Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 9/3/03
By Suzanne
Proofread by Priscilla
Cassie: You know you are a very bad influence
on me.
Edmund: Good. In what way?
Cassie: Whenever you're here, I never want to
get out of bed.
Edmund: Then don’t.
Cassie: I won't. (Telephone rings) I have to
get that.
Edmund: I know, i know. (Telephone rings)
Cassie: Yes. Oh no, not again. No-no-no.
No-no. He's scared. Yes, he's scared. Now, I’m going to find him. Yes. I'll
take care of it. Okay. Bye. That's Mrs. Chit wood. RJ has run off again. He's
totally freaked out about starting kindergarten. He's so afraid. So I have to go
find him.
Edmund: He's going through changes already.
Is there anything I can do to help?
Cassie: Well he's run off before, but he
never goes far. And I'm afraid he's going to really take off.
Edmund: Here, let me just get dressed, and
then I can help or not.
DJ Dingley: What's up, everybody? It's a
little too quiet out here, huh? Wake up! (Claps) come on. (Cheers) rise and
shine, campers. Let's get up. All right, you guys don't want to miss what's
going on today. We got the continuing saga of the dean versus the mole. Looks
like our two lead protestors are pretty comfy up there, huh? Hey, guys? My guess
is that they're not backing down from their original plan. They're going to stay
up there and they're not coming down until the dean caves. (Cheers) pretty
serious stuff, huh, folks? Hey, dean Boudreaux, the youth of Springfield are
warning you. You better listen up. Right,
you better listen up, or you're going to get crushed in by their wake.
Crowd: (Chanting) can't control the mole!
Save the mole! You can't control the mole!
DJ Dingley: Waiting to hear from you, dean!
Crowd: (Chanting) save the mole! You can't
control the mole! Save the mole! You can't control the mole!
Sandy: You see him?
Marah: Who?
Sandy: The guy you keep looking for? The ex.
You know, what's his name.
Marah: I'm not looking for Tony; I'm scanning
the crowd.
Sandy: Right.
Marah: I am.
Sandy: Uh-huh. And last night when he was
here, you didn't look like you were about to take a swan dive into his arms.
Marah: I'm not really the swan dive type.
Sandy: That's right you're too cool. You
know, you can't have sex with someone from 30 feet away, but the look between
the two of you last night, was about as x-rated as it gets. I saw what I saw.
Marah: You know what? Sandy, i didn't come up
here to discuss my love life.
Sandy: Okay. You came up here to run away
from it, right? Look, it'll get boring if we just sit here and stare at trees
and the sky. So let's get a little racy, huh? There's plenty of room up here. I
mean, why don't you just invite Tony? Hey, tell him to bring a girl for me. We
can have a billboard double- date.
Marah: Dean thought that Moley was the
annoying one. (Hammering)
Danny: Hey. What the hell is he doing here?
Michelle: I bailed him out of jail.
Danny: What?
Michelle: Yeah and in return, he's going to
help us do some work around the house.
Nico: Wasn't my idea.
Danny: He practically spit in my face when I
mentioned a job the other day.
Michelle: Look, Nico hasn't agreed to do
anything, yet, except for fixing the window. But there's so much work that needs
to be done around here, and he's good with his hands.
Danny: Yeah, especially in a dark alley.
Michelle: And we can make it very convenient
for him to work here and keep an eye on him.
Danny: Convenient?
Michelle: Yeah, it's part of my plan. I
thought that maybe Nico should live here with us for a little while.
Danny: You want him to live here? Are you
kidding me?
Michelle: No, I am very serious, Danny.
Tony: Come on. Let's give us some space.
Nico: What are you, the Santos family muscle?
Tony: You want to find out? Come on.
Danny: Look, you want to bail that punk out
of jail, obviously I can't stop you. I mean, Michelle that was very altruistic
of you.
Michelle: Well, I’m glad you think so.
Danny: But that does not mean I want him
waking here or living here.
Michelle: Danny, he can live in the room
above the garage.
Danny: No. Are you kidding? No.
Michelle: He has nowhere else to go. He's got
no family. He's got no home.
Danny: Sorry. There's got to be other
options. This is our home our son lives here.
Michelle: Oh, Danny, he's not dangerous.
Danny: Michelle...
Michelle: Even father ray says that...
Danny: Yeah, I heard what ray said. And I
also know the street. And there's no guarantee that that punk won't snap again.
