GL Transcript Wednesday 11/26/03

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 11/26/03

By Suzanne
Proofread By Hijrah

Danny: All right, bar looks good. I think we're all set. Hey, did you double check all my place-setting skills?

Michelle: Hm-mmm. Of course I did.

Danny: You did, didn't you?

Michelle: And I fixed everything.

Danny: Ah, I knew you were going to do that.

Michelle: So wait, we have enough chairs, right? We're 11. No... no, we're 12. We're 12 adults...

Danny: What about Ray? Did he call?

Michelle: Um, Ray called. He's coming by later after he goes to the shelter.

Danny: Okay. All right, well, just let me know if there's anything else you want me to do.

Michelle: Okay. Hey.

Danny: What?

Michelle: Are you excited as I am?

Danny: About what?

Michelle: "About what?" This is our first Thanksgiving in our new house.

Danny: Yeah, I'm excited. Excited, I’m excited. I'm excited. I'm excited.

Michelle: (Laughs)

Danny: I'm excited.

Michelle: And did you bring me down the board games for later?

Danny: I brought a couple of decks of cards.

Michelle: No cards. We're not playing poker tonight.

Danny: Well, not till after the football.

Michelle: The board games are up in the hall closet. I'll go...

Danny: And that's where they're going to stay.

Michelle: Okay, you want to baste the turkey and bake the deviled eggs?

Danny: No.

Michelle: Because, you know, I'll go. It's up to you.

(Door slams)

Nico: Hey.

Michelle: Hey.

Danny: Hey. You took of early this morning. Where'd you go?

Nico: Oh, yeah, I was helping Father Ray. It's kind of what I'm used to doing today, but he actually told me to come by and give you guys a hand.

Michelle: Oh, and we are glad you did.

Danny: Great. You can go upstairs and grab the board games out of the hall closet.

Nico: Board games?

Danny: Board games.

Michelle: It's a Bauer tradition, okay? And it's going to be fun. You're going to have fun, both of you.

Danny: Oh, and after that, Michelle needs your help in the kitchen.

Michelle: That's nice. That's nice...

Danny: What?

Michelle: ...But you're not off the hook yet.

Danny: Oh, I think I'm very much off the hook.

Michelle: No. You got a lot of work to do, buddy.

Tony: Look who's here.

Danny: Hey, tiger...

Tony: Go see Daddy.

Danny: Wassup? Did you show your Cousin Tony your new jungle gym? You did? (Laughs)

Tony: Oh, he did all right, that's for sure.

Danny: You did?

Michelle: Oh, well, maybe all three of you can go outside later.

Danny: Little monkey.

Tony: Yeah, sure, why not? After the game.

Danny: After the game.

Michelle: Not you, too. Come on.

Danny: Why not? What's this? What's this? What's this? What's this?

Tony: We had fun, huh?

Bill: Hey, what's going on?

Michelle: Hi.

Eden: Hi. I... I didn't dare cook it. Maybe later you can show me.

Michelle: Well, one of us will, I'm sure. Thank you.

*   *   *   *   *

Reva: Oh, that is so pretty.

Marah: Thank you. Aren't we a little bit short, though?

Reva: Uh, actually, Cassie and the kids aren't coming.

Marah: Because of Edmund?

Reva: No, I mean I extended an invitation to him, but Cassie decided that she wanted to start her own tradition, so it's just us, and Marina.

Marah: So I assume the extra setting is...

Reva: Sandy. I mean, he said no, but I'm holding out hope that he'll change his mind.

Marah: You know what? Could I invite somebody?

Reva: Well, yeah, of course. Sure, it's kind of last minute, though.

Marah: Yeah, well, the person I have in mind doesn't have any family...

Reva: Well, then by all means, call him right this minute. I mean, I'm assuming it's a him.

Marah: Yes. Uh, Jeffrey O’Neill's room, please.

Reva: Wait. Wait a minute. You're calling Jeffrey O’Neill?

Marah: Yeah.

Reva: Oh, my God. I thought Cassie was crazy.

