GL Transcript Wednesday 9/10/03

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 9/10/03

By Suzanne
Proofread by Priscilla

 Reva: Hi.

 Cassie: I really need your help planning Olivia’s baby shower.

 Reva: (Laughs)

 Cassie: Come on. This is important.

 Reva: Cassie, you must be out of your mind. Now what in the world would make you think that I would want to throw a party for a woman who did everything in her power to ruin my marriage?

 Cassie: Because you're a good person.

 Reva: Not that good.

 Cassie: Okay. So well, you don't want to be the only spoiled sport. Holly, Blake, Harley, they were all very positive about it.

 Reva: They said yes?

 Cassie: They didn't say no.

 Reva: Yet.

 Cassie: Even Edmund’s excited about it.

 Reva: Edmund's invited too?

 Cassie: No, he's not invited. But, you know, he found this little one outfit I bought for the baby and he got all mushy about it. So...

 Reva: How ironic. Sorry. I'm sorry. I just can't seem to get past the fact that you've seem to have forgotten that... All the things that that man has done to you, Cassie.

 Cassie: No, I haven't forgotten.


 Shayne: Hey, it's Mary Poppins, huh?

 Marina: Oh, man. When Danny asked me to be on nanny duty, you know, I thought one kid, how tough can that really be? But this kid Robbie, he's like a wind up toy. He just keeps going and going and going and. Oh.

 Shayne: Well, he's sleeping now, right?

 Marina: Yes, finally. It only took me, like, an hour to get him down. And, Shayne Lewis, if you do anything to wake him up... I'm completely pathetic. Do you want to trade jobs? I'll pitch for the minors; you could do potty detail training.


 Shayne: Hmm, let me think about that for about two seconds. (Phone rings) hello?

 Josh: Hello, Shayne.

 Shayne: Oh, hey, dad. What's up?

 Josh: Well, you'll never guess who just called the house. John walker.

 Shayne: Really? The big... The big cub exec guy?

 Josh: Yeah, that's right. He's passing by Springfield later on tonight and he wanted to talk to you.

 Shayne: Why? What for?

 Shayne: Well, it sounds like the organization has been pretty impressed with the way you've been pitching in the rookie leagues and he wants to... This is a direct quote; he wants to talk about your future. Are you there, son?

 Shayne: Um... I'm checking.

 Josh: You realize what this means, don't you? It means they're going to want to put you up to the big leagues sooner as oppose to later. Now this guy said he's going to call back when he has an. Probably sometime after dinner tonight. But if I were you, I would keep your whole night open.


 Shayne: Okay. Thanks, dad. I got it. Bye. Did you hear that?

 Marina: This time next week you could be pitching in Wrigley field.

 Shayne: That could be pushing it just a little bit.

 Marina: You'll never know though. The guy called today, he wants to meet you tonight. I mean he's got to be pretty enthusiastic.

 Shayne: Tonight.

 Marina: Oh, what about the...

 Shayne: The jam fest. This is the concert that I managed to get us tickets to. It's tonight, marina.

 Marina: You know what? You know what? Forget it. Okay, there will be other concerts.

 Shayne: No, no, there's not. This is, like, the concert of the year. This is the ticket. And plus this is like our first real date. I mean, besides prom.

 Marina: What? No, it's not. Oh, my gosh, you're right it is.

 Shayne: So what kind of loser would I be if I flake on our first real date?

 Marina: Well, you'll be the kind of loser who's pitching at Wrigley field.

 Shayne: You know what? It figures. It figures that my dad my would do this... Set up this little thing without even checking with me. He's always doing stuff like this.

 Marina: Yeah, I know. I know. And I know that it really bothers you. But you--

 Shayne: You know what? I can... I can see this guy another time. Or I can see him in Chicago.

 Marina: Shayne--

 Shayne: It doesn't have to be tonight. No, that's it. Case closed.

 Marina: Yeah, but--

 Shayne: Case closed. The cubs can wait. I have something more important to do.


 Josh: Hello, Christopher.

 Christopher: Hey, josh. How was your convention?

 Josh: It was... Great like watching paint dry. Reva's not here. She's with her sister somewhere.

 Christopher: I knew I should have called first. I'm sorry to disturb you. When she comes back will you tell her that I stopped by?

 Josh: Actually why don't you come on in. Wait for her here.

 Christopher: You sure I won't be imposing.

 Josh: No, not at all. In fact this will be a good thing. It'll help us to get to know each other a little better, right? Come on in.



 Lizzie: I did it.

 Beth: You're sure that this doctor is very good.

 Lillian: Yes.

 Beth: And that he's good with children...

 Lillian: I wouldn't tell you otherwise.

 Phillip: You know it's truly a sign of desperation that I’m allowing Alan to have a hand in her care.

 Lillian: Alan is simply arranging things with dr. Lang ham because he has an inside track with him. It's the one time I'm glad he's pulling his little strings. I mean this man is very good in adolescence. You know, hopefully he'll help Lizzie.

 Beth: Lizzie's not going to like that she has to talk to another psychiatrist, you know that.

 Lillian: No.


 Beth: But oh, Jeffrey.

 Jeffrey: Hi.

 Beth: Good god. Where did you come from?

 Jeffrey: Oh, originally from Chicago when after that I went off to school. Oh, you mean just now. Oh, well, I sneaked in through the servant’s entrance and I figured an ambush would be best for my purposes.

 Beth: Your purposes?

 Jeffrey: Yeah, my purposes. I've come to take you away, Beth.


 Josh: So, here you go.

 Christopher: Thanks.

 Josh: Sure. Have a seat. So, how do you think things are going with Reva’s? What do you call it? Training?

 Christopher: Well, the only thing I plan do is to harness the ability she already possesses. But what she has accomplished so far is extraordinary.

 Josh: You mean finding the missing girl.

 Christopher: Her impulses were right on the mark. She knew what to do with them. She recognized them; she trusted them and somebody's life was made better because of it. That's the whole reason I got into this field in the first place.

 Josh: Wow. That is really something. You know, it sounds like it could be great material for an article and maybe a book.

 Christopher: Yeah, well, I may write something about it. Not in a mainstream magazine though. In one of the scientific journals. So, josh, if you are concerned that I’m going to make a name for myself or get rich off your wife's talents, you can relax.

 Josh: Did I say that?

 Christopher: No, but I'm sure the thought crossed your mind. I'd probably feel the same way in your shoes. "Who is this guy? Can I really trust him to have Reva’s best interest at heart?"

 Josh: Well...

 Christopher: Yes, you can. Not that I expect you to take my word for it. But hopefully after a little time when reva and I work together more and we all get to know each other a little better...

 Josh: Actually I already know reva.

 Christopher: Yes...

 Josh: (Laughs)(and if I have any concerns that's where they come from. See the fact that I know reva and you don’t.

 Christopher: I'm afraid I don't follow you.

 Josh: I understand that you've been asking reva to follow her impulse, you know, to act more on her instincts, is that right?

 Christopher: Well, reva has a tendency to over think things. I'd like to see her loosen up a bit.

 Josh: Loosen up? Really? See that's what's funny. If you really knew reva, you would understand how absurd that comment really is.

 Christopher: Oh, I've heard the stories about Reva’s old wild days from reva herself. Something about dancing on tables.

 Josh: Do you have any idea at all why she used to do things like that?

 Christopher: Well, obviously this is oversimplifying, but... She was acting out.

 Josh: She had a tough childhood. A very tough childhood She has a lot of things inside of her that she has to stuff down.

 Christopher: Well, I realized that...

 Josh: Sometimes she acts impulsively. Sometimes she's her own worst enemy-- self-destructive. And a lot of people get hurt in the process.

 Christopher: Including you.

 Josh: Look, Christopher, it's taken a long time for reva to like herself again, to be happy again. And I get the impression that you want her to take steps back, you know, that you want her to open old wounds.

 Christopher: No, no, no. That's not... That's not what I was saying.

