Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 11/05/03
Provided by Suzanne
eden: Oh, aren't you glad i waited? Oh!
Tony: What are you thinking?
Bill: You waited up for me.
Eden: Mm. Bill?
Bill: You expected someone else kissing you awake, huh? (Laughs)
eden: No, i...
Bill: Oh, i like the outfit, especially these shoes.
Eden: Bill, bill, bill, i can'T. I... I can't.
Phillip: Because I hired you to find ms. Spencer. Well, see I don't see you making any progress. I want daily progress reports. Uh-huh. Yeah, well, you know what? I'll tell you what, have mr. Gilroy call me when he gets back or i will be taking my business elsewhere.
Alan: Phillip, is everything all right? I mean, you seem a bit anxious.
Phillip: Nothing I can't handle.
Alan: By lying to your family, hiding out in the loft?
Phillip: I wasn't hiding, alan, I was just working...
Alan: Hmm.
Phillip: ...In peace.
Alan: Look, i know you're under a lot of pressure, a lot of stress lately, phillip. So, have you thought about maybe taking some time off?
Phillip: You run the company for me while i'm gone?
Alan: If you want, yes, but that's not why i suggested that.
Phillip: No, of course not.
Alan: You may not believe me, phillip, but i am very worried about you.
Phillip: You know what? You're right, I don't believe you.
Cassie: Hey! I thought we were going to make this a lazy morning?
Edmund: Well, we were, but there's someplace I have to be.
Cassie: What could be more important than me showing you how much i missed you while i was gone?
Edmund: Well, it's not more important, it's just... It's just more pressing.
Cassie: What? Morning paper?
Edmund: Marah's fashion show made front page. Notice the photograph?
Cassie: Marah and sandy.
Edmund: Yes, marah and sandy. Sandy, a.K.A. Jonathan, her half-brother, the man I tried to kill when he was a boy. You know, it's no wonder their smiles look a bit forced.
Cassie: Edmund, come on.
Edmund: Cassie, i can stay and have some coffee with you, but then i really have to go.
Cassie: Where are you going? To jonathan? What are you going to do, tell him everything?
Edmund: Yes, I am. He has to know i'm the reason he never knew his mother. He's blaming reva. It's not right.
Cassie: No, it's not right, and, yes, you should tell him everything. But does it have to be now?
Edmund: Cassie, if I don't at least try to undo some of the damage i've done to reva's family, how can you ever trust me with yours?
Cassie: Edmund, please, don't do this.
Edmund: Don't do what? Be responsible? Do the right thing?
Cassie: Stop blaming yourself!
Edmund: For something i did? Why shouldn't I blame myself?
Cassie: Because that was a lifetime ago, all right?
Edmund: Not to jonathan, it wasn't. Cassie, to jonathan the wound is just as fresh as the day i made it. He grew up never knowing his parents because of me, because i was willing to go as far as killing him to get control of the throne, cassie. You can't condone that.
Cassie: No, i don't. Can you sit down, please? I don'T. And I know you don't, or you wouldn't be trying to make amends for it. But I don't understand how confessing is going to make things better. Right now, jonathan is very confused.
Edmund: Because he's been living under a false assumption.
Cassie: Okay. Maybe, but still...
Edmund: Cassie, please, please, don't try to stop me from doing this, please. I know you mean well, and I know you care about me, but i have to feel worthy of that caring, and i don't, and i never will unless i confess to this kid what i did to him and somehow, somehow try to make it up to him.
Tammy: Hey, edmund. Mom, could i borrow your little red purse, the one with the... Is this a bad time?
Cassie: No, no, it's not a bad time. I thought you had a class later? Teachers meetings or something?
Tammy: Yeah, I do, but I'm going to meet joey at company for an early lunch, if that's okay.
Cassie: Sure, as long as there's no trespassing involved.
Tammy: No, we're just going to be going over lines for the audition for the school play.
Cassie: You're auditioning for a play?
Tammy: Well, I won't get the part. I mean, you know how nervous i get in front of people.
Cassie: You weren't nervous at the fashion show of marah's last night.
Tammy: I know. You know, I was actually kind of surprised, but i felt pretty good up there. So that's why I thought I'd give the play a shot. And plus, if joey and I both get parts...
Cassie: You can spend more time together.
Tammy: In a completely supervised and very educational environment.
Cassie: Yeah, right. I guess I can't argue with that, huh?
Tammy: And, plus, if I get the role, then brittany martin wouldn't get to have all those love scenes with my boyfriend. Gee, wouldn't that just be too bad?