He mugged you! He broke into our house.
Michelle: Yeah, to return the money that he
Danny: Yeah that was really, really sweet of
him. Honey, he hates the Santos family. He blames us for his parents' death.
Michelle: Oh, Danny, please.
Danny: Michelle...
Michelle: Look, I have a really strong
feeling about Nico.
Danny: Yeah, so do I.
Michelle: Look, under that tough guy act--
and it's all an act-- there is a decent kid there.
Danny: Great.
Michelle: Look, you're the one who said that
you wanted to make amends for all the damages that Carmen did on Fifth Street.
Danny: Don’t... Don't...
Michelle: He is part of that damage.
Danny: I know what I said. I know what I
said. You don't have to...
Michelle: I'm not asking you to adopt him.
I'm not asking you to even make him part of the family. Just give him a chance.
Give him some help. Give him some work. Please. We can do that.
Danny: You're leaving... Today. I'm going to
be the one stuck here dealing with that punk.
Michelle: Well, he could keep you company.
Danny: Thanks.
Nico: So, your father ray's brother, huh?
He's probably got to do a lot of praying for you and your cousin.
Tony: Listen, my brother's a priest. It's his
business to help other people. And Michelle, well, Michelle’s a real
sweetheart. There's not a mean bone in her body. Danny, well, he's trying to
change the family image. Me. I'm a little different. Just so you know.
Nico: What's this, your way of scaring me
Santos style? I'm scared. I'm shaking. (Laughs)
Tony: Listen, kid, I grew up in the streets,
too. I know the mentality. You never leave your guard down. You take what you
can get when you can get it, right.
Nico: That's right.
Tony: Yeah. Well, do yourself a favor. If
you're thinking about messing with this family, you walk away right now.
Sandy: So, you think I'm annoying.
Marah: Very.
Sandy: Excellent. Can't wait to tell Moley.
Marah: You know where is he anyway? He had
some nerve not showing up like this. If it weren't for him, you would still be
on the radio; you would still have your show.
Sandy: There is no show without Moley. He's
the guy people love to hate.
Marah: Well, I liked listening to you on the
radio too.
Sandy: When you called in, whom'd you asked
for? Who'd you want to meet?
Marah: Okay, well, I did want to meet mole,
Sandy: There is no but. Look we're 30 feet
off the ground. Alone. Sort of. Let's cut the bull. Talk to me. Tell me what
happened with you and your ex?
Marah: Why are you interested in my love
Sandy: Well, we talked about food,
politics... Even fashion. I'm ready for a new topic.
Marah: I just didn't feel safe in the
relationship anymore.
Sandy: Safe. What are you kidding me? No one
feels safe in relationship. The bottom can drop out any minute.
Marah: You know what? I'm going to put my
headphones on.
Sandy: You know, this probably isn't too
safe. Whew!
Marah: Stop! Stop! Sit down and don't move.
>Sandy: Did i scare you? I got a question.
Do you love the guy?
Marah: Yes, i do.
Sandy: And do you guys... Is it exciting
being with him? Can you guys talk?
Marah: Yes, yes. Okay, yes. You know, I
wouldn't expect you to understand.
Sandy: I understand. You're safe now. Yeah.
And miserable. Makes complete sense to me.
Marah: It is not easy ending a relationship.
Sandy: Especially when neither of you wants
to. And it's funny, because you don't strike me as the playing- it-safe type.
Marah: No. Well, maybe you don't know me that
Sandy: I know one thing. You're here.
Marah: This... This... This is easy.
Sandy: For you. Listen, Marah, everybody's
afraid. You can get your heart broken in a million tiny pieces. It's the price
you pay. No pain, no gain. And what's scarier. Taking the safe road. Shutting
yourself off from the pain you might feel if you really commit to loving
someone. Because it only seems safe really. Because really you're just shutting
yourself down and before you know it you stop feeling all together. Which really
Marah: Okay, you stopped talking about me
like two minutes ago. What's your story?
Sandy: Fearlessness. Isn't that what you
really dig about the mole? Isn't that what we're really up here for? Fighting
for the right to take risks, you know, to go where most people are afraid to go.
To hurt and be hurt? Careful, Marah. Don't get too close to the edge. It's not
Cassie: Have you see RJ?
Jeffrey: In the check morrow decision in
Cassie: This is important. My son is missing.
Jeffrey: Mrs. Winslow, can't you see that
I’m trying to work here?
