Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 11/19/03
By Suzanne
Proofread By Hijrah
Alan: You know, Phillip should be here by now.
Beth: Well, maybe he stopped at the house and got sidetracked. I could call him.
Alan: Good idea. Do that.
(Cell phone rings)
Phillip: Yes?
Beth: Phillip, it's Beth. Alan and I are at Towers. Did you forget about us?
Phillip: No, my wallet. I left it at the house.
Beth: Oh. And is that where you are now? Phillip?
Phillip: Yes.
Beth: Well, hurry up and get yourself down, would you? We're hungry. And we miss you.
Phillip: All right. Where's my wallet? Maybe it fell? No, it's gone. Along with everything else. It's gone.
* * * * *
Marina (filtered): Shayne knows me and he knows that I壇 want to go to this dance. He can't find about it, Nico. I don't want him to feel like \he's letting me down.
Marina: Hey, Nico's here to see you.
Nico: Yo, Fastball. What's up?
Shayne: The ceiling.
Marina: Hey, are you okay?
Shayne: Just tired.
Nico: Hey, if this is a bad time, I can come back a little...
Shayne: No. Stay.
Nico: Okay.
Marina: All right, well, let me get you something like a cup of tea or water. Or I don't know. Woo. Marah! Skin to win, baby.
Marah: You like?
Marina: Yeah, it's awesome. So what, you have a date?
Marah: I'm hoping that I will once he sees me in this.
Marina: He who?
Nico: What are you a donkey?
Marina: What? He-haw, dope. So who are you going out with?
Marah: Bye, guys. Don't wait up.
Marina: What? Marah, I want to hear who you're going out with! Thanks a lot.
Nico: Ugh. Man you hit hard for a little girl.
Marina: Really. (Laughs)
Nico: Come on.
Marina: (Laughs)
* * * * *
Marah: Hi, I need to speak with District Attorney O誰eill. It's urgent.
* * * * *
Jeffrey: Uh-huh.
Amy: And you can you believe that road has been under construction since spring.
Jeffrey: No, I can't believe it.
Amy: And they're constantly rerouting traffic. I mean don't you find that annoying?
Jeffrey: Sometimes you just got to put up with annoyances to get where you need to go.
* * * * *
Danny: So, Mr. Mayor, I知 guessing you heard all about the rumors.
Mayor: Rumors?
Danny: That you're considering a change towards something a little less stressful.
Mayor: Is that so?
Danny: Mm-hmm. It's being said that you might not run for re-election.
Mayor: You know, there are rumors about you, too. That you wouldn't mind being the next mayor of Springfield yourself.
Danny: I've been approached.
Mayor: And?
Danny: And I'm exploring my options.
Mayor: Perfect answer. See, you're a politician already.
* * * * *
Bill: Danny Santos for mayor. It's got a nice ring to it. I'm thinking when we announce it...
Eden: If we announce it. Danny hasn't decided yet.
Bill: Yeah, right, right. Anyway when we announce we're going to do it live on 5th street, smack dab in the center of the neighborhood that Danny helped create. That's how we'll do it. Then we'll do a little walking tour with the press and then...
(Cell phone rings)
Bill: This could be a reporter now.
(Knock at the door)
Bill: Bill Lewis. Yeah, well, I can't comment on that right now.
Eden: You've got to stop this, Tony. Bill is here. I'm with Bill. And I cannot make it any clearer than this.
Tony: You don't have to, Eden. I got the message.
Eden: Then what are you doing here, huh?
Tony: Well...
Bill: Hey, Tony, come on in. I'll be off the phone in a second.
* * * * *
Beth: I don't think Phillip is coming.
Alan: It does look that way, doesn't it.
Beth: We knew he might not show.
Alan: I was hoping he would come for your sake, Beth.
Beth: Oh, Alan, you've over estimated my influence.
Alan: Well, don't underestimate your influence. I mean, I'm worried about him. He sees a pregnant woman, he thinks it's Olivia. Stalks her, breaks into her home.
Beth: Oh, joy.
Alan: Look, I know she's not one of your favorite people either. But the fact remains that Phillip is...
Beth: No, no, it's not that.
Alan: What?
Beth: Over there.
Alan: Jeffrey O誰eill.
Beth: I want him to be alone and miserable and ruing the day that he let me go. Not getting ready to pounce on his next victim.
