GL Transcript Thursday 9/4/03

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 9/4/03

By Suzanne
Proofread by Priscilla

 Tony: You wanted to talk to me?

 Marah: I was sitting up on that billboard looking over the whole town and i figured out a few things. I went up there thinking I was going to save the world, but I ended up fighting out some things that... That might save me.

 Tony: Okay.

 Marah: Tony, I was wrong about a lot of things.

 Tony: What kind of things?

 Marah: You. I was wrong about you.


 Gus: Hi.

 Eden: I'm busy.

 Gus: That's a real nice way to greet your brother.

 Eden: We've said everything we need to say.

 Gus: No, I think that you've said everything that you need to say and I'm just kind of getting started.

 Eden: What are you doing here?

 Gus: Well, I'm bored, you know. I don't really have anybody creating any troubles for me in my life right now.

 Eden: Yeah? Well, it is not my job to entertain you.

 Gus: You see, something's missing out of my life.

 Eden: Oh, really, what? Are you slow in between cases? Poor thing.

 Gus: No. No, it's you. I miss my sister, and I'd really like to have her back, please. And I think that deep down in that heart of yours somewhere that you probably feel the same way.


 Edmund: Cassie?

 Cassie: Hmm?

 Edmund: R.J. doesn’t start kindergarten for another week.

 Cassie: I know. You saw him, he's so scared, and he’s all freaked out about it. Poor little guy. And here I am acting like a complete baby.

 Edmund: Well, I think you'll recover.

 Cassie: Thanks to you. You know, there is something else you could do for me.

 Edmund: What?

 Cassie: I'm hungry.

 Edmund: All right, let me get the phone.

 Cassie: No, no, no, I want something sweet and there's some really yummy candy over there on the desk.

 Edmund: Okay.

 Cassie: Okay. I think I could get used to you waiting on me. Did you find it?

 Edmund: I found this.


 Harley: Let's just call it Lizzie's wild ride.

> Olivia: It was that bad?

 Harley: Because i love that kid, we managed.

 Olivia: What's going to happen to her now?

 Harley: Well, Alexandra and Alan seem to think that it's nothing a little TLC. Won't cure.

 Olivia: What do you think?

 Harley: I think she needs professional help, like you said.

 Olivia: You didn't mention my name, did you? Because I kind of want to stay below the radar if you know what I mean?

 Harley: Gotcha.

 Rick: Hey.

 Olivia: Did Phillip send you?

 Rick: Well, hello to you, too.

 Olivia: No, I’m sorry.

 Rick: Actually I'm filling in for dr. Sedgwick. She's in delivery, but she did want me to pass on some good news. You get to go home today.

 Olivia: I can't. I can't go home.


 Cassie: Edmund, you don't think that that’s... This is... This is for Olivia. I can’t... You know... I mean, not since the accident.

 Edmund: Cassie, I’m... I don't know, I guess I want to remember those times as happening to other people. I... I can't stand being the man who made all this happen to you.

 Cassie: Yeah, well you're not that man anymore.

 Edmund: Cassie, there's no chance, there's no hope that...

 Cassie: I have three beautiful children. I'm very lucky. If you were thinking about us, I mean, for the future, I...

 Edmund: Cassie, i don't deserve, i have...

 Cassie: You know what, it's such a beautiful day. Can we not do this?

 Edmund: Cassie, you called it an accident it wasn't an accident. I'm the man responsible for you not being able to have children, the man responsible for your child dying. You just don't get over it that easily.

 Cassie: I didn't say it was easy. I spent a long time hating you and blaming you, all right? It was an accident, all right?

 Edmund: Cassie, it wasn't an accident.

 Cassie: Look, I have a full life, I do. All right. I have a full life. I'm happy, I have you, and I think this is absolutely adorable, I do. And I think Olivia is going to love it, even though I do see her baby as a Gucci baby, but Egan’s didn't have that kind of stuff, so she gets this.

 Edmund: So you're collecting baby things already?

 Cassie: Well, it's a baby shower and I’m the hostess, so...

 Edmund: So what does that involve?

