Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 11/20/03
By Suzanne
Proofread By Hijrah
Edmund: The name on the account should be Jonathan Randall. There's an AKA affixed to that, please. Yes, thank you. That name is Sandy Foster. Right, so find out what you can and get back to me as soon as possible. Thank you very much. Well, hello there! That's quite a surprise.
Cassie: Yes, I know that we're going to meet for dinner at Towers later, but I thought you deserved a treat. I know you've been getting up early, and I know you didn't have breakfast this morning, and I know you didn't have lunch, so...
Edmund: Keeping an eye on me are you?
Cassie: Absolutely. I'm also eavesdropping. All I heard was that you were talking to someone about Sandy.
Edmund: Yes, well, I'm just not going to be able to rest until I make things right by that boy, so I’m making some arrangements to be able to offer him something a bit more concrete than just an apology.
Cassie: Like money?
Edmund: Well, it doesn't get any more concrete than that. I've been talking to some of Richard's people down in San Cristobel. They’re going to see what they're able to do.
Cassie: My guess is not much. Richard didn't leave an estate.
Edmund: Well, you never know if something's floating around. And if not, then I’ll just be the one helping him.
Cassie: This is really important to you.
Edmund: Of course it is. I have to make amends with this young man. I ruined his life. I owe it to him; I owe it all of you.
Cassie: So, do you have to make amends right now, like, I don't know, right this minute?
Edmund: Well, that might be... Mm. The sooner the better. Wouldn't you say that... Wouldn't you say?
Cassie: No, what I would say is that you've already, you know, started the ball rolling, so why not take a break and figure out your next move?
Edmund: Okay. Cassie Winslow, are you trying to seduce me?
Cassie: Mm-hmm.
Edmund: Huh.
Cassie: Is it working?
Edmund: No.
* * * * *
Ross: Hello you beautiful Bauers.
Ed: Hey, Ross!
Michelle: Hi. Thank you for coming.
Ross: Oh, I was glad to get your call. Especially when you said that you wanted me to help straighten out your father.
Michelle: See, I knew that you'd welcome the opportunity.
Ed: Oh, come on. What is this, another ambush? What am I supposed to have done now?
Michelle: Nothing yet, nothing yet. Nothing that can't be fixed with a little adjusting. All right, I’ll start at the beginning. Well, you know how hard Danny's been working to get the Street back on its feet, right?
Ross: Oh yeah, of course. He's been doing very well.
Michelle: You think so?
Ross: Absolutely I do. You must be very proud.
Michelle: I am, I am. And I'm even prouder of what he wants to do next. Ross, Danny wants to run for mayor.
Ross: Of what?
Michelle: Mayor of Springfield, isn't that incredible? He really, he wants to step up to the plate, and he wants to make Springfield an even better place to live. So, what do you think?
Ross: Well, Michelle, this is, it's huge. It's big news.
Michelle: That's funny, because I thought you were going to help me convince my dad what a great idea this is, and I guess I was wrong.
Edmund: Honey, why is it so important to you that I agree with every decision that Danny makes? He is his own man.
Michelle: Because we need family solidarity right now, Dad. The Bauers need to step up. Look, Ross, you know how hard Danny's worked to put his past behind him.
Ross: Of course, I do, Michelle, and I admire him for doing that, but running for office is just an open invitation for all the skeletons to come tumbling out of the closet, maybe some you don't even know about. And besides, there is a lot more to Springfield than just that little neighborhood around Fifth Street. Now, perhaps Danny needs to give this a little more thought.
Michelle: Well, he has, he's given it a lot of thought, and, you know, so have I. And...
Ross: Michelle, life as a public servant is not a party.
Michelle: Well, I, I don't know about that, Ross. I think you could be wrong.
* * * * *
Jeffrey: Now, what are you doing? I think you made a mistake here.
Waiter: I don't know.
Jeffrey: Look, there's some kid who's crying for his balloons somewhere, it's a mistake, all right?
Waiter: It's your name on the card.
* * * * *
Sandy: Hey.
Marah: Hi, how are you?
Sandy: I know you don't owe me anything, but you could have at least warned me.
Marah: About family dinner at my parent's house? I'm sorry, but in those kind of situations, it's every man for himself.
