GL Transcript Friday 11/21/03

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 11/21/03

By Suzanne
Proofread By Hijrah

Waitress: What can I get you, Reva? Reva?

Reva: Oh, Lynn, I知 sorry. You know, I'll wait. I'm actually expecting someone. Thanks.

Christopher: Well, you seem a million miles away.

Reva: Oh, well, a friendly, impartial face.

Christopher: (Laughs) And I can only imagine your relief. What's the picture of?

Reva: My kids.

Christopher: Ah, Sandy and Marah.

*   *   *   *   *

Billy: So the secretary says, really bulging, she says...

Josh: Wait...

Billy: (Imitating woman) "That's no sledgehammer..."

Josh: You know, what? I don't even want to hear the end to this joke, okay?

Billy: I'm sorry, little brother. That's a sight neither one of us should have to see.

*   *   *   *   *

Jeffrey: Is seeing this from my point of view even remotely possible? I mean, you would have to use your head, you know, and not jump to conclusions. But can you?

Cassie: Just when I thought you couldn't get more offensive.

Jeffrey: Well, I guess you bring out the best in me, Mrs. Winslow.

Cassie: Look at you. You strut around town. Is every woman fair game to you?

Jeffrey: But that's the whole point, okay? This is not a woman we're talking about. This is a girl, a young girl. And she has a crush on me. And I didn't ask for it.

Cassie: Give me a break.

Jeffrey: What? I didn't. Marah's the one that's after me. I'm not the one that's after her.

Cassie: How you can say those words and not be struck down from heaven is beyond me.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well if God punishes the wicked and the guilty, then I知 going to have my fair share of punishment. But where Marah's concerned, I... I'm well-intentioned. I really am. And I'm innocent.

Cassie: Oh, so what, she's the big, bad wolf and you're the little lamb? You are playing on her vulnerability, and you're trying to get her into bed.

Jeffrey: I'm a lamb all right, and I知 leading myself to the slaughter.

Cassie: Do you get off on a young, beautiful girl mooning over you? Is that it?

Jeffrey: Oh, so you agree it's possible?

Cassie: You're going to make me throw up.

Jeffrey: Look, why did I even think I could come to you for advice? (Laughs) I should have known. I should have seen it. I should have seen it all along.

Cassie: See what?

Jeffrey: You're jealous. You're jealous of Marah. She has the gumption to go after what she wants, and you're jealous of the girl.

*   *   *   *   *

Marah: Okay, somebody obviously wanted us to find these rings.

Marina: Yeah, and not just any someone.

Marah: They are so beautiful. What do you think they're for?

Marina: Well, they're scarabs. I'm taking this Introduction to Anthropology course. And scarabs, I mean, they were... They were everywhere in Ancient Egypt. They were on pottery, inside of walls, and... And crafted into jewelry.

Marah: What do they mean?

Marina: I think they're a symbol for life. Or death.

Michelle: All right, well, raise your scarab if you think this is a gift from you-know- who.

Marina: But this is just the sort of thing she would do. But I mean, how are we supposed to find out?

Michelle: I don't know.

Marah: We could ask her.

Marina: Well, she just kind of comes and goes as she pleases. Does anyone else think that's a little creepy?

Michelle: Uh-huh.

Marah: Yeah. That she can get through all these tunnels and just magically appear; that she can see us, but we can't see her? This is the stuff that horror movies are made out of.

Marina: Well, how are we supposed to contact her? It's not like we can just write her an e-mail.

Carrie: Well, you could try. But I don't think I'd answer. I've never been really very fond of computers. Well, I see you've all got the rings.

Michelle: Yes, three identical rings.

Carrie: No, four.

Marina: So you planted the rings?

Marah: What are the rings for?

Michelle: Do they mean something?

Carrie: Well, I値l be delighted to tell you if someone would mix me a Sazerac.

Michelle: Um... (Laughs) ...What's a Sazerac?

