GL Transcript Tuesday 9/9/03

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 9/9/03

By Suzanne

danny: Well, good, honey. I'm glad you made it there safely. What? Yeah. No, I told you, everything's great, everything's fine here. Yeah, of course robbie misses his mommy, but i told him that she's off becoming the best physician's assistant ever. He understood everything i had to say. What? The nanny? Um, well, actually paige had a little family emergency, but it's okay. Your dad and your brother came by earlier to help out, and i found a replacement. She's working out great. (Loud crash) and that would be nico. Yeah, I've put him to work around the house. Yeah, you win, he hasn't stolen anything-- yet. Yeah, I know, I know. I owe you $20 when you get home. No, honey, don't worry. Everything is great here. Really. I'm serious. I want you to just concentrate on getting yourself settled there, and let me handle things here, okay? No, I'm sure. Look, I'm going to call you later, okay? I love you, too. Okay. Bye. (Loud crash) nico!

 Marina: Hey. Hey, i'm working here.

 Shayne: So you're too busy for this?

 Marina: No, i'm never too busy for that. You want to help me with this?

 Shayne: Um, no. I don'T. You know what they say about all work and no play?

 Marina: Yeah, it gets the tuition bills paid. Come on, this one's fun. It's a care package for michelle. Danny and ed ordered a bunch of my grandpa's specialties so that she could have home-cooked meals while she's out of town.

 Shayne: Well, i'm all for home cooking, but there is something to be said for getting out of town.

 Marina: Spoken like a man with a plan. So spill.

 Shayne: No, i can't. You're working, so i'm just going to let you just, you know, do your thing...

 Marina: Shayne!

 Gus: What's the matter? Is something in your food? A fly or something?

 Alan: What?

 Gus: Well, you haven't touched a bite of your chili. Something wrong?

 Alan: It's not the food.

 Gus: Hmm. What is it, lizzie?

 Alan: She'd be just fine if certain members of the family would stop treating her as if she were some mental case. But what do I know? I'm just her grandfather.

 Gus: Well, you know, you keep after that family, because you've got your hands full. But, you know, they'll come around.

 Brenda: Alan spaulding?

 Alan: Yes? May I help you?

 Brenda: You sure can, you son of a...

 Ed: Well, that was the shortest celebration i've ever been part of.

 Mel: Duty calls.

 Ed: Yeah. We'll have to have a real "mel passed the bar" party soon.

 Mel: I loved the look on danny's face when he walked in on all of us.

 Ed: You know why that is? Because he's totally lost without my daughter. I mean, that's one of the things i love about him. But what we're going to do is, when michelle gets back, we'll have a real boudreau-bauer blast, okay? And since your family has been so terrific about entertaining us, it's my turn. I mean, we have a lot to celebrate. Come on.

 Mel: Ed, please, don't push it, okay? I just got out of today's celebration just in time.

 Harley: I should have known this was a waste of my time. You're too bitter to patch things up with gus.

 Eden: Well, i'd rather be bitter than delusional.

 Harley: What did you just say?

 Eden: You know what? Forget it. Just go, all right? I'm the only one that really knows what my brother is like.

 Harley: I know exactly who gus is.

 Eden: Oh, really? Do you?

 Harley: That's it? That's all you're going to say? Fine. I'm out of here.

 Eden: You know, he's going to leave you.

 Harley: You know, your brother wants you back in his life. After everything you have done to him, I don't know why, but he wants you back, and this is how you repay him? How about... How about showing him a little respect? How about a little loyalty?

 Eden: The only person that gus is loyal to is himself. But if you want to find out on your own, just go ahead. And you know what? I am not bitter. It's not gus' fault he is the way he is. Maybe it's just...

 Harley: What?

 Eden: Maybe it's just in his spaulding blood.

 Danny: Hey. (Music playing from

headphones) ni... Hey.

 Nico: Hey.

 Danny: Do you mind? It's too loud. I can hear it all over the house.