Cassie: (Laughs) whoa, I think you do get your brains from me. So what's the play?
Tammy: Ugh! "Romeo and juliet."
Cassie: How can you say, "ugh"?
Tammy: Well, it's the language. I mean, all these weird and convoluted ways of saying the most simple stuff. "Romeo, romeo, wherefore art thou, romeo?" Why doesn't she just say, "where are you, romeo?"
Edmund: Because that's not the question juliet's asking. When she says, "wherefore art thou romeo," why are you romeo montague, of the one family with whom my father has but forbid me to associate?
Tammy: Is that how you're supposed to read it? Whoa, you're right. I didn't get that before.
Cassie: You know what i think? I think edmund is just the person to help you get shakespeare, and to help you get that part in the play.
Edmund: No, i don't... I really don't think...
Tammy: Oh, would you, uncle edmund, please? I mean, you obviously know so much about the play. It would mean so much to me.
Edmund: Tammy, I would love to. Really, I would, but there's someplace I have to be, remember?
Cassie: Oh, but that can wait, can't it? I mean, come on, can't it wait? This is important.
Edmund: So is this.
Cassie: (Whispers) please?
Edmund: All right... (Laughs) all right, all right! All right. Well, let me sit down and, tammy, you and i will battle the big, bad, beautiful bard.
Bill: Am I in the doghouse or something?
Eden: Of course not.
Bill: If it's because i pulled an all-nighter, i had to take that phone call to japan.
Eden: I know that.
Bill: I got buddy carroll coming in today for an interview, and now is not the time for josh to start doubting me.
Eden: I never thought he doubted you.
Bill: Well, me neither.
Eden: Oh, about the office, you don't know.
Bill: Well, i guess not.
Eden: Marah never made it to her after-party last night. I found her outside of company, upset. Your whiz kid sandy foster? Well, that's not his real name.
Bill: No?
Eden: No. His real name is jonathan randall, your aunt reva's son. The prince's father. Marah and shayne's half-brother.
Bill: Wait, what?
Eden: Yeah, nice of him to drop this bomb on marah...
Bill: (Sighs)
eden: ...On the most important day of her life, and now she's freaked. Not because he lied to her and everybody else lied to her, but because she had feelings for him.
Bill: Wait a minute, what are you talking about, feelings?
Eden: Of the un-sisterly variety. Did you not know?
Bill: I guess i did.
Eden: Honestly, do you men not have any romantic radar? Do you see nothing?
Bill: Well, i do see those shoes strapped on to a beautiful pair of legs.
Eden: I am serious, bill.
Bill: What?
Eden: Marah! Marah had feelings for sandy, and now he's her half-brother? And it's disgusting.
Bill: (Laughs)
eden: It couldn't have come at a worse time. Or maybe it's a good time, depending on how she handles it.
Bill: Handles what?
Eden: Tony's back.
Bill: Oh, great.
Eden: Don't say that. She was in love with him, and they should still be together if it wasn't for me.
Bill: What, you? What did you have to do with it?
Eden: Oh, the picture, salerno...
Bill: Eden, eden, please listen to me, okay? Tony, marah: Breaking up, getting back together, breaking up, getting back together way before you came to town.
Eden: Well, i am going to get them back together.
Bill: Whoa, baby, please. Look at me, look at me. Do me a favor, stay out of it.
Eden: This is your cousin we're talking about.
Bill: Right, my cousin. Just hurt by sandy, or jonathan, or whatever the heck he's calling himself these days. Now, do you really think she needs to be hurt by tony again? No, she doesn'T. There's always drama with those two. It's like constant angst.
Eden: Yeah, but it's better than constant boredom.
Bill: Wait a minute, who's bored?
Eden: Not me.
Bill: Are you sure about that? Because you were enjoying that doughnut a little bit more than you were enjoying me right now, and that could spell problems.
Eden: I just needed a little sugar rush before I tucked you into bed.
Bill: Is that right? Well, in this outfit, that's not all you'll be doing.
Eden: How about, without the outfit?
Gus: Maybe you should be giving me some portion of your proceeds that you get from the jenson case. Let's say, 90-10, that'd be fair.
Harley: Well, i think you should give me a portion of your salary, like 90-10.
Gus: Oh, honey, i do that already, and all in your favor. Let's ask alan. Alan are you...
Harley: No, no, no. Don't ask him!
Gus: I just wanted to say thank you for asking us. It's a beautiful...
