Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 9/18/03
By Suzanne
Proofread by: Priscilla
Marah: Mom, I got some...
Marina: You're such a good boy, Robbie. Your
daddy's going to be right back, too. He just went to... He just went to go give
blood at the blood drive. But he is going to be right back in a minute, okay?
Okay? So everything is going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay.
Cassie: Edmund, what are you doing?
Edmund: Cassie, stop. Let Olivia take care of
all of this. She wants to help. How's Shayne doing?
Cassie: I don't know. I don't know. I wanted
to get over to the hospital in a little while. Do you want to come with me?
Edmund: Let me tie up a few loose ends around
here and then I値l be right over, all right? Go to your sister; she needs you.
Marah: Is there any new news?
Reva: You've only been gone for an hour.
Marah: I know. I know. I shouldn't even have
gone. I just... I don't know. I guess I hoped that when I came back everything
would magically be better. That's pretty ridiculous.
Reva: Hope is never ridiculous. It's all we
have right now.
Marah: Is dad...
Reva: Still camped out in front of your
brother's room. You know, Marah, he's in a bad way. I think he'd like to see his
little girl. He needs you.
Marah: What about you, mom?
Reva: I'll be okay.
Marah: No, I mean doesn't dad need you, too?
Sandy: (Clears throat) Mr. Lewis, how's
Josh: He痴... He's going to be okay. Thank
you for asking. What is this?
Sandy: I know you won't be coming into the
office, so I took the liberty--
Josh: Yeah, I... I... I can't really work
right now.
Sandy: I know. I know. And bill's got
everything covered. I made copies of your schedule and the pre-meeting notes; I
went over them with him. Anyway, it's all under control. All we need are a
couple of signatures. And I wouldn't bother you with this except that there's
payroll. And since your brother's out of town...
Josh: Yeah. Has anybody heard back from Billy
Sandy: Bill said he's going to keep trying.
Josh: Okay. Tell him I said thank you and
thank you for bringing this stuff in for my signature. Um...
Sandy: Right there.
Josh: Yeah.
Sandy: On the x.
Josh: Payroll. I guess for some reason I... I
thought the rest of the world literally stopped turning last night, but it sure
as hell did for me.
Sandy: Has he come to?
Josh: No. Excuse me for just a second,
Marina: How long have you been standing
Nico: Long enough. Yeah, Danny told me to
come by. I don't know what stupid thing he's come up with for me to do next. Oh,
man. Hey, if you keep that up then Robbie痴 going to start, too. And I get
enough of his bawling at Danny痴. So what gives? I mean, you look like you
lost your best...
Marina: I haven't lost anything. Will you
just get out of here?
Nico: This must be pretty big. I mean, you
don't seem like the crying type.
Marina: Well, no, I知 not.
Nico: So then what's going on?
Marina: There was an accident. Shayne and I
were driving in the car and there was an accident.
Nico: Are you okay?
Marina: Yeah, I知 okay. Shayne reached over
and protected me right before the car hit. So, um... So I am okay. And he's...
Nico: What's going on with him?
Marina: He won't wake up? I mean they're not
really saying how bad it is, but it's bad. You know he could be brain damaged...
Nico: Come on. Come on, he's going to be
Marina: How could you say that? You don't
even know him?
Nico: He's an athlete.
Marina: He's not made of steel.
Nico: Yeah, but he's tough, right? I mean, he
took you on, didn't he? You seem like your pretty tough.
Marina: Yeah, feeling really tough right now.
Look, Danny just went over to the blood drive. He should be back any minute.
Nico: I'm going to go find him.
Marina: Okay.
Nico: Hey, listen, you hang in there, all
Marina: Thanks. Robbie. Robbie.
Nico: Hey.
Marina: Oh, Robbie. It's all right. He just
can't sit still for too long.
Marina: Thanks.
Nico: Robbie and I understand each other.
Don't we, Robbie?
Marina: Yeah, you're a lot better with babies
then you are with adults.
Nico: Yeah, well, kids can't hurt you, not
like their parents can.
Josh: Who are those from?
Sandy: Oh.
Josh: Shayne's former team from Springfield
high. "Wishing a recovery as fast as your fast ball. You'll be back in the
dugout soon." It still kind of hard for me to believe, you know. I mean
last night he had everything going for him and now...
Sandy: Is there anything i can do for you,
Mr. Lewis?
Josh: No, nothing I could think of. Thank you
very much. You might as well go. Could you check on Marah?
Sandy: I'll do that.
Josh: All right.
Sandy: See you soon, sir. Hang in.
Marah: Mom, what's going on?
Reva: Your brother's been hurt.
Marah: Yeah, I know. I know that. We all know
that. Dad is blaming himself and hating himself and you won't even go near him.
It was an accident, mom. I mean, you get that, right. At least tell me that
you're not blaming dad.