Marah: Cassie said something to you?

Reva: Of course she did, Marah. So it's true. Are you interested in Jeffrey O’Neill?

*   *   *   *   *

Buzz: Refill?

Jeffrey: Yes, please.

Buzz: Gee, you're practically a regular here. Dinner last night; now breakfast.

Jeffrey: Yeah, I didn't think you were open today.

Buzz: Charlie's idea. Cook.

Jeffrey: Fascinating.

Buzz: Well, he didn't have anyplace to go this year, so... He asked me to keep the place open, you know, for guys like... him. Guys like you.

*   *   *   *   *

Cassie: Okay, well, I need to go in and tell Buzz. Make sure he has everything set up, right?

Edmund: Set up?

Cassie: Yeah. I thought after the parade, we could eat here.

Edmund: Huh. Well, I'm sorry, I’m a bit confused. I thought you'd be going over to your sister's with the kids.

Cassie: Yeah, but I changed my mind. I guess I should have said something to you about it.

Edmund: Well, why didn't you?

Cassie: I don't know. I didn't want to make it an issue, you know? I want to spend the day with you, and I want you to feel comfortable. And it doesn't really matter where we eat, right?

Edmund: Well, that's very nice, but today is about family, Cassie, and I think you should be with yours.

Cassie: And I think that's really nice, but I already made up my mind.

Edmund: Well, I think you're being somewhat stubborn. You should cancel your plans with Buzz and give your sister a call.

Cassie: So you can be alone on Thanksgiving?

Edmund: Cassie, I won't be here. As soon as the parade's over, I'm catching a flight to San Cristobel.

*   *   *   *   *

Harley: (Sighs) Okay, you're not Harriet. You're better than Harriet. You're a Butterball, and I’m depending on you. Let's go. "Number one, preheat the oven." Done. "Number two, remove the neck and giblets." Done. "Rinse the turkey." Done. Looking good. "Rub butter into the skin." That's good. Beautiful. Oil. How much oil? Was that too much oil? Oh, wait, did I just ruin this thing? Mommy, why couldn't you just teach me to cook? Of course you couldn't teach me to cook; you didn't know how to cook either.

Nadine: (Laughs) Oh, honey. Serving the food was bad enough. But cooking it? Really, Harley.

Harley: This doesn't seem right. Shouldn't it be more sticky?

Nadine: Did you follow the recipe?

Harley: Yes. But I can't read Blake’s writing. She writes like a doctor.

Nadine: Blake Marler? There's your problem. She can't cook.

Harley: It's her grandmother's recipe. Did I put enough sage in this thing? Wait, was I supposed to use sage? What recipe am I doing?

Nadine: Oh, honey, why on earth are you torturing yourself like this?

Harley: I have no idea.

Nadine: Well, you must have some reason, otherwise you could have just called Buzz. In fact...

Harley: A Greek Thanksgiving? I don't think so. No, I am on my own here.

Nadine: Oh. Well, I hope you have a backup plan.

Harley: You know, you're not supposed to say that. First of all, you're in my head, so I get to write the script here.

Nadine: Oh, and in your head, mothers are supposed to be more supportive.

Harley: Yes.

Nadine: Well, did you ever hear that old saying about how love is the most important ingredient in cooking?

Harley: You know what I’m going to do? I'm... I'm just going to follow this recipe. This recipe. This recipe here. Word for word, okay? I'm going to do it and I’m going to get through this.

Nadine: That's your common sense kicking in.

Harley: If I had any common sense, I wouldn't be doing this at all.

Nadine: Why is this meal so important to you, Harley?

Harley: Why is this meal so important to me? Why is this meal so important to me? Because this is what I’m supposed to be doing. You know, I got a second chance at my life, to make my family my number-one priority. And what have I been doing? I have been immersing myself in my relationship with Gus. I have been immersing myself in the agency. I'm the same person I used to be.

Nadine: Aw, sugar, you're being way too hard on yourself.

Harley: I'm glad to hear you say that, because maybe it means there's a little part of me that's thinking it.

