GL Transcript Friday 9/26/03

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 9/26/03

Provided by Suzanne

beth: Hi.

Jeffrey: Beth, what a surprise.

Beth: That's the idea.

Jeffrey: Is it raining?

Beth: No, no, i just like to be prepared.

Jeffrey: Well...

Beth: Is something wrong?

Jeffrey: Uh, well, you know, it's... It's great to see you, it's just that... It's not a good time.

Beth: Really?

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Beth: Huh. Well... Now is it a good time?

Edmund: Oh, good lord!

Cassie: Isn't it fabulous? (Laughs)

edmund: That's not the first word that jumps to mind.

Cassie: Oh, come on, don't be such a guy. This is perfect for a baby shower. Oh...

Edmund: Oh.

Cassie: Oh!

Edmund: Hello.

Cassie: Hi. (Laughs)

edmund: What you need is a taller banquette.

Cassie: No, i need a taller person on it.

Edmund: No.

Cassie: Oh, come on. Okay, then you get to finish blowing up the rest of the balloons.

Edmund: Again, again, no. My manhood has suffered enough inviting every woman i know in this town. What you need to do is ask tammy to help you with all of... All of this. It will be perfect for some mother-daughter bonding.

Cassie: No, i can't. She's off with joey having fun like every teenage girl should.

Tammy: Joey.

Joey: You feel good.

Tammy: You would know, you have your hands all over me. We can't.

Joey: Why not?

Tammy: We're right outside my mom's hotel.

Joey: Okay, we'll go somewhere more private.

Tammy: I can't, i... I promised lizzie I'd hang out with her tonight.

Joey: What? You want to hang out with your girlfriend over me?

Tammy: Look, lizzie really needs a friend right now. She's having a hard time.

Joey: Okay, i'll go with you. We'll both cheer her up.

Tammy: It's a nice thought but I think she's kind of embarrassed about her situation right now.

Joey: Okay, i get the point. I'll just hook up with you after you see her.

Tammy: Maybe.

Joey: I'll call you at lizzie's.

Tammy: It might not work out.

Joey: I'll call you anyway.

Tammy: Okay. Sorry.

Joey: So am i.

Christopher: Ms. Spencer.

Olivia: Hi.

Christopher: I'm christopher langham.

Olivia: I... I know who you are, dr. Langham. You're working with lizzie spaulding.

Christopher: Yeah, that's right. In fact, lizzie is the reason i'm here. Is there someplace we can go and talk in private?

Lizzie: Oh, no. Do you think we should put you back on? No, well, no, I don't think so. (Knock on door)

lillian: Lizzie?

Lizzie: Hey, nana.

Lillian: What are you doing?

Lizzie: Nothing. But tammy might stop by later.

Lillian: Oh, I'm so glad. And how was your session with dr. Langham?

Lizzie: It was okay. I'm just so sick of being stuck in this house 24/7.

Lillian: I know, sweetheart. But you understand why it has to be, right? Look, I'm going to be going out in a little while. But your granddad is downstairs if you need anything, okay?

Lizzie: Where are you going? To olivia's baby shower?

Lillian: Yeah.

Lizzie: And is mom going?

Lillian: Mm-hmm. Is that bothering you?

Lizzie: Nana, look, i love you so much and you know that. But, please, don't play shrink, okay. I have had enough therapy for one day.

Lillian: Okay, sweetheart. I'll poke my head in before i go, okay?

Lizzie: "You are invited to a baby shower for olivia." Isn't that sweet?

Mole: Well, you ain't exactly

mr. Popularity, sandy.

Sandy: Thanks for reminding me, mole.

Mole: Well, that's what I'm

here for, baby, to keep you


Sandy: Marah...

Marah: The door, it was open.

Sandy: What are you doing here?

Marah: I... I came to talk to you but I heard you were doing a show and i just didn't want to bother you.

Sandy: Yeah, moley and I, we're pre-taping some segments at the radio station.

Marah: Right, i should have called.

Sandy: Well, yeah, we're busy. So if you could come back later, it would...

Marah: You know what, actually, while I'm here i'd like to meet him.

Sandy: Meet?

Marah: Yeah, the mole. I have a bone to pick with him, you know. I spent hours on the phone and making posters, and up there on the billboard to get you guys back on the show, and I didn't even so much as get a thank you from him.