 Josh: I hope not. Because if that was the case I... I would see that as a threat to Reva’s happiness and to her safety and to my family's stability and then I would... I'd have to do something about it.


 Reva: It just seems to me that you've forgiven Edmund so easily after he was the man responsible for you driving off the road in san cristobel, right.

 Cassie: Well, that's what you do when you care about people.

 Reva: Well, if that wound has truly healed then I'm glad for you. I am because it's horrible to be carrying around that kind of pain and anger. And if Edmund is feeling that kind of pain right now, well, then I’m all for that.

 Cassie: That's nice.

 Reva: Yeah. Yeah, it is. Because if he's feeling the least bit guilty for what's he's done then he's finally developed some sort of conscience. And to me that's cause for major celebration. I only hope...

 Cassie: What?

 Reva: Well, you know, that something of that magnitude to couples; I just hope that you could truly bury something like that. That it's not going to come back and rear its ugly head somewhere down the road again. And that's... I mean have you talked about it. A5

 Cassie: Briefly.

 Reva: Yeah. Well, you need to talk about it, Cassie. Because it could become a big problem between the two of you. Not that I would really mind that too much.

 Cassie: I really wish you could see how happy he makes me.

 Reva: I do I just want it to stay that way.

 Cassie: I really care about him. I do. Does it hurt that I can't have any more children? Yeah. But I've cried those tears and I want my life to go on and want to be with Edmund.

 Reva: Well, he seems to be here. (Laughs) I'll let you know about the shower.


 Lizzie: ...And I captured your rook.

 Alan: You sure did.

 Lizzie: (Laughs)

 Alan: You know something, Elizabeth; you're starting to play this game very maturely. You're starting to think two and three moves ahead.

 Lizzie: Well, you have to, don't you?

 Alan: Yes, you do.

 Lizzie: All right.

 Alan: I want to ask you something. The other day Gus chastised me for talking to you like you were a child. Do I... Do you think I do that?

 Lizzie: Maybe a little sometimes. But I mean it doesn't bother me. I kind of like it.

 Alan: Really?

 Lizzie: Yeah.

 Alan: Well, why is that?

 Lizzie: I think it kind of makes me feel safe, you know. You know, it reminds me of the good old days when mom and dad were together and we were actually a real family.

 Alan: But we're still a real family.

 Lizzie: It's certainly starting to sound that way again. I mean dad's moving back in and nana.

 Alan: Yeah.

 Lizzie: So...

 Alan: Well but that arrangement is not going to last forever. You're aware of that, right?

 Lizzie: Yeah, I know, okay?

 Alan: But that's all right. I mean because you're a young lady who is going to be going off to college in a year, you’re going to be pursuing your own passions, and goals and. Are you all right?

 Lizzie: Oh, it's your move.

 Alan: Oh, okay. Elizabeth, in a few moments someone is going to come visit you. He's going to have a visit with you. His name is dr. Christopher Lang ham. Now he is a very respected man...

 Lizzie: A shrink. Another one?


 Jeffrey: I actually, you know, did try calling, but every time I call I'm told that either you're not here or you'll get back to me. And guess what? You never do.

 Beth: So you decided to ambush me.

 Jeffrey: Well, desperate times call for desperate measures, Beth. So how about it? Hmm? Movie, dinner?

 Beth: Well, oh... Oh... Just back up. You're... You're asking me out?

 Jeffrey: Is she always this dense or...

 Lillian: Not always. But I'm her mother. I'm Lillian Raines.

 Jeffrey: Oh, hello. Jeffrey O’Neill. It's a pleasure to meet you. Now I know where you get your good looks.

 Lillian: Oh, if you turn him down, I'm going to go with you.

 Beth: Mother!

 Phillip: You know what? Lillian, why don't we let your daughter make own social plans, shall we? Excuse us.

 Beth: As usual, your timing leaves something to be desired.

 Jeffrey: Well, what I desire is you.

 Beth: I can't go out with you tonight.

 Jeffrey: I'm not talking about tonight. I'm talking about right now.

 Beth: What? No. No, no.

 Jeffrey: Yes.

 Beth: Jeffrey, listen to me. There is a lot going on around here. You know that my mother and I took Lizzie away to...

 Jeffrey: Yeah, yeah, yeah, to get to the root of her problems. I know. I know all about that.

 Beth: Yeah, well, things came to a head in a bad way and ever since then everything's been in crises mode around here.

 Jeffrey: Yeah, I know. I kind of figured that.

 Beth: So you understand as much as I might enjoy your company, dating is just... It's the last thing on my mind right now.

 Jeffrey: It could be a great stress release mechanism, too, couldn't it? Obviously you've never been to the movies with me. 'Cause when you go with me, you know, you get two shows for the price of one. Because inevitably in every movie house there's always some jerk who is always sitting right next to you, right, and he's always talking. Talking loud. And that just drives me crazy. Then there’s the candy paper scruncher. You know, the people that take off the candy wrappers and they scrunch them up. I mean that just really kind of gets to me too. So I take it upon myself to let these people know how much they're aggravating me. Okay, I've been known to leap over seats.

 Beth: That's just fascinating.

 Jeffrey: And there's cell phones. The cell phone guy. You know, the guy whose fielding the cell phone calls during the movies. Okay, that's when I really take things to an extreme, right? And I inform them, I am an officer of the court and I’ve threatened to have them arrested and thrown into jail and worse, okay? I mean, really by this point I’m up and people are pelting me with popcorn. And you really don't want to miss the show, Beth. Really. You've got to see it.

 Beth: Well, that sounds like fun. It really, really does. But I just feel I'm not up for it.

 Jeffrey: Beth, Beth. You've got to live a little.

 Beth: Mom, Phillip? Can you... Can you tell Mr. O’Neill that I really can't go out with him tonight?

 Lillian: Oh, Mr. O’Neill, I think Beth would be delighted to go out with you tonight.


 Marina: All right, look, I don't care about the concert. Really.

 Shayne: Yeah, well I do.

 Marina: But, Shayne...

 Shayne: But what? But what? What? You're going to start acting like my dad now and try to run my life, too?

 Marina: I already do run your life. You just don't know it yet.

 Shayne: Is that a fact?

 Marina: Yeah, it's a fact. I've got you so wrapped around my little finger, you're about to snap, mister. Come on admit it. You are totally overwhelmed by my feminine charms.

 Shayne: Okay, I admit I am.

 Marina: One whiff of my perfume and you go crazy and you can't even think straight.

 Shayne: I don't know about that. I don't know if that's true. I need to check. Let me check.

 Marina: Oh. Shayne, what are you doing? (Laughs)

 Shayne: I'm just trying to get a whiff of your perfume.

 Marina: Well, you better get down, boy. I'm on nanny duty. I have to act like a responsible adult.

 Shayne: Oh, come on. What? Adults... They... They make out, too. Let's be adults. Just come on.

 Marina: Why don't you go take a cold shower?

 Shayne: Okay, fine. Come on.

 Marina: Forget it. A cold glass of water would be nice, though. With lots of ice please. Go. This is a total dream house. We're equipped with absolutely everything and. You know, excuse the mess because we're always Remodeling, because, you know, Why not? (Laughs) We can! (You know, we can be on tour all The time and with him on the Road most of the year with the Baseball season it never seems To really bother us...

 Shayne: I want two benches. One white one black.

 Marina: Isn't that right, sweetie?

 Shayne: Come on.

 Marina: Hey. He'll have to call you back. He's in a meeting. Now get out. This is our crib. Who are you?

 Nico: sweetheart.

 Marina: I'm a friend of the people that live here. How did you get in?

 Nico: With these. I know Mr. And Mrs. Santos, too. I'm actually doing some work for them.

 Marina: Yeah. Well, what's your name?

 Nico: Nico. Nico Castanos. What's yours?

 Marina: Why does that sound familiar to me? Wait, I know who you are. You're the guy who mugged Michelle.

 Nico: Well, what do you know I'm famous? Hey, if you want my autograph, it's going to cost you


 Beth: Oh, great. So you two want to get rid of me?

