GL Transcript Monday 9/15/03

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 9/15/03

By Suzanne
Proofread by Priscilla

Beth: Did this just really happen? Here?

Jeffrey: Yes, it really did.

Beth: You know, when I left my house tonight, I never imagined that we... Oh, my... Did this just really happen? Here?


Christopher: Reva, what is it?

Reva: I don't know. I don't know what's happening.

Christopher: Don't fight what you're feeling, Reva. Tell me what you're getting.

Reva: It's Shayne. (Phone ringing)

Marina: Shayne? Hey, Shayne, are you okay? Shayne. Shayne. (Phone ringing) Shayne, come on. Come on wake up.

Reva: He's not picking up. (Phone ringing)

Marina: Come on, Shayne. Wake up. Shayne? Shayne?


Beth: I mean this is... We're in.

Jeffrey: We're in a Japanese restaurant.

Beth: And you... You're...

Jeffrey: I'm a happy man.

Beth: Could you just throw me my purse over there, please? You know, you don't get this. You don't understand because maybe you do this kind of thing all the time. Do you do this kind of thing all the time?

Jeffrey: Beth...

Beth: I mean, the point is I don't do this sort of thing all the time. In fact, I never do this kind of thing. I mean, we're in a restaurant.

Jeffrey: Yeah, we've established that.

Beth: And this... You know, this. This... This... Us. This... This can't happen. I have children. I have... I have responsibilities.

Jeffrey: Oh, boy. Yeah, yeah. Here it comes.

Beth: What?

Jeffrey: Well, here comes the real world crashing in on your party like it always does, right? Beth, don't let it. Please don't do this. Okay? Tell that voice in your head to be quiet. You know the voice I’m talking about, right? The voice that says, "oh, my gosh, I'm such a bad mother. What am I doing with this guy? I hardly know this guy. And I got a kid at home in crisis mode. I can't be having fun." How am I doing? Something like that, isn't it? Well, can you fix all of that right now?

Beth: No. No, I can’t. But I can do this.

Jeffrey: What? Steal my wallet?

Beth: No. I'm getting your car keys. You're going to drive me home.

Jeffrey: You know, you've got a real problem with this letting-go thing.

Beth: No, I just changed my mind. I'm going to drive us home.

Jeffrey: You are. In my car?

Beth: Yes.

Jeffrey: Okay. Why?

Beth: Because I want to leave and you don’t. So if I give these to you we're not going to go anywhere.

Jeffrey: This is ridiculous.

Beth: Is it?

Jeffrey: Darling, sweetheart, pleases. Give... Give...

Beth: Don't call me sweetheart.

Jeffrey: Okay, you crazy... Lady, give me the keys please. Beth, I'm going to take you right home. I promise. Okay? I'm a man of my word. Just give me the keys. Let go. Sweetheart.

Beth: Oh. Now look what you did.

Jeffrey: Oh... Excuse me. What i did? Look what you did, you mean? Oh, great. And you're not the one who's going to have to stick his hand into a tankful of poisonous fish to get them out, are you?

Beth: Oh, no. No.


Eden: Tony, what we did on that roof, it... It was...

Tony: It was what? It was... Beautiful? Magical? Hmm?

Eden: It was wrong. We made a mistake, okay? And you can't say anything. Please tell me that you won’t. I am sorry what happened between you and Marah. But please do not ruin what bill and I have just because we screwed up once.

Bill: Here you go.

Tony: I don't need that, all right. I don't need you breaking up my fights. I don't need you trying to patch up my head.

Bill: Fine. Can I talk to you for a second? All right, look I called Marah.

Eden: What? Why did you do that?

Bill: Well, Tony’s sitting over there beating himself up. But she was in the car. She's on her way over here right now.

Eden: What? You think having her come here now is going to fix that. Look at him. He's smashed!

Bill: Look, drunk or not those two got to work it out, all right. It's better that he does it with her here than without her.

Eden: You know what? This is going to get totally out of control.

Bill: More than it already has?

Eden: Yes.

Marah: Tony...

Tony: Oh, Marah, what are you doing here?

Marah: I came here to help. Bill called me.

Tony: Listen, I don't want you here. I don't need your help. Just go.

Marah: Tony, you are hurt, okay?

Tony: I said go, Marah.

Marah: Your head... You're bleeding.


Reva: He's still not picking up.

Christopher: What can I do, reva? How can I help?

Reva: It's nothing. It's nothing. They're at a concert. Who turns their cell phone on at a concert? And you know, even it were on he wouldn't hear it ringing because of the music blasting.

Christopher: You felt something.

Reva: I'm overreacting. I am. And you know these feelings I get, I’m wrong more times than I’m right. It's nothing, Christopher. Really.

Christopher: Reva, I'm not inside your head so I can't tell you what's going on in there, but I know what I just saw. You saw something that frightened you.

Reva: Yeah. It was just a momentary panic thing, you know. It scared me. It did scare me. It did. But it was panic. It's one of those panicky feelings you get, like, when you're flying across country and half way there you get the feeling, like, you left the stove at your house. It was a flash. I mean people get flashes of panic all the time. Okay, maybe you don't, but i do. And I'm still just kind of sorting through all of these feelings that I get. And it really is nothing. It was nothing. But it's Shayne.

Christopher: Can I call somebody for you? Maybe josh?

Reva: No. He'll be back. He'll be home soon. Come on Shayne, pick up the phone.