Harley: Good morning!
Alan: Beautiful. Phillip's still not doing well.
Harley: Worse than before?
Alan: Yes, he's been holed up in the loft, incommunicado, didn't tell anyone he was there. Rick found him, finally, and dragged him back here.
Harley: That does not sound good.
Alan: I suggested that he take some time off because he's under so much pressure, and he accused me of trying to make a power grab for spaulding.
Harley: Are you? Alan, are you?
Alan: Would you two talk with him? Maybe he'll open up with you.
Gus: Really, you think so?
Harley: Yes.
Gus: I don't know about that.
Harley: Yes, let'S...
Gus: Yeah, sure. We can do that. You know what? Here's what we'll do. You'll start talking about zach and we'll just segue in, and we'll take it from there.
Harley: Good, okay.
Alan: Great, thank you.
Harley: Hey, phillip. Good morning. I thought we'd find you out here on such a gorgeous day. I wanted to give you an update on your son, zach. He is cutting another molar. Can you believe it?
Phillip: You didn't come here to tell me that. classes, she's ready. She'll be just fine.
Phillip: You know what? You're right, right. I shouldn't be worried at all. I should be grateful that I'm so dispensable. It's great seeing you.
Edmund: So, "romeo and juliet," two star-crossed lovers forbidden by their families to be together. Do we have any modern-day equivalents? You and joey. No, no, no, no. The stakes just aren't high enough. Let's see, michelle bauer and danny santos. Do you know their story?
Tammy: Marah told me all about it. Carmen told danny to kill michelle to avenge his brother's death.
Edmund: Exactly, so we have a feud: Two families at war. But danny and michelle love each other so much, they're going to risk everything to be together, right?
Tammy: Yeah.
Edmund: Many attempts were made to rid their lives of carmen and her hatred. They were married in secret. Danny even faked his death at one point.
Tammy: Just like "romeo and juliet," it's practically the same situation.
Edmund: Exactly. So shakespeare's play isn't so farfetched is it?
Tammy: Only, at the end of the play, romeo and juliet really do die.
Edmund: Yes, well, that's... That's heartbreaking, but one good thing doesn't come out of it.
Tammy: Their families finally decided to stop fighting with each other. If only they'd thought of that before.
Edmund: Well then, romeo and juliet would still be alive, living happily ever after. But the play's a tragedy, so that's not the outcome. I guess there are some things that just can't be undone. There are some wrongs that can't be righted.
Tammy: Some can, uncle edmund.
Edmund: Yes, well, I suppose that remains to be seen. Let us turn to act two, scene two. (Laughter)
bill: Okay, these shoes, you are definitely not going to give these back. Mm-mm.
Eden: Oh, it is amazing what a little pair of shoes can do.
Bill: Mm-hmm. (Laughs)
eden: So, about the situation with your uncle josh...
Bill: Why do you got to bring up such an unromantic subject, why?
Eden: It is you and your feelings to me that is romantic.
Bill: Good grief.
Eden: So, he is going to meet this guy carroll this afternoon, and you're going to be there.
Bill: Yeah, me and danny. Josh just wants to see if we'll get along, see if I can work under him. I mean, it is weird, though.
Eden: What is?
Bill: I don't know. When i first came back to town, it's like, yeah, i cared about the business. I mean, it was started by my granddaddy, has my name on it.
Eden: You weren't exactly ambitious, were you?
Bill: Well, you know, i mean, whatever josh or my dad wanted me to do was fine by me. You know, whether it was in the office, on-site, whatever. But then, I don't know, after shayne's accident, josh gave me the reins and...
Eden: And you got a little taste of power.
Bill: It's not really power. It's more like...
Eden: Uh-huh.
Bill: ...The sense of accomplishment. You know, josh, my dad...
Eden: (Laughs)
bill: ...They put their faith in me, and i delivered.
Eden: Yes, you did, try 200%.
Bill: That's right, that's right, and now josh wants to bring in some stranger to micromanage and tell me how to do a better job. I mean, you can not do a better job than i've been doing.
Eden: I agree.
Bill: So then why is doing this? I mean, you said you think he feels threatened by me.
Eden: Maybe. Or maybe, in some misguided way, he actually thinks he's helping you out by bringing someone else in. You told me that he was concerned about you burning out, right?
Bill: Yeah, well, i told him he doesn't have to worry about that. I mean, I like being in charge and I don't want work for someone else, you know?
Eden: Then don'T.
