Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 11/12/03
By Suzanne
danny: Hey. Hi.
Michelle: Hi, honey. Oh, I'm starving. You've saved me from that awful cafeteria food. Thank you.
Danny: You're welcome.
Michelle: What's wrong?
Danny: Nothing. Eat. You don't have a lot of time.
Michelle: And what kind of wife would i be if i didn't have time for my adorable husband?
Danny: I'm just... It's this whole mess with nico. You should probably hear it from me before you hear it from somebody else and get the wrong information. Tony and i paid a little visit on the guys who knifed him.
Michelle: (Sighs) I just lost my appetite.
Danny: Honey...
Michelle: Wait, wait, wait. You and tony?
Danny: We just talked to them.-We just talked to them and helped them see things a little more clearly. That's all.
Michelle: Well, i did think those guys needed to be arrested, and since nico's not talking, something had to be done.
Danny: All right, so consider it taken care of.
Michelle: Have you told nico?
Danny: No. I mean, I will, eventually.
Michelle: Um, you might want to do that sooner rather than later, knowing nico.
Danny: Honey, it's for his own good. It is.
Michelle: Nico might not see it that way.
Danny: Well, he's going to get over it. He has no choice.
Nico: Get over what?
Danny: Speak of the devil.
Cassie: Okay, well, i'm leaving now. Unless, of course, you know what, you want me to stay, because I can stay.
Edmund: Cassie, go. I need to finish this work, anyway.
Cassie: Are you sure?
Edmund: Yes. Don't worry about me. Come here.
Cassie: I don't have to go.
Edmund: Yes, you do.
Cassie: No, i don't.
Edmund: For your sister.
Cassie: Well, she would understand. And tammy's not going.
Edmund: All the more reason why you should go.
Cassie: I'm not going to be late, okay? I won't be late.
Edmund: And when you come back, I'll probably be in this very same spot.
Cassie: No, you can't. You have to eat. I mean, you can't not eat tonight.
Edmund: That's the beauty of room service, cassie.
Cassie: (Sighs) okay. Bye.
Edmund: Bye. See you later. Bye.
Cassie: Bye. (Laughs)
edmund: Have a nice time.
Josh: Well, it smells great.
Reva: I just hope sandy likes pot roast.
Josh: (Laughs) if he doesn't, he'll eat salad.
Reva: I'm really glad you could be here tonight.
Josh: You should relax, you know? Everything's going to be fine.
Reva: Oh, easy for you to say.
Josh: Well, it's not like we haven't been through this kind of thing before, with dylan.
Reva: Totally different circumstance.
Josh: Well, you're going to have your whole family around you, reva, supporting you. What could possibly go wrong?
Reva: You're asking me that question?
Josh: It's not like you're going to, you know, start showing old videos or anything, right?
Reva: I had them put on dvd.
Josh: Reva, you can't.
Reva: What, too much?
Josh: You think?
Reva: Too much. (Laughter) I'll hold off.
Josh: Good choice.
Reva: What's taking sandy so long? I just hope he didn't decide not to come.
Marah: Hey. Don't go in yet.
Danny: Nico, sit down.
Nico: I'm not your mutt. I don't want to sit down.
Danny: Fine, don't sit down.
Michelle: Are you all right?
Nico: Yeah. I'll get over it. So what's going down, boss?
Danny: Look, I know you want to fight your own battles...
Nico: Oh, i'm touched you remembered.
Danny: But you're not exactly in the best shape to do that right now. Understand?
Nico: What did you do?
Danny: And I also understand your loyalty to where you come from and who you grew up with.
Nico: What did you do, man?
Danny: I had a little conversation with your friends, the ones who stuck that knife in your side.
Michelle: And it wasn't just you, danny. It was...
Danny: No, it was me and tony. Not that i...
Nico: Tony jumped those guys?
Danny: We had a conversation, not that i didn't want to teach those punks a lesson.
