GL Transcript Monday 11/10/03

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 11/10/03

Provided by Suzanne

billy: Oh, is that one for the road or for the road not taken?

Josh: You know what? You know what, don't even start with me, okay?

Billy: Is that a room key i see before me?

Josh: Yes, it's a room key, billy.

Billy: Well, you know, it's just that you made such a big deal of how you'd had it with the cumberland, and how you were now going home to you-know-who.

Josh: I've changed my mind.

Billy: No? You already went home, she threw you out.

Josh: She couldn't have possibly thrown me out because she didn't know I was coming home in the first... You know what? This... I don't want to have this conversation with you.

Billy: Well, sweetheart, you're already knee-deep into it with me.

Josh: This subject is not open for discussion, billy. And, just for the record, i changed my mind. So you can wipe that grin off your face.

Billy: Oh, but it feels so good.

Josh: (Sighs) she couldn't have even considered kicking me out, because she didn't know I was coming home. I didn't go home because it didn't seem like the timing was right. Does that about cover it for you?

Reva: Here, take two.

Sandy: Thanks.

Reva: You like eating alone?

Sandy: Well, when there's no one else around, which is most of the time. You looking for me?

Reva: Uh... Actually, i was wandering around town passing out napkins. Yes, as a matter of fact, I was looking for you.

Sandy: You were having second thoughts.

Reva: What?

Sandy: You want these back. It's okay. It's cool. I understand.

Reva: When I told you that our door was always open to you, I meant always.

Sandy: All right. Then what was it?

Reva: I... I'm having a dinner tomorrow night. It's a way for you to spend some time with your family.

Sandy: My family.

Reva: Yes, can you come? It's a way for you to get to know us.

Sandy: I know you.

Reva: No, you know us as reva, josh, marah, shayne. But you don't know us as mom, step-dad, sister, brother. I was kind of hoping that your aunt cassie might join us, too.

Sandy: The whole gang.

Reva: It's not a big production. It's really just a simple family dinner.

Sandy: I appreciate your offer, but maybe some other time.

Reva: I know. You're what, afraid that we're going to serve you up as the main course?

Sandy: No, I'm just used to traveling light. I'm not ready for instant family.

Reva: Then what is it, really? What is it? Are you unwilling to face marah?

Marah: Tony... Oh, my god, what are you doing here? Why didn't you tell me that you were coming? It's so... Good to see you again...

Tony: What are you doing here, marah?

reva: It's an invitation. It's not a sneak attack.

Sandy: Whatever you say.

Reva: Why won't you come to dinner?

Sandy: Look, this is exactly what i didn't want. I don't want to be spun into reva's magic family circle.

Reva: Are you really that angry with me?

Sandy: I'm just taking my time.

Reva: No. We've lost so much time already. Can you blame me for wanting to make up for some of it?

Sandy: Is that how marah sees it?

Reva: I don't know. Why don't you ask her tomorrow night? I'm not just focused on you here, sandy. I'm concerned about marah's feelings, too. And I just thought that maybe a dinner like this might be a good way for the two of you to clear the air.

Sandy: So she's coming?

Reva: Well, i haven't asked her yet. I know that you don't want this to go unresolved. I see it all over your face.

Sandy: I'd do anything to make things better with$marah. You know that. But how do you know she's not going to blow you off?

Reva: Well, i don't for sure. But it's not hard to say yes to a dinner. What do you say?

Sandy: Well, all right, if it's going to help smooth things out with marah, yes.

Reva: How does 6:00 sound?

Sandy: Like dinnertime.

Reva: Okay. See you then. I'm really looking forward to this.

Cassie: Sandy? Or should I call you jonathan?

Sandy: Sandy's fine. It's cassie, right?

Cassie: Yeah. May I sit?

Sandy: By all means.

Cassie: I just ran into your...

Sandy: Reva.

Cassie: Yeah. I don't know how to do this. (Laughs)

sandy: Yeah, it's all new to me, too.

Cassie: Okay, well, then I'm just going to say what i came here to say. And now that we're officially nephew and aunt, there's a couple family things that i would like to talk to you about. A couple of people, actually.