 Cassie: Oh, lots of pink stuff, baby outfits, a lot of cue cucumber sandwiches, and a lot of games like pin the wheels on the baby carriage, you know. Basically your total nightmare.

 Edmund: I can't imagine Olivia going for any of that.

 Cassie: I think she's going to love it.

 Edmund: So does this mean you and Olivia is becoming friends?

 Cassie: Friendlier. Friendlier. You know, she's in a weird place right now and she needs someone, and I'm going to do what I can.

 Edmund: And you'll do it because you're amazing.

 Cassie: Yes, I am.

 Edmund: Cassie, I just wish...

 Cassie: Can you just let this go, please?

 Edmund: I don't know if i can.

 Cassie: You have to. Okay? You have to.


 Olivia: What are you doing here?

 Phillip: I came to check on you and the baby.

 Olivia: Okay. Well, you know, we're fine, so you can go.

 Rick: Okay. Well, as i was saying, you and the baby are doing fine, but you need to follow a couple of instructions here, all right? No stress, no physical activity, and most importantly, no stress of any kind, do you understand?

 Olivia: Yeah.

 Rick: Okay, great. So who's taking you home?

 Phillip: I'll take her.

 Harley: I'll take her home.

 Phillip: That's all right.

 Harley: Well, I was going to go to beacon anyway to see Cassie, so...

 Phillip: That's okay. I can take care of it.

 Olivia: Thank you. I think that we should talk, actually, so thanks and thank you for the good news.

 Rick: You're welcome.

 Harley: I'll take that as a cue, and if you'll excuse us, I need to talk to dr. Bauer anyway.


 Rick: Okay. Remember, Olivia, no stress of any kind.

 Phillip: Let's get you packed up.

 Olivia: You know, i actually meant what I said before when I told you that I didn't want to see you.

 Phillip: I heard you.

 Olivia: Yeah? And?

 Phillip: That was before.

 Olivia: Before what?

 Phillip: You were telling me the truth about Lizzie. I know that now.

 Olivia: I'm sorry. I didn't want it to turn out this way.

 Phillip: I don't think anybody did. And you're still afraid. Well, I promise that I will keep Lizzie away from you and the baby.


 Gus: So, what are you doing with this thing? Sorry.

 Eden: It’s.. Do you mind? It's a sewing machine. It's got a needle and a thread and it sews two pieces of fabric together.

 Gus: Yeah, I know what it is. I'm just saying, what's it doing here?

 Eden: I'm helping Marah out. She's doing this fashion show and she's in a bind.

 Gus: Since when do you sew?

 Eden: Since forever. Remember our mom... I mean, my mom. Remember she used to sew. She would get those, like, patterns out of magazine so that she could make the cool clothes that all the kids in school wore that were cool and, you know, she knew it was important for me to dress like we came from the other side of the tracks and. I learned from her.

 Gus: Yeah. Well, I kind of remember, yeah.

 Eden: Yeah. I used to watch her all the time. And, you know, when I got a little bit older and saw clothes in the window that i loved and i couldn't afford, i felt like i deserved to have them, too, so i had a friend show me everything that i didn't know.

 Gus: It's just that I never would have said that you were the... You know, so...

 Eden: Honest and hardworking?

 Gus: No, I was going to say domestic.

 Eden: I think you're confusing making up with me with making fun of me.

 Gus: Oh, come on. I... Haven't I always been able to tease you?

 Eden: Yeah, but you tearing me down, it doesn't feel very good.

 Gus: I'M... I'm... I didn't mean it like that.

 Eden: Well, that's the way it felt.

 Gus: So you and Marah are friends?

 Eden: Yeah. I introduced her to the designer that she's working with. See, I can do nice things, too.

 Gus: So you sew for her and you get what in return?

 Eden: Friendship. Is there anything wrong with that?

 Gus: You don't have to be so defensive. I'm just asking you a question. I mean, I do know you pretty much better than anybody in the world, and it's not like you weren't after her boyfriend for an entire year and now you're sewing for her. What, does somebody have a guilty conscience?