Michelle: There was no fists involved. Nothing like that.
Danny: Look, long story short: Those guys are not going to mess with you anymore. If they do, they answer to me.
Nico: You said that?
Danny: Yeah, I said that. You know, you're not alone anymore, nico. Fine, you want to be pissed? Be pissed.
Nico: No, what are you talking about? I'm cool.
Danny: You're cool with that?
Nico: Yeah.
Danny: Okay. What do you know? One for the home team.
Michelle: I told you.
Danny: No, you didn't. You said that he'd be angry.
Michelle: Hey, listen. I have an idea. I have an idea. What do you think about nico settling into the house?
Nico: Hello, michelle? Haven't you noticed I've been camping out there? Why don't you just ask me?
Michelle: Exactly. See, the thing is you're camping out. What about if we, you know, make it official? I mean, we all know that that garage apartment needs a "trading spaces" makeover.
Nico: I love that show. (Laughter)
danny: Can we talk about this later?
Michelle: Why? Why? Look, nico needs some time to recuperate, right? And I mean, he's practically family now.
Nico: Don't push it.
Michelle: Okay. Look, the bedroom downstairs has its own entrance. It's very private. I think it's perfect.
Danny: Bad idea.
Nico: Says who?
Danny: Says, I thought, you.
Nico: Think again. It's a great idea.
Lizzie: Tammy! I didn't know you were the bad girl type. You should have told me; i would have gotten you some free samples.
Tammy: Where's your chaperone, lizzie? Or are they actually letting you out of the house now?
Lizzie: You don't have to be mean.
Tammy: I don't?
Lizzie: Bruno, my grandfather's driver, is keeping an eye on me like a hawk.
Tammy: Must be a drag, huh?
Lizzie: No, not really. I'm kind of used to it. The only time I'm ever free is at school, if you can imagine.
Tammy: Well, hang in there. I need to get home.
Lizzie: Uh, tammy. Have you heard from mr. Clemenza about the auditions yet?
Tammy: No, have you?
Lizzie: No, but i felt really good when I left there today.
Tammy: You did? I was so nervous.
Lizzie: You're kidding.
Tammy: How many times did you read?
Lizzie: Just one.
Tammy: I read twice.
Lizzie: Oh, well, mr. Clemenza probably had you read just in case you made some mistakes in the first one.
Tammy: Maybe.
Lizzie: Of course, I read with kyle kost, who has romeo sewn up. He makes anyone look good. Who did you read with?
Tammy: Mr. Clemenza.
Lizzie: Oh.
Tammy: Do you think that's bad?
Lizzie: Uh, no, no. Mr. Clemenza's really fair. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about.
Tammy: I was supposed to go to my aunt reva's house for dinner tonight, but I'm such a wreck, i just want to stay home, you know? Just in case.
Lizzie: Yeah. Isn't the suspense just killing you?
Tammy: I can't stand it. This is my distraction. (Laughs)
lizzie: Well, no matter what happens, remember: There are no small parts, only small actors.
Tammy: Thanks.
Lizzie: And i'm sure we'll have a blast being on this play together in some capacity, right?
Tammy: Yeah.
Lizzie: Well, i better hurry up. Bruno's giving me a dirty look. Bye.
Tammy: Bye.
Lizzie: See you, sweetie.
Marah: I brought you something.
Sandy: Well, it's not my birthday, and christmas is more than a month away. Oh. Moley. Right.
Marah: Yeah. I didn't really feel right keeping him. Plus, you know, he kept raiding the refrigerator and blasting his music.
Sandy: He can be a tough guy to live with. I should know.
Marah: Yeah. Tough.
Sandy: I guess I could take him off your hands.
Marah: Good. I know how much he means to you.
Sandy: Still, i wanted you to have him.
Marah: I know. It's just... I'm trying to wean myself off of puppets, among other things. Sorry.
Sandy: You sure you can do this?
Marah: Yeah. It's just dinner.