Sandy: Well, I've told you how much he really appreciates...

Marah: Yeah, yeah, you told me. I would like to hear it from him. Unless there's a reason you don't want me to meet him.

Sandy: No, no... Just right now we're busy. So if we could...

Marah: Sandy.

Sandy: What?

Marah: Before you came out, i saw you working. I saw you doing the show with the mole, except there is no "mole." It's just you and your "friend."

sandy: My friend? What are you getting at, marah?

Marah: I saw, sandy, I know. There is no mole.

Sandy: (Laughs) marah, that'S... Mole, you know what, moley and I, we have to finish...

Marah: Oh, really, you and the mole?

Sandy: Yes!

Marah: Yeah?

Sandy: Wait, don't!

Marah: Are you sure it's not just you and him? This is whose rights i was defending up on that billboard? This is why I got up there, because of a puppet?

Sandy: No...

Marah: Do you... This is why nobody sees him ever. This is why he's always a no- show, because he doesn't even exist. Do you know how this makes me feel? I have bared my soul to you about tony and about my family. And you spend your days and nights talking to a puppet, pretending that he's a person? I mean... Are you just a total wacko or do you somehow think that this is even mildly funny? Answer me.

Sandy: Okay, you know what, you want the truth?

Harley: Ow.

Blake: I can'T.

Harley: What, do this?

Blake: You, too?

Harley: Are you kidding me? This is going to be the shower from hell, blake.

Blake: I know, and you know what, there's going to be a ton of people in there. And they're never even going to miss us.

Harley: A ton of people? You mean all of olivia's friends?

Blake: She's got to have some, doesn't she?

Harley: Yes. She does have to have some. Yes. People who really do care about her. Not people like us who are showing up purely out of obligation.

Blake: That's right. And who would want... Would you want that at your shower?

Harley: Absolutely not. I think it's best if we just go.

Blake: Kindest for all concerned.

Harley: What do you want to do with the gifts?

Blake: Put them right over there on that table.

Harley: Cassie is not going to mind it.

Blake: Oh, she is so going to understand.

Harley: Let's go get a drink. (Laughter)

cassie: Freeze!

Beth: You did tell me to live in the moment.

Jeffrey: Yes, i did. My god, you are so beautiful. Come here.

Beth: I thought you had someplace to be.

Jeffrey: Yeah, I did. In here with you.

Beth: But... That is the door to your room over there. (Laughs)

jeffrey: It's a suite; they're adjoining rooms. I keep this room for, you know, meetings and... Other things.

Beth: It's very nice. Now, let's go in your other room...

Jeffrey: No, no, no, no, no. You don'T... You don't want to go in there. It's just A... It's just a mess. You know, my junk's all over the place.

Beth: At least it's your junk. You know, this room is a little sterile.

Jeffrey: We'll just have to warm it up.

Beth: A bed?

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, that's why they call it a bedroom.

Beth: I don't know. We've done it in a japanese restaurant and on a dock. A bed seems a little conventional right now.

Jeffrey: Well, that all depends on what you do with it.

Sandy: Okay, I tried partnering up with other people, and it didn't work out. So, I finally decided it would be easier to by my own partner. And I created an alter ego, the mole. Kind of like how a ventriloquist does.

Marah: Yeah, except everyone knows that a ventriloquist works with a dummy. You had everyone believing that the mole was real. Why?

Sandy: If everyone knew i was talking to a puppet, they'd think I'm wacko, like you just did.

Marah: Okay, that sounds good. Now why don't you tell me the real story?

Sandy: Not a big deal. When i was a little kid, lonely, miserable, little kid, my dad was angry all the time, and he liked to take it out on me.

Marah: He hit you?

Sandy: He was a bully. And I couldn't yell back at him because... Because... To tell him what a jerk he was because he was my dad, you know. I just had to take it. And then one day i was in the attic and... Hiding from him, actually, and I found this little guy in a junk box. And right away i liked him, or felt sorry for him. I don't know, but I just... He looked more miserable than me. And I put him on, marah. And I started goofing around and it's like this voice just... I didn't even have to try, it just came out of him. And it was... And it was a strong voice and it had things to say about my dad, and about how it wasn't fair that he picked... Picked on me all the time. And how I had every right to be angry at him and hate him for it.

