Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 8/29/03
By Eric
Randy: Who there's not -- a lot of strangers there. Sucker got duped again into
Shannon: Never mind the cameras in the fuller relationship if you're able to include me.
Dana: Iokay, bye.
Randy: Our anniversary.
Johnny: Brenda, it's natural. I don't want to think I'm coming on to you or anything, but you must get hit do? They can do be dead in a year.
Lucas:Ut a man needs you're in t rdy way yect. HaT. Y wso i came out I'm not going to say an
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Lillian: Did you hear me?
Beth: Oh, yeah, I heard you, mom. My daughter just tried to slit her wrists and you want me to put more pressure on her.
Lillian: First of all, she did not try to slit her wrists, she threatened to.
Beth: Oh, it's a big difference, mom.
Lillian: Yes, it is a big difference and I'm not telling you to put more pressure on her, I'm telling you to stay the course. After she pulled that little stunt in there, she wants you to second guess yourself. She wants you to throw in the towel and say, "I'm so sorry, lizzie," but you can't give up.
Beth: I am not giving up. But after what just happened in there, I don't think that any of us is in a place to be completely rational and unemotional right now, including you.
Lillian: So, when we get back to springfield, what happens then?
Beth: I don't know.
Lillian: Are you going to let her off the hook? Are you going to think, "oh, she's so fragile now that i don't have to make her face up to what happened with marina and olivia?"
Beth: Mom, I'm just trying to figure out the best way to go about this. Because among other things, what if that wasn't a stunt in there? What if she did want to harm herself? And what if she tries to do it again?
Lillian: Sweetie, that's all the more reason we have to work this through. I don't mean to push you, beth. Maybe it's just my guilt talking, you know? When you were a little girl, i just turned away and closed my eyes to what was going on. I didn't go for help until it was too late and you had all that irreparable damage, honey. Well, this time I will not let you do this to your daughter. I won't let you do what I did. I won'T.
Danny: What are you doing? I want you to get right upstairs and straight into bed. Michelle, u u have had a hell of a night.
Michelle: Honey, I'm fine.
Danny: First you were mugged, you were knocked down on the pavement...
Michelle: I'm fine.
Danny: You may be, but I want you to forget all this business. Just put it out of your mind until tomorrow morning, when you have to go in for the lineup. Okay?
Michelle: Okay. I can do that. But all your tlc and a good night's rest, as good as it may sound, is not going to change my mind.
Danny: Honey?
Michelle: Well, I know that that's what you're hoping, that I'm going to come to my senses by tomorrow morning, right? But nothing's going to chae, danny. I'm not pressing charges aininst nico castano for mugging me and that's that.
Christopher: Yes, i understand what you're saying, but... because these things take time and this one is much too precious to rush. I said no. Why are you...? She's here. I have to go.
Reva: What a pleasant surprise!
Christopher: Come on, you knew I'd be here. I bet you also know what I just ordered?
Reva: I'm seeing a hunk of pie, a la mode.
Christopher: Even worse for the arteries-- french fries.
Reva: Oh.
Christopher: Join me?
Reva: I thought you'd never ask.
Phillip: Gus, have a seat. I just have to make... I thought you were in new york on business.
Alan: Well, I was, but I'm back. And it's not often that I see you two together.
Gus: I'm going to... I could wait outside. That's all right.
Phillip: No, no. No, don'T. Stay. You're already a part of this. Lillian and beth took lizzie off to some cabin to try to get to the bottom of whatever it is that's been bothering her. Well, no, actually, it was a bit more harsh than that. It was more of an intervention.
Alan: I'm aware of this. Alexandra told me when I got home.
Phillip: Well, what you're probably not aware of is that during the course of this, lizzie got so upset that she threatened to slash her wrist.
Alan: What?
Phillip: Yeah.
Alan: But she didn't? She's all right, isn't she?
Phillip: She's all right. Harley was there.
Alan: Harley?
Phillip: Yes.
Alan: Oh.
Phillip: Harley. I asked her to find them and she did. Harley doesn't think that she would have actually gone through with it, but it doesn't matter. Something like this is a serious cry for help, so that's what we're going to give her now. We're going to give her all the help that we possibly can.