Sandy: Not about dinner, but about Reva's cookies. I almost broke a tooth.
Marah: She always burns something when she's nervous. Welcome to the family.
Sandy: Thanks. I'm still getting the hang of it. I think it'll be a while before I get all the rules straight, but I think I have one thing figured out.
Marah: Good.
Sandy: From what I've seen, family members are supposed to look out for each other, right?
Marah: Yes, we try to.
Sandy: Okay, then, here goes. I think it was a bad idea for you to take off with that old guy after dinner.
Marah: Jeffrey O’Neill is not an old guy, and I did not take off with him. He rescued me from an awkward situation, that's it.
Sandy: I don't buy that for a second.
* * * * *
Reva: Hey, Doc, hold it right there.
Christopher: Well, so much for the inner calm I’m supposed to find during my run.
Reva: Inner calm? Where can I sign up?
Christopher: What are you doing here? Am I being stalked?
Reva: Bite your tongue. I miss you. You've been keeping your distance, lately.
Christopher: Well, here I thought it was because you needed space. Guess I'm not the one with the intuition here, huh?
Reva: Don't even start with me. I have about as much intuition as that wall. You know what? Maybe if I banged my head against it, I could get some insight into my own life, because I'm coming up empty.
Christopher: This about Sandy?
Reva: Who else? I've been trying so hard to make some kind of progress with him, you know? But he's so closed off, he's so angry. I'm doing all the right things, you know, doing all the Good Mommy-things like inviting him to disastrous family dinners and then wondering why we're not making any progress, and it's just not me! You know? And if I can't find a way to get back to who I am, I'm going to explode.
Christopher: You really have hit a wall this time, huh?
Reva: Head on. You know, it seems like every other member of my family has found a way to get through to Sandy, but I have zero intuition. I mean, where are all those disconcerting flashes of insight when I need them?
Christopher: You're trying too hard.
Reva: Well, how can I not? I mean, here's this lost child, you know, who's in so much pain and all he sees in me is that I, I never came back for him, ever.
Christopher: For very good reasons.
Reva: Well, tell him that. All my other children have been forgiving me for so much for so long and I think it's because some way or another they new that I was working my way back to them, and to their father, but Sandy, all he sees is that I left him. Not once, but twice. Maybe I should just let him beat me up and get it out of his system.
Christopher: Well, he's not going to be a teenager forever.
Reva: You know what? I would welcome some normal teenage anger right about now.
Christopher: I haven't been very much help, have I?
Reva: No. I'm still just as freaked out as I was when I first bumped into you.
Christopher: Sorry about that. How about a little old fashioned distraction, huh? Dinner, my treat, the country club. And I will not only pay, but I’ll be so entertaining that you will relax and all of your insight will come flowing back, you'll be able to break through your wall with Sandy, and solve a few of the world's problems at the same time. Well?
* * * * *
Marah: So you think I had some secret escape plan, that I talked Jeffrey into dinner so that he could rescue me from you?
Sandy: Why not?
Marah: You take yourself way too seriously.
Sandy: Maybe I do, but I should have been the one to leave, not you.
Marah: Wrong, my mother would have just coming after you, made your drama very ugly.
Sandy: I didn't hang out for very long, anyway. Look, I just don't want to be one more thing in your life that makes it too intense.
Marah: Again, taking yourself way too seriously. Look, it's going to take me a little while to get used to having a new brother around, but once I do get used to it, I'll just do what all sisters do, ignore you. I'm too busy for all this drama anyway. I have way too many things to do. I have my design work, my friends...
Sandy: Friends, friends like Jeffrey O’Neill?
Marah: Yes, I like him. He's smart and he offered to look at my contracts.
Sandy: Oh, whoa, I'll bet he did. Marah, come on. A guy like that thinks one thing when he looks at a girl like you.
Marah: Oh no...
Sandy: What?
Marah: This article about Danny, it's bad. I have to go see Michelle.
* * * * *
Jeffrey: "Your advice has given me a lift. Can't wait to learn more, Marah." Well, that's what you get for being a nice guy, O’Neill.
Michelle: I wonder what he did to deserve those.
Ross: I'm not sure I want to know.
Ed: Looks kind of like he wants to fall right through the floor now, doesn't he?
