Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 11/18/03
By Suzanne
Proofread By Hijrah
Ed: Hey.
Danny: Hi.
Michelle: Hey.
Danny: Hello to you, too.
Michelle: (Protests)
Danny: What? What? She's so tough.
Ed: Are you going to begrudge your husband a
French Fry?
Danny: I know. Seriously.
Michelle: We get a half hour break from the
hospital. Every fry and every second counts. Sorry.
Danny: Thank you, kind father-in-law. What
can I say? I worked up a real appetite looking for you over the hospital. Some
nurse finally had to tell me where you were.
Michelle: Why? What's going on? Everything
okay? Robbie?
Danny: Yeah, Robbie's fine. He's with Rick
and Mel. I just wanted to, you know, stop by, say hello to my sexy wife. Catch
up on all the latest gossip.
Michelle: Right. Since when do you care about
the gossip?
Danny: Well, you know, I was wondering if
you'd heard anything about the mayor.
Ed: Only that he may not run for reelection.
Danny: Oh, yeah. So you did hear something.
Ed: Rumblings, you know?
Michelle: Why am I the last person to find
out about everything.
Ed: No, no, the mayor's, you know, kept it
under wraps, so...
Michelle: Well, I hope he reconsiders because
all of your work on Fifth Street, we could use a friend in the office there,
Danny: I'm sure I’ll get along just fine
with the next mayor.
Michelle: Why? Do you know someone who might
be running?
Danny: Hmm...
Michelle: Do you?
Danny: Maybe.
Michelle: Who?
Danny: You're married to him.
* *
* *
Shayne: What? What?
Marina: I just... I can't stop thinking about
last night.
Shayne: Oh, and you laugh. Great. Thanks.
Marina: No, no. No. I don't know. It's
just... I don't feel like I’m any different, but I know that I am. Do you know
what I mean? Anyway, it was amazing, and you were amazing.
Shayne: You, too. Aren't you supposed to be
Marina: Oh. I get it. Someone's in a mood.
No, I'm kidding, I’m kidding. I know you have to be tired. I'll go, I’ll let
you get some rest.
Shayne: Therapy. Therapy.
Marina: Now?
Shayne: Remy's coming in ten minutes.
Marina: Okay. Well, you know, whatever you
say. Oh! I almost forgot. I picked us up a toy at the mall. Sort of like our own
private intercom system. Breaker, breaker, breaker, one, nine, this is Big Red
to Fast Ball. Can you read me?
Shayne: Big Red?
Marina: It's all about the hair, Shayne.
Anyway, I'll leave this one on for you. Give me a shout out if you need
anything. Okay, um... This extra therapy session isn't about us, is it? I mean
it, Shayne. I could not have asked for anything more special for my first time.
* *
* *
Phillip: There's really no need to escort me
Gus: I couldn't cut you loose, Phillip. All
right? Alan. What are you doing home?
Alan: Well, I do live here.
Gus: Yeah, no, I know, but Thomas said that
you were out.
Alan: I was out, but I'm back now. What's...
What's going on? Gus?
Gus: We caught Phillip breaking into a
woman's apartment tonight.
Alan: What?
Phillip: I thought it was Olivia. I made a
Gus: We have convinced the woman not to press
Fantasy Daughter: Hey, Dad. You miss me? Over
Alan: Phillip, where are you going?
Phillip: Where...?
Fantasy Daughter: You're not looking very
hard, Dad.
Gus: Is something the matter, Phillip? Is
there something out there?
Phillip: Would you stop distracting me?
Gus: Distracting you from what?
Phillip: Nothing. It's nothing.
Fantasy Daughter: (Laughing)
* *
* *
Marina: Hey, Mom. It's me. Are you there?
Hello? All right, I guess you're not home. Sunday phone call. Don't panic. I'm
fine. (Laughs) I'm actually great. Yeah, I don't know, I guess I just have a
lot of stuff going on right now and I wanted to talk, but it's nothing bad, so
don't worry. All right. I guess, just give me a call when you get this. I miss
Remy: Are you okay? I have to go help Shayne.
