GL Transcript Wednesday 8/20/03

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 8/20/03

Provided by Suzanne

ross: Hi, buzz.

Buzz: Counselor. What can i get you?

Ross: Your granddaughter actually. Is marina around?

Buzz: She'll be in soon. A lawyer clutching his briefcase wanting my granddaughter. This doesn't sound good.

Ross: Well, buzz, all i could tell you is I have news for marina that will change her life forever.

Buzz: Oh, that's all.

Marah: Feel free to stop me from moving back in here if it's a bad idea at anytime.

Buzz: No way. Mom was right about you moving back here.

Marah: Yeah, in theory.

Marina: You know this place wouldn't even exist if weren't for you, marah.

Marah: Yeah. You know, I guess I just never pictured living here without everyone else. It's weird.

Shayne: But remy and bill are still here.

Marina: Yeah. I don't know. I mean i know this sounds really corny, but maybe you could remember the good times. Like moving in here and the renovation party. I mean, I just remember you being so like inspired and excited by everything, you know. And you still completely transformed this place despite all the sad stuff.

Shayne: So, tony's definitely not going to come back?

Marah: No. No, he's gone.

Marina: Okay, i know this is really inappropriate. But what happened with you guys? I mean everything seemed to be going so well between you two.

Marah: Well, it turns out there's this little secret that everyone in town is finding out about. Things aren't always the way they seem. Were you guys able to pass out any of those fliers for the fashion show, because I really need to find somebody who knows how to work the needle and thread.

Shayne: Oh, yeah, we did. We hit every single telephone poll we could find. So someone will definitely call. So someone will definitely call.

Marah: All right. I hope so. This fashion show is either going to make or break me as a designer.

Marina: Well, i am just like totally basking in the glow of your perseverance here. Because whatever did happen with tony...

Shayne: And nobody's asking what happened with tony.

Marina: No nobody is asking, because that would be rude. But whatever did happen, you know, you are doing stuff. You're moving on.

Shayne: You're doing great. Yes.

Marah: Yeah. Well, thanks. What am I suppose to do? Sit around and mope? No, I'm done with that. And I'm through with tony.

Danny: Hey. Sorry I'm late.

Tony: Whoa. So?

Danny: So everything's been handled.

Tony: I hate it when you're like that.

Danny: What?

Tony: You know, you just telling me enough of what you think. I should know. No details.

Danny: Tony...

Tony: The total control thing.

Danny: What do you want, tony? A book report?

Tony: Come on, danny.

Danny: All right. I made it clear to salerno that sending those pictures to you was a mistake. What did you think i did? I'm not going to let him mess with your life.

Tony: I bet he loved hearing that. He always think that you're talking down to him.

Danny: Well, I am.

Tony: Yeah, you feel that way about me, too?

Danny: What is going on with you? What are you talking about?

Tony: I didn't ask you to go to new york, danny. This is my battle to fight.

Danny: Tony, anyone messing with this family is my fight, too. You know, you are not alone in this life we're creating for ourselves. Just like you are not a free agent in our old life.

Tony: What the hell do you mean free agent?

Danny: Tony. Tony, the fifth street project is moving forward and our new found respect in this community comes from our good deeds. Not fear.

Tony: You see... You see this, this is the talking down to part.

Danny: I'm not talking down to you.

Tony: My soul has been ripped out, danny. Don't you get that? I don't give a damn about our newfound respect. Al i care about is proving to marah that i would never hurt her again.

Danny: Tony, where did this hurt come from? Salerno. Not you!

Tony: Would you just stay out of this one? Can you do that? You know, maybe for you everything is about business. But for me, this is personal. Okay, this is me. This is my life. My pain! My heart!

Eden: Hey, it's eden. Can I speak to salerno?

Salerno: Eden. I was just thinking about you. What's a nice girl like you doing in a dirty mind like mine, huh?

Eden: Oh, always the charmer. So, those pictures you sent me of tony and that girl that he beat up, they did the job.

Salerno: I know. Danny santos and his sour puss paid me a little visit yesterday.

Eden: Well, you created quite the drama ever since you sent those photographs.

Salerno: Should i be sorry to hear that?

Eden: No. Actually, I should be thanking you.

Salerno: For?

Eden: No one really believes that i didn't have anything to do with those photos. And all my so-called friends turned on me in a new york minute.

Salerno: Are you surprised? I mean come on, springfield is a small town. You're still an outsider.

Eden: Yeah, well, that's the thing. That's kind of why i'm calling you. I don't think I was made to live the life that I'm sleepwalking through here in springfield.

Salerno: You miss the action?