Alan: Of course we will.
Phillip: Well, I'm talking about professional help. And I don't just mean her sessions with felicia. I mean more th t that.
Alan: What are you saying? Are you thinking about sending her away to some institution or something?
Phillip: If necessary, yes.
Alan: You can't do that, phillip.
Phillip: I... can. And I will do whatever I have to, to help her. And you will have nothing to say about it, so please keep your opinion to yourself.
Lizzie: You want to talk the entire way home? About what, harley?
Harley: About whatever comes up.
Lizzie: Okay, well try nothing. This day has been so long. It has been a complete nightmare. The only thing I want to do on the way home is sleep, okay?
Harley: I understand. And fortunately for you, you will have plenty of time for sleeping and talking, because we're taking the long way home. The scenic route. (Laughter)
Reva: Smuch for my intuitive abilities. I suddenly feel like I barely know you.
Christopher: Nonsense.
Reva: No, like who would have ever guessed that you would like mustard on your fries instead of ketchup-- which, by the way, is disgusting.
Christopher: Well, you won't think so after you've tried one.
Reva: You're a mystery wrapped up in an enigma.
Christopher: That's me. Deep, very deep.
Reva: I think I may take this opportunity to get to kn you a little better, christopher.
Christopher: Shouldn't you be getting home to your husband, mrs. Lewis?
Reva: My husband happens to be out of town on a convention, so I'm all by my lonesome tonight with all kinds of time on my hands to bug you.
Christopher: Then by all means, bug away.
Michelle: Danny, look at the life the kid has lived. His parents were killed six years ago...
Danny: Michelle...
Michelle: ...Under circumstances that we won't get into, and he's been fending for himself ever since.
Danny: I know. Right, but he's also had plenty of breaks. Ray has reached out to him, so have other people in the community, and this is how he repays their faith in him?
Michelle: Exactly. A lot of people have faith in him, so he can't be all that bad.
Danny: So what? You just want to let him off the hook? Let him walk?
Michelle: No, no. I want to help him. I wanto o get him counseling and public assistance through the hot line. Let him know that there are people out there who care about him.
Danny: He already knows that. He does.
Michelle: Well, maybe if i let this thing go, maybe he'll get the message.
Danny: That... that is the most twisted logic.
Michelle: Well, I'm not swearing out a complaint against him. Look, ray is still down at the courthouse right now. Why don't you go down there and talk to him. You can tell him what I've decided. Maybe he can ease your mind a little bit.
Danny: Okay. Mm-hmm. I'll go to the courthouse. But not to talk to ray. I'm going to talk to this punk. Let him convince me that he deserves your forgiveness-- if he can.
Lizzie: We're taking the scenic route home. Great. You want to pick my brain, too.
Harley: You've had a rough day, lizzie.
Lizzie: Oh, no. Try the worst.
Harley: And you don't want to talk about it? Not even a little bit?
Lizzie: No.
Harley: Maybe you sho d ride home with your mom and lillian. That'll be fun for you.
Lizzie: And I thought you cared about me. Or at least you didn't hate me.
Harley: Honey, I don't hate you. I love you. And I'm not your stepmother anymore, but I still feel responsible for you.
Lizzie: Come on. You want to interrogate me!
Harley: I want to understand you.@
Beth: This isn't about us or our history. It's about lizzie.
Lillian: I know that. And that's all I care about, is helping lizzie.
Beth: The question is, how?
Lillian: Honey, we came up here hoping for a breakthrough. We got one, didn't we? It just wasn't the breakthrough we were hoping for.
Beth: Well, that's the understatement of the year, isn't it?
Lillian: We said that if we failed here, if we couldn't handle this, then we had no choice but to...
Beth: I know, I know. Send her away, I know. (Sobbing)
Lillian: Oh, honey. You shouldn't think of it as a defeat. It's a positive step, beth. You're going to choose to put her in a place where she's going to be safe and she's going to work on her problems.
Beth: God. I know that you're right. I know this is too big for us. And I know she needs more help than we can give her.
Lillian: Sweetie, I hate this as much as you do.
