Guiding Light Transcript Friday 9/19/03
Provided by Suzanne
buzz: Ashes, ashes, we all fall down. (Robbie fussing) no?
The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout down came the rain... (Robbie fussing) kill the spider. Dead spider. Funny? Ooh, da do ron ron ron da do ron ron
well, i met him on a sunday and I missed him on a monday and I phoned him on a tuesday and I dated him on wednesday and I kissed him on a thursday but I missed him on a friday so when he showed up saturday...
Alexandra: I said bye-bye baby.
Buzz: You know that song?
Alexandra: Yeah. The shirelles, 1958, and they sang it a whole lot better. (Laughs)
buzz: Well, he liked it.
Alexandra: How do you know?
Buzz: It's the first time he stopped crying since marina dropped him off for me to nanny him. She's at the hospital with shayne. But you dropped by just in time to help me with the little guy.
Alexandra: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. (Laughs)
buzz: Look here.
Alexandra: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, please. No, no, no, no. Anything but auntie alex's armani, darling. (Laughs) that's a good boy.
Buzz: Here you go.
Alexandra: (Laughs)
beth: Hey.
Phillip: Wow. You look fantastic.
Beth: (Laughs) give you the full thing.
Phillip: I'm not... That sounded bad. Not that you don't usually, but i just guess i haven't seen this version of you in some time. Very nice.
Beth: Does this seem a little bizarre to you? (Laughs)
phillip: What?
Beth: I don't know. I know that we haven't been together in a while, but it just seems a little strange, you checking me out before a date.
Phillip: Oh, that reminds me. Speaking of bizarre and checking out dates, i notice that you got an invitation to olivia's baby shower.
Beth: Hm, yes. I'm going.
Phillip: Huh?
Beth: Surprised?
Phillip: Yes. You're not exactly the best of friends. I have a hard time seeing you sitting around chatting, having a good time planning the nursery.
Beth: No. Ugh, no. That's your job. But my job, as your ex-wife and friend and the mother of your other daughter, is to be supportive of you. And that is what i'm trying to do.
Phillip: Thank you. That says a lot about you that you would do that. Have you told lizzie that you're going?
Lizzie: Going where?
Reva: You did this to him. You did. You kept pushing him and pushing him until he was exactly what you wanted him to be. Well, are you happy now? Is this what you imagined?
Josh: Reva. I'm sorry.
Reva: Stop it!
Josh: I am sorry.
Reva: Stop it! Stop saying that to me! You've been saying "I'm sorry" since you went behind our backs and signed those contracts with the pros.
Josh: What do you want me to say?
Reva: Don't say it. Don't say.
Hear. Listen. Those contracts meant nothing then and they mean even less now, but you still kept going. You kept pushing until it took a disaster to stop you, stop you from controlling and manipulating shayne's life. Oh, yeah, you helped him, didn't you? No.
Josh: Just...
Reva: Please, no! I don't want to hear another word from you.
Alexandra: You've learned a very valuable lesson. You never touch a woman's clothing without permission. (Laughs) go ahead, darling. No, no. No. Now, wash his filthy little hands, if you will.
Buzz: You have such a way with kids.
Alexandra: Yeah, right. Children seem to be the subject of the day, which is exactly what i wanted to talk to you about, buzz. I need an objective opinion.
Buzz: Well, you've come to the right place. At least i hope you have.
Alexandra: Well, the problem is, you see, cassie winslow is giving a baby shower for olivia. And, well, you know how I feel about her. I think she's possibly satan's sister, but they still expect me to be there.
Buzz: Well, i... You know... What? It's a baby shower. Relax, you know? You sit down, you bring a gift.
Alexandra: No, I'm afraid you're missing the point, because I happen to think that it's a little bit hypocritical. Well, it's just less than honest, given the way I feel about her.
Buzz: Good heavens. "Less than honest?"
