GL Transcript Friday 11/07/03

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 11/07/03

Provided by Suzanne

clerk: Mr. Lewis.

Josh: Yes?

Clerk: I hope you enjoyed your stay. Mrs. Winslow had us keeping a special eye on you.

Josh: Uh, yeah, no, it was great. Thank you very much. I just... It's just time for me to move on, that's all.

Clerk: Do you need help with your bags?

Josh: No, i don't. Thanks.

Billy: Yeah, you need help with a lot of things, little brother.

Josh: Oh, boy. Hello, billy.

Billy: Well, it's just like old times. Reva calls and you go running.

Josh: I think she needs me, so i've decided to move back into the house.

Billy: She doesn't even know you're coming? (Laughs) oh, son, you're farther gone than i even thought.

Reva: Yes, please. By all means, join me, i insist.

Alan: I just wanted to say congratulations. Your daughter's fashion show was a huge success, reva.

Reva: Thank you.

Alan: You must be feeling like mother of the year.

Reva: What's that supposed to mean?

Alan: It means I know.

Reva: You know what?

Alan: I know your prodigal son has returned.

Reva: And you're here to, what, taunt me about what a terrible mother I am? Because if that's the case, i don't need to hear that from you.

Alan: No, no, not at all. As a matter of fact, i'm here to offer you help. I may be the only person who can. Because I was where you are a few months ago. My son returned, i didn't even know that I had a son. And I realize how overwhelming it can be.

Reva: Yes, it is.

Alan: That's why I want to help you.

Reva: Interesting.

Alan: Yes. You know, reva, we've always been kindred spirits.

Harley: Let's just see what we have here. Okay. I knew it couldn't be that easy. Blake, only you would be late to a stakeout. Okay, well, while you're waiting for your sitter, maybe you can get in touch with your computer hacker guy. Yeah, we might need him on standby. I got the guy's computer. With any luck, he's been dealing his secrets right off that baby. No, no, no, no, no. Just get here. Bye. All right, buddy, I'm waiting.

Remy: Okay, this is going to be great. All right, are you ready? All right.

Marina: Hey, guys. What's going on?

Remy: We have a surprise for you.

Marina: Really? Well, I love surprises. Bring it on.

Reva: Thanks. Kindred spirits? I'm touched, alan, and a little bit frightened.

Alan: Well, maybe i'm getting all carried away. This parenthood is pretty exciting.

Reva: (Laughs) I like this warm and fuzzy side of you.

Alan: (Laughs) I am serious, though. I mean, you and I love our children very much, but we've hurt them-- just by being who we are. Now I have a tendency to push. I feel i know what's best for my family, which is true most of the time, but it has caused some problems.

Reva: So, what, you're not pushing anymore?

Alan: No. And a funny thing happened when i stopped.

Reva: What's that?

Alan: I got my family back where I want them.

Reva: So what, this is the kinder, gentler, alan spaulding?

Alan: Not really.

Reva: (Laughs)

alan: But i have learned the value of the softer touch. And I think if i had used that with phillip and elizabeth earlier, maybe the problems wouldn't have risen there. But, i did learn it in time for gus. And I know you. I know your instincts. They're very similar to mine. You barge in, you push... You're pushing your way into your son's life, I bet, right?

Reva: I just want him to know that i care and that i love him.

Alan: So you have been pushing?

Reva: I really haven't had the opportunity to push just yet.

Alan: Good. Then i want you to stand back and let him come to you..

Reva: Alan, it's different for you. You didn't give your son up. You didn't even know he existed. I mean, in a way, you were practically innocent for once.

Alan: The bottom line, reva, he has to find you. The relationship has to happen naturally. You have to respect his choices. Why, look at me. I'm a guest at harley's and gus now, and we eat things like meatloaf and macaroni and cheese. I mean, it's who they are. It's their choice.

Reva: Meatloaf, alan? You? I don't think that i'm going to win my son over by taking him out for whatever his favorite food is. I owe him a lot more than that.

Alan: But you can't correct the past, and he will never be your little boy.

Reva: He still needs love.

Alan: Yes, but he needs your respect more than anything. And if you don't give him that, you're going to lose him forever.

Reva: It's good advice. What do you want in return?

Alan: Nothing. All a part of the new alan spaulding. I'll get this.

Marina: What's my surprise? It's not my birthday. As you both know, though, presents are always welcome. Come on, remy, spill. Shayne is my surprise? (Laughs)

remy: Uh, no. He wants to tell you.

Marina: Okay. What is it?

Shayne: You... Were... Beautiful... Last night. And tonight.