 Phillip: Talk to the matchmaker. Although maybe it would be a good idea if you did take a break. Beth, you haven't been out of the house in days. You were up all night pacing the halls.

 Beth: I am worried about our daughter.

 Phillip: I know you are, Beth. So am I. But I'm starting to get worried about you, too.

 Lillian: So is I. Honey, you need a breather. You need to focus on something else just for a few hours.

 Beth: I can't go anywhere right now. Dr. Lang ham is coming over. Remember?

 Lillian: Yeah.

 Jeffrey: Okay, why don't I come back? I'm sorry. Another time.

 Lillian: How about 7 or 7:30?

 Jeffrey: Oh, okay.

 Lillian: And what movie are you going to take her to?

 Jeffrey: Well, I haven't quite decided yet.

 Phillip: Nothing gory. She hates gore.

 Beth: Okay, okay. You know what? I would really like to speak for myself.

 Lillian: Only if you'd tell this awfully nice man that you will go out with him.

 Beth: You're unbelievable.

 Jeffrey: She's unbelievable cute when she gets mad like this.

 Lillian: Oh, Beth, you have to go.

 Beth: Okay, okay. You know... You know... All right. All right. I will go to dinner and a movie with you after Lizzie's therapy.

 Jeffrey: Okay. After. Right. Great.

 Beth: Satisfied?

 Jeffrey: I'm extremely satisfied. Thanks. Bye. See you later.

 Lizzie: Another therapist. You want me to talk to someone I don't even know.

 Alan: Elizabeth, he is an expert in his field. And he's a very nice man. I think you're going to like him.

 Lizzie: What was his name again?

 Alan: Dr.Christopher Lang Ham

 Lizzie: Lang ham. He’s the guy who was shayne's mom TV show. The one that works with the psychics.

 Alan: That's right. That's right. He also is an excellent psychiatrist.

 Lizzie: Okay, cool.


 Christopher: Look, josh, I really appreciate your being straightforward with me. And I will never push reva into anything that she doesn't want to go to. You have my word on that.

 Josh: I appreciate that.

 Christopher: I hope on your side that you won't hold her back either.

 Josh: I never have.

 Christopher: Good. Because as much as the past informs the present, what I'm more interested in is the future and helping reva go as far with this gift as she wants to go. Agreed?

 Josh: Agreed.

 Reva: Hello? Yoo-hoo. Hi. I thought that was your car I saw parked out there. Oh, I'm having a vision. You two were talking about me, weren't you?


 Marina: I still can't believe that Danny gave you the keys.

 Nico: He has to. I'm living here now.

 Marina: And working here? Oh. Okay, I get it. This is, like, Danny’s personal version of community service, right? The way you're making restitution.

 Nico: Oh, restitution. Fancy word. Where'd you learn that? Finishing school?

 Marina: What's that?

 Nico: You know, one of them fancy schools where chicks like you go to learn to meet the right guy and land herself a rich husband.

 Marina: Chicks like me?

 Nico: Let me guess: You come from a big mansion on the north side and you probably spent more money on manicures than I spend on food.

 Marina: Okay. Not that I even really care what you think, but I’m from the exact same neighborhood you are. My family ran a diner on Fifth Street before it burned down.

 Nico: Oh, yeah?

 Marina: No, I’m trying to impress you.

 Nico: So what are you doing here in Santos land, anyways?

 Marina: Well, I’m working. I'm Robbie’s nanny. Unlike you, I didn't have to rob Michelle to get a job.

 Nico: Yeah, speaking of work, I should get back to it.

 Marina: No, no, no you don’t. It took me an hour to put him down. You wake him back up; I will take this hammer to your head.

 Shayne: Hey! Hey! Hey!

 Marina: He's fine. He's a friend of Danny and Michelle’s. Shayne.

 Nico: Shayne. I thought you looked familiar. Baseball player, right? Pitcher? The cubs just signed you?

 Shayne: Yeah, that's me.

 Nico: Hey, man. I've got a tip for you. You can do a lot better than her.


 Josh: Of course Christopher and I were talking about you, darling. What else could possibly be so fascinating to both of us?

 Reva: Well, gosh, I am flattered. Want to give me any specifics or details about what the discussion was?

 Josh: Christopher?

 Christopher: Your husband was grilling me on my motives. He wants to be sure I don't exploit you.

 Reva: Was he being protective again? That doesn't surprise me at all.

 Christopher: I think I allayed his concerns and we came to an understanding. Josh?

 Josh: I think so, too, yes.

 Reva: All of this and there was no bloodshed? I'm impressed.

 Christopher: Oh, hey, I have to go. I'm seeing a patient.

 Reva: You're seeing patients again?

 Christopher: This is a special case.

 Josh: I thought you said you had to stop by her because you had something to tell reva.

 Christopher: It can wait.

 Reva: I'll walk you out.

 Christopher: Josh, nice talking to you.

 Josh: Yeah. Nice talking to you, too.

 Reva: I hope he wasn't too hard on you in there.

 Christopher: No, not at all.

 Reva: (Laughs)

 Christopher: Oh, did I tell you? The Spaulding grant's been finalized.

 Reva: Really? That's great.

 Christopher: Yes. We can really dig in now and take our work to the next level.

 Reva: Um, the next level meaning what we discussed before? About looking forward, seeing the future?

 Christopher: There is no telling what you could be capable of, reva.

 Reva: Is that why you came over here today?

 Christopher: I'll be in touch.


 Reva: (Sputters)

 Reva: So you knocked the good doctor around a little bit, huh?

 Josh: He had it coming.

 Reva: Seriously. You two have a good talk?

 Josh: Yeah. We were fine, you know. He's basically a nice guy.

 Reva: Thanks, honey. (Laughter)

 Marah: Oh, boy. Shayne and I barely move out of the house and already you two are acting like a couple of teenagers.

 Reva: Wait a minute. We aren't teenagers? I thought we... Hello. How are you?

 Marah: I'm good. I miss you guys, though. I was thinking you could come over to the museum next week and I could cook you some dinner, we could catch up.

 Reva and josh: She wants something.

 Josh: Yeah.

 Reva: Definitely.

 Marah: You guys are so suspicious.

 Josh: Well, what is it?

 Marah: Okay, dad, I don't want anything from you. In fact, I’m here to give you something. Now you are short-staffed. I know-- Wanda told me-- because of the new fifth street project. You are in need of a new assistant, right?

 Reva: Oh, yeah, but sweetheart, you've already taken on way too much. I mean, with school and your fashion show and trying to be the next Abby Hoffman.

 Marah: The next who?

 Reva: Oh, I was wrong.

 Josh: (Laughs)

 Reva: We are old.

 Marah: Okay. I wasn't suggesting me as your new assistant. I have someone from school that would be perfect. He is majoring in business and he is really good with computers.

 Reva: Does he know anything about architecture?

 Marah: I don't know.

 Josh: Construction or engineering, anything like that?

 Marah: Well, he's taking management courses and accounting and he has a really good voice on the phone, like a radio voice.

 Josh: Wait a minute.

 Reva: Oh, let me guess.

 Josh: Are you talking about the guy that dragged? The lunatic that dragged you up to the top of the billboard? Is that who you mean?

 Marah: Okay, nobody dragged me anywhere and he's not a lunatic. He's a very nice guy and his name is sandy foster. So, what do you think? Oh, come on. Come on. You could just interview him like you would any other person.

 Reva: Well, you know, I mean, you might as well give it a shot, right? But why are you so interested in helping this guy out? Did you two become more than just friends when you were up there on that billboard?

 Marah: I'm so not even answering that question.

 Reva: (Laughs)

 Marah: Dad, thank you for agreeing to this.

 Reva: Thanks, dad!

 Josh: But I didn't agree to anything, sweetheart. I just...

 Marah: I'll see you guys later.

 Josh: But...

 Marah: Love you.

 Josh: Uh... Hello!

 Reva: (Taunting) nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah.

