GL Transcript Monday 11/24/03

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 11/24/03

By Suzanne
Proofread By Hijrah

Marina: Lewis, did you miss me? Shayne? Hmm. It's from the nurse: "Taking Shayne out for a stroll-- 'a roll', he just called it." (Laughs) "We'll be back. I hope you can read this part: I love you, S." Oh. Okay, how did you get in here? You know what? Never mind, you can probably get in anywhere you want. Although, I would be really interested in knowing how you beat me back from Danny and Michelle's.

Carrie: Well, it's one of life's little mysteries. You left before we finished discussing what your wishes were going to be.

Marina: No, actually, I was already finished.

Carrie: Ah, you know, my dear, wishes and dreams really can come true.

Marina: Yeah, if you live in fairy tales.

Carrie: No, not fairy tales, you just have to really believe in your wishes.

*   *   *   *   *

Bill: Okay, slow down. Are you serious? All right, well please tell me that there were some photographers over there. What? (Laughs) News crews? Ah... Wait a minute. What? How much? I am loving it. Are you kidding me? All right, I’ve got two words for you, okay? Separate account, yeah. Yeah. (Laughs) All right, yeah, sounds like you're on your way. All right, thanks for calling.

Eden: Was that Danny?

Bill: Amazing. Yeah.

Eden: So I guess the crowd at 5th Street did not tear his head off?

Bill: No, they did not tear his head off. In fact, they gave him money!

Eden: What?

Bill: Yes, donations for his campaign. They do not want him out, they want him in. They want Danny Santos as their mayor. That was a street full of potential voters down there.

Eden: Oh, that's great.

Bill: Ah...

Eden: (Laughs)

Bill: What?

Eden: You're just so cute when you're happy.

Bill: Hmm, that's been a lot lately, for some strange reason. I don't know what that could be about. But, you know what? I got to move on this, okay? In fact, I’m going to get in touch with the papers and the TV stations and make sure they go with the story, okay?

Eden: And what can I do to help?

Bill: Well, why don't you give Tony a call? I'm sure he'd love to hear about this.

Eden: Okay.

Bill: Yeah, go ahead. All right, I’m going to go look for a phone book, okay?

Gus: I know what this is about. The doubt, the hesitation...

Eden: What? I'm fine.

Gus: Please, please, a blind man could see that you're covering something up. Talk to me.

Eden: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where do you get off walking in here and thinking that you are some expert on my life? You have been out of my life for months, okay, Nicky?

Gus: Take it easy, take it easy. I'm just talking about Thanksgiving. We could have dinner together.

Eden: Oh.

Gus: What did you think I was talking about?

Eden: Nothing.

*   *   *   *   *

Jeffrey: It's in the genes, it's got to be in the genes with these girls. I mean, if you're born female and in that family, then that means that you automatically lose all logic and reason in any given situation that you may need it. Reva's the sanest one of the bunch. That should give you some clue right there, right? Hey. Hey! Right?

Bartender: I'm sorry sir, do you need something?

Jeffrey: You're not even listening to me? I mean, I come into a bar, I expect to be able to pour my heart out, and the bartender's supposed to go, "Yeah, right, buddy, I gotcha, I understand what you mean." I mean, isn't that what your job is, isn't that what bartending is supposed to be?

Bartender: Sorry, I’m swamped.

Jeffrey: You're swamped?

Bartender: I can listen to you tomorrow night if you still feel like venting.

Jeffrey: You work for tips, don't you? Give me another drink. Things have changed.

Josh: Drinking all by yourself, huh? That is a bad sign.

Jeffrey: Josh?

Josh: I'll have a martini, with an onion, please?

Jeffrey: Actually, Josh, I was just on my way out.

Josh: No, no, no, sit down, sit down. Put that away. Don't go anywhere; let me buy you a drink.

Jeffrey: No, no, I'm tired, I just...

Josh: Tired of what? Are you tired of the world in general, or work, or women, what is it?

Jeffrey: Is that what's on your list?

Josh: Actually, just women at the moment.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, me too.

Josh: Ah, ah, see, there you have it. Now you have to sit down, you have to drink with me, because misery loves company, especially in a bar. Sit, sit, sit. Thank you very much. Now, tell me about the women in your life and why they make you tired.