Marina: Shayne, that's a whole sentence. That's amazing. You're amazing. Um... Gosh, I should... I should... I should probably go get your mom and dad, and marah's upstairs... Oh, my god. Well, this is such a good thing. Why do you want to hold out on everybody? Hey, fine, you're the boss. Just... Say something else. Say anything else. Unless you're too tired. In which case, i need to stop talking, so that you can talk.

Shayne: I... Love you.

Marina: I love you, too.

Reva: Hi, there.

Sandy: Well, hello.

Reva: How you holding up?

Sandy: Fine. How are you holding up?

Reva: You're fine, that's... That's good.

Sandy: I'd be closer to fine if things with marah and i weren't so bad.

Reva: I'm sorry that this is all so complicated, but she's just going to need some time.

Sandy: Right.

Reva: I don't know how to talk to you.

Sandy: I don't know how to talk to you either.

Reva: It's not easy having an instant mom, is it?

Sandy: Neither of us come with instructions.

Reva: Well, i was kind of hoping we could get to the part where it gets easy for us. Even though I know that may never happen. I just want you to know that i'm here whenever you're ready.

Sandy: What if I'm never ready?

Reva: Well, i... I'd hope that you'd reserve judgment on that until you get to know us-- or me better. But I know that you... You need to set your own pace.

Sandy: I can't deal with you right now, not with things between marah and I so bad.

Reva: No, i... I know. I totally understand that, i do. In the meantime, i have something for you. They're keys, actually, to the house. I mean, I know that you have an apartment of your own. But every kid should have keys to their mom's house, right? Think of it this way: There's washer, dryer. (Laughs) there's a fridge full of food if you ever need it. I mean, it may come in handy one day. Just think about it. You never know. Okay.

Josh: Thank you. I... I know that you love to, you know, play the part of my older brother and all that. And I actually appreciate it. But this is... This is between me and reva. Okay?

Billy: All right, you just... Just go ahead on home. But don't be surprised if she doesn't even notice you're there, because she's going to be spending all of her energy on the return of the prodigal son.

Josh: Billy, this is a big deal for her.

Billy: Well, come on, it's always a big deal. This is reva we're talking about. That's her mo. Look, josh, you've been running around behind her your whole life. And I even ran behind her for... A quick minute there.

Josh: (Laughs)

billy: But, you know, i'd just like to see her make an effort.

Josh: So you're suggesting that i play hard-to-get with my own wife.

Billy: Look, marriage is about give and take. It's not this one sided game of tag she's been playing with you ever since you were this big...

Josh: This is hard for her, okay. She believes that I'm the one that put shayne where he is right now. She hasn't been able to forgive me yet. But I believe that she will one day.

Billy: What about the millions of times that you've forgiven her?

Josh: It doesn't work that way.

Billy: Look, reva and i are cut from the same cloth. And, you know, i just hate to see her pushing away the people that love her. And that's what she's doing to you.

Josh: It's not the same thing.

Billy: Yeah, it is, it is. We go about it a little differently, but it's about the same. She's doing to you what I did to vanessa.

Josh: We just have to work on some things, that's all.

Billy: Yeah, I agree you do. But I'd just like to see reva take the first move.

Josh: Billy, she's my wife, she needs me. I'm moving back into the house, end of story. Now, if I recall correctly, a long time ago I decided I wasn't going to take anymore advice on women from you. In fact, the last time i listened to you, both of us ended up putting roses on a grave.

Billy: I don't want to talk about that, josh.

Josh: Well, i don't want to talk about reva, so that makes us even. (knock at door)

marah: Where is everyone? I'm coming. Mom.

Reva: Hi, honey.

Marah: You know, I'm not really in the mood for a visit right now.

Reva: Please let me come in.

Marah: If this is about sandy again, i don't want to talk about it.

Reva: Sweetheart, i know what he did to you. I know he hurt you. I hurt you, too, but that's not reason to hole up in here.

Marah: Shouldn't you be out bonding with my new brother right now?

Reva: We're both worried about you.

Marah: Well, gee, you know, that's nice and I appreciate that, but I think it's a little late for your concern or his. What do you want me to say, mother?

Reva: I'd kind of like for you to let me help you through this.

Marah: You want me to make up with sandy.

Reva: Of course i do.

Marah: Mom...

Reva: Honey, hear me out. Think of this from his point of view. He came here to get to know me, to get to know the family. He went about it the wrong way and he knows it and he's sorry. But he was going to leave town. Your brother was going to leave town because he didn't want you to find out. He didn't want to hurt you. The last thing he wants to do is be a part of this family if he's not absolutely sure that you're okay with it. That's how much you mean to him.

