Guiding Light Transcript Monday 9/8/03
Provided by Suzanne
cassie: Johnny, i need to book olivia's bar for a private party, okay?
Johnny: All right. Just name the date, mrs. Winslow.
Cassie: Yeah, well, here's the thing: Olivia cannot know about it. It's okay. I can handle olivia.
Olivia: Well, here I am. Why don't you go ahead and handle me. Jonathan, could we have a moment? So, what's this big party that you're throwing in my hotel that i'm not supposed to know about?
Cassie: Well, it is our hotel, olivia, and you know, i just didn't want you to have to worry about all the little details that come with worrying about how the place gets rented out. Come on, you need your rest.
Olivia: You know what? I'm pregnant, I'm not stupid. And I can't believe you would take advantage of me in this condition. Did you honestly think you could get away with this without me knowing about it?
Cassie: I was hoping, yeah.
Olivia: You can't just rent the place out whenever you feel like it. Whenever you use this place for your own personal use, we lose money, cassie. So, what is this? Is this just a bunch of girls getting together, talking about their hair and their nails? Is that it?
Cassie: Yeah. You caught me. It was for you. Because I actually thought that i could do something nice and throw you a baby shower. Surprise.
Felicia: Sweetheart, what's wrong?
Mel: It's rick.
Ed: Hey.
Rick: Hey.
Ed: I got your message. What's going on? What's wrong?
Rick: It's mel.
Eden: Here you go.
Marah: I'm not sick, I'm miserable.
Eden: I know, but whenever i cry I get a headache.
Marah: Thanks. I wish there were some pill i could take to make this go away, to bring tony back to me.
Eden: Tony's yours, now and forever. So the making up didn't go that well? Did you guys get in a fight?
Marah: No. Just the opposite. Tony wouldn't fight for me. No matter what i said, he wouldn't listen to me. He has his mind made up that we're over.
Eden: Marah, tony loves you.
Marah: Yeah. But he's changed his mind. Something's changed. A week ago, he was willing to do anything for me to make up and now he's put up this wall and i can't figure out why. Maybe I should just give up.
Eden: We can't do this.
Tony: We can'T.
Eden: Tony is crazy about you. If you give up on him now, you're going to give up on the best thing that has ever happened to you in your life. You know, I didn't think you were a quitter.
Eden: Look, i didn't mean to make you...
Marah: No. No, you know you're right. I needed someone to be straight with me.
Eden: Look, it wasn't you. It was me, okay? I just had this big blowout with my brother--my ex-brother...
Marah: It can't be that bad. I've had a lot of fights with my brother, too, but in the end, family is family, you know?
Eden: No, this one's different.
Marah: Do you want to talk about it?
Eden: No. Because there are just some things that you can't undo. But that's just the reason i snapped at you.
Marah: Well, I'm sure you and gus will patch things up. But tony and i... The way i treated him after ben died. I was so screwed up and I took everything out on him. I don't know how he could forgive me.
Eden: Yeah, but you weren't in on this alone. I mean, it wasn't all your fault.
Marah: Yeah, yeah. Salerno and the stupid pictures. But it was me who didn't trust him enough to know that they were fakes.
Eden: I had a part in this, too.
Marah: Eden, I know you didn't show me those pictures on purpose.
Eden: I know, but if I hadn't taken tony to see salerno, then salerno wouldn't have used those pictures for retribution.
Marah: Tony was just being a good friend. Tony wouldn't be tony if he hadn't have gone with you. You two have become good friends.
Eden: We just understand each other.
Marah: Yeah, we'll never have that. Tony says that we're too different.
Eden: Marah, you know that is a load of crap. Opposites don't just attract, they succeed.
Marah: Yeah. Well, I was the one who told him that we were too different to begin with, and then i realized how wrong I was. But tony spouted my words back at me like they were gospel, like he decided that we were from two different worlds. I don't know. Something happened and he's slipping away from me, and i don't know why. Maybe you do.
Rick: So, as I was saying, the nanny's mother broke her hip, so she decides that she was going to take a leave of absence, and danny was in the middle of his meeting, so michelle called me instead of... Well, she actually tried to call you, but you were busy with rounds.
Ed: So what's the envelope?
Rick: Oh, it's nothing. I really need to get going.
Ed: It's addressed to mel, though, isn't it?
Rick: It's her bar exam results. That's why i'm playing postman. That's why i have the letter instead of just putting it on the table for mel.