Reva: Marah, your father and I both want the
same thing. We want your brother to open his eyes, get up out of that bed and
come back to us. But even so, I need to be here and your father needs to be
Marah: Do you really think Shayne would want
to see you guys fight?
Reva: Well, Shayne can't really tell us what
he'd like, can he, because... (Laughs)
Marah: Because of dad.
Reva: I don't want you feeling like you have
to run between the two of us, taking care of both of us.
Marah: It's too late.
Reva: Then go sit with your dad. I would feel
better if you did.
Marah: Shayne needs both of you right now.
Cassie: Is there anything...
Reva: I was just going to find out. Marah can
tell you what's going on.
Cassie: Hey, hey. How you hanging in there?
Marah: I'm not, Cassie. I'm not.
Cassie: Shayne's a tough kid.
Marah: I know. I know that. I'm just afraid
of what he's going to have to wake up to. I mean, the family should be sticking
together right now, not falling apart.
Nico: Beep, beep.
Danny: Thanks for helping marina with the
little man.
Nico: Yeah, way to go, genius, making marina
baby-sit while her boyfriend's in there.
Danny: What are you talking about? She
offered to. I thought it would be a good distraction for her. She wanted to do
Nico: So can we leave now?
Danny: What's your big rush?
Nico: I hate hospitals. I just hate seeing
people so sad.
Danny: Yeah. You know Shayne?
Nico: Yeah, I met him yesterday. He seems
like an okay guy.
Danny: Mm-hmm. Yeah, he's a good kid.
Nico: It's so weird. He doesn't even know
what hit him. It's like... It's like everybody out here is feeling it, like, the
car hit him or her or something. So can we leave already?
Danny: Yeah, I guess so. I just got to give
Robbie to marina. She arranged for buzz to watch him for the rest of the day. So
looks like we're on our own.
Nico: So what are we going to do?
Danny: Well, I thought we'd got to 5th
street. I want to take a look around, see what's working over there and what
isn't? And I thought it might be a good idea to have someone with me whose got
his nose to the ground.
Nico: A rat?
Danny: A guide. You know, Nico, one of these
days you're going to have to stop thinking that the world is out to get you.
Nico: I don't think that.
Danny: Uh-huh.
Nico: I think the world just don't give a
Danny: Come on, Nico. A little helps, please.
I'll take that as a yes. The car's out front.
Nico: No, no, no, no.
Danny: What?
Nico: No. I'll go, but we're not driving.
We're walking.
Danny: Why?
Nico: You think people are going to trust you
if you pull up in that fancy ride?
Danny: Okay. All right, we'll walk.
Marah: Shayne is like the glue for this
family, you know. Whenever we fight, he never takes side. He's always trying to
smooth things over. And now that he's like this, is like we're all fighting each
other. I mean mom and dad; they won't even talk to each other. I think they
should be together right now. They shouldn't be on separate sides of the
hospital. I mean, we all need to be together right now for Shayne.
Cassie: Marah, you can't put too much stock
into what your parents are doing right now. Trust me. I know.
Marah: I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I知
unloading all of this on you.
Cassie: Oh, god. It feels like everything is
in slow motion. Feels like the bottom just dropped out of your life. There's no
floor, there's no ceiling. There's only you and that person lying there in the
hospital bed. I know.
Marah: I was hard on mom. I shouldn't have
Cassie: It's okay. It's okay.
Marah: I just... I hate hospitals, you know.
(Crying) it's so overwhelming. And it's funny. Because anytime Shayne and I
would come here and we'd visit someone, he'd always talk to other patients, talk
to nurses and joke with them. You know, he'd always make everyone feel better.
And I just wish someone would do that for him right now because he deserves it.
Cassie: I'm going to go check on your mom.
(Marah sobbing)
Reva: Ed said that he'd be up in a little
while to check on Shayne.
Josh: That's good.
Marina: Hey.
Reva: Hey, sweetie pie. How are you feeling?
Marina: I'm okay. How about you, Mr. Lewis?
Did you go see a doctor?
Josh: I'm doing fine. Thank you for asking.
Marina: (Clears throat) look, I'M... I'm
really sorry about last night...
Josh: It's okay; you don't have to apologize
for anything. You didn't do anything. Why don't you go in and talk to Shayne a
bit? Ed said that might be good for him, and I知 sure he'd like to hear your
Marina: Hey, you. (Sighs) all right, listen,
Lewis, I know that you have got to be really tired right now. But I really need
you to wake up. It's always about me, isn't it? I always need you to show up. If
I need you to make everything better. So come on, show up makes everything
better. Oh, my god. Oh, my god, Shayne. Hey, he's awake! You guys, he's awake!
Alexandra: Well, you're here.
Eden: Hello they池e to you, too. Now I know
I知 new at the business world, but don't you have an office for these types of
Alexandra: Oh, yes, indeed I do, but there
are people there. And they gossip.
Eden: Oh, what, am I your dirty little
secret? Do you think they're going to realize that I work for you when I start
showing up on billboards?
Alexandra: Yes, well, about that.