Marah: Hey. Okay. Okay, don't do this to me. Don't do this to me. You just got to... You got to open your eyes, okay? Okay, just... Just open your eyes. Please be okay please be okay. Please be okay. (Cell phone ringing) you're alive. You're alive. Wait, the phone. Help. Help. We got to get you help. We got to get you help. Okay, where's the phone? There's somebody else. There's somebody else. Okay. You just hang on. You hang on right here and I’m going to get us help, okay? Okay? Hello? Hello? Is everybody okay in there? God, it's my boyfriend. He needs help. Are you okay? (Cell phone ringing)


Eden: We should go.

Bill: No, wait a minute. What's going on with you? I told you that I called Marah and you freaked out.

Eden: Well, I just didn't want to make things worse for them. I mean Tony-seeing Marah when he's drunk like this could send him over the edge.

Bill: Yeah, well, look at them. It didn’t.

Eden: Yeah, but it could have. Look, Marah is my friend. And I just don't want to see her hurt.

Bill: Marah is my cousin. I wouldn't call her over here if I thought she was going to get hurt. Now, look, these two-- they got a lot of problems to work out, but they've been through too much just to give up.

Eden: Yeah, I guess.

Bill: You guess. You know.

Eden: I know what?

Bill: You know what it's like to want to be with someone but you're afraid that you won't be able to make it happen.

Eden: Wait, what?

Bill: Us. Come on, we worked through a lot of stuff to get where we are. It wasn't easy, but we stuck it out, why? Because it was worth it. And I think Tony and Marah should have that same shot, right?

Eden: Right.

Bill: Okay, let's get out of here.

Eden: Oh, so now you want to go, Mr. Super hero.

Bill: Well, you know, my work here is done.

Eden: Because all you need now are a red cape and some little tights.


Marah: Here, let me clean this up, too.

Tony: Just leave it alone.

Marah: Tony, it's okay. I didn't want you seeing me like this, Marah.

Marah: I can handle it.

Tony: I don't know if I can. Why are you here?

Marah: I told you, bill called me.

Tony: No. I mean, why are here?

Marah: You know why I’m here.


Marina: Okay, he's unconscious. I tried to wake him, but it was... (Cell phone ringing)

Josh: No. Oh, no.

Marina: Help him!

Josh: No, I can't.

Marina: Help him! Help him! Do something and help him!

Reva: Maybe i dialed the wrong number. Come on Shayne pick up the phone.

Josh: Hang on, son. I'm coming. I'm coming. (Grunts)

Marina: Hello? Whoever this is, we need help.

Reva: Marina! Is that you? Where's Shayne?

Marina: There's been an accident. There's been an accident. And we were near home and.

Reva: Honey, slow down. I can’t...

Marina: Shayne. It's Shayne. Shayne is hurt.

Reva: Just tell me he's okay. Just tell me that Shayne is okay.

Marina: Josh is here. Josh is here!

Reva: Josh is there? Josh is there with Shayne? Thank god. Is that an ambulance? Is help coming?

Marah: Yeah, they're coming.

Reva: Where? Marina, what hospital? Marina? Marina, are you there? I lost her.

Christopher: What is it? What's happened?

Reva: Cedars. They must be going to cedars because they said that it was near home.

Christopher: I'll drive. Reva...

Reva: He's going to be fine. Let's go.

Marina: Come on. Hurry.

Josh: Shayne? Son. Shayne, I'm here. It's going to be okay.

Marina: Hey, is he okay? Is he still breathing?

Josh: Yes. (Horn honks)

Marina: Wait. Mr. Lewis.

Emt: Excuse me, sir.

Marina: Make room, okay?

Emt: Excuse me, sir. I want to get by here.

Marina: Please let him get in.

Emt: I understand. It's okay. It's okay. We got him. Thanks very much. Thank you, sir.

Emt: What's his name?

Marina: Shayne.

Emt: Shayne. Hey, Shayne, how are you doing, bud? Come here.

Josh: Oh, my god, what have I done? What have I done? What have I done?


Tony: We can't do this. What...

Marah: Why not?

Tony: No. Marah, come on. Look at your shirt.

Marah: its just blood, Tony.

Tony: It's not just blood. It my blood, all right? And it's not like I just scraped my knee or anything. I got into a fight.

Marah: It's okay.

Tony: No, it's not okay. Do you know what looking at you like this does to me? Okay, it just brings it all home. It shows me who I am, what I can do, what I’m able to do. Look at you. See that? That's me. That's what I'm capable of.

Marah: Tony, this is just too many beers talking.

Tony: No, it's not.

Marah: You know, we wouldn't even being having this conversation if I hadn't freaked out and pushed you away. I know you. This isn't you.

Tony: Oh.

Marah: We both know that.

Tony: Oh, okay. Okay. So what then? Then we just, like, pretend that none of this ever happened.

Marah: You mean tonight?

Tony: No. I mean all of it. I don't want to hurt you.

Marah: You're not going to hurt me. I know you won't.

Tony: You know... You know... You know... You don't know me. You don't know me like you think you do, because if you did you would know that you, and me we're not right together. You see, some people, they're just not right together and you, and me we're just not right. That's it.

Marah: Don’t... Don't say that, okay? I don't care what you have to deal with you deal with that! But don't you dare tell me that what we had is wrong.


Beth: Poisonous? Are you sure?

Jeffrey: Well, I'm not exactly a fish expert, but...

Beth: Okay, well, you see, that's what I thought. These are probably harmless little guppies.

Jeffrey: Do they look like guppies to you?

Beth: Well, no.