Ed: You could take it into the kitchen and steam it open, you know?
Rick: That wouldn't work, would it? I mean... Would that really work? You weren't being serious, were you?
Ed: No, i wasn't, but apparently you are.
Rick: Well, i was just... I was just considering a little breaking and entering. If the bar exam results were bad, i thought, well, you know, maybe I could soften the blow. On the other hand, if the results were good, i could throw this real big party for my wife.
Ed: And you don't see the down side to this whole scenario?
Rick: No.
Ed: No?
Rick: Except for spending the rest of my life in jail for mail fraud.
Ed: No, something a little more serious than that.
Rick: Oh.
Oh. You mean mel realizing that I've opened up her private mail and sleeping on the couch for a month or so.
Ed: That's the one. That's it. Yeah.
Rick: So what you're saying is that she wouldn't appreciate the fact that I'm an overly protective husband.
Ed: Well, what I'm saying is those are mel's bar exam results and they belong in mel's hands. Do you not remember when i opened your sat scores?
Rick: Okay, okay, i remember that. Don't remind me. Please. Just... She's brilliant. She's going to ace this thing.
Ed: Yes, she is. So where is this all coming from?
Rick: Because my wife cannot stand another disappointment.
Felicia: So that's a pretty important envelope you're holding there, missy.
Mel: Just the evaluation from our fertility expert.
Felicia: Just? And what, you're afraid to open it?
Mel: No. The doctor already filled me in. This is just a copy I'm taking home to rick.
Felicia: Well, you want to talk about it? You don't have to, but i...
Mel: Well, you know rick has been taking these anti-rejection drugs for his heart? Well, it's saving rick's life but it just might be what's stopping us from making a new one. I mean, there's other procedures we can try, but...
Felicia: Oh, baby. I am so sorry. That's why you look so tired.
Mel: Mom, i get tired just like everyone else, okay? One thing has nothing to do with the other.
Felicia: Well, this is a really stressful situation for both of you. Two wonderful people who would be wonderful raising a child together.
Mel: I'm just... I'm trying so hard not to be selfish. You know? I have so much. Maybe that's enough. But I can't help it. I want to look into my baby's face and see a little bit of me and a little bit of rick looking back at me. I want that more than anything. I want it so bad i'm willing to go through whatever hoops the doctor suggests.
Felicia: Then, honey, that's what you should do. But this can be a really long, hard road.
Mel: I know. And I'm okay with that. I'm just worried about rick. You know? He's been through so much already.
Felicia: But if it's what you want, melissande.
Mel: I want what's best for rick.
Olivia: You were going to throw me a shower?
Cassie: Yeah.
Olivia: Yeah?
Cassie: You're not supposed to know about it. Did anyone tell you you are the most infuriating person on the planet?
Olivia: Oh, what do you think? Thanks for the thought. A shower would have been nice.
Cassie: Oh, you're still going to have a shower. You have to have a shower. I sent out all the invitations.
Olivia: Invitations?
Cassie: Yeah. To guests, because you kind of have to have guests at a shower.
Olivia: Who did you send them to? I mean, I'm not exactly popular with the women.
Cassie: You know, babies change people. And they bring unlikely people together. Come on, you need to rest. Go upstairs, please? Do what the doctor told you. Go, go, go, go.
Olivia: All right, all right. Look. Thank you. No one's ever done anything like this for me before.
Olivia: Hi, harley. Bye, harley.
Harley: Yeah. What is this, the twilight zone?
Cassie: Come here. You got my message, right?
Harley: Yeah, well, obviously i've been falling a little short of my friendship duties if you're hugging olivia. Now, i've got places to go but i think you might need me more, sweetie.
Cassie: I need to cash in a lot of favors.
Harley: I'm here for you. Whatever. You know that. Whatever it is you need, just tell me. What is it?
Cassie: I'm throwing a baby shower for olivia and I need you to come.
Harley: I don't think so.
cassie: When did you start hating olivia?
Harley: Well, when did you guys become best friends?
Cassie: We're not best friends. I mean, come on. You know? I'm just used to her. I'm just... Have you noticed that she's very pregnant and she's alone, and i don't know about you, but i remember being pregnant and alone. Oh, come on. You spent time with her in the hospital today talking about lizzie.
Harley: Well, that's because i was trying to do the right thing. Doesn't mean i want to do time at her shower.
