GL Transcript Tuesday 9/16/03

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 9/16/03

By Suzanne

beth: Mom? Hi. What are you doing up so late?

Lillian: Oh. Well, I was falling in sleep when i was in bed so i thought i'd come down here and read. How was your date?

Beth: Fine. It was fine. How's lizzie?

Lillian: Well, lizzie's fast asleep. I just checked on her. Do you want some tea?

Beth: Sure. That session with christopher really wore her out.

Lillian: Well, I think that's a positive thing, beth. It means he pushed her to see a few things.

Beth: Yes, but it doesn't mean that he succeeded, does it?

Lillian: Give him time. I have a hunch that christopher will do her a lot of good.

Beth: Mom, I hope you're right. I couldn't stop thinking about her tonight.

Lillian: Oh, during your "fine" time with jeffrey o'neill?

Beth: Oh.


That's why you're up late reading. You wanted to quiz me about my date.

Lillian: (Laughs) it's true. You know, old habits die really hard.

Beth: Funny. Jeffrey said the same thing to me tonight. Referring to.

Lillian: Okay, beth, so what did you do?

Beth: Um, we... Uh, we... Went to a movie and had dinner. That was pretty much it.

Lillian: I'm so glad I stayed up to get this stirring account of your evening, honey.

Beth: Oh, mom.

Lillian: What?

Beth: I had a wonderful time. Oh.

Lillian: Why am i getting the idea it was more complicated than that?

Beth: Oh, it's just jeffrey is this amazing man.

Lillian: Amazing?

Beth: Yes. He said all the right things. He did all the right things.

Lillian: But?

Beth: But... (Laughs) ...Nothing. It was a fabulous, incredible evening.

Lillian: Now we're up to fabulous, incredible. And you're blushing, beth raines!

Beth: It's just... It's just that i wasn't expecting it to be as fabulous as it was. And mom, it has been so long since I've allowed myself to completely enjoy a man.

Marah: I'm his sister. How badly is he hurt? Is he conscious?

Nurse: I'm sorry, you'll need to speak to the doctors about his condition.

Marah: Is there anything you can tell me? Are mom and dad here?

Cassie: Yes. Rick saw them.

Tony: Look, maybe he's in the icu.

Marah: I can't believe this.

Cassie: Look, you're just going to have to tell yourself that shayne's going to pull through, okay?

Marah: It's that bad?

Cassie: It was a pretty serious car accident.

Marah: Well, is there any other news, other than he's in intensive care?

Cassie: Rick and ed bauer are heading up the team that's treating him, but he is not conscious.

Tony: Oh, man. Hey, hey, hey. Hey, come on. Come on.

Edmund: Let's go to the icu ourselves, see where things stand.

Cassie: Okay. Right.

Edmund: Cassie, i can see that this is upsetting you.

Cassie: I just remember the last time I was in the icu after a car accident. But I really need to see my sister.

Edmund: Yeah.

Cassie: I'm going, marah.

Marah: Tony, it's okay.

Tony: What do you mean? What do you mean, okay?

Marah: You brought me here. You don't have to stay. You can go. (Monitors beeping)

reva: Everything's going to be all right. Can you hear me, shayne? Ed is going to be running some tests now so that he can figure out exactly what it is he needs to do for you.

Ed: All right, I want him back in his room five minutes after that cat scan is over, understood? And they've got to turn around the results immediately. All right. As soon as he's connected let's go.

Rick: Everybody needs to clear the room, please?

Ed: Okay? Let's go. Here we go.

Rick: Reva.

Reva: I've got to go with him, rick.

Rick: He's just going to be a moment.

Ed: Reva, we're doing everything we can for him.

Rick: You need to stay here.

Reva: Yeah, well it's not enough. You know, he still is unconscious. He's not moving a muscle.

Ed: That's because he suffered a severe trauma. Look, we did... We stabilized him in er. We can't take the next step until we know exactly what's going on.

Rick: I know this is torture for you, reva, but the cat scan saves time. It really does.

Ed: When we know what the situation is, you will know. I promise. Now, he's going to be an hour. Let's go get some coffee. Come on.