Alan: Well, I知 glad you're rid of him. I mean, obviously, he did not appreciate you. And if it makes you feel any better, he looks bored out of his mind with that woman over there.
Beth: That does make me feel better. Thank you very much.
Alan: Oh, did you see that?
Beth: See what?
Alan: Well, he looked over here saw how stunningly beautiful you look and now he's kicking himself for being such a fool. No, I'm serious.
Beth: (Laughs) Alan, that is a complete and total fabrication and you know it. But it's a very appreciated one. Thank you.
Alan: Here's an idea. I'll slip the maitre 租 a little incentive so that when Mr. O誰eill ask for his bill, I'll have the maitre 租 say in a very loud voice that his credit card has been rejected because of overdue charges again.
Beth: Oh, childish revenge fantasies. Now you're speaking my language.
Alan: We can stay and have a little fun, but if you would prefer we could leave.
Beth: No, let's stay. Let's stay. And we'll order. And let's get a bottle of wine. No, better yet, let's make it champagne.
* * * * *
Marina: Hey, not so fast.
Marah: Torture me all you want, Marina, but I'm not going to tell you where I'm going.
Marina: Okay, okay, okay. Fine. Just tell me this, have you heard anything from, you know who?
Marah: No, have you?
Marina: Uh-uh.
Marah: I guess we'll just have to wait until Carrie decides to show us another visit.
Marina: No, it's just kind of freaking me out though, you know. Every time I hear a door open or I hear footsteps, I'm thinking it's her. And part of me kind of wants it to be, but most of me really doesn稚. I mean...
Marah: I know. Same here.
Marina: What do you think this big secret is anyway? Something she knows that nobody else does?
Marah: I don't know.
Marina: Maybe she's just stringing us along.
Marah: I don't think so.
Marina: Speaking of secret...
Marah: (Laughs): No, no, no.
Marina: Okay, fine. Don't tell me who you're going out with. But at least do this. Tell me where you're going. It's safety thing. We girls have to stick together.
Marah: Fine. Towers. Are you satisfied now?
Marina: Towers. Do I know him?
Marah: I have to go. Like I said, don't wait up.
Marina: Okay. Have fun.
Marah: I plan to.
* * * * *
Nico: How am I? Oh, you mean what happened at the fashion show. Yeah, I'm cool, man. It's all good. You know, some guys shoot hoop, play catch. My... my wiped-out friends, yeah, we knife each other.
Shayne: Hey. Thanks.
Nico: For what?
Shayne: Keeping Marah safe.
Nico: Oh, that's what you thought I was doing that night. Nah, man, I was trying to hook up with some hot model. Anyways, I mean what happened to me is nothing compared what happened to you. You know, you're making some great progress.
Shayne: Not much...
Nico: Excuse me? Hello? You're talking again. You're moving your arms. You know you're going to be walking before you know it. Dancing even.
Shayne: Dance.
Nico: Hell, yeah. You know what you need? You need some good tunes. Let me see what you have over here. Oh, look at this. DMX, Audioslave, Sean Paul. Hey, man, you got some eclectic taste. Pretty impressed. I guess you're not into that frat head rocking music, huh?
Shayne: I like variety.
Nico: Yeah, it's "the spice of life." You know something, Shayne? When I record my first album, I'm going to have some Latin tracks, some rock, R&B, techno. I'm going to really mix it up, you know? Something for everybody. Yeah, it's going to be hot. Like that's ever really going to happen.
Shayne: It will if you want it to.
Nico: You think?
Shayne: Dream big. Always.
Nico: Yeah, Shayne, you, too. You know, you're going to be dancing before you know it. It's kind of weird.
Shayne: What? What?
Nico: When I first met you, I didn't think we had anything in common, you know, different sides of the tracks and all. Now... Now I think we kind of do.
Shayne: Me, too.
* * * * *
Bill: Okay, Danny's past is obviously going to be the biggest hurdle hopped to overcome to get elected.
Tony: I'm legit, Bill. I'm clean, all right?
Bill: Are you?
Eden: Bill.
Bill: (Laughs) I know you are now, but how about before?
Tony: I did some things.
Bill: Things you're not proud of?
Tony: What I had to do.
Bill: Okay, well, let me put it this way. Have you done anything that could come back to haunt you?
Tony: Haven't we all?
Eden: Bill.
Bill: What? It's a simple question.
Eden: It's an insult. Stop.
