Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 9/2/03
By Suzanne
(Sorry, names of the characters speaking are missing)
Don't touch me. I mean it, harley, don'T.
Well, somebody say something.
Phillip's thinking.
All we've been doing is thinking. We need to do something.
I'll tell you one thing we're not going to do is send my granddaughter off to some nut house.
Alan, it is called a psychiatric hospital.
She needs more help than we can give her.
All right, beth, if you send her to a place like, that she'll be branded for life. Is that really what you have in mind for your daughter?
Beth, look, i want lizzie to get the help that she needs no matter what it takes.
So you agree with me.
But, i am not going to put her through more trauma than she has already been through.
What are you saying, phillip?
Maybe if i spend more time with her, maybe if i keep a closer eye on her.
Yes, good, good, then it's settled, lizzie stays here.
Nothing is settled, alex!
Oh. I know that look.
What look?
The look that says you've made your decision and are debating whether or not to let the rest of us in on it.
Uh-huh. You know, i can almost hear the fashion world drinking.
Mom, this isn't about a fashion state, it's a political one. It was just easier to wear all this stuff rather than carry it over.
You know what, i think it's a pretty good look for you.
Thank you.
Am i geting the feeling you're going to go ahead with this shock jock stunt?
Okay, sandy is a radio personality and this is not a stunt.
You're perching yourself on top of the springfield university billboard and waiting for the dean to give the mole his air time back seems like a stunt to me.
Mom, i told you, thinks a political statement.
Since when are you a political activist, marah?
Well, since my university decided to violate the first amendment to the constitution. What?
Who are you?
Mom, i'm doing this.
Do you have enough water?
And an extra sweater because it could get cool up there?
I'm all layered up.
What about facilities?
Facilities? Right. I hadn't thought about that. We'll figure something out.
Mom, i'm not a little girl any more, i can take care of myself.
You know i wouldn't doubt that for a moment, but marah, this isn't you. I mean, are you really standing up for something you believe in or trying to avoid something else?
This is not about tony.
You said that, not me.
Okay. Look, it is difficult not to be with him any more, but i, i took that step, and i am not going to give in and go back now.
Okay. Okay. I love you.
I have to go.
Don't fall.
You really going to give up that easily?
Hello, mrs. Lewis.
Do i have to ask that question again or are you going to answer me?
I haven't given up.
What would you call it?
Owning up. Seeing things for how they are and dealing with it.
And how are things, tony?
You sure ask a lot of questions. All right. The way that i see it is marah is a class act. She is smart, she is beautiful, she has it altogether. She does not belong with a guy from the streets.
You mean a guy like you?
So two people who are madly in love who come from different backgrounds will never make it in this world?
Well, i didn't say that.
Well, it's a good thing, because if you did, you would have dealt the death blow to a whole lot of classic literature, and that would be a shame.
Well, i don't want to mess around with a bunch of old ones.
Thank you.
Welcome to springfield university, you're going to love it here.
I'm not loving it right now.
Just think of it as a chilling out on the beach, except there's no sand. And no water.
And there's a big huge 30-foot drop.
Okay. Forget the beach, think of it as a picnic. On a mountain.
A picnic on a mountain? Okay, i can do that.
You pack one heck of a picnic.
Well, i come prepared. What did you bring?
No turning around up here. You really didn't bring anything?
Oh, wait a second. Tada!
Gum. That's great. Well, when the mole gets here i hope you pack better than his partner.
Yeah. About that --
oh, look at what I brought.
You made these yourself?
Yeah, official marah lewis designs. What do you think?
I think the mole would be very impressed if he were coming.
I'm going to pretend like i didn't hear you say that.
Yeah, i'm sorry, marah, he's afraid of heights.
So he could be part of the ground crew.
He could. But he's not so big on crowds either.
So this guy is afraid of Everything except sticking it to dean bu drove on the radio.
Pretty much, but thanks for doing this with me, i really appreciate having a partner on this.
Mountain picnic?