Josh: You know, i don't know what's more difficult for me. Arguing with you or having you try to help me. And sometimes I can't really tell the difference.

Bill: Hey, the front desk clerk told me you guys were here. What's up?

Billy: Nothing. Just having a little chat.

Josh: Yeah, brother to brother. It's very exciting. What's up with you?

Bill: Actually, i'm going to head on home, take a look at those marchison blueprints.

Billy: You seem to be working 24-7 these days.

Bill: More like 25-8.

Billy: Doesn't seem to disagree with you.

Bill: Well, i guess the work does me good. All right, well, keep on bonding. I'll catch you two later.

Josh: Bill, i got a call from buddy carroll a couple of hours ago.

Bill: Oh, yeah?

Josh: Yeah. It's very interesting.

Bill: Why is that?

Josh: Well, i thought that i had hired him to take over at lewis construction while i was dealing with shayne's recovery.

Bill: Well, i went over company operations just like you asked me to.

Josh: I know that. That's why he called me. He doesn't seem to think there's any reason for him to be a part of this company, and that you have everything under control.

Billy: (Laughs) really?

Josh: Yeah. In fact, he doesn't see any position for himself at all, including interim ceo.

Bill: Well, what can I say? I'm flattered at least he thinks i'm on top of things.

Josh: You surprise me, bill. I didn't think you had it in you to play it this well.

Bill: Look, josh, i didn't play anything. I don't know, maybe your... Your friend buddy carroll maybe just realized that his background in resort development wouldn't do him any good with a more urban project profile like ours. I mean, you know, it's a whole different set of needs.

Josh: Yeah, yeah, evidently, you made that very clear to him several times over. I also got a call from danny santos. He said that he thinks you're the guy to bring the fifth street project to completion. In fact, let me quote him. He said, "he's been doing a fantastic job. I can't think of anybody else who could possibly do any better down the road."

Billy: (Laughs) you better get that in writing, son.

Bill: Just doing what i get paid for.

Josh: And hanging on to your job. I mean, that's the message, right? That's what this whole thing is about.

Billy: Well, I... I think he's just saying that he knows what he wants, and he knows how to get it.

Bill: All right, well, look, josh, I just want you to know there's no games played, okay? I didn't put on any little show. But, regardless, the fact of the matter is I can do the work.

Josh: I believe that. And it was my fault for not seeing that before. I apologize. Your point is well-taken. And you're in charge until i get back full-time.

Bill: That's what i wanted to hear. Thank you, thank you, boss. And, bartender, round for everyone. Put it on their tab. (Laughter) and you will not be sorry. Okay, thank you. (Laughter)

billy: We lewis men, we're a bunch of tough buzzards, aren't we? (Laughter)

marah: I don't know why i'm here. I guess I should go. Actually, no, you know what? I have a job to do.

Tony: Well, did i say that...

Marah: I am making you an outfit from scratch. You obviously know that, because

you were the high bidder at the auction for the fashion show.

Tony: Well, i'm sorry. There's been a change of plans.

Marah: Well, not for me. I am still committed to doing this. I'm making you an outfit.

Tony: I don't want it, marah.

Marah: You know, a lot of people would kill for an original marah lewis.

Tony: Like I said, I don't want it.

Marah: Then why did you place the bid in the first place?

Tony: To support the charity. Make sure that cedars got money. That's all, all right?

Marah: Well, you could have just written them a check. You didn't have to place a bid under somebody else's name, which you obviously did, because there was a different...

Tony: Marah, I did not want to broadcast that I was back in town.

Marah: You just figured everyone would find out when they came to your door.

Tony: Put the stuff away.

Marah: Who are you trying to kid? You knew when you won, i would come here and do a fitting for you.

Tony: No, you're wrong, actually. I figured you'd send somebody else, because it's not that difficult to have somebody come and take measurements.

Marah: Well, you know what? You got me. Are you ready?

Tony: Forget it. Just forget it.

Marah: I will not forget it.

Tony: I wanted your night to be... To be great, okay? That's all. That's all i wanted. I did not want this. So do me a favor and just get out of here, please. Get out of here, please!

Tony: (Stammers): What are you doing, marah? What are you doing?

Marah: I'm writing you a check for the bid.