Bill: Look, Danny was the boss of a crime family and Tony was what, his enforcer? I mean it's pretty much common knowledge. So is the fact that you were investigated by the FBI. You were almost indicted.
Eden: Yeah, and like you said, everybody knows about it. So I do not understand why you're bothering him to ask all these questions.
Bill: Honey, I need to know. I don't want any surprises, okay? Look, Tony, is there anything out there that's buried? Maybe even literally that could come up and well, be a problem for Danny?
Tony: I don't know. I don't know, Bill. All right. I don't know. Look, Danny was always pretty good at covering his tracks, keeping his hands clean. You know, but me, I just...
Bill: What? Not so good at it?
Tony: Let's just say sometimes I'd get caught up in the heat of the moment without ever thinking about the consequences, you know. You've done that, right?
Bill: Whatever. Look I don't suppose you'd like to expand on that?
Tony: Should I?
Eden: No. Look, we both know Tony is no angel.
Tony: Well, I never claimed to be so...
Eden: And he's not the one who's running for mayor, Bill.
Bill: But he is close family, honey.
Eden: Yeah, and so is Carmen. Why don't you let her be the fall guy for the Family Santos misdeeds.
Bill: All right, wait a minute. You're talking about Carmen who's comatose in a hospital and we're talking to Tony over here.
Eden: I am just saying that it's a non-issue. That's all. Right?
Tony: It's a non-issue?
Bill: Well, Tony, I guess if you ever decide to run for mayor, we know who your campaign manager will be. The Bad Girl herself.
* * * * *
Danny: Okay, I hear you. I do. But hypothetically speaking. if you were to decide not run again do you think you would endorse another candidate as your successor, or would just stay out of the fray all together?
Mayor: Well, that depends on who the candidate was. If it was you, you have a lot friends in this town, Danny.
Danny: Mm-hmm.
Mayor: But there are also plenty of people who would love to see you fail.
Danny: Name one.
Mayor: And once you declared, they'll come out of the woodwork to take potshots at you.
Danny: Right. And would you be one of them?
Mayor: No. I'll watch and listen. And if I like what I see and hear, I'll let Springfield know you have my support.
Danny: That is if you decide not to run again and if I do.
Mayor: Didn't I say that? I hate to cut this short, but--
Danny: No, please. I got it.
Mayor: Thank you.
Danny: Thank you for your time.
Mayor: We'll talk again later.
Danny: Great.
Mayor: Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Mayor Hamilton, how are you doing?
Danny: Hey, O誰eill.
Jeffrey: Hi, Danny. So you're hanging out with the mayor, huh?
Danny: Yeah.
Jeffrey: 5th Street business?
Danny: Mm-hmm. Among other things.
Jeffrey: Did he tell you he's up for the new presidency of Princeton University?
Danny: No. You're kidding?
Jeffrey: No, no, he's on the short list. And you told him that you wanted his job, right?
Danny: What? I don't understand how these rumors get started.
Jeffrey: Oh, well, maybe from a grain of truth. What? So it's not true?
Danny: Uh-uh.
Jeffrey: Here I was hoping it was...
Danny: You disappointed?
Jeffrey: I am. Because I wanted you to jump into the fray, because even if Mayor Hamilton was running this town could use a little excitement, you know.
Danny: Right. I'm sure you'll be one of my biggest supporters, O誰eill. A hard-line DA backing the former mobster. Come on, I don't really see it.
Jeffrey: Never say never, Danny.
Danny: Okay.
Jeffrey: Look, you're smart, right? You're intelligent, you know how to get things done, you're decisive, you're a hell of a squash player.
Danny: That's true.
Jeffrey: Does that mean I値l endorse you? I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not.
* * * * *
Beth: It's bad enough when an affair ends, but then when you have to keep running into the person...
Alan: Or she runs off with your son.
Beth: Oh, that's worse. I'm sorry, Alan.
Alan: Very humiliating. I'll tell you something else that was humiliating. This evening, you know, I told you I ran into a friend of mine? Well, it was Lucia, Gus's mom. Well, she's a very attractive woman in her own way.
Beth: Hmm, apparently you think so.
Alan: Well, we were talking and I decided to ask her out.
Beth: Good for you.
Alan: But she took off her coat and she was wearing a habit. She's a nun.
Beth: (Laughs) Oh, my goodness. But I thought that she...