It's no problem. I was free tonight and had nothin be
i hope you scheduled more tile than that.
What do you mean?
Well, i think we're in it for the long haul.
Define long haul.
Let's just say this billboard may be our home for a few days, or weeks.
Okay, okay, okay. What else do we need here? We need, oh, snack crackers, definitely.
And i got the caned cheese to go with the crackers.
Gross, no one eats that stuff.
I eat that stuff.
Me too.
It's good.
I think it's good.
Okay, fine, the canned cheese can stay. We need bottled water. Bottled water and we need bug spray. And we need a flashlight and chocolate. Okay, we have extra blankets, we have subs on the way. Are we forgetting anything, you guys?
I think we're all set marina.
I gotta say i never thought i'd see my sister climb up a billboard to protest.
I think it's really cool.
It is, it's definitely cool, it's just not marah at all. This whole, she's new to this fight the power thing.
You know what, we should help her.
Yeah, well, you know what, we're new to this whole fight the power thing too.
Yeah, but whole point of sandy and marah up there is so that they'll let the mole back on the air, rile?
So we need to apply a little pressure, we gotta keep the d on his toes, make him edgey, uncomfortable.
We do that how?
We got to attract attention to what sandy and marah are doing, we gotta attract a big crowd here, we gotta publicize this thing. It's all about how you play the game, shayne.
I don't know because my game is baseball.
I think it's time you expanded your horizon as little bit. Stick with me, i'll teach you everything i know.
You've already got a plan?
You bet i do.
Beth, the thought of putting our little girl into an institution --
she needs help, phillip and she needs it now.
I understand that, but why are you so sure that she can't get it here?
Because we've tried and felicia bow dro is an excellent psychiatrist, but outpatient care can only do so much.
She is really good at it.
Is that ridiculous, lillian. Elizabeth is just a child.
Yes, but she grew up way too fast. We keep accepting her version of things because we want to believe it, but she is living a lie.
All right, lillian, i'm just about ready to kick that soap box right out from under you!
Can we focus? Lizzie needs a controlled environment to deal with her feelings. This house is not a controlled environment.
Pardon me, no offense, beth, please, but i don't think you're in any position to start giving mental health advice.
I'm lizzie's mother.
Yes, and you've had a great deal of your own problems.
Alex, i'm not sure it's in your best interest to bring up mental health.
Enough, all of you. Now that we've decided that lizzie is staying here, --
we have not decided that, alan.
What have we decided, i've lost track.
Labeling elizabeth a mental health case would brand her for life!
It's better than labeling her a criminal and i for one am willing to take that risk if it will prevent her from pulling another stunt like she pulled today.
She's not a circus act.
Can we please get back to lizzie!
She and harley should be here any minute.
Gentlemen, and we need to make a decision before they get here.
I need a martini. Where's thomas?
Why are you two so --
hold it! I have a solution. Okay. I'll move back into the house. It's another set of eyes on lizzie, and maybe if i'm here, maybe if we're both here under the same roof with her, it will give her some of the reassurance that she is looking for. How can we possibly blame this kid for being confused about her family? We're spread out all over the place.
Good, phillip, i'll move back in, too. Well, we don't want to overwhelm her. I think probably phillip's presence will be enough.
I think lillian should move in, too.
I mean, obviously, we will keep up with her session was felicia, but i don't think it can hurt us to have a medical professional around as much as possible. You're a grandmother, would you consider doing that?
Phillip, i mean, you know i stand by the hospital idea. But if this is the solution you and beth have come to, of course i'll do it. I'll do anything for lizzie.
Okay. Beth?
What do you want me to say, phillip? Everyone's rush to move back in here, it's obvious no one thinks i'm capable of mothering my own daughter.
That's not it.
Right now lizzie needs more than one pair of arms to hold her, and the more the better.
Well, maybe it was a bad idea sending lizzie back.
I'm just saying they seem to be taking the long road getting back.
Yes, they are, they're taking the scenic route.
At a time like this?