Nadine: That's right. Although you could spend a little bit more time with Franky.

Harley: You think?

Nadine: Hmm, I think you do.

Harley: I do. I do but let me just get through this first, okay? Let me just... let me do this and let me get it over with.

Nadine: Okay. Oh, and honey, next year, seriously, think about a backup plan.

*   *   *   *   *

Cassie: You're going to San Cristobel on Thanksgiving?

Edmund: Well, Cassie, Thanksgiving's an American holiday. I'm not an American. I have business in San Cristobel.

Cassie: You expect me to believe that you made these plans without discussing them with me first?

Edmund: Oh, the arrogance of it. You just did the same thing.

Cassie: My plans include you.

Edmund: Oh, you're right. Well, I'm sorry, I’m sorry. I should have discussed it with your first; I didn't.

Cassie: Are you saying that it's too late?

Edmund: Well, unfortunately, I think it is, yes.

Cassie: Oh, get out of here! You're making this up. You don't have any plans.

Edmund: Cassie, don't be ridiculous. Of course I have plans. Spend time with your family...

Cassie: Well, I want you to know... Wait, Reva invited both of us, you know. And I still turned her down. I told her that I wanted to start a new tradition, with you.

Edmund: You told her that?

Cassie: Yes, I told her that. Would I be telling you that if I didn't tell her that?

Edmund: Well, I don't know. I don't know. Maybe you're trying to protect my feelings or something. (Laughs)

Cassie: Like you're trying to protect mine? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Edmund: Cassie, I just didn't want to spoil... I don't-- I don't want to spoil the holiday for you and your kids.

Cassie: Hey, don't you realize that you would be spoiling it if you weren't here with us?

Edmund: Well, I guess... I guess... I guess I’m staying put.

Cassie: You better. Let's go inside and get something warm to drink.

Edmund: Okay, lead the way.

Jeffrey: Happy Turkey Day.

*   *   *   *   *

Marah: Would you please give me the phone back?

Reva: Answer my question. Are you interested in Jeffrey O’Neill?

Marah: What if I am?

Reva: He's old enough to be your father.

Marah: Like that ever stopped you.

Reva: Marah, I... I just don't see what the two of you have in common.

Marah: Who cares? What if that's not even what I’m interested in? What if I just want to have a good time?

Reva: Okay, look, you're having a bit of a setback when it comes to men, but I just don't want you to self-destruct!

Marah: Oh, so that's what you think I'm doing?

Reva: When it comes to self-destructive behavior, I'm the pro.

Marah: Like mother, like daughter, right?

Reva: You're smarter than I ever was.

Marah: (Scoffs) That is so like you. Always a little late to the game, right, Mom?

Reva: What?

Marah: Where were you when you should have been interested in my love life? "Uh, Marah, you have a crush on your brother. Maybe you should rethink that, honey."

Reva: I made a mistake.

Marah: (Scoffs) "I made a mistake." Reva Shayne Lewis's motto, everybody.

Reva: I just think you're a little vulnerable right now, and that concerns me.

Marah: You know what? I am so tired of people saying that to me. You can save your concern, all right? I don't need it. And I don't need you harassing me about Jeffrey or any other guy I decide I want to date. Do you understand? Are we clear?

Reva: Yeah. Yeah. Forget everything I said.

Marah: Forgotten.

Reva: Where are you going?

Marah: I don't know. I am not in the mood for a family dinner right now, and I don't want to ruin it for you.

*   *   *   *   *

Frank: Hey, Pop, what's... what's with Harley doing this cooking thing all by herself this year?

Buzz: Beats me. She's got the guy.

Frank: "She's got the guy"?

Buzz: I was just thinking about your mom. She cooked me a meal one time.

Frank: Hold on. Mom cooked you a meal?

Buzz: Yeah, chicken a la... you know, Cadillac, Edsel, Rolls... some damn car. And she was... she was so proud of it. I mean, she... she... said it was like the meal she cooked right after we got married, the first meal, you know, kind of rekindled feelings or something.

Frank: Ah, yes. The "Way to a Man's Heart is Through his Stomach" Routine.

