Guiding Light Transcript Monday 8/25/03
By Suzanne
Proofread by Priscilla
Rick: Hey.
Olivia: I want to know, okay? And I want the
truth. Don't keep anything from me.
Rick: Olivia...
Olivia: If something bad is going to happen,
I want to know now.
Rick: Olivia... Olivia, the contractions and
the bleeding have stopped. Which are very good signs. And from everything that
we see, you're going to have a very healthy and happy baby. (Laughs)
Olivia: Oh, thank god.
Rick: It's going to be fine. You have a
visitor outside. You care to see him?
Olivia: Is it Phillip?
Rick: Do you want me to let him in or do you
want me to call security?
Olivia: Rick...
Rick: I know. I know he's in the wing, but he
is the baby's father.
Olivia: It isn't Phillip.
Rick: Then what is it?
Lizzie: Olivia!
Olivia: You know I do want to see him. Could
you send him in?
Thomas: I'm sorry. Mr. Spaulding is in New
York on business.
Alexandra: Thomas... Thomas, don't worry. I'm
not here to Alan anyway. I've got other important things on my mind.
Thomas: Well, he made it very clear that
you're really not...
Alexandra: Not to worry, Thomas. I'm not
going to squeal on you for letting mer in on the premises here for heaven sakes.
(Laughs) actually I’m looking for Lizzie. Okay. She didn't she didn't show up
for work today. Might you know where she is?
Thomas: She left the house this morning with
her mother. They had bags.
Alexandra: (Laughs) well, that doesn't make
any sense. It's not like Beth to take off, grab Lizzie, go somewhere without
telling anyone. I think I'll call Phillip.
Lillian: Hi, Alex.
Alexandra: Oh, Lillian, good. Hello, darling.
Lillian: How are you?
Alexandra: Ah. Listen, do you have any idea
of where Lizzie and Beth are?
Lillian: Yeah, Beth and Lizzie, they went
away for a while. Beth said to tell you she's sorry about the internship, but
she thought this trip was more important.
Alexandra: (Laughs) well... Where did they
Lillian: Not far. They just took some time.
Alexandra: Time. Where?
Lillian: I'm afraid I can't tell you that,
Alexandra: Lillian. It's not like I'm prying
into their private... This is me you're talking to.
Lillian: I know whom I’m talking to. But
Beth doesn't want anyone to find them and that is good enough for me.
Remy: No. Thank you.
Marah: Doughnut?
Shayne: I'm good. Thanks.
Marah: You guys. You are all so amazing. Way
above and beyond the call of duty. And now it's time to get our message out.
Remy: All right, let's do it.
Marina: Go rebels!
Marina Marah: Whoa!
Marah: Okay. So I want you guys to stop
everyone on the street. Make sure that everyone gets a poster. Go to the
library; go in the parking lot, the dorms, and the cafeteria, whatever it takes.
I want everyone in front of the dean's office for the protest.
Shayne: Okay, here we go. What do you guys
think? Check... Check it out.
Remy: Wow! (Laughs)
Marah: I think it's great. But Remy...
Shayne: It's cool. Remy's the man. He doesn't
mind going up against his dad, right?
Remy: No, no, no. Shayne, this isn't about my
dad. It's about the first amendment and freedom of speech.
Shayne: Okay.
Remy: He has no right to throw the mole off
the air. Hey, if I could fight for the constitution and jerk my dad's chain at
the same time, it works for me.
Sandy: Guys...
Marah: Hey.
Sandy: Guys, I can't believe you stayed up
all night working your butts off.
Marah: Well, it was for a good cause, right?
(All): Right. Right. Right.
Marah: So where's the mole?
Sandy: Moles are nocturnal. You know that.
Marah: Ah. Now we are all putting ourselves
on the line here. The least the mole can do is show up and say thank you. What's
his problem?
Cassie: I feel like a kid.
Edmund: That's funny; you've always felt more
like a woman to me.
Cassie: Oh, you know what I mean. I don't
know. I just... I feel like we're at the malt shop and we should have a soda and
two straws between us.
Edmund: Oh, well.
Garcon! A soda and two straws please.
Buzz: I wish you wouldn't call me garcon.
Cassie: Buzz...
Buzz: I'm sorry. It takes getting used to.
Edmund: I really don't care what anybody
thinks. I've never been happier. And you know what? I'm also very proud of us.