Alexandra: Oh, okay, buzz, you know. I wish i could go there and i could honestly even pretend to wish olivia well. I mean, well, don't get me wrong, i wish everything the best for the baby. After all, it's an innocent child and it's a spaulding. But the mother is just an entirely different story.
Josh: (Sobbing) (cell phone rings) yes? Who? Oh, yeah. Yeah, mr. Walker. I'm sorry, i guess i should have called. What? You want shayne to...? Mr. Walker, I'm sorry, but shayne won't be calling you to apologize. In fact, he won't be calling you to say anything. He's been in an accident, see, a car wreck and right now he can't speak-- to you or to anybody else! And he can't move, either. He may never even walk again. So right now, I really don't give a damn about you or your feelings or the team or the game of baseball, i just want my son back, healthy and strong, and that's all i care about right now! So goodbye, mr. Walker.
Alexandra: Well, it's obvious that you don't have any instincts for what appeals to a child like robbie.
Buzz: Well, stand up there... Get down here and help me.
Alexandra: (Laughs)
buzz: Don't make me beg.
Alexandra: Look, I would love to help you out, but you... Okay, you owe me big-time for this. Robbie. Now, look at auntie alex. Now, what appeals most to you about auntie alex, huh? What a fascinating look. What do you like best? This one? This one? This one? You like this one? Oh! Well, you have excellent taste, young man. You're not going to find this in any old toy store, either. Oh, what the heck, go ahead. Have a ball.
Buzz: You are such an old softie.
Alexandra: Yeah, well, I want it back by sundown.
Buzz: Underneath that crusty, sophisticated exterior...
Alexandra: Is a very crusty, sophisticated interior, and don't you forget it.
Buzz: ...Is a sentimental pushover, I know it.
Alexandra: Well, I'm glad you think so, but don't ever put it to a public vote.
Buzz: You're such a softie, i bet you're not going to be able to keep away from olivia's baby shower.
Alexandra: Oh, no. Oh, no, buzz, I'm not going to buy that. I won't buy that kind of logic.
Buzz: Someone as compassionate as you would understand that a woman can't go through a first birth without the support of uh... Women. Oh, come on. Look, I'll even shop with you for the gift. What do you say?
Lizzie: Where are you going, mom?
Beth: Honey, come over here and sit down with me.
Lizzie: Okay. Mom, dad, what's going on? You're really starting to scare me now.
Beth: Lizzie, cassie is having a baby shower for olivia.
Lizzie: A baby shower? I didn't know they were friends. Oh, wait-- i didn't think olivia had any friends. (Laughs)
beth: Well, she does. And because it's such a giant event in her life and also because it's your father's baby...
Lizzie: I'm aware of that, yes.
Phillip: I know you are.
Beth: Anyway, cassie has invited me to the shower.
Phillip: And your mom thinks that she should go, thinks that it would be the nice thing to do.
Lizzie: So, that was the big deal? That's what you're so afraid to tell me?
Beth: No, i wasn't afraid. I just wanted you to understand why I was going and make sure that you were comfortable with that decision.
Lizzie: Well, yeah, i'm comfortable with it, mom. I would expect you to go. And I'm really glad that you two are being honest with me. I really want to thank you for treating me like i'm a grownup, finally.
Beth: Are you sure that you feel that way?
Lizzie: Yeah.
Beth: I don't want you to cover up your feelings just to make me happy. I know that you're good at that.
Lizzie: Mom, I don't have to make you happy. Not these days. I have never, ever seen you happier. You just look so beautiful and so glamorous. You look like you used to look.
Beth: Wow. Well, I didn't know I looked so dreadful lately. (Laughs)
lizzie: No, no, no, that's not what i meant. What i meant is just that you look like you're glowing.
Beth: Thank you, sweetie.
Lizzie: Yeah. It kind of makes me remember when i was little and you and dad used to get all dressed up to go out.
Phillip: Well, she does look fantastic.
Lizzie: Yes.