Darci: Yeah, thanks Remy. Hi.
Marina: Hi.
Darci: So, I told Buzz that I was going to be
in the neighborhood and he gave me some of everyone's goodies. Their faves.
Marina: Thank you.
Darci: You're welcome. I just stopped by
because I wanted to see how you were doing, say hi.
Marina: Hi.
Darci: Hi.
Marina: Hi. (Laughter)
Darci: You know, Marina, I realize I'm not
your mom, and I’m not trying to be, but I can be a good listener, too-- if you
need it.
* *
* *
Alan: Phillip, help me understand something:
You catch a glimpse of a pregnant woman that you think is Olivia, you stalk her
and then break into her home.
Phillip: Look, I didn't mean to scare
anybody. I apologized to her, didn't I?
Fantasy Daughter: You are always apologizing.
Phillip: What?
Gus: I didn't say anything.
Fantasy Daughter: I keep waiting for you to
find me, Dad. You are so bad at this.
Phillip: I'm trying.
Alan: You're trying what, Phillip?
Phillip: I'm... I'm... I'm trying to explain
to you that this whole thing with this woman was just a misunderstanding.
Gus: We're just trying to help you, Phillip.
Alan: You know, Phillip, Dr. Langham did some
incredible work with Elizabeth...
Phillip: Oh, you know, I don't need therapy.
I need to find Olivia.
Fantasy Daughter: Enough about Mom! What
about me? You missed my first steps, my first day of school, the Father-Daughter
Picnic. That was a real bummer.
Phillip: I have been looking.
Gus: I don't think that Olivia wants to be
found, Phillip.
Alan: You know, Phillip, maybe we should get
out of the house, change scenery, maybe go to Towers-- all three of us-- have
some dinner, some wine together. That might help.
Fantasy Daughter: You're not looking hard
enough. I'm leaving.
Phillip: No.
Alan: Well, I think it would be a good idea.
Are you expecting someone?
Phillip: My daughter.
Gus: Lizzie?
Phillip: Okay. Let's have dinner. I have to
Gus: Wait, wait, wait. Where are you going?
Phillip: I need to... I need to see Lizzie.
Alan: Lizzie is rehearsing her school play.
She'll be back a little later and you can see her.
Phillip: Where is she rehearsing?
Alan: She's at Company with Tammy, but I
don't think that you should leave, Phillip. I think...
Phillip: Um, I just... I need to see... I can
leave the house, can't I, Detective?
Gus: Well, I can't stop you, Phillip, but
maybe he's right. Just take it easy.
Phillip: No, I'm fine. I'm fine. I just need
to see Lizzie.
Alan: Phillip, I don’t...
* *
* *
Lizzie: "I am the drudge and toil in
your delight, but you shall bear the burden soon at night. Go. I'll to dinner.
Hie you to the cell."
Tammy: "Hie to high fortune. Honest
nurse, farewell." That scene went really well.
Lizzie: Well, I can act, Tammy.
Tammy: Oh, no, Lizzie. I mean, you're great.
I just didn't know how into this you would be.
Lizzie: Because I didn't get Juliet? No, it's
okay. My therapist said I should be honest about the way that I feel, so I will
lay it out for you. I was a little upset when you got the role of Juliet,
because I wanted it. But, I mean, the nurse is cool, I guess, and you're my
friend, so I should happy for you, right?
Tammy: Right...
Lizzie: Therefore, I'm happy. Everything's
going great for you.
Tammy: What do you mean,
Lizzie: Let's see: You've got the lead in the
play, you've got a great boyfriend, you're finally getting along with your mom's
boyfriend. Girls would kill to have your life. Don't worry, I’m not one of
Tammy: I... I didn’t...
Lizzie: Yeah, you did. (Laughs)
Tammy: Well, I guess I am pretty lucky. I
mean, I'm psyched about the play and Joey’s really fun.