 Josh: (Laughs)


 Beth: Dr. Lang ham, you understand that she is in a very fragile...

 Lillian: But she can manipulate, too. She's a big manipulator.

 Christopher: Hold on. I appreciate your concern for Lizzie and your eagerness to help, but I can't answer these questions until I've had the opportunity to meet with her and evaluate her.

 Lillian: We understand that. We just want you to...

 Christopher: Good. I hope you also understand that once I have evaluated Lizzie, as a physician, I will determine her course of treatment and that decision will not be open for debate. You'll either allow me to do my work as I see fit or you'll find someone else for the job. Agreed? Good. I'll see Lizzie now. Privately.

 Alan: Good. I'll take you in, doctor, and introduce you.

 Christopher: Actually, I'd prefer to go in alone. And if you all plan to wait out here, please stay away from the door and don't try to listen in. Oh, and I noticed that there are security cameras in the house. Are they’re any in this room? Because if there are, please shut them off.

 Alan: No, I don't believe there are.

 Christopher: Lizzie? Hi. I'm Dr. Lang ham.

 Lizzie: Oh, Dr. Lang ham, thank god you're here. Look, there's something I have to tell you and it's something I haven't been able to tell anyone else.


 Cassie: Okay, look. You know, what happened, happened a long time ago and you're a very different person now.

 Edmund: (Groans)

 Cassie: Come on, Edmund. Sit down. We have to talk about this. We have to.

 Edmund: Cassie, when I started realizing how I was feeling about you, that I really started to care, I thought to myself, "this is ridiculous. She can never want you. She's never going to feel anything but hatred for you, after everything you've done to her."

 Cassie: But you were wrong. I mean, the past, it came up, but... It was hard for me to let you in, but you know, we're so far beyond that now.

 Edmund: I'm not, Cassie. That's the point, is, I'm not. All the terrible things I did to you, everything that happened to you because of me, they're in the back of my mind every single day, and if they're in the back of my mind, they have to be in the back of yours.

 Cassie: No.

 Edmund: Cassie. Cassie, how can you say that? How can you just forget all of that?

 Cassie: Because I have to.

 Edmund: Cassie, sometimes I’ll watch you sleeping, like an angel, I’ll watch you breathing, and I think to myself, "will today be the day she wakes up, gets her memory back, comes to her senses and throws me out of her life for good?"

 Cassie: Is that what you want?

 Cassie: Is that what you want me to do? You want me to throw you out the door or do you just me to throw you out of my life? Is that going to be punishment enough for you, Edmund?

 Edmund: I don't know. Maybe.

 Cassie: Well, if that's what you want then you have to do it on your own, because I’m not going to sacrifice my happiness so you can go on some self- loathing trip, because it's not going to happen.

 Edmund: Cassie, how can you say that?

 Cassie: Because, Edmund, you have worked incredibly hard to become this loving, kind, sensitive man. I mean, the guy that takes care of me when I’m sick. You helped my daughter get ready for the prom. You're trying to fix up the farm so my boys have a backyard to play in. I mean, don't let this go to your head or anything, but you happen to be a catch. You do. And not because you're the ambassador or that you're a former prince or anything like that, just because you're you. And I think you're wonderful and I just want to be with you. Are you going to say something?


 Marah: Hello there.

 Sandy: Well, hello there.

 Marah: Is that your little calendar?

 Sandy: Yeah, why?

 Marah: Well, you better set some time aside to meet with my father.

 Sandy: You asked him about the job.

 Marah: And he cannot wait to meet you.

 Sandy: Come on. He only agreed under protest, right? With a healthy dose of pressure from you and your mom, too?

 Marah: How do you know my family so well?

 Sandy: I don’t. I just know about dads, families, and human nature in general.

 Marah: Okay, okay, so he wasn't exactly doing cartwheels when I told him, but once he meets you.

 Sandy: No. No, thank you, Marah. I appreciate you putting yourself out there. I don't want a handout.

 Marah: Okay, this isn't a handout, it's a job and money, and the last I heard, you're in need of both of those, so... But you know what? If you don't want to do that, I have something else for you to do.

 Sandy: Well, great. Do expound.

 Marah: Okay. I am in need of some male models and your inseam looks like you're a 32. I'm thinking leather chaps.

 Sandy: Okay, enough. I give. I will take the meeting. You are tough.

 Marah: Yeah. Don't you forget it?


 Marina: Look; you have to meet with the cub’s exec, okay? This guy only controls, like, your entire destiny.

 Shayne: Okay, so that's what I love about you, marina. You're just so undramatic.

 Marina: I'm just saying that there are going to be plenty of other concerts.

 Shayne: No, look, this isn't about the concert. This is about us. Look, I have to go on the road again soon, and if this exec is thinking what I think he's thinking, then he might...

 Marina: Maybe call you away to the bigs right in the middle of it?

 Shayne: Yeah. So this might be the last chance that we get to spend time together for a while. I don't want to miss a single second of it.

 Marina: Okay. Just for the record, you made me do it.

 Shayne: Do what?

 Marina: This. You are without a doubt the sweetest guy in the world.

 Shayne: You're pretty sweet yourself. (Electric sander whining)

 Nico: Hey, don't mind me.

 Marina: (Sighs)


 Josh: So, this executive guy, walker, he's coming through Springfield tonight. He wants to talk to Shayne about his future with the club. Now, isn't that great?

 Reva: Yeah, that's great. But I thought that we had agreed that you were going to take a step back with all of this and you were going to let Shayne handle his own career himself.

 Josh: Well, yeah, I was. (Laughs)

 Reva: But you scheduled the meeting on shayne's behalf.

 Josh: I just answered the phone, reva. I mean Shayne wasn't here to answer the phone. I answered the phone. The guy was on the road in his car calling from his cell phone and all that, and if I hadn't made arrangements then they might have played phone tag for the rest of the night. See?

 Reva: Okay. That's fine. Is Shayne excited about it?

 Josh: Yes, he is. Very much so. I mean it's great. Our kids are doing great. Shayne's got this career with a baseball club and the thing going with marina right now, and Marah's career is taking off.

 Reva: Yes, and she's developed a social conscience.

 Josh: And listen to the sound of this house. Listen to it. You hear that?

 Reva: Hear what?

 Josh: Empty house. It's calm, it's quiet, and that's the way it's going to be in the future. Just you and me, darling. We're going to be here in this house day after day and night after night.

 Reva: (Laughs) whatever will we do with all that time? (Laughs)

 Josh: Come here.


 Phillip: I'm not sure what I think of Mr. Lang ham.

 Lillian: He's certainly confident, I mean, that's for sure.

 Phillip: Yeah. Well, I'm assuming he and his confidence are going to be in there for a while, so I have a few things to take care of. I'll be back.

 Alan: So do I. I'll see you later.

 Lillian: The Spaulding male, huh? If it isn't about them...

 Beth: Yeah, well, it's not. It's about Lizzie. I just pray that Dr. Lang ham can get through to her.


 Christopher: So you want to talk to me? I'm surprised. I've gotten the impression that you weren't too eager to share these days.

 Lizzie: Well, no, because I just don't trust anyone else. I'm just afraid they won't understand me. But, I mean, you're not just a shrink, right? You were on The Reva Lewis show" and you talk all about that psychic stuff, right?

 Christopher: That's right.

 Lizzie: Well, then, you're probably the only person in this town who could understand me and who I can say this to.

 Christopher: Say what, Lizzie?

 Lizzie: I really don't know if I can say it. I mean I've just kept it a secret for so long, that to actually say it in words, I... (Sighs) Dr. Lang ham, if I tell you something, you have to promise that you will believe me.

 Christopher: Don't be afraid, Lizzie. Whatever you need to say, just say it.

 Lizzie: Dr. Lang ham... I see dead people. (Laughs)


 Next on "guiding light."

 Olivia: It's not about our little girl. It's about the one you already have: Lizzie.

 Lillian: Beth, Lizzie's in good hands. Let Christopher do what he needs to for her.

 Lizzie: I'll do it all right. I will.