So proud in fact as soon as we get the farm finished, I want to invite everyone
out there for what do call them things. For a hoedown.
Cassie: (Laughs) oh, man, I’d love to see
you square dance. (Both laugh)
Jeffrey: Hey, buzz. Can I get two eggs over
easy, tall glass of orange juice, wheat toast, no butter and not over toasted,
please? Thanks.
Edmund: Even the way that man orders his food
is annoying.
Jeffrey: Ah, just the man that I wanted to
see. Saves me a dime. Scooch over, will you, honey?
Jeffrey: Thank you. So, yeah, I'm trying to
track down Beth. Beth Raines. Yeah, she seems to have vanished. Any idea where
she might be?
Edmund: Why would I have an idea of where she
might be?
Jeffrey: Well, she's your ex- wife, isn't
she? I mean, don't you make, like, Julio Iglesias and keep track of all those
girls that you've loved before?
Edmund: Do you have any idea of how hugely
unfunny you are right now?
Cassie: Okay, so why do you need to find
Beth? Did she ignore a parking ticket or something?
Jeffrey: No, no. I just need to talk to her.
Edmund: Does she need a lawyer?
Jeffrey: No, no. I don't think so.
Cassie: Is this about Beth’s daughter? Is
this about Lizzie?
Jeffrey: No, no. It's not about Lizzie. I
guess you could say it's personal.
Edmund: It's personal. You and Beth? (Laughs)
Buzz: I tell you, I’m in the wrong
business. I'd love to sling hash with Jeffrey O’Neill's and the Edmund
Winslow’s of this world. I might as well sell this place and move to
Frank: Okay, you know, you can't sell this
place, because you mortgaged it to help raise money for marina's tuition at
Buzz: That's no longer an issue. She's going
to be the beneficiary of this will. She could buy us and sell us.
Frank: No, that's not true actually, because
she's not going to accept the money.
Buzz: Well, thank god it's not your call.
Because if she doesn't keep that million bucks, they're going to have to call
the paramedics for me.
Marah: So the mole-- where is he?
Marina: You know what? I think I know why the
mole is no show.
Marah: Oh, you do?
Marina: Yes. It's very simple. Okay, the guy
has made his living off of bad mouth people, right? And now those exact same
people are defending his right to free speech. It's got to be a little
Sandy: That's the mole, all right. He's not
doing well at thank you’s.
Marah: Okay, okay. Well, no one is expecting
a pat on the back. We just want him to come out of his cave and show us his
little shadow or whatever.
Shayne: That's a ground hog.
Marah: Ah-huh. Okay, a rodent is a rodent. He
should be around for the protest.
Sandy: Believe me he'll show up as soon as
dean Boudreaux changes his policy.
Remy: Okay, then we will probably never see
him. Look, when my dad makes up his mind, it takes an act of god to change it.
Well, that or my mom making him sleeps on the sofa.
Marah: (Laughs) okay, okay. Enough chitchat.
Back to work, everyone. Back to work.
Shayne: You know what? I think I figured out
why you dragged me along here to get involved with this little cause.
Marina: Why?
Shayne: It's so that you wouldn't have to
make any decisions tonight.
Marina: Don't pressure me, Lewis. Just go
make another poster or something.
Shayne: You got it.
Marina: Hey, no sugar for you. You have a
game tonight.
Shayne: No sugar for you until you make your
Marina: I can't, okay? I can't, I can't, I
can't, I can’t.
Shayne: No, listen. Come on, marina, hey,
hey, hey. This thing is going to drive you crazy if you don't just figure it.
Just think about it. What are you going to do with Ben’s money?
Marina: I don't know!
Sandy: You know, there's really no way to say
how much I appreciate this.
Marah: Well, it's worth it.
Sandy: When I pour myself into something body
and soul the way you are, usually means I’m trying not to think about
something else or someone else.
Alexandra: Thomas, it might be best if you
left us alone. Okay, Lillian, come on, where are they?
Lillian: If Beth wanted you to know she would
have told you herself, all right?
Alexandra: No. No, it is not all right.
Alan's out of town and Phillip... Does Phillip have any idea that his child is
Lillian: Missing? She's with her mother.
Alexandra: (Laughs) well, fine. Fine.
Lillian, I’m all for some good mother/daughter quality time, but why all the
secrecy here?