Lizzie: And if there's a "but" at
the end of that sentence...
Tammy: But it's all kids' stuff. I mean,
school play and hooking up with my boyfriend.
Lizzie: Um, yeah, it is kids' stuff. Because
we are kids.
Joey: What up, Juliet?
* *
* *
Michelle: So, you're thinking about running
for the mayor of Springfield. Huh.
Danny: Now, I have to admit, when Bill first
brought up the idea, I was skeptical, too.
Michelle: Whoa, wait. Bill suggested this?
Okay, Dad, can you just pinch me now?
Danny: I know what you both are thinking, but
the more Bill and I talked about it, the better it started to sound. I have been
giving back a lot to the community through the Fifth Street Project. And public
office might just be the next logical step.
Michelle: So, this Fifth Street Project is
what inspired you to do this?
Danny: Mm-hmm.
Michelle: So, is Cassie going to make a play
for governor, and hey, Tony could become president. (Laughs) I'm sorry, but it
just seems a little crazy, right?
Danny: What? What's crazy about it? I want to
do some good things for this town. I want Robbie to grow up and be proud of his
family name. You know I can do it.
Michelle: Yeah, but I’m just thinking about
all the other things that we have to factor into this decision. All the
Danny: Like what? Who's going to turn over
their town to a former mob boss?
Michelle: (Sighs) Danny, things have just
settled down for us. I mean, if you run for office, we're going to be under a
magnifying glass every single day.
Danny: Michelle...
Michelle: You're going to be the biggest
story in town.
Danny: Michelle, I'm used to making
headlines. Granted, maybe not always for the right reasons, but I can deal with
being watched and whispered about. I guess the question is, can you? Because
your whole family will be dragged into the media circus, too.
Michelle: Springfield would be lucky to have
you as its mayor. So, what do you think, Dad? My husband, the mayor. (Laughs)
Ed: I think it's the worst idea I’ve ever
Danny: Ed, I understand your concern. Believe
me, I know that this town is going to want to rip me apart for the crimes I
committed under Carmen up to the parking ticket I got last week-- sorry, honey.
But I don't know what else to tell you, except I can't hide from my past. No one
Michelle: All right, look. We have nothing to
hide anyway, anymore. I mean, so we have nothing to fear, and Danny and I will
just face the truth head-on.
Ed: (Laughs bitterly) And what about the
rest of us?
Michelle: Well, you're right. You're right,
the public will dig up every buried secret they can find. But, Dad, your
drinking was never really a secret, and I mean, you've been sober for a really
long time.
Ed: What about Robbie? He's going to be
surrounded by rumors and, like you say, whispers.
Michelle: Well, we'll just... We'll tell
Robbie the truth. People make mistakes and we can overcome them and become
better people. You've done it, Dad. And Danny has, too.
Danny: I'm still trying. I'm still trying. I
mean, I guess that's the whole reason for this. I can't undo the things that my
mother did, but I can help this town to heal.
Michelle: And you will. You will. I know you
will. So?
Ed: You know you have my vote.
* *
* *
Marina: Oh, I’m sure you have more
important things to do than listen to me ramble. (Laughs)
Darci: Well, actually you're in luck. Today I
have nothing more to do. So...
Marina: Oh.
Darci: You know, it's okay, Marina. You don't
have to talk to me if it's uncomfortable for you.
Marina: No. No, no, no, no, no.
Darci: Whatever it is...
Marina: That's not it. That's not it. It's
just... (Sighs) "whatever it is" is not something I'm even really
sure I’m ready to talk to my mom about, so it's...
Darci: Oh. Okay.
Marina: What is... What is... What is the
"oh." What do you mean by that "oh"?
Darci: Well, let's just say that if you do
decide you want to talk about it-- and I think you should talk about it with
someone-- I'm here and I’ll listen. I can tell you're not really into it, and
I don't blame you. I mean, it's uncomfortable. Your dad's girlfriend, sex talk.
(Shudders) So I’ll just let you get back to your studying.