 Nico: Oh, so mr. Santos is concerned about my eardrums. I'm touched.

 Danny: No, I'm concerned about this house. This is my house, and as long as you're living here and working here, you'll show some respect.

 Nico: Yes, your highness. Or do you prefer "godfather"?

 Danny: You see? See? That's not what I call showing respect, nico.

 Nico: Look, respect goes both ways.

 Danny: Yeah, it does. And it'll go your direction as soon as you earn it. But until then, you work in my house, and you do what i tell you to do. Now, do you have to make so much damn noise when you're working?

 Nico: Hey, building a bookcase is not a quiet job, and that's what you ordered me to do, anyways.

 Danny: You finished?

 Nico: You mean talking? Or the bookcase?

 Danny: Both.

 Nico: Yeah. I'm just looking for a wall that'll hold it.

 Danny: I told you, I want to put it up in robbie's room. Didn't you listen?

 Nico: Have you seen the kid's room lately? It looks worse than this mess-- and this is pretty bad, man.

 Danny: All right, all right. Forget it. We'll deal with the bookcase later.

 Nico: So what should we do now?

 Danny: We're not going to do anything. You're going to take five, and then get started on the yard work.

 Nico: All right.

 Danny: Nico. Look, letting you live here above the garage and work here was my wife's idea, not mine. Apparently, she sees something in you worth saving, and i guess my cousin ray does, too.

 Nico: Yeah, so?

 Danny: So don't blow it. Because when michelle comes back from hunley college, she expects to see the new and improved nico, and I don't want her to be disappointed. We clear?

 Nico: Oh, yeah, we're clear. As soon as you score points with the missus, you're going to throw me out to the trash, right? Okay, that's cool. Mrs. Santos will feel all generous, you'll be her hero, and me, I'm going to be old news, right? What a shocker.

 Marina: Jamfest?

 Shayne: I know.

 Marina: Wait, how did you get tickets to this? It's been sold out for months.

 Shayne: Well, let's just say there are certain benefits to being able to throw a 90-mile- an-hour fast ball.

 Marina: Oh, it's not your fast ball that got you called to the bigs. It's your curve ball and your splitter.

 Shayne: Okay, yes, coach. So, are we going, or what?

 Marina: I don't know. I've got classes starting at springfield U. In the fall. You know, I'm going to have to pick up my books and get my student id, make nice with my teachers...

 Shayne: Marina.

 Marina: Yes, we're going!

 Alan: That constitutes an assault, and i want to press charges.

 Brenda: What are you, some kind of cop or something?

 Gus: Actually, yes, i am.

 Brenda: That figures. Men like alan spaulding always have the law on their side.

 Alan: Look, miss, i don't know who you are...

 Brenda: Mrs. Mrs. Jenson, brenda jenson. Name ring a bell, mr. Spaulding?

 Alan: No, it doesn'T.

 Brenda: How about lori jenson? My daughter.

 Alan: Look, mrs. Jenson, i don't know what happened to your daughter.

 Brenda: I'll tell you what's happened. My daughter started working for you a couple of years ago, her first big job after years of struggling, and then she met brad green.

 Gus: Who's brad green?

 Alan: A senior executive who just recently returned from the paris offices.

 Brenda: That man. He took advantage of her, and when she tried to break it off, your pal...

 Alan: My employee.

 Brenda: ...Didn't like the word "no."

 Alan: Look, mrs. Jenson, when things like this happen, there's always two sides to every story.

 Brenda: Well, right now you only have my side, because she left to end it with this creep, and she never came home.

 Gus: How long has your daughter been gone?

 Brenda: I just got back from the precinct. They asked me the same questions. They gave me the whole speech about I have to wait 48 hours. I can't wait. I know something's happened to lori, and I am telling you, if somebody doesn't break the spaulding code of silence and tell me what's going on with my daughter, I am going straight to the media. You'd like that, wouldn't you, mr. Spaulding? I'm sure your stock prices would take a nice little hit once the public finds out what's going on behind your office doors.

