Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 9/17/03
By Suzanne
Proofread by: Priscilla
Nurse: Thanks for donating, detective.
Gus: Look, I'm bleeding. Thank you. Hey, you
gave blood? For free?
Alan: The word "free" implies no
compensation, Gus.
Gus: Mm-hmm. Well, you did a good deed.
That's... That's good.
Alan: So you like that concept, huh? Perhaps
you would like to do a good deed yourself?
Gus: Yeah, for who?
Alan: Whom?
Gus: Whom?
Alan: Your brother. I'm worried about
Blake: Blood drive today across the street at
Harley: I wish we could do more for Shayne
and the rest of his family. But this is something, right?
Mel: Hey, you guys.
Harley: Hi.
Mel: Listen, I finally have some time, so why
don't you bring me up to speed on the lori jensen situation.
Harley: Did you see how quickly she took off
her little doctor cap and put on her lawyer cap?
Blake: Oh, please, it's old news.
Harley: That was very impressive.
Blake: She does that constantly.
Harley: She's very hood.
Mel: Ladies? Lori Jensen? Missing Spaulding
employee. Mom's worried sick. Suspects foul play.
Harley: Exactly. And I spoke some people at
Spaulding and she was having an affair. Definitely with her boss, brad green is
his name, okay?
Phillip: I'm sorry.
Harley: You scared me. In a hurry?
Phillip: Yeah, although I’m really glad
that i ran into you.
Harley: Literally. (Laughter)
Phillip: No, no, you've been on my list of
people to call.
Harley: Oh.
Phillip: No, no, no. Don't go anywhere. It
concerns you, too. It's about this work that you've been doing with Harley’s
angels. I think that's great. I really... I think it's great.
Harley: Thanks.
Phillip: I want to make a donation. I wanted
to do it earlier; just my schedule has been really nuts. How do 50 sounds?
Harley: $50 is so great, Phillip. Thank you.
Phillip: No, $50,000.
Harley: $50,000?
Phillip: Yeah.
Harley: Dollars?
Phillip: Yeah, terms. Yeah.
Harley: You know what? That's very generous,
Blake: Hear the man out.
Harley: I will when the time is right, but he
seems a little preoccupied right now. We're actually in a little bit of hurry
ourselves. Actually.
Phillip: Don’t... Don't...
Blake: Blood drive. We're doing very good
work for a very good cause, this blood drive.
Harley: Yeah.
Phillip: Oh, you're doing a blood drive.
Harley: Mm-hmm.
Phillip: Yeah, that's always... Always great.
A blood drive.
Harley: Phillip, Phillip, you really... You
don't have to.
Phillip: No, I don't mind. This something
that I really want to do. I've been meaning to do it. So by all means. Please
here, take this. And I will... I'll donate blood. Tell me where I sign up?
Beth: Jeffrey O’Neill, please. Beth Raines.
In court? All day? No, no, I won't leave a message. Thank you.
Edmund: Legal troubles?
Beth: And what makes you say that?
Edmund: Well, i just can't think of any other
reason why you'd be calling the district attorney. Unless it's your business
with him is of a much more personal nature?
Harley: Phillip that is really, really...
Blake: Incredibly generous. Thank you.
Mel: Yes, yes, thank you, Phillip. This very
large amount of money will bring help to so many people in need, won't it,
Harley: Yes, it will. Thank you.
Phillip: Well, that's great. Just let me know
if there's anything else that i can do to help.
Harley: No, i think the very large check is
really more than generous. I'm just worried about you. How's Lizzie doing?
Phillip: Not very good. How about banks? Do
you need help with any of the local banks? Because I know somebody at all of
them. (Phone rings) I'll be glad to make that call for you. Hang on just a
Harley: Let that ring.
Phillip: I can’t. I can’t.
Harley: No, I’m serious. Let it ring.
Really. Maybe you can stand here and tell me what has gotten you so wound up.
Gus: I think that Phillip’s going to be
just fine. He's a very big boy.
Alan: Yeah. Well, have you seen him lately?
He's very stressed. With Olivia’s fall and all the trouble we've been having
with Elizabeth...