Marina: Okay, uh, I didn't say that I
wanted... Could you tell?
Darci: That you wanted to talk about it?
Marina: I mean, when you walked in, could you
tell? Do I look different?
Darci: You mean you've already, uh...
Marina: Yeah. Um, last night. It was my first
Darci: Oh. Wow. Uh, okay.
Marina: So, do I look different?
Darci: Well, do you feel different, honey?
Marina: I mean, I feel happy. I feel really
Darci: Good. Good. That's exactly how you
should feel.
Marina: I mean, I don't know. It's just so
weird, you know, because I guess I always thought that there was this kind of
line between, like, the people who had and the people who hadn't, and then now
that I've crossed that line, it's just... It's not the way that I thought it
would be.
Darci: How do you mean?
Marina: I mean, I don't know. And it's not
because of Shayne's condition, it's just... It's just not how I imagined it.
Darci: Better? Or worse?
Marina: It's better. Much better. I just feel
so close to Shayne right now.
Darci: Yeah, but... You're worried that the
change is... Is going to change in ways that you haven't even figured out yet,
huh? It will. But that's absolutely normal, especially when it's something as
important as your first time.
Marina: Yeah, but everything has been so
great with Shayne and I and I don't want anything to change.
Darci: Well, change isn't always necessarily
a bad thing, Marina. I mean, trust me. If Shayne is the right guy for you...
Marina: And he is.
Darci: And you two really do love each
Marina: We really do.
Darci: Then this kind of change can only make
things better for you two.
Marina: Really?
Darci: Absolutely.
* *
* *
Shayne: (Grunts)
Remy: 15. Good, harder. 16. Harder. Good. 17,
good. 18, come on. 19, good. And last one. And 20. Good. Man, Shayne. I've never
seen you this intense. Good. Good job. Whoa. Hold up. What are you doing?
Shayne: Louder.
Remy: No, no, no, no, no. Don't strain
yourself. I'll get it.
Shayne: No!
Remy: Check it out. Good. All right, come on.
Let's keep moving. Oh, and by the way, you rock. You know that?
Shayne: What?
Remy: I said you rock! Now keep up that
intensity. Let's go. One, good. Come on. Two, good. Come on, keep going. Keep
pushing. Three, good.
* *
* *
Tammy: How did your audition go?
Joey: It went okay. Not too many guys showed
up-- probably has something to do with the tights.
Tammy: So, did Mr. Clemenza pick someone to
play Romeo?
Joey: You're looking at him. (Laughs)
Tammy: (Squeals happily)
Lizzie: That's really great, Joey.
* *
* *
Phillip: Honey. Hi, darling.
Lizzie: Hi, Dad. Is everything okay?
Phillip: Yeah. Yeah. I just needed to hug my
little girl, that's all.
Lizzie: Do you have to cut off my air supply?
Phillip: I'm sorry.
Lizzie: Oh, it's okay. Are you okay?
Phillip: Oh, yeah. I'm fine, I'm fine. How
are you? Are you having a good time? Are you working on your play with your
Lizzie: Yeah. Tammy and I were just running
the lines between Juliet and the nurse, and then Romeo had to stop by. But, you
know, it's great. I'm sure they'll make great acting partners.
Phillip: No, no. Don't do that.
Lizzie: Do what?
Phillip: Don't pretend that you're okay with
something when you're not, Lizzie. You have to stop doing that. You have to stop
stuffing your feelings down.
Lizzie: I'm not, I'm just trying to be a good
Phillip: Yes, you are. That's exactly what
you did with Olivia and I didn't do anything about it then. And I'm telling you,
you can only hide behind a smile for so long, honey, before everything will come
crashing down on you. I know what I'm talking about because I've done it and
I’m not going to let you do it. All right? I'm not going to let you or anybody
else get hurt again.
Lizzie: Okay. You really want to know how I
feel about everything?