Alan: Yeah, well, we all thought that she left the church, but she's more devoted than ever. I made a total ass of myself.
Beth: Alan, when you and Lucia were... Well, were you really in love?
Alan: I don't know if I would say we were in love, but I was head over heels for her. I'm ashamed to say.
Beth: But why Lucia? I mean it wouldn't seem like you two would have had that much in common.
Alan: Lucia was a breath of fresh air in my life. She took pleasure in the simplest of things. I... And then she left. She left without any explanation or reasons. I was really crushed.
Beth: So why didn't you go after her?
Alan: Well, the things were kind of coming to a head in my life at that time. I was under a lot of pressure. So I just followed Brandon's master plan, through myself into my work and my marriage and stop fighting.
Beth: I know someone else who's followed that route recently. It hasn't worked out very well for him either.
Alan: Yes, but remember Phillip wanted to be the CEO of the company. He fought very hard for that, Beth. And I don't think the company is the reason that he's in the depressed state that he's in.
Beth: You think it's Olivia.
Alan: She and that baby are the one thing he wants more than anything and he may never have.
* * * * *
Bill: Eden's right. The past is the past. You can't change it. But you don't want to repeat it either.
Eden: Amen to that.
Tony: Meaning can I keep myself clean during the campaign, right?
Bill: Can you?
Tony: Yeah, I think I can handle that. But look, this whole conversation is kind of moot anyway. You know, I mean you and Danny are going to be the ones in the public eye, handling the boardrooms, you know, pricey fundraisers. Not me. So...
Bill: What do you see yourself doing?
Tony: On the streets, where I belong. Talking to people, talking up Danny. And in fact maybe I could use...
(Phone rings)
Bill: Hold on a second. Bill Lewis. Well, Mr. Santos hasn't decided that just yet. Yeah.
Eden: You tell Bill you have to be somewhere and you leave.
Tony: Listen, Eden, if you're afraid that I'm going to tell Bill our little secret, don't, because I'm not, okay?
Eden: Is that the plan, Tony? No. Because that's the way you're acting.
Tony: Listen. Just relax, will you? I'm playing with you.
Eden: Well, I知 not amused. And before you go, I have your clothes Marah finished.
Tony: Already? Yeah.
Eden: Yeah. I don't know what you said to her the last time you saw her, but she wanted it off her to-do list ASAP. There wasn't any room in the closet, so I left it up here on the... bed.
* * * * *
Danny: I got to call...
Jeffrey: You're going to keep me in the loop, I hope.
Danny: Well, there... sure.
Jeffrey: Thank you.
Danny: Mm-hmm.
Jeffrey: Incidentally, you see that girl at the bar the one I was talking to earlier?
Danny: Yeah, what about her?
Jeffrey: That's Amy Hagen. Works for The Journal. She saw you talking with Mayor Hamilton earlier. Which means that you and political aspirations will be front-page news tomorrow. So if I were you I would have a statement prepared.
Danny: Okay.
Jeffrey: What's the matter?
Danny: Nothing. Nothing. Just getting the lay of the land. Good night.
Jeffrey: Good night.
Marah: Hey, what's a girl got to do to get arrested around here?
Jeffrey: Marah.
Marah: So can I buy you that drink we were talking about?
Jeffrey: What are you doing?
Marah: Isn't it obvious? I am propositioning you. Wow, you are speechless. I'll bet that's the first time ever. You probably had me pegged as one of these sweet, passive type who never does anything this forward, correct?
Jeffrey: Well, as a matter of fact, I did.
Marah: Well, surprise! You told me to do what felt right, and right now what feels right, to me, is you.
Jeffrey: Well, maybe you misconstrued. You know, you've had a bit of a rough time lately, and, you know, you've been disappointed by these guys...
Marah: Yeah, I definitely have, which is why I just want to let loose a little bit and do whatever the heck I feel like, and damn the consequences.
Jeffrey: That's good, I think that's great, you know, just follow your instinct. I just think, you know, you need to do it with someone more suitable, that's all.
Marah: And define suitable.
Jeffrey: Well, someone closer to your own age, for starters.
Marah: Why?
Jeffrey: Well, because it would be more... it'd be more appropriate.
Marah: Well, you know, that sounds really funny coming from you. Since when did you start to care about appropriate? You were the first DA in Springfield ever to wear a beard. You wear sneakers with your suit, which, by the way, is a terrible cut on you. From what I hear, you will chase anything in a skirt...