Buzz: Yeah, but, Harley's got the guy. Maybe it's for us.

Frank: What? Why? She doesn't have to prove anything to us.

Buzz: Well, your sister almost got killed this year. Kind of makes you rethink your priorities.

Gus: I warned you about it. Hey, what's happening? How you doing? You ready to go?

Frank: Ah, we're waiting for Darci and... What are you guys doing here?

Gus: We're just wasting... We got to waste time.

Buzz: Harley threw you out?

Gus: She's a little tense.

Frank: Oh, no, you know what that means. This is going to be one long night.

Alan: Not necessarily, Frank. She is preparing her macaroni and cheese, isn't she, guys?

Gus: Oh, I don't think so.

Alan: Well, I hope that's not true.

Buzz: Here, here, for later. Hey, where is the ice cream?

Frank: Hey, Pop, don't forget the baklava here, right? Come on, sweetie, let's go. See you guys.

Gus: See if that doesn't work.

Alan: I just want you to know that I may have to leave early. I need to see Phillip in the hospital.

Gus: Oh, yeah, how's he doing?

Alan: Well, he's doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances. But I want you to know another thing: That he's having some tests done.

Gus: Okay, fine. That's good. I think you're a coward.

Alan: Huh?

Gus: There's not going to be any macaroni and cheese there, so you're just probably going to just bolt, right? Just admit it.

*   *   *   *   *

Tony: Okay, I grabbed two. Who needs one?

Danny: Right here.

Michelle: I wish Marah were here. He just seems so lost without her.

Eden: Any man is lost without a woman.

Michelle: I should have just invited her, you know? And just made them... Throw them together.

Eden: You know, I don't... I don't think that would have worked. Besides, I don't think Marah would have come.

Michelle: Probably not. Do you know what happened with them?

Eden: No.

Michelle: I don't know. I just think there might be someone else.

Eden: Why?

Michelle: It's just this feeling that I have.

Eden: Did Tony mention anything?

Michelle: No. Why, do you know something?

Eden: I am the last person Tony would say anything to, if he was seeing someone. He knows I’d tell Marah.

Michelle: Well, if there is anything to tell, Tony will tell Danny eventually, and then I’ll know.

*   *   *   *   *

Cassie: So what are you waiting for?

Edmund: I beg your pardon?

Cassie: Go ahead, cancel that trip... you know, if you ever had one.

Edmund: Cassie, I assure you I do have meetings. (Laughs)

Cassie: Then cancel, you know? You should call and cancel it, right?

Edmund: Well, don't worry, Cassie. I'm not going to be skipping out on you. I'm not. And it's not because my meetings were a ruse, as you so suspiciously imply. It's because I want to make you happy, I do.

Cassie: You do make me happy. (Sighs) Happy and thankful, you know? I'm thankful that we have found this happiness together.

Edmund: Well, today is the day to give thanks for being happy, I guess.

Cassie: I'm thankful that you make me feel so safe and protected. And every day when I wake up in your arms, the first thing I want to do is just smile.

Edmund: Really? The first thing? Because I always thought you just wanted...

Cassie: Edmund. I'm thankful that one minute you can explain Juliet’s love for Romeo, and the next minute you can get down on the floor and you can build a fort. I'm so thankful that you have taught me how to live again, and you have opened up my heart. And you try so hard to keep the hurt out, just like you did today, by coming up with this phony trip so I don't have to pick between you and Reva.

Edmund: It wasn't phony. The trip was not phony.

Cassie: I choose you. I choose you, Edmund. And I always will.

Edmund: You know, I think... I think I like this holiday after all.

Cassie: Yeah?

Edmund: Yeah.

*   *   *   *   *

Gus: Harley. Lover. Come on in, everybody. Make yourselves at home. Put those someplace. Let me find her.

Darci: Oh, my gosh. This is beautiful.

Frank: So far, so good.

Buzz: I'm impressed. I'm impressed.

Darci: Wow.

Gus: Here she is, everybody.