 Alan: Well, obviously that woman is a loose cannon. Her daughter's probably on some tropical island as we speak, healing her broken heart with a little surf, sun, and margaritas.

 Gus: Alan, this is me you're dealing with. Tell me what happened to that girl.

 Harley: I see what you're trying to do, you know? You're trying to shake me up. But, see, you forget one little thing: I'm the resident expert on spaulding men. I've been married to two of them.

 Eden: Oh, and that's gone really well for you, hasn't it?

 Harley: I will admit that when i first found out that gus was alan's son, I had my concerns. I was afraid he would get pulled into that spaulding dysfunction, but gus has stayed gus. And actually, it's alan who's done the changing.

 Eden: If you say so.

 Harley: Alan is the one who asked to volunteer with gus on the garden of eden murders. Alan is the one who had that little light bulb go off in his head because he realized thatf* gus is happy. He's happy with his life, he's happy with his job. He is happy with me. So if the only card that you've got left to play is your spaulding card, then i guess we really are done here.

 Eden: You know what? You were not on that roof.

 Harley: No, but i know gus will do what he has to do to catch the bad guy, and if that means pushing limits, then so be it.

 Eden: Oh, is that what he told you?

 Harley: Eden, he was trying to catch a killer. Don't take it personally. He's not a bad brother; he's just a good detective.

 Eden: You know what? I don't get you. You weren't on that roof years ago when we were kids, but yet you have no problem believing that i'm a murderer. Yet when i tell you what gus did on the roof a few months ago, you can't even wrap your mind around it.K)y you can't even try.

 Harley: Because i know gus, and I know you.

 Eden: Gus was trying to get his collar, harley, and that is the kind of man he has turned into. And if he can turn on me, he can turn on you, too.

 Harley: Oh, my god. This conversation is over, okay? You want gus out of your life, fine. That's your loss.

 Eden: I am just trying to get a clean start.

 Harley: You know what? I think you've maxed out your clean starts.

 Eden: You know what?Lp i don't want us to be enemies, and when gus does turn on you, don't worry, i won't say that i told you so.

 danny: Well, how long is that going to take? Three months. That's ridiculous. I want you to call the distributor and see what you can do.

 Mrs. Pilkington: (Clears

throat) you wanted to see me, mr. Santos?

 Danny: All right, i'll call you back. Yeah. Yeah. Mrs. Pilkington.

 Mrs. Pilkington: Call me "mrs. P."

 Danny: Okay, mrs. P., I really just wanted to check in with you, because sometimes robbie isn't... Well, it takes him a while to feel comfortable with new people. How's he doing?

 Mrs. Pilkington: He's fine. I believe he's sleeping right now.

 Danny: You believe? You mean you don't know?

 Mrs. Pilkington: Well, the boy refused to take a nap, and it was clear from his wild behavior that he needed one, so i left him in his room and shut the door.

 Danny: So basically you're telling me that you locked my son in his room all by himself.

 Mrs. Pilkington: Yes. He'll no doubt cry himself to sleep. It's a tried and true method, mr. Santos. Children need to learn from a tender age that the world does not revolve around them.

 Danny: Yeah. But my world revolves around robbie, and you're in my world, mrs. P.

 Mrs. Pilkington: Indeed.

 Danny: Look, I don't want my son crying himself to sleep. It's as simple as that.

 Mrs. Pilkington: Wait. Wait. No crying. You see? I told you robbie's fine. Sleeping like a baby.

 Danny: Okay. Please don't do that to him again. While he's napping, can you get started on this mess?

 Mrs. Pilkington: (Laughs) mr. Santos, I'm robbie's nanny, not your maid. And while your son is sleeping, there are a few things we should go over.

 Danny: Like?

 Mrs. Pilkington: Robbie's lack of discipline. He made a mess of his lunch, spilled food all over himself.

 Danny: He's two and a half.