Cassie: What do you have against olivia?
Harley: Nothing. But she has hurt my friends, okay? People like you. Remember, she tried to steal your hotel from you.
Cassie: Yeah, well, now we're partners and everything's great. I already sent out the invitations and I already told her about it. Come on.
Harley: What are you planning to do, hire people to come?
Cassie: Well, i don't think everyone's going to be so unforgiving.
Harley: Name one.
Cassie: Reva. I'm going to pull the sister card.
Harley: Keep dreaming.
Cassie: Okay. Holly reade.
Harley: Olivia dumped holly as soon as she realized she couldn't use holly to manipulate the press.
Cassie: Beth.
Harley: You are nuts!
Cassie: Considering everything they've been through, I think they get along...
Harley: Considering that olivia was key in breaking up beth and phillip's relationship, which led indirectly to her daughter's mental collapse. No, I think that beth would sooner rsvp an invitation to hell.
Cassie: That's a little harsh.
Harley: Well, sometimes so is olivia.
Cassie: Well, there's mel.
Harley: You can't ask mel.
Cassie: Olivia has never done anything to mel. Nothing.
Harley: That's because they have barely had a conversation. It's not that. It's just mel has a lot on her plate right now. Please don't ask her to the shower.
Cassie: Well, someone's got to come to the shower. Joanie. Hi. I was wondering if you happened to get the invitations i sent you guys to olivia's shower.
Waitress: We all got them.
Cassie: Oh, great. I was thinking that we could work something with the schedule so no one misses any work, because I think she would be really happy if you guys could come.
Waitress: Right. Um, you know, I don't know if anyone can make it. But hey, we already got her a group gift.
Cassie: Oh, you did.
Waitress: Yeah. That percentage she takes of our tips. That's her gift.
Cassie: She does that? Well, you know, maybe she's just having some kind of temporary baby insanity right now, but look, if we promise to do some kind of return policy or... I'll make her apologize, maybe then everyone will want to come to the shower. Do you think?
Waitress: Um...
Cassie: All right, you know, do what you can. See what people think. Thanks.
Harley: Temporary baby insanity?
Cassie: Okay. You know? Don't say anything.
Harley: Look, i do not have anything against olivia personally, okay? We actually have a lot in common. And I think it's great that you're being so giving. It's just that, honey, you're giving to somebody who... You know what? It's sort of like gus and eden. Every time gus tries to help eden, he ends up getting hurt.
Cassie: So this is about eden, not about olivia?
Harley: No, this is about olivia because eden is not the one who's stealing from the waitresses.
Cassie: I know it's bad, okay? But I swear, i have seen a change in her. I have.
Harley: This coming from the woman who's dating edmund winslow? Sorry.
Cassie: You should be.
Harley: I guess we'll talk about that another time. I can see that you're on some sort of second chances kick. Obviously. But you know, you have to be careful with some people, hon. You know? You open yourself up, you offer them your friendship and they end up stabbing you in the back, and I just don't want to see you get hurt.
Cassie: Not going to happen.
Harley: Well, i got three words for you: Cancel the shower.
Cassie: Please? Oh, great.
Rick: I thought we had this whole thing down, this marriage thing. I'd watch other couples struggle in their marriage, but mel and i, we always connected, everything was so easy for us, until this baby thing. And for the first time in our marriage, we're not connecting on an issue, we're dancing around it like crazy and it concerns me.
Ed: I didn't know there was a baby issue.
Rick: Well, you weren't aware of it, dad, because I wasn't ready to admit there was an issue. But with the bar exam results and the fertility problems...
Ed: So, what? You're afraid of hurting each other?
Rick: I don't know, maybe.
Ed: But that's so natural. I mean...
Rick: I know. I keep forgetting how much you know what I've been going through. But I just want to give my wife something, something, after everything she's been through with me. She's so loyal. I mean, we got married so fast, she stood by me through my heart problems. She embraced my family, especially my little boy, and now this? My wife didn't sign up for this.
Ed: All right, look, mel is a goddess. No one is disputing that, but that doesn't mean that she wants you to worship her and a baby isn't something that one of you gives to the other. And if there is a problem here, it's not a rick problem or a mel problem, it's a problem you guys have together because you're a team. You're a team, man.
Rick: I guess you're right. I mean, if something doesn't happen, it doesn't happen. If she doesn't pass the bar, she can always take the test again.