Beth: Yeah. Yeah. But trust me, as much as we hate it, that's nothing compared to how phillip's going to feel.
Phillip: I'm not saying that I am definitely going to send lizzie away. I don't know what the right thing to do for her is yet. I need to talk to beth and i need to talk to lillian.
Alan: And lizzie as well, i hope.
Phillip: And to her therapist. And probably some other professionals. And then once I have that information, beth and I will sit down and we will make a decision.
Thomas: Mr. Phillip, you have a phone call. Shall I transfer it in here?
Phillip: No, that's all right, thomas, I'll take it in the den. Gus, join me. I'll make this quick and then I'd like to ask you a few things.
Gus: Sure.
Alan: Go on. I wish that you would become involved in this. After all, I've been summarily excluded. Alexandra? What you warned me about lizzie is happening. Hurry.
Christopher: And I like my yogurt low fat, my milk 2%, but only cream in my coffee.
Reva: I don't believe I asked you for your particur list of chosen foods. I want to know about you, chris.
Christopher: Food is the staff of life.
Reva: Be serious. Tell me something about yourself, something that I never would have guessed.
Christopher: Or intuited.
Reva: Well, yeah... like this. I can't believe I've never asked you this.
Christopher: Asked me what?
Reva: How you got started in studying psychic phenomena? Was it just the next logical step in your doctoral studies, or was there something more specific?
Christopher: Actually, it was my wife.
Reva: Now, see, there's something else I didn't know. You're married. You have a wife. Is she psychic? I'd love to meet her.
Christopher: No, kate was many wonderful things, but psychic wasn't one of them and I'm afraid you can't meet her, because she passed away.
Reva: Oh. I'm so sorry.
Christopher: No, please. How could you have known? Like you said, I never talk about her.
Reva: Have you ever tried to...
Christopher: Contact her? No. And for future reference, that subject is off-limits.
Harley: So what time did you, your mom and your grandma get to the cabin? Was it a shouting match the whole time or was there a point where you felt you were making some progress? Don't break a sweat or anything over there. Lizzie? You know, you're not alone and you're not crazy.
Lizzie: That's reassuring.
Harley: M mean, any kid your age would feel threatened with another sibling coming on.
Lizzie: I'm not a kid, okay?
Harley: Especially when the mother is someone you don't even like.
Lizzie: I don't care about olivia. I mean, it's not the baby's fault. I wouldn't blame it on the baby.
Harley: It's not your fault, either. You are entitled to your feelings.
Lizzie: (Laughs)
feelings? Oh, what, you haven't heard? I don't have any feelings.
Harley: Of course you do.
Lizzie: Well, not according to my dad. Did he ever once say "lizzie, you're going to have a new little baby sister, is that okay? I mean, you don't mind, do you?" No. Of course not.
Harley: Well, that had to hurt.
Lizzie: No, actually, I just thought it was rude, that's all. I mean, it's his problem, not mine. I'm fine with it now.
Ray: Danny...
Danny: Right. Why won't you let me talk to this kid? Huh? I mean, if he is so sorry for what he did, let him tell me himself.
Ray: Usually, I'd agree with you, but this setup isn't fair to him, all right?
Danny: Fair? Come on, ray. Did he or did he not attack michelle?
Ray: All I'm saying, if you really want to see what the kid is like deep down, this is a lousy place to do it. In a hearing room where he's about to be arraigned?
Danny: So what?
Ray: Danny, it's a heck of a time to ask someone to make a good impression.
Danny: I don't need him to make a good impression. I need him to be on the level with me. So what if he's feeling pressure or if he's scared. Tough. That's life.
Ray: Okay. Okay. But before he gets here, I want to explain to you why he did what he did.
Danny: I don't need an explanation.
Cop: Five minutes.
Ray: Nico, this is my cousin...
Nico: The great danny santos. I know who you are.
Ray: Danny wants to...
Nico: To save us all from ourselves? Right, man? Isn't that your angle now?
Danny: My angle?
Nico: Your new scam. Before you were a dirt-bag, and now you're a man of the people. The great hispanic hope of fifth street.
Danny: Nice little attitude you got on you.