Tony: I don't want the check, marah. The money was for charity. That's what it's for. I don't want the check.

Marah: And an outfit. And if you don't want the outfit, I'm writing you a check for your money back. It's as simple as that. Your choice.

Tony: Fine, fine. My choice, right. I'll tell you what. Let's get it over with, okay? How long you think this... Fiasco is going to take?

Marah: Not long.

Marah: You know, this doesn't have to be like pulling teeth. We can talk to each other.

Tony: Okay. What would you like to talk about? The bears? I mean, they're having a hell of a season so far.

Marah: I was thinking more along the lines of how are you doing? What have you been up to?

Tony: This and that.

Marah: Yeah, yeah, me, too.

Tony: So are we almost done?

Marah: Almost.

Tony: This is ridiculous. We done now?

Marah: Yes, i'm done. So why are you staying here instead of at danny and michelle's...

Tony: Because i wanted my privacy, marah.

Marah: Are you planning on sticking around?

Tony: Yes and no. I bought a horse farm up north.

Marah: Are you serious?

Tony: Yeah, i'm serious, and i plan on living there part of the time, and the other part here. Is that okay with you?

Marah: Yeah, that sounds good.

Tony: Good.

Marah: Tony... Why... Why did you come back?

Tony: How long until I get this outfit?

Marah: You know, I was... I was doing okay without you. I was getting on with my life. I had even stopped wondering why you threw me away the way that you did. And for me, that is progress.

Tony: Marah, don't do this. Don't do this.

Marah: Me? I'm not the one who couldn't stay away from springfield no matter how much it might hurt someone you used to care about!

Tony: I needed to take care of some things, that's it!

Marah: And here you are acting like you don't even remember who i am! God, we used to love each other. Don't you remember that? What made you stop? Please, please, tell me, because i swear I don't know.

Reva: Hey. What are you two cooking up?

Billy: Oh, just a little private conversation. Seems like anybody can find us these days.

Reva: Well, you see, I always know where to find joshua because he lives here... Thanks to you.

Billy: (Clears throat) we're not cooking up anything. We're just having a talk about bill. And speaking of sons... I hear you have another one who's come home to roost.

Reva: (Laughs)

josh: Billy.

Reva: Word travels fast.

Billy: Yeah, especially when it's family. And even if it's unknown family, so... Well, now that jonathan's home, you're not neglecting the rest of your family, are you?

Reva: Actually, billy, he goes by the name of sandy. Is something wrong?

Billy: What an interesting question.

Reva: Well, then don't duck it. Why are you acting like this?

Billy: Like what?

Reva: Rude, cold. We're friends, right? Actually, more than friends.


Billy: Now, family's just what i was thinking: You, me and my brother, who happens to be your husband, in case you forgot.

Josh: Could you two just play nice for a minute?

Billy: My point is, i just hate seeing him being treated like a, you know, like a...

Josh: Billy, I don't need you standing up for me, okay?

Billy: Well, it seems like somebody got to stand up for you.

Reva: Excuse me, you haven't seen us fight lately. He's perfectly capable of defending himself, thank you.

Josh: I believe this is the point in the scene where you stand up, you excuse yourself, and you walk out the door.

Billy: Hmm. Excuse me.

Josh: Yeah.

Billy: Why should he have to defend himself? Of course, now that's another whole complete private conversation...

Reva: Go, go!

Billy: Thank you.

Reva: (Imitates strangling

him) grr!

Sandy: So did reva send you?

Cassie: No. No, it was my idea. I don't think she'd mind that i was here, though. Thank you.

Sandy: Is that what you want to talk about-- reva?

Cassie: No. You seem to know a little bit about her. So i thought that I could tell you about your father.

Sandy: The prince.

Cassie: Funny, it's kind of hard to be angry at someone you haven't met.

Sandy: Maybe that's why i'm angry. I never got to know him. Mine.

Cassie: Your father had no idea what happened to you and your mother. When you guys disappeared, he was devastated. If he would have known that she took you away to keep you safe, he would have done everything in his power to stop anyone from hurting you. God, i just wish i could make you see the man that your father was. I wish i just could tell you.

Sandy: Well, give it your best shot, because i want to know about dear, old dad.

