a matter of fact, there's always someone else.

Marah: Wow. Well, how do you keep track of them all?

Jeffrey: Well, it's easy, really. You know, all you do is you just, whoever you're with, that person, that woman becomes the most special, most important woman in the whole world. For that moment.

Marah: And the next day, oh well?

Jeffrey: And the next day, oh well. Yeah. That's just who I am.

Marah: But when you're one-on-one with a woman, she is the one?

Jeffrey: Yeah. She is. Theoretically.

Marah: Okay, well, then sign me up.

Jeffrey: What?

Marah: Once you see how special I can be, I think you'll want to stick with a good thing.

Jeffrey: (Laughs) Well, you see, there's another problem there, Marah. You see, it has to do with chemistry. You see? Because all the other stuff -- the age thing, the appearances -- none of that really matters, as long as there's chemistry, and I’m... I... don't feel it.

Marah: Well, I got a deal on the room. I have it for a week. So if you suddenly change your mind and feel it, let me know. I believe you were going home.

Carrie: Now, my dear, about that wish that you've been thinking about...

*   *   *   *   *

Reva: Where's Shayne?

Josh: Sandy volunteered to help Marina drive him home and get him back to the Museum.

Reva: Just like a real brother.

Josh: Yeah. Yeah, well, he came along at a good time, for Shayne, at least. Is there more coffee?

Reva: I actually brought a cup out for you.

Josh: Well, thank you very much. That's sweet.

Reva: This is strange, being here together. I mean, without the kids being here, too.

Josh: Not really, no. It's nice. Shayne... Shayne asked me to be his rehab coach.

Reva: What? Just now?

Josh: I want to know if that's okay with you or if you have any problem with that.

Reva: Not at all. I think you're the best possible choice for the job.

Josh: Thank you. You know what? I better go.

Reva: You really have to rush off?

Josh: Yeah, I do. I have a long day tomorrow.

Reva: Well...

Josh: So, uh...

Reva: Thanks, really, for joining us tonight.

Josh: Thank you for inviting me. Good night.

Reva: Good night.

*   *   *   *   *

Marah: Are you going to go on about that stupid wish again?

Carrie: Well, my dear, it's your own concern but it's never wise to make a stupid wish.

Marah: Well, you know what? To tell you the truth, I just... I can't think of a good one. Do I wish for Tony, my true love, my first love? I mean, what good is that going to do? I can't wish for Sandy because he's my brother. And Jeffrey, who is smart and exciting, he's totally out of reach.

Carrie: Well, my, my. So many gentleman callers.

Marah: It's stupid to wish for any man.

Carrie: Well, it is stupid -- if you don't want it. What do you want? Do you really know what you want? I think you want what you can't have.

Marah: Now, that would be stupid.

Carrie: It's safe, because if you know you can't have it, then when you don't get it, you'll never be disappointed.

Marah: I'm so afraid of getting hurt again that I won't really let myself want or wish for much of anything.

Carrie: Well, now is clearly not the time for you to make this wish.

Marah: When will it be?

Carrie: Don't ask me, my dear. I think when the time comes, you'll just know.

*   *   *   *   *

Cassie: Have you had enough?

Edmund: Apparently.

Cassie: I should never have Thanksgiving here. It was a bad idea.

Edmund: Cassie, not at all. It was fantastic. Just, next year, it would be nice to move this tradition someplace else. Let's say, the farm?

Cassie: Looking forward to it already. We should go, right?

Edmund: If you'd like.

Cassie: Yeah, we should go. No! No. No! We can't leave yet! We can't!

Edmund: What is it?

Cassie: I left something out earlier when we were all saying what we were thankful for.

Edmund: All right, all right. What is it? What is it?

Cassie: I'm just thankful to have a man in my life who is gentle and kind and patient enough to let me decide when it's time for me to tell him that I love him!

Edmund: Cassie... What did you say to me?

Cassie: I love you. I do. I love you. I love you, Edmund.

*   *   *   *   *

Gus: Okay, so physically, you're saying, physically, he's okay. All right. Well, listen, you have a good Thanksgiving, all right? Give my love to Mel. Yeah, all right. Rick says that he's all right, you know. Gives him a clean bill. What can I say?

Alan: Maybe we're worried about nothing.

Phillip: It was great to see, great to be with you all, even if I just came in for the tail end of the festivities. Bye-bye.

Frank: Good night, Sis.

Darci: Happy Thanksgiving.

Phillip: Unbelievable. Unbelievable.

Harley: Bye. Thank you for coming.

Darci: It was wonderful.

Harley: Get home safely, you guys.

Gus: Congratulations, I guess.

Harley: Quite an exciting Thanksgiving. I think Darci and Frank are planning to move in together. I think. And actually, your dad and Alexandra were very nice to me. And you're eating my cooking -- miracle of miracles.

Phillip: That really makes you think anything is possible.

Harley: Yeah. Let me get you some pie.

Phillip: Okay.

Harley: Hey. Are you all right? What happened?

Phillip: Nothing. Nothing at all.

*   *   *   *   *

Alan: Next, on Guiding Light.

Marina: What are these?

Carrie: Well, they're your invitations. To the ball.

Waitress: Sir, are you okay? Is there something I can get you?

Phillip: I'm sorry. You look so much like somebody that I know.

Waitress: That's okay, I get that all the time.

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