Phillip: Yeah, I do. I want you to let it
Lizzie: Fine. But you're asking for it,
because once it's out, I can bet you'll want me to just stuff it back in.
Lizzie: I wanted to be Juliet. But Tammy’s
Juliet. And not only does she have the lead, she has the guy. And what do I
have? A team of people following me around watching my every move. Dad, I hate
feeling like a prisoner.
Phillip: But Lizzie...
Lizzie: No, you asked how I felt. Do you want
to know or not? Okay. I hate that this entire town is waiting for my next
screw-up. I hate that every time I look out the window, one of you are in the
car, waiting to save me from my own self. Dad, today it's Thomas. Maybe next
week it'll be Mom or Grandpa.
Phillip: But honey, we're doing it because we
love you.
Lizzie: And that's another thing! I hate the
way everybody says that they love me in this weird, cheery voice like there's
someone with a straight-jacket just waiting for me. Okay? Everybody in this town
expects me to do something terrible, so why should I disappoint them? Aren't you
just so glad you asked?
* *
* *
Joey: I know how much this play means to you
and I'm going to do my best. I promise. Besides, I get to watch you onstage
everyday do your thing, see you shine.
Tammy: Joey, that's so sweet.
Joey: What act did you say the sword fight
was in?
* *
* *
Phillip: Now, I know that you would not
deliberately do anything...
Lizzie: No, Dad, I can control myself. But I
don't have the freedom to prove it. I am a social pariah at school. I thought
that this play would help me, but how am I supposed to get friends with someone
in our family just there on "Lizzie Duty" all the time? I just wish
that... Never mind.
Phillip: No. What?
Lizzie: I wish that I could be normal again.
* *
* *
Alan: Gus, I have never seen Phillip like
Gus: Well, you should have seen him at the
woman's apartment. No, scratch that. It's better that you didn't see him at the
woman's apartment.
Alan: Are you saying that he was worse there
than he was here?
Gus: Well, listen, he was accusing us of
hiding Olivia. I mean, conspiring against him. You know, he finally realized and
pulled himself together. It's just getting him to realize it.
Alan: Well, I want to thank you for helping
him. And thank you for talking that woman into not pressing charges. I mean, you
really protected my family.
Gus: My family, too, right?
Alan: Yeah. I guess you're right, it is your
family. What about the other side of your family?
Gus: Who, Eden?
Alan: No, I’m not talking about Eden. I'm
talking about your mother.
Gus: Where is this going?
Alan: She's in town, you know. I just spoke
with her. And she misses you.
Gus: Yeah, I know. I know. I've seen her.
* *
* *
Marina: Darce, did you forget something? Oh!
It's you again, isn't it? Did you decide to use the door this time?
Nico: I always use the door.
Marina: Oh. Nico, hi.
Nico: Hey. Were you expecting somebody else?
Marina: Oh. (Laughs) Well, you never know
who's going to pop in around here. So, what's going on?
Nico: Well, I decided to take you up on that
offer on visiting Shayne. Is he around?
Marina: Oh, yeah. Uh, yeah, he is. He's
actually in therapy right now. You're welcome to wait around for him, if you
Nico: Yeah?
Marina: Yeah.
Nico: Thanks. Hey, I found this. Someone must
have dropped it, bringing in the mail. Well, aren't you going to open it?
Marina: No, I already know what it is. It's
an invitation for this big holiday dance party at Springfield U. On Track is
Nico: That's not some boy band, is it?
Marina: No, they're actually a really good
band and I’ll loan you the CD.
Nico: So you're going to go, right?
Marina: It's a big dance party.
Nico: Yeah. So? Oh.
Marina: (Sighs) There's this place that I
really like to read, in the basement of the library. I don't know, it's pretty
empty, not that many people know it's there. But I was in there the other day
and there was this couple and they were sitting in my spot. And they were just,
like, ew. I mean, they were completely all over each other and they were making
out and, like, messing around, and the girl grabbed the guy's notebook and, you
know, she's running with it and he goes and chases her and tackles her down to
the ground and they start kissing, and...