Marah: So that's why you're here. You don't just want me to forgive him, you need me to. So that he can forgive you.

Reva: I'm trying to put this family back together again.

Marah: Well, good luck, mom. You know, I wish i could be of more help, but...

Reva: You know, don't take my mistakes out on jonathan.

Marah: I'm not. I'm mad at him for what he did to me.

Reva: I'm not trying to make excuses for him, honey. But he didn't mean to do the things he did. He's family. He's your brother. Do not let him walk away from us.

Marah: My brother.

Reva: One day you're going to want a relationship with him.

Marah: Maybe not. How can I ever trust him?

Reva: I don't know. But I do understand what it's like to make a mistake. So do you. Maybe we should give him one of those second chances that we talk about all the time.

Marah: Mom, i... I can'T. I cannot be near him without feeling things that I don't need to be feeling right now. I need some time, okay? And even then, i don't know. So please stop pushing me.

Reva: You know, you're the second person that's said that to me today. Oh, honey, just think about it, okay?

Marah: Do i really have any other choice?

Reva: No. Bye.

Marah: Bye.

Alan: (Whispers) harley, harley!

Harley: Alan, it's a stakeout. Go away.

Alan: Harley, out of here quick.

Harley: Are you crazy? If this guy sees you, it'll ruin everything.

Alan: Look, i just... I just wanted to find out if you need anything.

Harley: Like what, room service? I'm fine. Okay, blake and I have it covered.

Alan: Blake?

Harley: Blake marler, my partner. Yeah, she's on her way.

Alan: What is this, a stakeout or a slumber party, harley?

Harley: Do I go to your office and tell you how to run your corporation? No. Now, let me do it my way.

Alan: All right, tell me where she's hiding.

Harley: I... She's on her way, okay. Now, don't worry, alan. I always get my man. Okay?

Alan: Okay.

Harley: Just get out of here.

Alan: I'm leaving, I'm leaving, i'm leaving. Hello, ross? It's alan. Look, I need your help.

Josh: Here you go, you keep the change. (Sighs) buy you a drink?

Reva: Please. I am at my wit's end over marah.

Josh: Step into my office. Tell me what happened.

Reva: I've been trying to help her get through this transition with jonathan. Trying to let her see that there is life after everything she's been through. But every time i try to do it, i only make it worse. She thinks that all I'm worried about is jonathan.

Josh: That's not so. I know that. I think she knows it, too. She just needs more time.

Reva: I know, that's what everyone keeps saying. But I don't know. I feel like I'm hitting the wall.

Josh: Well, you just have to keep trying. I know it's difficult and i would like to help you more. But I honestly believe that you're the only one that's going to be able to help marah to... Come to terms with sandy.

Reva: I've made such a mess of everything, haven't i? I have two kids that are completely miserable because of choices I made. Jonathan won't even look at me. He can barely look at me. And I think the only one that can reach out to him is marah, but she refuses.

Josh: Well, reva, it's not her responsibility to fix this.

Reva: I know that, I know. It's just that he's been on his own for so long.

Josh: He's a tough kid.

Reva: Yeah? Well, even tough kids need somewhere to belong. I mean, he wasn't fortunate like marah and shayne. He didn't have you there to tell him that everything was going to be all right when I was gone.

Josh: Look, this is a difficult situation, but i honestly believe that if we stay together as a family... (Cell phone rings)

reva: Oh, i'm sorry. That's me. (Phone continues ringing) hello? Hi, christopher. Um, actually, yes, it's been quite a day. I actually spoke to jonathan earlier. No, we still have a long way to go. But I want to thank you again for being there to listen. Yes, yes, of course I will. Okay, bye. Sorry.

Josh: That's okay. So you've... You've... You've talked to christopher about this?

Reva: Yeah, i thought he could give me some perspective on it. I mean, he was such a lifesaver that first night.

Josh: What first night?

Reva: The night i found out that sandy is jonathan.

Josh: You told christopher about this before you told your husband about it. I mean, I... I am still your husband, right?

Harley: Blake, did you know that springfield inn has not one, but three continental breakfasts? Where are you? Well, why can't you just leave your kids with my kids? Yeah, yeah, I remember what happened last time. Well, I can't help it if clarissa finds zach irresistible. I know, they're cousins. She is her mother's daughter. Well, can't you just call tammy? Blake. No, I understand. I just... You owe me. (Clanking sound) oh, of course I'm starving. (Clanking sound) okay, so i am staking out a romantic dinner for two. Okay, so i am staking out a romantic dinner for two.

Sandy: Okay, you didn't slam the door in my face. That's progress. Can I maybe go for broke and ask to come in? I wanted to see how you're doing.

