GL Transcript Tuesday 11/11/03

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 11/11/03

Provided by Suzanne

reva: Hello. How are you? Hi.

Cassie: Hi.

Reva: So, how'd it go? Did you and sandy get along?

Cassie: Yes, yes, it was, it was good. You know, he asked some questions, and i answered the questions, and then I took him to richard's grave. And it was really great for both of us.

Reva: Oh, well, i'm glad. Then i guess you won't mind doing another favor for me?

Cassie: What's that?

Reva: Come to dinner at the house tomorrow night. I'm having a welcome to the family party. It's just a very low key thing.

Cassie: You don't do low key.

Reva: Well, there's a first time for everything.

Cassie: Maybe you should just, you know, kind of back off a little, not push sandy so much.

Reva: No, he already agreed to come.

Cassie: That doesn't mean he's going to feel comfortable.

Lizzie: Look, i know that i'm probably the last person you wanted to talk to.

Joey: I'm studying, lizzie.

Lizzie: I wanted to apologize.

Joey: For what? Oh, for that night that you lied to my face and made me think tammy was mad at me just so i would drive you to the beacon so you could stalk your dad's girlfriend?

Lizzie: Yeah, that.

Tammy: Oh, edmund. Edmund, come back over here and help me learn my lines.

Edmund: I am on my way, fair juliet. Now, where were we? What?

Tammy: I remember when you wouldn't even eat pizza. Pate was more your thing.

Edmund: Well, your mother and yourself have been a good influence on me, very good. So, what do you want to do?

Tammy: Run it from the top again.

Edmund: All right, let's see. Capulet's orchard. I, the very dashing and considerably younger romeo, have snuck into your garden to hopefully catch glimpse of your beautiful face, and I say, "what soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and juliet is the sun." Blah blah blah, whatever the lines...

Tammy: Whoa, whoa. What are you doing?

Edmund: Well, i'm giving you your cues. That's what actors do, isn't it?

Tammy: No, I need you to give me the whole speech, please? It helps me get into the character.

Edmund: You really want to hear me mangle the bard's words?

Tammy: You don't mangle them at all. I love listening to you.

Edmund: Oh, well thank you. "But soft. What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pail with grief, that thou her maid are far more fair than she. Be not her maid, since she is envious. Her vast delivery is but sick and green and none but fools do where it. Cast it off. It is my lady, oh, it is my love, oh that she knew she were.

Two of the fairest stars in all

the heaven having some business

to intreat her eyes to twinkle

in their spheres 'til they


What if her eyes are they, they

in her head?

The brightness of her cheek

would shame those stars, as

daylight doth a lamp.

Her eyes and heaven would throw

the airy region stream so

bright, that birds would sing

and think it were not night. See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand.

Oh, that i were a glove upon

that hand, that I might touch

that cheek. Tammy? (Laughs) tammy?

Tammy: Yeah? Wh-what?

Edmund: It's, it's your line. I gave you the cue.

Tammy: Oh, right, i'm sorry. Is something wrong?

Tony: Bill's not coming. Eden, I overheard you on the phone with him.

Eden: So?

Tony: So why'd you lie to me? Are you afraid to have a drink with me? Hm?

Eden: No, of course not. I just want to be there when he gets home.

Tony: Well, you will, eden, after you finish your drink.

Eden: (Sighs)

tony: You know I forgot how soft your skin was? Actually, no, that's not true, because I haven't forgotten anything.

Eden: I have to go home.

Tony: And what? Waste a perfectly good dirty martini? (Laughs)

eden: Look, i thought i made myself perfectly clear.

Tony: That you care about bill and you're trying to be good to him? Yeah, you did, you did. I just thought that, you know, we could catch up. That's all. What's the harm?

Eden: None, i guess.

Tony: See?

Eden: You know, in fact, I'm glad we're alone. There's something I need to ask you.

This portion of "guiding

light" is presented by:

Tylenol arthritis pain.

Because not playing is not an


Tony: Ask away.

Eden: Okay, did you see marah?

Tony: Earlier, yeah.

Eden: Today, you did? And?

Tony: And what, eden?

Eden: Did you make plans to see each other? Talk about stuff?

Tony: Talk, talk about what stuff? We have nothing to say to each other, all right?

