Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 11/06/03
Provided by Suzanne
lizzie: Yes, I... I am phillip spaulding's assistant, but maybe you can just tell me whether or not olivia spencer's been located? Right. No, I understand. You need to talk with him personally. Okay, okay. Well, I'll give him the message.
Phillip: Lizzie, I thought i heard the phone.
Lizzie: The phone, just now? Uh...
Christopher: Sorry, i'm a couple minutes late. Thomas just showed me right in.
Lizzie: Oh, right! Our appointment!
Christopher: Hi, lizzie. Hey, how was the fashion show? I heard you were a big hit.
Lizzie: It was so much fun, okay, because I was wearing an outfit... (Voices echoing)
christopher: Phillip? I asked if you were ready to join us.
Phillip: Yes. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Let's get started.
Danny: Oh, so the magical moving chair finally came to its senses and returned home. I didn't hear the doorbell. Did it knock?
Michelle: I am so beyond jokes about this, okay? That chair is going to stay right where it belongs. I'm serious, danny. Don't move it.
Danny: Can we sit on it?
Michelle: No, i don't think so.
Danny: Honey, this is crazy. I mean, if you'd let me explain to you how that chair found its way to the warehouse, wouldn't you feel better?
Michelle: Yes.
Danny: Okay, well after they changed the warehouse, i sent some guys over here to grab whatever they could to fix up the place for the fashion show, and some of the chairs were damaged. So somebody probably thought that chair would help.
Michelle: Okay, but that doesn't explain the note that she left on it saying how much
she hates it!
Danny: She? She who? The dream lady?
Michelle: You know, the more i think about it, the less i think that it was a dream.
Danny: You know what? You think too much.
Michelle: But... No...
Danny: You think too much. Stop thinking. Stop. Stop. (Doorbell rings) I'll get it. It's probably bill. Yup. Hey, bill. Hey, come on in.
Bill: What's going on?
Michelle: Yes, please, come on in, but don't touch the chair.
Bill: Hi to you, too.
Danny: Don't ask. Don't ask. I hope it wasn't a problem having the meeting for fifth street here today. It's just that after what happened last night, michelle and I wanted to stay around the house.
Bill: Understandable. How's nico feeling?
Danny: Good, good. He's going to be fine. He's doing much better. He's a really tough kid. So what's the deal with this new guy that josh is bringing on? What's his name again?
Bill: Yeah, buddy carroll. In fact, he's not on board with us just yet. He's just getting a feel for how we do business.
Danny: But josh is going to let him run things while he takes a step back?
Bill: Well, that's the plan.
Danny: So then you'll be reporting to him?
Bill: Does that matter?
Danny: No. No. I just... I don't understand why josh sees the need; that's all. I'll be right back. (Laughter)
woman: Jeffrey, you are incorrigible!
Jeffrey: Well, thank you. I'll take that as a compliment.
Woman: My bag. I left it in the room.
Jeffrey: Oh, okay, well... Oh, you're looking for the... Yeah, there it is.
Woman: I know the way.
Jeffrey: (Sighs) whew. Hmm.
Beth: Surprise. (Laughs)
jeffrey: Beth. Wait, what are you doing here?
Beth: Didn't you just hear me say "surprise"? And a might fine one i am, if i do say so myself. Look at you! You look like you're ready to jump out of your skin when all i want to do is get you out of your clothes.
Jeffrey: Beth, beth, please, no, really. This is not a good time.
Beth: No? (Laughs)
jeffrey: Stop, really. No, no. I've got this thing I've got to do.
Beth: Oh, it sounds boring. Cancel it.
Woman: I found it! In between the sheets. Imagine that.
Jeffrey: Uh, like i said, beth, I...
Beth: Yeah, you had this
thing to do. Guess you should have been more specific. Hi, I'm beth raines. Tuesdays and thursdays, 2:00, and you are?
Jeffrey: Very funny. Listen, beth, you should have called.
Beth: Well, congratulations, jeffrey. I didn't think you could make things any worse. You just did.
Jeffrey: Um, I'm going to have to, you know...
Woman: Go ahead.
Cassie: You're really going to do this?
Edmund: I have to. Jonathan deserves to know the truth.
Cassie: Deserves to know or needs to know? That kid has a lot on his plate right now, edmund.