Ed: Right.
Rick: And if we continue to have fertility problem, we can... We can adopt.
Ed: Just look at maureen and michelle, you know?
Rick: Thanks for reminding me about that one.
Ed: See how handy i am? Come on.
Rick: It's time i contact my wife.
Ed: Time you gave your wife the mail.
Rick: Yeah, you're right. The sooner she opens up this letter, the sooner we can move on with our lives.
Mel: I mean, you don't see it at first because he's so nice and funny and good, but rick is the strongest man I've ever known.
Felicia: Thank goodness, because you two have been through so much in such a short period of time.
Mel: All through his illness last year, his transplant, even when we thought he wasn't going to make it, he just took things as they came, you know? I mean, he got angry and yeah, he got scared, but he was never defeated. And now that he knows that we might not have our own child, he thinks he's failing me.
Felicia: But he's not. And if anyone can make him see that, it's you. Now, in the meantime, I need you to take better care of yourself. You're never exhausted like this. Are you eating enough? Are you sleeping right? (Cell phone rings)
mel: Hello?
Rick: Mel?
Mel: Hey. How are you? I was just thinking about you.
Rick: Me, too, sweetheart. Listen, I just got your letter back from the bar.
Ed: No! Robbie! No!
Eden: Do you want to know what happened to tony? You broke his heart, that's what happened. But at the bottom of everything is his love for you.
Marah: Okay. So why is he fighting it?
Eden: Because he's a man and you pushed him away and kept pushing him away. I mean, how long did you expect him to wait for you to come back.
Marah: Are you saying that he's moved on to somebody else?
Eden: No. You are the only one that's for him, marah. But you know, he's got an ego and you can't just say you're sorry and expect that to turn everything around for him. I mean, how do you expect him to feel after you accuse him of being something that he's not when he worked so hard to change everything who he is to be with you.
Marah: I know, I know, i know. And that's all that I can think about. But what do I do? He's not hearing me.
Eden: You've got to go after him. You've got to use something more than words. You've got to do something.
Marah: Like what?
Eden: Something he doesn't expect, something that will prove your love to him. I mean, you hurt him big-time, so you've got to apologize big- time. (Knock on door) excuse me just a minute. This is not a good time.
Marah: Harley, hi. You know what, eden? It's okay. We'll finish up with the fittings later. I'll call you. I really have a lot of stuff to do. Thank you.
Harley: What is she thanking you for?
Eden: My advice, if you must know.
Harley: I hope it's fashion advice.
Eden: You know, i thought one of the advantages of me being done with my brother is that you and I don't have to play nice anymore.
Harley: Well, i didn't come here to play nice. I came here to find out why you're still making your brother's life a living hell.
Eden: Because he stopped being my brother when he met you.
Mel: So, the results are in.
Felicia: From the bar exam? Good. That's one stress we can cross off the list.
Mel: You're so sure i passed, mom?
Felicia: Absolutely. Why didn't you just ask rick to open it while you were on the phone?
Mel: Well, I didn't get a chance. He was acting so weird and he practically hung up on me. He's over at danny and michelle's.
Felicia: Well, he's probably just nervous for you.
Mel: No, I think it's something more than that. I better get over there, mom. Thanks for everything. I'll call you.
Felicia: Hey. Aren't you forgetting something?
Mel: What?
Felicia: That big, fake smile you were sporting while you were on the phone with rick? Aren't you going to need that when you go over there and try to pretend like everything's okay and it's not?
Mel: Mom, i'm fine, okay? And I'm happy about the results, whatever they are.
Felicia: Well, you don't look fine.
Mel: Look, I am a doctor, okay? And if it makes you happy, i ordered some blood work done today just to make sure I'm not anemic again. Okay?
Felicia: Well, good. But honey, you do know that holding your feelings in can have physical repercussions.
Mel: Mom. Stop shrinking me, okay? Wish me luck.
Felicia: Oh, girl, you know i wish you more than that. Give me some love.
Mel: Well, I'm off to read the letter that could change my life.
Rick: I should have fed him lunch. Well, you know, danny and michelle should be very happy about his motor skills. They seem to be intact.
Ed: I just think that kids have an amazing ability to sense what's going on with grownups. I think maybe you just sensed how that letter was upsetting uncle rick, didn't you?
Rick: You think the little klepto knows where the rest of the pieces are?