Bill: Well, what am i going to do, just quit?
Eden: No, you can be the big man that you have become, and take charge of the situation and make the end result turn out the way you want it.
Bill: I mean, that's fine by me. The question is "how?"
Eden: I don't know yet, but i'm sure if we put our heads together, we can come up with something.
Bill: Mm.
Lizzie: Daddy, look, I'm in the newspaper. See, they're talking about marah's fashion show, and they said how poised and stunning i was. (Laughs)
phillip: That's nice.
Lizzie: What's wrong?
Phillip: Nothing's wrong.
Lizzie: Yeah, there is. You seem sad.
Phillip: Give me a hug.
Tammy: How camest thou... Get down.
Edmund: Oh, right, sorry.
Tammy: How camest thou hither and wherefore? There's that "wherefore" word again.
Edmund: Now you know what it means, so don'T... Don't worry about it. You saw me tonight, joey-- romeo-- at the ball. It was love at first sight and now here i am, right beneath your window, a very hard place to get to, a very dangerous place to be. Just find out what juliet's thinking, and then say it as you think it. Right? Give it another shot.
Tammy: How camest thou hither and wherefore? The orchard walls are high and hard to climb and the place death considering who thou art, if any of my kinsmen find thee here.
Edmund: Beautiful. It really was beautiful. Now just listen, listen. Don't think about what you're going to say next. Just listen, all right? With love's light wings do thy perch these walls, for stony limits cannot hold love out, and what love can do that dares love attempt. Therefore, thy kinsmen are no stop to me.
Tammy: If they see thee here, they'll murder thee.
Edmund: Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye than 20 of their swords. Look thou but sweet, and i am proof against their enmity. Tammy?
Tammy: Sorry. Sorry. I was listening like you said, and I forgot. What's... What's my next line?
Edmund: That's okay. We don't have to finish the scene unless you want to. Just... Tammy, put yourself into juliet's shoes. Find out what she's saying, find out what's being said to her, and don't be scared of the words. They're your thoughts, let them transport you. Yes?
Tammy: Yeah, I guess so. Yeah. Mom.
Cassie: Hi. You know, I can come back.
Tammy: No, I have to get going. Thank you, uncle edmund. Thank you. If i get this part, it will be because of you.
Edmund: No, fair juliet, it will be because of you.
Tammy: I'll see you guys later.
Cassie: Oh, wait, tammy, here.
Tammy: Oh, yeah, thanks. Bye.
Cassie: You made her very happy for being such a bad influence.
Eden: Josh still thinks that you are somebody that doesn't want any more responsibility and is grateful to share the load. The trick is to convince him otherwise.
Bill: Keep going.
Eden: But you can't convince him. Not that you are not smart and persuasive and all that.
Bill: But?
Eden: Josh has a lot going on right now. His brain probably can't handle any more. That's why i said it's time to take charge and do what you feel is right.
Bill: What am i going to do, call him and tell him to cancel the meeting with buddy carroll? Give him an ultimatum: It's either me or him? Is that it?
Eden: No, absolutely not.
Bill: What?
Eden: I was thinking about your father, how he comes across as this big, old, laid-back cowboy. But he always seems to get his way with josh, doesn't he?
Bill: Almost always, yeah. How would my dad handle the situation? That's a very interesting question.
Eden: I know. Okay. I know this may sound a little bit radical, but it may be a little bit wrong, but...
Bill: What?
Eden: Is it possible for you to cut josh out of the meeting, circumvent him all together?
Bill: Huh, you mean just like take the meeting with carroll on my own with danny? But, i mean, what am i going to do, sabotage the guy?
Eden: "Sabotage" is such a strong word. Let's just say if it was billy at this meeting, he would find a real charming way to make mr. Carroll feel very unwelcome.
Bill: That's pretty devious.
Eden: Is that what billy would think?
Bill: No, i think he would think that's damn smart. You know, eden, you really are a bad girl.
Eden: And aren't you glad?
Alan: Where's harley?
Gus: She had to go.
Alan: Well, how did it go with phillip?
Gus: He was thrilled to see me as usual.
Alan: But you see what I'm talking about. Tell me, what can I do for him?
Gus: Well, honestly, I don't think you should do anything, because whatever you, it's just going to make matters worse, and harley... Harley agrees with me.
Alan: All right. I'll do my best to steer clear of him.
Gus: Good.
Alan: Now are you ready for me to give you a statement?
Gus: Yeah, sure. What's... No rush, you know.