 Mrs. Pilkington: That's no excuse. Respect is a two-way street, and the sooner robbie learns that, the sooner... Mr. Santos, are you listening? If i am to stay on here, changes must be made.

 Danny: Yeah. I agree, mrs. P. You're fired. You know the way out.

 Mrs. Pilkington: Certainly.

 Marina: Hello. Did I come at a bad time? (Robbie crying)

 mel: I know i'm the luckiest person in the world in so many ways, but I want a baby. I don't know, I guess that makes me...

 Ed: It makes you a loving, caring person. That's what it makes you.

 Mel: It's just after that brief moment of joy and relief when rick told me I passed the bar, all i kept thinking was, "well, great, now I have everything, except what I want." Please don't tell my parents or rick.

 Ed: Oh, sweetie, of course i'm not going to tell anyone.

 Mel: I'm so selfish, huh?

 Ed: You're being way too hard on yourself.

 Mel: If you think i am, you should see rick. He's beating himself up over this.

 Ed: I know he is.

 Mel: It's so hard, because we each keep acting like we're all right for the other one's sake, but we're about to explode.

 Ed: I remember what that's like. But listen, what you have to remember is, i mean, you and rick have a lot of options here. You know, you've got a lot of options, and you are going to have a baby together, one way or another.

 Mel: I just hate that rick feels like he failed me.

 Ed: Sweetie, he just wants you to be happy. He desperately wants you to be happy, because you've given him so much happiness.

 Mel: Have i?

 Ed: Now, you know you don't have to ask that, right?

 Mel: It just feels like we're always catching our breath, you know? Ever since we've been together, it's just been crisis after crisis.

 Ed: (Laughs) welcome to the family.

 Mel: Oh, please. The bauer family is probably the most normal family in this town.

 Ed: You know, i'm going to have to catch up with the person who started that rumor. You know what it is? I think it's because my mother and maureen provided cover for the rest of us.

 Mel: Oh, stop it. You've been nothing but a calming influence for all of us since you've been back.

 Ed: Is that a fact? Well, I'm going to have to do something about that. I'm going to have to cause a little trouble for myself for the rest of the family, so you guys stop worrying about your own troubles.

 Mel: (Laughs)

 bartender: So what's all that?

 Alexandra: Well, this is the newest big thing from spaulding enterprises. Here. Here you go. Have a whiff. Tell me what you think.

 Bartender: That's nice.

 Alexandra: Nice? Nice? I was hoping for a bit more than that, but so far this is all my development team has come up with. Another four-letter choice word i could use for it, but... And don't even get me started on the models.

 Bartender: How about i refresh that for you?

 Alexandra: Yes, thank you very much. You know, this campaign has to be very exciting. I mean, I have to make one really big splash.

 Eden: Well, then why don't you go jump in a lake?

 Bartender: Can I get you a drink, miss?

 Eden: Yeah, i'll have whatever she's not having. What, alexandra?

 Alexandra: Nothing, eden. It's just such a waste, that's all.

 Eden: What?

 Alexandra: You. You've got flawless skin, perfect bone structure, a certain kind of je ne sais

quois. You'd have quite a future as a spaulding model if we just didn't have this pesky little morals clause.

 Alan: Gus, between you and me...

 Gus: Wait. Just tell me up front, is this a police matter? Because we're at lunch...

 Alan: No, no it's not. No, not at all. This lori jenson is very ambitious.

 Gus: All right, so what do you mean by ambitious?

 Alan: Well, when she got to spaulding, she wanted to climb the corporate ladder very quickly. As a matter of fact, there wasn't anything she wouldn't do.

 Gus: I see. Does that mean sleeping her way to the top?

 Alan: You get the picture.

 Gus: I see. So she was making it her business to go ahead and hook up with one of your senior executives?

 Alan: Yes. I don't condone that kind of behavior, but it happens. Brad told me that he was going to call off the affair but when he tried, she went hysterical.

 Gus: Okay. What if that's not true? And if it is true, why is she the one that's missing? Something's missing.