Carrie: Alas, it's the most delicious cocktail, but I fear it's gone with the wind like so many other things. Do you think you could manage a sherry?

Michelle: Sure, sure.

Carrie: Well, the rings. The rings come from Egypt. They were worn during the dynasty of Ramses I or the II. They were created for royal women, women of extraordinary powers. You had to be worthy to wear them.

Marah: And what about the scarab symbol?

Carrie: Oh very powerful. The ancient Egyptians believed that the scarab was a symbol of rebirth and resurrection. They're only four left in the modern world.

Marina: And these are them?

Carrie: These are they. The legend has it that they have great power. Great power to do good or...

Michelle: Or what?

Carrie: Or not. Do you know someone named, oh, Remy Boudreau?

Marah: Yeah, he lives with us at the Museum. Why?

Marina: He's Shayne痴 best friend.

Carrie: Well, he certainly tells a mean story.

Michelle: What story?

Marina: Oh, you remember the one about the curator who... Who brought this incredible Egyptian exhibit into Springfield?

Marah: That's right, and the night of the exhibit, he had vanished or something. And then a couple of weeks later he was found dead in a sarcophagus, right?

Carrie: These stories, these fabulous stories have a way of changing the more often they are repeated. The truth is the poor man died in an asylum. He'd gone quite, quite mad.

Michelle: Wait a minute. And then these rings were the cause of that?

Carrie: Oh, well, I don't think so. But of course we'll never know, will we? And the legend persists that these rings have great power to do good or... Well, I guess it all depends on... On what you wish.

Marina: You mean like an actual "wish" wish?

Carrie: A wish is a wish, my dear.

*   *   *   *   *

Bill: Unbelievable. They print an opinion piece before they even have the facts.

Eden: Some people are going to have their minds made up about Danny Santos running for mayor.

Bill: Before he even runs? I mean we haven't officially declared yet. Listen to this. (Clears throat) "Unnamed sources have confirmed the possibility of a Santos run. If the report is true and against all odds, Springfield votes the former gangster into office, his election would be akin to putting Dracula in charge of a blood bank." I mean that is just terrific.

Eden: You were sucker- punched, sweetie.

Bill: Yeah, and you know what they did? They put it in the late edition so it's the last thing people read. So when they wake up in the morning and they go to work and they see a pollster standing outside, they can trash Danny.

Eden: It's called politics.

Bill: Yeah, well, he's not going to like it. And neither is Michelle. She's going to start to get so worried... (Knock on door) ...And I don't know what's going to happen. Because once she gets worried, then she's going to start to get worried about Robbie, and then she may even start to... I don't know, try to talk Danny out of running. I don't know what's going to happen.

Danny: Hey, I can hear you through the door.

Bill: Hey. Did you read the newspaper?

Danny: Uh-huh. Rough stuff.

Bill: All right, well, listen, before you say anything, okay, you will win this.

Danny: Are we going to do this old Eden style? Because I would love a guaranteed victory.

Bill: Yeah, well, let me tell you something. We're going to do whatever it takes, okay? We will fight for every vote. I don't want you to have second thoughts because of some stupid article, all right? We got blindsided.

Danny: Bill, it's okay. It is. I'm still in.

Bill: You are?

Danny: Yeah. What, you think some bad ink in the daily fish wrap is going to stop me? I thought you were a true believer.

Bill: Ah, hey, hey.

Eden: Ah, he is. And you are going to see a lot more of him than me.

Bill: Yeah.

Danny: Well, I hope so. I couldn't ask for a better campaign manager.

Bill: Well, listen, I know you just wanted to test the waters, put your feelers out there. You didn't expect to go bare knuckles with the press right off the bat.

Eden: Oh, they are definitely using scare tactics early.

Danny: That's right, they are. And I plan to make them eat every word.

*   *   *   *   *

Cassie: I'm jealous of Marah? Are you out of your mind?

Jeffrey: Marah's young. She's beautiful. She has the gumption to go after what she wants. And she knows what she wants, and... I'm insane.