Nico: And you're full of...
Ray: Nico! Hey. This is the husband of the woman you assaulted. Show some respect.
Nico: No, father, I'm sorry. You're different; I respect you. But him? He's all santos.
Danny: This is a waste of my time, ray.
Nico: When I was a kid, fifth street was a decent neighborhood. Maybe most people had to scrape by, but they did it with pride. Then your crew came along and suddenly there's dealers on every stoop and hookers in every corner. Suddenly we all need protection from the same scum we've got to pay it to.
Danny: You through?
Nico: I struggle my whole life not to sink as low as you and the first time I boost something... but hey, that's the lucky kind of guy I am. So, what's your move now, danny boy? You going to ice me, so everyone knows they've got to shake in their sneakers every time they see you struttg g down the street?
Danny: Now are you through? Good. My turn. My mother's days are over, castano. On fifth street and everywhere else. My angle is to clean up the mess that she left behind, and if that mess includes you, so be it.
Ray: Nico, hey! Hey.
Nico: Here's a better idea. Why don't you bring my parents back from the dead? Then maybe I'll give a damn what you have to say, you son of A...
Ray: Nico. Nico. Hey, come on. Danny, this isn't helping any.
Cop: Break it up!
Ray: Come on, come on.
Danny: All right. oprah: His house was swept up in a tornado and then dropped from the sky with him inside. Wow. You've experienced "the wizard of oz" literally.
I figured I was a dead man. Oprah: I
Ray: Nico. Nico.
Cop: Enough!
Nico: Whoa. Relax, officer. I didn't mean nothing. He ain't worth it.
Danny: The same goes for you, buddy. Once a punk, always a punk.
Nico: Once a santos, always a santos.
Ray: Great.
Danny: See you.
Ray: I'll be there in a minute, nico. That went well.
Danny: What do you see in that lowlife, ray?
Ray: Stop blowing off steam and I'll tell you. He's a good kid, danny. He's never done anything like this before.
Danny: Really?
Ray: He's a musician, all right? Not a crook.
Danny: (Laughs) a musician?
Ray: Plays guitar, pretty good, too. Works hard at it.
Danny: Yeah, I'll bet. Except when he's off mugging peop..
Ray: Look, remember when i told you that it didn't make sense, that there had to be a reason for this? While they were booking him, he told me. This afternoon, someone stole his guitar.
Danny: Yeah. Wait, wait... I'm hearing violins.
Ray: Danny, for nico, his guitar, his music, is a ticket to a better life. It's his only hope. When he lost the guitar, he freaked out. He did a stupid, desperate thing, which he's very, very sorry for.
Danny: Oh, so that's what that was: An apology.
Ray: No, danny. He had an attitude because of who you are, because of our name. He hated me too, for years, even while I was helping him. Our family kild d his family. Can you blame him, danny?
Cop: Stay put while I radio in.
Nico: Sure, officer. No problem.
Christopher: I didn't mean to jump down your throat before. It's just that my relationship with kate was so special and i didn't want it lumped in with...
Reva: All of the other readings that you've been party to. I understand that.
Christopher: (Sighs
Reva: Did you two meet in school?
Christopher: No, after. I was already in practice, very involved with my work. This was before I got involved in the kind of work you and i are doing. When I was working with adolescents.
Reva: Did she work, too?
Christopher: Mm-hmm. As a teacher. Third grade. She loved working with kids. That's one thing we had in common from the beginning. She was so passionate about it. She was just a regular bundle of energy. And very determined about her convictions. She was very strong-willed. You remind me a lot of her sometimes.
Reva: How did she die? Was it an illness?
Christopher: She was on her way home from school one day, stopped off to run some errands and when she stepped out into the street, a car came out of nowhere and hit her, broadside.
Reva: Oh, lord.
Christopher: They say your life can change in an instant. It's true. I've gone over that day in my mind a million times, reva.
Reva: I'm sure.
Christopher: What if kate hadn't gone to that store at that moment? What if she had hesitated just a second before stepping off the curb? Or, what if I had had a sense that something bad was going to happen to her? I could have warned her.
Reva: You torture yourself with those kind of questions.