 Tony: Marah, you shouldn't have a guilty conscience. You didn't do anything wrong.

 Marah: Can you just hear me out?

 Tony: It's not going to change anything.

 Marah: Okay, then it won't hurt to just listen. Look, when we first moved into the museum i... I felt like i was so grown-up, you know, like i had moved out of my childhood. But after everything that happened with Ben it... I felt like the bottom had dropped out from underneath me so I... I ran home. And my old room was, like, the only place in the whole world that I really felt safe. I should have turned to you, but I was just... I was so scared, you know. I didn't know what to do. I was more scared than I had been in such a long time.

 Tony: Probably not since that time that I hurt you. Well, it's not a question about being grown-up. There are some things in life that you should never have to experience.

 Marah: But I believe in forgiveness.

 Tony: It's not about what you believe; it's about what you feel. Now, you were scared to be with me, and you were right to be.

 Marah: What I was feeling wasn't real; it was just a reaction to everything. It was... It was like a flight reflex. I ran scared when I should have run to you. And if those pictures hadn't shown up after everything with Ben, I probably would have reacted differently.

 Tony: Oh, yeah? Even if the pictures were real?

 Marah: They weren't.

 Tony: Yeah, but what if they were. Would you be standing here right now?

 Marah: Tony, eventually i would have come to my senses and realized that they were from a past that doesn't matter.

 Tony: But it does matter, Marah. Listen, you were right to walk away from me.

 Marah: I've hurt you so much that I’ve got you believing the stuff that I was wrong about. Tony, you are good for me, okay? And it took me going up on that billboard to realize that. For the first time, after everything, I felt happy when i was up there. I literally felt like I was on top of the world and... And the first thing that came to my mind was, "gosh, you know, I wish Tony was here to experience this with me. He would love this."

 Tony: I can't...

 Marah: And then everything started coming back to me. The way we were and how good we were together, Tony, and how happy we were.

 Tony: I can't. I can't take this. I can't take you apologizing to me right now. It's not right, okay?

 Marah: You turned your whole world around for me and I let you down, okay? I didn't have faith in you when i should have, but I can make that up to you now.

 Tony: You know what, Marah? It was good seeing you. I should get going.

 Marah: No, Tony I love you and you love me, okay. I want us to be happy again. I know that you want that, too.


 Phillip: Everybody told me there was a problem-- you, Lillian, Beth, everybody. And I didn't see how far out on the ledge she was until she damn near jumped off it.

 Olivia: I'm sorry it had to get to that point.

 Phillip: She just had so much pain in her life. But she always seemed somehow like she was bouncing back from it. But she wasn't. She was just absorbing the blows. And now she’s...

 Olivia: TKO?

 Phillip: No, she's down. But she's going to beat this. I was just talking to dr. Boudreaux and I... I didn't realize how much she had riding on Beth and me getting back together. And when that didn't happen, it was just too much for her.

 Olivia: Yet in her mind the baby and I were what stood in the way of that.

 Phillip: Yeah, but that's... No. I'M... I'm what am in the way, because I'm the one that she's angry with. I didn't fight hard enough to keep our family together. But, see, she can't express that anger, because if she does, she's afraid she'll lose me.

 Olivia: But she's feels safe to go after me, so...

 Phillip: Look, you know i did not want you to end up in the middle of this, but you don’t... This is not something that you have to worry about anymore. You don't have to be afraid of her

 Olivia: Come on come on. Just because you know that's there's a problem now doesn't solve anything.

 Phillip: I know that.

 Olivia: So what's next?

 Phillip: Well, we considered hospitalization. Lillian and Beth were fairly determined on that course, but we're going to try something else. We're going to do intensive therapy.

 Olivia: Intensive therapy. Umm, what happens when she's not in therapy?

 Phillip: She's with me or Beth or Lillian, or she's in school.

 Olivia: Uh-huh. So, it's house arrest.