Phillip: But unfortunately, your dad is not the lucky man that's going to be taking her out tonight.
Lizzie: I know that. I was just remembering, that's all.
Beth: And i just want to say that jeffrey o'neill is a very nice man, but we are just friends.
Lizzie: Uh-huh. Sure, mom, whatever you say. (Laughs)
christopher: Well, there's a lovely family portrait.
Lizzie: So, dr. Langham, i guess it's pretty obvious that your services are no longer needed here.
Josh: Reva, please, just listen to me. Just listen to me for just a second, okay? I thought I was doing the right thing. For shayne. I thought I was doing the right thing, helping him to fulfill his dreams, you know? His goals. And I know that's not what you think. I know you think that I was doing it for me, but i wasn'T. I was doing it for him.
Reva: Well, you really did help him, didn't you?
Josh: Reva, please...
Reva: Let's see what you've accomplished, joshua. You turned your son into a great ballplayer. Only now he can't play ball. You didn't want him to go to college right away. Well, you got your wish there, too, because it's going to be a long time before he'll be seeing school. Let's see what else he can't do. He can't walk. Right now he can't talk to us, so all in all, you've been enormously successful with shayne. You know, his life couldn't be more perfect or more gratifying. That's how you helped him. Well? Say something. Come on. Get the words out. What, you don't have anything to say to me now? Don't you want to tell me how proud you are of your son now? Don't you want to tell me everything you did for him? Everything you did to him? Don't you? (Sobbing)
josh: Stop it. Please, stop. Please don't do this.
Lizzie: Well, don't just stand there. Have a seat. Can I get you something to drink? Maybe coffee or tea or something like that?
Beth: Just so you know, this isn't the kind of thing i normally wear around the house.
Christopher: Now you've gone and destroyed my image of you.
Beth: Oh, i'm sorry, but today is an off-day. Normally, I wear a tiara and elbow-length gloves. (Laughter)
lizzie: My mother, she's going out on a date. Oh, wait. Please don't ask my how I feel about it; let me tell you. I think it's great. She deserves to have some fun. (Laughs)
jeffrey: I couldn't agree more, lizzie. Fun is what it's all about.
Christopher: Well, it's a lot of it.
Phillip: Absolutely.
Beth: I guess it's unanimous, then. (Cell phone rings)
lizzie: I guess it is. (Laughs)
beth: Whew. Saved by the bell. Tell whoever that is that I say thank you for changing the subject.
Phillip: Hi, rick. It's rick. What?
Beth: Now, you be a good girl.
Lizzie: And you too, mom. Have fun with your "friend." (Laughs)
phillip: All right. Yeah. No, all right, i'll be right there. Yeah, bye. Honey, it's your uncle rick and he needs to see me about something, so I'm going to go do that. You take care, okay? I'll be back in a little while.
Lizzie: Okay.
Phillip: Doctor.
Lizzie: Well. I guess it's just you and me now.
Josh: Reva, we have to be strong now. We have to put all of our thoughts, energy and all of our prayers into shayne right now, reva. We have to be there for him, 100%. Don't you even hear what i'm saying? Don't you know what I'm saying?
Reva: I hear you. I do. I hear you, but it doesn't make any difference because he's still lying in that bed, paralyzed, unable to speak to us. I mean, how do we do this? How do we tell him what's going to happen, what happened to him? How do we find those words? How do we tell him that his life is never going to be what it once was, because I know that i don't have those words. (Sobs) I don't have them. I don'T. (Sobbing)
christopher: So, lizzie, anything you want to talk about? How about what happened to your friend shayne? That must have been devastating news for you. I know how important he is to you. You must be pretty upset.