Sandy: That's what you said last time, remember? At company? Your mom showed up.
Marah: Our mom.
Sandy: Well, it was rough.
Marah: Yeah, well, I can do this if you can.
Sandy: I suppose so. As long as we don't have to sit down for a family portrait.
Marah: Oh, that happens and we'll both be out of here.
Sandy: Yeah, all three of us. At least we're talking again.
Marah: You and me, or you and the mole? Ready?
Sandy: One second.
Marah: Those are for mom, aren't they?
Sandy: How about one from the mole?
Cassie: Hi, guys. Hey.
Marah: Hey.
Sandy: Hi, cassie.
Cassie: So, what are you doing out here? The party's inside, right?
Reva: I thought i heard voices. Shayne is starving. Why don't you all go inside? Hi, sandy.
Sandy: Hi, reva. They're for you.
Danny: You want to make it a more permanent thing, living with us?
Nico: It's not so bad having me around. I keep an eye on the place when you're not home, don't i?
Michelle: Yeah. I mean, considering our furniture has legs now, or whatever, it's nice to have an extra pair of eyes around, don't you think?
Danny: Okay, honey. I'm okay with it. I'm okay with it.
Nico: Cool.
Michelle: Good. Good. I don't want to see you living out of a duffel bag anymore.
Nico: But i'm not going to turn my back on my old neighborhood.
Danny: No. Nico, nobody thinks you're doing that. You're just... You're getting back up on your feet and building up your strength. There's no shame in that.
Nico: I get my strength from my music. The sooner i get back on the corner and start playing again...
Danny: I'm all for the music thing, believe me, but you've got to take it easy.
Michelle: Danny. Danny.
Danny: What?
Marina: Here you go. Hey, are you feeling better?
Nico: Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm good, I'm good.
Marina: Good. You know, shayne was really impressed with the way that you stood up for his sister. I think everybody was.
Nico: Don't sweat it. It was nothing.
Marina: Thanks.
Nico: I'm going to see you around.
Marina: Okay.
Nico: And i'm going to see you guys at the house.
Danny: You going home now?
Nico: A little bit later. I'm going to go play my guitar a little bit.
Danny: All right, listen, i want you in by 10:00.
Nico: I've got a curfew now?
Danny: Damn right you have a curfew now. You have to take it easy.
Nico: (Laughs)
michelle: You know, he reminds me of somebody i used to know.
Danny: Oh, yeah?
Michelle: Mm-hmm.
Danny: Old friend of yours?
Michelle: You could say that. Although he had a little trouble letting his guard down.
Danny: Is that right?
Michelle: Mm-hmm.
Danny: Whatever happened to him?
Michelle: Hm...
Marina: Okay, i need help, and I can't think of anyone more perfect for the job.
Edmund: Good evening.
Tammy: Hey.
Edmund: "Hay" is for horses.
Tammy: ...Horses, i know. Old, old joke.
Edmund: Wow. It usually gets a smile at least. What's bothering you?
Tammy: Lizzie.
Edmund: Oh. Well. Lizzie has a difficult time relating to girls her own age.
Tammy: Lizzie has a difficult time relating, period. I don't know what it is. She just has this way of always getting to me.
Edmund: Yeah. People like that usually do. What happened?
Tammy: We both auditioned for juliet.
Edmund: Of course. Today was the big day.
Tammy: Not for me.
Edmund: Well, according to lizzie.
Tammy: I won't be sweeping the stage if she has her way. I don't want to think about it-- not until I know.
Edmund: You know what? I think you need a distraction. How about the two of us go out to dinner-- on me, of course.
Tammy: I can'T. The director's going to call me tonight.
Edmund: Well, that's the beauty of living in a hotel, tammy: You can have a call forwarded anywhere.
Tammy: Why didn't i think of that?
Edmund: Wait a minute, more important, why didn't your mother think of that? You could be having dinner over at your aunt's. What am I talking about? You still can.