Cassie: He ran away from the nanny, Mr.
Jeffrey: Well, then maybe you should take
better care of the kid. Ever think of that? Do you know how many cases of
missing kids that is around here? Okay. When was the last time you saw him? Any
Cassie: He's all freaked out because he has
start kindergarten.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, there's a lot of that
going on around here, isn't there?
Cassie: You ever wonder why you don't have
any friends, Mr. O’Neill.
Jeffrey: Well, maybe I like it that way. All
right, now, where were we? Morrow. Morrow decision. 1988. Before i was so rudely
interrupted. Okay. All rightly.
Edmund: Have you seen Cassie?
Jeffrey: She went that way. And I wish you
people let me get my work done around here.
Edmund: It's a hotel lobby, Mr. O’Neill.
You want privacy find a rock.
Jeffrey: Find a rock? (Child coughing) not
you again. You know your mother's looking all over for you. You know you're
like... You're like a little barnacle you know that. Well, I've got work to do.
Danny: Come over here. Come over here. All
right, here's the deal. Michelle and I are not going to press charges against
Nico: Oh, cool.
Danny: I'm not done. You can live in the room
above the garage. But just so you know, I'll be watching you.
Nico: Watching me do what?
Danny: Whatever it is Michelle and I ask you
to do. Got it? No job's going to be too big or too small for you. And in time if
ray and I decide that you're doing good work around here, i will think about
putting you on one of my construction crews.
Nico: Thanks. But no thanks. I thought I
could work for your wife, but you... No.
Danny: What the hell is your problem? Did you
ever hear about the expression, don't bite the hand that feeds you?
Nico: Yeah. Thank you, Mr. Santos, sir.
You're so kind helping a poor little street nothing like me. I'm dirt and
Michelle: Nico. Nico...
Nico: Hey, I'd rather take my chances on the
street than work for him.
Danny: Really.
Nico: Really. Your family took everything
away from me. And I'm supposed to be grateful cause you're letting me clean the
toilets? I'm out of here.
Danny: It's all right, Tony. Let him go.
Okay, you walk out here; you think you'll end up on the street again? Because
you won’t. You'll wind up right back in jail.
Nico: I'll take my chances.
Danny: Really. Who do you think is going to
bail you out this time? Because believe me i won't lose any sleep over you being
in jail. But it'll upset my wife, and I don't want that to happen. So I’m
willing to give you a fair shake. You really want to pass that up? Go ahead.
Michelle: Nico, please. This could be a
really good opportunity for you to turn your life around.
Nico: Okay. I'll work, but only till I get
enough money to get on my own and get my own guitar. Not a day more.
Danny: Rule number one. You're not the one
making rules around here.
Michelle: But we could work out the details
later, right?
Tony: Well, you did the smart thing kid.
Nico: How could you live with these guys?
Sandy: Well, am i getting through to you
about Tony? You want me to just shut up?
Marah: That'll be nice.
Sandy right. Well, not going to happen. You
see, Marah, I want to help you the way you're trying to help me. So this is what
I want you to do. Pack up all of your stuff and climb down that billboard now
and go face your life.
DJ Dingley: Hey everybody, looks who's back?
It's the dean himself.
(All): Boo!
DJ Dingley: All right. We're finally getting
some action.
(All): Boo...
DJ Dingley: Hey, let's give him a big
Springfield welcome.
(All): Boo! Boo! Boo!
Clayton: I'm coming up.
DJ Dingley: Oh, no. Come on.
Jeffrey: Hey, kid, word on the street is
you're starting kindergarten. That's pretty scary, huh? Well, you know, new
things usually are scary that is. But I bet after the first couple of days
you're going to like it. No, you're not... You're not buying that are you?
That's because you're... You're a smart kid. The fact of the matter is people
are going to be staring at you, aren't they? Like you got spinach in your teeth
or something? But you know what? Little man, you're going to stare right back at
them. Check them out just like they're checking you out. Checking out some of
the girls, too, I bet huh? Well, maybe... Maybe not yet. You know, RJ, sometimes
there's a lot of good stuff about starting over in a new place. You can reinvent
yourself. You can be whoever you want to be. You know, sometimes I wish I were
back in school again. What... What are you doing? What are you doing? Oh. All
right, come here. Let's see. How could I help here? First day of school. You
know, I remember my first day at school and it wasn't pretty. And remember i
told you that, okay, because I'm going to tell it to you straight. I'm not going
to white wash it or paint it up like you’re... Well, like your mother does.