Nico: So, did you get your spot back?
Marina: Just forget it.
Nico: No, no. What?
Marina: It's not about the spot. It was about
the couple. They looked like they didn't have a care in the world, and I wanted
to push over a bookshelf and crush them. I was so jealous of that girl and that
moment because... (Sighs) Because she gets to do things with her boyfriend
that I can’t.
Nico: Come on, Marina. I'm sure there's a lot
of things that you and Shayne can still do together.
Marina: What do you mean by that?
Nico: I don't know. Uh, hangout, listen to
Marina: Yeah.
Nico: Whatever.
Marina: That's true. But there are a lot of
things that we can't do together, too. Like dance. So go ahead, tell me that I
am a really horrible person for being jealous of that stupid couple.
Nico: No. I can't do that, Marina.
Marina: Why not?
Nico: Because I think jealousy's a good
* *
* *
Danny: So, do you think the mayor can meet
with me tonight? Well, Towers would be fine. Yeah. Well, that's perfect.
Perfect. Thank you. Uh, I thought you were going to change into something a
little more comfortable.
Michelle: Well, I’ve got to get comfortable
with power, don't I, if I'm going to be the mayor's wife?
Danny: Well, I still have some serious
thinking to do before I decided whether or not I’m going to run.
Michelle: Mm-hmm.
Danny: I do.
Michelle: Right. Mm-hmm.
Danny: What about you? Are you sure you're
Michelle: Oh, yes. I am onboard. Mm-hmm.
Danny: What are you going?
Michelle: I thought that I would prep you for
your meeting.
Danny: Oh, is that right?
Michelle: Mm-hmm. See, I made a list of your
credentials, Mr. Santos.
Danny: I wish I was that list.
Michelle: Danny Santos, you are a natural
leader. You are determined. You are brave. You are fair-- you're very fair. You
don't pull any punches and you always get what you want.
Danny: You know what I want right now?
Michelle: Uh-uh. Uh-uh. I'm not done with my
list, Mr. Mayor. You're a wonderful father, and husband. And you give amazing
back rubs. And you know, whenever my furniture gets moved around, you move it
back. Mm-hmm, you do.
Danny: You know, you're certifiable. Do you
know that?
Michelle: That's no way to talk to the head
of your exploratory committee. Okay?
Danny: This meeting's adjourned.
* *
* *
Alan: You're saying that you've seen Lucia?
Gus: Yeah, yeah, I've seen her. It doesn't
mean that I talk to her. Look, I go down to the church once in a while. I hear
Father Ray talk and there she is. I stand in the back and sometimes I watch her.
Alan: That's good. Well, that's a step.
You'll be talking with her soon and spending a little time, maybe.
Gus: Well, you know, who says I want to do
Alan: Are you saying you don't?
Gus: Al, the woman has had decades to get in
touch with me, okay, and she never did. So, you know, excuse me if I’m not
feeling like spending quality time with my mommy.
Alan: I know you're hurt. I mean, we all lost
decades spending time with each other. I was angry, too, but I had a choice, and
I gave up my anger. You know, I could have spent a lot of time thinking about
the past, but I didn't. Now you've got a choice to make.
Gus: Does she want something? What does my
mother want?
Alan: I don't think she wants anything. But I
will remind you that Thanksgiving is just around the corner...
Gus: Oh, now, I see where this is going.
Alan: Oh, come on. It'll give us a little
time to spend together, talking. We could do that or you could just stay angry.
Gus: Al, let's get something straight, okay?
I'm not angry about anything. My life's going great with Harley. I don't feel
like I'm missing a thing.
Alan: Don't lie to your father.
* *
* *
Phillip: No, honey. Just don't go, okay?
Lizzie: Dad, I can't go far. Thomas is
outside, remember?
Phillip: I'm going to loosen the reins on you
a little bit, okay?
Lizzie: Really?