Jeffrey: Thank you.
Marah: And you have managed to alienate half of the public with your rude ways.
Jeffrey: More, more, tell me more because I知 enjoying this so much. Thank you very much.
Marah: But you see, I don't want to. No, if I had my way, we wouldn't be talking at all.
Jeffrey: Marah, I知 pretty sure that you and I want different things.
Marah: Really?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Marah: Let me guess, you want a committed relationship, you want to get married and have children as soon as possible? That's good, because I am so not ready for that. I just want to have fun, Jeffrey, lots of fun.
* * * * *
Beth: You know, I didn't expect to such a good time tonight, but I am, thank you.
Alan: Well, a bit of the bubbly works miracles.
Beth: Well, it's more than the champagne, it's the company. You always lift my spirits, Alan.
Alan: Likewise, Beth.
Beth: You make me feel appreciated.
Alan: Because I do appreciate you.
Beth: Mm, wasn't always the case, remember?
Alan: Don't remind me of my mistakes. I was a fool trying to keep you and Phillip apart, intercepting that letter. I have a feeling that if I hadn't done that, things would be different now.
Beth: Or not. You never know.
Alan: No, I think you'd be together. And I think that Elizabeth would not have had the troubles that she's had.
Beth: We can't rewrite history, none of us. You just have to make the best with what's before you.
Alan: How very wise of you.
Beth: (Laughs) Well, when you don't have anything else going on, you need to be wise.
Alan: (Laughs)
Beth: And you've become very wise yourself these days.
Alan: Please, sing, sing on, sing on. Sing my praises, no one else does.
Beth: If I do it will go right to your head, and besides, with you, the change might just be temporary.
Alan: Ouch.
Beth: No, I was kidding. You've mellowed, Alan. You've had a lot of curves thrown at you this past year.
Alan: You mean, losing my wife, my son, my company, trivial things like that?
Beth: And finding out about a son you never knew you had. And you've handled it all with grace and dignity.
Alan: As far as you know.
Beth: Yes, as far as I know, and I don't want to know anymore.
Alan: Hmm.
Beth: I'm just saying, that one the whole, I think you're finally starting to grow up.
Alan: Beth, you are the only person that can say that and get away with it.
Beth: I know that. I need to get a little more... Oh Lord, look who Jeffrey's with now.
Alan: Marah Lewis? My, my, he's old enough to be her father.
Beth: Before, I was moderately annoyed, now I'm genuinely repulsed. Do you mind if we...
Alan: No, let's go and find Phillip.
Beth: Okay. (Sighs)
* * * * *
Marina: Hey.
Nico: Hey. I don't know how he does it, Marina. If that was me in that bed...
Marina: Yeah, does he seem okay to you? He doesn't seem like he's down or anything?
Nico: I don't know him that well.
Marina: But does he seem okay, though?
Nico: He seems tired, like you said, and a little down. But, I mean, who wouldn't be. Look at the position he's in. Why?
Marina: Yeah, I don't know, it's just he was, you know, in high spirits before his physical therapy today and now he's...
Nico: Well, you know, the therapy probably just wore him out a little.
Marina: Yeah? I don't know.
Sandy: Hey.
Nico: Hey.
Sandy: Guys, what's up?
Nico: What's up?
Sandy: Do you know where Marah's at?
Marina: She just left a minute ago. Towers, I think, I don't know.
Sandy: Okay, thanks. Hey, while I知 here, do you think Shayne's up for a visitor?
Marina: Yeah, if you can make him laugh.
Sandy: Okay. (Snaps) I'll take a crack. Earth to Shayne? So you recover yet from the incredibly upbeat Welcome-Sandy-To-the-Family Dinner?
Shayne: Wasn't that bad, was it?
Sandy: Yeah, yeah. (Laughs)
Shayne: Mom can be a little pushy, at times.
Sandy: Yeah, you notice that too, huh?
Shayne: Part of her charm.
Sandy: Hmm, I'm getting used to that part.
Shayne: And Marah?
Sandy: Marah, and Marah, hmm. I think we got along okay, don't you? It's not like it was before.
Shayne: Before you lied.
Sandy: Yeah, that. You know, for a guy who still doesn't speak so well, you really manage to cut to the chase.
Shayne: She'll accept you.