Eden: Yeah, i miss the old me. I miss the life. And I miss my old friends.

Salerno: You want to do something about that?

Eden: Well, i booked a ticket to new york.

Salerno: Oh, that's a start. Our favorite spot.

Eden: I'll be there tonight.

Salerno: Welcome back to my world, eden.

Michelle: So just give the referring doctor thecript and i noted everything else on the chart.

Nurse: Okay.

Michelle: You're giving me that warm look of approval again. What can i say? I live to serve. At least that's what robbie thinks.

Dr. Kammerman: You're also coming up on the end of your p.A. Training.

Michelle: Yeah, well, don't plan any farewell parties, because rick will never let me snuggle into a private practice without a huge fight. Psychiatry certification. Oh, yeah, this is at hunley university. I've heard about this. It's like really intense stuff. You're done in, like, a month or two, right?

Dr. Kammerman: It might help you with that hotline you're starting.

Michelle: You heard about that? Actually, this could be perfect dr. K.

Dr. Kammerman: Well, you got a recommendation from me. That's if you're interested.

Michelle: Thanks. I'll think about it. (Phone rings)

danny: Danny santos.

Salerno: Get home safe, danny boy?

Danny: Are you disappointed? What do you want?

Salerno: Well, tony was grateful you took up for him, I'm sure, but something's been bothering me since our meeting. Eden august.

Danny: What about her?

Salerno: The wheels we got going on in this partnership are coming off, danny.

Danny: Yeah, who's fault is that?

Salerno: You'll go to the wall to protect your interest.

Danny: So if you're smart, you know not to push me.

Salerno: There may be a scrap in our future. I'd like to avoid it, but if not, let's... Let's keep eden out of the crossfire.

Danny: Let me tell you something about eden august. As far as I'm concerned, she's a nonentity. And hopefully, tony feels the same way about her now.

Salerno: Then maybe i already solved this problem for both of us.

Danny: Meaning?

Salerno: Obviously you don't want tony around eden. And I don't want him around her. Problem solved. Tony and eden aren't together.

Danny: Eden's not connected to this family in any way. Take her if you want her.

Salerno: I plan to.

Danny: Hey. I'm sorry I'm late. I got held up. Ready to go?

Michelle: Mm-hmm. So how was your trip to new york?

Danny: Good.

Michelle: Did you get everything straightened out with salerno? What, you didn't think i'd find out?

Marina: Well, you're biased against all hitters. It's only natural. You got a rookie attitude.

Shayne: Oh, no, i don't. That is a pitcher's attitude. Hey, i was thinking...

Marina: What? What was that for?

Shayne: That was a rookie superstition.

Marina: Oh, it's suppose to mean something to kiss a girl?

Shayne: Not just any girl.

Marina: Oh. That's very good to hear. Especially since you're going to be on the road all the time.

Shayne: What? You think I'm going to hook up with some groupie fan? No, it's not going to happen. You know what I was thinking?

Marina: I can guess.

Shayne: Something else actually. Believe it or not. I was thinking that you should come on my next road trip with me. I mean think about it. There'll be games and foot-long hotdogs. You could watch my form. I know you like watching my form.

Marina: (Laughs)

shayne: And... And... And we could hang out in the hotel room.

Marina: Oh, well, that sounds incredibly cool. And I would love to, but--

buzz: Are you two coming in or you going to stay out here and scare away the customers.

Shayne: My fault.

Marina: Sorry.

Buzz: Somebody wants to see you. Come on in. Ross.

Marina: Hi, ross.

Ross: Hi, marina. Shayne, how's it going? How's the arm?

Shayne: So good so far.

Ross: Good.

Shayne: You know if this is about ben, she already told the cops everything she knows.

Ross: No, this has nothing to do with the police.

Shayne: Okay, so why do you need to talk to her?

Ross: I just need to tell her something. Marina, if we could speak in private please.

Marina: Okay.

Buzz: Oh, how about a chocolate milkshake? On the house?

Shayne: I'll be at the counter if you need me, okay?

Marina: Okay.

Ross: Marina, i know that getting over this particular episode in your life is extremely difficult.

Marina: Okay. And you're going for the briefcase here. Is this going to be bad news? Is this going to be unpleasant? Because I would really like to avoid feeling miserable right now.

Ross: You know we will never fully understand why ben did what he did. But after spending a good deal of time with him, I know that he cared about you very much.

Marina: Okay, no offense, but i really feel like talking about ben and how he felt for me.

Ross: If I could spare any further misery, I would.

Marina: This is going to be bad news. Let's just get it over with.