Christopher: No, no. Those kind of questions are why I've gone so far out of my way to get to know you.
Lizzie: Hey! That was our turn! Harley, do you hear me? That was our turn.
Harley: I heard you. I told you, the scenic route. There'll be other turns.
Lizzie: (Sighs) (radio playing) I know what you think. You think that I had something to do with olivia falling down those stairs. Well, I didn't, okay?
Harley: Okay.
Lizzie: I mean, I'm just letting you know for the record that I would never hurt an innocent baby. Or olivia.
Harley: Okay.
Lizzie: I mean, when I saw that the carpet was torn, I told olivia that she needed to get it repaired because I didn't want her to get hurt. I mean, if I did, I wouldn't have told her that, right? Right?
Harley: Right.
Lizzie: I mean, when I saw her coming down those steps, i saw that it was torn again, and I called out to her to warn her. That's just normal. You don't believe me. Great. Why won't anyone believe me?
Phillip: Oh. Well, now I know why you gave up so easily before. You were waiting for reinforcements.
Alan: Phillip, this is not a battle, even though I'm sure you would like to make it one.
Phillip: I am trying to do what is best for my daughter.
Alexandra: Oh, phillip. Phillip, that's what we all want.
Phillip: But I'm sure the two of you are positive that you know exactly what that is.
Alan: I know that this family should be united in whatever decision is made concerning lizzie.
Phillip: You're right. About that, you are right, and as a family, we will be united. Beth and I will make the decision and the two of you will go along with it.
Alexandra: Phillip, alan just told me what happened up at the cabin. I mean, what lizzie did. Now, in hindsight, do you really think that this intervention was a good idea? See, no. And neither did I.
Alan: Alexandra tried to talk to lillian and tell her as much while there was still time to stop, but lillian would not listen to alexandra.
Alexandra: Come on, come on. Do you really think that beth and lillian did any good? Because everything... they just made things worse. (Sighs) come on. Now they're even talking about institutionalizing her, and what? You're listening to them?
>> Phillip: You know what? No, I'm not sure that this was necessarily a bad thing. At least it brought it all out into the open. That may be good, because now we can deal with it and go on from here.
Alexandra: Yes, fine. Let's do go on, but let's go in the right direction this time. Let's not go in the direction that these misguided raines women want to lead us in. For heaven's sake, look, I love beth, but we all know she has had her own issues.
Alan: Lillian as well, phillip, and you know that.
Alexandra: No, of course you're going to listen to their opinions, just as I hope you're going to listen to our opinions, but ultimately, phillip, you're the only one qualified to make this kind of a decision. And you have to do it very, very carefully, because whatever you decide here, today, right now, is going to affect your daughter for the rest of her life.
Lizzie: You, of all people, you were there when I was sick, when I almost died. I thought I could count on you.
Harley: You can.
Lizzie: Yeah, but all of a sudden, you don't believe me when it comes to olivia now.
Harley: I'll believe you when you tell me the truth.
Lizzie: I'm telling you the truth!
Harley: How can I believe that when you've lied about so much else,izizzie.
Lizzie: Like what?
Harley: Like you didn't send ben up to the cabin after marina, even though the da has a map with your handwriting on it that proves otherwise. Like you're not furious with your father for getting olivia pregnant. Like you don't hate olivia's guts when anybody with eyes can see you do.
Lizzie: So what are you saying?
Harley: I'm saying that you deny things, lizzie. You deny and you deny and you deny until it's, like, the boy who cried wolf. You know? You want people to believe you, but of course, they're going to doubt you, so you need to open up. You need to tell us what has happened so that we can trust you. You need to be honest.
Lizzie: Okay. Honestly? I wish everyone would leave me the hell alone.
Harley: (Laughs) well, after today, the likelihood of that is pretty slim.
Lizzie: What do you mean, "after today"?
Harley: You tried to kill yourself, lizzie. That's not something your family can just ignore. They can't just sweep that under the rug. No. They are going to have to take action now. They are going to have to get you some serious help.
Alexandra: Phillip, I know this feels dire right now and you want to take strong action and you should.
Alan: Just make sure it's the right action.