 Phillip: Yeah, sort of. But maybe that's what she needs right now. Because most... Most of the problems that she has seem to come from feeling abandoned, and if we can show her that we're going to be with her every step of the way, maybe that will make her understand that she's not alone, and make her understand that we care enough about her to do whatever we have to, even if it means protecting her from herself until she can take care of herself again.

 Olivia: See, I'M... I'm starting to realize how hard it is to make good choices for your children, you know, to do what's best for them. Because that's all I think about these days, protecting this one.

 Phillip: I would lay down my life to protect any of my children. That child that you're carrying is mine. I will never let anything hurt her.

 Olivia: I really want to believe that.

 Phillip: Believe it. (Sighs) you ready to go?

 Olivia: Yeah.


 Eden: You are always going to look at me like I'm that little girl on that roof, aren't you? But you know what, I am not her anymore. I'm not.

 Gus: I took you up on the roof, I just asked you some questions. I mean, I know I went a little too far, I went a little crazy, but it's in the past. Please, let's just move on.

 Eden: Oh, what, until the next time that you have a murder case that you can't solve and then you've got to go haul me in.

 Gus: There was a serial killer out there. You know, I mean, I was under a lot of pressure. I had the D.A.'S office all over me I had the chief.

 Eden: Oh, right so you needed to lean on me.

 Gus: Yeah, exactly.

 Eden: Well, the only thing is, what you did to me, you went above and beyond if call of duty because it was personal.

 Gus: Yeah, it was personal. You're my sister. I needed... What else could i do?

 Eden: You could have believed me.

 Gus: Honey, i believed in you then, I believe in you now, okay? That's why i was trying to prove your innocence. I mean, look, the way I went about it, it was a little overboard and everything, I'm sorry for that. I'm very sorry.

 Eden: Wait; wait, you're sorry? You... You made us go through the worst night of our life again. But you know what, I’m glad it happened, I really am.

 Gus: You don't have to say that. You're not glad that it happened.

 Eden: I am glad because it made me realize that you will always look at me as a piece of trash.

 Gus: That is so not true. What are you talking about? I would never think that. I take care of you. I've always taken care of you.

 Eden: Yeah, you protected me. And maybe if you would have let me pay for what I did back then, maybe I wouldn't be so selfish now. But I was always your problem so now I always think of myself as that way.

 Gus: Listen, it doesn't have to be that way, okay. I never minded taking care of you; I still want to take care of you. I made that promise to dad.

 Eden: Well, you're off the hook with that anymore because he's not your father anymore and I’m not your sister, so you don't have to worry about that now.

 Gus: As far as I'm concerned Joe August will always be my father and you will always be my sister and that so  what we have, it's our history.

 Eden: Yeah, some history that we've got.

 Gus: it is our history, I love our history, and I love you.

 Eden: Yeah, but do you... Do you like me? Are you going to, like, have me over to Harley’s house to have some meatloaf with you and the kids, or, you know, if you guys have a kid am I going to be the godmother? See? You can't even say that you want me in your life because you feel like you have to protect your happiness from me. You have been a hero my entire life, but you have never been my friend. And I don't need to be saved anymore, but I need a friend, and I don't think you can do that. Look, Bill keeps asking me why I put up with you the way you treat me.

 Gus: Oh, really, is that what Bill keeps asking you?

 Eden: Yeah. And I defend you, because I think of the man that I know that loves that and me knows me: Nicky August. And I love him forever, but my Nicky, he died when Gus Aitoro was born. I will always love Nicky, but Gus is not welcome in my life anymore.


 Tony: You were right to walk away from me, all right?

 Marah: I was in shock.

 Tony: What happened with Ben didn't shock me.

 Marah: You and Ben were not the same people.

 Tony: We were both pretending to be things that we weren't, Marah. Ben was pretending to be okay. I was pretending to be the guy that you wanted me to be. The boy next door. That's not me. I'm impulsive. I act before I think. If not with my fists than with whatever's around, okay?

 Marah: I left you, Tony. I broke your heart and you didn't lose your temper once. You stayed in control the whole time, no matter how much I hurt you, you never thought to hurt me.

 Tony: I found other ways to vent my frustrations, Marah.