Ross: I was with ben in the moments before he died. And he wanted to make it clear that he loved you. Now I know that you don't want to hear that, but ben's biggest regret was hurting you.

Marina: And not the four innocent lives that he took. Are we done here?

Ross: Marina, i know that there is nothing that I can say. Probably nothing anybody could say that will change the way you feel about ben.

Marina: Okay, so what are you doing here?

Ross: I'm here to do my job. To fulfill ben's dying wish. It's his wish for you. Would you really want to take

marina: Ben's last wish had to do with me?

Ross: Yes.

Buzz: It's been my unfortunate experience to note that when a lawyer opens up his briefcase like that nothing good is about to happen.

Shayne: Come on, buzz. I don't know. So many bad things have happened lately that I think we're due for some good news.

Buzz: That's why I hang out with young people. So positive. So optimistic.

Ross: Marina, ben did not have a formal written will, but in other legal ways he made his wishes perfectly clear.

Marina: He left me something.

Ross: He left you everything. He had an inheritance from his grandmother. It's a trust fund.

Marina: Oh, god.

Ross: And all of it is yours.

Marina: I think i'm going to be sick. Grandpa, shayne.

Buzz: What's going on?

Marina: Ben... Ben left me money.

Shayne: I thought he was broke.

Marina: No, his grandmother...

Ross: Buzz, it's a trust fund which is now in marina's name.

Buzz: A trust fund?

Ross: Yes, and in excess of a million dollars.

Sandy: And you thought we

never played music.

Well, springfield, the time has


I hate saying this almost as

much some of you going to love

hearing it, but this is it.

You're listening to a very

special broadcast.

Special because this the last

time you'll ever hear sandy in

the morning.

Yep, that's right.

Stick a fork in us.

We are done.



Dean boudreau has kicked mole

off the air for speaking his

mind. Yes, that's right. Apparently, free speech is dead here at springfield U. However the dean and his benevolent wisdom has allowed me to stay on the air. But without the mole there's no sandy, so... And there's nothing the dean could do to us, so we've decided to go out in style.

Marah: Here it comes.

Sandy: I know you're saying to yourselves, "uh-oh, here it comes." And you're right. I hate to break it to you, dean, but I'm not alone today.

Mole: Lucky you.

Sandy: Mole. Speak freely my friend.

Mole: Good old springfield. A polite and moral township filled with liars, murderers and cheats. A town where mobsters and madams mingle and marry with the elite. Where adultery, fraud and child abuse are as common as a fat kid at a bake sale.

Sandy: (Laughs)

everyone asleep at the wheels

at their perfect little lives.

Mole: More like trying to

run each other over.

Hey, man, but you hit the nail

right on the head.

Did ben reade ever try that?

A nail to the head?

I tell you, baby, it's too bad

that guy is gone.

He was doing this town a favor.

Sandy: Whoa!

You can't be saying that anyone

in this town deserve to die.

Mole: These people do what

they want to who they want

whenever they want.

And I ain't talking about

stealing nobody's parking space


Folks in this town have their

masks on in public.

But in private when the lights

are low and they think no one

is looking, that's when things

get really scary.

Are any of us really awake?

Are maybe we're wide awake and

just willing to live like


Committing crimes against our

neighbors with our eyes closed.

Well, I'll tell what.

I refuse to close my eyes.

Sandy: Anyone else awake out

there in springfield?

Mole: Man, we're just playing parts in each other's nightmares. Look at your neighbors, people. They are not who you think they are.

Sandy: Whoa, dude, you're getting all matrix here.

Mole: If I'm confusing you, i must be making sense.

Sandy: Hey, but you know what old scratch said. Why serve in heaven when you can reign in springfield.

Whatever your deal is, give us

a call.

That is if we have any

listeners left.

Mole: Oh, they're out there.

They're just scared.

Sandy: Love us or hate us.

Here's the number.


Salerno: All those curves and me with no brakes. I never figured out what it is with you and roofs.

Eden: Well, i'm a sentimental girl. Roofs just remind of where i've been and what I've done.

Salerno: Who you did it with. I was surprised you called. Happy, but surprised.

Eden: Happy. Is that the best that you could do?

Salerno: You know better than that. My best was always your best. Unless someone else took my spot.

Eden: No one has ever made me feel the way you do.

Salerno: Everything has changed since we been together, babe. I'm on top. I'm made. I can give you everything you've ever dreamed of.

Eden: Well, that's all i want. Everything.

Tony: Hey, salerno. Long time.

Salerno: A set up. You wound me, eden. What can i do you for, antonio?

Tony: All you need to know is you better do it.