Phillip: Yeah. You... It seems like you do
okay when you have a chaperone, so maybe that's working out okay, so why don't
we just say that from now on that's what we'll try to do. We'll have somebody
drop you off and they'll pick you up and they'll stay outside the whole time
that you're there, but they won't come in and check on you. All right? Then
they'll just give me reports?
Lizzie: Thank you, Daddy.
Phillip: Mm-hmm.
Lizzie: Oh, and about what I said earlier...
Phillip: Honey, it's okay. It's all right.
You can have those feelings. You just have to know what to do with them when you
get them. You can't hold them down, because that's when... When you do that,
that's when you have a problem, okay? But it's okay. You go be with your
friends, all right? And I'll talk to you later. I love you, sweetheart. (
Hyperventilating) (Wheezing)
* *
* *
Nico: I've been jealous of other people my
whole life. Kids whose parents didn't die like mine did. Musicians who have a
number-one hit single and I don't.
Marina: Yet.
Nico: There's nothing wrong with wanting what
other people have. It makes you work harder to get it for yourself. It's the
same deal with you and Shayne. You know, maybe wanting to be like that other guy
is making Shayne work harder to get back on his feet faster. You said he was in
therapy right now, right?
Marina: Yeah. I don't know, I just don't want
him to feel like who he is right now isn't good enough, because it is, and I
tell him that all the time. I don't know. Maybe you should toss this thing on
your way out.
Nico: You and Shayne were probably never into
those kind of things, anyways.
Marina: Well... (Laughs) we did dance at
prom. I don't know, he was nervous, though. So cute. He wasn't all that
graceful, but... I don't know, just throw this thing away, okay? Shayne knows me
and he knows that I want to go to this dance. He can't find out about it, Nico.
I don't want him to feel like he's letting me down.
* *
* *
Joey: "I would I were thy bird."
Tammy: "Sweet, so would I. Yet I should
kill thee with much cherishing. Good night, good night. Parting is such sweet
sorrow that I shall say good night 'til it be morrow."
Joey: I thought you were supposed to x that.
Keep the kiss in, though. It works for me.
Tammy: I can’t. I'm on a balcony and you're
not. I'll be right back.
Joey: (Sighs)
Lizzie: Hey, Joey.
Joey: Hey, Lizzie. I didn't know you were
still here.
Lizzie: Yeah. Um, I wanted to congratulate
you on getting the lead role.
Joey: Thanks. I have to memorize all these
lines, though. And we have Sunday rehearsal. How am I going to watch the
football game?
Lizzie: Well, my dad said that he would have
a car parked outside during all rehearsals.
Joey: So?
Lizzie: There's a TV in the car. Maybe you
could just sneak out every now and then and check the score.
Joey: Sweet. You'd let me do that?
Lizzie: Yeah. I do owe you one. You helped me
sneak out of my house.
Joey: And I didn't know what I was doing.
Lizzie: Yeah, but you still did it.
Joey: Cool. I'll take it. Tammy would kill
me, though, if she knew my head was in the game during play practice.
Lizzie: How about we say it's our little
* *
* *
Phillip: (Hyperventilating)
Fantasy Daughter: Here. Try breathing into
this. Mom taught me that trick, with the bag. She had to teach me a lot of
things because you weren't there.
Phillip (Weakly): You're not here. You're
not real.
Fantasy Daughter: (Laughs) That hurts, Dad.
It just really, really hurts. (Laughs)
(Cell phone ringing)
Phillip: What?
Alan: Phillip? Gus is not going to be able to
join us at Towers but Beth will. Now, do you want us to stop and pick you up?
Phillip: No. Um, I'll... I'll... I'll get
myself over there.
Alan: All right. We'll see you there, then.
Fantasy Daughter: (Laughing)
* *
* *
Alan: Next, on Guiding Light.
Eden: You've got to stop this, Tony. Bill is
here. I am with Bill.
Jeffrey: What are you doing?
Marah: Isn't it obvious?? I am propositioning
Phillip: Something's happening.
Beth: You need to get help, okay?
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