Cassie: Yeah, you are. Marah has a wonderful, very broken heart, Mr. O誰eill. And if she, for a moment of rotten misjudgment, looked at you twice, it was a mistake. So get over yourself.

Jeffrey: Sorry.

Cassie: What was that?

Jeffrey: You heard me. What, I have to repeat myself? I said I知 sorry.

Cassie: Well, I thought being Mr. Jeffrey O誰eill means never having to say you're sorry.

Jeffrey: We both agree I'm insane, right?

Cassie: Yes.

Jeffrey: I just think that this girl... Sorry, this young woman, she's... She's got me all mixed up, and I really did... Mrs. Winslow, I really did try to push her away.

Cassie: Same way you pushed away Beth, huh? I think we all saw how you distracted those affections, right? So where were you trying to lure Marah?

Jeffrey: If you'd stop accusing me for one second, okay, you'd see that there's a reason I came over to talk to you. I came over here to talk to you because I thought that someone like you, a woman like you, could have a one-on-one with Marah, heart to heart.

Cassie: Like me?

Jeffrey: Yes, a woman like you. A woman, you know, who's been on the experienced side of life.

Cassie: Who's been a tramp.

Jeffrey: What? No, I didn't...

Cassie: Yeah, because you know that I used to be a stripper, so you're thinking, "Hey, strippers know everything about sex," right? So you want me to have a sex talk with Marah about you.

Jeffrey: What I meant... What I meant was, you know, that you've been there, you've done that, okay? You're past all this emotional, crazy stuff, right? I mean you've been around the block. You've been way around... The block and I've... Done it again, haven't I?

*   *   *   *   *

Josh: I'll have whatever you have on tap. Thank you.

Billy: And I'll have ginger ale. And... Are you just going to sit over here like a snipped bull, or are you going to walk over there?

Josh: Can we just have a quiet drink, please?

Billy: No problem.

Josh: Would that be okay with you?

Billy: Hey, I think it's great that she's got a nice friend like Dr. Langham.

Josh: Really?

Billy: Oh, yeah, yeah. No, allows her to really focus in on her work with Christopher.

*   *   *   *   *

Reva: So this evening is supposed to be about fun, and here I am unloading my problems on you.

Christopher: Come on, Reva. Friends can listen.

Reva: I'm not trying to put you back on the clock, Doc. I mean, this is supposed to be a light, enjoyable meal with sparkling conversation.

Christopher: Yeah, why don't you just drop it?

Reva: I'm not very good at pretending everything's okay.

Christopher: (Laughs) No, you're not. So come on, give me the rest of it.

Reva: Well, it's really very simple. As complicated as my life is right now, I feel so blessed to have my son back.

Christopher: Reva, you've been given a second chance. And people don't like to mess that up, and thus, you are stressed. Welcome to the human race. Here's to second chances. Now, I壇 like to toast something else. Not a new beginning, but the end of our research project.

Reva: Are we done?

Christopher: You are. I'm going to continue...

Reva: No, wait, wait. (Laughs) This can't be. I mean, I'm sorry if I知 sounding like a child here, but you're abandoning me.

Christopher: Reva, there's just too many other demands on your life. I can't in good conscience take any more time that could be spent with your family.

*   *   *   *   *

Billy: Your eyeballs are going to dry out staring over there like...

Josh: Billy, just... Just stop, okay? I'm just thinking it should be me sitting over there with her right now. I should be the one that she's, you know, gazing into my eyes and talking about intimate stuff with. You know, it should be me.

Billy: What the hell are you doing over here then?

Josh: If she wanted me to be with her, I would be with her.

Billy: Oh, she wants you. You just have to agree to her terms.

Josh: I don't know what they are.

Billy: Well, then you got nothing to lose, because I don't think she does either.

*   *   *   *   *

Reva: When did you get the idea that our friendship didn't matter to me? I mean, whatever is going on with us isn't just about research. Christopher, you are the only one who truly understands what it feels like to be able to see things the way I can.