Tammy: Well, wait, wait, wait. Why aren't you over there?
Edmund: Well, i have a lot of work to do.
Tammy: Is that your excuse?
Edmund: Yeah.
Tammy: They didn't want you there.
Edmund: Well, your mother and i thought it best that i... That i not go.
Tammy: I'm sorry.
Edmund: No, don't be. Don't be. A lewis family hoe-down is not exactly my cup of tea. But you should be there.
Tammy: You know, I think I'd rather stay and have dinner with you, if the offer still stands?
Edmund: Shall we?
Reva: Okay, here you go. Do you want it here or here. Oh, cassie, you're over there, actually.
Cassie: Okay.
Reva: Thanks. And marah, there's a place for you. And that's good. That's good. Okay.
Josh: Look at this. You've got place cards and everything. What about finger bowls? Any finger bowls?
Cassie: I like the place cards. I think it adds a touch of class.
Reva: Thanks. Thanks. That's why i love you so much. Sandy, actually, i thought maybe you could sit here next to me.
Sandy: I'm okay here. You okay?
Reva: Joshua, could you say grace?
Josh: Yeah, sure. It's okay, i won't hurt you, i promise. Okay, father in heaven, we just have so many things to be thankful for. Shayne is getting better every day, and marah has her new career in design, and we're also thankful to have sandy here with us, and we want him to know that he is welcome to be here whenever he wants, if he wants to be around this crazy family. And thank you for this food. Amen.
All: Amen.
Reva: I would like to propose a toast before we start, as well. I have two of my wonderful sons here today, and my beautiful daughter, and my sister, cassie. I'm thrilled. I hope this is the first of many family dinners that we can have together. Cheers.
Josh: Cheers.
Cassie: Okay, so... (Laughs) has anyone seen any good movies lately?
Marah: No. I haven't really had much time.
Cassie: Me, either. But I need to see something because I need to get a hold of some popcorn from the movies, because that microwave stuff just, you know, doesn't cut it.
Reva: You know, that's so true.
Josh: It's the oil.
Cassie: I'd heard that.
Reva: I was actually thinking that maybe...
Marah: The carrots...
Reva: ...After dinner... Honey, you go ahead.
Marah: No, it's okay. All right. I was just going to say, the carrots and potatoes are just the way that i like them.
Reva: Thanks, sweetie.
Marah: What were you going to say?
Reva: Well, i was thinking that maybe after dinner, we could see some family movies, you know? Give sandy a taste of the history of the lewis family and... I mean, i've got them all on dvd.
Cassie: Wow, you did that.
Reva: Uh-huh.
Cassie: That's a great mdea. I should put stuff on dvd...
Josh: You know, reva, sandy might not be comfortable watching movies here tonight.
Reva: Well, let's ask him. Sandy? How do you feel?
Sandy: Yeah, I don't know.
Reva: It could be fun.
Marah: Or not.
Reva: It's just, I found that movie of you and shayne when you were putting on a talent show or something and shayne was dressed up as elvis, and you were his backup singer. It was... Or not.
Cassie: I'd like to propose another toast. To richard, sandy's father. Amazing man who knew how to make any situation better. (Doorbell rings)
marah: You know what? Hold that thought. I'll get that.
Cassie: I'll get it; I'm closer. Stay.
Jeffrey: Did I come at an awkward time?
Cassie: No. Actually, your timing couldn't be better. Come on.
Michelle: You need our help?
Marina: Well, yes.
Michelle: Okay.
Marina: Yes, I mean, I see a lot of couples come in here and there's just something about you guys. I don't know. You're... You're different.
Danny: Thanks, marina, i guess.
Marina: Oh, wait. Now I mean that in a good way. I mean i think you're really cute together.
Michelle: Thank you.
Marina: So how do you do it?
Danny: Do what?
Marina: You know, keep the connection going, keep that spark after all this time.
Danny: All this time? How old do you think we are?