Marah: All the things that you were feeling, but you weren't able to say.

Sandy: Dumb, right?

Marah: No, no. Actually, you know a lot of child psychologists, they use puppets when they're working with children to get them to open up. I saw it on tv.

Sandy: Oh, well, if you saw it on tv, then it must be so.

Marah: Ah, shut up. No, seriously, tell me... Tell me about him.

Sandy: As i got older, there was more stuff that I wanted to talk about: Social issues, politics, the general stupidity of mankind. And I didn't feel comfortable venting in my own voice. But the mole...

Marah: The mole isn't self- conscious at all.

Sandy: No, the mole is unabashedly in your face, no holds barred. It's incredibly freeing being him, you know. And then over the years i developed a routine, "sandy and the mole." And I tried it on kids in junior high and high school and everyone really liked it.

Marah: So?

Sandy: So, when i came here to school, i saw an ad in the radio... In the paper about the radio station wanting new shock jocks, "send us a sample of your stuff." So i thought why not?

Marah: And since you sent them a tape nobody knew that you and the mole were one in the same.

Sandy: Yeah. And I was going to fess up and tell them when i got the job, but already amongst the staff at the station, there was major buzz about the mole. Everybody wanted to meet him. They thought he was cool. If i would have admitted that he was not real... So i made the decision to keep my mouth shut. And I let them think he was real.

Marah: Wow. Okay, but there's still something that i don't understand. I mean, you... Have been doing the voice of the mole for so long, I don't understand why you would still need the puppet. Can't you do it without it?

Sandy: I don't know; never tried. To be honest, I think I'm afraid to.

Marah: Why?

Sandy: I guess deep down inside, I can't help wondering if, you know, he's the charm, the one with all the magic. And, really, i'm just still nothing.

Olivia: Right. Thank you. Sorry about that. You were saying something about lizzie?

Christopher: Uh, yes. Over here?

Olivia: Sure.

Christopher: Ms. Spencer, olivia, normally the rules of doctor-patient confidentiality would prevent me from talking with a third party about one of my clients, but this is one of those rare situations where the law allows me some flexibility.

Olivia: Really? Why is that?

Christopher: I've been working very closely with lizzie and she's making tremendous progress. But she still feels that you are the cause of many of her problems.

Olivia: Oh, you know what, dr. Langham, you're not telling me anything new.

Christopher: Well, maybe that will make what i have to say a little easier.

Olivia: Well, let me save you the trouble. She... She's out to get me, or however she may have put it.

Christopher: You seem pretty calm about this.

Olivia: No, i'm not calm at all about it. But after she sent me flying down those stairs, there isn't a whole lot you can say that would shock me. I know better than anyone what she's capable of.

Christopher: Well, I'm glad to hear you say that.

Olivia: I'm also not going to let her intimidate me either. I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm not going to seek her out, but I'm also not going to go out of my way to avoid her.

Christopher: May I ask why?

Olivia: Well, first of all, she'd love to think she got to me. But you said it yourself: You know, she's in therapy, she's making progress. Her family has finally admitted that she has a problem. So the situation is under control, isn't it?

Christopher: Uh, no, ms. Spencer. I'm afraid the situation is not under control, far from it.

Lizzie: And you see that's the thing. Dr. Langham is all for me going back out in the real world. It's my parents; they're paranoid.

Tammy: Really?

Lizzie: You know, and it's not like i want to go out clubbing or get wasted or anything. I mean, all I want to do is go to the mall for a couple of hours, or even to the beacon just for a change of scenery, you know. So... By the way, how did you get over here anyway? Did you take your mom's car?

Tammy: No. One of the hotel cars dropped me off.

Lizzie: Oh, so, how are you going to get back home?

Tammy: When i'm ready to go, I'll call them and they'll come pick me up.

Lillian: Tammy? I'm sorry. I couldn't help overhearing, but you don't have to go to all that trouble, sweetie. Alan's driver will be glad to drop you off when you're ready.

Tammy: Are you sure, mrs. Raines?

Lillian: Yeah, it's no problem at all. But don't leave too soon because i know lizzie appreciates having the company, okay?

Tammy: Okay. Thanks.