Ross: (Laughs)
Michelle: (Laughs) There's a first time for everything.
Ross: Jeffrey O’Neill has always prided himself on being the unflappable man.
Michelle: Wow, then this is a historic moment. All right so where were we? You guys were trying to convince me that it's not a great idea for Danny to run for mayor.
Ed: Honey, look. You and Danny have been through a lot. I don't understand why you want to do this to yourselves.
Ross: And Michelle, I’m sorry if I’m less than enthusiastic about Danny's potential campaign, it's just that I don't want to see you suffer needlessly.
Michelle: Needlessly?
Ross: Well, what I'm trying to say is that there's so many other ways that Danny could do good works in the community.
Michelle: Yeah, except it's what he wants to do. I mean, he really believes that this is the best way for him to continue doing all the good in the community, is to become mayor. And I've given it a lot of thought, and I think it's a really good idea. And I realize, Ross, that you have a rough time when you ran for senate, but I think that you're personal life was a lot more controversial then.
Ross: Ouch.
Michelle: Well, you know, with Blake and Holly and, I mean, Danny and Robbie and I are practically the Brady Bunch compared to you.
Ed: Look, Ross is just trying to get you to look at the situation realistically, you know, that's all he's trying to do. But we both want you to be happy. If this is what you want, I will stay so out of your way, I promise.
Michelle: No, but you can't stay out of the way. You have to be a huge part of this campaign. You, and Mel, and Rick and actually you and Blake. I need all of you guys. Look, I have to go, but I'm not finished with you, okay? You're going to be passing out fliers and kissing babies. You've got a lovely bunch of balloons there.
* * * * *
Jeffrey: Would you –
* * * * *
[Interruption for Special News Report]
* * * * *
Edmund: -- To my nephew and reminding him that he should be angry at him, not at Reva, not at Richard, me. He needs to come after me. And if I can help him make his future a bit more comfortable, if I can help him in whatever way I can, if I can just somehow make amends... Oh God. I don't know, I don't know if any good is going to come out of this, Cassie. I just know I have to face him before I can face you. Please, just give me a little more time, all right?
* * * * *
Michelle: I can't wait for Robbie to get home, he is going to love these. Oh, no time was wasted, was there?
(Knock on door)
Michelle: Who is it?
Marah: It's me! Hey.
Michelle: Hi.
Marah: Oh, man, I thought I could get to you before you saw that. It's unbelievable, isn't it?
Michelle: Well, no, I’d actually be surprised if this didn't happen. They were just a little quicker than I thought they'd be.
Marah: What about Danny?
Michelle: I don't think he's seen it yet.
Marah: Well, we can't let them get away with this.
Michelle: Guess what, they already have. And the question is, how are we going to fight back?
* * * * *
Reva: A free dinner and entertainment. Well, I haven't been offered that in a while. All I've been doing is chasing my own family for a meal. But...
Christopher: But dinner with me is too dangerous?
Reva: No, it's not that.
Christopher: Damn it, I have always wanted to be too dangerous.
Reva: (Laughs) I have an idea. What about dinner?
Christopher: Ooh. All right, you win.
Reva: But not at the country club. At Company.
Christopher: Ah, great, sounds good. Casual, I don't even have to change.
Reva: Would you, please? (Laughs)
Christopher: All right fine, I'll shower and change and I’ll see you in an hour. Deal?
Reva: Deal.
Christopher: Good.
* * * * *
Edmund: Hello, Sandy. May I join you?
Sandy: No. Why did you even bother asking?
Edmund: We have important things to discuss.
Sandy: We have nothing to discuss. You're the guy who wanted me dead, end of story.
Edmund: Well, I’m glad you realize I'm the one to blame for everything you've been through, at least.
Sandy: Glad... You are unbelievable.
Edmund: Look, I know you're having a hard time accepting the ovations from your family, especially your mother. I want you to realize that they're not responsible for what happened to you. I am. They're upset about it. They're upset about what happened to you, just as you are.
Sandy: I doubt that. So tell me something, Uncle Edmund, what's in this for you? From what I've seen around town, everyone has some crazy past they're trying to escape. They think if they do a couple good deeds they can leave it all behind them and become Springfield Citizen of the Month. Is that your plan?