Gus: Listen, if he wants advice from you or
anybody else, I think he'll ask for it. You know what? He won't ask for it. It
doesn't pay... I'm not giving him any advice and neither are you, because it
doesn't pay. It always backfires.
Alan: This time I won't be giving him advice.
Gus: No, you won’t. I would. I would be
doing it for you, right? On your behalf.
Alan: All I want you to do is talk with him.
Find out what he's feeling and encourage him to stop being so hard on himself.
Gus: And that's it? You want me to ask him to
open up with his feelings. It sounds too simple. Alan, it's sounds to un-
manipulative for you.
Alan: No, that's it. That's all I want.
Gus: And I'm doing this... Why? Why am I
doing it?
Alan: Why? Because Phillip’s in charge of
Spaulding. He's also the father of three of my grandchildren.
Gus: And because you...
Alan: And a fourth on the way.
Gus: ...You care about him. Can you at least
admit that?
Alan: If I admit it, will you talk with him?
Phillip: Yeah, just copy them both. Okay.
Right. Sorry.
Harley: Important?
Phillip: I got to get to the office. But I'm
going to by the hospital and I'm going to give blood first.
Harley: No, no, talk to me. Please.
Something's obviously got you very upset.
Phillip: No, no, I'm not. I'm not. I'm not
upset. I just... I have a lot on my mind right now.
Harley: Phillip, let's go inside for five
minutes and have a cup of coffee. Decaf.
Phillip: I can’t. I can’t. I'll take a
rain check on that, okay? Ladies, bye.
Blake: Thank you.
Gus: I'll think about it.
Alan: Thank you.
Gus: Don't thank me yet. I didn't do
Alan: Ah, but you will.
Gus: I'm going to go check on Shayne. You
want to see some distraught folks; you just look at josh and reva.
Edmund: I see that you've given blood. Great
minds. Being back there reminded me of when Lizzie was so ill and I offered to
be her bone marrow donor.
Beth: Oh, here we go. First, you remind me
what a prince of a guy you were back then-- a little joke there-- and how I was
almost in your death for the rest of my life. And then you asked for a favor.
Edmund: In a minute. How's Lizzie?
Beth: Not good.
Edmund: I keep thinking of that little girl I
gave Eddie to, remember the toy horse. That little girl was so brave and strong.
I can't help but wonder...
Beth: How we got here. What went so wrong?
Edmund: I'm sorry.
Beth: Mom and Phillip have moved back in so
we could be there for her 24/7. She's seeing a top-notched therapist. And she's
so resistant and defensive. If she doesn't let her guard down and start
cooperating soon, dr. Lang ham thinks we may have to hospitalize her.
Edmund: Well, if there's anything I can do, I
will, Beth. You know I adore Lizzie.
Beth: Thank you. And I mean that. Okay, so
what's this favor you want?
Edmund: Thank you. How do you feel about
going to a baby shower?
Beth: Baby shower? Whose? Olivia's?
Edmund: Why not?
Beth: Why?
Edmund: Well, you were close once. She was
matron of honor at our wedding.
Beth: Oh, tell me you didn't just say that.
Tell me you don't think that's an argument in your favor?
Edmund: I think it's an argument in
Olivia’s favor. Just think about it, Beth. Think about it, all right? So...
Beth: So...
Edmund: You and Jeffrey O’Neill.
Beth: Oh, we are not going there.
Edmund: Is he still pursuing you?
Beth: Maybe.
Edmund: Well, you're still pursuing him,
obviously. You just tried to put a call into him. Have you been out together
yet? Once? More than once? You look fantastic. Did you enjoy yourself?
Beth: Edmund, my sex life is none of your
Edmund: Sex already?
Beth: No. No, no, no.
Edmund: No, no. Of course, you're right.
You're right. No sex. You just turned beet red because he's interested in your
Beth: Stop it. Just stop it.
Edmund: No, no.
Beth: Don't go any further with this.
Edmund: I won't.
Beth: Don't.
Edmund: I won't. I won't go any further as
long as you throw me scraps of information. Toss me a bone.
Beth: All right, yes, I went out with him
last night. We went to dinner and we saw a movie. Are you satisfied?