Jeffrey: No.

Beth: Okay, so you were going to stick your hand in there and risk death by fish just to get those keys for me.

Jeffrey: Well, you said you wanted to go home.

Beth: Why don't we look around for one of those little scooper net things?

Jeffrey: No, sorry. I already checked.

Beth: Maybe we should call someone.

Jeffrey: What, like, the waitress? You think the waitress is going to stick her hand in a tank full of poisonous fish.

Beth: Okay. Then what do you think that we should do?

Jeffrey: Why don't we just kick back and relax a little bit?

Beth: I can't.

Jeffrey: It's just a thought.

Beth: Well, you love this, aren't you? You probably threw those keys in there on purpose so that you would trap me here.

Jeffrey: Excuse me? In the first place, I didn't throw the keys in there, okay. You did. And in the second place, contrary to popular opinion, I don't go around trying to trap women. As a matter of fact, normally I have to beat them off with a stick.

Beth: Oh, well, that's a charming thing to say, isn't it?

Jeffrey: Well, you were charmed a little while ago, weren't you? You were too, Beth. You were relaxed, you were happy, you were smiling, and you were having a good time. Until realty decided to make an appearance and then you decided to go awl.

Beth: I didn't go awl. And, you know, awl doesn't make sense in that sentence anyhow. You know, I hate that. I hate it when things just don't make sense.

Jeffrey: Awl, Beth. You went awl: "Away without leave." As in the gorgeous, fun woman that i was with decided to go awl. And now I'm left with... Well, I'm left with you.

Beth: I am still that gorgeous, fun woman. But I am also a mother and I am a civilized member of this community who doesn't go around doing things like we just did in public places...

Jeffrey: (Laughing)

Beth: ...Where food is served. Don’t... Don't laugh at me.

Jeffrey: A civilized member of the community? What, are you running for office?

Beth: Okay, maybe it sounded a little bit rigid.

Jeffrey: A little bit rigid. You sounded like you got a rod up your...

Beth: Stop. Stop it.

Jeffrey: Up your nose. I was going to say nose, Beth. Listen, I know you're a mother, okay. I respect that. But you're also a woman, Beth, and we've got to respect that.

Beth: Jeffrey, you don’t... You don't understand. First, Lizzie...

Jeffrey: Every time you have a good time you don't have to feel guilty about Lizzie, okay? I mean, just because you decided to spend some time on yourself doesn't mean that you have any less love for your daughter, okay. You've been wrapped up in Lizzie's problems for so long, you've got to give yourself a break, Beth. You deserve it. You do.

Beth: No, I can't. I can’t. I can't do this.


Marah: What were you doing here tonight, Tony? Getting drunk? Getting into fights? If what we had is so wrong, then why do you feel the need to go out and get trashed? What are trying to forget about? You want to forget about me? You want to forget about us? Then why is it so hard if it's so wrong?

Tony: Look, i didn't say that it was easy.

Marah: All right, then fine. I'll make it easy. Tell me. Tell me again how wrong we are.

Tony: Marah, just...

Marah: Say it! No, I want to hear it. I want you to make me believe it.

Tony: It's over. Okay, you, and me we're done. That's it. And it's going to be a hell of a lot worse if we don't just let it go now and admit it. Look. Look at your shirt.

Marah: I don't care about the shirt! We were happy, okay? I want to get that back. Do you really think that you're going to be happier without me?

Tony: I don't know. I don't know. Maybe. Maybe. You haven't left me alone long enough for me to figure it out. I can't handle this, okay?

Marah: Tony, wait. Please... (Cell phone) what?! Oh, my god! What? Where? Okay, I'll be right there.

Tony: What... What is it? What happened? What?

Marah: It's my aunt Cassie. My mom, she wanted aunt Cassie to find me.

Tony: Why? What?

Marah: There was an accident. Shayne... They don't... I don't know. I got to go to the hospital.

Tony: I'm going with you.


Ed: What do we have?

Emt #1: We got an auto accident. Head trauma with possible spinal injury.

Emt #2: We have a tube in him. No movement in any extremities.

Rick: Vitals?

Emt #1: He's hypothesize, but he's also bradycardic.

Josh: What does that mean? What does that mean exactly?

Emt #1: We have two lines in him. They're wide open.

Josh: Tell me he's going to be all right.

Rick: Josh, he's in good hands. Just calm down. You need to stay out there.

Josh: Just tell me is he going to be all right.

Rick: I want a portable ultrasound. I want to know what's going on in his...

Josh: Can somebody please just tell me what's going on with my son?


Frank: Marina.

Marina: Daddy.

Frank: Are you okay, honey?

Marina: Yeah.

Frank: I heard on the radio.

Marina: He won’t... He won't...

Frank: It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay.

Marina: I kept trying to get him to wake up, but he wouldn't...


Ed: Call respiratory.

Excuse me, doc.

Rick: Josh, you need to wait outside. You need to wait outside.

Josh: Wait a minute. I can’t... I can't leave him, Rick.

Rick: I understand. Just let us do our job.

Josh: He's my son. He's my child.

Rick: I understand that. And we're going to help him, but we need to do our job. Please. Please. We will take care of him.

Josh: Okay.

Reva: Joshua?

Reva: What happened? Is he okay?

Josh: Rick and Ed are... They're working on him right now.

Reva: But he's going to be okay?

Josh: They just brought him in a little while ago.

Reva: You're hurt. How did you get hurt?

Josh: I...