Eden: You're such a liar.

Tony: What are you doing here, eden? Are you trying to write a romance novel? The story about tony and marah, the story that never ends? Well, it's over, it ended. If marah can't accept it, it's her problem, not mine.

Eden: You know, if that is the way you feel, you are such a fool. Marah is so good for you. She did for you what bill's done for me. She made you grow, you became a better person.

Tony: I'm not a good person? I need the change? Is it something like that? Is that what you're saying?

Eden: Not change, improve. We both do.

Tony: Well, that's one trip you're taking alone, sweetheart, because I'm tired of apologizing for myself.

Eden: That is not what I'm doing.

Tony: Marah is a good girl, and that's all. And that's exactly what she is, a girl. Okay, eden, what i need in my life right now is a woman, a real woman. In fact, what I need is you. V

edmund: You can tell me, tammy.

Tammy: Tell you, what?

Edmund: You're nervous, aren't you? About the audition tomorrow?

Tammy: Totally. I don't know why, though, it's not like they're going to give me the part.

Edmund: Why do you keep saying that?

Tammy: Because it's true.

Edmund: I don't think it's true. I think you'd make a compelling juliet, you have amazing qualities.

Tammy: If i could just stop stumbling over the language...

Edmund: But, you don't do that anymore. You've made amazing progress. Tammy, you did the rose speech earlier beautifully.

Tammy: Only because you broke it down for me word by word until I understood it. If i get this part, you're going to have to do that with the whole play.

Edmund: Well, that would be my honor, but I think the director would reject me having that much input.

Tammy: It's so sad.

Edmund: What, the play?

Tammy: When you think about it, it's really about prejudice, right? How people can hate other people without even knowing them, just because of their name or where they come from or the color of their skin, and how that can lead to these terrible understandings where innocent people get hurt.

Edmund: Yes it can, and there doesn't seem to be any end to it.

Lizzie: I was wrong for treating you that way, i'm really sorry.

Joey: Okay.

Lizzie: That's it? Just "okay"?

Joey: You apologized, i accept, end of story.

Lizzie: Yeah, but you're just saying that, joey.

Joey: Lizzie, you think you're the only one who's done dumb stuff they're not proud of? Like ma says, "people in glass houses," yadda yadda yadda. So everything is cool between us okay? Just never, ever, do anything like that to me again.

Lizzie: Okay, i won't, i swear. Thank you very much.

Joey: Now i have to get back to this.

Lizzie: "Romeo and juliet," huh?

Joey: I'm auditioning, tomorrow. The drama club's doing a production.

Lizzie: I'm sorry, I'm just now getting back to school and catching up. What role are you auditioning for?

Joey: Romeo.

Lizzie: (Laughs)

joey: I know they're not going to pick me, okay? Fine. But if you don't get a big part, you get a little part, and any part is going to get me out of the class for the week.

Lizzie: Yeah, does tammy know about this?

Joey: Yeah, tammy's auditioning for juliet, and she's awesome.

Lizzie: Really? Tammy is? Oh.

Joey: Her uncle edmund's been coaching her, and she's good. It's like she is juliet.

Lizzie: Yeah, i remember being up on the stage and everyone loving me. And. You know, you get to be you, but you get to be somebody else, too. Someone different, but better. I'm sorry, i used to do a lot of acting when I was younger, usually the lead roles. Yeah, tammy better be glad i'm not auditioning, i might just beat her.

Joey: Doubt it. You know, like i said, lizzie, tammy's really good. Man, i'm supposed to pick up my mom. She's going to kill me!

Lizzie: Well, bye to you, too. "Tammy's really good." Yeah, tammy is such a good girl isn't she, unlike me.

Cassie: All i'm saying is that sandy has a lot on his plate right now, and, you know...

Reva: That's not entirely my fault.

Cassie: No, i didn't say it was your fault.

Reva: Edmund's the one who jumped the gun with him.

Cassie: The only reason edmund said anything to him was because he didn't want you being blamed for something that wasn't your fault.

Reva: I know.

Cassie: I told edmund that it was too soon, that he needed to back off and give sandy some space, but he needs to make amends. But he's jumped the gun, and i think you're jumping the gun, too.