Edmund: I know, i know, i know. And a part of me keeps saying the last thing he needs in his life is some uncle popping in making it more complicated.
Cassie: What does the other part of you say? I know you want to do this, but you really need to ask yourself, what's more important, jonathan's need to know or your need to tell him?
Marina: Okay, it's ... Of course! (Laughter) I think I'm going completely crazy because I keep hearing these chirping noises.
Buzz: What, you mean chirping as in grasshopper's chirping?
Marina: Ha, ha.
Remy: No, more like a bird.
Marina: Yeah, it just keeps getting louder and louder.
Remy: So she has me running around the museum with this big net thing in case a bird flies out of the closet or something.
Marina: So I go in, and i tell shayne I think a bird has somehow gotten into the museum. And who was sitting there on his keyboard messing around with some sound effects program with that little smirk on his face? (Laughter)
ed: Shayne, it's good to see you out. There's nothing like fresh air to advance your recovery.
Remy: And nothing like a buzz burger to set it back again.
Buzz: I used to like you, you know that? It's good to have you out. We need your ugly mug here to scare away customers. Give me a big kiss. Give me a big one. What do you...? (Laughter) oh, my god, you're funny.
Marina: (Laughing) hey, sandy, do you want to join us?
Sandy: No, it's cool. You guys are in the middle of something.
Marina: Uh... Look, we... We know. I mean, we all live in the museum and...
Sandy: They know, too?
Marina: Yeah.
Sandy: This is weird. Okay, well, I'd better...
Remy: Hold up, man. I think shayne wants you to hang around.
Sandy: Hey. Look, I wanted to tell you myself, shayne. I was meaning to, and... I'm sorry about pretending, about everything. Maybe after things settle down, you and I, we could, i don't know, start over again, get to know each other as...
Shayne: (Sighs)
sandy: Okay, yeah, I've said enough. Look, I... If you change your mind, I'll be around, and i meant what i said. I am sorry. (Shayne struggles for words)
beth: Great. A bar with no bartender. This day just keeps getting better and better.
Jeffrey: Hey.
Beth: No bartender. You're out of luck.
Jeffrey: I didn't come down here to get a drink.
Beth: My mistake. I'm on a roll today.
Jeffrey: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's just go back upstairs.
Beth: No, no. Absolutely not.
Jeffrey: Beth, let me finish my sentence!
Beth: No, because i know how it ends.
Jeffrey: I want to talk!
Beth: Talk?
Jeffrey: Yes.
Beth: Well, that's a new one, isn't it?
Jeffrey: Beth, this does not have to be this big deal that you're making it.
Beth: Oh, i see, so i'm the one creating all the problems here, is that it?
Jeffrey: Beth...
Beth: I'm the one getting in the way of your afternoon delight.
Jeffrey: Beth.
Beth: I'm the one...
Jeffrey: Beth...
Beth: ...Who should have called first.
Jeffrey: Beth...
Beth: What?
Jeffrey: You knew this about us, okay? We were never...
Beth: Exclusive?
Jeffrey: Yes.
Beth: Yeah, i knew. But I just didn't expect to have it thrown in my face.
Jeffrey: Thrown in your face? Excuse me, darling, you're the one that came upstairs and surprised me out of nowhere.
Beth: Well, excuse me, darling, but you're the one that showed up at the fashion show and surprised me out of nowhere.
Jeffrey: Well, that had a slightly different result, didn't it?
Beth: And how would you have felt if you had walked in on me with someone else?
Jeffrey: Oh, because that's what you do? You entertain gentlemen backstage behind clothes racks at fashion shows?
Beth: It was hypothetical.
Jeffrey: Beth, okay, okay, okay, listen, listen. Okay, I... I'm sorry that you saw what you saw.
Beth: That was the worst apology I've ever heard.
Jeffrey: You just hit me.
Beth: Yeah, well, suck it up, jeffrey. I'm sure it's not the first time a woman's slapped you across the face.
Jeffrey: You know what? It's the first time a woman's slapped me across the face right after I apologized to her.
Beth: Apologized? You call that an apology? Yes, you're sorry that i saw you with that woman, but you're not sorry you were with her.
Jeffrey: Beth, we've been through this. We have a great time together, i care about you...