 Alan: I think she took off to get a reaction out of him, to see if he would chase after her.

 Gus: That's what I'm saying. What if he was the one that was chasing after her? What if he didn't want to let her go?

 Alan: Brad's not that kind of man. I've known him for years. He's a family man. Now, he's made some mistakes. I just hope this mother of hers doesn't go public with this, because I think it could really hurt spaulding stock, and it could destroy this man's life.

 Gus: Can I help you somehow?

 Alan: Well, i don't see how, unless you could prove that no crime was committed. I just wish that girl would come back and all this stuff would just blow over.

 Gus: Yeah, but what if that doesn't happen?

 Alan: Look, i don't want you to get involved in this mess.

 Gus: It's too late, big al. It's too late, because i am already involved. All right?

 Gus: Babe!

 Harley: Hey.

 Gus: Where have you been? Come on, join us. I thought you were going to be at a movie or something like that. What happened?

 Harley: Something came up, actually.

 Gus: Oh. "Something came up"-- that's pi- talk for she's working on a really big case.

 Alan: Well, i hope you haven't bitten off more than you can chew, harley.

 Harley: What do you mean?

 Alan: Well, i just know that you two have been very busy lately. I just hope it doesn't cut into your family time, because, you know, family is everything to me.

 Harley: We know.

 Alan: Speaking of which, i have an appointment regarding elizabeth.

 Harley: How is lizzie doing?

 Alan: Well, if I had anything to say about it, she's doing just fine.

 Gus: The man always gets what he wants.

 Harley: Do you like that about him?

 Gus: I've got to say i respect his determination.

 Harley: Well, determination is one thing. Mowing over people so that you can keep your eye on the prize, that's something else altogether.

 Gus: What happened?

 Harley: What?

 Gus: Well, owing over people, keeping your eye on the prize. Are you all right? Have you got a case that's getting on your nerves or something?

 Harley: It's nothing, it's nothing.

 Gus: You got too much on your plate?

 Harley: No, actually, my plate is practically empty, unfortunately.

 Gus: Well, great, great, because I've got a brand-new case for you.

 Eden: And who are you to question my morals?

 Alexandra: Oh, touché, my dear. How can I question something you obviously don't have?

 Eden: Well, you shouldn't talk, because you have more dirty laundry in your family, enough to open up your own laundromat.

 Alexandra: (Laughs)

 eden: And wasn't that you that's on eden's client list? Oh, yeah, gavin says hello.

 Alexandra: Oh, well. Note to self: Develop a foundation thick enough to cover all the chips on eden's shoulder.

 Bartender: (Laughs)

 eden: And what do you know about selling this stuff?

 Alexandra: It's not about selling stuff, dear. It's about selling an image.

 Eden: Good luck selling

that image.

 Alexandra: Well, I suppose you have tons of suggestions.

 Eden: Actually, i'm full of ideas.

 Alexandra: Well, you're full of something, dear.

 Eden: You know what? You should bottle me.

 Alexandra: (Laughs) excuse me?

 Eden: I mean, forget all this sugar and spice and everything nice. No one wants to smell like a gingerbread house.

 Alexandra: Uh-huh. Good. Go on.

 Eden: Okay. All right, deep down inside, every woman really just wants to be a bad girl. I mean, from housewives all the to big career women, there's a little bit of hell in every angel, and men love it.

 Alexandra: Uh-huh. We're not through here.

 marina: But little bear was very hungry, so he went into the kitchen, and he found some... (Sniffs) ...Very old fried rice that daddy bear should have thrown out days ago. I really hope this was his lunch and not yours. But what little bear didn't know was that this-- uh-huh, this-- was magical fried rice, and the magical fried rice said, "no, little bear, please don't eat me!" But little bear said, "i'm very hungry, magical fried rice."

 Danny: I didn't know fried rice could talk.

 Marina: Oh, it's magical fried rice.

 Danny: Oh, I see. Magic fried rice. So i leave you guys along for a couple of minutes and the next thing I know, you're dancing the leftover chinese food around the living room to entertain my son.