Reva: Oh, my god. You got hurt saving Shayne. It must have been horrible. It must have just been horrible for you. I need to see him. I need to see him.

Josh: We can't go in right now.

Reva: Well, I want to see him though. I want to see him right now.

Josh: He's unconscious though, reva. He's got a head injury, and they're checking his spine, too.

Reva: How bad?

Josh: They don't know yet.

Reva: He's in there? But Rick will take care of him. It's going to be fine. He's going to be fine. You know, I saw the whole thing. I felt it happen inside of me and I knew it. I don't know how you found him, but thank god you were there with him.

Hey, how is he?

Nurse: The doctors are still examining him, but dr. Bauer insists that you be examined too, Mr. Lewis.

Josh: That won't be necessary.

Nurse: But you could have sustained internal injuries in the accident.

Reva: Oh, no, he wasn't in the accident. He's the one who found our son.

Josh: Reva...

Reva: Joshua?


Beth: It's not personal.

Jeffrey: Don't worry. I didn't take it like that.

Beth: I just can’t.

Jeffrey: Old habits are hard to break, I guess.

Beth: Did you spike my tea?

Jeffrey: You can't be serious.

Beth: No, I’m not. (Laughing) not really. I'm just looking for something to pin this on. I don't know what came over me tonight.

Jeffrey: Well, Beth, it wasn't the tea. It wasn't the phase of the moon. I don't think it was anything except for you and me. Two people. A beautiful woman and a lucky guy trying to spend some time together. That's all.

Beth: I wish that it could be that easy.

Jeffrey: It is that easy. Well, at least it was anyway until, well, you know...

Beth: Until I ruined it.

Jeffrey: I didn't say that. All right, come on, let's go.

Beth: What?

Jeffrey: Let's go. Let's get out of here.

Beth: Look, Jeffrey, I'm sorry about all of...

Jeffrey: Did I ask you to apologize?

Beth: No.

Jeffrey: No. Okay. So, don’t.


Phillip: Do I know how late it is? Yes. Do you know how off this trust paperwork is? No. No, it's not what I asked you for. Not at all. Well, what you can do is make it right. I will expect a fresh draft on my desk first thing in the morning. (Phone rings) hello? Oh, well, it only took you a day and a half to get back to me. Everybody's busy. Did you finish the Merton report? Did you finish it? Well, then why are bothering me? Call me back when it's done. (Phone rings) hello!

Olivia: Not your phone?

Phillip: I thought it was. Where's my pen?

Olivia: This one? Are you all right?

Phillip: Sorry. I can't concentrate in a bar. If you see me heading this way with a briefcase in my hand again, turn me around.

Olivia: How did you end up here?

Phillip: Well, I obviously thought I'd get something done here-- at least more than at home.

Olivia: Why? What's going on at home? Is it Lizzie?

Phillip: No, she's fine. She went to bed. She finished her session with Christopher Lang ham. Thank god.

Olivia: Sounds like it was a pretty rough hour.

Phillip: Oh, well... One down. God knows how many more left to go.

Olivia: Hey, why were you working here so late at night? Was it some kind of new acquisition?

Phillip: No.

Olivia: I'm asking because I just get the feeling that it might involve me.

Phillip: Well, close. It's about the baby.

Olivia: What about the baby?

Phillip: I had my lawyer draw up a trust for her and I amended my will so that she will be provided for no matter happens.

Olivia: Well, she'll have a trust before she has a name.

Phillip: No, I think it's important. I think it's important to plan these things now.

Olivia: There's logic to it. Look, I know that you think that you fell short of taking care of Lizzie.

Phillip: Failed. The word is failed.

Olivia: What did dr. Lang ham says about Lizzie?

Phillip: He said that he would treat her as long as he feels that he's doing some good. And if he feels that he isn't, then he will recommend that she be hospitalized.

Olivia: How do you feel about that?

Phillip: Absolutely. If that's what's best for her absolutely. I'm through making mistakes at her expense.

Olivia: Look, she's at home. She's getting the care that she needs, right?

Phillip: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: Well, isn't that cause for optimism? Maybe even some relief?

Phillip: You know, I'm going to be up half the night working on these things as it is. I got to go.


Beth: You know, I really do have to go.

Jeffrey: I know. I know. You keep saying that.

Beth: Jeffrey, about what I said about this not being simple. You understand the position that I’m in.

Jeffrey: I understand that you take that very seriously, yeah.

Beth: Oh! I thought you said that those fish were poisonous.

Jeffrey: They are.

Beth: But...

Jeffrey: Life is just full of risks, Beth. Sometimes you just got to take a chance. Ready to go?


Reva: What is it? Tell me.

Josh: Reva, I was there.

Reva: I know. I know. You're the one who saved Shayne.

Josh: No. No, I didn't just come across Shayne and marina. It was... It was my car. I was the one who hit them.

Reva: No, Joshua. No, no. That's not what happened.

Josh: Reva, I was rushing, because I knew I needed to get Shayne home for his meeting with the guy from... From the cubs. I don’t... I don't really know if I was going too fast or not. I just know that the roads were slick and I didn't see the car until... It just... It happened fast.

Reva: No. No. It wasn't you.

Josh: Reva, I didn't even know it was Shayne until I saw marina. I tried to help him. I tried.

Reva: No. No. No.

Josh: It was I, reva. I did it.

Reva: (Crying) oh, no. No! No!


Next on "guiding light"...

Reva: Your father was the one who hit shayne's car.

Marah: What?

Marina: You can't leave me, okay?