Harley: Thank you for coming.

Darci: Oh, thank you for having us. You look gorgeous.

Harley: Thank you, Daddy.

Buzz: Gorgeous.

Harley: Oh, thank you.

Frank: Sis, look at you. You look smoking.


Harley: What's on your face there, Frank?

Frank: Oh, a little something for the holidays.

Harley: Hi, Alan. Thank you for coming.

Alan: Harley, you look absolutely magnificent.

Harley: Oh, thank you. And thank you again. ( Laughs)

Alan: Tell me, is that your famous macaroni and cheese that I smell right now?

Gus: He loves the macaroni and cheese.

Harley: (Laughs)

Gus: Today's Turkey Day, okay, you got it? Turkey Day.

Frank: Sis, you got a lot of food here. So you need me to test anything? Because I probably have the strongest stomach.

Buzz: Frank!

Harley: "A," bite me. And, two, I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised.

Buzz: Dessert. Dessert over here.

Harley: Right, right, right.

Darci: Harley, is there anything I can do to help?

Harley: Yeah, you can help me bring the dessert in and bring the food out.

Buzz: Okay, I need the freezer, ice cream.

Harley: Okay, that's fine.

Darci: You want me to take your coat?

Frank: I'm okay, thanks. I got it. All right, fellows, keep your fingers crossed.

(Doorbell rings)

Gus: Coming!

Alexandra: Oh, hello, there. Hope I’m not late.

Alan: Alexandra?

Alexandra: Ah, Frank.

Frank: Hi, Alex.

Alexandra: Happy Thanksgiving, darling.

Alan: Well, Happy Thanksgiving to you.

Alexandra: Listen, well, Alan-Michael and Lucy called me just as I was walking out the door. And they're so sorry they missed you.

Alan: Well, as a matter of fact, they contacted me on my cell phone.

Alexandra: Oh, good, good. (Laughs) Where's our hostess?

Gus: She's in the kitchen. She's preparing all the grub.

Alexandra: Well... How lovely. How are you, Frank?

Frank: I'm lovely.

Alexandra: Oh, good. (Laughs) Oh, Happy Thanksgiving, Harley.

Harley: Alexandra, thank you for coming.

Alexandra: Oh, thank you for having me.

Harley: Oh. (Laughs)

Alexandra: Well, everything looks lovely. You've done a wonderful job, my dear.

Harley: Thank you.

Alexandra: Wonderful. I think you're so brave for doing it.

Harley: (Laughs)

Alexandra: Just lovely.

Harley: More wine?


Buzz: (Whispering) Take it easy on her. She's a little tense.

Alexandra: Oh, you know, I'd offer to help but it looks like everything's perfectly under control.

Harley: Well, I don't know about that.

Alexandra: Oh, nonsense. You've done a wonderful job. I wouldn't dare to take this on.

Harley: No?

Alexandra: No, no. (Laughs) Indeed not. ( Laughs) I mean, when we have big parties like that, dinners at the house, I mean, our cook, you know, she would... ban me from the kitchen, literally. I mean it. I mean, can you spell food poisoning?


*   *   *   *   *

Edmund: Lose something?

Jeffrey: Yeah, I lost my key. Ah! And there they are.

Edmund: Surprised you're in town, this being a holiday and all.

Jeffrey: Oh, yeah? Well, I'm surprised you noticed, Winslow.

Edmund: Oh, believe me, I noticed.

Jeffrey: Well, don't worry. I won't be raining on your kiddy parade. I'm going to the Beacon to watch the boob tube this afternoon.

Edmund: American football, I suppose?

Jeffrey: No, as a matter of fact, it's a "Honeymooners" marathon.

Edmund: What?

Jeffrey: Never mind, you wouldn't... wouldn't understand.

Edmund: O'Neill.

Jeffrey: Yeah?

Edmund: Um... You're welcome to have dinner here with us if you'd like.

Jeffrey: Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. You're asking me to join you for Thanksgiving dinner?

Edmund: Oh, come on, man. It's a restaurant. It will be open. Just... It has to be a step above eating alone in your room, don't you think?