*   *   *   *   *

Sandy: I saw you, Marah.

Marah: What?

Sandy: The other night, towers, Jeffrey O’Neill.

Marah: Congratulations.

Sandy: Call it unsolicited advice, but you need to stay away with that guy before things get out of hand.

Marah: You want to be a good brother, and you want to help out? Stay the hell out of my business. Where do you get off?

Sandy: Do you think I’m saying this just to mess with your head?

Marah: I don't know. But what I do know is that you are way out of line.

Sandy: Okay, I guess there's no way to do this without you getting defensive.

Marah: Well, yeah, because I’m being judged and attacked. On top of the way you've already treated me, what did you expect?

Sandy: I'm not claiming to be some perfected being. I know I screwed up with you.

Marah: And you're doing it again.

Sandy: No, I'm not. I'm a spectator this time, not a participant. I have a different perspective on things that maybe you don't.

Marah: Really?

Sandy: Yes, really. And I don't want to see you get hurt, again.

Marah: You mean, anymore?

Sandy: That's right. And you will if you keep up this thing with Mr. DA.

Marah: How do you know there even is a thing?

Sandy: I saw what I saw.

Marah: Maybe you saw what you wanted to see.

Sandy: You know what? Let's forget that he's almost twice your age, or, or, you know what, let's look at his reputation.

Marah: Life is risk. You have to take chances, go with your feelings. Isn't that the message you were trying to get across to me up on that billboard during the petition?

Sandy: Marah, I’m just saying opening your eyes.

Marah: Well, since you seem to be able to see so clearly, why don't you tell me one thing. Do you really think that Jeffrey could possibly hurt me any more than you have?

*   *   *   *   *

Jeffrey: Okay, Josh, if you're looking for a drinking buddy tonight, I’m not your guy. Put it on my bill, okay?

Josh: But you see, the thing is, you're here.

Jeffrey: Yeah?

Josh: So sit down, just, just sit down. I'm not going to hurt you. Okay, now here we go, cheers.

Jeffrey: Cheers.

Josh: Thank you. I feel like I owe you.

Jeffrey: You owe me?

Josh: Yes, for putting up with us the other night.

Jeffrey: Us?

Josh: The dinner party.

Jeffrey: Oh, right, the dinner party.

Josh: That was really nasty wasn't it?

Jeffrey: Well, I've, you know, I've been to worse.

Josh: I want to say thank you for giving Marah a ride home. That was a Godsend, really.

Jeffrey: Well, I'm not sure about that.

Josh: See, Reva had this crazy idea that somehow she could fix everything between Sandy and Marah by having this big dinner, you know. So much for that idea, right? (Laughter)

Jeffrey: Well, I'm sure she meant well.

Josh: Yeah, well, we all do. I'm going to tell you a little secret. Up until that night, I really didn't like you very much.

Jeffrey: Well, here's to honesty.

Josh: Absolutely, here's to honesty. You see, that night, you seemed to have a bead on Marah. I think Reva and I were so focused on Sandy that we didn't realize, you know, that Marah was getting really close to the edge.

Jeffrey: Well, Marah's not one that hides her feelings.

Josh: Yeah, she gets that from her mom. Don't get me started on her mom, though, that would be a bad thing. Let me just say thank you from a father, a grateful father, and from an occasional martini drinker. Thank you very much.

Jeffrey: Sure.

Josh: So, tell me...

Jeffrey: Yeah? Tell you what?

Josh: Tell me about the women in your life that are making you crazy.

Jeffrey: You have the floor, Josh, you have the floor.

Josh: No, no, no, really. You know, a husband shouldn't say too many bad things about his wife in public, even if she deserves every word of it, even if she's been, even if he wants to... You know, he just shouldn't do that. So, tell me about you, Jeff, okay?

Jeffrey: Jeffrey.

Josh: Tell me about you. I'm not like you, you're not like me.

Jeffrey: No.

Josh: You haven't been married multiple times, for instance.

Jeffrey: Not yet, no.

Josh: So I can't really understand what kind of problems you would be having with women at this point, but can I tell you something? I'm glad you're having them. I don't really mean I'm glad you're having the problems, I just mean that it makes us multi-married types feel a little kinship, you know, in the things that we've been dealing with. Do you understand what I’m saying?