Marah: Well, you know, if you came here to kiss and make up, there are laws against that.

Sandy: Marah.

Marah: What? I've been waiting to use that one ever since all this happened.

Sandy: Can we be serious for a minute?

Marah: Whatever.

Sandy: I'm going crazy right now. The only person I want to talk to about everything is the one person i have no right to talk to.

Marah: I can't listen to this right now. I don't even know who you are.

Sandy: Yes, you do. Better than anyone.

Marah: Well, then, that's just sad. But you know what's even sadder is that I thought somehow this was fate. Us meeting, the connection that we had. Turns out it was just dna.

Sandy: Marah, i miss you. And you miss me, too...

Marah: Sandy, stop it, okay. I have to be mad at you right now. I have to hold onto that. I cannot afford to feel anything else.

Sandy: Hey, if I could do things differently, if i could go back...

Marah: You can't, you know. It's too late and that's your loss. Because I make one hell of a great sister. You should just ask shayne. I can bake some amazing chocolate chip cookies, tease you about your girlfriends.

Sandy: I don't want to pressure you into being my sister. How about my friend?

Marah: I am nowhere near that.

Sandy: I'm having a hard time imagining my life without you.

Marah: (Scoffs) what, we knew each other for like three minutes in the scheme of things. You should just get over it. Look, I don't mean to be harsh, okay. I just can't see you right now. So you need to stop dropping by and stop sending me flowers, which are not the kind of gift you get your sister by the way.

Sandy: You're a girl. I thought... Sorry, still learning. So, what, when i see you, I'm supposed to just walk the other way?

Marah: I don't know. I don't know. But you need to stop seeking me out. And don'T... Use me as an excuse not to get to know the rest of my family either. Because they are great and they want to know you.Wy3f3f3f3f3f71uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuno carrierringconnect 1200

reva: Thank you. Of course you're my husband, joshua, now and always, I hope.

Josh: But you talked to christopher about it first.

Reva: I was a mess that night. Sandy wanted to tell marah himself. He swore me to secrecy. But the minute he left, of course, I knew i'd made the wrong choice, for marah, for jonathan. I needed someone to talk to. I went to him as a doctor. You know, doctor/patient confidentiality.

Josh: What about husband-wife confidentiality, reva? Don't you trust me at all?

Reva: You know what? I couldn't tell you until sandy had spoke to marah. I mean, he... He asked me for one thing. He asked me not to tell anyone.

Josh: But you did.

Reva: I don't think you understand.

Josh: I think i understand just fine.

Reva: Yeah.

Gus: Hey, oh, hey!

Harley: You are so lucky i did not just hurt you.

Gus: What...

Harley: What are you doing here?

Gus: Take it easy.

Harley: No, no, no, no... Wait. Where were you?

Gus: In the thing.

Harley: No, because i checked in there already.

Gus: No, well when alan came by after, then i... Into the...

Harley: Oh, so alan snuck you in the closet to check up on me. That's nice. That's really nice. Well, you can go now before my perp shows up.

Gus: Corporate secrets man?

Harley: Yes, yes, go, scram, please.

Gus: Shh. (Whispering) he's already here. He's here.

Harley: What?

Gus: It's me. Me, I'm the perp.

Harley: You're scamming alan?

Gus: Yes. No, I'm not scamming alan!

Harley: Okay, then what's going on?

Gus: What's the matter with you?

Harley: What is going on?

Gus: We're scamming you. It was the only idea i could come up with to spend some time with you.

Harley: You did all this so you could spend a little... Get a little...

Gus: Some... Romance, some romance.

Harley: Okay, well, i don't know whether to kiss you or kill you.

Marah: So he left you here to sweet talk me, huh? Not your style, though. You're a straight shooter, right? You are pretty cute. No offense, I can't keep talking to you because can't get tossed in the loony bin on top of everything else. Oh, you know what, it's just about time for me to go. Got to meet a cowboy who won an auction to get one of my designs made for him. Let's just hope he doesn't want like leather chaps or something, huh? Yeah, well, at least i've still got my sense of humor. Hey. I didn't know if anybody was around.

Marina: Oh, yeah, we're around.

Marah: What's up? You're beaming.

Marina: Uh...

Remy: Well, you've missed some big stuff around here.

Marina: Yeah, you really did. Okay, shayne said an entire sentence. It was amazing.

Marah: What? I have to go hear him and see him...

Marina: Oh, yeah, he's actually asleep. I'm really sorry that we didn't come in and get you guys. I just think he wanted to work on it a little bit before he told his family. You know, you and your mom and your dad.