Lillian: (Laughs) oh, come on, Alex. As
though a secret is something new to this family?
Alexandra: Okay. I guess maybe I'm slightly
miffed that Beth thinks she has to keep secrets from me.
Lillian: Beth is not concerned about you. She
is concerned about Lizzie right now.
Alexandra: Oh, fine, fine. So I’m
suppose... I should, what? Get over myself? Mm-hmm. (Laughs) it's just that the
rest of the family has a right to know what's going on with Lizzie.
Lillian: Oh, she's sick.
Alexandra: She's sick? It's not the leukemia?
Lillian: No, it's not physical. It's... It's
emotional, Alex. And the sooner we all realize it, the better.
Alexandra: Yes, well, I... Don't you think
you might be jumping to some conclusions here, Lillian? I mean given the turmoil
that Lizzie's had in her life. I mean, come on, the erratic behavior mother's
acted out for a number of years. Well, she has a right to some issues, Lillian.
Lillian: This is about blame, Alex. Not at
all. By the way, Beth is hardly the only unstable member in Lizzie's family.
Alexandra: Okay, touché. Okay then, what do
we do to fix it?
Lillian: Well, that's what Beth is trying to
figure out right now.
Alexandra: Fine. But we're family, too. I
mean Alan adores that child. Phillip's her father for heaven sakes. And I have
been trying to...
Lillian: I know all of this, but the
Spaulding way to fix something is to write a check and make it all better. Well,
it won't work this time.
Alexandra: Okay, Lillian, I'll put away my
checkbook, okay? I will also try to keep my mouth shut.
Lillian: That's good for a start.
Alexandra: But what about this? Why don't we
just join Beth and Lizzie, make it a nice girl's weekend, a spa weekend of
massages and facials, absolutely no interference. What do you say?
Lillian: Nice try. That's what I say.
Alexandra: Lillian, do you really think
you're going to stop me from finding Lizzie?
Lillian: Alex, if you really love Lizzie, you
will leave Beth and her alone.
Rick: Pal, she's ready to see you. Just...
Just, you know, try not to upset her.
Phillip: Tell me, is the baby going to be
Rick: You're going to be a father again. So
try to go in there and be a comfort to her.
Phillip: Okay. Thanks.
Rick: You're welcome.
Phillip: Hey. I just talked to Rick. He told
me the good news about the baby. I'm relieved. I'm sorry you had to go through
all of this.
Olivia: Look, you want to have a seat?
Phillip: Sure.
Olivia: I'm sorry that... I'm sorry that I
upset the day that I didn't want to see you.
Phillip: Oh, that's all right. You know, as
long as the baby is out of danger.
Olivia: Yeah, which there is a reason for it?
There are things that... That... Things that you don't know. Things that I
haven't told you yet.
Phillip: About?
Olivia: Lizzie. And I wish that I didn't have
to say this, but I believe Lizzie caused my fall.
Edmund: (Laughs) so you're saying your
interest in Beth is romantic?
Jeffrey: Maybe. What's so funny about that?
Edmund: Well, she's... She's somewhat out of
your league, mer. O’Neill. She's refined. She's elegant. She's sophisticated.
Essentially everything you are not.
Jeffrey: Well, so far she hasn't let any of
those qualities get in the way.
Edmund: Oh, my god! Are you saying she's
actually returning your interests?
Cassie: Okay, not that it's any of my
business, but...
Jeffrey: You're right, Mrs. Winslow, it's
Cassie: But Beth has had her share of
problems. I don't think she needs someone like you...
Jeffrey: Problems. What problems are you
talking about?
Cassie: It's just a figure of speech, Mr.
Jeffrey: Oh, I know. It's that multiple
personality thing, isn't it?
Cassie: Wow. Is there anything you don't
Jeffrey: Well, let's just say, I like to do
my homework. Oh, you know what? I'm going to take that to go. Thanks.
Cassie: I think you should stay away from
Jeffrey: Oh, you do.
Cassie: Mm-hmm.
Jeffrey: Hmm. Now I'm even more intrigued.
And as far as that multiple personality thing goes, well, the way I see it that
could be a plus, can't it? Two for the price of one.
Cassie: Just when I thought he couldn't get
any lower.
Edmund: Hmm. You know, as much I would hate
to see poor Beth tangled up with the likes of Jeffrey O’Neil, on a purely
selfish level, it would distract him from stalking us.