Lillian: Okay.

edmund: Please stay with us

for the second half of "guiding


Lizzie: Yeah, well, at least you have a boyfriend.

Tammy: For now.

Lizzie: What do you mean "for now"? Did you guys get in a fight or something? Oh, it's about what you said on the phone earlier.

Tammy: Let's just say that joey is ready for certain things that i'm not ready for. He's really ready.

Lizzie: So, he wants you to go all the way with him? But you don't want to?

Tammy: Well, I don't know. I mean, sometimes I think I do. And then i get scared. And then i think maybe it's just nerves and everyone has them their first time.

Lizzie: Well, is he pushing you?

Tammy: Not in a bad way. He just wants to. And sometimes I think that if i don't say "yes" pretty soon, he'll lose interest.

Lizzie: Well, don't do it. Okay, tammy, don't sleep with him until you're absolutely sure that that's what you want to do. Because, i mean, i know you think that this is the way you can keep him forever, but it's the exact opposite. It will just push him away faster.

Tammy: How is that?

Lizzie: Because right now, you're a challenge to him. But, like, once he has you, the thrill's over and he's just going to go find someone else.

Tammy: Joey's not like that.

Lizzie: Oh, come on, tammy, all guys are like that. All right? I mean, there's only one thing i can think of you can keep a guy, and that's not even 100%, but it's close.

Tammy: What's that?

Lizzie: Okay, go ahead and sleep with him. But when you do, make sure you get pregnant.

Tammy: (Laughs) why didn't i think of that?

Lizzie: I'm serious. It worked for olivia, didn't it? Her and my dad are completely wrong for each other. But you know what? Now that they're having a kid together, she's got him hooked. He'll never ever leave her.


Olivia: You've been seeing lizzie on a daily basis, right?

Christopher: Yes.

Olivia: And she's still not allowed to leave the house?

Christopher: That's correct.

Olivia: So what could she possibly do to harm me?

Christopher: Well, hopefully nothing. But I still feel obligated to warn you to take precautions. Just be extra vigilant.

Olivia: Extra vigilant. She can't leave the house. I mean, what could she do to me? And I'm not planning on going over there, so...

Christopher: I think that's wise.

Olivia: Thank you. Is there anything else?

Christopher: Yes. This is my card. Please feel free to call me at any time and for any reason. Take care, ms. Spencer.

Olivia: I'll do my best.

Cassie: You guys were going to bail on me, weren't you?

Harley: Well...

Blake: Basically...

Harley and blake: Yeah.

Harley: Well, but if it's really, really, really important to you that we stay, cassie, of course.

Blake: Yeah, I mean, how bad can it be? That was a dumb question.

Cassie: Do you know what this means? This means if my two best friends were going to turn around and leave, then no one is going to show up here tonight. I mean, no one is going to come to this baby shower.

Edmund: Cassie, there's nothing we can do about that now. But there is something we can do about the two of you. What you've done to cassie, the disloyalty you've shown. The two of you can get in there right now and finish hanging the balloons. Have a nice day, ladies.

Harley: Edmund...

Cassie: Pick up those presents and march.

Harley: What about the balloons?

Cassie: I don't need any help with the balloons. Move! Put the presents there.

Blake: With all the others? (Laughter)

harley: Shh.

Olivia: Wow, okay, let's party!

Beth: Once in a while i have a very good idea.

Jeffrey: I like surprises.

Beth: Well, some maybe, but clearly not others. You went white as a sheet when i suggested we go into your other room.

Jeffrey: Well, I told you, it's a mess in there.

Beth: Maybe. Or maybe you're hiding something in there. Or someone. Well, I think I should just go...

Jeffrey: Ah...

Beth: (Laughs)

jeffrey: Really, if you do, if you do go in there, you will discover something about me. That i'm a terrible slob.

Beth: So what are we talking about? A week's worth of dirty laundry, what?

Jeffrey: Mostly, you know, my work stuff. There's papers everywhere. Papers piled up on the bed, even on the bed.

Beth: Oh. Fooling around amongst police reports and witness statements. Now, that sounds exciting. (Laughs)

jeffrey: No, no, no, no, no. Come on, it's embarrassing.

Beth: No, it's not.

Jeffrey: Yeah, it is.

Beth: It's not. It's... It's... It's you. It's a part of you i don't know yet.