This has been "guiding light."

By Suzanne

Proofread by: Priscilla

 Reva: Hi.

 Cassie: I really need your help planning Olivia’s baby shower.

 Reva: (Laughs)

 Cassie: Come on. This is important.

 Reva: Cassie, you must be out of your mind. Now what in the world would make you think that I would want to throw a party for a woman who did everything in her power to ruin my marriage?

 Cassie: Because you're a good person.

 Reva: Not that good.

 Cassie: Okay. So well, you don't want to be the only spoiled sport. Holly, Blake, Harley, they were all very positive about it.

 Reva: They said yes?

 Cassie: They didn't say no.

 Reva: Yet.

 Cassie: Even Edmund’s excited about it.

 Reva: Edmund's invited too?

 Cassie: No, he's not invited. But, you know, he found this little one outfit I bought for the baby and he got all mushy about it. So...

 Reva: How ironic. Sorry. I'm sorry. I just can't seem to get past the fact that you've seem to have forgotten that... All the things that that man has done to you, Cassie.

 Cassie: No, I haven't forgotten.


 Shayne: Hey, it's Mary Poppins, huh?

 Marina: Oh, man. When Danny asked me to be on nanny duty, you know, I thought one kid, how tough can that really be? But this kid Robbie, he's like a wind up toy. He just keeps going and going and going and. Oh.

 Shayne: Well, he's sleeping now, right?

 Marina: Yes, finally. It only took me, like, an hour to get him down. And, Shayne Lewis, if you do anything to wake him up... I'm completely pathetic. Do you want to trade jobs? I'll pitch for the minors; you could do potty detail training.


 Shayne: Hmm, let me think about that for about two seconds. (Phone rings) hello?

 Josh: Hello, Shayne.

 Shayne: Oh, hey, dad. What's up?

 Josh: Well, you'll never guess who just called the house. John walker.

 Shayne: Really? The big... The big cub exec guy?

 Josh: Yeah, that's right. He's passing by Springfield later on tonight and he wanted to talk to you.

 Shayne: Why? What for?

 Shayne: Well, it sounds like the organization has been pretty impressed with the way you've been pitching in the rookie leagues and he wants to... This is a direct quote; he wants to talk about your future. Are you there, son?

 Shayne: Um... I'm checking.

 Josh: You realize what this means, don't you? It means they're going to want to put you up to the big leagues sooner as oppose to later. Now this guy said he's going to call back when he has an. Probably sometime after dinner tonight. But if I were you, I would keep your whole night open.


 Shayne: Okay. Thanks, dad. I got it. Bye. Did you hear that?

 Marina: This time next week you could be pitching in Wrigley field.

 Shayne: That could be pushing it just a little bit.

 Marina: You'll never know though. The guy called today, he wants to meet you tonight. I mean he's got to be pretty enthusiastic.

 Shayne: Tonight.

 Marina: Oh, what about the...

 Shayne: The jam fest. This is the concert that I managed to get us tickets to. It's tonight, marina.

 Marina: You know what? You know what? Forget it. Okay, there will be other concerts.

 Shayne: No, no, there's not. This is, like, the concert of the year. This is the ticket. And plus this is like our first real date. I mean, besides prom.

 Marina: What? No, it's not. Oh, my gosh, you're right it is.

 Shayne: So what kind of loser would I be if I flake on our first real date?

 Marina: Well, you'll be the kind of loser who's pitching at Wrigley field.

 Shayne: You know what? It figures. It figures that my dad my would do this... Set up this little thing without even checking with me. He's always doing stuff like this.

 Marina: Yeah, I know. I know. And I know that it really bothers you. But you--

 Shayne: You know what? I can... I can see this guy another time. Or I can see him in Chicago.

 Marina: Shayne--

 Shayne: It doesn't have to be tonight. No, that's it. Case closed.

 Marina: Yeah, but--

 Shayne: Case closed. The cubs can wait. I have something more important to do.


 Josh: Hello, Christopher.

 Christopher: Hey, josh. How was your convention?

 Josh: It was... Great like watching paint dry. Reva's not here. She's with her sister somewhere.

 Christopher: I knew I should have called first. I'm sorry to disturb you. When she comes back will you tell her that I stopped by?

 Josh: Actually why don't you come on in. Wait for her here.

 Christopher: You sure I won't be imposing.

 Josh: No, not at all. In fact this will be a good thing. It'll help us to get to know each other a little better, right? Come on in.



 Lizzie: I did it.

 Beth: You're sure that this doctor is very good.

 Lillian: Yes.

 Beth: And that he's good with children...

 Lillian: I wouldn't tell you otherwise.

 Phillip: You know it's truly a sign of desperation that I’m allowing Alan to have a hand in her care.

 Lillian: Alan is simply arranging things with dr. Lang ham because he has an inside track with him. It's the one time I'm glad he's pulling his little strings. I mean this man is very good in adolescence. You know, hopefully he'll help Lizzie.

 Beth: Lizzie's not going to like that she has to talk to another psychiatrist, you know that.

 Lillian: No.


 Beth: But oh, Jeffrey.

 Jeffrey: Hi.

 Beth: Good god. Where did you come from?

 Jeffrey: Oh, originally from Chicago when after that I went off to school. Oh, you mean just now. Oh, well, I sneaked in through the servant’s entrance and I figured an ambush would be best for my purposes.

 Beth: Your purposes?

 Jeffrey: Yeah, my purposes. I've come to take you away, Beth.


 Josh: So, here you go.

 Christopher: Thanks.

 Josh: Sure. Have a seat. So, how do you think things are going with Reva’s? What do you call it? Training?

 Christopher: Well, the only thing I plan do is to harness the ability she already possesses. But what she has accomplished so far is extraordinary.

 Josh: You mean finding the missing girl.

 Christopher: Her impulses were right on the mark. She knew what to do with them. She recognized them; she trusted them and somebody's life was made better because of it. That's the whole reason I got into this field in the first place.

 Josh: Wow. That is really something. You know, it sounds like it could be great material for an article and maybe a book.

 Christopher: Yeah, well, I may write something about it. Not in a mainstream magazine though. In one of the scientific journals. So, josh, if you are concerned that I’m going to make a name for myself or get rich off your wife's talents, you can relax.

 Josh: Did I say that?

 Christopher: No, but I'm sure the thought crossed your mind. I'd probably feel the same way in your shoes. "Who is this guy? Can I really trust him to have Reva’s best interest at heart?"

 Josh: Well...

 Christopher: Yes, you can. Not that I expect you to take my word for it. But hopefully after a little time when reva and I work together more and we all get to know each other a little better...

 Josh: Actually I already know reva.

 Christopher: Yes...

 Josh: (Laughs)(and if I have any concerns that's where they come from. See the fact that I know reva and you don’t.

 Christopher: I'm afraid I don't follow you.

 Josh: I understand that you've been asking reva to follow her impulse, you know, to act more on her instincts, is that right?

 Christopher: Well, reva has a tendency to over think things. I'd like to see her loosen up a bit.

 Josh: Loosen up? Really? See that's what's funny. If you really knew reva, you would understand how absurd that comment really is.

 Christopher: Oh, I've heard the stories about Reva’s old wild days from reva herself. Something about dancing on tables.

 Josh: Do you have any idea at all why she used to do things like that?

 Christopher: Well, obviously this is oversimplifying, but... She was acting out.

 Josh: She had a tough childhood. A very tough childhood She has a lot of things inside of her that she has to stuff down.

 Christopher: Well, I realized that...

 Josh: Sometimes she acts impulsively. Sometimes she's her own worst enemy-- self-destructive. And a lot of people get hurt in the process.

 Christopher: Including you.

 Josh: Look, Christopher, it's taken a long time for reva to like herself again, to be happy again. And I get the impression that you want her to take steps back, you know, that you want her to open old wounds.

 Christopher: No, no, no. That's not... That's not what I was saying.

 Josh: I hope not. Because if that was the case I... I would see that as a threat to Reva’s happiness and to her safety and to my family's stability and then I would... I'd have to do something about it.