Alan: No rush? I thought you were eager to wrap up this case.
Gus: Mm. Well, on a professional level, sure, but on a personal level, you know, I could have worked on this case forever.
Alan: So you're enjoying partnering with harley again, huh?
Gus: Well, it's two kids, two careers. You know, I'm lucky if we spend any time together alone, never mind romantic time.
Alan: Well, it sounds like you need to whisk your fiancee off for a weekend getaway.
Gus: A weekend, are you kidding? A night. I'd be happy with one night.
Alan: You don't want me to help phillip with his problem, but what would you say if i helped you with yours?
Lizzie: I'm being more positive now, less overwhelmed. I mean, the fashion show, being there and being a part of it, that was a huge thing for me. And I would just act like myself and everybody seemed like they liked me.
Phillip: Honey, of course they like you. You are a wonderful, sweet young woman.
Lizzie: Yeah, i don't know about that. But I don't know. I felt like I had my own life, and I wasn't just an attachment of your's and mom'S. Not that i'm criticizing it.
Phillip: You can criticize, it's okay.
Lizzie: I'm just getting ready for when olivia comes home and she brings back your daughter and you become consumed with it, with them, which you should.
Phillip: Honey, no matter how consumed i ever get with my situation with olivia over this child, i will always have time for you. You know what? It's not even an issue right now. I've got p.I.S all over the place looking for her and they don't have any idea where she is, so...
Tammy: Hi.
Joey: Hey.
Tammy: Sorry I'm late. I just had the most incredible experience with my uncle. He was coaching me on the scene from "romeo and juliet," and all of a sudden, a light bulb went off and I just got it.
Joey: Cool.
Tammy: When you really start to understand this play, it's amazing. Joey, I really hope we get these parts.
Joey: Yeah, we get to miss classes.
Tammy: What?
Joey: What, you didn't know? Anyone who's in the play gets excused from classes the entire week before it opens.
Tammy: Oh, well, that's cool, I guess. So you want to practice the scene?
Joey: No, not now. Let's eat.
Tammy: Joey, we should practice. It's fun. It's so romantic.
Joey: Later, okay? I'm starving.
Tammy: Okay. So what do you think of the play, "romeo and juliet"? I mean, if you were romeo and you saw juliet lying there in the crypt and you thought she was dead, would you take the poison and try to kill yourself, because you couldn't live without her?
Joey: No way. That guy was a total loser.
Edmund: I'm good with the children, cassie. Of course, it serves my self- interest to be good to your children.
Cassie: Stop! Stop! You know, this beating yourself up, it's very unbecoming.
Edmund: Really? Even more so than all the other things i've done?
Cassie: When are you going to be satisfied, edmund? When? Do you have to stack up enough good deeds?
Edmund: Cassie...
Cassie: Because, you know, our church is going to rebuild these homes that were destroyed in an earthquake in guatemala; you could go on that trip. Or you could go down to fifth street park and you could use one of those skewer things; you could pick up trash.
Edmund: Cassie, i'm still the man who tried to kill reva's child and, for that matter, I'm still the man who made you drive off the road and killed your child.
Cassie: I'm not listening to this.
Edmund: Cassie, cassie, cassie, that's exactly what happened, and when are you going to wake up and remember it?
Eden: Ready, ready, ready, ready?
Bill: Hey, uncle josh, yeah. It's bill. Yeah, I just wanted to update you on the hashimoto call. No, it actually went better than expected, yeah. They... They loved our proposed changes. Yeah, especially my fix on the glass atrium. Yeah. Oh, yeah, another thing, they will be sending us another payment ahead of schedule. Well, you know, I have my ways. Listen, I just want to see what your day was like today, because i was thinking if you're really that jammed up, danny and i could take that meeting with carroll on our own. Well, you know, I figured it's just a meet-and-greet anyway, tell him a little bit more about the company, see how we all get along. So, I mean, if you're really busy, there's no reason for you to be there. Unless, you know, you want to be, but there's no... Yeah, I'm sure. Hey, listen, not a problem. In fact, i'm going to take a little nap and i'll be raring to go in a couple of hours. Yes, yes, okay. You got it. Take care.
Eden: He went for it.
Bill: You are brilliant. You are brilliant, not to mention the most sexiest woman on the planet.
Eden: Oh, and you said that you were going to take a little nap and you'd be ready in a couple hours.
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Eden: I think no nap.
Bill: Mm-hmm.
Eden: Ready now. Mm-hmm.