Sandy: As a brother? Maybe she shouldn稚. I mean, I would like that, eventually. I just don't want to push her. Some people accept things in their own sweet time. Sometimes you've got to leave them alone, give them space.
Shayne: Sometimes they need to be pushed. Sandy?
Sandy: Yeah?
Shayne: Do me a favor.
* * * * *
Eden: What are you doing, Tony? Bill's in the next room.
Tony: Well, I wanted to see the clothes, maybe try them on, you know?
Eden: At home. Take them home with you.
Tony: Actually, no. Just the jacket, okay? Just the jacket.
Eden: There is a mirror down there.
Tony: I don't know, what do you think?
Eden: No, there is a ...
Tony: I want a woman's opinion, Eden. Now, tell me what you think.
Eden: It looks good.
Tony: Good, just, good? You don't think it's a little big in the shoulders, tight or anything? Tell me.
Eden: No.
Tony: You sure? You sure?
Eden: Fine, it is a little bunched right here.
Danny: Hello?
(Knock at the door)
Danny: Bill?
Eden: Hi, Danny.
Danny: Hey.
Eden: Oh, or should I say Mr. Mayor? Come in.
Danny: Tony, what are you doing here?
Tony: Bill, actually Bill asked me to come by to talk strategies. He's in the other room on the phone. Listen, this is the coat that Marah made me. What do you think? Do you like it?
Danny: Oh, yeah. It's nice.
Bill: Danny...
Danny: Oh, there he is.
Bill: Did you talk with Hamilton?
Danny: I did. He didn't really give away too much, but I did get the impression that he's not going to run again.
Bill: All right, if he doesn't, will he endorse you?
Danny: I think he might, yeah.
Bill: Are you serious? Yeah, that is great, folks it's getting better and better.
Danny: Yeah, I know. Guess who else said he would endorse me, or as he put it, he wouldn't oppose me?
Bill: Who?
Danny: O誰eill, the DA. Not that I trust anything the guy says. But oh, and guess what else.
Bill: Hmm?
Danny: At the restaurant tonight, there was a reporter from The Journal and she was watching me talk to Hamilton, and she was taking notes.
Bill: Well, then you better have yourself a little sit-down with Michelle tonight.
Danny: Already have, already have, and she's going to endorse me, too.
Bill: Wait a minute, whoa, hey, whoa, what are you saying?
Danny: She's all for me running, believe it or not.
Bill: She is?
Danny: Yeah, she is.
Bill: Danny, this is excellent.
Tony: Perfect.
Bill: It looks like we've got ourselves a candidate.
Tony: Yeah, we do.
Bill: And, candidate, it looks like you've got yourself a campaign staff, all right?
Eden: Yes, he does!
Bill: And we are willing to work hard and as long as it takes to get you into office. Danny Santos for mayor! That's all I致e got to say.
* * * * *
Marina: See you later, Nico. Hey.
Sandy: Hey.
Marina: So, did you make him laugh?
Sandy: I think he smiled, does that count?
Marina: Sort of.
Sandy: Well, I'm going to hit the road.
Marina: Okay. Well, thanks for stopping by to see Shayne.
Sandy: I actually enjoy it. I feel better every time I leave after hanging out with him.
Marina: Yeah, it's kind of like your good deed for the day, huh? I'm sorry, that was a really weird thing to say.
Sandy: You know, it's okay, you're under a lot of pressure lately with Shayne and school, working at the restaurant. So listen, I知 going to head out.
Marina: Look, Shayne really like you. He does, and you came to Springfield at a really good time.
Sandy: Thank you, Marina. I do have something I gotta do so I知 going to take off.
Marina: Yeah, but you know, stop by any time or if you ever want to come to Company when I知 working you qualify for the family discount.
Sandy: Okay.
Marina: I'm sure you are a good guy. Shayne is never wrong about people. See you.
Sandy: See ya. Thank you.
* * * * *
Jeffrey: Look, obviously I gave you the wrong idea, and I apologize. And, and by the way, I do not , very contrary to popular to belief, I do not try to get every woman that I meet into bed.
Marah: Oh, I'm sorry. My mistake. So you do want a serious long term committed relationship?
Jeffrey: Ha ha ha, no I don稚.
Marah: Then you want to have fun.
Jeffrey: Do you mind?
Waiter: Sorry.
Jeffrey: No, I don稚.
Marah: You don't want to have fun?