Edmund: I don't know. Were you? So French,
Italian or Greek?
Beth: The dinner or the movie?
Edmund: Either both and none of the above.
Beth: The film was French. The dinner was
Japanese. A private room in a tea garden And it was very nice.
Edmund: Now, Jeffrey O’Neill goes to
foreign films?
Beth: Mm-hmm. And speaks Japanese along with
seven other languages.
Edmund: Well, now I know you're joking.
Beth: I am completely serious. He is a man of
many talents.
Edmund: Well, we don't need to go there right
Beth: (Laughs)
Edmund: Well, whether you did or didn't do,
whatever you did or didn't do, it seems as if you are very pleased.
Beth: (Groans)
Edmund: Or not?
Beth: Oh, Edmund. It was just so typical I,
you know. Things were going along so well, and then I started thinking about my
track record with men, and lizzie, and feeling guilty that I should be home and
I was out on a date and feeling like I was a terrible mother.
Edmund: You're not a terrible mother, Beth.
Beth: And. And I asked him to take me home.
Edmund: Oh. All right. Well, it's not the end
of the world. These things happen. The next time you two hook up...
Beth: No. No, no. He is not in court all day.
He's avoiding me. He's decided that I'm more trouble than I’m worth.
Edmund: That's ridiculous, Beth. That's
ridiculous. And even if it's true, you need to set the man straight. You need to
go to him. Don't take this laying down. Unless of course...
Beth: (Laughs) and who's sake will this be
for? Mine? Or yours? (Laughs)
Rick: Sheena. Hey, what are you doing here
today? I thought you had the day off.
Nurse #1: So did I, but they needed me. We're
slightly understaffed.
Rick: Yeah, we're very understaffed.
Nurse: What am I thinking? These are for you.
Rick: What? Oh. Oh, actually wait. This is
for the other dr. Bauer. The cute one. Here. You are having a crazy day today.
I'll take care of this. Thank you. All right. So, who did my wife order tests
for today?
Phillip: Nurse? I'm in a bit of a hurry here.
Gus: Hey, no, no. What are kidding me? You
cannot... He does not need this, using a phone in the hospital. Remember we use
it the other day, but it was an emergency. So we had an excuse, right?
Phillip: Don't remind me. Um...
Gus: Hold up. Hold up. She'll come around
here. How's it going? How's it going with Lizzie?
Phillip: How's Lizzie? The truth? Lizzie's a
very messed up little girl, Gus. But I guess that's not all that surprising, is
it, considering... Considering how messed up her parents are, considering that
they've been thoroughly self absorbed lately they had no idea what was going on
in their own little daughters mind.
Gus: A little bit hard on yourself, aren't
Phillip: No, actually, i don't think I've
been nearly hard enough on myself. And I cannot spend all day waiting around to
do this. You know I’m going to go and I’m...
Gus: You're going anywhere. Go ahead hook him
up, take his blood. And when she does that, we're going to have ourselves a
little chat.
Beth: You want me to hook up with Jeffrey so
he'll be unavailable just in Cassie were the least bit interested, because he
looks like Richard.
Edmund: But that's where the resemblance
Beth: Oh, so you don't think that Jeffrey
looks like Richard.
Edmund: Jeffrey O’Neill is rude, course,
and self-absorbent.
Beth: The man you want me to hook up with.
Oh, Edmund, thank you so much. I'm so glad...
Edmund: Beth, Beth...
Beth: ...You've got my best interest at
heart... Thank you.
Edmund: Beth, Beth, you're twisting my words
all around. That's not what I'M...
Beth: ...And enjoying every minute of it.
(Laughs) oh, come on, you can't be that insecure.
Edmund: I'm not. I'm not. I just. I know what
Cassie and I have. Jeffrey O’Neill is not a threat to it. He's a constant
Beth: But that would come to an end if he had
a distraction? Namely, me.
Edmund: And what a distraction you are. And I
don't see any harm of it as long as the feeling's mutual.
Beth: I told you it's going to happen. I
ruined things with my uptight- mother routine.
Law clerk: Excuse me. Beth Raines?
Beth: Yeah?
Law clerk: Consider yourself served.