Reva: Okay, honey, I know what you're saying, I do. But sandy is okay with the whole dinner idea. In fact, i think he's seeing it as an opportunity to get marah in the same room, so that maybe they can start talking again.

Cassie: Well, what does marah think?

Reva: She's going to give it a shot. She is. She thinks it's, you know... And shayne's fine with it. And josh is okay with it, and the only person who is a hold out is you, so just say you're going to come, please.

Cassie: I don't know, reva, you know. Do you really think that sandy will be able to spend an entire evening in the same room with edmund?

Reva: Probably not, which is why you're going to come alone.

Reva: This has nothing to do with my feelings about edmund. This is about sandy, and what he's going to be comfortable with.

Cassie: This is about you, and what you're going to be comfortable with. You want to control tomorrow night. You want to put a positive spin on everything.

Reva: Well, yeah. What's wrong with that?

Cassie: It's not going to work, reva. I mean, look at our family from sandy's point of view. You and I were married to his father. I am seeing edmund, you and josh aren't even living in the same house. Poor shayne is sitting in a wheelchair. He can barely speak, he's not even sure if marah wants to talk to him. Why not invite edmund? I mean, there's a whole powder keg, right?

Reva: Yeah, i know, and that's why... Either need to have the dinner

cassie: And that's why you either need to have the dinner and invite everyone, or wait untml sandy can hear the entire truth, not just the parts you want to feed to him.

Jake: Excuse me, mrs. Lewis? I've seen you on television.

Reva: Oh, yeah, hi. (Laughs) what's your name?

Jake: Jake, hi.

Reva: This is my sister, cassie winslow.

Cassie: Hi, nice to meet you.

Jake: You, too.

Reva: Is there something you want to talk to me about? It's okay, really.

Jake: My dad, he died a couple months ago.

Reva: I'm sorry.

Jake: People keep saying it'll get easier, but...

Cassie: It doesn'T. It takes a while.

Jake: Anyway, i saw your show the other day and -- i don't know, I'm sorry. This is...

Reva: Wait, no. You saw the show, and?

Jake: And i saw you, and you could tell things about people even when they're not around anymore.

Reva: Well, sometimes, but...

Jake: I was wondering if you could, maybe if you could just talk to my dad, you know, maybe let him know that I'm thinking about him.

Reva: Oh, honey, I... I'd like to, but i didn't know your dad. Listen, there are people out there who will tell you anything that they think you want to know, but I can't do that.

Jake: Okay. Well, thanks.

Reva: Jake...

Alexandra: What, what, you need me to...? But I thought that... No, no, no, I'll be right there. No, no, no, I'm leaving right now. All right.

Buzz: Problem?

Alexandra: Yes, yes. I'm sorry, but it's a business thing.

Buzz: This time of night?

Alexandra: Look, would you mind if lizzie stayed with you for an hour or so, that's all?

Buzz: Only if i can make her do a job.

Alexandra: (Laughs) be my guest, and try.

Buzz: You know, i'll bet she's never done any work her whole life. That's probably the problem. I'm serious.

Alexandra: (Laughs) lizzie?

Lizzie: Yeah?

Alexandra: Lizzie darling, listen. I have to run out for a little while, it'll be short. I won't have time to drive you back home. Will you stay here with buzz until I come back to pick you up, right?

Lizzie: Well, i can take a cab home.

Alexandra: No, darling, you can'T.

Lizzie: Right.

Alexandra: Right.

Lizzie: See, I have to be supervised otherwise i'm going to wreak total havoc on the world.

Buzz: People see me that way, too.

Alexandra: All right. Now, well, surely you have some studies you maybe you can do here?

Lizzie: I don't have my books.

Alexandra: Oh, read a book, a magazine. Maybe you can help buzz do some things they do around here? I'll be back before you know it. Thank you.

Buzz: I wouldn't take that personally. I heard the phone call, it did sound urgent.

Lizzie: It's all right, buzz. I'm used to getting shoved aside at the last possible moment. Do you think i could maybe get some more coffee?

Buzz: Sure.

Tammy: Okay, this line i don't get at all. This is gibberish.

Edmund: Which line? (Cell phone rings)

tammy: Sorry, that could be joey.