Harley wanted some one on one time to help defuse the situation.
Defuse the situation, you make it sound like lizzie is some sort of ticking time bomb.
I can't believe all the time that you've spent here and you've never tried buzz' baklava.
I'm not a baklava kind of guy.
Well, you would never really know that until you've tried it. You know, tony, you know me as reva lewis. But before i was marah's mom and josh's wife, i was reva shayne, wild child. I was, i was the poor daughter to the lewis family housekeeper. I was a rough and tumble kind of party gal, the type of gal nobody expected to end up with a lewis man, and i married, count 'em, three. Three. But josh was my one true love, he was the one real thing in my life. And we were quite a pair. But the pillar of the community, and the tart of the town.
Mrs. Lewis, i know what you're trying to tell me here, but me and marah, it's not about which side of the tracks we're from, it's about who we are. See, i grew up around violence. The kind of violence that gets inside of you, makes you edgey, even dangerous. And marah doesn't have any of that inside of her, and i don't want her to. So you see, it's better for marah to stay away from people like me.
I know your history, tony, i do, and i would be lying to myself if i said it didn't bother me. But young man i see sitting here next to me i think is above all of that.
Well, maybe you can see past it. But it doesn't mean that it's not there, and marah is afraid of it. And I'm afraid of it, too. Now, i wish it didn't matter, but it does.
So your love for my daughter and your love for you, that doesn't matter?
Look, mrs. Lewis, there are some things you just can't change.
Oh, i see, that's where you're wrong. I think you can. Just depends on how hard you're willing to try.
What's up, what's up!
Coming to you live from the ranger, going on down below the springfield u. Billboard.
We're going to d. J. Thing right now, if this guy dean boudreau can keep the mole off the air for speaking his mind, then no one is safe man.
We don't have to worry because we got kids out on the billboards, we got kids kicking it in the court yard, and the party will not stop until the mole is back wreaking havoc on the air waves!
Thank you, guys, so much for coming.
No problem, man. Can you give us an update?
Yeah, rumor has it there are a bunch of kids surrounded the dean's office all chanting.
There are tons of students in the cafeteria staging a sit-in.
All right. Soy guess the football team is threatening to go on a hunger strike.
Yeah. Give it up for sandy and marah.
We are back and the mole is all over the place, he's popping up on t-shirts and posters and everywhere.
Not only on campus, but all over town!
And just so everyone knows, there are molefullyers going out in every take out order from company tonight.
We're talking revolution here!
I thought we had an understanding.
Maybe you had an understanding, but we didn't have anything.
Whoa, wait a second. Take a breath. We're going to chill out, out here, and then we are going inside.
I'm not going in there! I'm not going to let you guys send me off, harley, i'm not the crazy one, you guy, the nut jobs.
I've had about enough of this from you. Ow!
Let go of me.
Okay, you want to play hard ball? Let's play.
Man, i gotta hand it to our ground crew, check out all the people over there. Who knew you had such a following.
They're here for you, sandy.
No. They're here for the mole.
Well, they're here because they believe in you and what you're doing. So much for our mountain picnic, this is like trying to camp out on a balance beam. My mom thought i was going to be cold, feels like it's 90 degrees up here.
Just wait until the sun comes up.
Oh, don't remind me. Thanks. You didn't have to do that.
And you don't have to be here. But this is my fight, marah. When you signed on you thought it would be a few hours, so you've done your time, you can go if you want.
If i left now, my campaign here would be a one-nipts stand. And I'm not that kind of girl.
You see, i didn't mean that, i wasn'T.
Look, i'm not going to wimp out on you, i'm not some little princess that can't survive some quality time up on a billboard.
Oh, i know that. But you may not be used to roughing it.
Oh, and you are?
Well, where i live, if you come home in one piece, it's a banner day.
And where do you live?
I got a place on 5th street.
Hello, so do i, mr. Roughing it guy. I can be as tough as you are.
Oh really?
Oh, yeah.
You want to thumb wrestle?