Eden: What? Have you changed your mind about
my idea about the perfume or me representing it?
Alexandra: No, no, I still think it's a
brilliant idea. I mean, what woman doesn't want to use her inner... Bad girl?
(Laughs) it's just that this is afx9qasy bad girl, and you are the reality. You
see, you take the bedroom into the tabloids. And in a business world like mine,
well, even the slightest bit of negative publicity can quell an entire project
like this one. Right? So, after the last few months... (Chuckles)
Eden: Oh, well, excuse me for being targeted
by a serial killer.
Alexandra: Eden, I'm not judging you. It's
just that, well, my business world is quite different from the business world
you're used to working in. If you're going to sign on for this project, you're
not just signing on for a job, you know. You're going to be signing away the
kind of life you've known up to now. So, the only time you will be allowed to be
a bad girl is in our ads.
Eden: What do you mean?
Alexandra: I mean... (Laughs) ...You're going
to have to change your life. I mean, you're going to have to be a better girl
than you ever thought of being. I mean, you're going to have to be one very,
very good girl. Which means no escort service?
Eden: Well, that's over.
Alexandra: Good. Good. It also means you
can't hang around mobsters. No run-ins with the law not even so much as a
traffic ticket. Do you think you're up to the challenge?
Eden: Yeah, it's a piece of cake. I will try
to live up to the standards of your company and your family. From now on, I will
be on my best behavior. I will not gaslight my brother. I won't stalk anybody. I
won't mess with anyone's paternity. And I definitely would not keep some poor
guy from knowing who his father is for 30 years. Oh, wait, that wasn't me. That
was you.
Sandy: So I heard Tony was here.So does that
mean you two...
Marah: It means that... He's a good guy and
he still cares about my family. That's all. He was there to hold my hand and say
all the right things, but he wasn't really there. It's like he was holding a
part of himself back.
Sandy: Why?
Marah: I hurt him. Maybe he doesn't want to
set himself up for that again.
Sandy: But the guy has a chance to be with
you now.
Marah: I think that to have him there, but
not really have him with me... I think it's almost better to not have him at
all. I just don't know how I'm going to get through this without him.
Sand: with or without Tony you池e tough
Marah: (Crying) I just wish we could go
back... When everything was good. When Tony and I were happy and mom and dad
were happy, and Shayne was out on the baseball field. I tease him all the time.
You know, he probably doesn't even know what a good... What a good man I think
he is. I mean, he's the best man I know. He probably doesn't even know how much
I love him.
Sandy: He knows. He knows, Marah.
Reva: Shayne, sweetie, you were in an
accident. And you've been out for a little while, but... You're awake now. And
that's so great.
Marina: Yeah, you really scared us, but
you're going to be okay.
Reva: Of course he is. Take your time. Take
your time, honey. Why don't you blink if you can understand us? Good.
Ed: Hey, Shayne, listen, you shouldn't even
try to speak right now. You've had quite a blow to the head. What you've got to
do, what your job is to relax and let us take care of you. Just relax. So,
listen, what I知 going to do now is I知 going to clear everyone out of here
just for a little while, okay? Your family is really excited that you're back,
and they should be, but you and i need a little time alone, okay. All right, so
listen. This is probably going to be a piece of cake after what those scouts put
you through. I'm just going to test your reflexes. And I don't want you to worry
if you can't feel anything, all right? Okay, start with your feet. Okay. I'm
going to do the other one. Okay. Now we're going to do the arm. See what's going
on there. Okay. This is what i want you to do. I want you to make a fist. I want
you to squeeze my fingers as hard as you can, all right? Just make a fist. Okay.
Don't worry about this. All right, buddy; this is what's going on. Because of
the accident, you've got some swelling in your spine and in your brain. And what
that is doing is stopping the rest of you from waking up. Now, when this
swelling recedes, I am telling you everything is going to be different. But,
unfortunately, what i have to do now is get a whole bunch more tests. I want to
look at another catscan. I want to see some more x-rays. But when that's done,
you can come back here. You can spend time with your family and just chill out.
Deal? No fear.
Danny: And what about that building over
Nico: It's a burned out crack house. It's the
fifth one we've seen.
Danny: Yeah, I know what it is, wise guy.
What was it before?
Nico: Maria's. It's one of those family style
joints where people would go for joints where people would go for Sunday dinner.
Doesn't look like much now, but it used to be the place to be. Parents would
drag their kids there. And being that Maria thought she was the next Celia Cruz,
there would always be singing and dancing on chairs.
Danny: Sounds pretty cool.
Nico: Yeah. You know, the dealers moved out
as soon as you and your crew moved in. But before you go ahead and start giving
yourself props, what's going to happen to it now? Is it going to be something
for the neighborhood? Or, is it going to be one of those fancy style condos
where only people on your side of town can afford?
Mrs. Mondillo: Nico?
Nico: Mrs. Mondillo.