Edmund: Oh, please, who am i to stand in the way of young love?

Tammy: Hello? Casting central. (Laughs)

lizzie: Hey, it's lizzie. I guess it is true, you are auditioning for juliet, aren't you?

Tammy: Who told you?

Lizzie: The grapevine. I think it's great, I really do.

Tammy: You do?

Lizzie: Yeah, i mean, i love acting. I used to do it so much when i was younger. In fact, that's what i'm calling about. See, i'm kind of in a bind, and i don't want you to get mad at me.

Tammy: Great. What'd you do this time?

Lizzie: Well, it's not about, exactly, what I did, it's what's being done to me. See, i made the mistake of telling my therapist dr. Lingham that i used to act, and now he wants me to audition for the play, for juliet, all right? He thinks it's going to be some emotional breakthrough or some stupid thing like that, whatever. Tammy...

Tammy: Lizzie, why are you telling me this?

Lizzie: Because i don't want you to get mad when you see me at the auditions tomorrow, like i'm trying to compete with you.

Tammy: Okay, well thanks for the heads up. Take care.

Edmund: All right. Ready to get back to work?

Tammy: No. Look, thanks for all your help, but I've decided i'm not going to audition anymore.

Edmund: You're not? What? Why? You're doing so well?

Tammy: It doesn't matter how well i'm doing, I'm never going to the part now, so there's no point in trying.

Edmund: Hey, tammy, tammy... Oh, hey, come on.

Tony: Yeah, you heard me right. I want you, eden, but then again, you already knew that. Didn't you?

Eden: You told me what we did didn't mean anything to you.

Tony: So, i lied. Truth is, I've thought about it, and you, everyday on that roof...

Eden: You know what, you know what? I don't want to hear it.

Tony: No, you know what? No, listen to me because i know you've thought about me, too. I know you have. You see, you and i, eden, are the same. We have the same turmoil inside, you know? The fact is, if you were with me, you would never have to pretend again, you would never... Look at me please. You would never have to live up to some image. And you know what? You wouldn't have to be mad at yourself when you failed. You know what I mean?

Eden: No, because it is not impossible, and I am not failing.

Tony: Yet, but you will. Give it time.

Eden: Oh, tony, thanks for your support.

Tony: I'm not... (Laughs) listen to me, I'm not saying it to hurt you. I'm saying it to spare your hurt, eden. You care about bill, i care about marah, we both know that, but the fact is that bill can not give you what you need. I can.

Eden: And when did you get so full of yourself?

Tony: When did you get so scared? Okay, you know what? Listen, forget it. I just figured that I'd let you know that I'm back. I'm not going anywhere until you realize how right I am about us.

Eden: (Laughs)

gus: Hey. Hello, people.

Eden: (Laughs) and I thought this night couldn't get any better. What do you want?

Gus: What's that supposed to... I need you down at the police station, okay?

Tony: What for?

Gus: Well, it's the marah lewis at the fashion show, and you filled out those permits, but you missed two of the signatures. I need your two signatures...

Eden: So?

Gus: Well, so, if it's not in by tomorrow, you get a huge hefty fee. No, why do i even care? Forget it. I'm sorry I even attempted...

Eden: Nicky, wait. I will go down there first thing in the morning and sign the forms.

Gus: No, you don't understand. It has to be in the computer by midnight, okay? By midnight! You know, that's why i tracked you down tonight. If you want to come, come, or don't or whatever...

Eden: I have to take care of this.

Tony: Go, go, go on, do what you've got to do. But eden, don't forget, I'm not going anywhere.

Reva: Wow, so your favorite subject in school is science?

Jake: This year. We're getting into oceanography, stuff like that.

Reva: So you probably know all about evaporation?

Jake: Sure, it's when the water is exposed to the air for a while, and it just disappears. But, what does that have to do with my dad?

Reva: Well, you know the water, that you can see and you feel, and it just disappears, it actually becomes molecules in the air. I've always believed that that's kind of what happens to people when they die. Their body leaves the earth, but their spirit is still there hovering around, all around us.J3z like those molecules of water.

Jake: You think?

Reva: I do. And that person that you love so much, that you miss, they're out there hovering around. They're always with you, jake, always.