Alexandra: Look, lizzie already feels branded. She feels different than her peers. It's not just her social position, but for heaven's sakes, all the tragedies she's endured.
Alan: Yes. The business with carl? Her leukemia?
Alexandra: For heaven's sakes, she's already been in a mental institution. I mean, thank goodness it was long enough ago that maybe nobody remembers, but phillip, if you send her away now...
Alan: Yes. Here she is about to enter her senior year in school.
Alexandra: The whole town will find out about this.
Alan: Not to mention the press.
Alexandra: This is exactly the kind of thing that will follow her around, it'll follow her all the way through college, the rest of her life. No one will ever look at her the same way. She will be branded.
Alan: And for nothing, phillip, because she does not have to go away to receive help.
Alexandra: No, she doesn'T. We can take care of her right here. We've got all our resources. We can give her 24-hour care, everything she needs.
Alan: Yes. And let's not forget, she's acting out because she feels her family has abandoned her, and if you send her away, phillip, all of her fears will be confirmed.
Phillip: What do you think?
Alexandra: Phillip, please.
Please. You can take care of her right here. You've got all the resources, and that way she can have the full support of the family.
Lillian: Oh, I knew it.
Phillip: Where's lizzie?
Beth: She's fine. She's riding back with harley.
Lillian: I knew we'd come here and find the two of you strong-arming him.
Alexandra: Oh, please, lillian.
Lillian: Don't listen to them, phillip. Not if you love your little girl.
Danny: Yeah, all right, thanks.
Ray: You know what you just said that made me really happy?
Danny: What, ray?
Ray: How proud you are of the way you're running fifth street, turning it around.
Danny: Yeah, I am proud.
Ray: Of course there's a lot of people that think the way nico does; that a santos can never change his spots. There's a way to prove them wrong, you know.
Danny: (Sighs) okay. I'll take the bait. How's that, ray?
Ray: Do something that proves that you put the past behind you. Like, give nico a job.
Danny: Oh, give me a break. You got to be kidding.
Ray: Danny, the kid won't accept charity.
Danny: Ray...
Ray: For years, I've seen this kid do whatever it takes to earn what little he can fair and square.
Danny: Yeah, until tonight.
Ray: I'm telling you, danny, the kid's bright, resourceful. Just give him the right shot and he'lrurun with it.
Danny: Like he ran off with michelle's purse?
Ray: Okay, look, think of the pr you can get out of the deal. Man, talk about turning the other cheek. The press would have a field day with this. They'll eat it up.
Danny: You're unbelievable. You know that?
Ray: And you're thinking about it. Otherwise you would have decked me by now.
Danny: Yeah, I'm tempted except I got the afterlife to worry about.
Raydo it, danny.
Danny: Ray.
Ray: Come on, man. Say yes.
Cop #2: Excuse me, father. Did you see a kid run through here? Dark sweatshirt, jeans, about this tall?
Ray: Nico castano? The kid waiting arraignment?
Cop #2: Yeah, yeah, he palmed the handcuff key. Knocked one of our cops out. We're searching for him.
Ray: No, I'm sorry, I haven't seen him.
Danny: This isn't good.
Ray: What would ever possess this kid to do something so...
Danny: Who cares about nico? I've got a bad feeling about this. This is...
Ray: What, why?
Danny: This is not good. Because that punk hates me. And maybe when he mugged michelle, he didn't know that she was my wife, but now he definitely does.
Michelle: Danny? Hey... how'd it go? Did you... talk to him? Danny? ( Stammers) what are you doing here?
Nico: Hey, from the outside, it looks like you have more money than god.
Michelle: Look, what do you want?
Nico: Why did you have to fight me? Why couldn't you just give me your damn purse? It would have been over and i would have been out of there. But, no, you had to play wonder woman. And now they want to lock me up. I can't do time, man. I can'T.
Christopher: I think about what happened to my wife; how she died. And, yes, a partf f me wants to connect with her now. But an even bigger part wants to make it so that nobody else has to lose a loved one the way i did.
Reva: I don't quite follow you.
Christopher: Reva, this ability you have to look into the past, what if it could be harnessed to look ahead?