Tony: Salerno, you ever hear about the special connection that eden and I share? You, you're going to love this one. Eden killed my father by pushing him off a roof just like this one.

Salerno: Eden, whatever this is, you don't want to do it.

Tony: I was always a good alter boy. You know, my brother ray, he was always trying to keep me in line. Forgiveness is divine. And blah, blah, blah and boom! What do you know? I was surprised myself and i forgive eden.

Salerno: I'll take that little story as a lesson and forgive eden for this stunt. But you, tony, you're not going to be so lucky.

Tony: I don't think you're in the position to make threats. Not with a 30-foot drop. You think anybody would miss you?

Salerno: What do you want?

Tony: Those pictures of me and that girl I supposedly i put a beating on? Admit that they're fake. Admit it.

Salerno: Why would I do that?

Eden: Because they are.

Tony: And i want you out of our lives for good.

Salerno: This is like deja vu. Your cousin danny was just here with the same message. That was business for danny. Not for me.

Salerno: I don't care, tony, okay. You're nothing but a two-bit--

tony: You cost me the one thing that matter most to me in this world. And now I have nothing. Nothing to love. Nothing to lose.

Sandy: Thanks for punching the digits caller. What's your name?

Marah: I wanted to talk to mole.

Mole: See there, the girls

always want to talk to me.

Now why do you think that is,


Sandy: She's probably just

going to tee off on you like

everyone else.

Marah: Actually i... I liked what he said. He was right.

Mole: Whoa-hoo.

I think I'm in love.

So what exactly was I right


Marah: Well, everything. About the way that people are.

Sandy: Caller, you there?

Marah: A lot of people want you to believe that they are good and loving and honest, but underneath there's something dark. Something that can hurt you.

Mole: I can hurt her.

Sandy: Shhh. So you've been hurt?

Marah: I just lost somebody that i cared about.

Sandy: I'm sorry, caller.

Why don't you tell us about it?

Marah: Well, this person wasn't honest with me about who he was from the start and even after he hurt me, I didn't get it because i was only seeing what i wanted to see.

Mole: You wanted to believe

in this fool.

Marah: Some people just can't be honest about who they really are. They think that love is just pretending to be the person that the other person wants you to be.

Mole: Save me from a woman

like that.

Marah: And then... Then they start to believe the lie and you believe in them. So how do you know anything at all? The thing is i think i knew the whole time. I just didn't want to see it.

Sandy: You're in love.

Marah: I think I still am. So what does that make me? I have to go.

Sandy: Wait, caller.

You never gave us your name.

Marah: You guys don't need to know. You've hurt me and my family and my friends. And I'm sorry that they're taking you off the air, but I'm not going to miss a lot of what you do. You've hurt a lot of people, you know.

Sandy: Folks, we may be

closing shop here.

But getting a call like that,

that's what it's all about.

Tony: Do you think that anybody in this world is going to miss some lying scum like you? Tell me about those pictures.

Salerno: Were they doctored? Yeah, they're fake. You still pushed that girl around.

Tony: But i didn't do what happened to her in those pictures.

Salerno: That was me. Feel better? Doesn't matter. Nothing's going to change with that little country club girlfriend of yours. You're a thug. No different from me! And here's a news flash, too: So is that smooth talking cousin of yours.

Eden: Yeah, well, at least they're trying to do something with their lives.

Salerno: Oh, listen to the hooker. How are things going in the straight world, babe? Business booming? Love life soaring?

Tony: Why do you have to go and mess with people, huh?

Salerno: Tony, you don't get it do you? You are nothing to nobody unless you're danny's partner. Nothing.

Danny: How did you find out i went to see salerno?

Michelle: Well, i got another one for you. It's okay.

Danny: Who are you? What have you done with my wife?

Michelle: Look, i know that salerno sent those pictures of tony to eden.

Danny: Yeah, that's right. He refuses to get out of our lives.

Michelle: Yeah, and he knew that tony was going to go ballistic and he was waiting for the meltdown.

Danny: That's why i went to put a stop to it.

Michelle: I know. I know, danny. He's trying to muscle you on fifth street. He's going to do whatever it takes.

Danny: Muscle me?

Michelle: Well, what do you want to call it? He's pushing you, he's looking for weaknesses. He's seeing what he could get away with. You had to go confront him. I would have done the same thing.

Danny: Okay, you're joking, right?

Michelle: No, you had to stand up for yourself. And you had to stand up for tony. But just one thing.

Danny: Yeah.

Michelle: Why didn't you tell me you were going to see him?

Danny: Because, honey, you were working all night and... All right. I thought that you might think i was, you know, back in business. I didn't want you to worry.