Reva: Thanks.

Josh: He's going to be okay.

Reva: I have to sit down.

Marina: He looked so...

Frank: He's going to be fine. They're going to take good care of him. But it's you i'm worried about right now. I want you to let a doctor look at you again.

Marina: Dad, I'm okay. I'm okay. Do you know why I'm okay? Do you know what shayne did?

Frank: Honey, i know you said that he stuck his hand out to...

Marina: No, dad, he stuck his whole body in front of me. He kept me from going through the windshield. If it wasn't for him, I would probably be dead.

Frank: Oh, honey.

Marina: He saved my life. And now... Now he'S...

Gus: Hey. I would have come down sooner, man, but it's just crazy at the station, you know? You all right, marina?

Marina: Yeah, i'm okay.

Gus: Yeah? Anyway, harley's on the way back with everybody, so...

Frank: Thanks.

Gus: Is it true? Josh was the driver of the other car?

Frank: We're still waiting for the responding officer's report.

Gus: The guy must be ripping himself to shreds.

Marina: He should be.

Nurse: Mr. Lewis, there's some paperwork you need to fill out.

Josh: Does it have to be right now?

Nurse: If you don't mind.

Josh: Okay.

Nurse: Come with me.

Josh: Sure.

Cop: Hey. Wasn't that the guy...

Frank: Yeah, that's josh... Joshua lewis. He's the other driver involved in the accident. Now, where do we stand right now?

Cop: Well, the two cars have been towed to impound, but i can't finish the accident report until I get a statement from...

Frank: From josh.

Gus: You know what? I'll handle it. Let me do it. It's all right. I don't think he needs to see a stranger. I'll be gentle. All right?

Frank: Thanks. Gentlemen, i don't want to turn this into a media circus, okay? We'll brief the press, make a statement, that's it.

Cassie: Reva?

Alan: Hello, olivia.

Olivia: If you're looking for phillip, he just left.

Alan: No, as a matter of fact, I'm here to see you.

Olivia: Why, is there a problem?

Alan: Yes, there is. I owe you an apology.

Olivia: What?

Alan: And probably a vote of thanks.

Olivia: Okay.

Alan: My granddaughter is a very disturbed young lady and, well, it's hard for me to even say that, but...

Olivia: Well, i understand that you got her a new therapist.

Alan: Yes, yes. She's seeing dr. Langham. We feel as a family that's the right thing for elizabeth. And one other person who did the right thing for her is you.

Olivia: Alan...

Alan: Please. Please hear me out. You realized very early on that elizabeth was a very disturbed young lady. You spoke up about it when you didn't have to and then you had to endure the wrath of the entire spaulding family.

Olivia: It just seemed clear to me.

Alan: But we punished you for your clarity and i am deeply sorry for that. You know, one doesn't always see flaws in those they adore.

Olivia: That's true.

Alan: Why, even now, I liked to think that elizabeth is in better shape than she probably is, but she does need help.

Olivia: Look, it's good that you see that she needs help. I mean, it's good for the whole family's sake.

Alan: Yes, it is, and again, my heartfelt thanks to you.

Olivia: I hope that lizzie is just a normal teenager again, very soon.

Alan: Generally i don't settle for normal, but in this situation, it would be a blessing. Well, I've said what i have to say, and i'll be off...

Olivia: Alan? I think it's great that you realized that lizzie needs help. And I know the spauldings, they take things very much to heart, and right now your focus is on lizzie. I just hope...

Alan: What?

Olivia: I just hope... I hope you don't forget about phillip, because I think he really needs your help, too.

marah: Mom. Is there any new news?

Reva: No, there's nothing yet.

Marah: He'll be okay.

Reva: Yeah. Of course. Of course he will be okay. My baby. He's my baby.

Marah: It's okay, mom. Don'T.

Cassie: You know what? He's in good hands. You know that.

Marah: It's just so sudden. I mean, you don't expect this. You get a phone call...

Reva: Shh. I know.

Marah: And you can't prepare for something like this.

Reva: No, of course not.