 Reva: It just seems to me that you've forgiven Edmund so easily after he was the man responsible for you driving off the road in san cristobel, right.

 Cassie: Well, that's what you do when you care about people.

 Reva: Well, if that wound has truly healed then I'm glad for you. I am because it's horrible to be carrying around that kind of pain and anger. And if Edmund is feeling that kind of pain right now, well, then I’m all for that.

 Cassie: That's nice.

 Reva: Yeah. Yeah, it is. Because if he's feeling the least bit guilty for what's he's done then he's finally developed some sort of conscience. And to me that's cause for major celebration. I only hope...

 Cassie: What?

 Reva: Well, you know, that something of that magnitude to couples; I just hope that you could truly bury something like that. That it's not going to come back and rear its ugly head somewhere down the road again. And that's... I mean have you talked about it. A5

 Cassie: Briefly.

 Reva: Yeah. Well, you need to talk about it, Cassie. Because it could become a big problem between the two of you. Not that I would really mind that too much.

 Cassie: I really wish you could see how happy he makes me.

 Reva: I do I just want it to stay that way.

 Cassie: I really care about him. I do. Does it hurt that I can't have any more children? Yeah. But I've cried those tears and I want my life to go on and want to be with Edmund.

 Reva: Well, he seems to be here. (Laughs) I'll let you know about the shower.


 Lizzie: ...And I captured your rook.

 Alan: You sure did.

 Lizzie: (Laughs)

 Alan: You know something, Elizabeth; you're starting to play this game very maturely. You're starting to think two and three moves ahead.

 Lizzie: Well, you have to, don't you?

 Alan: Yes, you do.

 Lizzie: All right.

 Alan: I want to ask you something. The other day Gus chastised me for talking to you like you were a child. Do I... Do you think I do that?

 Lizzie: Maybe a little sometimes. But I mean it doesn't bother me. I kind of like it.

 Alan: Really?

 Lizzie: Yeah.

 Alan: Well, why is that?

 Lizzie: I think it kind of makes me feel safe, you know. You know, it reminds me of the good old days when mom and dad were together and we were actually a real family.

 Alan: But we're still a real family.

 Lizzie: It's certainly starting to sound that way again. I mean dad's moving back in and nana.

 Alan: Yeah.

 Lizzie: So...

 Alan: Well but that arrangement is not going to last forever. You're aware of that, right?

 Lizzie: Yeah, I know, okay?

 Alan: But that's all right. I mean because you're a young lady who is going to be going off to college in a year, you’re going to be pursuing your own passions, and goals and. Are you all right?

 Lizzie: Oh, it's your move.

 Alan: Oh, okay. Elizabeth, in a few moments someone is going to come visit you. He's going to have a visit with you. His name is dr. Christopher Lang ham. Now he is a very respected man...

 Lizzie: A shrink. Another one?


 Jeffrey: I actually, you know, did try calling, but every time I call I'm told that either you're not here or you'll get back to me. And guess what? You never do.

 Beth: So you decided to ambush me.

 Jeffrey: Well, desperate times call for desperate measures, Beth. So how about it? Hmm? Movie, dinner?

 Beth: Well, oh... Oh... Just back up. You're... You're asking me out?

 Jeffrey: Is she always this dense or...

 Lillian: Not always. But I'm her mother. I'm Lillian Raines.

 Jeffrey: Oh, hello. Jeffrey O’Neill. It's a pleasure to meet you. Now I know where you get your good looks.

 Lillian: Oh, if you turn him down, I'm going to go with you.

 Beth: Mother!

 Phillip: You know what? Lillian, why don't we let your daughter make own social plans, shall we? Excuse us.

 Beth: As usual, your timing leaves something to be desired.

 Jeffrey: Well, what I desire is you.

 Beth: I can't go out with you tonight.

 Jeffrey: I'm not talking about tonight. I'm talking about right now.

 Beth: What? No. No, no.

 Jeffrey: Yes.

 Beth: Jeffrey, listen to me. There is a lot going on around here. You know that my mother and I took Lizzie away to...

 Jeffrey: Yeah, yeah, yeah, to get to the root of her problems. I know. I know all about that.

 Beth: Yeah, well, things came to a head in a bad way and ever since then everything's been in crises mode around here.

 Jeffrey: Yeah, I know. I kind of figured that.

 Beth: So you understand as much as I might enjoy your company, dating is just... It's the last thing on my mind right now.

 Jeffrey: It could be a great stress release mechanism, too, couldn't it? Obviously you've never been to the movies with me. 'Cause when you go with me, you know, you get two shows for the price of one. Because inevitably in every movie house there's always some jerk who is always sitting right next to you, right, and he's always talking. Talking loud. And that just drives me crazy. Then there’s the candy paper scruncher. You know, the people that take off the candy wrappers and they scrunch them up. I mean that just really kind of gets to me too. So I take it upon myself to let these people know how much they're aggravating me. Okay, I've been known to leap over seats.

 Beth: That's just fascinating.

 Jeffrey: And there's cell phones. The cell phone guy. You know, the guy whose fielding the cell phone calls during the movies. Okay, that's when I really take things to an extreme, right? And I inform them, I am an officer of the court and I’ve threatened to have them arrested and thrown into jail and worse, okay? I mean, really by this point I’m up and people are pelting me with popcorn. And you really don't want to miss the show, Beth. Really. You've got to see it.

 Beth: Well, that sounds like fun. It really, really does. But I just feel I'm not up for it.

 Jeffrey: Beth, Beth. You've got to live a little.

 Beth: Mom, Phillip? Can you... Can you tell Mr. O’Neill that I really can't go out with him tonight?

 Lillian: Oh, Mr. O’Neill, I think Beth would be delighted to go out with you tonight.


 Marina: All right, look, I don't care about the concert. Really.

 Shayne: Yeah, well I do.

 Marina: But, Shayne...

 Shayne: But what? But what? What? You're going to start acting like my dad now and try to run my life, too?

 Marina: I already do run your life. You just don't know it yet.

 Shayne: Is that a fact?

 Marina: Yeah, it's a fact. I've got you so wrapped around my little finger, you're about to snap, mister. Come on admit it. You are totally overwhelmed by my feminine charms.

 Shayne: Okay, I admit I am.

 Marina: One whiff of my perfume and you go crazy and you can't even think straight.

 Shayne: I don't know about that. I don't know if that's true. I need to check. Let me check.

 Marina: Oh. Shayne, what are you doing? (Laughs)

 Shayne: I'm just trying to get a whiff of your perfume.

 Marina: Well, you better get down, boy. I'm on nanny duty. I have to act like a responsible adult.

 Shayne: Oh, come on. What? Adults... They... They make out, too. Let's be adults. Just come on.

 Marina: Why don't you go take a cold shower?

 Shayne: Okay, fine. Come on.

 Marina: Forget it. A cold glass of water would be nice, though. With lots of ice please. Go. This is a total dream house. We're equipped with absolutely everything and. You know, excuse the mess because we're always Remodeling, because, you know, Why not? (Laughs) We can! (You know, we can be on tour all The time and with him on the Road most of the year with the Baseball season it never seems To really bother us...

 Shayne: I want two benches. One white one black.

 Marina: Isn't that right, sweetie?

 Shayne: Come on.

 Marina: Hey. He'll have to call you back. He's in a meeting. Now get out. This is our crib. Who are you?

 Nico: sweetheart.

 Marina: I'm a friend of the people that live here. How did you get in?

 Nico: With these. I know Mr. And Mrs. Santos, too. I'm actually doing some work for them.

 Marina: Yeah. Well, what's your name?

 Nico: Nico. Nico Castanos. What's yours?

 Marina: Why does that sound familiar to me? Wait, I know who you are. You're the guy who mugged Michelle.

 Nico: Well, what do you know I'm famous? Hey, if you want my autograph, it's going to cost you


 Beth: Oh, great. So you two want to get rid of me?