Jeffrey: Well, you don't need to peek into my room to know a lot about me. I already know a lot about you.

Beth: Oh, you do, huh?

Jeffrey: Yeah. Well, I mean not as much as I'd like to, but... I know that you had a rough childhood because the scars still show. And that's why you... You're so self-protective and you're slow to trust someone. And it's also why you... You're so concerned about lizzie right now. And it's also why you find it so hard to let go, yet you need to so badly. Let's see, you're also incredibly strong, but you get wounded real easy. And you still haven't quite found who or what it is you're looking for yet. Which is a good thing because up until now, you didn't know what you wanted. Oh, and one other thing, when you do finally trust someone, it's forever. How'd I do?

Jeffrey: So was i close? And you don't like that?

Beth: It's just a little scary. You know so much about me and i know very little about you.

Jeffrey: Come on, it's not true.

Beth: Yes, it is, jeffrey. I know virtually nothing about you.

Jeffrey: Sure you do.

Beth: Okay. You grew up in chicago. You went to school in new york city and worked there for a while. You have a grandmother who's not much of a cook, but does still drive her own car. (Laughs) and that's it. Do you have brothers, sisters? What was your father like? What did he do for a living?

Jeffrey: That's all details, beth, it's all details. Come on. You know who i am, where it counts. In here. Think about it. Come on. Put all the pieces together-- what you... What you've seen, what you've heard-- and tell me, tell me who I really am. Just like I did you.

Beth: Okay. (Clears throat)

jeffrey: This will be good.

Beth: (Laughs) you're very smart.

Jeffrey: Thank you.

Beth: And you're very good at your job. And you're fluent in a number of languages, including japanese. (Laughs)

jeffrey: That's kind of weird, isn't it?

Beth: Strange. You... You care a lot about the rules in your professional life. But in your personal life, you like to break them.

Jeffrey: See, you know me.

Beth: And when you're with a woman...

Jeffrey: You mean when I'm with you.

Beth: Okay. When you're with me...

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Beth: ...You really listen and care. You make me feel like I'm the most important person in the world.

Jeffrey: Well, that's all that really matters, isn't it?

Beth: No, it's not. I want to know more.

Jeffrey: All right, later, okay, because you have a baby shower to go to.

Beth: How did you know that i had a baby shower...

Jeffrey: I listen, remember? I listen. And, you know, by the way, there was one... One very important thing that you left out about me.

Beth: What's that?

Jeffrey: I love kissing you.

Sandy: Marah, please don't tell anyone about this.

Marah: I won'T. But... You know, i think that you should. Why not?

Sandy: If people find out i've been playing with a puppet all this time, they're going to think I'm a real whack job.

Marah: No, no, they won't. They will think that you are intelligent and creative, just like i do. Sandy, you don't need this. You are the mole, just as much as you are you.

Sandy: In spirit, maybe, but in real life? No. I could never be as brave and outspoken as the mole.

Marah: You... You already are. Every day when you're doing his voice, even when you're just being you. Who was it that got up there on that billboard in front of all of those people to fight for a principle?

Sandy: I believe that was you.

Marah: Who was the one who argued with dean boudreau until he backed down and changed his position?

Sandy: Again, pretty sure, you.

Marah: No, no, that was you. And if i did anything or said anything, it was only because i was inspired by you. You were the one who showed up at my house. You were the one who had the whole billboard protest idea. Sandy, it was all you. You don't need to hide behind a puppet or any character anymore. You are more than capable of speaking for yourself now.

Sandy: Marah, i've been doing the puppet shtick for a long time now, and if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Marah: Okay, but don't you think it would be a good idea for you...

Sandy: No, don't push me on it. I... I will probably cut the strings on this thing at some point, but not now.

Marah: Okay. I understand.

Sandy: And... And... Please don't tell anyone the mole is just a sack of fabric and stuffing.

Marah: The mole is you, okay. But I promise you I will not tell anyone.

Sandy: Thank you. You know, it feels kind of good to have told someone the truth. Someone I can trust. So, oh, hey. Didn't you come here to tell me something?

Marah: Yeah. I just... I wanted to thank you for what you said on the show earlier; the vigil that you had for shayne. It was awesome. I called the hospital and my dad said that you lifted his spirits like 200%.