Cassie: I don't know how to possibly tell you everything about richard. He had a warmth and a gentleness and courage that words could only hint at. And we didn't need words most of the time. I was so lucky to have those years with him. He was the most amazing man.

Sandy: Wow. You really loved him.

Cassie: More than anything. But I wasn't alone. He had an entire country that loved him.

Sandy: San cristobel.

Cassie: Mm-hmm. He never stopped trying to do good for the people on that island. I mean, he was the kind of leader that you prayed for-- one that genuinely wanted to do good and succeeded.

Sandy: He had it all.

Cassie: Yes, he did. And even though he brought so much goodness to the people on that island, he still carried around a sadness with him day in and day out.

Sandy: Over what?

Cassie: Over losing his son. When he found out you were alive, he was overjoyed, sandy. And then, he and reva, they had to make a very difficult decision. So they left you where they thought you would be happiest, and where they thought you would be safe. They had no idea. I'm so sorry, I really wish that i could make you believe this.

Sandy: Well, it does go along with... The story I was told by the guy who wanted me dead.

Cassie: Edmund.

Sandy: Yeah. He came to see me, too.

Cassie: That's the other person i wanted to talk to you about.

Sandy: Yeah, he told me the whole story. Didn't really sink in, though. I just... It's hard for me to understand how the prince's brother could be so obsessed and bloodless and ambitious to threaten a kid. I'm sorry. It's hard for you since you and edmund are...

Cassie: Yeah, it's hard. But I'm not a masochist. And I'm not a victim. And I'm not a head case. There's no way i could be with edmund if he hadn't changed completely.

Sandy: I just can't get my head around what it would take for someone to put snuffing a kid on their to-do list.

Cassie: Edmund was out of touch with reality.

Sandy: Well, that doesn't make it any less sick. I mean, what kind of miserable excuse for a brother wrecks his own nephew's life so he could prance around in a cape and a crown?

Cassie: There's not really a good answer for that.

Sandy: So you can understand it's kind of hard to understand and much less forgive.

Cassie: Come with me.

Sandy: Where?

Cassie: There's someone i'd like you to meet.

Josh: I'll have another bourbon and branch, and the lady will have a glass of white wine.

Reva: Red, actually, red...

Josh: Red wine, that's what i meant.

Reva: (Laughs) picking up where we left off.

Josh: Let's not.

Reva: I'm sorry that I walked out in the middle of our conversation before.

Josh: Well, it's a good way to not fight.

Reva: No, it was wrong.

Josh: What was? I mean, fighting or walking out or what?

Reva: You're not going to make this easy for me, are you?

Josh: No, i'm angry.

Reva: Still?

Josh: Still.

Reva: Well, hopefully, you'll be in a better mood tomorrow night.

Josh: Uh-oh. What's tomorrow night?

Reva: I'm planning a family dinner for sandy to ease his way into being with us.

Josh: Could you make that a double, please? Thank you.

Reva: It's actually just a relaxed, comfortable way for us all to be together.

Josh: The entire lewis clan is going to descend upon this poor kid en masse. And you say that's relaxed and comfortable?

Reva: It can be if we make it that way.

Josh: Well, i highly suggest you serve a set of rules before you serve the soup, okay. What about sandy? Did you ask him about this?

Reva: Yes, he's coming.

Josh: That's surprising.

Reva: He's my son.

Josh: Yes, I know that, but he's also pretty much of a loner. I think I've gotten to know him well enough to know that he's not going to feel comfortable in this situation you're putting together, where you're trying to make him feel comfortable.

Reva: Well, he's willing to try-- I think something we could all take a lesson from.

Josh: What about marah? Have you talked to her?

Reva: I haven't yet, because i wanted to come to you first.

Josh: Thank you. A big thank you. See I just think that marah and sandy would probably be the two people who really, you know, wouldn't want to come to this thing.

Reva: You know, i don't agree with that, because you're not exactly brimming with enthusiasm.

Josh: Hey, listen, you know what? If it's going to ease the tension between the two of them, I say, "let's eat."

Reva: Even though you're still angry with me?

Josh: Well, let's see you went to somebody else before you came to your husband about a very important situation. I would say that that's not exactly a hanging crime.