 Phillip: Talk to the matchmaker. Although maybe it would be a good idea if you did take a break. Beth, you haven't been out of the house in days. You were up all night pacing the halls.

 Beth: I am worried about our daughter.

 Phillip: I know you are, Beth. So am I. But I'm starting to get worried about you, too.

 Lillian: So is I. Honey, you need a breather. You need to focus on something else just for a few hours.

 Beth: I can't go anywhere right now. Dr. Lang ham is coming over. Remember?

 Lillian: Yeah.

 Jeffrey: Okay, why don't I come back? I'm sorry. Another time.

 Lillian: How about 7 or 7:30?

 Jeffrey: Oh, okay.

 Lillian: And what movie are you going to take her to?

 Jeffrey: Well, I haven't quite decided yet.

 Phillip: Nothing gory. She hates gore.

 Beth: Okay, okay. You know what? I would really like to speak for myself.

 Lillian: Only if you'd tell this awfully nice man that you will go out with him.

 Beth: You're unbelievable.

 Jeffrey: She's unbelievable cute when she gets mad like this.

 Lillian: Oh, Beth, you have to go.

 Beth: Okay, okay. You know... You know... All right. All right. I will go to dinner and a movie with you after Lizzie's therapy.

 Jeffrey: Okay. After. Right. Great.

 Beth: Satisfied?

 Jeffrey: I'm extremely satisfied. Thanks. Bye. See you later.

 Lizzie: Another therapist. You want me to talk to someone I don't even know.

 Alan: Elizabeth, he is an expert in his field. And he's a very nice man. I think you're going to like him.

 Lizzie: What was his name again?

 Alan: Dr.Christopher Lang Ham

 Lizzie: Lang ham. He’s the guy who was shayne's mom TV show. The one that works with the psychics.

 Alan: That's right. That's right. He also is an excellent psychiatrist.

 Lizzie: Okay, cool.


 Christopher: Look, josh, I really appreciate your being straightforward with me. And I will never push reva into anything that she doesn't want to go to. You have my word on that.

 Josh: I appreciate that.

 Christopher: I hope on your side that you won't hold her back either.

 Josh: I never have.

 Christopher: Good. Because as much as the past informs the present, what I'm more interested in is the future and helping reva go as far with this gift as she wants to go. Agreed?

 Josh: Agreed.

 Reva: Hello? Yoo-hoo. Hi. I thought that was your car I saw parked out there. Oh, I'm having a vision. You two were talking about me, weren't you?


 Marina: I still can't believe that Danny gave you the keys.

 Nico: He has to. I'm living here now.

 Marina: And working here? Oh. Okay, I get it. This is, like, Danny’s personal version of community service, right? The way you're making restitution.

 Nico: Oh, restitution. Fancy word. Where'd you learn that? Finishing school?

 Marina: What's that?

 Nico: You know, one of them fancy schools where chicks like you go to learn to meet the right guy and land herself a rich husband.

 Marina: Chicks like me?

 Nico: Let me guess: You come from a big mansion on the north side and you probably spent more money on manicures than I spend on food.

 Marina: Okay. Not that I even really care what you think, but I’m from the exact same neighborhood you are. My family ran a diner on Fifth Street before it burned down.

 Nico: Oh, yeah?

 Marina: No, I’m trying to impress you.

 Nico: So what are you doing here in Santos land, anyways?

 Marina: Well, I’m working. I'm Robbie’s nanny. Unlike you, I didn't have to rob Michelle to get a job.

 Nico: Yeah, speaking of work, I should get back to it.

 Marina: No, no, no you don’t. It took me an hour to put him down. You wake him back up; I will take this hammer to your head.

 Shayne: Hey! Hey! Hey!

 Marina: He's fine. He's a friend of Danny and Michelle’s. Shayne.

 Nico: Shayne. I thought you looked familiar. Baseball player, right? Pitcher? The cubs just signed you?

 Shayne: Yeah, that's me.

 Nico: Hey, man. I've got a tip for you. You can do a lot better than her.


 Josh: Of course Christopher and I were talking about you, darling. What else could possibly be so fascinating to both of us?

 Reva: Well, gosh, I am flattered. Want to give me any specifics or details about what the discussion was?

 Josh: Christopher?

 Christopher: Your husband was grilling me on my motives. He wants to be sure I don't exploit you.

 Reva: Was he being protective again? That doesn't surprise me at all.

 Christopher: I think I allayed his concerns and we came to an understanding. Josh?

 Josh: I think so, too, yes.

 Reva: All of this and there was no bloodshed? I'm impressed.

 Christopher: Oh, hey, I have to go. I'm seeing a patient.

 Reva: You're seeing patients again?

 Christopher: This is a special case.

 Josh: I thought you said you had to stop by her because you had something to tell reva.

 Christopher: It can wait.

 Reva: I'll walk you out.

 Christopher: Josh, nice talking to you.

 Josh: Yeah. Nice talking to you, too.

 Reva: I hope he wasn't too hard on you in there.

 Christopher: No, not at all.

 Reva: (Laughs)

 Christopher: Oh, did I tell you? The Spaulding grant's been finalized.

 Reva: Really? That's great.

 Christopher: Yes. We can really dig in now and take our work to the next level.

 Reva: Um, the next level meaning what we discussed before? About looking forward, seeing the future?

 Christopher: There is no telling what you could be capable of, reva.

 Reva: Is that why you came over here today?

 Christopher: I'll be in touch.


 Reva: (Sputters)

 Reva: So you knocked the good doctor around a little bit, huh?

 Josh: He had it coming.

 Reva: Seriously. You two have a good talk?

 Josh: Yeah. We were fine, you know. He's basically a nice guy.

 Reva: Thanks, honey. (Laughter)

 Marah: Oh, boy. Shayne and I barely move out of the house and already you two are acting like a couple of teenagers.

 Reva: Wait a minute. We aren't teenagers? I thought we... Hello. How are you?

 Marah: I'm good. I miss you guys, though. I was thinking you could come over to the museum next week and I could cook you some dinner, we could catch up.

 Reva and josh: She wants something.

 Josh: Yeah.

 Reva: Definitely.

 Marah: You guys are so suspicious.

 Josh: Well, what is it?

 Marah: Okay, dad, I don't want anything from you. In fact, I’m here to give you something. Now you are short-staffed. I know-- Wanda told me-- because of the new fifth street project. You are in need of a new assistant, right?

 Reva: Oh, yeah, but sweetheart, you've already taken on way too much. I mean, with school and your fashion show and trying to be the next Abby Hoffman.

 Marah: The next who?

 Reva: Oh, I was wrong.

 Josh: (Laughs)

 Reva: We are old.

 Marah: Okay. I wasn't suggesting me as your new assistant. I have someone from school that would be perfect. He is majoring in business and he is really good with computers.

 Reva: Does he know anything about architecture?

 Marah: I don't know.

 Josh: Construction or engineering, anything like that?

 Marah: Well, he's taking management courses and accounting and he has a really good voice on the phone, like a radio voice.

 Josh: Wait a minute.

 Reva: Oh, let me guess.

 Josh: Are you talking about the guy that dragged? The lunatic that dragged you up to the top of the billboard? Is that who you mean?

 Marah: Okay, nobody dragged me anywhere and he's not a lunatic. He's a very nice guy and his name is sandy foster. So, what do you think? Oh, come on. Come on. You could just interview him like you would any other person.

 Reva: Well, you know, I mean, you might as well give it a shot, right? But why are you so interested in helping this guy out? Did you two become more than just friends when you were up there on that billboard?

 Marah: I'm so not even answering that question.

 Reva: (Laughs)

 Marah: Dad, thank you for agreeing to this.

 Reva: Thanks, dad!

 Josh: But I didn't agree to anything, sweetheart. I just...

 Marah: I'll see you guys later.

 Josh: But...

 Marah: Love you.

 Josh: Uh... Hello!

 Reva: (Taunting) nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah.

 Josh: (Laughs)


 Beth: Dr. Lang ham, you understand that she is in a very fragile...