This has been "guiding light."

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By Suzanne

Proofread by: Priscilla

Beth: Did this just really happen? Here?

Jeffrey: Yes, it really did.

Beth: You know, when I left my house tonight, I never imagined that we... Oh, my... Did this just really happen? Here?


Christopher: Reva, what is it?

Reva: I don't know. I don't know what's happening.

Christopher: Don't fight what you're feeling, reva. Tell me what you're getting.

Reva: It's Shayne. (Phone ringing)

Marina: Shayne? Hey, Shayne, are you okay? Shayne. Shayne. (Phone ringing) Shayne, come on. Come on wake up.

Reva: He's not picking up. (Phone ringing)

Marina: Come on, Shayne. Wake up. Shayne? Shayne?


Beth: I mean this is... We're in.

Jeffrey: We're in a Japanese restaurant.

Beth: And you... You're...

Jeffrey: I'm a happy man.

Beth: Could you just throw me my purse over there, please? You know, you don't get this. You don't understand because maybe you do this kind of thing all the time. Do you do this kind of thing all the time?

Jeffrey: Beth...

Beth: I mean, the point is I don't do this sort of thing all the time. In fact, I never do this kind of thing. I mean, we're in a restaurant.

Jeffrey: Yeah, we've established that.

Beth: And this... You know, this. This... This... Us. This... This can't happen. I have children. I have... I have responsibilities.

Jeffrey: Oh, boy. Yeah, yeah. Here it comes.

Beth: What?

Jeffrey: Well, here comes the real world crashing in on your party like it always does, right? Beth, don't let it. Please don't do this. Okay? Tell that voice in your head to be quiet. You know the voice I’m talking about, right? The voice that says, "oh, my gosh, I'm such a bad mother. What am I doing with this guy? I hardly know this guy. And I got a kid at home in crisis mode. I can't be having fun." How am I doing? Something like that, isn't it? Well, can you fix all of that right now?

Beth: No. No, I can’t. But I can do this.

Jeffrey: What? Steal my wallet?

Beth: No. I'm getting your car keys. You're going to drive me home.

Jeffrey: You know, you've got a real problem with this letting-go thing.

Beth: No, I just changed my mind. I'm going to drive us home.

Jeffrey: You are. In my car?

Beth: Yes.

Jeffrey: Okay. Why?

Beth: Because I want to leave and you don’t. So if I give these to you we're not going to go anywhere.

Jeffrey: This is ridiculous.

Beth: Is it?

Jeffrey: Darling, sweetheart, pleases. Give... Give...

Beth: Don't call me sweetheart.

Jeffrey: Okay, you crazy... Lady, give me the keys please. Beth, I'm going to take you right home. I promise. Okay? I'm a man of my word. Just give me the keys. Let go. Sweetheart.

Beth: Oh. Now look what you did.

Jeffrey: Oh... Excuse me. What i did? Look what you did, you mean? Oh, great. And you're not the one who's going to have to stick his hand into a tankful of poisonous fish to get them out, are you?

Beth: Oh, no. No.


Eden: Tony, what we did on that roof, it... It was...

Tony: It was what? It was... Beautiful? Magical? Hmm?

Eden: It was wrong. We made a mistake, okay? And you can't say anything. Please tell me that you won’t. I am sorry what happened between you and Marah. But please do not ruin what bill and I have just because we screwed up once.

Bill: Here you go.

Tony: I don't need that, all right. I don't need you breaking up my fights. I don't need you trying to patch up my head.

Bill: Fine. Can I talk to you for a second? All right, look I called Marah.

Eden: What? Why did you do that?

Bill: Well, Tony’s sitting over there beating himself up. But she was in the car. She's on her way over here right now.

Eden: What? You think having her come here now is going to fix that. Look at him. He's smashed!

Bill: Look, drunk or not those two got to work it out, all right. It's better that he does it with her here than without her.

Eden: You know what? This is going to get totally out of control.

Bill: More than it already has?

Eden: Yes.

Marah: Tony...

Tony: Oh, Marah, what are you doing here?

Marah: I came here to help. Bill called me.

Tony: Listen, I don't want you here. I don't need your help. Just go.

Marah: Tony, you are hurt, okay?

Tony: I said go, Marah.

Marah: Your head... You're bleeding.


Reva: He's still not picking up.

Christopher: What can I do, reva? How can I help?

Reva: It's nothing. It's nothing. They're at a concert. Who turns their cell phone on at a concert? And you know, even it were on he wouldn't hear it ringing because of the music blasting.

Christopher: You felt something.

Reva: I'm overreacting. I am. And you know these feelings I get, I’m wrong more times than I’m right. It's nothing, Christopher. Really.

Christopher: Reva, I'm not inside your head so I can't tell you what's going on in there, but I know what I just saw. You saw something that frightened you.

Reva: Yeah. It was just a momentary panic thing, you know. It scared me. It did scare me. It did. But it was panic. It's one of those panicky feelings you get, like, when you're flying across country and half way there you get the feeling, like, you left the stove at your house. It was a flash. I mean people get flashes of panic all the time. Okay, maybe you don't, but i do. And I'm still just kind of sorting through all of these feelings that I get. And it really is nothing. It was nothing. But it's Shayne.

Christopher: Can I call somebody for you? Maybe josh?

Reva: No. He'll be back. He'll be home soon. Come on Shayne, pick up the phone.