Jeffrey: I mean, yes, I do. I just... No! I don't know what I'm saying, I just want to say that I...
Marah: And here I thought you were so articulate. Do I make you nervous, Mr. DA?
Jeffrey: No, you don't make me nervous.
Marah: Are you sure about that?
Jeffrey: Yeah, I'm a little uncomfortable.
Marah: And why do you think that is?
Jeffrey: Because I'm trying to tell you something, okay? But you're not making it easy. I'm trying to tell you that I don't want, okay, I don't want what you want. Beautiful as you might be, I don't make a habit of, you know, sleeping with 21-year-olds. And it's not because I知 intimidated by you, or because I want you, like, like, you know, you seem to be so convinced of...
Marah: Hmm.
Jeffrey: (Sigh) It's because, we're just at different places in our lives, okay? How's that?
Marah: You think I'm beautiful? That's what you just said.
Jeffrey: Well, if that's all you heard, that just goes to show you how different we are.
Marah: You know, you can sound like a real know-it-all sometimes.
Jeffrey: Well, maybe I do know some things that you don稚.
Marah: Well, I sure hope so. In fact, that's what I知 counting on. Do you really, truly understand what I知 offering you here, Jeffrey? A really, really, hot affair. One night of pure pleasure, and that's it. No pretending like you want to call me the next day when we know you won't. No pretending like you want to see me again, no flowers or balloons. Heck, I may even send you some balloons. Now how can that not appeal to you? Look at you. You are so uncomfortable right now.
Jeffrey: And you're just loving every minute of it, aren't you?
* * * * *
Alan: Well, the cook is still up. You want some dessert?
Beth: What did you have in mind?
Alan: Oh I don't know, something chocolate and decadent?
Beth: You read my mind. Oh my God, Phillip!
Alan: Good, Lord.
Beth: Phillip?
Alan: Phillip, Phillip, can you hear me?
Beth: Phillip, is it your heart? Are you having chest pains?
Alan: I'm going to call 911.
Beth: Hold on, Alan. Hey, hey you, come on. Let's try to get you up. Are you okay? What happened to you?
Phillip: I... I got down to get my wallet, and I just couldn't get up. It seemed pointless.
Beth: Oh, Phillip.
Phillip: Something's wrong with me. Something's happening to me.
Beth: You need to get help, okay? You need to talk to someone, someone who will help you. Will you do that now, please? Okay, how about Rick, how is that? No pressure, just your best friend who loves you, listening to you.
Phillip: I'm scared.
* * * * *
Bill: Hey, Dan, while I got you here, I just want to go over a few things, okay?
Danny: Oh, okay, just hold on one second. Bill, I totally appreciate your enthusiasm. It's just that I haven't said that I知 going to run, yet. Tony, are you sure that you're on board for this?
Tony: Yeah, I think that before you are -- or we commit I think there should be someone out there, probably me on 5th Street talking to people.
Danny: Talking to people how?
Tony: Seeing how they feel about you running, Danny. If you don't have them on your side, you can forget about it, right. And you should come with me?
Eden: Me, why?
Tony: You are better at chatting up people than I am and you know the neighborhood.
Eden: That's not such a good idea, Tony.
Tony: Why not?
Bill: Eden is right. She has a contract with Spaulding. Trying to cultivate a new image.
Tony: Whatever, I thought it was a good idea.
* * * * *
Marah: You're right. I am having fun. Because for once, I am being myself with a man, not playing some stupid, outdated game. Like you said, sex should be fun. Not messed up with obligations and emotions, which is the way it's always been for me.
Jeffrey: Well, I'm glad you've had your epiphany, Marah. Okay, now, all you need to do is find the right person and you'll be all set.
Marah: But I want you.
Jeffrey: Marah, go home, please? Go home, now.
Marah: Okay.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Marah: Okay.
Jeffrey: Thank you.
Marah: If that's really what you want.
Jeffrey: It is.
Marah: But what I want is this.
Jeffrey: My tie?
Marah: Mm-hmm, and this. To be continued.
Phillip: Next, on Guiding Light:
Edmund: God, do you know what scares me the most?
Cassie: What?
Edmund: You.
Sandy: I can promise you this, I will do whatever it takes to keep you on the outside looking in.
Marah: Are you two thinking what I知 thinking?
Marina: Do you guys think this is form her?
Michelle: From Carrie?
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