Jake: Sometimes i feel him, you know, around me. But then i just think I'm crazy. I just wish he was there, you know?

Reva: He is there.

Jake: You think?

Reva: I do.

Jake: Thanks.

Reva: You're welcome. You take care of yourself, okay?

Jake: Okay.

Cassie: Does that happen a lot?

Reva: Actually, yeah. I mean, that's the thing with this gift, or curse, or whatever it is, you know. I mean, this turned out good, you know? I really think that I gave him some comfort. I just wish I could give my own kid some comfort.

Cassie: I know.

Reva: And a sister or two.

Cassie: (Laughs)

reva: You know, i just... This dinner with sandy, I just think it's a little too soon to have him to deal with edmund. But if you can't come without him, then just don't come. I mean, there'll be other opportunities. There will, like you said, god willing.

Cassie: I'll be there.

Reva: What?

Cassie: I don't know, you know. I don't think edmund will care, and he'll probably be grateful. And you're my sister, and you're going through some stuff and i'm going to be there.

Reva: Oh, thanks, cassie. Thank you, thank you.

Cassie: I just have to figure out how I'm going to tell edmund.

Tammy: I will not make a fool of myself by publicly going up against lizzie. It was bad enough competing with brittany, but both of them? No thank you.

Edmund: Tammy, stop, stop. Just look at me for a minute, would you, please? Thank you. Just because lizzie spaulding is auditioning for the role doesn't mean that lizzie spaulding is going to be getting the role.

Tammy: Yes it does. Lizzie gets everything she wants. You know that. Heck, if she wanted my boyfriend, she'd probably get him, too. They'll cast her, either because she's good and she deserves it, or because of all her money and social standing, they're afraid to turn her down. Or maybe because she just had this emotional breakdown and they feel sorry for her. But whatever reason, she'll get the part and i won't, so i'm going to cut my losses right now.

Edmund: Wow. You're a lot less like your mother than I thought you were. What happened to your fighting spirit?

Tammy: I don't have any.

Edmund: Oh, please. Of course you do. Look at everything you've been through. You've lived on food stamps, and you've lived in a palace. You've known love, and loss, you've been arrested-- three times-- which is something your mother and i would prefer not to think about.

Tammy: And your point is?

Edmund: My point is, you've lived a life. You have fire and you have guts, and you have a wealth of emotional experience to draw on in order to play a role like juliet or any other damn role that happens to come down the pike. And for you not live up to that marvelous, marvelous potential because you're afraid of a little competition is terrible. It's a terrible thing. You can do this. You've come a long way, tammy. You can do it.

Tammy: You really think i can do it?

Edmund: I know you can do it.

Tammy: Lizzie spaulding, step aside, sister. Here i come.

Eden: This is not a shortcut to the police station!

Gus: Yes it is!

Eden: No!

Gus: I told you...

Eden: No! Where are you taking me, nicky?

Gus: I told you where i'm taking you.

Eden: Oh good, you're going to take me up to another roof top and try and force another confession out of me!

Gus: No, I'm not, no, i'm not!

Eden: What did I do this time?

Gus: You know what you did.

Eden: What was it today, a parking ticket?

Gus: You've been a bad girl, a very, very, very bad girl!

Eden: Oh what, and now I'm going to pay for it, is that it?

Gus: No, somebody else is going to pay you. Hit it! ñ

Eden: What?

Gus: Alexandra called me this morning. She told me that spaulding has launched the campaign across the entire country. And the stores? They're eating it up like crazy. Apparently your face is going to be selling an awful lot of perfume. You know? She wanted to surprise you, and i wanted to be with you when you saw this so I could tell you to your face how proud of you i am.

Eden: You're proud of me?

Gus: Of course I am.

Eden: And here I thought...

Gus: You thought I was going to hassle you, again. Look, can we please just get past it?

Eden: Yeah, until i disappoint you again, nicky. You know what's really ironic? I don't even want to be a bad girl anymore.

Alexandra: Whoa, whoa, you've got to keep that under your hat, my dear. You've got an image to uphold, you know? Well, did your brother and i surprise you?

Eden: Oh, yeah.

Alexandra: Huh! Think you'll be fully recovered by tomorrow morning?