All right. Because she's going to feed you some line of bull and that's just the
way she is, okay. That's what she does. I'm going to tell it to you straight.
Now school. One of the most important things you have to remember is
there’s... There's going to be some snot-nosed big kid running around, thinks
he tough and he's going to be playing the bully, you know. You got to watch out
for that guy. I think you can handle him, because you're cool. And that's what's
really important. You got to remember to stay cool. Just be cool. You're a cool
cat, you know. And you got to make lots of friends. And well, you're going to
make one friend in particular and he's going to be like your best friend. I
remember... I remember when i was in kindergarten I had a best friend. Yeah.
Teddy Evans. He wore a superman cape and, you know, he'd go flying around and
I’d like fly around with him. And well, you're going to find your best friend.
And when you do I want you to bring him by because i want to check him all and
I'm going to tell you if he's the real deal, okay? You down with that? You cool?
Cassie: (Clears her throat)
Jeffrey: All right. Here.
Cassie: Come here. Come here.
Jeffrey: Put him on a leash, will you?
Edmund: Well, where were you young man? You
had your mother very worried.
Cassie: Guess whom he was with.
Edmund: Ah... Mr. Congeniality.
Cassie: We're going to take a little walk
upstairs and have a little talk.
Edmund: All right.
Jeffrey: Just pretend I’m on my rock, okay?
Edmund: Under your rock.
Reva: Hey. Do you happen to know where my
sister is?
Edmund: She just went upstairs with RJ.
Reva: Oh, thanks.
Jeffrey: Excuse me. Reva. Reva Shayne. Reva
Shayne Lewis.
Reva: Jeffrey. Jeffery O’Neill.
Jeffrey: (Laughs) yes, well, now that we've
established who we are. Reva, you're a hero. Our missing girl.
Reva: Yeah.
Jeffrey: She's backed home with her family
and she's doing just fine. And it's because of you. You did a good job. No, you
did a great job.
Reva: Yeah, well, i think about the pain that
that mother was going through.
Jeffrey: Well, that's all over now, reva. And
she's doing really well.
Reva: Thank god.
Jeffrey: You saved a kid's life.
Reva: You know when i think about this thing,
whatever it is that i do, it scares me because it is a huge responsibility. And
I just don't want to be responsible sending the police off on a wild goose
Jeffrey: Reva, let the police worry about
that, okay?
Reva: Okay. If you say so.
Jeffrey: Hey, anything that could make this
stinkin' world a little better is all-good. Just keep doing it.
Reva: Well, I better go find my sister.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Edmund: Hello, Beth. Lovely.
Beth: Edmund. Thank you. Hi.
Edmund: Hi. How's Lizzie? Cassie told me that
she was...
Beth: She's going to be fine.
Edmund: Good. Good. Well, I just wanted you
to know that I was concerned.
Beth: I'll tell her that you asked after her.
Thank you. You haven't by any chance seen Jeffrey O’Neill, have you?
Edmund: He's inside.
Beth: Good. Thanks.
Edmund: Beth... Beth. About your relationship
with Mr. Neill...
Beth: It's strictly business. But actually
it's none of yours.
Clayton: Well, nice view.
Sandy: We like it.
Clayton: So, Marah, I’m just curious. How
did you get involved in all of this?
Marah: Well, I didn't agree with the decision
you made.
Clayton: Well, obviously you're not the only
one. But there is someone missing from this little gathering, isn't there?
Sandy: Yeah, yeah, yeah. The mole's not so
big on heights. Or demonstrations.
Clayton: Or meetings with the dean. Or
apologizing to those he's wounded with his hurtful comments.
Marah: The mole is honest. He says things
that other people are thinking, but they're too afraid to say. And that's why
all of these people listen to him.
Sandy: So what do you say, dean Boudreaux?
Moley and I get another shot?
Clayton: You know, I took part in a lot of
protests when i was your age, sandy. A lot. But we were protesting for equal
rights, civil rights, women's rights, peace, and equality. Those issues meant
something. They were crucial to our country. You're demanding the right to use
vulgarity and make mean- spirited jokes about murderers and their victims. I
find it very difficult to take this stand seriously.
Sandy: With all due respect, sir, that's not
what this is about and you know it.
Clayton: Well, perhaps I did overreact when i
took you two off the air. Very well. I will allow you to presume broadcasting,
but you and your partner must be sensitive to the issues i face as dean of this
Sandy: Sensitive?