Edmund: Well, no, I hadn't thought about that, but it's not such a bad plan. Sandy, I know you're not going to forgive me-- ever. But you're wasting your time being angry at the rest of your family. Don't do it. Please. I know. Build relationships with them.
Sandy: Okay, finished?
Edmund: No, no, I’m not. There's something I want you to have. This belonged to your great-grandfather, and your father carried it most of his adult life.
Sandy: And if weren't for you he would have given it to me himself. Thanks, but no thanks. I don't want it. I never got to know the man.
Edmund: All right, I'll... I'll keep it in the safe at the Beacon for you. If you want, just... Just ask your Aunt Cassie. There's one more thing. There's one more thing I’d like to do. I'd like to help you with your schooling, financially. There's a banker down in San Cristobel who is authorized to pay all of your bills.
Sandy: Please, stop. Stop with the fake apologies and the family heirlooms and the big, fat checks. None of it's going to work. I'm on to you Uncle Edmund. Me showing up like this is a big threat to you, isn't it? You're going all out to make nice. But for all I know you're just getting ready to stab me in the ribs with a knife-- again.
* * * * *
Michelle: So just give me a call when you get this message, okay? I love you, honey, bye. You know, I just wish that we could come forward first, and confront all these issues before everyone else could take their shot at him. Danny hasn't even announced yet.
Marah: You know what? You can still fight back. I'll bet my mom would help. She could have him on the show, he could make his case.
Michelle: I don't know, maybe. Maybe not, though. But you would be surprised how many people are against Danny running for mayor. And your mom, she could be one of them.
Marah: Even still, she would help him out. She could have him on the show, you guys could come on the show, Robbie could come on at the end, and you can paint a whole family picture. The town would love that.
Michelle: I don't know, because I have this feeling that I’m not going to be Danny's biggest asset.
Marah: Are you kidding?
Michelle: No, I’m not. I could be the one who messes this whole thing up for him.
Marah: How?
Michelle: Because I just... I get too emotional, you know? I know what Danny's gone through to get where he is, and I hate it when people come after him. Like right now, I'm totally fighting this urge to go down to that newspaper office and start busting heads. I'm serious. Some future first lady I’m going to be, right?
Marah: No, there's nothing wrong with that feeling. You just have to learn how to channel it. Maybe some scream therapy.
Michelle: Ah, right.
Marah: No, seriously, someone actually recommended it to me recently, and it really works. Okay, those balloons are way out there. Are they Robbie's?
Michelle: Well, they are now. I was at Towers earlier with my dad and Ross, and we were having a really, really good time watching Jeffrey O’Neill trying to act all cool when they were delivered to him. He was horrified. And now he owes me big-time because I took them off his hands. What?
Marah: Nothing. Can I have one of these fortune cookies?
Michelle: Yeah. That's weird, though, they weren't there before. I can't remember the last time we had Chinese food.
Marah: Maybe Nico?
Michelle: Maybe.
Marah: You want one?
Michelle: Sure, because I’d like to check out this fortune.
* * * * *
Ed: Thanks for trying to open Michelle's eyes, Ross.
Ross: I hate to burst your bubble, but I just don't think that it would be good for the reputation of the community to have Danny Santos as the mayor.
Ed: I don't think it would good for any of us.
Jeffrey: Hi Ross, Dr. Bauer.
Ed: Hey!
Jeffrey: How you doing? Do you mind if I join you? How you doing?
Ross: Good, Jeffrey, but you look a little lost. Perhaps you should have thought twice about giving away all your balloons to old Michelle.
Ed: (Laughs)
Jeffrey: That's good. Just get it all out of your system now, okay?
Ed: No, seriously, my grandson reacts exactly the same way when he loses... when he loses a balloon. It's perfectly natural.
Ross: Well, we wouldn't know that firsthand, Ed, because nobody's ever sent us balloons, have they?
Ed: They have not.
Jeffrey: Finished, done?
Ed: For now, yes.
Jeffrey: And good.
Ross: Yes, it is good... (Laughs) ...Because we would like your opinion with a problem we've been struggling with.
Jeffrey: As long as it doesn't involve balloons.