Cassie: That's very true.
Edmund: Yes. And it's a very good thing.
Cassie: True.
Edmund: Yes.
Cassie: Yes.
Edmund: It's funny though; I wouldn't have
thought you felt that way judging your response.
Marina: You really think I should take
Ben’s money.
Shayne: Look, whatever you were feeling about
northwestern before you remember you just pushed it aside, because you don't
want to take money from your family. But if you accept this money then, you
know, you don't need to worry about decisions for school. You could do whatever
you want.
Marina: I don't know. I mean, am I completely
nuts? Because it's like when you say it like that, it seems so simple. You know,
it seems it's a gift. I should just take Ben’s money. I just can't get over
the fact that people died because of Ben.
Shayne: Yeah, but if you accept the money
then, you know, you can make something good come out of all of this pain.
Marina: But I can make something for me come
out of it. It just seems really selfish. You know, there's just got to be
another way.
Marah: You know, for someone who is partners
with the mole, you are awfully sensitive.
Sandy: Ah, but for a guy, sensitivity is not
going to get you the girl.
Marah: See, guys never know what women want.
If they did, relationships would be so much easier.
Sandy: So when you called the show and talked
about telling the truth even it made you lost something important...
Marah: It was personal. I was faced with
making a choice and seeing the truth about something, someone.
Sandy: That's a funny thing, Marah. All I
know about Tony is that he's a pretty good guy. Did I... Sorry. Did I touch a
nerve there?
Marah: Marina, Shayne, Remy, you know what?
Take a look at the work we've done around this. What is missing from these
posters? What is it that you can't see?
Shayne: Digital enhancements?
Remy: Hot looking babes?
Marina: Good penmanship.
Marah: No, it is not just about the slogan.
It's about the heart and soul that goes into this. It's not just about free
speech. It's about making a difference. And I just want to thank you guys,
because without your help, without working together and taking action nothing
changes, okay. You guys took responsibility, you saw an injustice, you went with
it, and you've helped it. And I think you all should give yourselves a big hand.
Remy: Here, here.
Shayne: Yeah!
Sandy: Good job.
Marina: Wait. That's it.
Shayne: That's what? What's it?
Marina: I know what I’m going to do.
Alexandra: Lillian, don't you dare question
my love for Lizzie.
Lizzie: I am not questioning your love for
Lizzie. But you haven't heard a word I’ve said. It's not love she needs right
Alexandra: Really? Since when did nurse
Lillian become a dr. Freud, huh?
Lillian: (Laughs) I am not dr. Freud. But I
have worked in a hospital for many; many, many years and I recognize an
emotionally disturbed child when I see one.
Alexandra: Oh, well, this is just great. This
is got to be harrowing for Lizzie to think that her mother and her grandmother
are suspecting her of all sorts of things.
Lillian: We are not suspecting of her. There
are facts. Are you going to stand there and tell me she didn't send Ben up to
that cabin?
Alexandra: If she did that her reasons were
very pure, Lillian. It was out of friendship.
Lillian: Oh, and I suppose her reasons were
pure when she set the trap for Olivia to fall?
Alexandra: Oh, come on, that's a lie. And if
Olivia said that that can't be the truth.
Lillian: It is the truth. I saw the fear and
panic in her eyes when she said it.
Alexandra: Oh, really. The fear and panic,
huh? No, you're mistaken. That's just poor hatred. Because Olivia’s had it in
for that girl. She's had resentments toward her since day one.
Lillian: Alex... Alex. You won't open your
eyes to what has been the obvious truth since Lizzie walked back in here with
the smell of smoke all over her clothes from boarding school. There is something
cold about her.
Alexandra: Oh, Lillian...
Lillian: There's something ruthless. It's not
Alan's influence. She's not a monster. She’s... She's just a child in very
serious trouble. And she's a Raines. And Beth and I have determined to face her
problems with the kind of tough love that Beth is giving her right now.
Alexandra: And what if this tough love
doesn't work, huh? What then?
Lillian: If it doesn't work, we're going to
put her in a hospital to treat her disturbances.
Alexandra: What? You aren't serious. Beth
would actually consider hospitalizing her daughter? That woman has no right to
make a decision like that ever.
Lillian: It's just because she understands
how fragile one hold is on reality that she has a right to help Lizzie that way.