Marah: What did he say?

Marina: He said that I was beautiful. (Laughter)

marah: That's my brother, always the charmer.

Remy: That's why the girls love him.

Marah: Well, you know what, I... Thank you, guys. Because I don't know if he would have had this much progress without the two of you. And we're very lucky that you became physical therapist and wanted to major in it right as all this started happening.

Remy: Oh, believe me, he's helped me more than I've helped him.

Marina: So how about you? You okay?

Marah: I'M... I'm better now. Thanks for telling me about shayne.

Marina: Oh, yeah, well, i'm sure he's going to tell you himself in the morning. But anyway, you guys, I need to go over to company. Are you okay keeping an ear out for shayne while i'm gone?

Remy: Yeah, i have no other plans. I'll be here.

Marah: I've got some work to do. I got to meet with that cowboy, the auction winner.

Remy: Cowboy in springfield?

Marah: Yeah, pretty crazy, huh? (Laughter) he probably won't know much about fashion, but hopefully he won't know much about me either, which would be nice because i can't stand seeing anymore people i know today.

Marina: Okay. You hang in there.

Marah: All right, bye.

Marina: Bye.

Remy: All right, I'll see you later, marina.

Marina: Yeah.

Marah: Well, goodbye moley. Hello, cowboy.

Harley: So, basically, you and alan waste my time with our childish practical jokes while there are dangerous criminals on the loose out there.

Gus: Not a practical joke, okay? There's nothing... There was no joke, no joking involved whatsoever. It was about you and i spending a little quality time together and that's it, okay. So could you just snap out of it, please.

Harley: What?

Gus: Snap out of this thing that you're doing, this... Your detective mode. You're in the zone. I can see everything. You're so focused. Just take it easy. Take a deep breath, okay.

Harley: What are you doing?

Gus: What does it look like i'm doing? I'm making a little toast. So can i do that, please? Making a toast to having successfully tricked my beautiful, gorgeous fiancee into spending some time alone with me.

Harley: I'll drink to that.

Gus: Right. Hmm? Not bad. Not bad at all.

Harley: I certainly hope your father is paying for this.

Gus: No, this is on me. He is just my wingman on this one.

Harley: He's your wingman, maverick?

Gus: So can you do that? Can you just... Just take a deep breath and let it all go? You're practically putty in my hands, and you'll be in my arms soon. Yes? Can you do that?

Harley: The things you do for me. Ah. (Laughs)

gus: I do it for us. For me, because I miss you and... So... To me, to you, to us. Turn around.

Harley: There's just one... One little thing, sweetie.

Gus: Uh-mm.

Harley: Tell me that alan doesn't have a mariachi band hidden in that closet.

Gus: No. You're... You're safe. The only danger you're in is that i... I might start singing to you and i may go off key.

Harley: (Laughs)

gus: Because I'm all excited...

Harley: (Laughs)

josh: Kenny.

Clerk: Mr. Lewis, hi.

Josh: Listen, do me a favor, will you? I want you to find out if they've given my room out to anybody else yet. Thank you.

Marah: Hurry along now, cowboy. This ain't the wild west. Tony...

Marina: Oh, my work here is done. All right, marina's leaving the building!

Carrie: Hold your head up, missy, and don't slouch. You'll develop a swayback.

Marina: Oh, sorry, I must have missed that in finishing school. Wait, I didn't go to finishing school.

Carrie: (Laughs) and always wear gloves when you do the dishes. You have a better future in store for you than chapped hands.

Marina: My hands kind of say i just wash and dry, huh?

Carrie: (Laughs) well, they will if you don't take more care. After all, my dear, you're so young.

Marina: Oh, i'm sorry, i didn't know anyone was here. We're usually really dead right before the dinner rush. Can I get you something?

Carrie: Oh, yes. Yes. You're the gentle one.

Marina: Oh, well, i've been called a lot of things before, but "gentle."

Carrie: I am seldom if ever wrong.

Marina: Okay. Well, if you're sure you don't want anything, i'm just going to, you know, finish straightening up and then leave, so. Are you sure i can't get you a cup of coffee or... That's weird. Hello? Are you gone? Huh. Well, okay, um... If you need anything, I guess just call to the kitchen because I'M... I'm leaving.

Carrie: Yes, the gentle one.

You'll be hurt the most, i


Marina: Next on "guiding


Cassie: God, I just wish i could make you see the man that your father was.

Sandy: Well, give it your best shot.

Marah: I will not forget it.

Tony: I wanted your night to be... To be great, okay. That's all. That's all i wanted. I did not want this, so do me a favor and just get out of here, please.

This has been "guiding light."

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