Beth: But we're not exclusive.
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Beth: Yeah, got it.
Jeffrey: Okay, you've got it. So what is the big deal?
Beth: What's the big deal?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Beth: The big deal is that i can't be with a man like i've been with you and not attach some meaning to it. I'm sorry, i'm just wired up that way, I guess.
Jeffrey: (Sighs)
beth: You're kidding me. Do i really have to spell this out for you?
Jeffrey: Apparently.
Beth: Okay. When i'm with you, like we were at the japanese restaurant, like we were on the dock...
Jeffrey: On alan's desk, at the fashion show...
Beth: The point is...
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Beth: ...That when we're together...
Jeffrey: Mm-hmm.
Beth: ...You make me feel like i'm the only person that matters. You make me feel like I'm the only person in your world.
Jeffrey: Isn't that... Isn't that a good thing? I mean, beth, we don't have to give all that up. Look, don't you get it? What we have is spontaneous, all right? That's why it works. That's what we like about it. That's what you like about it.
Beth: And i also know what i don't like. I'm serious, jeffrey. I have to start listening to what's in here. And what it's telling me is that i have been through way too much to invest in you when I am getting so little in return.
Jeffrey: Beth...
Beth: No, no, i know what you're going to say, that you didn't do anything wrong. And you know what? Maybe you didn't. But you didn't do anything right either.
Cassie: Beth, are you all right?
Danny: Have a seat, buddy, please.
Michelle: Oh, but not that one. You know, that's much more comfortable.
Carroll: Thank you, mrs. Santos. You have a fine home.
Danny: Ah, thank you. Thanks again for meeting us here.
Carroll: Oh, listen, anything for one of lewis construction's valued clients.
Bill: Well, danny santos is our most valued client. At least while we're in his house, right?
Danny: Ha, ha, ha.
Carroll: Well, of course. I've been over all the figures, mr. Santos. I can assure you this is going to be a very smooth transition.
Bill: You know, i already talked to the client about all this. I'm sure he's going to want hear how you'll be tying up the loose ends.
Carroll: I assume bill's referring to the underdeveloped area at fifth and hillhurst. I see a lot of potential there, a real opportunity to add some new color to the community.
Danny: Ah!
Bill: I should've warned you. He's in resort development. In fact, you've been doing that for your whole career, is that right?
Carroll: Just about.
Bill: It's amazing what he can do, take a big, old empty space and turn it into paradise. But I don't think that's what you want for this neighborhood here. In fact, get back to what you were saying about adding color, is that what it is? We're talking about an urban neighborhood that has its own flavor, if you will. And what would better serve the community, i think, is just to work with what's already there. Don't start bringing in any outside flavors. But, again, I don't want to be speaking for the client.
Danny: Hey, i'd actually have to agree with bill on that one.
Bill: I didn't mean to speak out of turn. I just... Well, I've been working with danny on this for some time now.
Carroll: Right, thank you bill, for your input.
Bill: Sure. (Cell phone rings)
carroll: I'm sorry, i have to take this. Gentlemen, if you'll excuse me.
Danny: Sure, sure. So, I'm going to get something to drink. Can I get you anything?
Bill: I'm good, thanks.
Danny: Okay.
Michelle: Hey.
Danny: Hey.
Michelle: I thought the two of them were on the same team?
Danny: Yeah, so did i.
Marina: Hey, remy, let'S... Let's go get some refills.
Remy: No, thanks, i'm...
Marina: Hey, refills, come on.
Remy: Right, refills. All right.
Sandy: Thanks for the second chance, shayne. I only hope marah will give me one, too, someday. She's pretty mad at me right now. Yeah, she does have every right to be. Look, I don't want to put you in the middle of this so don't even think about it. Just work on getting better, okay?
Shayne: (Struggles to
remy: Whoa, whoa, save it. You gave your a voice a workout in therapy this morning, okay? Now just type it out.
Remy: It says "good luck."
Sandy: Thanks, man. I'll need it.
Ed: Listen, buzz, i never asked you.
Buzz: I went. The 17th, that's what you were going to ask about, right?
Ed: Besides, I want to let you know that it's my turn to take over the maintenance of the grave site, so i'll be doing that from now on.
Buzz: Ed.
Marina: Hey. Are you guys talking about me?