Beth: Served? Served for... For what?
Harley: Blood drive.
Blake: I need a break.
Harley: Me, too.
Mel: Me, three.
Blake: I'm glad you said that.
Harley: Here, here.
Mel: You guys still finish filling me in on
the Jensen case.
Harley: All right, well, Blake spoke to Mrs.
Jensen, Lori’s mom. She said the last time that she saw Lori was...
Blake: Well, when she told her mom that she
was going to meet brad to break it off with him.
Mel: And that's the last anyone's heard from
Blake: And then I went to the old mill inn...
Because my contacts at Spaulding said that it's possible that Lori and her
"boss" might have eaten there on occasion.
Mel: Might have?
Harley: No one's talking on the record.
Blake: But I showed the manager their
pictures of both of them, and he Id’d them. They both had dinner there that
Mel: Right, but green hasn't denied that. He
already admitted to having an affair and to meeting her that night, right?
Harley: Yeah, but see, it gets murky after
that. Because Lori’s mom said that Lori was madly in love with this guy.
Blake: This married guy. Twice her age.
Harley: And he was afraid that his wife would
find out about the affair.
Blake: So brad took Lori to the old mill inn
so he could break it off with her. But she started to cry and make a scene. And
then he probably tried to fire hire or tried to buy her off, but she was
emotional, completely irrational. He got scared. What if she tells my wife? So
he decided to get rid of her.
Harley: It might have happened a different
way. Yeah, brad took Lori to the old mill and to break up with her, but Lori
goes ballistic on brad, laces into him, warns him, "just try it."
She'll go straight to his wife. She storms out. After she's gone, brad panics.
He's got to get rid of her. Or brad panicked and then did nothing at all.
Blake: And then mean Lori decided the best
way to punish him would be to lay low while she let everybody think that he
killed her.
Harley: But there's also this possibility.
What if... Oh, hi.
Rick: What if I break up the Harley angels?
Mel: Hey, you.
Rick: Hey, you. Can I steal one of the angels
just for a moment?
Harley: Well, define a moment, because we're
working here.
Rick: Uh-huh.
Mel: Hey, what's up?
Rick: Hey. I thought you might want to take a
look at this.
Mel: What is this? My files. Is there
something wrong? My chemo’s fine, white count looks good, hcg levels are
elevated, so...
Blake: You know, no matter how you look at it
in any scenario with this Jensen thing, Spaulding is involved.
Harley: And that surprises you? You know
this; anybody who gets involved with a Spaulding gets the short end of the
stick. They're not family. They're quicksand.
Phillip: Okay, well, since I’m being hooked
up like a fish here, by all means, go for it.
Gus: And. What? Go for what?
Phillip: Say you whatever it is that you
tracked me down here to say.
Gus: Oh, I've got nothing to say to you. I
thought you were going to say something to me. Do you have anything to say? Am
I? Am I disappointing you?
Phillip: Why would I be disappointed?
Gus: Because normally Phillip Spaulding likes
to control every single little thing, right? I mean that's what this is all
Phillip: That's what is all about?
Gus: The whole super, "I'm a super ceo
man" thing. And burning the candle at both ends.
Phillip: Okay, who's been talking to you?
Gus: No, I...
Phillip: Yeah, okay.
Gus: I don't need to talk to Alan to see the
whole maintaining... The control issue that you have.
Phillip: Right.
Gus: All the things and people that hold dear
to you, like Lizzie and Olivia...
Phillip: Uh-huh.
Gus: ...And the baby.
Phillip: Right.
Gus: These are all things that you cannot
ever control at all.
Phillip: Well, no, maybe I can't control
them, but I can influence them, and I can improve them. Yeah, you bet I can.
Gus: You cannot... You cannot handle every
single little thing, man.
Phillip: There are very few things, I can't?
Gus: Is that right?
Phillip: Yes.
Gus: Uh-huh. Well, you know, you're doing a
job. You've got the best help in the world for Lizzie, and you're dealing with
Olivia honestly and openly, and the rest really is in god's hands.
Phillip: No. No, there's much more that i
could do. There has to be. Because I'm not just... I'm going to just step aside
and do nothing while I watch my daughter slipping away?