Jeffrey: Misery loves company?

Josh: Yes. And loving women can make company miserable. This is really strong.

Jeffrey: So is this.

Josh: Now, could I get this freshened up a little bit, please? Now, Mr. Living-It-Up-Bachelor-No-Attachments Jeff...

Jeffrey: Jeffrey.

Josh: I've been told that your relationship with Beth Raines is over, right? You've split up?

Jeffrey: Yes, that's correct, it's over.

Josh: Next! (Laughs) Just kidding.

Jeffrey: (Laughs)

Josh: Now, you've already got another woman in your life, right, who's making you crazy, so what is her name?

Jeffrey: You know, Josh, my social life is not what you think it is.

Josh: Oh, come on, don't tell me that. Everybody has already said to me that you have to fight the women off with a stick. Think of me as a bartender. You know, you can talk to me, you can bare your soul to me. You would be surprised what a good listener I can be.

Jeffrey: Yeah, I'd be very surprised.

*   *   *   *   *

Marina: Okay, look. I already told you, I'm just really not into this whole wishing thing.

Carrie: Oh, what is the world coming to?

Marina: I just think that you should probably stick with Marah and Michelle on this one, because they're going to be a lot better customers for you.

Carrie: Oh, I fully intend to. But I want you.

Marina: Well, we don't always get what we want.

Carrie: I generally do. Very odd, I never thought you'd be so resistant. I thought you were the dreamer.

Marina: Well, I used to be, but I have too many real things pressing down on me right now.

Carrie: Well, that's the time to dream! I'm not asking for the head of your firstborn, I just want to know what you wish for, what you long for, what you dream about.

Marina: I used to want money, and then I got it. And I realized that it wasn't it, because it came from something bad.

Carrie: Money isn't bad; people are. So it wasn't money you wanted...

Marina: No, but it... I mean, not the way I got it. It was incredibly sick, and I thought having money would just fix everything. And I got it, and it didn’t. And now this terrible thing has happened to Shayne, and so basically, all that happens when I want something, is I end up jinxing it.

Carrie: How very odd, you don't believe in dreams, you don't believe in wishes, and yet you believe in jinxes?

Marina: Well, bad things happen.

Carrie: Good things happen, too.

Marina: I used to think that being famous was it, and it's just not. I just don't really have any dreams left.

Carrie: Nonsense. Marina, what if I told you that you could have any wish at all that you wanted without jinxing it? What if I told you that you could have anything in the world you wanted and it be granted? What would you wish for, Marina? What would you long for? What would you dream for?

*   *   *   *   *

Shayne: Yo.

Nico: Hey, look who it is. What's up, bro? You know, I have those CDs for you to check out.

Shayne: Good.

Nico: Hey...

Nurse Pam: I'll take those. I'm going to go grab a bite to eat, so I'll let you two talk.

Shayne: I, I have something for you, too.

Nico: Here, let me help you with that.

Shayne: I got it, I got it.

Nico: This is for me? Tickets to the college dance?

Shayne: I want you to go.

Nico: Ah, man, you shouldn't have done this. Now I've got to find a date.

Shayne: You don't.

Nico: There're two tickets here.

Shayne: You're going to take... Marina.

*   *   *   *   *

Gus: So, I would like to officially invite you to Thanksgiving. And I was thinking that our place would be, well, you know, that's my first choice, Harley’s house, really, you know? Of course, we could take the lunar shuttle to the moon, we could all eat cheese, and you and Harley could ride elephants if you'd like.

Eden: So how are you and Harley doing?

Gus: You aren't hearing a word I’m saying, are you? What is up with you, man, what is up? First you think I'm giving you the third degree, now you're not even listening to a word I say?

Eden: You know, I’m a little spacey and I didn't sleep very well last night, okay? So, how are you and Harley doing?

Gus: Well, we're fine. And I thought maybe, you know, since this is our first Thanksgiving together, that we would kind of all have it like a family.

Eden: So you're really hanging in there, huh?

Gus: Yeah.

Eden: Do you ever think that it's impossible, that you're just not going to, it's not going to work out because of who you are or were, you know, the baggage you bring? Does it ever get in the way sometimes?