Reva: You mean predict the future? Predict whether or not a car's going to come out of nowhere and hit someone who innocently steps off a curb?
Christopher: Why not?
Reva: Well, because that's a totally different road than the one we've been on.
Christopher: No, it's the same road. It's just extended in another direction...
Reva: No, no. It's playing with fate.
Christopher: Reva, you would still be using your intuition, just in a different way.
Reva: But...
Christopher: Imagine if you and I were both in a house, but you had a better sense of smell than I did and you caught a whiff of smoke, would you not tell me that that house is on fire because it's playing with fate?
Reva: Oh, no, of course I'd tell you but...
Christopher: This is just another area where your senses are more acute than other people'S. And if you can use this skill to save lives, what's wrong with that?
Reva: Because it... it... it feels like something that could be abused. I just... I would have to think about that.
Christopher: Okay. I understand. You take all the time you need. I have to go. I'll call you tomorrow.
Michelle: What are you doing?
Nico: It's yours. It's the money I took from you. Look, I'm sorry.
Danny: Hey! (Struggling)
Michelle: Danny! Danny, stop!
Nico: Get off me!
Michelle: Danny, please! Please!
Danny: What are you doing? Don't defend him!
Michelle: Danny, he...
Danny: This punk was coming! You dot know what he was going to do!
Michelle: He came to return the money that he stole from me.
Danny: What?!?
Michelle: He... before you burst in, that's what he was doing. No, wait, please! Please, I can explain. He didn't mean to...
Danny: What, he didn't mean to, what, michelle, rob you? Attack a cop? Escape custody?
Michelle: I can explain. Please, officers, I can explain this.
Danny: I'm going to tell you something, punk. My cousin almost convinced me to give you the benefit of the doubt, give you a job.
Nico: I wouldn't work for you if my life depended on it!
Danny: That's right, your life did depend on it. And you just blew it. Get him out of here. Get him out.
Alexandra: Lillian, I know how much you love lizzie. But, please, let's be honest about this. You have... you have been hell bent on having her committed. You won't even entertain another alternative.
Lillian: Alex, our little lizzie, she just threatened to kill herself. Does that mean nothing to you?
Alexandra: Well, of course, it means...
Beth: Okay, stop it! This is between phillip and me and only phillip and me. Yes?
Phillip: Yes.
Beth: Phillip, if you h seen her at that cabin, she was completely out of control. For a few minutes, she wasn't even our little girl. I didn't recognize her.
Lillian: It's true, phillip.
Bh:H: S tried to slit her wrist with this. You can ask harley. She was there. (Crying) what'soioing on with lizzie is too big for us to handle on our own. And I know that you two don't believe that, but it's true. I don't want to send her away anymore than you do, but what choice do we have? We have to. And I mean, "we," phillip, because you have to sign off on this, too. Please, say that you'll go along with this, before it's too late. Before we lose lizzie for good.
Lizzie: What do you mean my family's going to have to take action now?
Harley: Well, honey, you haven't left them any choice when you held that glass to your wrist. I mean, you forced their hand. You know, they can't risk you trying to hurt yourself again.
Lizzie: So? (Laughs) so what? I don't understand this, harley. You're going to have to explain it to me.
Harley: Okay, after what you did today, if you keep denying that anything is wrong, they are going to have to get you some he.
Lizzie: Why? I already have help. I see felicia.
Harley: Oh, no, no, no, more intensive than that. And away from home, obviously.
Lizzie: An institution?
Harley: Well, there are several good ones nearby, small ones that are geared to kids yourgege, really.
Lizzie: So that's what's going to happen when I go home. They're just going to send me off to some loony bin again?
Harley: Well, they won't have to if you start to tell the truth.
Lizzie: No, I can't, harley. I won'T.
Harley: Okay.
Lizzie: Stop the car.
Harley: Let go of the wheel.
Lizzie: Pull the car over.
Harley: Lizzie, let go of the wheel. Let go of the... no!
Lizzie: (Screams)
Shayne: Next on "guiding
Marina: Excuse me?
Lizzie: Let go of me!
Harley: Okay, you want me to play hardball? Let's play.