 Marah: Okay. But that's my point. You know you wouldn't hurt me now. Tony, you said you want to be the man that I want you to be. You are that man, okay? Please tell me that you haven't changed your mind about.

 Tony: Marah, I told you what I thought you wanted to hear. I would have said anything to you just to hold on to you.

 Marah: That's not true, Tony. You didn't play me. You meant every word you said.

 Tony: No, I wasn't lying to you. I was lying to me. I like the way that you looked at me, like I was the man of your dreams. I like that I had come so far for you. But I didn't do it for me. I did it for you. Without you, none of that stuff mattered. Without you, i don't care what kind of man I am, what I do, or who I hurt.

 Marah: That's not true.

 Tony: I should have let you go a long time ago.

 Marah: I don't want to be let go.

 Tony: Marah, some part of you is always going to be on guard with me. What I did to you is never going to go away, no matter how much we want it to. Now, you compromised yourself by taking me back. Now I have to do the right thing this time for both of us.

 Marah: I chose you. I chose happiness. I chose forgiveness. It was my choice to make, Tony, and I would make it again, okay? I made a mistake this time. I misjudged you. Now you have to forgive me. And you have to forgive yourself for once and for all.

 Tony: Marah, we were just kids, okay, trying to hold on to something that wasn't meant to be. It's time for us to grow up.

 Marah: You... None of what you're saying makes any sense. A few days ago, you told me you would wait forever for me to make things right, and I’m here. I'm here! And you can just walk away? Something happened. Something happened to make you change your mind. Please tell me what it is.

 Tony: There's nothing else left to say except good-bye. Good-bye, Marah.


 Gus: Look, you know, you can call me any name you want, but this is I, here I am, and I’m not... You're not going to get rid of me just like that. What, you’re going to listen to me?

 Eden: Yeah. It sucks, doesn't it? You know, if you'd excuse me, I've got a lot of work to do, so why don't you go hang out with your new family, the Spaulding’s, okay.

 Gus: Oh, now we got it. So that's what you're jealous about, you're jealous of the Spaulding’s.

 Eden: No, this is about you and me, and how the only time you come into my life is what you want me from.

 Gus: Oh, I see. So, what could I possibly... What do I want from you? What do I want right now?

 Eden: I don't know, maybe you miss your favorite groupie or something. Do you know that the only reason i am in this stupid town is because you needed me to help get Harley’s kids back. I'm like... I'm at the end of the line for you. It's first Harley, then it's Alan, and I bet you would even pick Phillip over me now, too.

 Gus: No, I wouldn't... What are you talking about? He's not even my brother, he's adopted.

 Eden: Well, I’m not your sister, either, so...

 Gus: If you are vying for a place in my life, honey, you don't have.... There's no competition. You got it. You got it.

 Eden: Ben was going around killing people in this town and I was scared to death, and I came to you and you wouldn't even listen to me. But you know what, there were people out there that listened to me and they did help me?

 Gus: Oh, who? Who? Tony Santos?

 Eden: Yeah, and Bill, and Marah. And they believe that I can change and become a better person.

 Gus: I... I think the same exact thing. I mean, doesn't that usually mean you reckon with your past first?

 Eden: You know, I do not need you to sit here and tell me what a horrible person I was, okay? Look, I used to think that I needed you to tell me that I could come down off of that roof and that you would believe in me that I could become a better person, but you can't do that. But you know what, it doesn't matter because I have people that do believe in me and I believe in myself and that is all that matters and I am done with roofs and I am done with you.

 Gus: All right, look, what is the solution?

 Eden: You know what? If you can't let me down off that roof, then you have just got to let go of me completely.

 Gus: Look, if you're not... If you're not... Can you stop? If you're the not my little sister, then who are you in my life?

 Eden: I don't know. I guess I'm just another girl.

 Gus: Eden... Eden? (Sewing machine starts)


 Cassie: Okay, the next time we decide to throw caution to the wind can we try and keep track of both of my shoes.

 Edmund: Well, I can't keep any promises in fact.

 Cassie: No, no, no. See, I haven't got any work done today, and neither would you.