Alexandra: Over my dead body. And Alan’s,
Lillian: Alex, I came here today to inform
you, not to ask the Spaulding’s' permission. This is a Raines family decision
and you have no rights in this matter.
Alexandra: We'll just see who has the rights
here. Because Lizzie happens to be a Spaulding, and don't you ever forget it!
Phillip: Look, I know that you and Lizzie
have had your problems.
Olivia: Yeah, we have.
Phillip: And I know that she happened to be
at the beacon when you had your accident.
Olivia: She didn't just happen to be at the
beacon just like Ben didn't just happen to find marina at the cabin. Lizzie sent
him there deliberately. And if you don't believe me, you can ask Tammy and
Cassie Winslow, okay. They know.
Phillip: Well, if you felt that way, why
didn't you say something to me before?
Olivia: Because I knew you wouldn't hear it.
I knew you wouldn't believe my word against hers. So I decided to keep quiet
about it and insist that she get help. And if she hadn't gone to see Felecia
Boudreaux, yeah, I would have told you, okay. You know what? In many ways I wish
I had.
Phillip: Well, maybe Lizzie did send Ben to
the cabin. So what? She couldn't possibly have realized what was going to
Olivia: Phillip, she knew what she was doing.
Just as she knew what she was doing when she loosened the carpeting on the
stairs at the beacon. Lizzie's the one who pointed out that the carpeting was
loose in the first place. I had my hotel maintenance person repair it and then
yesterday outside of Felecia’s office, the look on her face, the rage that I
was checking up on her...
Phillip: Is that what you were doing?
Olivia: Yes, I was, because I want her to get
help. After my nap, I came down the steps and I heard Lizzie call my name, and
that's when my foot got caught in the carpeting. That's why I fell. Someone had
pulled it up again. That's why I didn't want you near me yesterday. And that's
why I can't see you again. It's the only way to protect our baby from your
Jeffrey: What... What are you doing?
Cassie: I know a lot of eligible women in
this town. The key is finding the perfect one for Jeffrey O’Neill, right? Some
who is... I don't know, annoying, sloppy, and irritable.
Edmund: With a yen for facial hair, bad food,
even worse manners. Who knows? Maybe if she asks him to move in with her, we'll
be through with him all together.
Cassie: Oh, my god. This is great. This is
Edmund: Yes.
Cassie: Roberta. Hideous woman. I met her in
yoga class. She has a perfect body, botox face, motor mouth and carries around
this yappy little dog that she takes everywhere with her.
Edmund: That sounds a little obnoxious. Maybe
you even too much so for Jeffrey O’Neill. We want to turn him on, not turn him
Cassie: Mm. I'm going to call her right now.
Edmund: Enough of the matchmaking.
Cassie: I thought you wanted to set Jeffrey
O’Neill up with someone.
Edmund: I do. But I'm tired of focusing on
Jeffrey O’Neill's love life. Right now I prefer to focus on our love life.
Cassie: So, where are we going?
Edmund: We're going to the most romantic spot
in town.
Buzz: Frank...
Frank: Dad, Ben’s money's tainted.
Buzz: But he cared about her. I think he was
trying to make things right, frank.
Frank: Well, you know that's not going to
happen. Not in my house.
Buzz: Frank, come on. It's a million dollars,
Darci: Okay, guys.
Buzz: A million--
Darci: Calm down. Look. Can I be an objective
here, a party hare?
Frank: Look, Darci, please.
Buzz: Let's get a female take on this.
Darci: Thank you. I agree with buzz.
Buzz: Wise, female.
Darci: Look, frank, money is just money. It's
not good and it's not bad. It just depends on how you use it. I know so many
girls who lives would have changed forever if they just had enough money to get
out of their rut, you know. It's how marina uses the money that matters. And
frankly, I think that's up to her.
Marina: (Clears throat) thank you, Darci.
Darci: For what?
Marina: Well, for putting it so simply. Okay,
I think that you all should know I have decided to take Ben’s money.
Frank: Okay, well, then the good news is that
you'll have enough money to go to northwestern university then, right.
Marina: Actually, no, no. I've decided to
accept the money, but I’m not going to use it to go to northwestern. I'm going
to stay here and I’m going to go to Springfield u. I'm going to use the money
for something else.
Phillip: May I ask you a few questions? Will
you grant me that much before I walk out the door forever?
Olivia: Of course.