Christopher: Then maybe that is not such a good idea, considering the fact that I know at least one person who would give everything he could to be a part of your life again.

Reva: Joshua is one of ten different directions I知 being pulled in. Now, you said yourself that you were going to be here to help me out any way you could. Are you going to make yourself out a liar by quitting on me?

Christopher: Okay, how about a compromise? As soon as your life settles down to a manageable level, we'll start our studies again. In the meantime...

Reva: Friendship.

Christopher: Friendship.

Reva: Deal.

(Glasses clink)

Josh: Hi, there.

Reva: Joshua.

Josh: I was just wondering if we were pretending like we don't see each other, or...

Christopher: Hey, Josh. How are you doing?

Josh: I'm okay, thank you. How are you, Christopher? Nice to see you. How's the research going?

Christopher: Well, it's on hold for the moment.

Reva: Actually, we're just taking a little break for a while.

Josh: Oh, I see. So this is... This is a casual kind of a... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt.

Reva: Joshua, wait. You're not interrupting anything.

Christopher: Why don't you join us, Josh?

Josh: Uh, you know what? Some other time. I'm here with my brother.

Billy: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, wait a minute. I'd love to chew the fat with Reva and the doctor here. I'm sure we've all got a lot to talk about.

*   *   *   *   *

Jeffrey: Thank you. All right, let me just try this again, and I値l try not to insert my other foot into my mouth. Marah respects you, okay? You're more than family to her. She trusts you. She listens to you. So, you know, you can tell her about men.

Cassie: Like which ones to avoid like the plague?

Jeffrey: Yeah, okay, I'm the plague, okay? I'm a... I'm a pox on all young womanhood. Tell her that and then tell her to leave me alone, okay? She'll listen to you.

Cassie: Because I know how to choose men.

Jeffrey: Yeah, that's it. You know how to choose men.

Cassie: Edmund will be happy to hear that from you.

Jeffrey: (Laughs) I wasn't talking about Eddie Boy, okay? I'm talking about your dead husband, Prince Di... Richard. He was a saint, right? Everyone knows that. He was a saint, and he had my looks, so he must have been a good-looking guy.

Cassie: You just can't help it, can you?

Jeffrey: What?

Cassie: I mean, you think you are the center of the universe. Everything revolves around Jeffrey O誰eill, right? What women find remotely attractive about you...

Jeffrey: Well, I guess you're confused by my charm, Mrs. Winslow. The good lord has a plan for everyone.

Cassie: So now you're God's gift to women.

Jeffrey: One or two.

Cassie: You are a conceited, insufferable jerk, and I am going to tell my niece to stay as far away from you as possible.

Photographer: A picture of your evening together?

Jeffrey: I'll take 50 copies, please.

*   *   *   *   *

Bill: Okay, what we've got to do is get out in front of the character issue, okay? Being a Santos is going to be your biggest hurdle.

Eden: But he can't change who he is.

Bill: Well, no, but we can help you be irresistible to voters, okay? They have to be able to identify with you.

Danny: Bill, let's be real here. The Santos family has a lot to answer to, and I have got a lot to prove to make people trust me.

Eden: Been there.

Danny: Right. So, the question is, are people willing to give a second chance to someone who proves himself worthy?

Eden: Ask yourself: Are you willing to give me a second chance?

Danny: Can I have your vote? (Laughter)

Bill: Listen, Danny, all you've got to do is say the word and this campaign officially begins.

(Cell phone ringing)

Danny: Hold that thought. Danny Santos.

Nico: Boss, it's Nico.

Danny: Hey, what's up? Where are you?

Nico: Can you hear that?

Crowd (Chanting): Danny! Danny!

Nico: I'm down at the redevelopment office, and people are chanting your name. They're marching around and they're not happy. You'd better come down here and show your face before things get ugly.

Danny: Okay, I'm on my way. Uh, seems there's a kind of a crowd gathering down in the Fifth Street area. I think they want my head.