Gus: No, your daughter's not slipping away.
Phillip: No. And I wake up one morning and I
find out I come into a place like this and I see that she's in a hospital bed
like Shayne Lewis, fighting for her life? No, not on my watch.
Beth: Well, it's not a summons. It's too big.
Edmund: May I? (Laughing) it's not official.
Beth: (Laughs) no kidding.
Edmund: But it does seem to be from Jeffrey
O’Neill’s office.
Beth: Oh, no. Do you know what this is? I
left something in his car at the restaurant and he's returning it to me.
Edmund: Odd way of going about doing it.
Beth: Not to mention in person. Talk about a
brush off. Let's see what it is.
Edmund: What is it?
Beth: It's a book on the Japanese tea
Edmund: Oh. Is there a note?
Beth: Oh. No.
Edmund: Okay. Okay, what to make of it?
Either Jeffrey O’Neill wants to turn you into his own private little geisha...
Beth: Or it's way of saying sayonara. Maybe
there's an inscription. No.
Edmund: Desperate Beth. It's got your name on
Beth: "Tonight, 6:00 P.M. Dress to
kill." (Laughs)
Edmund: Well, that doesn't sound like he's
saying good-bye.
Alan: Brad, I got your message. It's a little
early for that, isn't it?
Brad: Depends on your perspective.
Alan: Well, why don't you tell me what's on
your mind?
Brad: Well, Alan, i have been a loyal
associate of Spaulding enterprises for how long now?
Alan: A very long time.
Brad: And I am one of your most trusted
associates, right?
Alan: I've always thought so, yes.
Brad: I wonder how millions I’ve made for
you both here and in Europe. And we're more than colleagues, we're friends, too.
I know we went through a rough patch when your sister bought me back from Paris.
But my point is, that friends and colleagues help each other out, right?
Alan: Brad, I have an obligation to look
after all my employees at Spaulding enterprises. Now, Lori Jensen is one of my
employees. She's also a woman who's half your age. You should have known better
than to have slept with her. Now she's missing.
Brad: And I don't know anything about it. But
you got to stop painting Lori as some fresh scrubbed, naive little girl. That
little tart wielded sex like a weapon. She was shrewd and ambitious as hell.
Alan: But you do admit having dinner with her
the night she was missing.
Brad: Yes, to break off the affair. I
couldn't bear cheating on my wife any longer. I tried to let Lori down gently,
but she went nuts on me, Alan. She stormed out of the restaurant.
Alan: And no one's seen her since.
Brad: And I had nothing to do with it. But I
can tell you this. Right now she's probably hold up somewhere watching me go
through the wringer over this and just enjoying the hell out of herself. The
little witch.
Alan: Brad, why don't you tell me what you've
done to Lori. Tell me now, and we will deal with it. Now if you lie to me,
you're on your own.
Blake: When were the last time you checked
with Lori’s Jensen’s credit card companies?
Harley: This morning.
Blake: Any activity?
Harley: No activity on her credit cards or in
her checking account. But hey, you know that doesn't matter.
Blake: I know, I know. Somebody could have
found them or stolen them and still use them. But it would be a start. We would
have a lead. So, what's the next step?
Harley: Interviewing anyone and everyone who
knew Lori who might have been with her that night, who would know her state of
mind right now. Any of that stuff.
Blake: Right. And then I think we should...
Mel: (Screams with delight)
Rick: (Laughs)
Harley: I would think it was bad news
Mel: Oh, I don't believe it. I don't believe
Rick: Oh, honey, believe it. Believe it.
Mel: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Blake: All right, she is talking in threes.
Is that code for something?
Harley: Well, I’d ask Rick, but I think
she's cutting off his oxygen supply.
Blake: (Laughs)
Harley: Hey, you guys...
Rick: Can I tell them?
Mel: Yes, yes. Tell them. Tell everyone!
Rick: I'm pregnant. No, she's pregnant. We're
pregnant. You know what I mean. I'm pregnant.
Harley: Oh! Congratulations.
Rick: Isn't that great?
Harley: That's so amazing. I mean, I knew you
guys were trying, but...