Marah: Hey. Okay. Okay, don't do this to me. Don't do this to me. You just got to... You got to open your eyes, okay? Okay, just... Just open your eyes. Please be okay please be okay. Please be okay. (Cell phone ringing) you're alive. You're alive. Wait, the phone. Help. Help. We got to get you help. We got to get you help. Okay, where's the phone? There's somebody else. There's somebody else. Okay. You just hang on. You hang on right here and I’m going to get us help, okay? Okay? Hello? Hello? Is everybody okay in there? God, it's my boyfriend. He needs help. Are you okay? (Cell phone ringing)


Eden: We should go.

Bill: No, wait a minute. What's going on with you? I told you that I called Marah and you freaked out.

Eden: Well, I just didn't want to make things worse for them. I mean Tony-seeing Marah when he's drunk like this could send him over the edge.

Bill: Yeah, well, look at them. It didn’t.

Eden: Yeah, but it could have. Look, Marah is my friend. And I just don't want to see her hurt.

Bill: Marah is my cousin. I wouldn't call her over here if I thought she was going to get hurt. Now, look, these two-- they got a lot of problems to work out, but they've been through too much just to give up.

Eden: Yeah, I guess.

Bill: You guess. You know.

Eden: I know what?

Bill: You know what it's like to want to be with someone but you're afraid that you won't be able to make it happen.

Eden: Wait, what?

Bill: Us. Come on, we worked through a lot of stuff to get where we are. It wasn't easy, but we stuck it out, why? Because it was worth it. And I think Tony and Marah should have that same shot, right?

Eden: Right.

Bill: Okay, let's get out of here.

Eden: Oh, so now you want to go, Mr. Super hero.

Bill: Well, you know, my work here is done.

Eden: Because all you need now are a red cape and some little tights.


Marah: Here, let me clean this up, too.

Tony: Just leave it alone.

Marah: Tony, it's okay. I didn't want you seeing me like this, Marah.

Marah: I can handle it.

Tony: I don't know if I can. Why are you here?

Marah: I told you, bill called me.

Tony: No. I mean, why are here?

Marah: You know why I’m here.


Marina: Okay, he's unconscious. I tried to wake him, but it was... (Cell phone ringing)

Josh: No. Oh, no.

Marina: Help him!

Josh: No, I can't.

Marina: Help him! Help him! Do something and help him!

Reva: Maybe i dialed the wrong number. Come on Shayne pick up the phone.

Josh: Hang on, son. I'm coming. I'm coming. (Grunts)

Marina: Hello? Whoever this is, we need help.

Reva: Marina! Is that you? Where's Shayne?

Marina: There's been an accident. There's been an accident. And we were near home and.

Reva: Honey, slow down. I can’t...

Marina: Shayne. It's Shayne. Shayne is hurt.

Reva: Just tell me he's okay. Just tell me that Shayne is okay.

Marina: Josh is here. Josh is here!

Reva: Josh is there? Josh is there with Shayne? Thank god. Is that an ambulance? Is help coming?

Marah: Yeah, they're coming.

Reva: Where? Marina, what hospital? Marina? Marina, are you there? I lost her.

Christopher: What is it? What's happened?

Reva: Cedars. They must be going to cedars because they said that it was near home.

Christopher: I'll drive. Reva...

Reva: He's going to be fine. Let's go.

Marina: Come on. Hurry.

Josh: Shayne? Son. Shayne, I'm here. It's going to be okay.

Marina: Hey, is he okay? Is he still breathing?

Josh: Yes. (Horn honks)

Marina: Wait. Mr. Lewis.

Emt: Excuse me, sir.

Marina: Make room, okay?

Emt: Excuse me, sir. I want to get by here.

Marina: Please let him get in.

Emt: I understand. It's okay. It's okay. We got him. Thanks very much. Thank you, sir.

Emt: What's his name?

Marina: Shayne.

Emt: Shayne. Hey, Shayne, how are you doing, bud? Come here.

Josh: Oh, my god, what have I done? What have I done? What have I done?


Tony: We can't do this. What...

Marah: Why not?

Tony: No. Marah, come on. Look at your shirt.

Marah: its just blood, Tony.

Tony: It's not just blood. It my blood, all right? And it's not like I just scraped my knee or anything. I got into a fight.

Marah: It's okay.

Tony: No, it's not okay. Do you know what looking at you like this does to me? Okay, it just brings it all home. It shows me who I am, what I can do, what I’m able to do. Look at you. See that? That's me. That's what I'm capable of.

Marah: Tony, this is just too many beers talking.

Tony: No, it's not.

Marah: You know, we wouldn't even being having this conversation if I hadn't freaked out and pushed you away. I know you. This isn't you.

Tony: Oh.

Marah: We both know that.

Tony: Oh, okay. Okay. So what then? Then we just, like, pretend that none of this ever happened.

Marah: You mean tonight?

Tony: No. I mean all of it. I don't want to hurt you.

Marah: You're not going to hurt me. I know you won't.

Tony: You know... You know... You know... You don't know me. You don't know me like you think you do, because if you did you would know that you, and me we're not right together. You see, some people, they're just not right together and you, and me we're just not right. That's it.

Marah: Don’t... Don't say that, okay? I don't care what you have to deal with you deal with that! But don't you dare tell me that what we had is wrong.


Beth: Poisonous? Are you sure?

Jeffrey: Well, I'm not exactly a fish expert, but...

Beth: Okay, well, you see, that's what I thought. These are probably harmless little guppies.

Jeffrey: Do they look like guppies to you?

Beth: Well, no.

Jeffrey: No.