Gus: Sometimes, yeah.

Eden: Do you ever wonder whether that no matter what you do, you're just not going to get past your past?

Gus: Are you concerned about me and Harley or is this more about you and Bill?

*   *   *   *   *

Nico: Sorry, man. No can do.

Shayne: Marina...

Nico: Marina's your girl. You take her to the dance.

Shayne: I can't!

Nico: Why not?

Shayne: She won't... have fun.

Nico: Because you can't drive her, can't dance? It's not until the holidays, so who even knows what's going to happen. Plus, you can still enjoy the music. Come on, Shayne, you guys will have a blast together.

Shayne: Marina loves to dance.

Nico: Then she'll dance.

Shayne: With you!

Nico: No, no way.

Shayne: I can't go...

Nico: Come on, man, you're not even giving her much credit. Besides, what do you think Marina's going to say when I ask her? She's going to say no.

Shayne: Talk her into it.

Nico: Oh, right! I'm going to tell her that you think she deserves a good time so instead of going out with you because you're such a drag, she should go out with me.

Shayne: No, she can't know it was my idea.

Nico: What?

Shayne: Marina likes you.

Nico: Not as a date. Besides, how am I going to convince her to go with me? Tell her that I want to meet people on campus? I'm some dancing fool myself?

Shayne: Sure.

Nico: No, look, I’m not going out with your girl. Finito, forget about it. Hey, man, how come you came up with this, anyways?

Shayne: The girl in the library.

Nico: The girl in the...? Oh, you must have heard me and Marina talking the other night.

Shayne: She wants normal night out.

Nico: Shayne, you can't take her seriously. Marina was just blowing off some steam. It was a passing thing.

Shayne: Do it for her, for me, as a friend... favor.

*   *   *   *   *

Marina: Now that I think about it, I used to have a million dreams. I used to bore everyone going on about them all the time and, it's like not one of those dreams means a thing to me now.

Carrie: Well, maybe there the wrong dreams.

Marina: Could I see that-- that again?

Carrie: Is there something that you want, Marina?

Marina: No. Yes. Yes, but I want it too much for it not to happen, or to risk me just screwing it up somehow.

Carrie: Oh, honey, if we had that kind of power, we wouldn't have to bother with dreams.

Marina: I want Shayne to walk. I want him to run, I want him to get up out of that chair. I want him to get back everything that he has lost. That's what I want.

Carrie: What a strange little creature you are. (Laughs) Here this odd woman comes into your life, and offers you anything in the world you want, and your wish is for somebody else.

Marina: I don't really see how that's strange. I love Shayne. And if he had a wish, it would be for me.

Carrie: Well, maybe, my dear, you already have everything you want.

Marina: If there were any truth in this ring, next time I saw Shayne, he would get up out of his wheelchair, and he would come over to me and he would give me the biggest kiss ever and then we'd just dance, you know, we'd dance to whatever music was playing, or not even any music at all. You know, we'd just dance. And that would be how I know that my wish... came true.

*   *   *   *   *

Marah: You know, you don't exactly have the best track record when it comes to coming with the truth.

Sandy: Oh, I can prove that this is a mistake, Marah.

Marah: Really?

Sandy: Yes. When you broke up with Tony, the love of your life, you were hurt, angry, lonely, confused. And I came along and I seem like the perfect antidote to your pain.

Marah: Talk about a mistake, huh?

Sandy: Yes, exactly. And when it turned out that I couldn't be the perfect rebound guy, you bounced right away...

Marah: To Jeffrey?

Sandy: ... And you think he's the answer now.

Marah: Let me get this straight. You think that my interest in Jeffrey is because of some knee-jerk reaction of what happened between you and me?

Sandy: That's not how it is?

Marah: Wow! What an ego you have. No, that's not the way it is. This is not about you. Do you want to know what this is about?

Sandy: Oh yes, tell me!

Marah: This is about me meeting a guy who thinks I am smart and interesting and talented and capable, who has a good time being around me. He thinks that I am special.

Sandy: That's what I think, damn it. I'm sorry. No, I'm not sorry. I care about you.

Marah: Don't, not like that.