Ed: Not a balloon in it, no. (Laughs)
Ross: You know, if his honor, Leonard, chooses not to run again, Danny Santos is thinking of running for mayor.
Jeffrey: Oh. So you guys are doing some preliminary polling, is that what you're doing?
Ross: Well, in a way, yes, I guess we are because Ed is concerned about the ramifications of a mayoral race on his family.
Jeffrey: Well, you know better where the bodies are buried than I, Doc. But if you really want my gut reaction to Danny running, I say, well, sure, why not? I mean, it'd be great if he ran.
Ross: Really? Why do you say that?
Jeffrey: Well, for one thing, he wouldn't be hassling me about my beard and my long hair and my favorite pair of sneakers like Mayor Hamilton does, so he'd have my vote for that alone.
Ed: Well, that's one way to choose a mayor.
Jeffrey: And what are your criteria?
Ed: Oh, I don't know, competence, integrity, something like that.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, those are rare commodities these days. No, but I really would vote for a former criminal like Danny Santos rather than some of these unindicted criminals that might find themselves in the race. For one thing, he will work hard because he's got something to prove. And he's not going to put up with a lot of the bull that some of these people put up with around here.
Ross: Well, that's a unique viewpoint. Thank you for sharing.
Jeffrey: Don't send balloons, okay?
Ross: (Laughs)
Cassie: Hey! (Laughs)
Ed: Oh, hi, Cassie.
Ross: How are you?
Cassie: How are you?
Ross: Will you join us?
Cassie: Mr. O’Neill. No, no, I am meeting Edmund for dinner, and our table's ready. I just wanted to stop by and say hi, and bye.
Jeffrey: She's crazy about me.
Ross: Yes, I picked up on that one.
Ed: It was nice of you to stop by.
Jeffrey: Actually, I'm going to stay and say hello to my good pal, Cassie. See you guys.
Ross: Bye.
Jeffrey: There we go. Just thought I’d keep it warm until His Majesty arrives.
* * * * *
Edmund: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I knew this would upset you, but I thought...
Sandy: Goal accomplished, good for you.
Edmund: No, that's not what I’m saying. That's now what I'm saying. Look...
Sandy: Did you hear a word of what I said? Look, I'm not going to help you earn your family merit badge. There's nothing you can do to fix things between us. And as for you telling me how I should feel about the rest of my brand-new family, I know they want things to be okay for me. Reva, Cassie, Marah, even Shayne and Josh, they're real people, and they're trying to make things better. They know I had a hard time and they're trying to help me become part of the family. They're not the perfect family, but they're human. And you, when I look at you, I don't see anything remotely human. So if I do get closer to being part of the family, I can promise you this: I will do whatever it takes to keep you on the outside looking in. I think that's only fair.
Reva: Hi, Sandy.
Sandy: Hi.
Reva: Well, well. What was that?
Edmund: With Sandy? Well, I was trying... I was trying to do too many things at once and it basically blew up in my face.
Reva: Ah.
Edmund: "Ah"?
Reva: Let's just say, I understand how it feels. You upset him.
Edmund: I was trying to give him things he didn't want. I also tried to make sure he understood that I was to blame for everything, and he should be angry at me, not you and not the rest of your family. I want to help.
Reva: And what did Sandy think about that?
Edmund: Well, he didn't buy it for a minute.
Reva: Hmm, as much as I’d like to, I’m not buying it, either.
* * * * *
Marah: Okay, this... This is weird.
Michelle: They're really beautiful. I mean, at first I thought it was Danny, but then they're two.
Marah: You know, maybe it's one for each finger. Yeah, that's it, now I feel better.
Michelle: Well, don't, I don't think Danny did this. I mean, he's done some pretty crazy things, but I don't think this is one of them. Well, maybe this'll explain.
Marah: "Marah, you're better off without him." Okay, now this is really freaking me out.
Michelle: Okay mine. "You forgot to vacuum the blinds last week."
Marah: (Laughs)
Michelle: This is so not funny.
Marah: Okay, this is maybe a little funny.
Michelle: No.
Marah: What is going on?
Michelle: It's not a what, it's a who. Who is doing this? And I'll tell you what, I think it's a pretty easy one.
Marah: What are... Who are you calling?
Michelle: Marina, because if my hunch is right... (Doorbell rings)
Marina: You guys, the craziest thing just happened.