Mrs. Mondillo: Mi pequeno nico? Mi pequeno
pajaro, mi pequeno angel.
Nico: She says it's nice to see me. See?
She's glad to see me. How you doing, Mrs. Mondillo? It's good to see you, too.
Danny: She called you her little angel bird.
That's cute, really cute.
Nico: Que pasa, Mrs. Mondillo.
Mrs. Mondillo: You are, you've grown up.
Where have you been? We've missed you.
Nico: I got into a little trouble, apuro.
Todo bien. I mean, it wasn't that big of a deal.
Mrs. Mondillo: You missed my birthday.
Nico: I know. I'm sorry. Look, I promise I'll
come by and I値l make up for it, okay?
Mrs. Mondillo: You're here now. You owe me.
Nico: I promise I値l stop by later okay.
Danny: Wait, wait, and hold on a second. Mrs.
Mondillo, what... What does Nico owe you?
Mrs. Mondillo: A song.
Danny: A song?
Mrs. Mondillo: Nico has the most beautiful
voice in the entire neighborhood. Every year he sings me a song.
Danny: Oh, really?
Nico: I don't have my guitar. I promise I'll
stop by later, okay.
Danny: No, wait, hold up, hold up, and hold
up. Now, you don't want to disappoint Mrs. Mondillo, do you? The lady expects a
song. Am I right? So come on, Nico, why don't you show us what you got?
Reva: Ed, he... He won't talk. He still won't
talk. And when I squeezed his hand, he wouldn't squeeze back.
Ed: I know, honey. On the bright side he's
been breathing on his own since last night. All right, now, look, there are two
separate issues here. Both of them pretty serious. Let's deal with the blow to
the headfirst. As I explained yesterday, that trauma impacted the left frontal
lobe. That's the part of the brain that controls speech. Now with any luck at
all, when the swelling recedes, speech will return. There is a possibility of
permanent damage. Because when Shayne was reaching across the front seat, I
mean, immediately prior to the impact, it's, you know, it's the left side of his
skull that absorbed most of the blow.
Josh: And the second issue, it's spinal?
Ed: Yes. But the fact that Shayne is in top
physical condition can only improve his chances of recovery. I mean, look, we
all hope that the impairment is temporary. And I've ordered a whole batch of new
tests. But at the moment...
Reva: What?
Ed: Well, as you saw for yourself, I mean,
Shayne appears to be paralyzed from the chest down.
Marah: No. That can't be right.
Marina: But it could be temporary, right?
Josh: How much of this have you told him?
There's so much he has to know. He has to know that...
Cassie: Reva...
Reva: I need some air!
Danny: What's it going to be, Nico?
Nico: Perdoname , I'm sorry perdoname , can
you forgive me? I never planned this to be this way perdoname , I can't believe
this happened in a flash my life changed now I知 feeling so empty filled up
with all this pain I never meant to hurt you guess I'm the one to blame My anger
took over my body now I'm living in shame Can you accept my apology? Give me a
sign to set me free please perdoname , I'm sorry perdoname , can you forgive me?
I never planned to see you this way, perdoname ...
Marina: Look; everyone is going to be okay,
okay? I mean, dr. Bauer seemed really positive and. Thank you. You protected me.
I mean, that's what you're always doing, you know. You're always... (Crying)
you're always putting yourself out there and... You're protecting me. You know,
I just never thought that... I never thought you壇... But you saved me. So now
it's my turn, okay? Now it's my turn and I知 going to take care of you,
Shayne. I promise.
Nico: I never planned to see you this way,
perdoname , I'm sorry perdoname, can you forgive me? I never wanted to see you
this way, perdoname.
Danny: Nico, hey, that was really good.
Nico: Can we get out of here now?
Danny: Yeah, we can get out of here.
Nico: Hey, it was good to see you, Mrs.
Mondillo. Not another word, okay?
Danny: Where did you learn that song?
Nico: My mom. It's her... It was her
Reva: Sorry. (Breathing heavily)
Josh: Reva.
Reva: I need air. That's all,
Josh: But you don't need me.
Reva: I need you to go!
Josh: I'm not going anywhere.
Reva: I don't want this.
Josh: Can't you even look at me? Can't you
just talk to me, reva? Just yell at me, okay if that's what you need to do, just
say it! Just do it, reva. Just put it all out there, okay? Just say what you
need to say.
Reva: Please, just don't do this. Stop.
Josh: If I hadn't pushed him into the big
leagues, right? If i hadn't gotten so involved. If I hadn't gotten into my car
to track him down. If I hadn't done this or that or the other thing, say it,
reva. Just come on just say it to me. What do you want to say?
Reva: You did this to him. See you did. You
son of a bitch. |
Alexandra: Next on "Guiding Light."
Reva: How do we tell him that his life is
never going to be what it once was?
Rick: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You okay?
Phillip: I don't know, Rick. Let me think
about it for a second. Uh, no.
Jeffrey: This must be what they mean by head
over heels.
This has been "guiding light."