I've kept quiet long enough.
Oh, please, alan.
And i want the floor. Now, it doesn't matter who moves in or who stays out. Keeping lizzie home is the best thing for her, surrounding her with her family. That's the way it should be, and that's the way it's going to be.
And that is the spaulding way you look truth in the eye and then you ignore it.
Can i say something, please? I'm sorry,. I'm supposed to be a member of this family, i'm just trying to keep quiet but i can't do it any more. It's no wonder this kid is bouncing off the walls with all the signals she's hearing from you people, she hears i love you she hears i don't trust you. Now you want to ship her off so people can fix her. I've seen you try to deal with lizzie, you talk to her like she's two years old. I honestly don't think any of you people know this kidney more that's what i think. And I don't think it matters whether you take her to the middle november where so strangers can fix her, or you keep her here at home where nobody checks in on her with help. She's trying to fit in, she needs to be this family's first priority, not some after thought.
You know, gus, dear, please, I'm sure we all appreciate your sharing your thoughts on this. However, you haven't been a member of the family really long enough to comment on it, although i'm sure your intentions are all pure.
Come on, harley, you act like you're surprised, i mean you were married to my dad, you know a always have these conversations. Can you please let me out of these things? You do have the key, right? And why do you have a pair of these anyway?
They're a souvenir from the force. You're not going to run, are you?
No. You have my word. Yes, i promise, I won't run. Just, please.
All right. Listen, why don't we just hang out, out here, for a minute until things cool down a little bit.
Hell never freezes over, harley, it definitely won't cool down.
Watch your mouth. Those people in there love you very much.
Yeah, so much they're ready to ship me off to the loony bin.
Maybe they just have a different idea of what's best for you, but they're not pulling out their hair for nothing. This whole thing is for you, lizzie!
No, it's not, it's about them and their own stupid agendas, I'm just their little topic du jour. ( cheers and applause)
hey, breaker 1-9, are sandy and marah in the house?
Roger. That these walkie talkies rock, man, who thoughts to send these up?
Oh, thank marina cooper man, she thinks of everything.
When are you crazy kids coming down here?
When dean boudreau surrenders and gives us what we want. ( Cheers and applause)
i can hardly wait to hear what that is. (Boos).
Hello, hello? (Boos).
I don't think it's working, what's going on down there?
The guest of honor just showed up.
The dean.
It's your show now.
I understand what you're doing. And in another context i might have applauded it. But the first amendment is not a blanket right, it does not entitle you to yell fire in a crowded theater. Nor does it give you the right to publicly slander people on the radio, and this little gathering tonight is only adding fuel to the fire.
Allow me. And who put out your fire when you were part of the sit-in at the dean's office at columbia? I did my homework. Campus protests are a noble tradition, dean boudreau, and we are proud to be carrying on your torch.
Marah lewis, two.
Dean boudreau, zero.
I am well aware of the history of the collegiate protest. But i will not allow the student body to put me in a position that i feel is unreasonable. Now, i strongly encourage that you reconsider your options.
Save the mole, you can't control the mole, save the mole, you can't control the mole.
This is beneath you, son.
You always told me to stand up for what i believe in, dad. Are you telling me it doesn't count because you don't believe in it, too?
Oh, that was great! Marah rocks.
Yeah, i didn't see that coming at all. I expected her to be locked away i thought she would be sent somewhere with pints of ice cream and mushy mixed tapes. Look at her, she's going all political. What? What did i say?
Pints of ice cream and mushy mix tapes, such a breakup cliche.
So first it was the caned cheese and now this, i just can't do anything right.
You want to make it up to me?
I can't wait to start.
How do you feel about a little midnight swim at the lake?
I feel good. But my question is, are clothing items optional?
I'm going to go get my suit. Don't go anywhere.
So is that a yes? (Phone rings).
What's up, man? So how is everything going over there? I saw your dad when i left. Did he say anything?
Yeah, but i got right back at him.
Good for you, good for you, i know how kit be with dads.