 Marina: Oh, well, um, i mean, you know, got him to stop crying, which apparently more than...

 Danny: No, marina, I meant it in a good way.

 Marina: Oh, sorry.

 Danny: Don't apologize. This is the calmest I've seen him all day, believe me. You're good with him.

 Marina: Please. Robbie's great. He's a sweetie.

 Danny: Great. You're hired.

 Marina: Okay. Wait, what?

 Danny: Robbie needs a nanny. You're it.

 Marina: Oh, no, no, no. I mean, I just came here to make a delivery. I already have a job at company, and, you know, i'm starting classes at springfield u. In the fall.

 Danny: We'll work something out.

 Marina: I mean, i'm very flattered. I just, you know, don't think...

 Danny: Did I mention that i'll pay you double whatever buzz pays you? When can you start?

 Marina: I think i already did.

 Alan: Doctor, i'm sorry that i'm late.

 Christopher: Oh, it's no problem, mr. Spaulding. If this is about my research project at the university, i've already submitted my monthly report to the spaulding foundation.

 Alan: Well, actually, i'm not wearing my benefactor's hat today. Sit down. I want to discuss something with you of more personal nature.

 Christopher: Lizzie.

 Alan: Oh. I see one of them has already gotten to you. You see, i want to keep my family from reacting prematurely where lizzie is concerned.

 Christopher: Actually, it was felicia boudreau who first approached me about your granddaughter's case. We've consulted before, and she wanted to know my thoughts on lizzie's condition.

 Alan: Well, lizzie doesn't have a "condition." She's just been acting out lately, that's all.

 Christopher: If that's all it is, why are you here?

 Alan: Doctor, whatever is going on with elizabeth, i want my own person evaluating her, and since you have already been briefed on the case...

 Christopher: I'm sorry, mr. Spaulding. I'm afraid my answer is no.

 Alexandra: Have a seat, eden.

 Eden: I don't think so.

 Alexandra: I'm not asking.

 Eden: What, are you ordering me?

 Alexandra: You're quick.

 Eden: Well, i don't take orders.

 Alexandra: Oh, just not from spauldings?

 Eden: Not from anyone.

 Alexandra: Oh, is that part of the bad girl image, the perks?

 Eden: Yeah, it is.

 Alexandra: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Would you get ms. August another drink, please? And what is it you're having, dear? Oh, another "whatever I'm not having." Please.

 Eden: All right. I'm only staying for the free drink.

 Alexandra: Of course, dear. And you can tell me all about bad girls.

 Eden: Okay. So there's a good girl. She comes from the right side of town. She doesn't drink. She doesn't smoke. She doesn't even curse. And she ends up with, you know, the perfect little house with the white fence and the little minivan, 2.5 kids.

 Alexandra: Oh, all the joys of suburbia.

 Eden: But then one day, good girl's husband starts working late at work with the hot little redhead in human resources.

 Alexandra: Therefore a born bad girl.

 Eden: Mm-hmm. So she wises up. But the alimony checks don't keep her warm at night, so good girl decides that playing by the rules just isn't fun anymore.

 Alexandra: So the bad girl was born.

 Eden: And she makes her own rules, and she raises a little hell along the way. And all the men in her life are never bored, because they never know what she's up to next.

 Alexandra: Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear. So what does she do? Just goes from one man to the next?

 Eden: If she wants to. But, you know, she can balance baby bottles and stilettos. As a matter of fact, she can even balance the baby bottles while she's in the stilettos.

 Alexandra: Aha.

 Eden: And she keeps her mystery, her soul, and her spirit.

 Alexandra: Really. Now, i would have thought she'd sold her soul to the devil.

 Eden: Oh, no. She's too smart for that.

 Alexandra: Oh, yes. Bad girl.

 Eden: That's me.

 Alexandra: No, darling, that is a concept, one I want you to help me bring to life.

 Harley: So, missing persons. Doesn't that fall under your jurisdiction, detective?