Bill: I can manage.
Eden: You think?
Bill: I think i can do it. I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.
Edmund: Cassie, i am so tempted to accept your forgiveness and just take the easy way out.
Cassie: It's not the easy way out, edmund. It's not.
Edmund: Cassie, you know how much i love you and what we have together.
Cassie: Well then, don't hurt us by doing this.
Edmund: I'm not going to use you to fix what's wrong with me.
Cassie: There's nothing wrong with you, okay? You're not that person anymore.
Edmund: Cassie, wishing that doesn't make it so.
Cassie: I'm not wishing it. I'm not wishing it.
Edmund: Cassie, cassie, i think I'm on the right track. I hope... I hope i'm on the right track, but i know I still have a long way to go.
Cassie: No, no you don'T.
Edmund: Cassie, you have given me so much, and I don't deserve it. I want to deserve you. I want to deserve you and your children and all the wonderful things you've brought into my life. And I don'T. I don'T. Not yet.
Tammy: Oh, and I love this part where you say, "see how she leans her cheek upon her hand? Oh, that i were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek." Isn't it beautiful? Joey? Oh, that i were a french fry upon his plate that he might pay some attention to me.
Joey: Huh?
Tammy: Nothing.
Joey: Are you mad at me?
Tammy: Why would I be mad at you?
Joey: Finished? Got my wheels back. You want to go for a ride?
Tammy: Sure.
Alan: Harley, i thought that was your car out front.
Harley: Hi. Is gus with you?
Alan: No, he had to go to the police station. Do you have a moment?
Harley: Sure, i guess i have a couple of minutes.
Alan: I just wanted to tell you that i thought you handled yourself superbly on the jenson case. I thought you were tenacious, discreet, and yet very crafty. That is precisely why I want to hire you to investigate a very delicate personal matter for me.
Harley: Something personal?
Alan: It involves spaulding. It seems that one of our employees has been selling top- secret research to one of our big competitors. Now, tonight, they're having a rendezvous where cash and documents will change hands. I would like you to be there to witness it.
Harley: Well, why don't you tell gus? Get the police involved?
Alan: No, no, no, i don't want that to happen, because then it will become public knowledge.
Harley: Hmm. So after i witness this drop-off and I get the photos and i get the tapes, i give it to you and you... What? You blackmail somebody with it. Is that it? I don't think so, alan.
Alan: Harley, you've got to stop thinking the worst of me.
Harley: Well, i'm trying. But the truth is, actually, see, my gig is kind of like... I work for disadvantaged people, you know? Those who can't actually afford a P.I. And you are not in that category.
Alan: I understand that completely. But you're going to need capital to underwrite this noble venture. And my job would allow you to have that. Now, i'm willing to pay you this as a retainer. I think that will cover your office expenses for quite a few months.
Harley: Yes, it would. Can you give me your word that this assignment is on the up and up?
Alan: If I'm doing anything wrong, may i be smitten from above.
Harley: There you go. I guess I'm in.
Alan: Excellent. Now, this is what I want you to do.
Lizzie: What are you thinking about?
Phillip: I was just thinking about how proud I am of you. You're doing so well with your therapy. You've come a long way in a very short time. I wanted to can ask you, are... Are you sure that you want to have me sit in on your session again today?
Lizzie: Yeah, sure. Why wouldn't i?
Phillip: Oh, no, it's... I don't want to you to feel like i'm pushing you, that's all.
Lizzie: No, i think it would be good for both of us.
Phillip: Hmm. Okay. Okay. Well, then i tell you what, I'm going to go make a few calls so when that when the doctor gets here, I'm all yours. How does that sound?
Lizzie: That sounds great. Oh, dad? Hello, spaulding residence?
Detective: Phillip spaulding,
Lizzie: May i ask who's calling?
Detective: Sure, marty gilroy
of the gilroy agency.
Lizzie: Will he know what this is in reference to?
Detective: I'm a private
detective returning his call.
Lizzie: Is this... Does this have something to do with the woman he's trying to find, olivia spencer?
Detective: And you would be?
Lizzie: This is his personal assistant. I'm sorry to say, but he will not be around all day today, but if you give me the information i'll be sure to tell him.
Gus: Next on "guiding light":
Jeffrey: I'm sorry that you saw what you saw.
Lizzie: Daddy, what's wrong with you?
Ed: Buzz, i never asked you...
Buzz: I went. The 17th, that's what you were going to ask about.
This has been "guiding light."