I hear you. Hey, you and marina are missing out, the crowd has probably doubled in the last five minutes. Yeah, the whole audience is over here.
Okay, so i take it your dad didn't fold then.
Are you kidding? This is only round one.
That's what i figured, but thanks for covering for us on the ground crew, okay? We'll talk to you later. All right.
Excuse me?
Who are you?
Shayne lewis' biggest fan, i saw you pitch last week.
Gus, i apologize for my sister. As usual, she is way off the mark.
We wouldn't have found lizzie if it weren't for gus.
Oh, please, you would have if beth and lillian had told you where they were.
Do we have to go over this again?
Gus is a member of the family aunt alex, whether you like it or not.
I don't.
Oh, really.
Not to mention the fact that he was actually invited here tonight, by me. The person who owns this house in which you no longer live, leading me to the question, why are you here?
Well, you and alan can invite gus here if you wish, of course that's your business. But i am here because lizzie is my business, i'm here for her, phillip. Well, hope up haven't changed your mind, lizzie is still staying here.
Don't make me cuff you again.
They are going to herd my off.
You're going to calm down, chill out and then we are going in there.
No, i am not going in there.
Thinks not a multiple choice, let's go.
Hi, everyone. I'm home.
are you all right?
Yes, daddy, i'm fine.
We were worried about you.
I'm sorry. I know you guys were so worried and everything about this whole ordeal this afternoon. But...
It was just an excuse so i could get out of that stupid cabin, and it was silly and i know that. I won't do it again. And I'm sorry if i freaked you out, mom, i really am.
Lizzie, let's sit down. Let's sit down right there. We'll have a little discussion, sweety.
Sweety, your father and i have been talking, and we have decided that if you will agree to daily sessions with dr. Boudreau, we will be right here to help you.
Help me with what, mom?
Honey, with everything. With whatever feelings are going on for you, with whatever changes are going on in your life. And your father is moving back in. So he'll be here. Your grandmother is moving back in, too. So we're going to get through this, together. Come here.
You all right?
I'm bleeding. The kid is a handful.
Yeah, i'm starting to think they all are.
You're starting to think that?
Honestly, what kind of way is this to run a family?
They're your family.
Oh, yeah, i know.
I heard you in there, your speech. I was very proud of you. And you know what, even though you're one of them, you will never be one of them.
Look, i'm all talk, okay. It's great to have theories about family, just ask my sister though, ask her how good a family member I am.
Thank you, thank you!
Look, i swear, i don't know where that girl came from, okay, I thought she was you. And then she wasn't you, but i swear if i knew that she was you then i would never have...
How is that?
Well, i just want you to be able to tell the difference, that way you know when you're kissing me and when you're kissing some other girl. You should have seen your face. You like practically dropped her on her head.
Okay. So you're not mad.
Well, you keep kissing girls who around me, and then i will be mad. Right now i think i'm just amused. Not every girl gets to go outs with a guy who has a fan club.
Where did that girl even come from?
I don't know. She said she saw you pitch -- you were pitching in roseville last week, that's a pretty long way to go for a shayne lewis kiss.
Yeah, it is. So how far would you go for a shayne lewis kiss?
That depends on how well you're pitching.
That's like incentive, all right. I like that. I got you something.
What is that?
Open it.
Shayne. This is an open-ended plane ticket.
Yes, i've been waiting to give it to you. Because if i'm going to be pitching all these no hitters, then i want to be able to collect on my kisses.
So, this fan club of yours, can i be president?
You got my vote.
Marah? Aren't you going to get some sleep? It could be a long day tomorrow.
That's okay, i'm still too fired up to sleep, but that's good, i do some of my best work when i'm fired up.
You've got to be crazy to do that.
No, you gotta be special. Really special.
Next on guiding light.
We did it!
Yes, we did.
I can't a believe it, we won!
A favor, if you're thinking about messing with this family, you walk away right now.
Part of my plan, i thought that maybe niko should live with us for a little while.