Beth: Okay, so you were going to stick your hand in there and risk death by fish just to get those keys for me.

Jeffrey: Well, you said you wanted to go home.

Beth: Why don't we look around for one of those little scooper net things?

Jeffrey: No, sorry. I already checked.

Beth: Maybe we should call someone.

Jeffrey: What, like, the waitress? You think the waitress is going to stick her hand in a tank full of poisonous fish.

Beth: Okay. Then what do you think that we should do?

Jeffrey: Why don't we just kick back and relax a little bit?

Beth: I can't.

Jeffrey: It's just a thought.

Beth: Well, you love this, aren't you? You probably threw those keys in there on purpose so that you would trap me here.

Jeffrey: Excuse me? In the first place, I didn't throw the keys in there, okay. You did. And in the second place, contrary to popular opinion, I don't go around trying to trap women. As a matter of fact, normally I have to beat them off with a stick.

Beth: Oh, well, that's a charming thing to say, isn't it?

Jeffrey: Well, you were charmed a little while ago, weren't you? You were too, Beth. You were relaxed, you were happy, you were smiling, and you were having a good time. Until realty decided to make an appearance and then you decided to go awl.

Beth: I didn't go awl. And, you know, awl doesn't make sense in that sentence anyhow. You know, I hate that. I hate it when things just don't make sense.

Jeffrey: Awl, Beth. You went awl: "Away without leave." As in the gorgeous, fun woman that i was with decided to go awl. And now I'm left with... Well, I'm left with you.

Beth: I am still that gorgeous, fun woman. But I am also a mother and I am a civilized member of this community who doesn't go around doing things like we just did in public places...

Jeffrey: (Laughing)

Beth: ...Where food is served. Don’t... Don't laugh at me.

Jeffrey: A civilized member of the community? What, are you running for office?

Beth: Okay, maybe it sounded a little bit rigid.

Jeffrey: A little bit rigid. You sounded like you got a rod up your...

Beth: Stop. Stop it.

Jeffrey: Up your nose. I was going to say nose, Beth. Listen, I know you're a mother, okay. I respect that. But you're also a woman, Beth, and we've got to respect that.

Beth: Jeffrey, you don’t... You don't understand. First, Lizzie...

Jeffrey: Every time you have a good time you don't have to feel guilty about Lizzie, okay? I mean, just because you decided to spend some time on yourself doesn't mean that you have any less love for your daughter, okay. You've been wrapped up in Lizzie's problems for so long, you've got to give yourself a break, Beth. You deserve it. You do.

Beth: No, I can't. I can’t. I can't do this.


Marah: What were you doing here tonight, Tony? Getting drunk? Getting into fights? If what we had is so wrong, then why do you feel the need to go out and get trashed? What are trying to forget about? You want to forget about me? You want to forget about us? Then why is it so hard if it's so wrong?

Tony: Look, i didn't say that it was easy.

Marah: All right, then fine. I'll make it easy. Tell me. Tell me again how wrong we are.

Tony: Marah, just...

Marah: Say it! No, I want to hear it. I want you to make me believe it.

Tony: It's over. Okay, you, and me we're done. That's it. And it's going to be a hell of a lot worse if we don't just let it go now and admit it. Look. Look at your shirt.

Marah: I don't care about the shirt! We were happy, okay? I want to get that back. Do you really think that you're going to be happier without me?

Tony: I don't know. I don't know. Maybe. Maybe. You haven't left me alone long enough for me to figure it out. I can't handle this, okay?

Marah: Tony, wait. Please... (Cell phone) what?! Oh, my god! What? Where? Okay, I'll be right there.

Tony: What... What is it? What happened? What?

Marah: It's my aunt Cassie. My mom, she wanted aunt Cassie to find me.

Tony: Why? What?

Marah: There was an accident. Shayne... They don't... I don't know. I got to go to the hospital.

Tony: I'm going with you.


Ed: What do we have?

Emt #1: We got an auto accident. Head trauma with possible spinal injury.

Emt #2: We have a tube in him. No movement in any extremities.

Rick: Vitals?

Emt #1: He's hypothesize, but he's also bradycardic.

Josh: What does that mean? What does that mean exactly?

Emt #1: We have two lines in him. They're wide open.

Josh: Tell me he's going to be all right.

Rick: Josh, he's in good hands. Just calm down. You need to stay out there.

Josh: Just tell me is he going to be all right.

Rick: I want a portable ultrasound. I want to know what's going on in his...

Josh: Can somebody please just tell me what's going on with my son?


Frank: Marina.

Marina: Daddy.

Frank: Are you okay, honey?

Marina: Yeah.

Frank: I heard on the radio.

Marina: He won’t... He won't...

Frank: It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay.

Marina: I kept trying to get him to wake up, but he wouldn't...


Ed: Call respiratory.

Excuse me, doc.

Rick: Josh, you need to wait outside. You need to wait outside.

Josh: Wait a minute. I can’t... I can't leave him, Rick.

Rick: I understand. Just let us do our job.

Josh: He's my son. He's my child.

Rick: I understand that. And we're going to help him, but we need to do our job. Please. Please. We will take care of him.

Josh: Okay.

Reva: Joshua?

Reva: What happened? Is he okay?

Josh: Rick and Ed are... They're working on him right now.

Reva: But he's going to be okay?

Josh: They just brought him in a little while ago.

Reva: You're hurt. How did you get hurt?

Josh: I...

Reva: Oh, my god. You got hurt saving Shayne. It must have been horrible. It must have just been horrible for you. I need to see him. I need to see him.