By Suzanne
Proofread by: Priscilla
Marah: Mom, I got some...
Marina: You're such a good boy, Robbie. Your
daddy's going to be right back, too. He just went to... He just went to go give
blood at the blood drive. But he is going to be right back in a minute, okay?
Okay? So everything is going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay.
Cassie: Edmund, what are you doing?
Edmund: Cassie, stop. Let Olivia take care of
all of this. She wants to help. How's Shayne doing?
Cassie: I don't know. I don't know. I wanted
to get over to the hospital in a little while. Do you want to come with me?
Edmund: Let me tie up a few loose ends around
here and then I値l be right over, all right? Go to your sister; she needs you.
Marah: Is there any new news?
Reva: You've only been gone for an hour.
Marah: I know. I know. I shouldn't even have
gone. I just... I don't know. I guess I hoped that when I came back everything
would magically be better. That's pretty ridiculous.
Reva: Hope is never ridiculous. It's all we
have right now.
Marah: Is dad...
Reva: Still camped out in front of your
brother's room. You know, Marah, he's in a bad way. I think he'd like to see his
little girl. He needs you.
Marah: What about you, mom?
Reva: I'll be okay.
Marah: No, I mean doesn't dad need you, too?
Sandy: (Clears throat) Mr. Lewis, how's
Josh: He痴... He's going to be okay. Thank
you for asking. What is this?
Sandy: I know you won't be coming into the
office, so I took the liberty--
Josh: Yeah, I... I... I can't really work
right now.
Sandy: I know. I know. And bill's got
everything covered. I made copies of your schedule and the pre-meeting notes; I
went over them with him. Anyway, it's all under control. All we need are a
couple of signatures. And I wouldn't bother you with this except that there's
payroll. And since your brother's out of town...
Josh: Yeah. Has anybody heard back from Billy
Sandy: Bill said he's going to keep trying.
Josh: Okay. Tell him I said thank you and
thank you for bringing this stuff in for my signature. Um...
Sandy: Right there.
Josh: Yeah.
Sandy: On the x.
Josh: Payroll. I guess for some reason I... I
thought the rest of the world literally stopped turning last night, but it sure
as hell did for me.
Sandy: Has he come to?
Josh: No. Excuse me for just a second,
Marina: How long have you been standing
Nico: Long enough. Yeah, Danny told me to
come by. I don't know what stupid thing he's come up with for me to do next. Oh,
man. Hey, if you keep that up then Robbie痴 going to start, too. And I get
enough of his bawling at Danny痴. So what gives? I mean, you look like you
lost your best...
Marina: I haven't lost anything. Will you
just get out of here?
Nico: This must be pretty big. I mean, you
don't seem like the crying type.
Marina: Well, no, I知 not.
Nico: So then what's going on?
Marina: There was an accident. Shayne and I
were driving in the car and there was an accident.
Nico: Are you okay?
Marina: Yeah, I知 okay. Shayne reached over
and protected me right before the car hit. So, um... So I am okay. And he's...
Nico: What's going on with him?
Marina: He won't wake up? I mean they're not
really saying how bad it is, but it's bad. You know he could be brain damaged...
Nico: Come on. Come on, he's going to be
Marina: How could you say that? You don't
even know him?
Nico: He's an athlete.
Marina: He's not made of steel.
Nico: Yeah, but he's tough, right? I mean, he
took you on, didn't he? You seem like your pretty tough.
Marina: Yeah, feeling really tough right now.
Look, Danny just went over to the blood drive. He should be back any minute.
Nico: I'm going to go find him.
Marina: Okay.
Nico: Hey, listen, you hang in there, all
Marina: Thanks. Robbie. Robbie.
Nico: Hey.
Marina: Oh, Robbie. It's all right. He just
can't sit still for too long.
Marina: Thanks.
Nico: Robbie and I understand each other.
Don't we, Robbie?
Marina: Yeah, you're a lot better with babies
then you are with adults.
Nico: Yeah, well, kids can't hurt you, not
like their parents can.
Josh: Who are those from?
Sandy: Oh.
Josh: Shayne's former team from Springfield
high. "Wishing a recovery as fast as your fast ball. You'll be back in the
dugout soon." It still kind of hard for me to believe, you know. I mean
last night he had everything going for him and now...
Sandy: Is there anything i can do for you,
Mr. Lewis?
Josh: No, nothing I could think of. Thank you
very much. You might as well go. Could you check on Marah?
Sandy: I'll do that.
Josh: All right.
Sandy: See you soon, sir. Hang in.
Marah: Mom, what's going on?
Reva: Your brother's been hurt.
Marah: Yeah, I know. I know that. We all know
that. Dad is blaming himself and hating himself and you won't even go near him.
It was an accident, mom. I mean, you get that, right. At least tell me that
you're not blaming dad.
Reva: Marah, your father and I both want the
same thing. We want your brother to open his eyes, get up out of that bed and
come back to us. But even so, I need to be here and your father needs to be
Marah: Do you really think Shayne would want
to see you guys fight?