Rick: Well, I thought, you know, with the
anti-rejection drugs that I was taking for my heart that we couldn't, but i
guess I'm a stud after all.
Mel: I know. And we were ready to accept
that. But...
Harley: Do you know how excited Jude is going
to be to have a brother or sister? This is great. You guys should go celebrate.
Blake: Yes. Go go. Go. But no champagne for
you, missy. Only fizzy cider.
Harley/Blake: Go!
Mel: I don't believe this.
Harley: You guys, congratulations.
Blake: Congratulations. Oh, wow, I’m happy
for them.
Harley: That is so great.
Blake: Really great.
Harley: Do you know how lucky she is to work
with us? Because we are women who understand that whole juggling act thing.
Imagine if she was still working for Jeffery O’Neill?
Blake: So little... Oh. Oh, oh. You know,
it's amazing how some men just don't get the kid thing, and then other men are
pretty good about it. I mean, I think we're lucky in that department. Gus and
Ross are pretty great. And so is Phillip.
Harley: You know, speaking of Phillip, I was
going to say, did you see how stressed out he was before? I'm worried about him.
This whole thing with Lizzie it's... I don't think he's handling it very well.
Nurse: Thanks.
Phillip: Thank you.
Gus: All right, so you don't want Lizzie to
ever attempt what she did before and maybe be successful this time.
Phillip: I don’t... I don't want her to get
hurt period.
Gus: All right.
Phillip: I don't want her to be unhappy. I
don't want anything bad to ever happen to her at anytime.
Gus: Right, I get that. So you're going to
stick with her for 24 hours every single day, seven days a week, right? You're
going to stay by her side. You're going to will her to be better, no matter
what. You're going to force it if you have to.
Phillip: Whatever is in my power to do is
what I will do.
Gus: All right. So what happens two years
from now, I’m just asking. You know, no one's watching her, because she's all
grown-up now and she's coming home one night from, let's say, concert driving by
Phillip: No. Don’t.
Gus: She's walking across the street like
Zach did.
Phillip: All right.
Gus: Exactly like Zach did.
Phillip: Stop! I don't want to hear that. Is
there a point that you're trying to get through?
Gus: Yeah, yeah, I got a point.
Phillip: What?
Gus: I got a point.
Phillip: What is it?
Gus: You can only control so much, you know
what I'm saying? You can only spin so many plates at one time until finally,
eventually, one of them will slip away from you.
Phillip: And so what does that mean? That I
should just give up? I should stop trying to do everything that I could possibly
do to help the people that I love?
Gus: Well, all I'm saying is that you have to
remind yourself every now and then that you're human and you cannot be 12 places
at one time. You know what I mean. And that you cannot ever control every single
little thing.
Phillip: We'll see about that.
Brad: I'm telling you, Alan, Lori and I met
at the old mill inn, had dinner. I was trying to her that I was ending the
relationship, but she had a fit.
Alan: Did she threaten to tell your wife?
Brad: Yes.
Alan: Well, that would give you a motive.
Brad: Okay, for being scared and angry, yes.
But not for killing her, Alan. Come on, you know me. I'm "Mr. Straight and
Alan: Yes, who happened to sleep with his
Brad: Okay, who's made a couple of mistakes
in his life, yes. But I was ready to take the hit for this one with my wife, and
pray she understood. But before I could tell Lori that, when she was through
tearing into me, she stormed out of the restaurant, jumped in a cab, and that
was it. She was gone. That's the truth, Alan. As god as my witness, that is the
Alan: Look, brad, you have done wonderful
work for us ever since Alexandra bought you back from the pharmaceutical
division in Europe. I would hate to lose you. But I think now would be a good
time for you to return to Paris.
Brad: No, I like it here in Springfield. So
does my wife. And the kids have just started school...
Alan: That's all fine and well, brad. But as
long as you are here, you are a target.
Brad: Well, I’m not the only one.
Alan: What do you mean by that?
Brad: Well, like we've said, Alan, I've been
a trusted employee for Spaulding for a long time now. And I've been in on some
major deals. I know how you and your sister do business.
Alan: Is that a threat?