Marah: Where's dad?

Cassie: The nurse said that he went to fill out some paperwork.

Reva: He may have some cuts and bruises, too, that need to be looked at, so that could be where he is.

Marah: Cuts and bruises? Why? How did he get hurt?

Reva: In the accident. Your father was the one who hit shayne's car.

Marah (voice trembling): What?

Reva: The roads were slick, it was foggy and they were both in a hurry, and that's how it happened.

Cassie: Oh, my god.

Marah: Where was dad going?

Reva: To find shayne.

Marah: Oh, poor dad.

Tony: Marah, listen, is there anything i can do? I can get you something if you want.

Marah: Yeah. Will you come with me?

Tony: Yeah.

Reva: Where are you going?

Marah: I just can't stand around and wait like this. I'm going to see if somebody knows when shayne's cat scan is going to be finished.

Reva: Okay.

Cassie: You're going to hear something soon. He's with ed, reva. Ed's the best, you know that.

Reva: Excuse me. I'm sorry.

Christopher: You're sorry? About what?

Reva: For being so close- minded.

Christopher: Oh, reva, this is not the time...

Reva: No, christopher, please. When you told me about your wife's death and how you devoted your life to making sure that loved ones would never have to go through the pain of mistakes or accidents again, I wouldn't let it in. I thought you'd have to be hopelessly deluded to think that you could challenge fate, much less try to change it. And I wouldn't acknowledge the feelings behind what it was you were trying to do.

Christopher: You understand them better now?

Reva: I understood it then. A year ago, I helped someone that i love die, here in this hospital, in a room right up the hallway, after another car accident. I just understand it better now.

Christopher: Go ahead. Say it.

Reva: Why did this have to happen? I remember thinking it when richard's car went off the road and I remember thinking it then and I'm thinking the same thing now, and the only answer i keep coming up with is that it didn't have to happen. It didn'T.

Gus: If there's anything that you need to say about the accident, you know, now would be a pretty good time.

Josh: (Sighs) I hit my son, broad-sided him with my car. What else do you need to know?

Gus: This is not an opportunity, you know, for you to... I'm not trying to make you beat yourself up about this. I just need some details, is all.

Josh: I don't remember much.

Gus: Right. Well, it was foggy. The roads were wet. Maybe you remember how fast you were going or how fast shayne was going?

Josh: I didn't even see his car.

Gus: Well, did you see a traffic light? Did you see any other cars?

Josh: I don't know.

Gus: Did you hear anything? Did you hear a horn?

Josh: I don't know! My son is in intensive care right now, hanging onto his life by a thread, and you want to talk to me about traffic lights and tires?

Gus: No, no, no. No, no. You know, we will wait and make sure he's okay and we'll talk about it then. Why don't you just get back?

Josh: I actually have some paperwork I have to fill out right now.

Gus: All right. I'll see you there then, right?

Marina: I always told shayne

marina: I always told shayne that i thought his best pitch was his slider. He told me, no, his dad thought his best pitch was his fast ball. I told him, you know, maybe he should try to widen his stance a little bit. He said his dad thought that he should keep it closed. Thought his dad knew everything.

Josh: It was an accident, marina.

Marina: He was coming home, you know.

Josh: What?

Marina: To go to that meeting. To go to that stupid, stupid meeting that you thought was the most important thing ever, so no, you didn't have to rush to try to drag him back, because he would have made it.

Josh: (Sighs)

marina: He would have made it, and do you know why? Because there is no way that he was going to let you down, ever.

Josh: Marina... Marina, stop.

Marina: You know, tonight wasn't about me. Tonight wasn't about me and shayne going to this concert, not if you had plans for him. It was about you.

Josh: Don't do this.

Marina: It was about you and what you wanted.

Josh: I'm begging you, don't do this.

Marina: He would have rather died than miss that meeting tonight. And you know what? Maybe that's the way that this is going to turn out.

Josh: No, it's not. He's not going to die, marina.