 Edmund: As Tammy would say, I'm okay with that.

 Cassie: I have to prepare for Olivia’s shower. See, guests don't just invite themselves, especially when you're Olivia Spencer.

 Edmund: You could pay the staff.

 Cassie: You know, i thought of that.

 Edmund: Who did this for you? Who threw your shower?

 Cassie: I didn't have one.

 Edmund: Why not?

 Cassie: I don't know, I just didn't.

 Edmund: Sorry.

 Cassie: Don't be. I have three beautiful children, right? I have a great life. And shoes don't find themselves.

 Edmund: Shoes. Shoes, shoes, shoes. All right. The last time I undressed you, I think...

 Cassie: Oh, I found it.


 Harley: All right. Say something. Say anything. I can't take this kind of silence, especially from you.

 Rick: So this isn't a staring contest?

 Harley: No.

 Rick: Okay. Where to start? Um... Well, our last trip to the fertility specialist was our list trip to the fertility specialist.

 Harley: I... I didn't even know you guys were going...

 Rick: You know what? Our lives are really full right now, Harley, they are. And you have been so extremely generous at letting Jude be a part of Mel’s life. It's like... It's like, you know, it's her own son.

 Harley: Wait wait. What did the doctors say? Is it Mel?

 Rick: No, it's most likely the rejection of the drugs I’m taking.

 Harley: For your heart.

 Rick: Yeah, and there's no way I can stop taking those.

 Harley: Oh, honey. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

 Rick: I'm fine. I am fine. But Mel, it's just... You know, it's a different story right now.

 Harley: Well, is it... Is it hard for her because of Jude?

 Rick: Spending all that time with him? It just makes her want to have a child of her own. You understand.

 Harley: Well, there's still a possibility of that, right? There's adoption.

 Rick: No, I can't do that Harley. I'm not ready for that. And, you know, Mel’s ready to jump into law and there's this job with you.

 Harley: Well, do you think that's to fill a space, the jobs, I mean.

 Rick: She has led such an ordered life until me. There was my heart disease, you know. I came with so much baggage. And now this. It's... You know, we... We're fine. We're going to be fine, and we love each other. That's all that matters.

 Harley: Thank you for telling me.

 Rick: Would you do me a favor and just keep this between us? This is rather painful and embarrassing.

 Harley: Oh, of course. Did you speak to Phillip yet?

 Rick: No, i can't talk to him about this.

 Harley: Oh, okay. No Phillip.

 Rick: And no Mel. Please do not tell Mel about this.

 Harley: No Phillip, no Mel, cross my heart.

 Rick: Okay. I feel better. I promised my wife I would check the mailbox. She is expecting the results from her bar exam, so I've got to get going okay?

 Harley: Okay.

 Rick: Thank you. It's going to be all right. Thanks for listening.

 Harley: Sure. I'll cross my fingers.

 Rick: Give Jude a kiss for me.


 Gus: Hey, what's going on, serious girl?

 Harley: It's good. Now that you're here, it's good. So how did it go with Eden?

 Gus: It didn’t.

 Harley: Is she still mad at you?

 Gus: Well, I accused other of being a serial killer. I don't even know if I would forgive me.

 Harley: You did that because I pushed you to do it.

 Gus: No, that's not true.

 Harley: You tied Ben to those murders from the beginning. The only reason you went after Eden is because Blake and I pushed you to, not to mention the D.A., and now you've lost your sister because of it.


 Phillip: Listen, I want you to know I'm available if you need me. You can call me on my cell any time for anything.

 Olivia: Thanks. So I’ll... You know, I’ll just catch you at the loft or the office.

 Phillip: Actually, I won't be at the loft because I'm going to move back into the house.

 Olivia: That makes sense, you know, it's what Lizzie needs.

 Phillip: Yeah, for the time being. At least until I know that she's doing better. That being said, that does not change anything as far as my plans for you and this baby are concerned. You are family, too.

 Olivia: I don't think we have any plans. But you know what? I just... I need you to take care of Lizzie, you know, not just for her sake, but also for our baby's.