Sandy: Well, hot rod. Is that all? I mean, you could have called me to tell me that. You sure there's nothing more?

Marah: (Stammers) no, there was but, i just... I'm not sure that I should. (Sighs)

lizzie: Yeah, she'll be right down, okay? Okay, well, gerard's pulling the car around. You know, I thought you were actually going to stay for a while.

Tammy: I'd like to. I just... Suddenly remembered all this stuff i have to do at home.

Lizzie: It's what i said, wasn't it? About the whole thing that you should get pregnant if you sleep with him. I mean, it was just a joke, tammy.

Tammy: I'll call you tomorrow, okay? Just hang in therelizzie. I'm sure everything will be fine soon.

Lizzie: You're so sweet. Bye.

Tammy: Bye. (Phone rings)

lizzie: Oh. Hello? Oh, hi, joey. Hi, you just missed her, actually. Um, yeah, she just went down to the kitchen to get us some snacks. Are you doing anything right now? Well, why don't you come over? Yes, i'm sure. Tammy was actually going to ask you herself. But why don't you just surprise her? You do have a car, right? Well, great. Bye.

Marah: I was over at danny and michelle's house earlier, and tony showed up with some girl. I mean, we just barely broke up, and already he's with someone else? How could he?

Sandy: Because he's an idiot.

Marah: It got me thinking, you know. If he can forget about me this easily...

Sandy: Who says he forgot?

Marah: Then maybe he never even loved me at all. You know? And maybe when we were together, he even cheated on me. And then i just... That's all i can think about. And I've just been obsessing over it.

Sandy: Marah, guys aren't as good with our emotions as females. You know, we... We get upset like when we break up with a girlfriend. We don't go and talk about it with someone; we go do something stupid like get drunk.

Marah: Yeah, he did that.

Sandy: Or... Or shack up with the first halfway attractive woman we see, while drunk usually. It's called denial.

Marah: Do you really think that that's all that it is?

Sandy: Look, let's face it. If the guy can... If he can forget you, let alone leave you in the first place, he's got a screw loose. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Marah: That was a very mole thing to say. I should probably... I should probably go. Thank you. Do you... You have a tissue or something, maybe in here?

Sandy: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Just equipment. Sorry.

Marah: Oh, no, that's okay. Thank you for listening.

Sandy: Likewise. And tell your little brother that i'm rooting for him.

Marah: Yeah, I will, thank you. Bye. Bye, mole.

Jeffrey: Well, I must say that was very smart thinking of you, stashing your party clothing with the bellman. Although, I kind of preferred the trench coat myself and what you weren't wearing underneath it.

Beth: Yes, I noticed.

Jeffrey: It's too bad you have to go to this party.

Beth: I know. I was just making progress with you, too.

Jeffrey: Well, you know, always keep them wanting more, right? A little mystery's a good thing.

Beth: Where are you off to now?

Jeffrey: I don't know. I just thought... Get a bite to eat. No particular plans. But you do have particular plans and you better get going. Bye.

Beth: Bye.

Edmund: Beth, beth, please tell me you're here for olivia's shower.

Beth: Oh, that crowded, huh? Relax, i'll go in there and act like i'm so happy to be there.

Edmund: You seem rather happy in general this evening.

Beth: I'm trying to be. Some things in my life aren't so good right now; like lizzie's situation. But other things are.

Edmund: And would one of those things be jeffrey o'neill?

Beth: Maybe. Yes. (Laughs)

cassie: Oh, beth! Hi. You made it, how about that?

Beth: Yeah, am I early?

Cassie: No, just on time. Just on time. Just in time, actually, for a toast. Yeah. I would like to give a toast to olivia and the miracle that she's carrying inside her.

Lillian: Lizzie? (Whispers) good. She need her sleep.

Lizzie: Oh, hey, joey, over here!

Harley: Next on "guiding


Tammy: Be honest, edmund. How old were you when you first had sex?

Edmund: Well.

Joey: Give me one good reason why I should not turn this car around right now and dump your sorry butt back where you belong.

Josh: Yeah, whatever...

Reva: Is there a problem with shayne?

Josh: Whatever it is, just say it, don't sugarcoat it.

Doctor: I don't intend to.

this has been "guiding light."

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