Ed: Oh, he's not angry at you, honey. He knows you were only trying to help. Come on, let's go into the kitchen and get you something to eat, then grandpa will come back and help uncle ricky.
Rick: Maybe good old grandpa could get some scotch tape so i can take this thing together.
Ed: You don't get to call me that, but I will bring you the scotch tape.
Rick: I'll call you what i want! Okay, sweetheart, this is sort of the way it happened. "I was sound asleep on the couch, minding my own business, and robbie, he just... He just jumped on the table and he started just chewing it and... And I'M... I'm..." I'm in big trouble. I'm in such big trouble.
Harley: It must have been terrible. Really, I mean the way that he's mistreated you all these years. Like taking the rap for you when you killed someone. Then spending his teen years in juvy hall. And then years later, when he's forced to ask you for a favor and you publicly accuse him of abuse and he doesn't strangle you with his bare hands, yeah, all of that must have just been awful for you.
Eden: Well, the favor wasn't for him, it was for you.
Harley: What difference does it make after everything he's done for you? Are you so selfish that you would begrudge your brother a little happiness in his... You don't have to say anything because I already know your answer.
Eden: You don't know my brother like i do.
Harley: You mean, stuff like how he brought you up on the roof so he could lean on you about the murder investigation?
Eden: Okay, fine, so you know it. All right, so we don't have to talk about it. But you know what? It doesn't matter what i say anyway, because you're going to believe him.
Harley: I would have done the exact same thing he did, eden.
Eden: No. Only my brother can do what he did.
Harley: Ah. You mean because of your special connection?
Eden: Yeah. And he used it against me.
Harley: You know what? The knife cuts both ways, eden. You've been banking on that connection for a lifetime. You have hurt him over and over again. And now... I've never seen him more hurt than he is now because you won't let him make this up to you.
Eden: He doesn't want to be in my life. He just doesn't want to be the bad guy.
Harley: Because he's not the bad guy. He's a wonderful person, your brother.
Eden: Oh, but i'm the bad girl, because those are the roles that gus is comfortable with. I mean, he doesn't want to think of the possibility that maybe he's wrong about me because then he'll be wrong about himself, too.
Harley: What are you talking about?
Eden: The fact that gus isn't the man that you think he is. Oh, believe me, you'll find out for yourself.
Harley: Fine. Whatever, eden. You know what? There is nothing that you could tell me about gus that would change the way that I feel about him.
Eden: Hm. Don't bet on it.
Marah: Hey, you.
Sandy: Hey.
Marah: Thanks for showing up.
Sandy: Thanks for asking me.
Marah: So why didn't you get a table inside?
Sandy: Because it's nice out here. You know?
Marah: Where's your partner in crime?
Sandy: Moley's a no-show.
Marah: He can't make lunch?
Sandy: He can't make anything. You know, I should have warned you about that guy. He has problems showing up. He can't even make your fashion show.
Marah: What? He was supposed to dj. I can't believe he would break our deal like that. I held up my end. I mean, you guys are back on the air.
Sandy: And more popular than ever. Moley thinks he's the new moby. I don't know.
Marah: Well, people actually see moby. I don't know why he wouldn't want to do the show. It would be a great time for him to show off his new celebrity.
Sandy: Yeah, if you don't mind having him on the catwalk. You see, now he wants to be front and center or nowhere at all.
Marah: You know, I don't know how you can work with such a jerk.
Sandy: Well, hey, i'm no moley, but i did check out the club. It's a pretty easy gig to wire. I'll do the job. That is, if you don't mind having only half the dynamic duo.
Marah: No. Not at all. I'm beginning to realize that you are the better half of the dynamic duo. I have a thing with reliability. Thank you.
Sandy: You're welcome. So, the boyfriend? Did you patch things up?
Marah: No, no. It looks like you're not the only one without a partner today.
Cassie: Hey, edmund. It's me again. You don't have your phone turned on or something, but give me a call, okay? I don't care how late it is. Bye.
Olivia: Hi.
Cassie: Hi.
Olivia: Something wrong?
Cassie: No. No, nothing. I guess edmund has his phone turned off or something.
Olivia: You know, i can't believe I'm one of those people who take naps. I mean, half an hour and i'm a whole new person.
Cassie: Really?
Olivia: Yeah.
Cassie: Wow. So, which one of you decided to take kickbacks from the bar?