Phillip: Okay. Let's start with Lizzie
sending Ben to find marina. There's no doubt about that fact, right?
Olivia: No. None whatsoever.
Phillip: Okay. Do you believe that Lizzie
sent Ben to that cabin to kidnap marina, to make her another one of his victims?
Olivia: No, I think that Lizzie was jealous
that marina had Ben and Shayne's attention. So she was thoughtless and willful.
But, no, she didn't mean to put marina's life in danger.
Phillip: Okay, so her biggest crime was being
thoughtless and willful. Pretty basic for a teenager, right?
Olivia: No, Phillip its more than that.
Phillip: Honey, let's talk about the accident
Olivia: It wasn't an accident. Please stop
calling it that.
Phillip: Let me just see if I have this
straight. You said that Lizzie came to you... She actually came to you and told
you about the carpeting that was loose on the stairs, right?
Olivia: Yes.
Phillip: Would she do that if she intended to
cause you to trip and fall?
Olivia: What is this? Is this a courtroom and
my own trial?
Phillip: But look, I don't want to upset you,
Olivia, but you've all, but accused my daughter of attempted murder. I'm just
trying to figure out how you came to that conclusion.
Olivia: Look at me. I mean, really, look at
me. I'm sitting in a hospital room having coming this close to losing our own
daughter. Do you really think I would be inventing this?
Phillip: I'm not accusing you of anything. I
just need to know exactly what happened, okay. Now you said that right before
you fell, Lizzie called out to you, right.
Olivia: Mm-hmm.
Phillip: Okay. What was her tone? Was she?
Was she angry? Was she happy? What?
Olivia: No, she was... She was scared. It
sounded like a cry for help.
Phillip: Which is because that’s probably
exactly what it was? She probably saw what was happening to you, saw your foot
get caught on the carpeting and she was trying to warn you.
Olivia: No, Phillip. It was more than that.
Phillip: Don't you understand? She wasn't
trying to hurt you. She was trying to save you.
Phillip: Olivia, I'm not saying that my
daughter is blameless. And I can understand how you could misinterpret some of
the things that she's done. But I think if you put your emotions aside and you
look at it objectively, you'll realize it--
Olivia: You want me to put my emotions aside?
What about you? I mean if that's what you're doing. Or are you letting emotions
completely cloud your judgment?
Phillip: Okay. (Laughs) you know what? Maybe
this isn't the best time to talk about this here.
Olivia: No. You know what? We should have had
this out a long time ago. But I knew you would take this position. That's why I
kept my fears about Lizzie to myself for so long.
Phillip: Fears. Okay, fears are one thing,
but to allow them to rule you to the point where you think my daughter is
capable of a calculated attempt of murder. I mean, come on, I’m sorry, but you
know what that could do a little girl. I mean that kind of accusation could scar
you for life.
Olivia: Phillip, I'm not trying to hurt
Lizzie. I'm trying to keep her from harming my baby.
Phillip: It's my baby, too. Do you really
think that I would allow anyone or anything to hurt this child?
Olivia: Oh, god. With every word that says
you don't believe me, that's exactly what you're doing. Is it worth it? Is
protecting yourself from the truth worth our baby's life?
Marina: Okay, here's what I want to do with
the money, okay. I want to put it where it's going to do the most good. So I was
thinking that I was going... Put in one of those things. You know, those
Buzz: Foundation.
Marina: Yes. Yes. A foundation. And I want to
put it there where it could help, like, the Harley’s angel's project on fifth
street and the crises hotline and legal services, stuff like that.
Frank: Good for you. That is so great. That
really is. I mean, how did figure out that's what you wanted to do with your
Marina: Actually, it something that... The
thing Marah was saying about, you know, telling us to take responsibility for
ourselves and take action if we want change and I want to do that. You know if
we can just help one Ben before it's too late.
Buzz: Well, that's a pretty noble idea.
Marina: Yeah, I also want to help the
families of Ben’s victims. I mean I don't really know how, but that's what I
want to do with the money. What?
Frank: If someone asked me what one really
great thing I did in my life was, I would answer them by saying I had a daughter
named marina. Oh, honey. I am so damn proud of this girl right here.
Buzz: I'll second that.
Darci: Third.
Shayne: Along with you guys.
Buzz: I don't want to spoil this moment here,
but are you absolutely sure about northwestern?