Michelle: Don't pay attention to him. I understand what you're asking. But, i mean, i don't think there's any big secret, you know. We just connect. We've always have.
Danny: We always will.
Michelle: Yeah, we will. Why? What's up? What's going on?
Marina: Oh, i'm trying to find a christmas present for shayne. I'm failing miserably.
Danny: Christmas. Aren't you shopping a little early?
Michelle: Hey, it's not that early.
Danny: Okay, well, what does he like?
Michelle: I don't know. Beside baseball, i guess just like regular guy stuff. It seemed too simple. You know, I feel like it needs to be something really special.
Michelle: Marina, anything that you give shayne, he's going to love, because it's from you.
Marina: Everybody says that. I'm not sure i believe it, but...
Michelle: Danny, you're a guy.
Danny: Michelle's right, about everything.
Marina: Okay, thanks.
Danny: She is.
Marina: I still have no idea what i'm getting shayne, though.
Michelle: Well, have you been to the stores on the riverfront?
Marina: No. Are those open?
Michelle: They're open. You should go.
Marina: I think i will go. I think I'll go right now. Thanks guys.
Danny: Sure. Thanks for kicking me by the way.
Michelle: I'm sorry.
Danny: Yeah.
Michelle: Yeah.
Danny: Have you noticed that we've been giving a lot of advice to teenagers recently?
Michelle: Yeah, well, you know, get used to it, pops.
Danny: Who you calling pops, granny pants?
Michelle: You. And I got to go. Oh, thanks. (Laughs)
danny: Oh, yeah, you call me pops and split? That's really nice.
Michelle: Thank you for dinner.
Danny: Yeah, sure.
Michelle: Hey, are you coming?
Danny: What makes you say that?
Michelle: You know, to check up on nico, because you know you want to.
Danny: I thought I might go for a little drive.
Michelle: I'll walk you to your car.
Danny: Okay.
Marina: Would you do me a favor and close out for me?
Lynn: Sure. But where are you going?
Marina: I'm going shopping for the perfect present.
Lizzie: Don't you watch where you're going?
Nico: You ran into me.
Lizzie: I did not.
Nico: Look, i'm not going to stand here and argue with you.
Lizzie: You shouldn't be standing here at all. You should be picking up my stuff.
Nico: Okay. Anything to make you shut up.
Lizzie: Okay, if any of my stuff is damaged...
Nico: Yeah? Yeah? And you know what? You know what you can do? You can sue me.
Lizzie: Don't you know who i am?
Nico: I don't care who you are.
Lizzie: Okay, well, could you just at least give me my stuff? Because my driver is waiting for me.
Nico: Oh, your driver. "Spaulding one"? You're a spaulding.
Lizzie: And you are a street rat, a very slimy one. Get a new hair product.
Nico: Get a life!
Reva: Jeffrey, hi.
Jeffrey: Hi, reva. Hi, lewis.
Josh: Hi, there.
Jeffrey: Josh, hi. No, I just brought by a cold case. I was wondering if you might, you know, have a look at it. See if you could get a vibe.
Reva: Well, i can't make any promises, but I'll be happy to look at it.
Jeffrey: Well, that's great. Okay. Call you tomorrow?
Reva: Yeah, i'm looking forward to it.
Jeffrey: I'll just set it down over here on your desk.
Reva: Thanks.
Jeffrey: Okay. And I'm sorry if i interrupted your dinner. It really looks good though.
Reva: (Laughs)
marah: You know what? Why don't you join us?
Jeffrey: Oh, well, thank you but, i mean, it looks like a family thing. I don't want to intrude.
Reva: You're not. You're not intruding at all. Please.
Cassie: The more the merrier.
Jeffrey: Well, since you put it that way, you twisted my arm.
Josh: Hey, pull up a chair.
Jeffrey: Don't mind if I do. Josh, thanks. Well, what do we got here? You're little friend?
Marah: Oh, that's mine.