Sandy: Look, about this Jeffrey O’Neill thing, I just want you to know that you're setting yourself up for a major fall.

Marah: The way that I did with you? You know, maybe history can repeat itself, and we'll find out that Jeffrey's our brother, too.

Sandy: Marah, the guy...

Marah: ...Treated me with respect and intelligence. He did not try to hit on me, he listened to what I had to say.

Sandy: About what happened between us?

Marah: Yes, yes, and he made me see it from a completely different perspective.

Sandy: Oh, I bet it was a real meeting of the minds.

Marah: Oh, my God, you're jealous.

Sandy: What?

Marah: Yeah, you are. That's what makes this so messed up. Not even this conversation and the way you tricked me into coming here, but this whole thing!

Sandy: Okay, okay, you're angry, but don't blow things out of proportion.

Marah: Me? Blow things out of proportion? You can't even get your boundaries straight. You keep going on and on about how it's bad for me to feel things for Jeffrey, but you can't even get your feelings straight for me.

Sandy: That's crazy.

Marah: Admit it. Admit it. You don't want me to be with anyone else because that means you can't have me.

Sandy: How could you even think that?

Marah: Okay, tell me something different. Tell me that I’m completely wrong. That is so sick.

Sandy: Marah, I...

*   *   *   *   *

Josh: I'll tell you why, let me buy you one more drink, okay, Jeff?

Jeffrey: Jeff-rey.

Josh: Another drink?

Jeffrey: Jeff, with a ‘rey’ on the end.

Josh: Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: I've got to go.

Josh: You can't go because I’ve been yapping now for two or three drinks and you haven't said a word and now it's your turn. Bartender could I get another one for him and one for me, please?

Jeffrey: Josh...

Josh: What?

Jeffrey: You already got one.

Josh: I do, you're absolutely right.

Jeffrey: I think you're a little bit...

Josh: Tell me, tell me about, tell me about this woman.

Jeffrey: Oh, Josh, my stories can't top yours like the one with your brother trying to set you up with all these non-wife types. I mean, what's that all about?

Josh: You know what, don't even get me started on my brother, Billy okay. I don't know what he was thinking. Well, actually, I do know what he was thinking. He wanted me to send a message to Reva by getting me to date these, these, what you call, ‘non-wife types’, you know? And I don't want to do that. I don't want to be sending messages. I don't like the whole thing about manipulating women, I hate that. And I have to say, too, that I really, I hate olives. I don't want olives. You know who he wanted me to see?

Jeffrey: Who?

Josh: Children. I don't mean that literally. He was talking about like women who were like half my age.

Jeffrey: (Coughing)

Josh: That's pathetic. What is it with men... You okay?

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Josh: What is it with men who want to date younger women?

Jeffrey: Do you want an olive?

Josh: I mean that much younger, I think that's crazy. Is it like a last shot at being macho? You know, you get this hot young chick that you probably wouldn't even get to first base with, even if you were her age. Get yourself a Porsche or a Mini Cooper or something like that like that. It's so much easier to deal with.

Jeffrey: Maybe it's pure attraction.

Josh: Or...

Jeffrey: Yeah...

Josh: Maybe...

Jeffrey: Yeah...

Josh: The guy has a plan.

Jeffrey: A plan?

Josh: Maybe the guy's thinking this, that he gets this young girl, and he's going to sort of raise her up to be what he wants her to be. Now, I’ll tell you why that can't work, because you can never turn a woman into something that you want her... You can't make into something that she's not meant to be. That's one of the things that I’ve learned about being with Reva all these years, you know.

Jeffrey: Yeah...

Josh: She's passionate, she's strong-willed, and she's... she's so focused. It's to the point of being narrow-minded in some sense, and sadly, I hate to say this, but sadly...

Jeffrey: What?

Josh: My daughter has inherited many of those traits. (Sigh) Damn. I think I'm more depressed than I was when I sat down.

Jeffrey: I know the feeling.

Josh: Listen, do me a favor, will you?

Jeffrey: Hey, watch it buddy.

Josh: Yeah, I’m all right. Could you call me a cab?

Jeffrey and Josh: You're a cab!

Josh: Aha! That's so funny. I saw that coming a mile away.

Jeffrey: I'll call you a cab.