Josh: We can't go in right now.

Reva: Well, I want to see him though. I want to see him right now.

Josh: He's unconscious though, reva. He's got a head injury, and they're checking his spine, too.

Reva: How bad?

Josh: They don't know yet.

Reva: He's in there? But Rick will take care of him. It's going to be fine. He's going to be fine. You know, I saw the whole thing. I felt it happen inside of me and I knew it. I don't know how you found him, but thank god you were there with him.

Hey, how is he?

Nurse: The doctors are still examining him, but dr. Bauer insists that you be examined too, Mr. Lewis.

Josh: That won't be necessary.

Nurse: But you could have sustained internal injuries in the accident.

Reva: Oh, no, he wasn't in the accident. He's the one who found our son.

Josh: Reva...

Reva: Joshua?


Beth: It's not personal.

Jeffrey: Don't worry. I didn't take it like that.

Beth: I just can’t.

Jeffrey: Old habits are hard to break, I guess.

Beth: Did you spike my tea?

Jeffrey: You can't be serious.

Beth: No, I’m not. (Laughing) not really. I'm just looking for something to pin this on. I don't know what came over me tonight.

Jeffrey: Well, Beth, it wasn't the tea. It wasn't the phase of the moon. I don't think it was anything except for you and me. Two people. A beautiful woman and a lucky guy trying to spend some time together. That's all.

Beth: I wish that it could be that easy.

Jeffrey: It is that easy. Well, at least it was anyway until, well, you know...

Beth: Until I ruined it.

Jeffrey: I didn't say that. All right, come on, let's go.

Beth: What?

Jeffrey: Let's go. Let's get out of here.

Beth: Look, Jeffrey, I'm sorry about all of...

Jeffrey: Did I ask you to apologize?

Beth: No.

Jeffrey: No. Okay. So, don’t.


Phillip: Do I know how late it is? Yes. Do you know how off this trust paperwork is? No. No, it's not what I asked you for. Not at all. Well, what you can do is make it right. I will expect a fresh draft on my desk first thing in the morning. (Phone rings) hello? Oh, well, it only took you a day and a half to get back to me. Everybody's busy. Did you finish the Merton report? Did you finish it? Well, then why are bothering me? Call me back when it's done. (Phone rings) hello!

Olivia: Not your phone?

Phillip: I thought it was. Where's my pen?

Olivia: This one? Are you all right?

Phillip: Sorry. I can't concentrate in a bar. If you see me heading this way with a briefcase in my hand again, turn me around.

Olivia: How did you end up here?

Phillip: Well, I obviously thought I'd get something done here-- at least more than at home.

Olivia: Why? What's going on at home? Is it Lizzie?

Phillip: No, she's fine. She went to bed. She finished her session with Christopher Lang ham. Thank god.

Olivia: Sounds like it was a pretty rough hour.

Phillip: Oh, well... One down. God knows how many more left to go.

Olivia: Hey, why were you working here so late at night? Was it some kind of new acquisition?

Phillip: No.

Olivia: I'm asking because I just get the feeling that it might involve me.

Phillip: Well, close. It's about the baby.

Olivia: What about the baby?

Phillip: I had my lawyer draw up a trust for her and I amended my will so that she will be provided for no matter happens.

Olivia: Well, she'll have a trust before she has a name.

Phillip: No, I think it's important. I think it's important to plan these things now.

Olivia: There's logic to it. Look, I know that you think that you fell short of taking care of Lizzie.

Phillip: Failed. The word is failed.

Olivia: What did dr. Lang ham says about Lizzie?

Phillip: He said that he would treat her as long as he feels that he's doing some good. And if he feels that he isn't, then he will recommend that she be hospitalized.

Olivia: How do you feel about that?

Phillip: Absolutely. If that's what's best for her absolutely. I'm through making mistakes at her expense.

Olivia: Look, she's at home. She's getting the care that she needs, right?

Phillip: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: Well, isn't that cause for optimism? Maybe even some relief?

Phillip: You know, I'm going to be up half the night working on these things as it is. I got to go.


Beth: You know, I really do have to go.

Jeffrey: I know. I know. You keep saying that.

Beth: Jeffrey, about what I said about this not being simple. You understand the position that I’m in.

Jeffrey: I understand that you take that very seriously, yeah.

Beth: Oh! I thought you said that those fish were poisonous.

Jeffrey: They are.

Beth: But...

Jeffrey: Life is just full of risks, Beth. Sometimes you just got to take a chance. Ready to go?


Reva: What is it? Tell me.

Josh: Reva, I was there.

Reva: I know. I know. You're the one who saved Shayne.

Josh: No. No, I didn't just come across Shayne and marina. It was... It was my car. I was the one who hit them.

Reva: No, Joshua. No, no. That's not what happened.

Josh: Reva, I was rushing, because I knew I needed to get Shayne home for his meeting with the guy from... From the cubs. I don’t... I don't really know if I was going too fast or not. I just know that the roads were slick and I didn't see the car until... It just... It happened fast.

Reva: No. No. It wasn't you.

Josh: Reva, I didn't even know it was Shayne until I saw marina. I tried to help him. I tried.

Reva: No. No. No.

Josh: It was I, Reva. I did it.

Reva: (Crying) oh, no. No! No!


Next on "Guiding Light"...

Reva: Your father was the one who hit Shayne's car.

Marah: What?

Marina: You can't leave me, okay?

This has been "Guiding Light."

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