Jeffrey: (Laughs)

Cassie: You look cute. (Laughs)

Jeffrey: Hey, Turkey Boy. Looks like your costume's holding up.

Cassie: I hear you did wing surgery last night...

Jeffrey: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm just a man of many talents, Mrs. Winslow.

RJ: You come.

Jeffrey: What?

RJ: You come.

Tammy: I think he wants you to come to the parade.

Jeffrey: Oh, no, no, no, kid. You don't want me going to that parade. Look, I'm like the... I'm the Turkey Grinch, okay? Bah humbug. (Laughs)

Cassie: Wrong holiday.

Edmund: You may as well come, O’Neill. I don't think RJ’s going to be deterred. I've invited Mr. O’Neill to dinner.

Tammy: Really?

Cassie: You have?

Edmund: Yes, and he was about to give me his answer. So, what'll it be?

Jeffrey: Sure. Why not? I'm in.

Tammy: Well, the parade's just outside. It's too bad Will is sick. He would have loved this.

Cassie: I know. You invited him to eat with us?

Edmund: I did.

*   *   *   *   *

Bill: What are you talking about? He was down! His knee was down!

Michelle: Football break!

Bill: His knee was down!

(Talking at same time)

Michelle: I need your help.

Danny: Come on, please, like five minutes. Oh, next commercial, honey...

Michelle: Oh, no, no, no, no...

Bill: All right, all right, what do you need? What do you need?

Michelle: I need more firewood and I need two more chairs in the dining room.

Tony: Okay, okay, Nico, you and I get the chairs, all right? You guys start going outside.

Bill: What?

Danny: We're stuck going outside. Nice going, Lewis.

Michelle: Just wear your coats, it's chilly out there.

Bill: All right, come on, let's go. Let's get some wood. Little man, let's do the monkey out there, let's go, come on. Walk like a monkey. Let's monkey out of here. Let's monkey out of here. Let's monkey out of here.

(Glass shatters)

Tony: Eden, Eden, I’m sorry. You okay?

Eden: Ouch.

Tony: Huh? Let me see, let me see. Okay, okay, it's not...

Michelle: Eden, are you all right? Do you need a bandage?

Eden: Yeah... It's nothing...

Tony: Eden, Eden...

Eden: Michelle, I’m really sorry about the glasses.

Michelle: Oh, don't be sorry. Don't even...

Tony: Okay, so, Eden, you need a bandage. Let me... let me go get you a bandage, please, okay?

Eden: I do not need...

Tony: You do... you do need a bandage. Let me... Let me...

Michelle: Okay, no more arguments. I'll be right back, okay?

Tony: (Whispering) I'm sorry.

Eden: (Whispering) It's okay.

*   *   *   *   *

Josh: Hello. Happy Thanksgiving. Is everything okay?

Reva: You'd better be staying or I just might have to hurt you.

Josh: Well, that was a lovely invitation. Thank you. I appreciate that.

Reva: Marah left.

Josh: She did?

Reva: I opened my mouth and she decided that she wasn't in the mood for a family dinner.

Josh: Well, she's in a tough spot right now, Reva. You know that.

Reva: Well, that ain't the half of it.

Josh: Do I want to hear this?

Reva: Not until after dinner. That is, if you're going to stick it out.

Josh: Yeah, yeah, I’m going to stick it out. This is where I want to be. This is our home: You, me, Shayne, football, Thanksgiving.

Reva: Don't forget Marina.

Josh: And Marina. So where are they, in the...

Reva: They're in the study. They're waiting for you.

Josh: You know, Marah might change her mind. And even if she doesn't, we can still have a nice day.

Reva: Promise?

Josh: Yeah, I promise. Come here.

(Doorbell rings)

Reva: I'll get that.

Sandy: Hi.

Reva: Hi. Oh, um, you want to come in?

Sandy: No, I just stopped by to say Happy Thanksgiving.

Reva: Happy Thanksgiving.

Sandy: Okay, I... Uh, well, I'll get going.