Bill: Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Danny, I知 not going to let you go down there without security, okay?

Danny: Bill, what security? We don't have anything in place.

Bill: You're not going to go alone, okay?

Danny: Well, Bill, if I知 going to be the mayor of this town, I think I've got to do this on my own.

*   *   *   *   *

Marah: You really expect us to believe in wishing rings?

Carrie: I expect nothing. Believe what you wish. I thought you three could do with a little magic in your lives.

Marah: I wouldn't even know what to wish for.

Carrie: Well, Michelle, what about you? You've got this wonderful house, a husband who's devoted to you, a little child. Surely there's something that you wish for.

Michelle: Look, I haven't really even thought about it.

Carrie: Oh, my dear. What a lack of imagination. I think you'd all three better give me back the rings. I fear they're wasted on the three of you.

Michelle: Wait, wait. There is something.

Carrie: Ah. Caveat emptor. But do be careful. Wishes that come true some time are a very, very mixed blessing.

Michelle: Well, that's the story of my life. It's a mixed blessing.

Carrie: Well. Well, my dear Michelle, shall we make a wish? Well all right, Michelle, my honey lamb, it's your wish. Speak up. Well, come on, you two. Don't just stand there like frightened bunny rabbits. Help her.

Marina: How?

Carrie: Well, concentrate. Okay, honey. Just go for it.

Michelle: I wish that Santos could be a name that people respect, that it could be a name that stood for honesty and generosity. Danny has worked really hard to change the family business and to change himself, and I see it and my friends and family see it, and I just want...

Carrie: You want everybody else to see it, too.

Michelle: Yes, yes. I want everyone to recognize what he's accomplished and to accept him and to accept all of us as good people. That's my wish. I've never said that out loud.

Carrie: That was a very lengthy wish, but extremely worthy.

Michelle: And impossible, so...

Carrie: Well, no, no, no, no. Don't say that.

Marah: Michelle, that was beautiful.

Marina: Yeah. Are you okay?

Michelle: Yeah, but I mean, who am I kidding? This is my reality, and I might as well wait until my birthday and just blow out the candles and make the wish.

Carrie: Oh, no. Don't ever knock birthday wishes. A little child, when he blows out the candles on his cake, doesn't think the wish is ridiculous. He's too busy believing and hoping that it will all come true.

*   *   *   *   *

Bill: Oh, I never should have let Danny go down there by himself. I mean, if it's true what Nico said, that there's an angry mob down there who want to tear him into pieces...

Eden: This is something Danny said that he had to do on his own.

Bill: Yeah, well, I知 the one who got him into it.

Eden: Please. Do you really think that you could talk Danny Santos into doing anything that he didn't want to do?

Bill: I guess not. Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Eden: You're missing the point, sweetie.

Bill: Well, enlighten me.

Eden: Whatever happens today, you've done a wonderful thing. What you did do was give Danny a spark. No one else in this world would have said to him that he could run for mayor. He would have never thought of that himself. And you gave him the belief that it was actually possible.

Bill: How did you get so smart about stuff like this, huh?

Eden: Since you did the same thing for me.

Bill: What are you talking about?

Eden: I always admired Danny, but he treated me like something on his shoe. But today, for the first time, he noticed me. Why? Because I've changed. You look at me in a very special way, Bill, and because you love me, I believe in myself in ways that I never thought possible. You've shown me that I can ask for more of myself, deserve more for myself. That's a gift. It just so happens you gave Danny the same thing.

Bill: Well, I just hope it doesn't get his head torn off.

*   *   *   *   *

Cassie: I didn't ask to have my picture taken.

Photographer: It's a new service we're offering here at Towers.

Cassie: Great. This is what happens when I sell the place. Oh, my God, this is a terrible picture of me. My eyes are slits; my mouth is wide open. I look like a moose.

Jeffrey: Yeah, you kind of do. And you're threatening an officer of the court with bodily harm by breadstick. You and a breadstick, very suggestive.