Brad: Alan, you have the power to make this
thing go away. Do it.
Alan: Or what?
Brad: Or things could get dicey for Spaulding
Harley: So what do you think the best way is
to sort of break down this list, just split it in half?
Blake: Yeah.
Harley: Only you, Blake. Only you would take
me so literally. (Laughs) it's good.
Harley: It feels so good to work with you
Blake: (Laughs) it is, isn't it? You know,
the more I think about the scenarios here that we're planning out, I don't want
any of them to be true. I don't want Lori to be this kind of person who is
laying low just to make her mother sick and she could stick it to brad green.
Harley: Well, you also don't want her to be
dead, right?
Blake: That's so true. You know what? I did
the wrong list. We have the wrong interview list. We should switch.
Harley: Why?
Blake: Because green is on your list, and I
want him.
Harley: So?
Blake: I want to interview him.
Harley: Well, so do I.
Blake: No, but... Well... Well, you can't
because you're an ex-cop. And he's going to clam up.
Harley: No, no, no. Not if I play it right. I
could say to him, " hey, hey, you know why I left the force? Because cops
only think in black and white, they only think innocent and guilty. Now, we both
know that things are never that simple, don't we." That guy will be putty
in my hands.
Blake: But then again, there's that Spaulding
connection that you have.
Harley: I've thought about that, too, and
that's a good thing. Because I've been married to two Spaulding’s, I'm engaged
to another Spaulding-- I don't want to think about it-- and Alan is my soon to
be father-in-law again, and he's the one who hired me for this. This guy is
going to think that I’m on his side.
Blake: But you're not, are you? I mean, think
about it. Deep down. Not that you want Lori to be killed, I don't think. But
don't you kind of hope that this all comes to haunt Spaulding and it blows up in
Alan’s face?
Harley: Maybe I do a little bit. But that
doesn't mean that I can't be objective. It doesn't, Blake. No, because that's a
small part. The larger part of me hopes that Alan and Spaulding enterprises is
innocent in all of this... For Gus’s sake.
Phillip: Thanks. Do you have any children of
your own, Gus?
Gus: None that I know of.
Phillip: You ever raise a child beside from
helping Harley this past year?
Gus: Well, I raised my sister for my entire
childhood and hers after my parents died.
Phillip: How did that turn out? So there's
really no basis for you giving me advice on how to take care of my daughter, let
alone the rest of my life.
Gus: Phillip, I’m a detective, you know.
I'm a cop. I'm a pretty good cop, i think. I know that because I could see when
people are going in the wrong direction, you know. And I wouldn't be that good a
cop or quasi friend to you, or your brother for that matter, if i didn't tell
you the truth. And you know what? That is the problem. People don't really tell
you the truth. They're not really honest with you. Look at yourself, man. You're
tense. You're all uptight. Your jaws all like locked up, you got steam coming
out of your ears. You should go for a jog.
Phillip: Oh.
Gus: That's what you need.
Phillip: Really?
Gus: Yeah.
Phillip: So now you're my personal trainer as
Gus: You should take a power walk or go
around the lake. Swim in that pool of yours. Isn't that a nice heated pool?
Listen to me. (Phillip laughs) listen. I've got one word for you. I'm just
trying to say, "delegate." Delegate it to that dr. Lang ham or
whatever his name is. That great doctor that you hired for Lizzie. Let him do
his job. Give Olivia a little room, is all I'm saying. This does make you a bad
man or a bad father, or a bad guy, bad partner to Olivia. In fact, I know for...
I can promise you this. It will not kill you. But if you go at this pace, man,
it just might. (Phillip’s phone rings) you don't have to answer this phone,
you know. Take a breather. Take the day off.
Phillip: Yeah, dab, what's up? Two copies. I
told you two.
Reva: Shayne.
Reva: Shayne. I knew you were in trouble. I
could see the accident. I could feel it. Why can't I see you walking? Why can't
I feel you coming back to me?
Next on "Guiding light."
Nico (singing in Spanish): I'm sorry.
Eden: I know exactly what I want. I want to
be you.
Marah: Oh, my god. He's awake. You guys, he's
This has been "Guiding Light."