 Phillip: Well, let's get you upstairs.

 Olivia: That's okay. I've got a few things to do and then I’m just going to ask the bellhop to help me.

 Phillip: Are you sure?

 Olivia: Yeah, I’m positive. You go.

 Phillip: Okay.

 Olivia: Oh, well, I guess it's just you and me, kid.



 Olivia: Hi.

 Cassie: Hey, what did you do, break out of the hospital?

 Olivia: No, no, it was a legal release. Thanks. Phillip just dropped me off.

 Edmund: Oh, where is my good pal, Phillip?

 Olivia: I told him to go. He had to pick Lizzie up from school.

 Cassie: School's not out for another hour.

 Olivia: Yeah. Well, you know, he has to get there early. We can't risk her being on the loose.

 Cassie: So he finally believes you about Lizzie?

 Olivia: He believes me. Seriously, it's awful for him.

 Cassie: It's awful for you.

 Olivia: I guess he's going to move back into the house, you know. Keep a watch over her, and she's going to have intensive therapy.

 Cassie: Okay, so let's recap. Lizzie causes a very pregnant you to fall down a flight of stairs, and her punishment is to have both of her parents living underneath the same roof, to spend all the time in the world with her while you're alone with your baby?

 Olivia: You know what? It's not such a bad thing. It's actually... It's a good thing because we're going to be fine. And I have you. Because I'M... Don't quote me because I'm under the influence of a lot of hormones, but what could have been a very lonely time in my life, you being here has made it a little less lonely.

 Cassie: Well, I’m glad. I just think you're being very generous to the Spaulding’s after everything they've put you through.

 Olivia: Well, the trip down the stairs i could have done without. But everything else, all that hell, out of that came my little angel. So, okay. I'm going to go upstairs.

 Edmund: And we're going to help you.

 Olivia: Oh, please.

 Cassie: Yes, come on.

 Olivia: Thanks.


 Gus: I am not playing the blame game with you, okay? You are the only one that tried to keep me objective. You didn't want me going after my sister as a suspect. You... You were going to question her for me, so I didn't have to do it. I mean, what else could you have done?

 Harley: Family. Even Eden is more important than any case.

 Gus: Yeah, but I leaned on her, I took her up to that roof, and I tried to break her. I knew what I was doing. I knew exactly what I was doing. I didn't try to stop and I don't even know why I was doing it. I mean, what is that? Who am i. Is that... Maybe that's the Spaulding blood running through my veins, I don't know.

 Harley: You are you. I love you. And whenever you forget how great you are, you can climb under my sheets any time.

 Gus: Well, Eden says she doesn't even have a brother so...

 Harley: Well, you know, it's always the ones who love us the most that hurt us the worse you know that.

 Gus: As in what, you can really only hurt the ones that you love?

 Harley: Exactly. She didn't mean what she said. Still, I guess somebody's got to set her straight, huh?

 Gus: Well, it isn’t me.

 Harley: Then I guess it's going to have to be me.


 Eden: Oh, no. All right, hold it together, Eden. It's better that he's out of your life. (Knock on door) great.

 Marah: Hi. Time's wasting.

 Eden: What are you doing here?

 Marah: I need you to get out of your clothes and into mine. I need to do a final fitting. I thought you were going to have that done by now.

 Eden: I would have, but I got sideswiped.

 Marah: Eden, you know how important this is to me. I was counting on you.

 Eden: I know. I know how important it is to you. You know I wouldn't have stopped if it wasn't important. What, you're the only one with problems?

 Marah: I'm sorry, okay? It's just that the fashion show is the only thing I have now.

 Eden: Marah, are you okay?

 Marah: It's Tony. It's over. I've lost him for good this time.


 Phillip: Next on "Guiding Light".

 Rick: My wife cannot stand another disappointment.

 Harley: Well, I didn't come here to play nice. I came here to find out why you are still making your brother's life a living hell.

 Sandy: So, the boyfriend, did you patch things up?

 Marah: No, no. Looks like you're not the only one without a partner today.

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