Buzz: What?
Marina: I come up and you stop talking.
Buzz: Gee, you caught us.
Ed: (Laughs)
marina: Fine, have your little secrets. I'm going away.
Sandy: I know who you are if that's what you're wondering. Looks like you know who I am, too.
Edmund: News travels fast in this town.
Sandy: Bad news always does.
Edmund: I don't think i'd call it bad news.
Sandy: That depends on who you talk to.
Edmund: Look, i want to give you some time to settle in, to work things out before..
Sandy: There's no time like the present. Let's see if i've got this straight. You are my father's brother, edmund, and now you're involved with his widow, who happens to be the sister of my mother. Allow me to introduce myself. First name black, last name sheep.
Edmund: No, i'm sorry. That title has already been spoken for.
Christopher: So, lizzie, tell me, what was the best thing about the fashion show?
Lizzie: The applause?
Christopher: (Laughs) this is not a trick question. You can give me an honest answer.
Lizzie: Well, my family was there, and i guess i kind of liked that.
Christopher: I guess what i'm driving at is how did it make you feel to be accepted, and to be trusted? You were asked to help in the preparations for the show. They even asked you to model a dress. People put their trust in you, lizzie, and that hasn't happened around here for quite a while.
Lizzie: Yeah, i guess. I guess I just wish that everyone would trust me like that all the time. But, look, i'm not feeling too well. Do you think we can come back to this later?
Phillip: What's wrong, sweetheart? You don't feel well?
Lizzie: It's just a little stomachache, it's not a big deal, but we can come back to this later, right?
Christopher: Oh, I guess so. Maybe when we do, we can talk about how this little stomach ache happened just as we were beginning to talk about people trusting you again.
Lizzie: Yeah, whatever.
Phillip: All right, doctor. I guess we'll pick this up again...
Christopher: Actually, if you have a moment, there's something i'd like to discuss with you.
Phillip: Something about lizzie?
Christopher: No, I was hoping we could talk about you.
Phillip: I pay you to take care of my daughter, doctor, not me.
Christopher: I understand that. But in many ways lizzie's well- being is linked to your own.
Phillip: I hope you're not suggesting that I need help.
Christopher: Throughout lizzie's session today, you were very distracted, and that's not the first time i've noticed this.
Phillip: I'm sorry. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.
Christopher: I'm not saying it as a criticism. I'm saying it out of concern.
Phillip: Well, you see, doctor, I probably am just a little bit distracted because i have a daughter out there somewhere that's about to be born any day now, but I don't know that because I can't find her mother.
Christopher: That must be very upsetting to you.
Phillip: Am i on the clock? With all due respect, doctor, i don't need your help. No, I just need the detective that i hired to do his job and find miss spencer. However, in the future, I will make every effort to make sure that i leave the rest of my life outside the door during lizzie's sessions. Are we finished?
Bill: Hey, look, buddy, i didn't mean to keep jumping in on you.
Carroll: Didn't mean it?
Bill: I was just...
Carroll: I know, you were just looking out for your client. Look, get a message to you uncle josh for me. Tell him i guess i'm too old and too rich to get involved with a project like this. I like to keep the competition outside the company. Good luck to you, bill. I'm sure you'll do just fine without me.
Bill: (Sighs)
danny: Well, you engineered that pretty well.
Bill: What...
Danny: Yeah, it was a little obvious.
Bill: Ah, danny, you know what? I was just...
Danny: Hey, if I were in your shoes, i would have done exactly the same thing.
Bill: You know, you did just throw me a bone there, so...
Danny: Just one? I think it was more like three or four.
Bill: Yeah, that's true.
Danny: Bill, look, when josh decided to step back from the project, i had some concerns, but you have more than proven yourself. And if josh isn't seeing that, he ain't looking. So, as far as I'm concerned, the client wants you running the show.
Bill: Well, the client won't be sorry.
Cassie: What do you think you're doing?
Jeffrey: What does it look like i'm doing? Your bartender's missing in action, so i'm substituting for him, okay? I'm making myself a drink. Don't worry, okay? I'm going to pay for it. As a matter of fact, here, huh? That should cover it. And I'm feeling so generous I'm going to give myself a whale of a tip.