Cassie: You're a pig.

Jeffrey: I'll give you five bucks for it.

Cassie: Oh, no. Wait a minute. What, so you can hang it on the dart board down at the DA's office? I don't think so. I don't want there to be any physical evidence that I was even in the same room with you.

Jeffrey: $20. You're right, Mrs. Winslow, but this picture is better than any FBI mug shot we have down at the office, and the boys downtown are going to love this.

Cassie: $25.

Jeffrey: $30.

Cassie: $40. I want that picture.

*   *   *   *   *

Billy: You know, even though you're my brother, I think I might have to take exception to that.

Josh: You see, Christopher, my brother Billy has been all around the world, but he's still basically just an unrefined cowboy at heart.

Billy: No. You see, Doc, I'm a skeptic. Now, you must come across those in your business a lot.

Christopher: Well, most people have trouble believing in something they can't see or touch.

Billy: Well, no, no, no. Now, you folks up in the Ivory Tower think that way, but down here on earth, we just call it faith. However, I am fascinated by the amount of time that Reva has spent with her power and total strangers.

Reva: Meaning what?

Billy: Meaning that you've helped a lot of people that you hardly even know and you'll probably never see again-- at least not in this world-- and I知 just wondering if maybe you might want to think about focusing on those people that you see more often, like your kids or your husband. Those kind of people. I guess it's a little easier to empathize with total strangers.

Christopher: Perhaps...

Billy: Well, you know what my theory is? That your family can tell when you're a fraud, and total strangers believe anything until they start thinking for themselves.

Christopher: Well, no one can make one do or believe something that one resists. It's kind of like alcoholism. You can either take that next drink or you can pour it down the drain. See, human beings have will and desire, and therefore choice.

Billy: Very good. Are you psychic, too, or did Reva tell you about my alcoholism?

Christopher: The ginger ale you ordered at the bar; the body language.

Billy: I bet you can even guess my weight, huh? You've got Reva believing that you can change water into wine and predict the future. What else have you got her believing in, Doc?

Reva: Well, he's your brother, Joshua. Either you muzzle him, or I will.

Billy: Now, hold on. I apologize. I did not mean to offend. I just got caught up in your research, and I wanted to point out that maybe changing priorities is something you might consider. I think Shayne and Marah might like it.

Reva: How dare you...

Josh: Okay, okay, okay. Billy, you know what? That's enough.

Christopher: Reva, today was supposed to be about relieving pressure, not amplifying it.

Reva: Yeah, well, my day didn't include being attacked by a 50-foot Okie.

Christopher: Billy, you should come down to my office at the university sometime. I'd be happy to share my research with you.

Reva: You know something? That would be a waste of time, because all Billy truly understands are poor judgments, grudges, and insults.

Christopher: I don't buy that. I bet you'd prefer to be perceived as the kind of guy who's open to new ideas.

Billy: What are you going to do? Get me in your room and shrink my head?

Reva: (Laughs) There isn't a couch big enough in the world for that.

Christopher: Can I buy you another ginger ale, Billy?

Josh: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. (Laughs) I'm sorry. Once he gets going, there's no stopping him. You know that. So, how are you doing, stranger?

Reva: What? What, Joshua? How could you do that? How could you bring him over here?

Josh: I didn't bring him over here. I was just wondering if you knew how it is that we ended up where we are.

Reva: Well, I believe it had something to do with devastating accidents and crushing disappointments.

Josh: Okay, okay. I was also wondering if you believed at all that it was possible, maybe, for us to find our way back to something more.

Reva: More what?

Josh: Just something more.

*   *   *   *   *

Jeffrey: $50! $50. What is that? That purse is a bottomless pit.

Cassie: (Laughs triumphantly)

Jeffrey: What?

Cassie: You know what that is?

Jeffrey: What?

Cassie: That is a platinum card. No spending limit. So, do you want that measly $50 or do you want to take me for everything I have?