Reva: But it is punishable by death. How long do you think it will take before you can forgive me, joshua?

Josh: I've already forgiven you, reva. This is not about forgiveness. That's not the issue. This is about trust. It's about the fact that the trust between the two of us, that bond, has been broken.

Reva: I know the feeling.

Josh: Well, then, you should know that inviting me to this dinner, where you're expecting us all to act like a big, happy family and everything's okay is not going to work. It's not going to fix it. Doesn't work that way.

Cassie: Did you know that richard was buried here?

Sandy: Yeah.

Cassie: Oh. So i'm not introducing you to him after all.

Sandy: I've never come to visit.

Cassie: Why not?

Sandy: What's the point? He's gone.

Cassie: No, not really. He still lives in you.

Sandy: That's not what his brother had in mind, is it? Sorry, can't shake the idea that edmund wouldn'T...

Cassie: I hated edmund for a long time.

Sandy: Because of what he did to richard?

Cassie: To both of us, and our son.

Sandy: I didn't know you guys had kids.

Cassie: We didn't. I lost a little boy I was pregnant with in an accident that edmund had a hand in.

Sandy: So edmund did kill your son.

Cassie: Jealously and resentment make people do things beyond all logic, sometimes beyond sanity.

Sandy: And you forgave him?

Cassie: I had to. The bitterness was eating me up inside.

Sandy: How do you let something like that go?

Cassie: Part of it was edmund, because he really had changed. And the other part was your father and the example he set.

Sandy: What do you mean?

Cassie: Richard never gave up hope in edmund no matter what he did.

Sandy: So was he some kind of saint or just crazy?

Cassie: He was a wonderful man who knew his brother. Sandy, edmund had been horribly damaged as a boy-- always ignored or pushed aside because of richard. And that pushed him into some pretty dark places, it did. But until his dying day, richard never gave up hope that edmund could be redeemed. And he would be so happy to see that he was right, he would.

Sandy: Well, if edmund wasn't a lost cause, then somewhere deep inside, he must know what a monster he was to you two.

Cassie: Yeah, that was the key to his turnaround. Edmund realized all the horrible things he had done to all of us. And that pushed him to a breaking point.

Sandy: And instead of cracking, he... He changed?

Cassie: It took a while. Edmund proved that there was goodness in him, at least to me. Maybe he can prove it to you. Maybe you can give him a chance.

Tony: Look, marah, we're wasting our time here. You said you're moving on with your life, and that's great, because I'm moving on with mine, too, only without... Without you in it.

Marah: Fine, okay. You may be moving on with your life, but you will be doing it with a brand-new outfit that fits you perfectly...

Tony: I don't want the outfit, marah!

Marah: Think of it as a good- bye present.

Tony: Well, i'm not going to wear it! All right?

Marah: I don't care, okay? You can keep it in your closet. You can throw it away, do whatever you want with it. But I am going to make it and i'm going to make it right. Maybe the only thing between us that ever was right. You like silk, right?

Tony: Remember something, marah, who you're making this outfit for. Tony santos, this tony santos, the real one, the one that you do not belong with! Now you do me a favor and get the hell out of here before you really tick me off.

sandy: All this family to deal with.

Cassie: Pretty overwhelming, isn't it?

Sandy: You know, when i was a kid, family meant this unbelievably lonely place where i never felt i belonged. I... I just knew something was off, and i always told myself, "these aren't my real parents, this isn't my real family. My real parents are out there somewhere, and they're just waiting to take care of me." Kind of sounds like a fairy tale, right?

Cassie: Well, i imagined some of those when I was a kid, too.

Sandy: In my fairy tale, the weird thing is that my father was a prince. And we were separated when i was a baby, and he's been looking for me ever since.

Cassie: So did you ever imagine that he found you?

Sandy: No. See, that would have blown the whole illusion, because I wasn't found.

Cassie: So you went looking for your real family instead.

Sandy: And it hasn't been the fairy tale so far.

Cassie: Oh, give it a shot. A mother, a brother, a sister, a step-father and an aunt. That's a lot to take in. (Laughs)

sandy: You left out the uncle.

Cassie: Edmund is your family, whether you like it or not, you know.