Jeffrey: High fashion and stuffed animals. You know, I think you got something there. I think that could work.
Reva: (Laughs)
marah: I'll go make you a plate.
Jeffrey: Oh, thank you. I don't think that we've met.
Reva: I'm sorry. Sandy, this... Well, sandy is my son. And this is jeffrey o'neill.
Sandy: Nice to meet you.
Jeffrey: Same here.
Sandy: You sure we haven't met?
Jeffrey: Well, not unless you've been in the clink. I'm the da.
Reva: Sandy, jeffrey looks a lot like richard.
Jeffrey: Oh...
Reva: They could be twins.
Jeffrey: Okay, well, that explains it. So you're a little young to be a member of the prince dickey fan club, aren't you?
Reva: Actually, richard was sandy's father.
Jeffrey: That's a minefield.
Marah: You could say that again.
Reva: Sandy just recently came back into my life, and we're having this meal to welcome him into the family.
Jeffrey: Oh. (Laughs) we have instant coffee, instant oatmeal, instant messaging, and now instant family. Be careful with that one.
Sandy: Thanks for the advice.
Jeffrey: You're welcome. You know, I've got a knack for walking into a room and saying the wrong thing. But what the hell? You got a talent, you embrace it, right?
Cassie: Maybe not tonight.
Jeffrey: On the contrary, mrs. Winslow. You know, put yourself in the kid's shoes. This is one hell of a weird family to be plunked into. I just did it again.
Reva: Thanks, jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Okay, listen before you throw me out of here, let me just say this, okay? Sandy, your mother here is a psychic. That's pretty good, right? And your new step-dad, well, he's the most perfect man on the face of the planet. And so is shayne there. And beautiful marah here is an up-and-coming fashion designer, and she's going to make it huge. And your aunt cassie is... Well, there's not a lot I can say about her.
Cassie: Smart man.
Jeffrey: The point is that this is going to be rough for all of you. And I think you need to cut each other lots of slack, try to have some fun, and don't force it. That's all.
Tammy: Is yours good?
Edmund: Well, it'S... What's in the special sauce?
Tammy: Did you lie about having a buzz burger before?
Edmund: No, no. I had a bite of one once.
Tammy: A bite? Oh.
Edmund: Well, you know, i'm open to new experiences.
Tammy: Well, I guess you kind of had to be. You had to change your whole life when you moved here.
Edmund: Well, my life is quite different now. You see I'm eating a buzz burger and thoroughly enjoying it.
Tammy: Don't let the royal chef hear you say that.
Edmund: Yes, well, I think as far as the royal chef is concerned, i could choke on a buzz burger. If hadn't guessed, i was a bit of a terror growing up, and the staff despised me.
Tammy: You?
Edmund: Me. Let you in on another secret, too: Growing up in the palace was a royal pain.
Tammy: I didn't think it was so bad.
Danny: Well, that's because you had different parents. With my family, richard and I at your age sat at one end of a gigantic table, and my parents sat all the way on the other end of the same gigantic table. I couldn't see them with a telescope.
Tammy: If you couldn't see them, they couldn't see you.
Edmund: Precisely the problem.
Tammy: Oh, we had very different experiences.
Edmund: Yes. Thankfully, we did. My experience growing up as a royal was a velvet trap. It brought misery to pretty much everyone i touched.
Tammy: You never made me serable.
Edmund: Well, not directly anyway.
Tammy: Not even indirectly. I know it took me a while to come around. You weren't exactly the most popular guy in our family. But now I couldn't ask for a better friend.
Edmund: You consider me your friend?
Tammy: Friend first. Uncle second.
Edmund: Thank you, tammy. I'm honored. (Cell phone rings) well, it's the beacon?
Tammy: Yeah.
Edmund: Well, answer it, juliet.