Reva: Well, Shayne can't really tell us what
he'd like, can he, because... (Laughs)
Marah: Because of dad.
Reva: I don't want you feeling like you have
to run between the two of us, taking care of both of us.
Marah: It's too late.
Reva: Then go sit with your dad. I would feel
better if you did.
Marah: Shayne needs both of you right now.
Cassie: Is there anything...
Reva: I was just going to find out. Marah can
tell you what's going on.
Cassie: Hey, hey. How you hanging in there?
Marah: I'm not, Cassie. I'm not.
Cassie: Shayne's a tough kid.
Marah: I know. I know that. I'm just afraid
of what he's going to have to wake up to. I mean, the family should be sticking
together right now, not falling apart.
Nico: Beep, beep.
Danny: Thanks for helping marina with the
little man.
Nico: Yeah, way to go, genius, making marina
baby-sit while her boyfriend's in there.
Danny: What are you talking about? She
offered to. I thought it would be a good distraction for her. She wanted to do
Nico: So can we leave now?
Danny: What's your big rush?
Nico: I hate hospitals. I just hate seeing
people so sad.
Danny: Yeah. You know Shayne?
Nico: Yeah, I met him yesterday. He seems
like an okay guy.
Danny: Mm-hmm. Yeah, he's a good kid.
Nico: It's so weird. He doesn't even know
what hit him. It's like... It's like everybody out here is feeling it, like, the
car hit him or her or something. So can we leave already?
Danny: Yeah, I guess so. I just got to give
Robbie to marina. She arranged for buzz to watch him for the rest of the day. So
looks like we're on our own.
Nico: So what are we going to do?
Danny: Well, I thought we'd got to 5th
street. I want to take a look around, see what's working over there and what
isn't? And I thought it might be a good idea to have someone with me whose got
his nose to the ground.
Nico: A rat?
Danny: A guide. You know, Nico, one of these
days you're going to have to stop thinking that the world is out to get you.
Nico: I don't think that.
Danny: Uh-huh.
Nico: I think the world just don't give a
Danny: Come on, Nico. A little helps, please.
I'll take that as a yes. The car's out front.
Nico: No, no, no, no.
Danny: What?
Nico: No. I'll go, but we're not driving.
We're walking.
Danny: Why?
Nico: You think people are going to trust you
if you pull up in that fancy ride?
Danny: Okay. All right, we'll walk.
Marah: Shayne is like the glue for this
family, you know. Whenever we fight, he never takes side. He's always trying to
smooth things over. And now that he's like this, is like we're all fighting each
other. I mean mom and dad; they won't even talk to each other. I think they
should be together right now. They shouldn't be on separate sides of the
hospital. I mean, we all need to be together right now for Shayne.
Cassie: Marah, you can't put too much stock
into what your parents are doing right now. Trust me. I know.
Marah: I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I知
unloading all of this on you.
Cassie: Oh, god. It feels like everything is
in slow motion. Feels like the bottom just dropped out of your life. There's no
floor, there's no ceiling. There's only you and that person lying there in the
hospital bed. I know.
Marah: I was hard on mom. I shouldn't have
Cassie: It's okay. It's okay.
Marah: I just... I hate hospitals, you know.
(Crying) it's so overwhelming. And it's funny. Because anytime Shayne and I
would come here and we'd visit someone, he'd always talk to other patients, talk
to nurses and joke with them. You know, he'd always make everyone feel better.
And I just wish someone would do that for him right now because he deserves it.
Cassie: I'm going to go check on your mom.
(Marah sobbing)
Reva: Ed said that he'd be up in a little
while to check on Shayne.
Josh: That's good.
Marina: Hey.
Reva: Hey, sweetie pie. How are you feeling?
Marina: I'm okay. How about you, Mr. Lewis?
Did you go see a doctor?
Josh: I'm doing fine. Thank you for asking.
Marina: (Clears throat) look, I'M... I'm
really sorry about last night...
Josh: It's okay; you don't have to apologize
for anything. You didn't do anything. Why don't you go in and talk to Shayne a
bit? Ed said that might be good for him, and I知 sure he'd like to hear your
Marina: Hey, you. (Sighs) all right, listen,
Lewis, I know that you have got to be really tired right now. But I really need
you to wake up. It's always about me, isn't it? I always need you to show up. If
I need you to make everything better. So come on, show up makes everything
better. Oh, my god. Oh, my god, Shayne. Hey, he's awake! You guys, he's awake!
Alexandra: Well, you're here.
Eden: Hello they池e to you, too. Now I know
I知 new at the business world, but don't you have an office for these types of
Alexandra: Oh, yes, indeed I do, but there
are people there. And they gossip.
Eden: Oh, what, am I your dirty little
secret? Do you think they're going to realize that I work for you when I start
showing up on billboards?
Alexandra: Yes, well, about that.