 Lillian: But she can manipulate, too. She's a big manipulator.

 Christopher: Hold on. I appreciate your concern for Lizzie and your eagerness to help, but I can't answer these questions until I've had the opportunity to meet with her and evaluate her.

 Lillian: We understand that. We just want you to...

 Christopher: Good. I hope you also understand that once I have evaluated Lizzie, as a physician, I will determine her course of treatment and that decision will not be open for debate. You'll either allow me to do my work as I see fit or you'll find someone else for the job. Agreed? Good. I'll see Lizzie now. Privately.

 Alan: Good. I'll take you in, doctor, and introduce you.

 Christopher: Actually, I'd prefer to go in alone. And if you all plan to wait out here, please stay away from the door and don't try to listen in. Oh, and I noticed that there are security cameras in the house. Are they’re any in this room? Because if there are, please shut them off.

 Alan: No, I don't believe there are.

 Christopher: Lizzie? Hi. I'm Dr. Lang ham.

 Lizzie: Oh, Dr. Lang ham, thank god you're here. Look, there's something I have to tell you and it's something I haven't been able to tell anyone else.


 Cassie: Okay, look. You know, what happened, happened a long time ago and you're a very different person now.

 Edmund: (Groans)

 Cassie: Come on, Edmund. Sit down. We have to talk about this. We have to.

 Edmund: Cassie, when I started realizing how I was feeling about you, that I really started to care, I thought to myself, "this is ridiculous. She can never want you. She's never going to feel anything but hatred for you, after everything you've done to her."

 Cassie: But you were wrong. I mean, the past, it came up, but... It was hard for me to let you in, but you know, we're so far beyond that now.

 Edmund: I'm not, Cassie. That's the point, is, I'm not. All the terrible things I did to you, everything that happened to you because of me, they're in the back of my mind every single day, and if they're in the back of my mind, they have to be in the back of yours.

 Cassie: No.

 Edmund: Cassie. Cassie, how can you say that? How can you just forget all of that?

 Cassie: Because I have to.

 Edmund: Cassie, sometimes I’ll watch you sleeping, like an angel, I’ll watch you breathing, and I think to myself, "will today be the day she wakes up, gets her memory back, comes to her senses and throws me out of her life for good?"

 Cassie: Is that what you want?

 Cassie: Is that what you want me to do? You want me to throw you out the door or do you just me to throw you out of my life? Is that going to be punishment enough for you, Edmund?

 Edmund: I don't know. Maybe.

 Cassie: Well, if that's what you want then you have to do it on your own, because I’m not going to sacrifice my happiness so you can go on some self- loathing trip, because it's not going to happen.

 Edmund: Cassie, how can you say that?

 Cassie: Because, Edmund, you have worked incredibly hard to become this loving, kind, sensitive man. I mean, the guy that takes care of me when I’m sick. You helped my daughter get ready for the prom. You're trying to fix up the farm so my boys have a backyard to play in. I mean, don't let this go to your head or anything, but you happen to be a catch. You do. And not because you're the ambassador or that you're a former prince or anything like that, just because you're you. And I think you're wonderful and I just want to be with you. Are you going to say something?


 Marah: Hello there.

 Sandy: Well, hello there.

 Marah: Is that your little calendar?

 Sandy: Yeah, why?

 Marah: Well, you better set some time aside to meet with my father.

 Sandy: You asked him about the job.

 Marah: And he cannot wait to meet you.

 Sandy: Come on. He only agreed under protest, right? With a healthy dose of pressure from you and your mom, too?

 Marah: How do you know my family so well?

 Sandy: I don’t. I just know about dads, families, and human nature in general.

 Marah: Okay, okay, so he wasn't exactly doing cartwheels when I told him, but once he meets you.

 Sandy: No. No, thank you, Marah. I appreciate you putting yourself out there. I don't want a handout.

 Marah: Okay, this isn't a handout, it's a job and money, and the last I heard, you're in need of both of those, so... But you know what? If you don't want to do that, I have something else for you to do.

 Sandy: Well, great. Do expound.

 Marah: Okay. I am in need of some male models and your inseam looks like you're a 32. I'm thinking leather chaps.

 Sandy: Okay, enough. I give. I will take the meeting. You are tough.

 Marah: Yeah. Don't you forget it?


 Marina: Look; you have to meet with the cub’s exec, okay? This guy only controls, like, your entire destiny.

 Shayne: Okay, so that's what I love about you, marina. You're just so undramatic.

 Marina: I'm just saying that there are going to be plenty of other concerts.

 Shayne: No, look, this isn't about the concert. This is about us. Look, I have to go on the road again soon, and if this exec is thinking what I think he's thinking, then he might...

 Marina: Maybe call you away to the bigs right in the middle of it?

 Shayne: Yeah. So this might be the last chance that we get to spend time together for a while. I don't want to miss a single second of it.

 Marina: Okay. Just for the record, you made me do it.

 Shayne: Do what?

 Marina: This. You are without a doubt the sweetest guy in the world.

 Shayne: You're pretty sweet yourself. (Electric sander whining)

 Nico: Hey, don't mind me.

 Marina: (Sighs)


 Josh: So, this executive guy, walker, he's coming through Springfield tonight. He wants to talk to Shayne about his future with the club. Now, isn't that great?

 Reva: Yeah, that's great. But I thought that we had agreed that you were going to take a step back with all of this and you were going to let Shayne handle his own career himself.

 Josh: Well, yeah, I was. (Laughs)

 Reva: But you scheduled the meeting on shayne's behalf.

 Josh: I just answered the phone, reva. I mean Shayne wasn't here to answer the phone. I answered the phone. The guy was on the road in his car calling from his cell phone and all that, and if I hadn't made arrangements then they might have played phone tag for the rest of the night. See?

 Reva: Okay. That's fine. Is Shayne excited about it?

 Josh: Yes, he is. Very much so. I mean it's great. Our kids are doing great. Shayne's got this career with a baseball club and the thing going with marina right now, and Marah's career is taking off.

 Reva: Yes, and she's developed a social conscience.

 Josh: And listen to the sound of this house. Listen to it. You hear that?

 Reva: Hear what?

 Josh: Empty house. It's calm, it's quiet, and that's the way it's going to be in the future. Just you and me, darling. We're going to be here in this house day after day and night after night.

 Reva: (Laughs) whatever will we do with all that time? (Laughs)

 Josh: Come here.


 Phillip: I'm not sure what I think of Mr. Lang ham.

 Lillian: He's certainly confident, I mean, that's for sure.

 Phillip: Yeah. Well, I'm assuming he and his confidence are going to be in there for a while, so I have a few things to take care of. I'll be back.

 Alan: So do I. I'll see you later.

 Lillian: The Spaulding male, huh? If it isn't about them...

 Beth: Yeah, well, it's not. It's about Lizzie. I just pray that Dr. Lang ham can get through to her.


 Christopher: So you want to talk to me? I'm surprised. I've gotten the impression that you weren't too eager to share these days.

 Lizzie: Well, no, because I just don't trust anyone else. I'm just afraid they won't understand me. But, I mean, you're not just a shrink, right? You were on The Reva Lewis show" and you talk all about that psychic stuff, right?

 Christopher: That's right.

 Lizzie: Well, then, you're probably the only person in this town who could understand me and who I can say this to.

 Christopher: Say what, Lizzie?

 Lizzie: I really don't know if I can say it. I mean I've just kept it a secret for so long, that to actually say it in words, I... (Sighs) Dr. Lang ham, if I tell you something, you have to promise that you will believe me.

 Christopher: Don't be afraid, Lizzie. Whatever you need to say, just say it.

 Lizzie: Dr. Lang ham... I see dead people. (Laughs)


 Next on "guiding light."

 Olivia: It's not about our little girl. It's about the one you already have: Lizzie.

 Lillian: Beth, Lizzie's in good hands. Let Christopher do what he needs to for her.

 Lizzie: I'll do it all right. I will.

This has been "Guiding Light."

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