Josh: You know what? I'm sorry if I’ve been talking your ear off.

Jeffrey: No, no, it's okay, I appreciate the...

Josh: You know what thing is, though, with women?

Jeffrey: Yeah?

Josh: They can drive you crazy on any given day of the week, but the flip side is this. What would we do without them? Answer me that, Jeff-ery.

Jeffrey: You got it right.

Josh: Excuse me.

*   *   *   *   *

Eden: Where the hell is Bill, anyway?

Gus: Troubles in paradise?

Eden: Bill and I are fine.

Gus: You've got no problems?

Eden: No.

Gus: All this talk about Harley and me falling apart? That's got nothing to do with you and Bill, right?

Eden: Nicky, I said no, okay?

Gus: There was a time that you used to come to me, talk to me, you know. That's how it used to be.

Eden: Oh, don't you, I know where you're going with this so... mmm.

Gus: All I'm saying is, do you mind if I give you a little advice? All I'm saying is, that’s what relationships are. Okay, it's not about how many problems do you have. That doesn't make the relationship. It's about, how do you solve the problems as they come up, one at a time.

Eden: And you do this with Harley?

Gus: Yeah, yeah. That's what makes a relationship a relationship, you see? Like you and I, we got it like that.

Eden: (Laughs) You and me?

Gus: Well, come on. When we fight, we fight like hell, I'm not saying, you know... But then we find a way of coming back together, like we're even closer. At least, we used to.

Eden: Oh, Nicky, but it's exhausting.

Gus: Well, come on, relationships aren't easy. All I'm saying to you, is that if you need me, you come to me. You know that, right?

Eden: (Sigh)

Gus: It makes way too much sense, Eden, kill or be killed, that's the way you live your life!

Eden: No, it wasn't like that!

Gus: So, I'm all ears. Talk to me.

Eden: I really have nothing to say.

Gus: I don't get it.

Eden: Nicky, everything is fine. Why do you have to make such a big deal out of everything?

Gus: Well...

Bill: Okay, media has been alerted. Am I interrupting here?

Eden: No. Nicky was just asking about Thanksgiving, and he invited us to Harley’s and I was just about to tell him that we had plans.

Bill: Right, yeah, we do, sorry. Sounds like a lot of fun.

Gus: Well, Christmas. We'll do it then.

Eden: Until then, okay? Just don't push.

Gus: Yeah, no, I got it. It's cool. I just said, if you need me, you call me. Have a nice holiday. I'm going to pay for my coffee.

Bill: What was that all about?

Eden: You know Nicky. He's so serious, especially about relationships.

Bill: Mmm, looks like the one you two got is a work in progress.

Eden: Definitely.

Bill: What about Tony? Did you reach him?

Eden: No, I couldn't get through.

*   *   *   *   *

Josh: You're working late?

Sandy: I didn't get much done.

Josh: I see. My cab driver only had singles. I hate that; it's such a pain.

Sandy: You took a cab?

Josh: Yeah, yeah.

Sandy: From where?

Josh: From the Towers. I didn't want to go back to the Beacon because I didn't want Billy to ratchet up the pressure. You know what I'm saying?

Sandy: Pressure about what?

Josh: It's very complicated. This, however, is not. This is work. This is a good thing. This is easy. In fact, you can, you can help me.

Sandy: Okay. What do you want to work on?

Josh: I haven't the faintest idea. Have you talked to Marah today?

Sandy: Marah?

Josh: My daughter, Marah. Have you talked to her? Are you two getting along any better at all?

Sandy: We're trying.

Josh: That's good. Trying is a good thing. That's sometimes the best you can possibly do. This is going to sound really weird, but, you know what? I think you're going to be a good brother to her one day, I really do. I believe that in my heart. Now, should we work on the Berrymore project or the Sabatino Reser... Renovation?

Sandy: Maybe we should make a fresh start in the morning?

Josh: No, no, I think, we should.. work is good, and talking is good. And we can talk while we work. You know? We could talk about...

Sandy: About?

Josh: We can talk... What do you want to talk about?

Sandy: Marah? You know, she’s... she's really terrific.

*   *   *   *   *

Marina: Shayne?

Nico: M-me. Hi.