Eden: What? Have you changed your mind about
my idea about the perfume or me representing it?
Alexandra: No, no, I still think it's a
brilliant idea. I mean, what woman doesn't want to use her inner... Bad girl?
(Laughs) it's just that this is afx9qasy bad girl, and you are the reality. You
see, you take the bedroom into the tabloids. And in a business world like mine,
well, even the slightest bit of negative publicity can quell an entire project
like this one. Right? So, after the last few months... (Chuckles)
Eden: Oh, well, excuse me for being targeted
by a serial killer.
Alexandra: Eden, I'm not judging you. It's
just that, well, my business world is quite different from the business world
you're used to working in. If you're going to sign on for this project, you're
not just signing on for a job, you know. You're going to be signing away the
kind of life you've known up to now. So, the only time you will be allowed to be
a bad girl is in our ads.
Eden: What do you mean?
Alexandra: I mean... (Laughs) ...You're going
to have to change your life. I mean, you're going to have to be a better girl
than you ever thought of being. I mean, you're going to have to be one very,
very good girl. Which means no escort service?
Eden: Well, that's over.
Alexandra: Good. Good. It also means you
can't hang around mobsters. No run-ins with the law not even so much as a
traffic ticket. Do you think you're up to the challenge?
Eden: Yeah, it's a piece of cake. I will try
to live up to the standards of your company and your family. From now on, I will
be on my best behavior. I will not gaslight my brother. I won't stalk anybody. I
won't mess with anyone's paternity. And I definitely would not keep some poor
guy from knowing who his father is for 30 years. Oh, wait, that wasn't me. That
was you.
Sandy: So I heard Tony was here.So does that
mean you two...
Marah: It means that... He's a good guy and
he still cares about my family. That's all. He was there to hold my hand and say
all the right things, but he wasn't really there. It's like he was holding a
part of himself back.
Sandy: Why?
Marah: I hurt him. Maybe he doesn't want to
set himself up for that again.
Sandy: But the guy has a chance to be with
you now.
Marah: I think that to have him there, but
not really have him with me... I think it's almost better to not have him at
all. I just don't know how I'm going to get through this without him.
Sand: with or without Tony you池e tough
Marah: (Crying) I just wish we could go
back... When everything was good. When Tony and I were happy and mom and dad
were happy, and Shayne was out on the baseball field. I tease him all the time.
You know, he probably doesn't even know what a good... What a good man I think
he is. I mean, he's the best man I know. He probably doesn't even know how much
I love him.
Sandy: He knows. He knows, Marah.
Reva: Shayne, sweetie, you were in an
accident. And you've been out for a little while, but... You're awake now. And
that's so great.
Marina: Yeah, you really scared us, but
you're going to be okay.
Reva: Of course he is. Take your time. Take
your time, honey. Why don't you blink if you can understand us? Good.
Ed: Hey, Shayne, listen, you shouldn't even
try to speak right now. You've had quite a blow to the head. What you've got to
do, what your job is to relax and let us take care of you. Just relax. So,
listen, what I知 going to do now is I知 going to clear everyone out of here
just for a little while, okay? Your family is really excited that you're back,
and they should be, but you and i need a little time alone, okay. All right, so
listen. This is probably going to be a piece of cake after what those scouts put
you through. I'm just going to test your reflexes. And I don't want you to worry
if you can't feel anything, all right? Okay, start with your feet. Okay. I'm
going to do the other one. Okay. Now we're going to do the arm. See what's going
on there. Okay. This is what i want you to do. I want you to make a fist. I want
you to squeeze my fingers as hard as you can, all right? Just make a fist. Okay.
Don't worry about this. All right, buddy; this is what's going on. Because of
the accident, you've got some swelling in your spine and in your brain. And what
that is doing is stopping the rest of you from waking up. Now, when this
swelling recedes, I am telling you everything is going to be different. But,
unfortunately, what i have to do now is get a whole bunch more tests. I want to
look at another catscan. I want to see some more x-rays. But when that's done,
you can come back here. You can spend time with your family and just chill out.
Deal? No fear.
Danny: And what about that building over
Nico: It's a burned out crack house. It's the
fifth one we've seen.
Danny: Yeah, I know what it is, wise guy.
What was it before?
Nico: Maria's. It's one of those family style
joints where people would go for joints where people would go for Sunday dinner.
Doesn't look like much now, but it used to be the place to be. Parents would
drag their kids there. And being that Maria thought she was the next Celia Cruz,
there would always be singing and dancing on chairs.
Danny: Sounds pretty cool.
Nico: Yeah. You know, the dealers moved out
as soon as you and your crew moved in. But before you go ahead and start giving
yourself props, what's going to happen to it now? Is it going to be something
for the neighborhood? Or, is it going to be one of those fancy style condos
where only people on your side of town can afford?
Mrs. Mondillo: Nico?
Nico: Mrs. Mondillo.