Tammy: Hello? Thank you. Mr. Clemenza? I'm fine. How are you? (Lively guitar playing)
nico: Heaven knows when i was a young boy i was forced to leave my home
my daddy screamed at me for singing so i chose to sing and run
and i packed my bags guitar on my back pockets full of dreams
because that's all I ever had and no i won't let nobody stand in my way
so step aside listen to what i got to say now I'm gone
and i'm never turning back cause I'm gone and I won't be coming back
cause i'm gone and I won't believe the lies cause I'm gone
and you'll never run my life because I'm gone
i'm gone i'm gone i'm gone
heaven knows when i was a young boy i was forced to leave my home
yeah my daddy screamed at me for singing
so I chose to sing on the road so i packed my bags guitar on my back
pocket full of dreams cause that's all i ever had
no I won't let nobody stand in my way
so step aside listen to what i got to say now I'm gone
and i'm never turning back cause I'm gone
and i won't be holdin' back cause I'm gone
and i won't believe the lies because I'm gone
and i won't let you run my life cause I'm gone.
Whew! All right. (Cheers and applause)
nico: Thank you.
Marina: Wow. That was really great.
Nico: I thought you had to work tonight.
Marina: Yeah, i did. I had some errands to run.
Nico: In there?
Marina: Yeah. Why do you say it like that?
Nico: That place seems kind of rich.
Marina: Yeah, it kind of was, for me.
Nico: So why did you waste your time?
Marina: I don't know. Just because i'm not rolling in cash doesn't mean I can't look, right?
Nico: Yeah, that's true. That's cool. So what are you looking for?
Marina: I'm looking for a christmas present for shayne.
Nico: An expensive christmas present.
Marina: I want to get a nice christmas present.
Nico: You don't have to spend a lot of money to get a nice gift.
Marina: I know. I know. And I'm going to find something. Hopefully.
Nico: Why are you so worried about a stupid present? After the year you guys had? You guys have each other. You're lucky you're both alive.
Marina: Yeah.
Nico: Marina, that's the christmas gift.
Marina: No, you're right. I'm sorry.
Nico: For what?
Marina: No, i just never thought about it that way. Are you okay?
Nico: Yeah. Don't ever get stabbed.
Marina: You know, maybe you should pack up and call it a night.
Nico: No, it's cool. The music makes me feel a lot better.
Marina: Yeah, me too. Why don't you play another one?
Nico: Got a request?
Reva: Oh, sandy, look. You have to see this. That right there. That's your grandpa hawk. He's trying to teach shayne how to ride a horse. (Laughter) and there's marah reading a book.
Jeffrey: Reading a book while your kid brother is taking his first pony ride? What kind of a big sister are you anyway? (Laughter)
cassie: Oh, my gosh, shayne, you just fell off. (Laughter) and, marah, you're laughing?
Josh: Actually, hawk had put shayne on marah's favorite horse.
Jeffrey: Aha. Yes, big sis was a little bit jealous. This all starting to make sense now.
Reva: Is that dewdrop?
Marah: Oh, dewdrop! Oh, look at...
Jeffrey: A cow? You had a cow as a pet? (Laughter)
josh: Hey, hey, hey. He wasn't just any cow, all right?
Reva: Yes, that was marah's favorite. You know, that little cow followed marah around everywhere she went from the time he was a little baby calf.
Cassie: Oh, how cute.
Jeffrey: Well, I don't know. Horses and cows. You guys are pretty strange.
Cassie: Oh, city boy. Don't you like animals?
Jeffrey: I love animals. I had animals.
Marah: Like what?
Jeffrey: Well, I had fish. And I had a little white rat. It got away.
Cassie: A fish and a rat!
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Cassie: I really don't think that counts.
Jeffrey: Oh, excuse me. So i guess i'll have to go out and, you know, buy a ranch with all of my excess millions.
Cassie: Or you could just come to cross creek some time.
Jeffrey: Cross what?
Josh: Cross creek is the ranch we own, the family owns. It's in oklahoma. In fact, we'll be going there, if the weather gets any better. You could pick out whatever horse you want.