Photographer: It's just a picture.

Cassie: Of me, with him. You don't know how long that it will haunt me for. I hate him. Please give me the picture.

Photographer: I only take cash.

Jeffrey: Only cash.

Cassie: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Then we can find an ATM machine.

Jeffrey: Thank you.

Photographer: Thank you. It's been exciting.

Jeffrey: Ooh, you know, I really like this side of you. It's not exactly the beautiful blonde from the Beacon, is it? No, no, no, no. This is more like a nasty princess fresh off of her pea. Huh? In all of her glory and all of her lunacy.

Cassie: Give it to me.

Jeffrey: No.

Cassie: Give it to me.

Jeffrey: No.

Cassie: Give me that picture.

Jeffrey: No.

Cassie: Give me that picture.

Jeffrey: No.

Cassie: Give me that picture!

Jeffrey: No!

Cassie: What is wrong with you?

(Glasses breaking)

Jeffrey: Let go.

Cassie: If you don't give me that picture...

Jeffrey: Mrs. Winslow, stop it!

Cassie: All right.

Jeffrey: Let go!

Cassie: This is what Harley showed me.

Jeffrey: (Screams) Waiter?

Cassie: I'll take a Manhattan, please.

Jeffrey: I'll take a double whiskey with a water back. And some ice, please. So Harley taught you how to break thumbs?

Cassie: Yep.

Jeffrey: Smooth.

*   *   *   *   *

Carrie: Who's next?

Marina: I don't have any wishes. I have a lot of homework to do, though, so...

Carrie: (Laughs) Oh, my dear. Homework is a chore. Don't confuse dreams with obligations.

Marina: I'm not confused.

Carrie: Well, perhaps you're just afraid of being disappointed.

Marina: No, I知 not. It's just, wishes are things to live by when you don't feel like working hard. You know, in life, a person can earn whatever they want, but nothing is just handed to you because you wish for it.

Carrie: That's very noble, very American, very Cooper. Perhaps you'd better give me back the ring until you're ready for it.

Marina: Fine. Suit yourself.

(Cell phone rings)

Carrie: Oh. Oh, dear heaven, how I hate those things. Why is it that we must always be tethered to everybody else all the time?

Marah: Hello? Hey, Wanda. Couldn't I just meet Dad at home? Okay, yeah, well if it's important, it's important. I'll be there. Bye. Could I wish that my dad didn't drive himself so hard all the time?

Carrie: Well, you could try, but I don't think it would work. Josh Lewis will always, always drive himself.

Marah: How do you know so much about my father?

Carrie: Well, I told all of you people, I know a lot of things about Springfield and its citizens.

Marah: Michelle, I hope your wish for Danny and your family comes true.

Michelle: Thanks.

Carrie: Oh, Marah? Don't ever tell anybody about these rings or these wishes. Oh, Marah? The ring.

Michelle: Can you explain to me why all of this has to be so secret? Because I'm starting to feel like I知 playing a game, like a little girl.

Carrie: There are games and games, my dear. Monopoly, Bridge, Russian Roulette. The trick is knowing which ones are safe to play.

Nico: Nico's in the house! Michelle? Michelle?

Michelle: Yeah? Yeah?

Nico: You should have seen all those people. I thought there was going to be a riot or something.

Michelle: What?

Nico: Danny almost got crushed by all those people in the crowd.

Michelle: What? What do you mean? What happened? Where's Danny?

Nico: It was crazy.

Danny: I'm right here. I'm right here. Hi.

Michelle: What happened to you.

Nico: I'm going to get you some water.

Danny: Okay. Uh...

Michelle: Are you okay?

Danny: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine.

Michelle: What happened?

Danny: Nothing. Nothing. I've just... I've never been mobbed before.

Michelle: Are you all right?

Danny: Thank you. I'm fine. Honey, I知 fine. It was crazy. You wouldn't have believed it; all these people...

Michelle: What?