Cassie: Oh, what about the way beth took off out of here? Was that your generosity at work? Oh, come on. That exit had your name written all over it.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, beth's a big girl, okay? She can take care of herself.
Cassie: Maybe she can, and maybe she just wanted someone she could count on.
Jeffrey: Well, maybe that was her first mistake. Something'S... You know, beth and i had something fun, something spontaneous, and we were just cruising right along until she decided she wanted something she could count on.
Cassie: Your charm is amazing. You should write greeting cards.
Jeffrey: You know, beth isn't the only woman who has this particular affliction either.
Cassie: Affliction?
Jeffrey: Yeah. Women. They want one thing, and then they do everything in their power to prevent their men from giving it to them.
Cassie: Okay, i see, so if we all just shut up and let you show us the way, we'll all be so much happier?
Jeffrey: Yeah. Yeah. You got that right.
Edmund: I promised... I promised i'd give you some time, and I intend to keep that promise. I just want to make sure that you're all right.
Sandy: Well, who knows? Marah won't even talk to me.
Edmund: You were friends before...
Sandy: Before she had a crush on me? Yeah, we were.
Edmund: All right, and what about the rest of the family?
Sandy: Well, shayne's being really cool about the whole thing. And josh, well, I didn't know josh before I came to town, but he's been really good to me.
Edmund: Reva? She's a remarkable woman.
Sandy: A remarkable woman who abandoned me. That's kind of a tough one to get over, you know? Look, I know you're trying to be nice, but I don't really know you and I don't want to talk about it. There's not much to say, anyway. Reva gave me up; so did richard. You can't blame me for blaming them.
Edmund: You don't know the whole story.
Sandy: I know enough. Once upon a time, there was a prince and a princess, and they brought a baby boy into the world, and then decided they couldn't be bothered.
Edmund: No. Once upon a time a prince and a princess brought a baby boy into the world and then made the unspeakable sacrifice to protect him from the prince's brother, who would be me.
Lizzie: Daddy. Daddy?
Phillip: You're home.
Lizzie: But i never left.
Phillip: Please don't walk away. Please, we have so much to talk about. I want to know everything that there is to know about you.
Lizzie: Dad?
Phillip: I want a chance to make it up to you. Your mother wouldn't let me be a part of your life when you were young, and she was wrong. She was wrong to do that, and i'll show her that she was wrong. I'll show everybody.
Lizzie: Daddy. Daddy. Daddy. What's wrong with you? Daddy, you're saying things that don't even make sense.
Phillip: It's all right, sweetheart. I'm sorry, it's okay. I guess I'm just... I'm a little emotional. I see how you're doing so well with your therapy. You're making such progress. You're working so hard.
Lizzie: Daddy, there was a phone call earlier.
Phillip: There was a phone a call?
Lizzie: Yeah, you said you heard the phone ring, and it was some detective agency, and maybe they can help you out with olivia.
Phillip: Honey, thank you. That's great news. Thank you!
Jeffrey: All right, just, you down, sit down, thank you, okay? And just try this. You'll like it. I guarantee it will cure all of your ails. There we go.
Cassie: You know...
Richard: Mm?
Cassie: ...When i first met you, i thought this whole attitude thing was an act, but you really are like this, huh?
Jeffrey: Well, maybe I just don't like to pull my punches, okay? I thought beth would appreciate such honesty, but obviously i was wrong.
Cassie: I'm sorry, did you just say you were wrong? Jeffrey o'neill said he was wrong about something?
Jeffrey: All right, all right. It doesn't happen very often so enjoy the moment. What?
Cassie: I just can't figure you out.
Jeffrey: You can't figure me out? Well, let me help you. Okay, we need three shot glasses and one olive. Now, watch very closely because the hands are quicker than the eye. Around, around...
Cassie: I can see the olive.
Jeffrey: Just please, for once in your... Thank you. Around, around, and around it goes. Where it stops nobody knows. Okay, mrs. Winslow, what do you see, where is the olive?
Cassie: Could you make it any easier? These glasses are transparent.
Jeffrey: Yeah, and so am I. That's today's lesson.
Edmund: I carried around a lot of anger back when you were born, a lot of jealousy. I was ambitious.
Sandy: Ambition isn't such a bad thing.