Christopher: Really? Well, I was under the impression that you had some pretty strong feelings for shayne, so if you're worried about him or upset or concerned, that'd be a good place for us to start. Okay. I get it. Not in the mood for talking today, huh? Well, that's okay with me. We can sit here just as long as you like. I've got all the time in the world. It's a good tactic, you know, lizzie, the old silent treatment, let the therapist do all the talking, all the work. But you should know something: I'm a really patient guy. I've had all kinds of patients sitting across from me, people who are criers, people who are yellers. Some of my patients go on and on about everything under the sun except what's really bothering them. I've treated them all, so you know, there's really nothing you can come up with that hasn't been tried before by somebody else.
Lizzie: Don't be so sure. Because I'm not like everyone else. You can't just throw me in one of your little handy nutcase files. You can't just throw me on your list of loonies that you've treated.
Christopher: Is that how you see yourself, lizzie? As a nutcase? A loony?
Lizzie: I don't know. You're the professional. Is that how you see me, dr. Langham? See, two can play with your "answer a question with a question" game, okay?
Christopher: Lizzie, understand this: There is nothing you can say that i haven't heard before, nothing you can do that hasn't been done before.
Lizzie: Really? You think so? What about that, doc?
Lizzie: Well?
Christopher: Yeah, I've seen that, too, lizzie.
Lizzie: I hate you. Do you know that? Because I really do.
Christopher: Well, that's all right. You can hate me, i don't care. But it's not going to stop me from being your doctor; you should know that. No matter what you do to me-- you can bite me, kick me, yell at me-- I'm not going anywhere.
Lizzie: You know, you really don't get it, do you? I don't want to be in here with you, at all. I want to be out on a date, like my mom. I want to be with my friends. I want to go to the mall, maybe get my teeth done at the dentist's, maybe get my eyes checked, anywhere but being here, bored to death with you!
Christopher: Really? You don't look bored. You look angry.
Lizzie: Oh, shut up! Please!
Christopher: All right, all right, i'll shut up. Just tell me one thing, lizzie: Are you ever not angry? Is there ever anything that makes you happy?
Lizzie: Hating you. That really, really makes me happy.
Christopher: Well, great. We're making progress. We've established that the only time that you're happy is when you hate something. Lizzie, do you think it's possible that you don't even know what it is to be happy? Maybe we can talk about that in our next session.
Lizzie: No. There won't be a next session. You're fired!
Beth: You know, call me crazy, but when you said "dress up," i thought you meant ballet, an opera, something at towers. What was i thinking?
Jeffrey: You know, I did think about all those things. As a matter of fact-- careful-- I was on my way to get tickets to a concert when I looked up at the sky and I realized what a magnificent evening this was going to be, and i couldn't imagine spending it indoors.
Beth: Ah. And did it ever occur to you what it might be like wearing four-inch heels on a dock?
Jeffrey: Well, you know, it never really occurs to me what it's like to wear four-inch heels in any situation. Well, except for that one time in college.
Beth: (Laughs)
jeffrey: But you know what? I have just the solution. Here. There we are. Next. This must be what they mean by "head over heels."
Phillip: Hey. What's up? What's the big mystery?
Rick: Hey. Got some great news, buddy boy.
Phillip: What?
Rick: Old ricky still has it.
Phillip: Still has...
Rick: I'm pregnant.
I'm pregnant. (Laughs)
phillip: Congratulations! Rick, that's great.
Rick: Well, i'm not pregnant, I'm just overweight. My wife's pregnant.
Phillip: Oh, that is so... I'm so happy for you.
Rick: Thank you.
Phillip: You deserve it.
Rick: Well, my wife certainly deserves it, right?
Phillip: Hey.
Rick: What?
Phillip: Think about it: We're going to have toddlers at the same time. You know what this means?
Rick: Two exhausted dads?
Phillip: No! This means our kids are going to grow up together! It means we're going to be a couple of middle-aged dads and we're going to have company for all the things that we wouldn't want to do by ourselves. For the birthday parties and for the preschool traumas and for taking a walk in the park. This is so great! Rick, this is... I'm so happy for you. I am so happy for you. A baby is the best fresh start that you can possibly get, particularly-- particularly-- at our age. We're finally grown up. We have some idea what we're supposed to be doing now. We can make smarter choices than we've made in the past.