 Gus: Well, you know, the police department cannot deal with this because not enough time has passed by. But, i don't know, i was thinking, this woman came in, she's worried about her daughter, she doesn't know where she is, and I thought putting a pi on the case would, you know, help quell this woman's nerves, before the police even had to get involved.

 Harley: I think that is so great.

 Gus: What?

 Harley: Well, you know, your hands are tied because of the force, and yet you still find a way to help this poor woman find her daughter. I think that's great.

 Gus: Why wouldn't i want to help?

 Harley: Because, you know, sometimes people only do things when there's something in it for them, you know? But you are the exception to that. You are, absolutely.

 Gus: Well, I wouldn't say that all necessarily. I just want to make sure this woman doesn't think her daughter's, you know, dead at the bottom of a lake or something.

 Harley: All right, so tell me what you've got.

 Gus: Okay. The mother's name is brenda jenson.

 Harley: Brenda jenson. And the daughter's name is lori, you said?

 Gus: Daughter's name is lori. Right now, she thinks that her daughter lori was having an affair with this guy, but that she wanted to break it off. But also it's possible the guy wanted to break it off. But lori couldn't take it, and she apparently took off.

 Harley: Hm. Yeah, that's a possibility. But let me just question the guy first, see what his story is. You got a name?

 Gus: Yeah. Brad green.

 Harley: Mm-hmm. Address?

 Gus: No, I don't have the address, but that won't be hard to get, because he works for spaulding enterprises.

 Harley: This guy works for alan?

 Gus: Well, he was one of his top senior executives.

 Harley: I see.

 Gus: What's the problem?

 Harley: This has nothing to do with you helping an overwrought woman. This has to do with you helping alan.

 Danny: Hey. Where you going?

 Nico: No, i thought i was in the wrong house. This one's all neat and clean, and there's no screaming kid running around.

 Danny: Yeah, very funny. You done with the yard work?

 Nico: Yeah. I mowed, i weeded. Oh, yeah, and I also thought about trimming your hedges into those little sculptures I've seen in pictures, but then i was like, hey, there's always tomorrow for that one. So, am i done yet or what?

 Danny: Yeah, you're done-- for now.

 Nico: So what did you do, get rid of the kid or something?

 Danny: Robbie? Yeah. He's had a puppet show and a bath, and now he's napping.

 Nico: Good. I thought you were going to stick me with baby-sitting him when i came in.

 Danny: Never. That's been taken care of.

 Nico: So then, I'll take a shower if that's cool with you, boss.

 Danny: Yeah, that's cool with me. Hey, nico? Look, I'm not going to be looking over your shoulder every five minutes.

 Nico: Well, that's good to know.

 Danny: What i'm trying to say is, you weren't so far off base earlier with what you said about respect going both ways. I know we got off to a really bad start, but since it looks like we're stuck with each other for a while, if you can keep the respect coming from your end, then i can throw a little back your way, too.

 Nico: So what you're saying is, you trust me.

 Danny: About as far as I can throw you.

 Nico: (Laughs) I get you, boss.

 Alan: Well, doctor, i guess i had you wrong. I thought you were in the business of helping people, but obviously you would rather throw my granddaughter to the wolves.

 Christopher: I'm not throwing anyone to the wolves.

 Alan: Well, you haven't met my family. As a matter of fact, her mother would ship her off to an institution if she had anything to say about it.

 Christopher: Mr. Spaulding, i share your concern for lizzie, especially after what dr. Boudreau told me.

 Alan: Well, then why do you refuse to consult on her case?

 Christopher: Because I don't want to become your personal shrink-for-hire. I can't be called upon to examine lizzie and prescribe what you think is best for her just because you're funding my research at the university.

 Alan: Doctor, i can assure...

 Christopher: Mr. Spaulding, let's be honest. You want me involved because you think I'll say what you want to hear. So, as much as i'd like to help, I'm afraid i'll have to respectfully decline.