Edmund: It is when you let it drive you to do just about anything to get what you want. And that's where it drove me to. And it was a very bad thing.
Sandy: What do you mean?
Edmund: I wanted the throne, and the only thing standing between me and throne was...
Sandy: Me. But to get rid of me, you would have had to...
Edmund: Reva couldn't protect you any longer, so she decided to simply remove you from the equation. She gave you up, because the most important thing to her was your safety. I never knew what happened to you. Richard didn't know either. As a matter of fact, my brother didn't learn about what became of you until years later. When he found out, he backed reva's decision 100%, because they both put you first. So if you're looking for any place to cast blame, then you don't have to look any further because everything that's happened here is because of me.
Sandy: Maybe. But maybe in the end you did us all a favor.
sandy: Let's face it, we don't know what would have happened if reva hadn't given me up. Maybe she would have wound up here anyway. Maybe marah and shayne would have resented me. Maybe josh wouldn't have accepted me. All I know is I didn't come to springfield to get involved. I just came to see what I was missing. I'm sorry, maybe you were hoping to get some kind of rise out of me, huh?
Edmund: No, no...
Sandy: Look, I'll get angry at you later for wanting me dead. Right now, i'm just too confused about everything to really care.
Edmund: Hey, wait, wait. This is no time to be stupid. I wasted most of my life being angry and bitter, when it would have been a hell of a lot easier just to let someone help me. My brother tried to help me. Over and over again he reached out to me and over and over again I rejected him. Not a day goes by that i don't live without that regret.
Sandy: That's you, not me.
Edmund: No, that's everyone. Look, look. You have a choice. You can let all that anger consume you, you can be like me. Or you can let it go, and be the kind of man your father was.
Sandy: Like it's just that easy.
Edmund: No, it's not. It's not even remotely easy. But then again, nothing worth having ever is.
Jeffrey: So you take the woman to a restaurant, hm? A nice restaurant, a japanese restaurant, for example, and before the appetizers have even arrived she's already figured out 101 ways in which she wants to change you. But does she tell you that? No or course not. Because she knows that if she utters one word that even points in that direction, this guy is going to take off and run for the hills as fast as he can, right?
Cassie: I thought you said today's lessons was over.
Jeffrey: Well, I mean if you're interested in a guy for what he brings to the table then you should be happy. But if you're not buying what he's selling, then maybe you should be shopping somewhere else.
Cassie: Are you finished?
Jeffrey: Oh, mrs. Winslow, i have just begun.
Cassie: I meant with your drink.
Jeffrey: Oh, yeah. What was i saying?
Cassie: Something about buying and selling.
Jeffrey: Oh yeah. So, you know what I'm selling?
Cassie: No.
Jeffrey: Well, you should. Because I never kept it from you, no. I like passion, I like excitement. I like to take the lead, but i don't mind following, you know, as long as it leads to somewhere unexpected because some of the best things in life are unexpected. Aren't they mrs. Winslow? You know exactly what I'm talking about, don't you?
Cassie: Yes.
Jeffrey: Yeah. You know, let it all go and go with your gut. You don't plan anything, you don't know where you're going to land and you don't even care. You just... You just do it. Well, you asked and I answered.
Cassie: I didn't ask.
Michelle: I don't know how i feel about bill playing dirty.
Danny: Honey, he's marking his territory, that's business.
Michelle: Yeah, but still, it's not like him to... Danny?
Danny: What? What are you doing?
Michelle: Okay, just tell me that this was you, okay, even if it wasn't, just tell me that this was you...
Danny: No, it wasn't me. Honey, come on, I'm sure there's some explanation.
Michelle: Do you have one?
Danny: No, not at the moment.
Michelle: Okay, then tell me, tell me that this was you, okay? Because the alternative is really freaking me out.
Phillip: Honey, thank you, you know i've been waiting to hear something.
Lizzie: Yeah, it just looked like you could use some good news, that's all.
Phillip: Yeah, when did they call? They should still be at the office. And if they found olivia, maybe my little girl's on her way home.
Danny: Next on "guiding light"...
Josh: You told christopher about this before you told your husband about it? I mean, I... I am still your husband, right?
Sandy: I'm having a hard time imagining my life without you.
Marah: We knew each other for like three minutes in the scheme of things, you should just get over it.
This has been "guiding light."