Mrs. Mondillo: Mi pequeno nico? Mi pequeno
pajaro, mi pequeno angel.
Nico: She says it's nice to see me. See?
She's glad to see me. How you doing, Mrs. Mondillo? It's good to see you, too.
Danny: She called you her little angel bird.
That's cute, really cute.
Nico: Que pasa, Mrs. Mondillo.
Mrs. Mondillo: You are, you've grown up.
Where have you been? We've missed you.
Nico: I got into a little trouble, apuro.
Todo bien. I mean, it wasn't that big of a deal.
Mrs. Mondillo: You missed my birthday.
Nico: I know. I'm sorry. Look, I promise I'll
come by and I値l make up for it, okay?
Mrs. Mondillo: You're here now. You owe me.
Nico: I promise I値l stop by later okay.
Danny: Wait, wait, and hold on a second. Mrs.
Mondillo, what... What does Nico owe you?
Mrs. Mondillo: A song.
Danny: A song?
Mrs. Mondillo: Nico has the most beautiful
voice in the entire neighborhood. Every year he sings me a song.
Danny: Oh, really?
Nico: I don't have my guitar. I promise I'll
stop by later, okay.
Danny: No, wait, hold up, hold up, and hold
up. Now, you don't want to disappoint Mrs. Mondillo, do you? The lady expects a
song. Am I right? So come on, Nico, why don't you show us what you got?
Reva: Ed, he... He won't talk. He still won't
talk. And when I squeezed his hand, he wouldn't squeeze back.
Ed: I know, honey. On the bright side he's
been breathing on his own since last night. All right, now, look, there are two
separate issues here. Both of them pretty serious. Let's deal with the blow to
the headfirst. As I explained yesterday, that trauma impacted the left frontal
lobe. That's the part of the brain that controls speech. Now with any luck at
all, when the swelling recedes, speech will return. There is a possibility of
permanent damage. Because when Shayne was reaching across the front seat, I
mean, immediately prior to the impact, it's, you know, it's the left side of his
skull that absorbed most of the blow.
Josh: And the second issue, it's spinal?
Ed: Yes. But the fact that Shayne is in top
physical condition can only improve his chances of recovery. I mean, look, we
all hope that the impairment is temporary. And I've ordered a whole batch of new
tests. But at the moment...
Reva: What?
Ed: Well, as you saw for yourself, I mean,
Shayne appears to be paralyzed from the chest down.
Marah: No. That can't be right.
Marina: But it could be temporary, right?
Josh: How much of this have you told him?
There's so much he has to know. He has to know that...
Cassie: Reva...
Reva: I need some air!
Danny: What's it going to be, Nico?
Nico: Perdoname , I'm sorry perdoname , can
you forgive me? I never planned this to be this way perdoname , I can't believe
this happened in a flash my life changed now I知 feeling so empty filled up
with all this pain I never meant to hurt you guess I'm the one to blame My anger
took over my body now I'm living in shame Can you accept my apology? Give me a
sign to set me free please perdoname , I'm sorry perdoname , can you forgive me?
I never planned to see you this way, perdoname ...
Marina: Look; everyone is going to be okay,
okay? I mean, dr. Bauer seemed really positive and. Thank you. You protected me.
I mean, that's what you're always doing, you know. You're always... (Crying)
you're always putting yourself out there and... You're protecting me. You know,
I just never thought that... I never thought you壇... But you saved me. So now
it's my turn, okay? Now it's my turn and I知 going to take care of you,
Shayne. I promise.
Nico: I never planned to see you this way,
perdoname , I'm sorry perdoname, can you forgive me? I never wanted to see you
this way, perdoname.
Danny: Nico, hey, that was really good.
Nico: Can we get out of here now?
Danny: Yeah, we can get out of here.
Nico: Hey, it was good to see you, Mrs.
Mondillo. Not another word, okay?
Danny: Where did you learn that song?
Nico: My mom. It's her... It was her
Reva: Sorry. (Breathing heavily)
Josh: Reva.
Reva: I need air. That's all,
Josh: But you don't need me.
Reva: I need you to go!
Josh: I'm not going anywhere.
Reva: I don't want this.
Josh: Can't you even look at me? Can't you
just talk to me, reva? Just yell at me, okay if that's what you need to do, just
say it! Just do it, reva. Just put it all out there, okay? Just say what you
need to say.
Reva: Please, just don't do this. Stop.
Josh: If I hadn't pushed him into the big
leagues, right? If i hadn't gotten so involved. If I hadn't gotten into my car
to track him down. If I hadn't done this or that or the other thing, say it,
reva. Just come on just say it to me. What do you want to say?
Reva: You did this to him. See you did. You
son of a bitch. |
Alexandra: Next on "Guiding Light."
Reva: How do we tell him that his life is
never going to be what it once was?
Rick: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You okay?
Phillip: I don't know, Rick. Let me think
about it for a second. Uh, no.
Jeffrey: This must be what they mean by head
over heels.
This has been "Guiding Light."