 Alan: Well, i can see that my reputation has preceded me, and i understand, doctor, why you might think the worst. But I can assure you something far greater is at stake here: My granddaughter's future. And I love my granddaughter very much, and I want the best for her. And you, doctor, are the best. Even her therapist says that.

 Christopher: Still...

 Alan: And i can assure you there will be no strings attached.

 Christopher: And if i should recommend hospitalization?

 Alan: Just take care of my granddaughter. That's all i ask.

 Christopher: One session, no promises.

 Eden: Uh-uh. No. I don't know, I don't think i could stand in a mall and try to spritz snobby shoppers.

 Alexandra: Oh, no, no. You would be involved at a much higher level. Besides, it's not just any perfume. It's going to be bad girl perfume. As a matter of fact, we'll use this to launch an entire bad girl cosmetics line. You know what? If you're really lucky, I will use you in the advertising campaign.

 Eden: What? With my rep in this town?

 Alexandra: With your reputation, absolutely. You've been a murderer, you've been involved with the mob, you've been a madam...

 Eden: No. No. It was an escort service.

 Alexandra: But you don't hear what i'm saying. You see, with your very bad girl reputation, that'll only triple my sales. Eden, this is a win-win situation.

 Eden: And we can sell it with a disclaimer: "This is not your grandmother's perfume." And it has to be expensive.

 Alexandra: Yes, but cheaper than a marriage counselor.

 Eden: Oh, i like that.

 Alexandra: That is called marketing, my darling. That's sort of an old legitimate profession you've probably only read about in fairy tales. Now, i want to get started on this right away. Hm?

 Eden: All right. I'm in.

 Alexandra: You're in. You are in only if we have an exclusive deal. You may be a bad girl, dear, but you have to be my bad girl. Do you understand?

 Eden: Well, i'm not cheap.

 Alexandra: (Laughs) I am aware of that. So, you have your lawyer call the spaulding legal counsel, and they will start working out the details. Oh, eden, just think, this could be the beginning of a beautiful partnership.

 Eden: Or we could end up killing each other. (Glasses clink)

 harley: See, I thought I had walked in on a genuine moment between father and son, but no, it was alan leaning on you to try to get you to find this girl before spaulding enterprises finds itself with yet another scandal.

 Gus: No. Nobody... He was not leaning on me. I volunteered. I offered to help. This woman came in, all right, to the restaurant just now. She was hysterical. She was saying that her daughter... Something about her daughter, she was going to smear this guy's name, a good man. She was going to drag the alan spaulding company all through the mud. I mean, I can't have that. I can't let that happen, stand by and let that happen.

 Harley: A good man? Well, maybe... What if this good man is not such a good man after all? What if the mother is right, and this guy is a creep who tried to hurt her daughter? What then? Do you want me to still go after him to try to find the truth?

 Gus: What kind of question is that? Of course.

 Harley: Well, i think it's the question i have to ask if a spaulding's involved.

 Gus: I am a spaulding. Look, what do you think? You think I'm going to ask you to get involved in some cover- up? I mean, is that what you think of me? Is that what it's come to?

 Harley: No. Of course not. I'm sorry. I spent my morning listening to somebody talk about how ruthless and selfish some people can be, and I think I just started to buy into it all.

 Gus: Who was talking to you like that?

 Harley: Oh, nobody. It was stupid. And you know what? Forget it, because i'm going to work this case. As long as we have a deal, i take this thing wherever it leads me. I don't care what it does to alan's friend or to alan's company.

 Gus: Honey, you do whatever you have to do. Do it the right way. Do it your way. All right. Hey, alan, it's me. Listen, you don't have to worry about the girl or the woman or anything, okay? I've got the whole thing under control.

 Next, on "guiding light"...

 Cassie: No, i think you're wonderful, and i just want to be with you.

 Marina: This time next week, you could be pitching in wrigley field?

 Lizzie: Look, there's something I have to tell you, and it's something i haven't been able to tell anyone else.

This has been "guiding light."

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