Marina: Yeah. I mean north westerns a great
school, but Springfield u is a really good school, too. You know, and you could
use the money that you raised for me to go away to college to do whatever you
want, you know. Take a trip to Greece, put an addition on the restaurant. It
doesn't matter. I'm sure between my financial package and the raise my
grandfather is going to give me, it should be more than enough to put me through
Shayne: Buzz; don't even try to talk her out
of it. (Laughter)
Buzz: I wouldn't even think of it. Did she
say something about a raise? (Laughter)
Sandy: This is really amazing. You guys,
putting it on the line for the mole and me. But I got to tell you; I think it's
going to take a lot more than fliers and posters to win the hearts and minds of
Marah: And did you have something in mind?
Sandy: Yes, a billboard.
Marah: A billboard. Wonderful. Great. We're
can we buy one? None of us have enough money.
Sandy: No, I'm not talking about renting
space and putting up another slogan. We commandeer one. You know the one just
outside campus? We climb up, do the radio show from there and refuse to come
down until dean Boudreaux surrenders.
Marah: I love it.
Sandy: Yes.
Marah: Sandy and mole live from on top of the
Sandy: Yes. Except the mole is afraid of
Marah: Are you kidding? What is with this
guy? He has every phobia in the book.
Sandy: It's okay. I'll just have to do the
show myself.
Marah: Oh, no, no. It just so happens that I
am not afraid of heights at all.
Sandy: And you'd do that?
Marah: Yeah. Maybe the world looks different
from up there.
Sandy: Well, I know one thing people would
much rather watch you then the mole. It's a deal. Let's do it.
Marah: All right. There's a catch.
Sandy: There always is.
Marah: I help you; you help me. I need you to
promote my fashion show on the air.
Sandy: Oh, the mole wouldn't like that. He
thinks fashion's trivial.
Marah: Oh, really. Does the mole make all the
decisions for you?
Sandy: No. Not this time.
Cassie: How did you do that?
Edmund: Well, I had one of the workmen keep
it chilled in the old springhouse. You remember the old springhouse. And then I
had him hide it here.
Cassie: Wow. So anything else? Chandelier?
Mariachi band?
Edmund: No. No. No chandelier. No mariachi
band. Just us.
Cassie: Thank you.
Edmund: You're welcome. Cheers. Cassie,
there's something I've been wanting to tell you. I thought I might be saying it
on a yacht, on the top of the Eiffel tower, or perhaps on a beach in Antigua.
But I think... I think this is the best place to say it. I love you, Cassie. You
don't have to say anything in response. It doesn't obligate you to say anything.
I just love you. And I want you to know what's in my heart.
Cassie: I'm better at showing how I feel than
Phillip: I just wish you would be reasonable.
Olivia: You know, you just... Reasonable?
Phillip: If you look at the facts.
Olivia: Just go. Go.
Phillip: Olivia. She's a teenager. Kids go
through phases like this.
Olivia: I don't care. I want you to go. Get
out of here!
Rick: Is everything okay? What's going on?
Are you all right? Is there anything I can do for you?
Olivia: No, thanks. I'm fine.
Rick: Hey.
Phillip: Do you believe in curses, Rick?
Rick: What are you talking about?
Phillip: You covet your father's wife you
anger the gods. You bring on the curse. And nothing... Nothing can take this
curse away.
Olivia: No one's going to hurt you,
sweetheart. No one.
Alexandra: Thomas, I really need to find my
brother. Are you going to tell me where I can find him or not?
Thomas: I am under strict orders not to
reveal where he is.
Alexandra: Mm-hmm. You don't want to go toe
to toe with me because you will lose. And I am telling you, because I need to
reach Alan, because his granddaughter's life and sanity depend on it. Other
heads than mine will roll if I don't reach him.
Cassie: Richard? Is that you? You know you
were right. Time changes everything. Edmund has been wonderful to me and to the
children. I'm really happy now. And I have a new life. And I couldn't have had
that if ... I could never have had that if you hadn't taught me how to love. And
how to let go. Richard? Richard?
Edmund: Cassie? Hey. Hey. Come on.
Everything's all right, Cassie. Everything's going to be very all right.
Buzz: Next on "guiding light."
Billy: Okay, how did little brother screw up?
Josh: It wasn't really Shayne that needed all
that time and attention. I think it was reva.
Reva: Oh, hi, sweetie. Are you going
This has been "guiding light."