Reva: No, don't... Say hello to Josh first. Joshua!

Josh: Yeah?

Reva: Look.

Sandy: Hi, Josh.

Josh: Hello, Sandy.

Sandy: Happy Thanksgiving.

Josh: Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. You going to stick around?

Sandy: I wasn't... I didn't plan to.

Josh: Well, you're here. You might as well eat. We got plenty of food.

Reva: But it's up to you.

Josh: Come on...

Reva: No pressure.

Josh: You've been through two family dinners already, right? The third one's bound to...

Sandy: ...Be a charm?

Reva: (Laughs)

Josh: Well, I wasn't going to go that far but it's got to be better. Come on, what do you have to lose?

Sandy: Well, okay, if you're sure that... you have enough food.

Reva: Oh, there is so much food. (Laughs) Come in. Marah's not here.

Sandy: Oh.

Reva: She was here earlier, but she decided not to stay.

*   *   *   *   *

Harley: Okay, this is it.

Nadine: Harley, you did it.

Harley: I know, I tried it already. It's delicious.

Nadine: I wish I could try it.

Harley: Oh, I wish you could too, Mommy. I wish you could be here. I wish I could walk out and see you sitting right there next to Daddy and Frank. Life is not fair.

Nadine: That's right, Harley, life isn't fair. You know that better than anyone. But I will always be here. Anytime you want to conjure me up, I'll be here. Go on, honey. You have a room full of hungry people waiting for you.

Harley: (Clears throat) It's turkey time.

Frank: Hey.

Harley: Frank.

Frank: Coming, coming.

Harley: Thank you.

Harley: So, what do you think?

Buzz: It looks great.

Frank: Yeah, absolutely.

(Talking at same time)

Frank: …Looks terrific... I think you did a good job.


Harley: I can't believe it.

Frank: Well, I'll tell you this. Mom never could have done anything like this, right? She was a terrible cook.

Nadine: I heard that, Franky.

Frank: Sorry, Mom.

*   *   *   *   *

Tony: Here.

(Doorbell rings)

Michelle: I'll get it.

Tony: Thank you.

Eden: Sure.

Michelle: Hey.

All: Hi.

Michelle: Happy Thanksgiving.

Rick: Hey, Michelle, Happy Thanksgiving. Well, we brought a board game just in case things get a little slow.

Michelle: Hey!

Mel: Yes, and the baby name book. We need help. Rick likes the name Napoleon.

Michelle: Oh, Rick.

Felicia: Napoleon?

Rick: Yeah, it's a strong name.

Felicia: Oh, no, no, no. We need to talk. Step into my office. Right this way, come.

Mel: Thank you.

Clayton: Hey.

Michelle: Hi.

Clayton: This pumpkin pie, my aunt Clara's recipe.

Michelle: Oh, thank you, Clayton. Did you make this yourself?

Clayton: Oh, don't tell anybody.

Remy: Oh, yeah, he's the baker in the family. You should try his sweet potato pie.

Michelle: Ooh.

Clayton: Next year.

Michelle: That sounds good. That sounds good. (Laughs)

Clayton: Happy Thanksgiving.

Michelle: Hi, Dad.

Ed: Hello, sweetheart. Smells good.

Michelle: It's all Mom's recipes. It was kind of weird, though, not being at home and cooking in a strange kitchen.

Ed: Your kitchen in your new home, and your mom would be so proud.

Michelle: Yeah.

Ed: Hey, look who's here. Tiger, what's up? You ready for Thanksgiving? Are you? Are you?

Bill: Hey, coming through! Coming through.


Ed: Oh, Thanksgiving Day chores, eh?

Danny: Oh, no, Ed, everyday chores. She keeps me very busy.

Michelle: Yeah, I’m a regular slave driver, huh?


Michelle: Yeah, yeah.

Danny: What's my excuse? Why am I...


Michelle: Keep working, keep working. Nico.

Nico: Hey, Michelle.

Michelle: I thought I asked you to get some extra chairs.

Nico: I did, look. But I also got appetizers because everyone looked so hungry.