Eden: Why?

Alexandra: Because I need you at 10:00 am to start handing out samples of bad girl and signing autographs.

Eden: Okay, but as long as we're clear, i'm not spritzing like they spritz in the department stores.

Alexandra: No, no, no, dear, I think our customers have the wherewithal to spritz themselves.

Eden: Good, and forget me wearing that gown.

Alexandra: What, you prefer to wear something or nothing at all? I mean, I think that's a little bad even for us.

Eden: Oh, i'll be wearing something. It'll just be short, tight and hot.

Alexandra: And look like a tramp, i think not.

Eden: We're selling sex, alex.

Alexandra: Yes, we're selling sex with class, my dear. I want you to think king sized bed and satin sheets and candlelight...

Eden: Oh, pool table and broad daylight.

Alexandra: Champagne.

Eden: Beer straight out of the bottle.

Alexandra: No, a little mystery, dear.

Eden: Oh, shock value, all the way.

Alexandra: Oh, I think one should always leave something to the imagination.

Eden: Oh, i see, show them everything you've got. Yes, alexandra, that's what a bad girl is. She does exactly what she wants, when she wants.

Gus: All right ladies, ladies... It's all sex, sex, sex, it's my aunt and my sister talking about sex. Can we change the subject?

Buzz: You wouldn't be bored, would you?

Lizzie: Oh, you noticed.

Buzz: See, we could play tiddlywinks? No? We could, no, fold napkins for me? Fill salt shakers, or maybe mop the floor?

Lizzie: You know, we have child labor laws in this state.

Buzz: Yeah, but you're not a child, are you?

Cassie: So, should I bring anything tomorrow night?

Reva: No, no, i'm covered.

Cassie: So, you're cooking? I thought you wanted sandy to like you?

Reva: Ha, ha, ha, very funny. I'll see you at six. Hey.

Tony: Hey.

Reva: Wow, welcome back.

Tony: Thank you. Well...

Reva: Tony?

Tony: Yeah?

Reva: I just want you to know, that i'm sorry about you and marah.

Tony: No, actually reva, you're not. You're glad I'm out of your daughter's life because well, you should be. Because now, now she can have a life.

Reva: What do you mean she can have a life?

Tony: Exactly that.

Reva: Are you in trouble?

Tony: No, no, no, no. No more than usual. All I'm saying is, me and marah, we don't belong together. We weren't meant to be together, okay? That's what I'm saying.

Reva: I know how much you loved her, tony.

Tony: Yeah, i did. And I tore myself up trying to be the guy that she deserved, and I'm not, reva. All I am is who I am, okay?

Reva: You know what? Don't be the tough guy. Not with me. I mean, this is me, okay? I know. I happen to know the kind of tenderness you have inside you. You are a kind and decent man, tony.

Tony: You think? That's what you think, but what if you're wrong?

Gus: Ladies, didn't anybody ever tell you guys, you don't share your girly, feminine secrets with the opposite sex. Not all the time.

Alexandra: Oh, come on, gus. You're not opposite sex; you're family. Right, eden?

Eden: Yeah, you should act like it.

Gus: She's just upset. Thought I was going to take her up on the roof again. Got this thing for roofs. You think, you know...

Tony: What i need in my life

right now is a woman, a real


In fact, what I need is you.

Gus: I just think that she could get over it.

Eden: Oh, you're so right, nicky. I'm a big crybaby. I get upset over nothing.

Gus: That's not what I meant.

Eden: You know, my feelings are a joke to you. You bring me down here to do something nice for me and in the process, you're just mean.

Gus: That's not what I meant!

Eden: Why can't you just cut me slack? Oh, god forbid, just treat me decent for once, nicky! Like when I was little. I used to worship you.

Alexandra: Eden, it was my idea to bring you down here. I asked gus to get you here any way he could. Don't blame him.

Eden: Yeah, but you are still mean.

Gus: Oh, come on... You know, look, you're oversensitive. You want to lighten up a little bit?

Alexandra: All right, all right, come on, you two. There's no harm intended. Please. Kiss and make up.

Gus: Come on, kiss your brother.

Eden: Oh, you wish.

Gus: Come on. Give me a kiss right here.

Eden: Sure.