Rick: Whoa, whoa.
Phillip: We can...
Rick: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you okay?
Phillip: Huh?
Rick: You're frantic, man. You're crazy. You're all over the place.
Phillip: Am i okay?
Rick: Yes, are you okay?
Phillip: Well, I don't know, rick, let me think about it for a second. No, I'm not okay. I'm having a baby with a woman that i'm no longer involved with, despite the fact that she's going to have this child at any second. She's terrified of my teenage daughter because she thinks she has serious psychological problems and is threatening her, and you know what? She's probably right. She does. She'S... She's falling apart in front of my eyes, and she's my daughter and i love her and i don't know what to do. I'M... I'm... I'm useless! I'm a complete failure and i have no idea what I did as a father wrong to make my daughter this way. No idea. But then again, there's so much to choose from.
Rick: Is there anything i can do? Is there anything I can do for you? I mean, to help you?
Phillip: I don't think there's anything that anybody can do to help, rick. Oh, god. I'm sorry, man. I don't want to ruin this happy moment for you. I'm sorry.
Rick: Well, that's okay. Happy moments for me, they come and go.
Phillip: Here. Go, take that. Take that. And give me this. Go back to work, because i'm fine. Really, I'm having... I'm fine. I'm so happy for you. Congratulations. (dramatic music) (alarm bell ringing) (breathing heavily) (pounding on door)
phillip: Can anybody hear me? Can anybody hear me?
Lizzie: I don't want to do this anymore, okay? I'm bored with it. Your work is done here. Thank you very much.
Christopher: Sorry, it's not that simple. You didn't hire me; you don't get to fire me.
Lizzie: Oh, and i have nothing to say about it?
Christopher: You have a lot to say about it, but i think you should say it to me. And like i said, i will wait here until you're ready. I am in this for the long haul.
Lizzie: Or else what? You're just going to send me off? You're going to ship me off to some funny farm?
Christopher: Do you think i'm threatening you, lizzie?
Lizzie: Damn right, you're threatening me. Okay? Just because i won't keep seeing you, because i won't talk to you, you're just going to send me away? No. I'm not crazy, okay? I know what's going on here.
Christopher: Do you always think that people are threatening you when they don't do exactly what you want?
Lizzie: Oh, don't do that. That's not going to work.
Christopher: Don't do what?
Lizzie: Try and twist my words and get into my head! It's not going to work.
Christopher: Lizzie, nobody can get inside your head unless you're willing to share that space.
Lizzie: Well, let me tell you one thing: What I think and what i feel, that's my business. And I will never, ever sit here like some kind of fruitcake and spill my guts to you.
Christopher: Okay, let me tell you one thing: Sometimes it feels good to let somebody else in and share that stuff. It makes us feel better to know that our feelings are not as bad or as weird as we think they are.
Lizzie: Oh, it's bad.
Christopher: It's not. It maybe scary to you or embarrassing, but it's not bad.
Lizzie: Sorry, our time's up.
Jeffrey: You know, I have to admit in all honesty and in all modesty, i have prepared quite a remarkable, extravagant feast here for you, and all of it is based on grandma irene's secret recipes.
Beth: Really? I'm touched that you went to so much trouble.
Jeffrey: Here are the appetizers.
Beth: (Laughs)
jeffrey: And for the main course-- drum roll, please-- we have grandma's famous and favorite tuna fish sandwiches. A real feast for kings-- or queens, as the case may be.
Beth: Hm. Prepared with your grandma's secret recipe, huh?
Jeffrey: That's right.
Beth: Which is?
Jeffrey: Which is a secret. I can't tell you. It's a secret.
Beth: Oh. (Scoffs)
jeffrey: Okay, I'll tell you.
Beth: I should write this down.