Michelle: Soon, soon. Okay, but for now, Starving Boy, you stay in here, okay?

Nico: Okay, hurry, okay.

Michelle: I'll do my best.

Clayton: So, Danny, I am hearing talk around town.

Danny: Oh, yeah, really?

Felicia: My darling husband never beats around the bush.

Clayton: I don't believe in it. So, are we looking at the next candidate for mayor? What do you say? Want to squelch the rumors?

Mel: Dad, it's not like you're giving him any choice.

Danny: No, it's okay. It's all right. I was going to... Thank you, sir. I was... going to wait until after dinner, but... Oh, good, honey, you're just in time. I think now is as good a time as ever. You heard right. If Mayor Hamilton decides not to run, I am going to-- what do they say?-- I'm going to throw my hat into the race.



Bill: That's great.

Danny: This is my campaign team.


Tony: Yeah, that's right. Very competent one.

*   *   *   *   *

Harley: Well?

Buzz: It's good.

Frank: It is very, very, very good.

Darci: Very, very moist. Great.

Gus: You did it, babe.

Frank: Here, here.

Harley: You're not just saying that to be nice?

Gus: On my honor. It's delicious, isn't it, people?


Alexandra: Ooh.

Buzz: What?

Alexandra: You didn't get any cranberry sauce.

Buzz: Uh, no, no.

Nadine: Your dad likes the kind in the can.

Harley: Wait, Daddy, hold on right there. I have a surprise just for you. Cranberry sauce in the can, the way you like it.

Buzz: Oh, my... You thought of everything.

*   *   *   *   *

Jeffrey: Oh, well, I'll tell you what, you were one delicious looking bird out there. Tammy, would you mind... Got to go make a phone call.

Tammy: Yeah. Come on, RJ, let's go wash your hands.

Cassie: You know, I think he actually enjoyed himself.

Edmund: Yeah. Go figure.

Jeffrey: Yeah, everything's in place. Okay, get the safe house ready.

Marah: Hi.

Cassie: Hi.

Edmund: Hi.

Marah: Have you guys eaten yet?

Cassie: No. Why?

Marah: Do you mind if I would join you?

Cassie: Sure.

Jeffrey: Okay, sorry about that. I am starving.

*   *   *   *   *

Shayne: I'm starving.

Marina: Well, physical therapy is hard work.

Sandy: And so are video games, right, Shayne?

Shayne: (Laughs) Yeah, rematch right after dinner.

Sandy: Game on.

Marina: Mrs. Lewis, do you need any help?

Reva: Would you sit down and let somebody wait on you for a change?

Marina: Hey, wow. I knew there was a reason I came here instead of my Aunt Harley's.

Reva: Now you said you were going to go for dessert, though, right?

Marina: Yes, yes, eventually, hopefully, after they've cleaned up.

Josh: We got a couple more things back there, don't we?

Reva: Okay.

Josh: Okay.

*   *   *   *   *

Michelle: So, Dad, what do you say, you want to give a toast?

Ed: No, it's your first Thanksgiving in your new house. Danny should, you know, give a toast, make a speech, something like that.

Michelle: Oh, Danny.

Danny: (Laughs) You think?

Michelle: Yeah.

Danny: Okay. Okay. I'm not very good at this stuff, but I guess if I’m going to run for mayor, I better learn.


Danny: Well, today is a day to give thanks... for our family and for our friends. We're truly blessed to all be able to be together today under the same roof with the people we love. That's the thing about holidays. We come together and we're able to remember what's important in life. We may even go out of our way to do something special for others, because that's what it's all about, right? Doing good and making a difference. Giving something of ourselves even when we don't think there's anything left to give. And loving each other always, no matter what. So, on behalf of Michelle and Robbie, I just want to thank all of you for being here with us today on this very special day. And we wish you great health, much happiness and lots of love. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody.

*   *   *   *   *

Alan: Next on Guiding Light...

Reva: Before you leave there is something I would like to give you.

Tony: You understand me, Eden, I know you do.

Marah: See how simple it can be.

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