Marina: Why couldn't you have just waited? Why couldn't you have just waited? Why couldn't you have just trusted him? I mean, my god, don't you even know your own son? He loved you and this is where it got him. You're always saying how proud you are of him. Well, it's too bad that you couldn't have had a little faith in him, because if you did, then maybe he'd be a hell of a lot better off right now. Hey. Welcome back.

Josh: What happened?

Rick: The bottom line is that you were knocked around in that car wreck worse than we thought.

Josh: Where's shayne?

Rick: Take it easy. Take it easy.

Josh: How long have i been out?

Rick: Just a couple minutes. Lie back. Lie back. We're still waiting for your son's cat scan. It's going to be a couple of minutes.

Josh: Okay. I should be with him.ησ

Rick: Josh, if there's some place that i could take you to help your son, i would do that. The best thing we can do right now is wait, okay?

Josh: Okay.

Rick: All right. (Pager beeps) that's my beeper. And it's not about shayne, but i do have to deal with it. Can you get the sides up for me?

Rick: You stay put.

Josh: Okay.

Rick: Take it easy.

Josh: Don't forget: The

money's not what's going to

make you happy.

Shayne: Oh, yeah?

So, what is?

The pretzels and the mustard?

Josh: No.

Playing the game, son.

Following that dream you had in

that ballpark when you were six

years old.

Anything else would be a huge


Now, you believe that, don't

you? (Sighs)

cassie: Reva? I just found out that josh is in the er. He collapsed. Now, i think he's going to be fine, he's just a little dizzy, but maybe, you know, you should go down and see him.

Reva: I am going to wait here for news on shayne.

Cassie: I can find you and let you know if there's any news.

Reva: Didn't you just say that he was going to be okay?

Cassie: Reva. How are you?

Reva: I'll be fine, once shayne wakes up and smiles and walks out of this damn hospital.

Cassie: I know how hard it is, the hoping and the waiting. Especially if you're confused and conflicted.

Reva: What are you getting at, cassie?

Cassie: Josh. And the accident, you know. He didn'T...

Reva: Want it to happen? I know.

Cassie: Go see him. Go see him. I'll go with you if you want me to.

Reva: No. I'll do it.

Cassie: Hey. I'm going to be here and i'm going to find you if i hear anything about shayne. And remember, josh did not want this to happen.

Phillip: So it was fun? Your date?

Beth: It wasn't what i expected. I should get to bed.

Phillip: So, what is mr. O'neill like? Did you spend the whole night talking about legal matters?

Beth: No, he didn't talk about one. He surprised me.

Phillip: How so?

Beth: Jeffrey has a unique perspective on things, very different from what I'm used to. He believes... No, it's more than a belief, he acts in the moment, as the spirit moves him.

Phillip: Doesn't sound like much of a da.

Beth: He didn't seem like a da tonight.

Phillip: Not my strong suit lately: Acting in the moment.

Beth: You do things your way.

Phillip: Usually I think them to death first, which I guess would make me very much the opposite of mr. O'neill.

Beth: It's not such a terrible way to be, phillip.

Phillip: It's not so great lately.

Beth: Good night.

Phillip: Good night.

Josh: It was... It was my

Josh: It was... It was my


I was the one who hit them.

Ed: Reva? Cassie said I'd find you here. We have some of those cat scan results now.

Reva: Oh, thank god.

Josh: We're both here now. Why don't you tell us what's going on with our son.

Rick: Take it slowly. Take it very easy. Let's make sure those lines are clear when we get inside, okay? Okay. All right. Let's get him all set up in there.

Marina: Shayne.

Rick: Marina, this isn't a good time.

Marina: No, please. Please, just... Come on. Come on, let me see him for just a minute, okay? I was in the car with him.

Rick: All right. Just a minute."J>

marina: Hey. Hey, it's me. Will you come back?

Ed: The injuries we're

concerned about are to shayne's

brain and his spine.

There's extreme swelling in

those two areas.

We've done everything we can to

bring it down, but until that

happens, any diagnosis i may give you is preliminary, okay? So, come on. Sit down for a second here. What's certain is that shayne's head hit the windshield of the car in the accident and the trauma from that impacted the left frontal lobe-- that's where the swelling is the worst.

