GL Transcript Tuesday 8/26/03

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 8/26/03

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Priscilla

Billy: A changed mitt?

Josh: Didn't hear you come in.

Billy: Yeah, well, you don't have to ring the doorbell when you run in to the lady of the house on the way out.

Josh: Yeah, that's right. Reva went to meet with Dr. Christopher Lang ham, her... her new mentor.

Billy: Well, she said something about a meeting, but she didn't say anything about mentor. You know I caught her show the other day-- the one on the mind reading.

Josh: Well, good. So you saw her get that that little girl was still alive, huh?

Billy: Yeah, pretty wild stuff, you know. Just tell me, josh, does this mean that Reva has second sight or she just got beginners luck?

Josh: Some people call it a gift.

Billy: Yeah, people like Christopher Langham. I'm telling you, Josh, if H.B. were alive, he'd be falling down laughing.

Josh: I'm sure he would be. It's just a funny thing, isn't it?

Billy: I hate to say this, josh, but you know, oiling a mitt is kind of personal thing, isn't it? Don't you think it should be for the guy whose mitt it is?

Josh: It's just dry. That's all.

Billy: Yeah, but it's Shayne.

Josh: I think I screwed up.

Billy: Okay. How did little brother screw up?

Josh: These last few months I’ve been thinking so much about Shayne, you know, and his baseball career. That's all... That's all I’ve been thinking about. And I'm beginning to realize that it wasn't really Shayne that needed all that time and attention. I think it was Reva.

Christopher: Hi, it's me. Did you see the news report? Impressive. Reva Lewis has had virtually no formal training and she was able to contact a child who has been missing for years. Arthur c. Cap's been at this a decade and he couldn't pick up the signals. Reva is our lady. There's no question about that. That does not mean that we could rush into this. It's much too important for that. Look, I don't care. Leave the timetable to me. Reva.

Reva: Somebody ticked you off. Anyone I know?

Gus: Hey, Reva.

Reva: Gus, hi.

Gus: Enjoyed you the other day on the air.

Reva: Oh...

Gus: I heard they found the little girl alive. That's amazing.

Christopher: Reva was brilliant.

Gus: Yeah. And I'm sure that the parents of the child think the same exact thing. See you.

Reva: You too, sweetie. Well, if I was so brilliant, why can't I ever read you?

Gus: Baby. You drinking coffee. You know what? It works for me. If you just hook you

(Sorry, it didn't work; something wrong with the broadcast or tape, apparently...)

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