Clayton: You open the school up to countless
lawsuits, and i can't allow that. I need you to rein in your partner.
Sandy: I'm sorry. I can't promise that.
Clayton: I'm sorry, too. We're at a
Crowd (changing): Moley! Moley! Moley! Moley...
Clayton: Power to the people, hey. All right,
young man. But think before you speak. If you two get me fired, then the next
dean might not be so accommodating.
Marah: Yay! You did it! (Laughs)
Sandy: We did it.
Marah: We did it. I can't believe it. I can't
believe we won.
Sandy: See, we didn't play it safe and it
paid off. You know what comes next, don't you, Marah?
Tony: All right, well, you know what? I'm out
of here. I'm going to head over to the beacon. Oh, you know what? Michelle,
Michelle... I almost forgot. I got you a going away present.
Michelle: Oh, Tony, that's so nice.
Tony: Yeah, come on, it's right out by the
door. Come on.
Danny: You did the right thing, sandman.
Nico: You think?
Danny: It's a lot better than jail.
Nico: You think?
Danny: Listen, genius, it's up to you. You
can have a nice place to live for a while, make enough money to buy yourself a
new precious guitar, maybe make some contacts. Or you could blow it all and end
up back in jail.
Nico: Be straight with me, Santos. You're not
going to have me painting fences and hanging pictures on the wall, are you? I'm
going to be uplifting hot goods from trucks, right? Something like that?
Danny: I'm going to tell you something once.
I'm clean. And as long as you work for me, so are you.
Nico: Whatever.
Michelle: Where's Nico?
Danny: I don't know. In his new room, I
Michelle: Thank you.
Danny: You're welcome.
Michelle: I can't believe I have to leave you
and Robbie.
Danny: Oh, baby, it's not going to be for
long. You're going to be so busy that times going to fly by you.
Michelle: No, it won’t.
Danny: No, it won't. But Robbie and I are
going to visit you so much you're going to be sick of us.
Michelle: No, ever. Ever. (Knock at the door)
Danny: I'll get it. I hope it's not the car.
>Marah: Hey.
Danny: Hey, aren't you supposed to be sitting
on top of a billboard or something?
Marah: Well, I was, but we won. Sandy and
mole are back on the air.
Danny: Oh.
Michelle: Wow. That's great. Congratulations.
Marah: Thank you. Oh, no, it's not today is
Danny: Yep.
Michelle: Yeah. Any minute now.
Marah: Oh, what am I going to do without you?
Michelle: You're going to increase your cell
phone services. We can talk for hours every night. And I'm going to do my best
to make it back for your show.
Marah: You better. Um... Is... Is Tony
around? I didn't see his car.
Michelle: You're looking for Tony?
Marah: Okay, don't get all excited. Yes, I
just thought that if he was around...
Danny: Well, he actually just left for the
beacon. If you leave now, you might still catch him.
Michelle: Hurry, hurry, and hurry.
Michelle: Okay. Okay, but...
Danny: Bye.
Marah: I'll call you later.
Michelle: Okay, okay. Fine. I love you.
Marah: I'll miss you.
Michelle: I'm going to miss you, too.
Marah: Bye.
Michelle: Bye.
Marah: Oh, Michelle, your car's here.
Michelle: Well, i guess... I guess it's time.
Danny: Yeah, I guess so.
Beth: Mr. O’Neill?
Jeffrey: Oh. Finally... A welcomed
interruption. I thought you were out of town.
Beth: Actually, I just got back. How did you
know that I was away?
Jeffrey: Well, it's a small town, you know.
Word gets around.
Beth: Right, right. Well, I came by because I
wanted to thank you.
Jeffrey: Let me help you there. You wanted to
thank me?
Beth: Yes.
Jeffrey: Thank me for what?
Beth: For telling me about Lizzie.
Jeffrey: Oh.
Beth: And. And I wanted to ask you if you had
any more information on your investigation.
Jeffrey: My investigation? Oh, yeah, right.
No, well, we closed the file on Olivia Spencer’s fall. It seems that there
wasn't any hard evidence that Lizzie was... Well, just say that it was ruled an
Beth: Great, great. Well, that's one less
thing for me to worry about.
Jeffrey: You know, it's... It's really nice
to see a parent dealing with her child's problems head on. You know, you don't
see too much of that in this town.