Olivia: Who told you about that?
Cassie: Come on, olivia. It's so not-cool and you know it.
Olivia: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You know that great benefits package we put together for the staff that no one is taking advantage of? I decided to open up an account for each of them.
Cassie: Well, that's great. But it should be their decision, you know? It has to be voluntary. Have you ever been a waitress? They live for their tips, olivia.
Olivia: But what we're doing is essentially doubling their salary.
Cassie: It has to be their choice. Their decision.
Olivia: If they decided, they would decide wrong and they wouldn't have a penny saved, okay?
Cassie: Okay, you're weird. We are going to come clean about your i.R.A. Scam.
Olivia: Fine.
Cassie: Okay?
Olivia: All right, fine, whatever.
Cassie: And we're going to give them an opportunity to cash back.
Olivia: Fine. Whatever. So does this mean...
Cassie: You're still getting a shower.
Olivia: Okay. So, what's up with edmund? Is he playing hard to get or something?
Cassie: No, just telephone tag. That's it.
Olivia: Well, in order for it to be telephone tag, he'd actually have to call you back, so what gives?
Cassie: (Laughs) nothing. You know? Why does something have to be wrong?
Olivia: Well, not that I'm proud of this, but having made practice of going after a lot of other women's men, i can tell when a woman is worried about losing hers.
Cassie: Kind of like a shark smelling blood in the water?
Olivia: I'm not circling your guy but I still have a nose for it.
Cassie: You know, no matter what some people may think, I am happy with edmund. You know?
Olivia: Yeah. I believe it.
Cassie: Yeah, well, you're in the minority.
Olivia: So what? What's wrong?
Cassie: Edmund, you know, he's just having a hard time dealing with things from the past, things that aren't, you know... Things that can't be changed.
Olivia: Things that you're all right with?
Cassie: No. I don't know if I'll ever be all right with it, but i'm working really hard to get past it, you know, and I'm working really hard to close the door to all of that stuff and i just really need edmund to do the same thing.
Olivia: Well, okay. It sounds like he's still... This is still the present for him, so just let him deal with it however he needs to deal with it and just assure him that you're going to be waiting for him on the other side, you know? Because he'll get through it. He will.
Eden: You know what? He could have taken me into headquarters to question me. Instead he had to take me up to a roof and make me relive the worst moment of my life.
Harley: It wasn't just the worst moment of your life. It was his worst moment, too.
Eden: No, he took a routine questioning and turned it into something so ugly...
Harley: No, you did that by holding back. You lied to him through the whole investigation, eden. And he didn't want to point the finger at you, until the very end, when his back was against the wall.
Eden: No, you didn't see it. Up on that roof. It was like he just flipped a switch and he didn't care if i was dead or alive.
Harley: That is not gus.
Eden: Oh, you don't know him the way I know him. When he doesn't need you anymore, it is over.
Cassie: I am not giving up until you call me back with a yes to the shower, reva. Okay, reasons that you should come: Number one, you're my sister-- most importantly. And number two, no one has had a chance to tell olivia about stretch marks and you could be that person. And I will call you back later with more. Once i've thought of them. (Sighs) answering machine. Hey, edmund, it's me, again. Okay, earlier you wanted to talk about some stuff and i kind of didn't want to talk about it. I'm not really sure if i still do, but I know i want to see you, and i don't know, call me, okay? Just call me and get over here and let's, i don't know, let's make this right. So call me.
Rick: You know, i've never been good at jigsaw puzzles, but i think this is pretty good.
Ed: Mm-hmm.
Rick: Do you think mel will notice? Thanks, dad. Thanks. What's taking her so long? I told her... Did I tell her i was here and not at the house?
Ed: Twice.
Rick: Okay. (Doorbell rings)
ed: All right. I'm going to be in the kitchen.
Rick: Time for you to get lost.
Ed: Yeah.
Rick: Thanks. Hey.
Mel: Hey.
Rick: Hi, sweetie.
Mel: Honey, what are you doing here?
Rick: What took you so long?
Mel: Well, I had to finish up some paperwork. But what are you doing here? And... Am I crazy, or do i smell my dad's cooking? Rick, what is going on?
Rick: I just wanted to know what it was like.
Mel: What what was like?
Rick: Kissing a lawyer.
Mel: You opened my letter?
Rick: Sort of. Yeah. Um...
Mel: I passed?