Danny: ...From the Fifth Street neighborhood, they just... They gathered together to support me for bringing that area up out of the ashes. It was...

Nico: Look, look, look. They were throwing money at Danny.

Danny: Look at this.

Nico: Look at this.

Danny: It's contributions, campaign contributions.

Nico: Even checks.

Danny: Look at all this. Some kids... Honey, some kids, they broke open their piggy banks. I mean, these people don't have any money, but they just... They wanted to support me and thank me for... For the new jobs and for safe streets and for just cleaning up the mess that my mother made. Suddenly, I'm a man of the people. It was unbelievable. What? What?

Michelle: No, I知 happy. I'm really happy. I'm relieved and happy. Hey, you have to go down to that bank and you have to open an official campaign fund because I don't want you being arrested for stealing soft money.

Danny: Can you believe this? We survived the smear in the press and we started a war fund, all in one day.

Michelle: She was right.

Danny: Who? What?

Michelle: Nothing, nothing, nothing. Someone told me that wishes could come true, and she was right.

*   *   *   *   *

Josh: You see, I could blame Billy for everything that just happened, but I think that would be missing the mark. I'm not you. I'm not in your shoes. I'm not having to deal with me and the things that I've done. But I want you to know that my love for you and my love for the kids is everything to me, everything in my life. And when things were right between us...

Reva: Things were right in the world, too.

Josh: Exactly.

Reva: It is for me, too, Joshua. We used to finish each other's sentences and complete each other's thoughts.

Josh: You see, I think that kind of thing makes a man arrogant. It makes him think that he can't do anything wrong because how could anything possibly go wrong in such a perfect relationship? We were building a life together, Reva.

Reva: Mm-hmm. It's that together part that you forgot about.

Josh: I thought I was doing the right thing for...

Reva: For Shayne. I know. For Shayne and his dreams about baseball. They also happened to be your dreams, and because you couldn't separate the two, Shayne is where he is, and you and I are where we are.

Josh: Okay. See, I keep praying that we're just sort of lost, you know, and that somehow we're going to find our way back to each other. I haven't figured out how yet.

Reva: I can't figure it out, either.

Josh: But do you even... Do you wish that you could find your way back to me?

Reva: Every day. I just want to be sure of the man I come back to.

*   *   *   *   *

Marah: Dad, are you here?

Sandy: Hi.

Marah: Okay, um, I'll just wait in the hall.

Sandy: Josh isn't coming.

Marah: Why not? Wanda told me to meet him here.

Sandy: I know, I know. I deliberately made up that message to get you down here, because you wouldn't have come if you knew I wanted to talk.

Marah: Well, can you blame me? I don't really trust you.

Sandy: Maybe you would if you knew how much I cared, how much I don't want to see you get hurt.

Marah: All right, fine. You want me to bite? You want me to act all interested in what you have to say? Okay. Get hurt by doing what?

Sandy: By giving your heart to someone who doesn't deserve it.

*   *   *   *   *

Jeffrey: Next time I think of asking you for advice, I値l consider a root canal instead.

Cassie: Yeah? Well, you want some advice? Here. Why don't you take a few courses on etiquette? Better yet, why don't you take some obedience classes?

Jeffrey: Well, you know what? I think the pit bull in this picture is the one who needs obedience classes.

Cassie: You're calling me a pit bull?

Jeffrey: If it looks like a beast, it acts like a beast, it is a beast.

Cassie: Stay away from my niece, you cradle-robber.

Jeffrey: Oh, nothing would give me greater pleasure than to stay away from you and that dysfunctional group that you call a family.

Cassie: Great. Then ignore us all! Starting with Marah.

Jeffrey: Woof. Woof, woof! Yeah, you heard me.


Cassie: He's such a jerk.

*   *   *   *   *

Josh: Next on Guiding Light...

Carrie: What if I told you that you could have anything in the world you wanted, and it would be granted? What would you wish for?

Josh: You've already got another woman in your life, right, who's making you crazy. So what is her name?

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