Sandy: Well, thanks, but i don't ride.
Jeffrey: Not even old dewdrop? (Laughter) I bet he goes real slow.
Cassie: Hey, look it's the fashion show! (Cheers and applause)
jeffrey: All right.
Marah: Thank you. But I had a lot of help.
Josh: I think you're being too modest, darling.
Reva: I, for one, am absolutely thrilled to be able to say that my daughter is brilliant. Ladies and gentlemen, marah lewis. (Cheers and applause)
cassie: And we all feel that way. And we're all proud of you.
Marah: Well, I couldn't have done it without... I'm sorry. You know what? I'm od'ing on the family dinner thing. Shayne, are you ready to go home yet? (Laughs) okay. Good. Then, dad, would you mind taking me home now? Because...
Josh: That's not a problem.
Jeffrey: That all right, josh. I'm going that way. I'll take you.
tammy: Thanks for calling.
Edmund: Well, did he cast the role? And? Look, tammy, if this director-- and I use that term very loosely-- hasn't seen fit to put you in the role in juliet, then the man has no taste whatsoever.
Tammy: As far as I'm concerned, mr. Clemenza has fabulous taste. I got the part!
Edmund: Got the part?
Tammy: I got the part!
Edmund: You got the part.
Tammy: I got the part!
Edmund: (Laughing) that's great.
Lizzie: Mr. Clemenza. It's so nice of you to call. The nurse? That fat frump? Yeah, no kidding, no small parts. You don't call it "romeo and the nurse"! Well, could I at least ask who
did get the role of juliet? Oh, tammy winslow. Are you aware of who donated all that money for the new auditorium? You know, I'm sorry. I am just a little bit upset. I really did have my heart set on that part. But you're right. The nurse does steal the show. Yeah, you can count me in.
Nico: This is a special dedication for marina to shayne. (Laughter)
i can't imagine what i'd do without you
got you on my mind like all the time
feeling like I don't know if i'll live or die
seems like time flies remembering the days when i would dry your eyes
now the tables turned and lessons I have learned that all the guarantees
in the game of life i inhale you when you're laying down in my bedroom...
Marina: Nico, are you okay?
Reva: You don't want to go home right now, do you? You know... Why don't you spend the night?
Marah: I can'T. I didn't bring any sleepover stuff.
Reva: I have toothbrushes where they always are, and there's clean sheets on the bed.
Marah: You know, seeing the fashion show made me realize there's a lot of stuff that i want to look over and work on.
Reva: But it's so late.
Marah: I'll call you tomorrow.
Reva: Oh. Good night.
Marah: Good night. (Sighs)
jeffrey: You can scream now.
Cassie: I'm going to help sandy do the dishes.
Reva: Okay. So say it.
Josh: Me? What? Say what?
Reva: "I told you so." That, as usual, I push too hard.
Josh: Excuse me for just a second. You did not push too hard. You did fine. You tried. And it's not like there's an instruction manual for a night like this. I just think we have to give marah some time, and we have to give sandy time.
Cassie: Hey, I don't know what happened. Sandy must have slipped out the back, but he's not here.
Josh: It's okay.
Reva: I blew it.
Josh: It's okay.
Reva: No, i blew it.
Josh: Don't... Don't worry about it, reva, okay? I'm going to take shayne home in just a little bit, and then I'll go out and look for sandy. It'll be okay.
Cassie: He's going to find sandy.
Reva: You know what? What difference does it make? Sandy looked like he wanted to leave all night as it was. I'm surprised he stuck it out as long as he did. You know, maybe jeffrey's right. Maybe I am trying to create an instant family, and it just... It's never going to work.
Next on "guiding light":
Marah: And tony santos, you're going to get yours for breaking my heart.
Tammy: Mother, how could you? After everything edmund has done for us, you treat him like that?
Sandy: Leave everyone alone.
Reva: Coward.
This has been "guiding light."
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