Marina: Oh, hey.

Nico: The front door was open. Is this a bad time?

Marina: No, no. I may not available for another sidewalk duet if that's what you're getting at, but, no, I'm just waiting for Shayne. Come on in.

Nico: Can I ask you a question?

Marina: Yeah, you can ask me anything.

Nico: You know that dance at the college?

Marina: Yeah.

Nico: I'm totally into that band that's performing.

Marina: What, On Track?

Nico: Yeah.

Marina: You acted like you've never heard of them when we talked about it before.

Nico: I was just shocked that they were performing here at Springfield.

Marina: Oh yeah? So you're going to go?

Nico: Yeah. Me, and someone else.

Marina: Well, cool. Who are you taking?

Nico: I was thinking we could go together. You and me, what do you say?

Marina: Okay? I said that you could ask me anything, I guess I should have said anything but that. No.

Nico: You like to dance, right?

Marina: Yeah, that's not the point.

Nico: Of course it is. Marina, this is supposed to be the hottest dance band outside Chicago.

Marina: (Scoff) Okay.

Nico: What's wrong?

Marina: Yes, I think that you're a really nice guy and I understand that, you know, music is a really big part of your life, and I love it too, but let me just make this really clear for you. I am not going to go to the dance with you.

Nico: It's not a date date. It's just, you know, we'll be at the same place at the same time.

Marina: Do you have any idea how lame that sounds? More importantly, do you know what it would do to Shayne if I went with you?

Nico: I don't think he would really take it that personal.

Marina: Well, I happen to think he would. I think it would humiliate him. I think that he would feel abandoned, and I would never do that to him!

Nico: Honest, I don't think he would take it that way.

Marina: Oh, how would he take it?

Nico: I think he would like it if you went out and had a good time.

Marina: Without him?

Nico: I think he doesn't want to hold you back from enjoying yourself.

Marina: He knows that he's not doing that. I tell him all the time how happy I am just being with him, and he's very clear about how I feel.

Nico: Except, that's not the truth. Well, 100%. You said so yourself, Marina. The other night, the girl in the library?

Marina: Yeah, well that was just between you and me.

Nico: But it did happen. And yeah, there are some stuff you miss doing, your words. Listen, it's not such a crime to want to be out in a crowd of people dancing and enjoying yourself. Moving your body a little bit, you know, letting the rhythm take you over. In fact, it's going to help you and Shayne.

Marina: How?

Nico: It's going to put you in a better mood, charge you up, make you more at peace. You know what I'm saying?

Marina: No, I don't.

Nico: Why are you so stubborn?

Marina: Look, if you're so psyched to dance, why don't you find somebody else to go with, or, I don't know, go by yourself, eat the other ticket?

Nico: Because I want to go with you.

Marina: No.

Nico: Dammit, I like you Marina. (Stammering ) And Shayne. This would be like helping both of you out.

Marina: Okay. Well, if you really want to help both of us out, why don't you rent us some videos, or maybe buy us some CDs? Do something that Shayne and I can do together, because I’m not going to humiliate him by going to this dance with you.

Nico: You know, it wasn't even my idea.

Marina: What?

Nico: That's right. Shayne told me to ask you out. Hell, he wouldn't even let me say no.

Marina: Shayne told you to ask me?

Nico: That's right. And you know what? If you say no, you're going to break his heart, big time. Hey, it's your call.

*   *   *   *   *

Sandy: All right, saddle up partner, I’ve got some coffee. Okay... What a family.

*   *   *   *   *

Jeffrey: This is definitely a three-aspirin night.

(Knock at the door)

Marah: Please let me come in.

Jeffrey: What are you doing?

Marah: I just, I had a really big fight. And I am so tired of being judged, and I just... All I want is you. You are the only person that understands me.

Jeffrey: This is...

Marah: Please, please don't make me leave, okay, not tonight. Just... I need to be with you.

*   *   *   *   *

Marina: Next, on Guiding Light:

Cassie: I just saw you walking out of his room, and at this hour, you know, I mean, I’m thinking...

Marah: I've been going after him.

Marina: I don't want to go to that dance without Shayne. Why would he want me to go with another guy?

Gus: How fresh did you need this turkey to be?

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