Sandy: I'm not sure how i feel. You know, it takes a real animal to do what he did. I'm listening to you. I will keep an open mind.

Cassie: That's all I ask.

Sandy: Cassie? Thank you. And thank you for bringing me here.

Reva: I... I understand that you're angry.

Josh: And frustrated, too. Don't forget frustrated.

Reva: And if the situation were reversed, i would feel the same way.

Josh: But that didn't stop you.

Reva: From telling christopher about sandy first, from planning this dinner party? No. And I do have to say that I was more concerned about sandy and his request for privacy than i was about you. And I'm sorry about that, but it was a mistake-- an honest one, though.

Josh: I understand this is very important to you, reva.

Reva: He's my son. Sandy needs to get a sense of who he is and what he's a part of.

Josh: I agree. And I don't want what's happening between the two of us to get in the way of that. So i... Yes, i will come to your dinner.

Reva: Yay!

Josh: What are you serving?

Reva: Uh... Humble pie?

Josh: I'll bring the whipped cream. (Laughter)

Reva: Oh, you look like a woman with a lot on her mind.

Marah: I'm thinking about clothes.

Reva: Okay.

Marah: Never mind.

Reva: Marah, sweetheart, wait.

Marah: What? What's wrong?

Reva: Why does anything have to be wrong?

Marah: Well, you called me "sweetheart."

Reva: Why are you being so cynical? Sit, i want to talk to you for a minute. I'm having a dinner party, a welcome-to-the-family dinner for sandy tomorrow night. And besides sandy, shayne's coming and your father and... Maybe cassie, and hopefully you.

Marah: Tomorrow night?

Reva: Yeah, i mean I realize that sandy and i are probably two people who you really don't want to be socializing with after everything you've been through, but...

Marah: Well...

Reva: ...I just thought that maybe this dinner would be a chance for us to move on as a family. And it will give sandy an opportunity to... I don't know, marah. He's just been so alone in the world.

Marah: Yeah, it would be good for him. Um, okay, I'll be there.

Reva: You're not still mad at me?

Marah: Well, I thought that that's what you said this dinner was about, to get past those feelings.

Reva: Yes, yes. Absolutely. You know, I just... I wish i could squeeze all that pain right out of you, I do, but i can'T. All I can do is love you.

Marah: And maybe bake one of those chocolate fudge cakes tomorrow night.

Reva: Ohh! You're on. Sweetheart.

Eden: My usual, please. Hi. Where are you? Did you talk to danny? Oh. You're going into the planning board now? No. Get the permits while you have a chance. I understand. I'll just finish my drink andu i'll meet you home. Where I will be waiting for you in something very sheer and personally feeding you dessert. (Laughs) that's right. It's called incentive. Bye. (Cell phone rings) do you have a dessert request?

Tony: Not sure.

What's good tonight?

Eden: Tony, i thought you were someone else.

Tony: Ah, see, i figured that

was just my special hello.

Eden: What do you want?

Tony: Are you free for a

drink tonight?

Eden: No.

Tony: You sure?

Eden: Positive. Bill is meeting me here and he'll be here any minute.

Tony: You lied to me.

Billy: I really hate this time of year. I feel like a fist, all balled up and... (Exhales) well, it'll be better when the first snow flies.

Josh: Shouldn't be too long from now. Something told me you'd be here.

Billy: What, a little bird?

Josh: Well, after you left the bar, i was wondering why you hammered away at reva so hard.

Billy: Maybe she deserved it.

Josh: Or maybe you just feel so lousy you just needed something to hammer away at.

Billy: I wish you didn't know me so well.

Josh: Sorry.

Billy: No, actually, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have jumped all over reva, at least not that hard anyway.

Josh: It was pretty ugly.

Billy: Yeah.

Josh: You know, i'm not too crazy about this time of year either-- for the same reasons.

Billy: Well, you can look at the bright side. It's probably going to snow soon.

Josh: Next on "guiding


Eden: I'm glad we're alone. There's something I need to ask you.

Cassie: Do you really think that sandy will be able to spend an entire evening in the same room with edmund?

Reva: Probably not, which is why you're going to come alone.

This has been "guiding light."

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