* * * * *
Cassie: Well, thank goodness you stopped by Reva's the other night.
Jeffrey: Oh, you mean the Family Dinner from Hell?
Cassie: You did kind of lighten the mood a little bit.
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Cassie: I guess we needed some outside influence.
Jeffrey: Well, Family Dinners from Hell normally benefit from outside influence.
Cassie: You are so cynical.
Jeffrey: No, I just felt sorry for those kids.
Cassie: Yeah, they have been trough a lot.
Jeffrey: Especially Marah.
Cassie: What do you mean, especially Marah? Did she talk to you about something.
Jeffrey: Well, we talked, yeah, of course we talked in the car when I took her home.
Cassie: Okay, well?
Jeffrey: Well, I don't think I should divulge the details of our conversation to you. I was going to tell Reva, but she seems so overwhelmed right now with this Sandy thing...
Cassie: Okay, well, I am Marah's aunt, okay. So, I think if you know anything that can help us help her, you should tell me.
Jeffrey: You know, for once in your life, I think you might be right. Okay, Mrs. Winslow. I think your niece has problems, big problems.
* * * * *
Marina: You guys, though, this is like the craziest thing, okay, because I'm looking through my purse for my car keys and... And it's just sitting there. And of course at first, you know, I think it's probably from Shayne, but that didn't really seem right.
Michelle: Yeah, for a split second I thought mine was from Danny, but that would have been the nice, normal answer.
Marah: Right, but there was no such luck. Are you two thinking what I'm thinking?
Marina: Do you guys think this is form her?
Michelle: From Carrie?
Marah: Who else?
Marina: Well, I don't know though. I mean, I don't know much about jewelry, but these look like they're pretty expensive rings.
Michelle: Well, maybe it's a bribe. She wants us to keep quiet.
Marah: She did want us to keep this a secret.
* * * * *
Edmund: Reva, I understand what you're thinking.
Reva: And I understand that you are trying to be a part of this family because of Cassie. But I'm trying to develop a relationship with my son. And in order to do that, I need you to back off.
Edmund: All right, understood, fair enough. I need you to understand that I’m trying to do the right thing.
Reva: I hope so. Because if you're trying to find absolution for a guilty conscience from a child, then that just wouldn't be fair.
Edmund: I'm not looking for absolution, Reva. I'm looking to spend the rest of my life with Cassie.
* * * * *
Cassie: If you have any information about Marah, you have an obligation to tell someone in her family...
Jeffrey: I said I was going to tell you.
Cassie: ...I mean, it is so important that we know what's going on with Marah...
Jeffrey: I said I was going to tell you.
Cassie: What's going on...
Jeffrey: Would you just be quiet for one second in your life, please! I said I was going to tell you, but I would like to ask a question first, if you don't mind.
Cassie: So ask.
Jeffrey: Thank you. Do you think that Marah, you know, has issues with men?
Cassie: No, not any more than any young woman...
Jeffrey: No, I'm talking about specific issues, like father issues, you know, like maybe her dad wasn't around when she was young so she needs the attention of older men type of thing.
Cassie: No, no. Josh was the one constant in her life, and they're still very close.
Jeffrey: Well, there goes that theory.
Cassie: Where are you going with this?
Jeffrey: I just think that Marah needs to talk to, you know, yes, talk to an older more mature, experienced woman that can help her with some of these things she is going through, you know, that concern older men and things...
Cassie: What things?
Jeffrey: Well, certain things that she needs to know about older men.
Cassie: No. Oh, no.
Jeffrey: Now hold on, it's just you don't... You don't quite understand.
Cassie: You cradle-robbing creep. You've been hitting on my niece? This is low. Even for you.
* * * * *
Michelle: Next, on Guiding Light:
Carrie: You've all got the rings.
Michelle: Yes, three identical rings.
Carrie: No, four.
Cassie: I should have known. I should have seen it. I should have seen it all along.
Marah: Seen what?
Jeffrey: You're jealous, you're jealous of Marah.
Josh: I'm just thinking it should be me sitting over there with her right now. I should be the one that she's you know, gazing into my eyes and talking about intimate stuff with.
Billy: What the hell you doing over here, then?
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