Jeffrey: Grandma's secret is mayonnaise. That's right. She takes the can of tuna, she opens the can of tuna, she removes the contents and she chops it up very finely and then she mixes in the mayonnaise.
Beth: And then comes the secret part, right? What is it? Anchovies, onions, celery?
Jeffrey: No, no. It's just mayonnaise. That's the secret.
Beth: The secret?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Beth: (Laughs) that's not a secret. (Laughs)
jeffrey: Well, I'll tell you what, maybe she put some... She put some pickles just around the outside of the dish. No, actually, maybe she puts it inside of the sandwich. Maybe that's the secret. Maybe I got it wrong. Anyway, it is a feast for kings, or queens.
Beth: Well, well, well. Your grandmother taught you all that. She must have been something.
Jeffrey: Yeah. She still is. She's still alive-- alive and kicking-- and still driving a car, as a matter of fact, which i'm not too happy about. But if you play your cards right, i'm going to convince her to bake you some of her special famous secret cookies. Yes. Now, dig in.
Beth: Okay. I'll have a chip first, I think. So, here i am, sitting on a dock in a silk dress having tuna fish and chips for dinner.
Jeffrey: That's right. And you're having fun, too, right?
Beth: Yes, I am.
Jeffrey: Yes, you are. See? See what happens if you just let life come to you and just "take it as it comes", as they saying goes?
Beth: I have to tell you something.
Jeffrey: What?
Beth: After our date, i was pretty sure you wouldn't call. We were having a wonderful time and then i went into that all- too-familiar guilty-mother routine, and i was pretty sure i turned you off for good.
Jeffrey: No, hardly. I just figured, you know, you needed some time. You needed some time and i have tremendous confidence in your potential to take life as it comes, beth.
Beth: Hm. So that's why you had me get all dressed up in a fancy dress, so that you could see how i would react when you shifted plans on me.
Jeffrey: No, I just wanted to see you get all dressed up in a fancy dress. Because I was wondering what a challenge it would be to get you out of it.
Beth: And what about my totally special tuna sandwich?
Jeffrey: Oh, that. Well, grandma assures me that it will keep.
Josh: Shayne. There's something I have to tell you. But first, i want to... Just want to tell you how much I love you. I want to tell you that I have loved you from the first moment i laid eyes on you. You were, like, this perfect gift to us. And every day of your life has been a blessing to me. You know you can look at all those pictures we've been taking over the years, but they would never show what it was like for me inside, what I was feeling inside, watching you grow from a beautiful baby to a terrific boy and into the gentle and wonderful man that you've become. I'm proud to be your father. It's been a joy to be your dad, son. When i think about all those times that you put your hand in mine and we'd go for walks together. Every single day of your life has been a joy and that's an amazing thing, isn't it? But I've always felt love from you, shayne, and trust. I know you've always trusted that i would protect you, but this time I didn't. I hurt you. I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive myself for that. Shayne, I caused the accident. It was... It was me. It was entirely my fault. No, it was. (Sobs) see, first, I pushed you into going to that meeting, you know, and I wouldn't accept any reason for you not to be there, and then the guy showed up early and i sort of panicked. (Sobbing) I thought you weren't going to make it, and all the while, i didn't know it, but you were on your way there because that's who you are. But see, i... (Sobbing) ...I didn't trust you. And so i came after you. I was driving the car that hit you. And I would give anything, i would give everything if i could turn back the clock and change that decision that i made to go after you like that. I wish... I wish it was me in this bed right now and not you, son. But I want to make you a promise. I will be with you every step of the way and we will make you whole again. I taught you how to walk once before, a long time ago, and i taught you how to talk, and i will spend every moment of my life teaching you those things again. I promise. I love you, son. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Shayne: Next, on "guiding light."
Marah: I know you would never hurt me again, tony. I know that.
Tony: You don't know anything, marah, because i already did something to hurt you.
Josh: Maybe i should just move out of the house.