Beth: Well, I’m trying. And I'm starting to
realize what I’m up against. I'm afraid.
Jeffrey: Well, you'd be crazy if you weren't.
You know getting your kid back on the right track is something you don't want to
screw up.
Beth: Exactly.
Jeffrey: But you won’t. Don't worry. You
Cassie: When I first saw Jeffrey O’Neill, I
couldn't get past that...
Reva: That's good. What, the face?
Cassie: Yes. Then you know, he opened his
mouth and he is the rudest, most arrogant, obnoxious, self centered,
egotistical, insensitive pig of a man that I’d ever met in my entire life. I
mean i don't think that I'd ever immediately hated someone so much. Which is
perfect? Because when i look at him, i don't see Richard. I see a man that I
don't even want to be in the same the same zip code with, let alone having him
live in this hotel.
Reva: Which of course simplifies your life?
Cassie: Especially with Edmund. I mean I’m
sorry. I'm sorry, but it's true. It is. And then Jeffrey had to save my life,
you know.
Reva: More complications.
Cassie: I was grateful. But then of course he
started acting like a jerk just like that. I was a little confused because then
there are these moments with him...
Reva: What moments?
Cassie: Like this morning. RJ was missing.
He's been freaked out about starting kindergarten. He starts in a week and guess
where I found him. Sitting in Jeffrey O’Neill’s lap. , Jeffery O’Neill was
telling him these stories about his own childhood, RJ was so happy, and he was
feeling so much better.
Reva: Well, see then he's not such an ogre.
Cassie: I know! I know he has this heart.
Even though it may be a few sizes too small. Maybe that's why I had that dream
with Jeffrey O’Neill in it.
Beth: I... I wish that I had changed a lot of
things. I wished that I had protected Lizzie instead of letting her protect me.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, now you're ready to
start over though, right? With your daughter and be the strong one.
Beth: Yeah, a new role for me. Sorry, a
little too much information maybe.
Jeffrey: I like information. And I like you.
Beth: You're a great kisser, but you have
terrible timing.
Jeffrey: I know. Five, four, three, two, one.
How about now?
Beth: Mm.
Reva: I... Just going to...
Cassie: Mm-hmm.
Reva: ...Get out of your way.
Cassie: Yep.
Reva: See you later.
Cassie: Mm-hmm.
Reva: Edmund.
Edmund: Reva. So.
Cassie: So.
Edmund: Is reva analyzing dreams these days?
Cassie: The dream didn't mean anything, you
know. It meant absolutely nothing. It wasn't even a dream. It was more like a
nightmare. I mean, Jeffrey O’Neill is the biggest pain you could ever...
Edmund: Shh-shh-shh-shh. Cassie, Jeffrey
O’Neill doesn't threaten me, because I have one thing he doesn't.
Cassie: What's that?
Edmund: You.
Danny: And all of your stuff is in the car.
Michelle: You know, maybe... Maybe I
shouldn't go.
Danny: No, honey.
Michelle: Maybe... No, maybe this was a big
Danny: You're going. You're going.
Michelle: I don't have to.
Danny: Yeah, you do.
Michelle: Oh, Danny, I hate sleeping alone.
Danny: Me, too. Me, too. But, hey, this is
not like the last time we were apart. This is only temporary. Robbie and I are
going to be there every chance we get. We'll not go more than a week.
Michelle: Really? You'll come visit every
time you can?
Danny: Yes, we will. I promise.
Michelle: (Sighs)
Danny: Hey, I’m really, really proud of
you. I mean it. You could have taken the easier road and stayed at cedars, but
you're going with something a lot bigger. I think that's great. You constantly
amaze me.
Michelle: Well, you amaze me, you know.
You're doing such great work. You're probably going to be mayor of this town
when I get back.
Danny: I'm going to miss you. (Horn blows)
Michelle: I'm coming.
Danny: Love you.
Michelle: Love you.
Danny: Okay.
Michelle: Okay.
Danny: Go. Call me when you get there.
Michelle: Okay. Bye, Nico.
Nico: Bye. So, got any food in this joint?
Marah: Tony, wait don't go.
Danny: Next on "Guiding Light”
Rick: You get to go home.
Olivia: I can't. I can't go home.
Eden: I will always love Nicky, but Gus is
not walking into my life anymore.
Marah: I'm here, and you could just walk
away? Something happened. Something happened to make you change your mind.
Please tell me what it is.