Gus: All right, then how about a little handshake. I'll take one of those. I'll take a famous handshake.

Alexandra: Eden, please, go on. Shake your brother's hand.

Gus: Just a handshake.

Eden: A handshake.

Gus: There you go. Come on. That a girl. There's a girl, there's a girl.

Eden: Why do you have to push the envelope? Why?

Gus: You like it, you like it. Look, I've got to go home, okay? I'm tired. I've got to go see my girl. Okay, are we good?

Eden: Maybe.

Gus: Are we good? Are we good?

Eden: Maybe.

Gus: Okay, I think we're good.

Eden: I said "maybe."

Gus: And I said we're good.

Eden: Maybe!

Alexandra: Honestly, you two. You remind me exactly of alan and me, always... (Sighs) ...Always squabbling.

Eden: Yeah, but the difference between us is that nicky's not my real brother.

Tammy: Lizzie?

Lizzie: Oh, tammy, thank god you're here. I've been bored out of my mind. You want to sit down and i'll buy you a soda.

Tammy: But first, there's something I should probably tell you. Well, ask you. Tell you.

Lizzie: (Laughs) which one is it?

Tammy: Are you really feeling better, lizzie? You know, like, stronger, maybe more ready to cope with rejection?

Lizzie: Rejection?

Tammy: Yeah, because I have a feeling that you think even if you don't really want to be juliet, you're going to get the part anyway. And I want you to know that i seriously want this part, too, and I'm going to give it my all at that audition tomorrow, no holds barred. Only i need to know that if you lose, you're not going to freak out and do something crazy.

Lizzie: I'll be fine.

Tammy: Well, great. Then may the best juliet win.

Edmund: I missed you.

Cassie: I missed you, too. So, did you get a chance to help tammy with "romeo and juliet"?

Edmund: Most of the evening.

Cassie: So? How's she doing? Do you think she has a shot at this audition?

Edmund: Not only do i think she has a shot, your daughter is such a fantastic little actress that i will cry corruption if she doesn't get the part.

Cassie: Really?

Edmund: Mm-hmm.

Cassie: Wow. Oh, my god. I mean, this would really help her self-esteem. Thank you so much for helping her.

Edmund: Oh, please, please. I enjoyed it. So, what did you do this evening? You were kind of vague on the phone.

Cassie: Um, yeah, i just kind of went by company and ran into sandy, so I decided to introduce myself to him, you know. He's met everyone else in the family.

Edmund: Including his murderous uncle.

Cassie: You know what reva's going to do? She invited sandy to this meet- the-family dinner, you know? I mean, I told her it was way too soon and she should probably back off, but...

Edmund: Well, reva will be reva.

Cassie: Yeah. You know, so when she asked me to come, i felt like i should go to support her, even though I'm, you know, worried about sandy because things are so crazy, aren't they? You know? Like, the stuff with him and marah and you know what's going on with shayne, and reva and josh, they're not even really together.

Edmund: Reva doesn't want me at this party, does she?

Cassie: (Sighs) uh-uh.

Edmund: It's all right, cassie, I understand.

Cassie: No, it's not all right.

Edmund: No, it's fine.

Cassie: It's not all right, it's not okay, it's wrong.

Edmund: It's right. In this instance, I think reva's instincts are actually... Are actually right. Look, this guy is coming to dinner at all is a bit of a miracle, and as you said, it's going to be very tense, so why compound the issue by throwing me into the mix? I think you should go represent and look after the kids.

Cassie: Are you sure?

Edmund: Yes.

Cassie: I mean, you're really...

Edmund: It's fine.

Cassie: You're really okay with this?

Edmund: It's fine, I'm positive.

Cassie: I mean, like if you have any doubt...

Edmund: I'm positive, go. Go. Go. Be a good sister. I will stay home and keep the hearth fires burning. Really, it's not such a big deal. It isn't.

Buzz: Next, on "guiding light."

Danny: Look, long story short: Those guys are not going to mess with you anymore. If they do, they answer to me.

Tammy: Where's your chaperone, lizzie? Or are they actually letting you out of the house now?

Lizzie: You don't have to be mean.

Josh: Well, you're going to have your whole family around you, reva, supporting you. What could possibly go wrong?

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