Rick: Honey, sweetie, you passed with flying colors.
Mel: No! (Laughs)
rick: You're a lawyer. You passed the bar.
Mel: Oh, this is amazing!
Rick: You passed the bar, sweetheart!
Mel: Okay. (Cheering)
clayton: Surprise!
Mel: Mom, dad, what are you guys doing here?
Clayton: Where else would we be? Congratulations, counselor.
Ed: Congratulations, sweetie.
Felicia: Oh, baby, we are so proud of you.
Mel: I'm in shock.
Clayton: Well, I'm not. (Laughter)
rick: I think that's a good omen. And this is just the beginning, sweetheart. Just the beginning.
Mel: Well, you're happy about this, right, honey? Because on the phone, you sounded so weird.
Rick: Of course i'm happy. Your successes are my successes.
Ed: Lucky man. See?
Mel: I love you so much.
Rick: I love you, too, sweetie. I love you, too.
Mel: Oh. Okay, now here is that letter? I want to frame it.
Rick: Um... Well. You might want to reconsider that.
Mel: What?
Rick: Don't ask.
Clayton: Come on, it's time to celebrate here! Let's go. There you go.
Rick: Thank you.
Mel: Okay. (Laughs)
clayton: Here's to my daughter and her husband. Here's one in a string of many dreams to come true.
Ed: Cheers. Congratulations. (Glasses clinking)
marah: So, what were you reading when i showed up?
Sandy: "Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance."
Marah: No, really. Come on, what were you reading? Why?
Sandy: I'll have you know it's quite insightful. What?
Marah: I just didn't think you were such a guy.
Sandy: Are you disappointed?
Marah: No, not at all. So tell me about your book.
Sandy: It's... Well, it talks about getting stuck and how that's not always such a bad thing.
Marah: Yeah, if you have your cell phone and your auto club number.
Sandy: Okay, but take it a step further. Say you're out of cell range and you have to find a new solution, a new way home. Along the way, you discover something you might not have seen otherwise and maybe something good. You know how you and your boyfriend were sort of at a dead end?
Marah: Uh, yeah. Could we say "flat tire"? Dead end sounds so final.
Sandy: Okay, because you were stuck with your flat, you took all that energy and focused it on your work and look what happened. You got the fashion show off the ground.
Marah: And it's wonderful but i have to admit I would rather have both my fashion show and my boyfriend. But... Hey, enough about me. So, what about you? Do you practice what you preach? Do you ever get stuck?
Sandy: Oh, yeah. Call me mr. Traffic jam.
Marah: What do you mean?
Sandy: I just lost one of my jobs. I have to find a new one.
Marah: You have more than one?
Sandy: Three, if you count the station. Financial aid covers tuition, the jobs cover everything else.
Marah: The station hardly pays anything.
Sandy: Yeah.
Marah: Here i am complaining about my problems. I'm sorry. You know, I know it's only a one-shot thing, but I can pay you to dj.
Sandy: Oh, no, no, no, don'T. I'm doing that because i want to. Don't worry about me. I always manage to get unstuck on my own. I'm sure someone in this town will hire a business major with a lot of outside commitments and a little local fame.
Marah: You're a business major?
Sandy: Surprised?
Marah: Oh, yeah. But it's not just that. You know what? Consider yourself unstuck. I think I have an idea.
Eden: Gus likes to be in control. He is the hero and i am the follower and once I step out of that role...
Harley: What, you mean like when you pushed rico santos off the roof? Oh, no. That's right, because he stood by you then, too. So your twisted little theory doesn't work, does it, eden?
Eden: No. He was taking the control back. I know, I used to think that he did do it to help me and maybe he did but on another level, he was doing it just to put me in my place.
Harley: (Laughs) that is ridiculous!
Eden: Oh, is it? You really don't see it, do you, harley? Right now, you are the center of his universe, but one day you are going to do something or say something that he doesn't like and he is going to be gone so fast and you won't even exist.
Harley: I don't have to listen to this anymore.
Eden: Fine. You know what? Don't believe me. But one day, it's going to happen to you, too, harley. Just don't say i didn't warn you.
Harley: Next on "guiding light."
Danny: You're hired.
Marina: Wait, what?
Alexandra: This could be the beginning of a beautiful partnership.
Eden: Or we can end up killing each other.
Alan spaulding?
Alan: Yes, may I help you?
You son of A...
This has been "guiding light."