Reva: Meaning what?

Ed: That the functions controlled by that part of the brain could be impaired. Speech, for example.

Reva: You mean he may not be able to talk?

Ed: Honey, we're not going to know that until he comes out of the coma, regains consciousness. But yes, that's possible.

Josh: And there's nothing you can do?

Ed: See, unfortunately, at this point, the next step is up to shayne. He has to come out of that coma as soon as possible.

Reva: And what about his spine?

Ed: The cat scan showed there's no contusion, there's no compression, but there is that swelling, which isn't good, because it means we could be talking about something called spinal shock.

Josh: So... Will he be paralyzed?

Ed: See, again, it's way too soon to talk about that. On the positive side, if it is spinal shock, this is a condition that does resolve over time.

Reva: How much time?

Ed: Anywhere from a matter of days to weeks. Look, I know that this must sound like some horrible waiting game at this point, but...

Reva: So, what you're saying is you really don't know what to do or when you might know what you could do.

Ed: I understand your frustration. We want to get the answers just as badly as you do, and hopefully when shayne comes out of the coma, we will have those answers. But until that point, we are doing the best we can.

Reva: Right. The best is all anyone can do.

Phillip: Deborah, i need you to send off a memo asap to the lawyers. Subject: Trust for olivia's baby. Message as follows: Message... (Sighs) I can't do this right now. Hi. I know that you can't hear me and even if you could, you couldn't understand me. Not yet. But I'm your father. I would call you by your name, but you don't have one yet, and i probably will not have a say when you get one. But I want you to know that i will never fail you and I will never let you down. Whatever you need for things to be right for you, I will do, because you will always come first with me. Will i still make mistakes? Yes. I have made so many already. I don't see that changing, so i will apologize to you now in advance for all the things that i get wrong. But when i screw up, all i ask of you is that you give me the chance to make it up to you. That's all i'm asking, lizzie. Just give me the chance to make it up to you.

Ed: So I will update you on any information as soon as i get it. In the meantime, please just try to take care of yourselves, get some rest.

Josh: Thank you.

Marah: Shayne's back in icu. Oh, god, dad.

Josh: Did you see him? Ed was just here. We'll fill you in on the way over, okay?

Marah: Are you okay?

Reva: I think we should go and see shayne.

Josh: Marah, I...

Marah: I heard about what happened, and I'm sorry.

Josh: Thank you. Your mom is right. We should go see him.

Marina: The slider is your best pitch. I don't care what anybody else says. ( Monitors beeping) (ventilator breathing) I always love it when you're on the mound and you're gripping the ball behind your back, and i can tell that you're getting ready to pitch a slider. I can always tell by the way that your fingers move. You've got to fight, shayne. Okay? You've got to fight like this is the toughest game that you have ever been in, because you can't leave now. You have too much to do. We have too much to do together,r stuff that i can't do alone, stuff that... Stuff that i don't want to do alone. So you can't leave me, okay? Who else am I going to find that can throw a slider like you? No one. So please come back. Please.

Josh: Ready to go in?

Reva: Not just yet. Let marina be with him for a while. She needs this time with him, too. Oh, god.

Marah: Mom? I'll go get you some water.

Reva: No, honey, I'm fine.

Marah: No, it'll just take a second.

Reva: You know, we've done this one. Stood in front of this window, or a window like it, two years ago, when he took that lacrosse ball to the chest and his heart stopped. All we could do then was watch. And that's all we can do now.

Josh: He was okay then. He'll be okay this time.

Reva: Just never changes, you know? It doesn't matter how many windows you stand in front of, you always think that you can do something to protect your kids, your babies, you know? Keep them safe. But all you can really do is just wait. And watch. (Monitors beeping) (ventilator breathing)

phillip: Next, on "guiding


Reva: I'm not begging you this time, i'm telling you. And you will do right by him.

Alan: Why don't you tell me what you've done to lori. Tell me now and we will deal with it.

Rick: Can i tell them?

Mel: Yes, yes! Tell everyone!

this has been "guiding light."

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