Michelle: You were afraid that i was going to fall apart again.

Danny: Well, that too.

Michelle: Look, i want to worry.

Danny: Why?

Michelle: And i want to know everything. Because we're a team, danny.

Michelle: And a threat to you is a threat to me, okay? So just promise me...

Danny: Right. You want to know everything. You want to know everything.

Michelle: Can you handle that?

Danny: All right, i'll give it a shot.

Michelle: Good. So... So tell me what did you do to that animal salerno once you got to new york?

Buzz: Did i hear you, right? That my granddaughter is about to become a millionaire?

Ross: Yes, she is.

Shayne: So you're telling me this lunatic, he left her everything?

Ross: Well, there's no consolation considering what he did, but, marina, he cared about you. He wanted to see you happy. And ben was sorry for what he did.

Shayne: Yeah, it's real easy to be sorry after you're caught and you're lying on your death bed.

Ross: Now he knew that this would not make up for what he did, but he wanted to do something to help you.

Marina: It's just a million dollars falling right into my lap. It's so much... It's so much money.

Shayne: I know.

Marina: Thank you, ross, but i don't want it.

Michelle: So... So...

Danny: So what?

Michelle: So tell me did you throw salerno a good beating? Did you slap him around a little bit?

Danny: Throw him a beating?

Michelle: Look I've realized that you're going to have to get your hands a little dirty in order to keep them clean.

Danny: All right, will you stop it.

Michelle: No, salerno is the one who stuck his nose into our business by trying mess with tony in the first place and ruin his life.

Danny: Right. Which he did.

Michelle: You know, marah might never get over this. So as far as i'm concerned, he deserved what he got. So, what did he get?

Danny: Well, I hate to break it to you mrs. Enforcer, but all he got was a warning. No beatings were thrown.

Michelle: Do you think that he got the message?

Danny: Yeah.

Michelle: Good.

Danny: Honey, look, i think it's great that you understand that my life is not going to be easy, but...

Michelle: It's not just that, danny. I'm just sick and tired of people coming after our family. I'm tired of sitting around, you know, and hoping that nothing is going to happen. I'm just not going to stand for it anymore.

Danny: Okay.

Michelle: I mean tony and marah should have been left alone to be happy together. And the fact that someone could come along and cut them off at the knees like that, it's just not fair.

Danny: I agree. And you're worried that that might happen to us.

Michelle: Does it show?

Danny: Yeah. It shows.

Marina: Well, isn't someone suppose to be in their right mind when they do something like that? I mean he was obviously crazy if he thought that that money was going to make up for anything.

Shayne: You know, let me talk to her, okay?

Buzz: If it was you, would you take the money?

Ross: Oh, i'm not sure I'd want it this way. No.

Buzz: I was pretty sure you'd say that.

Ross: Buzz, this money is in a trust fund. She doesn't have to do anything with it now. But if she needs it, it's there.

Buzz: Of course. She's going to need it. There's a nasty part about this thing. I mean, if she takes the money, can she live with that?

Marina: Can we please add all the ways that this totally stinks? This is crazy. I'm crazy. I'm turning down a million dollars. Me of all people. Miss money hungry.

Shayne: Yeah, well, you don't want it that way.

Marina: You're right. I don'T. I don'T. Every dime i spend i would think about ben. I would think about all of those people that he killed. It just wouldn't be right.

Shayne: Well, you could do some good things with the money.

Marina: Shayne.

Shayne: I'm not opening up a bank account for you. I'm just stating the obvious. I mean it could pay your tuition at northwestern.

Marina: Ah! Stop!

Shayne: And... I mean it could also pay all those people who have been sacrificing for your college fund. I mean i think that, you know, it could do a lot of good for your family.

Marina: I just feel like I'm never going to get over feeling sick to my stomach.

Shayne: Just think about it. If there's anybody who can make something good happen from this situation, it's you.

Sandy: Well, moley, this is

it, partner.

Mole: Are we gone yet?

Sandy: Indeed.

Any final words?

Mole: Yeah.

You basket cases won't have the

mole to kick around no more.

Keep it real, springfield.

If you can.

Sandy: And that's all,


Up next, a very predictable

college radio station format.

Thanks for the memories.

Of all the things i believed in i just want to get it over with

tears form behind my eyes but do not cry

counting the days passing by...

Salerno: This comes as a shock to you, tony? Hasn't everything in your family, in your life always been about danny?

Tony: If I were you i would shut up right now.

Salerno: Danny doesn't tell you half of what he does. Is it because he thinks you're too thick to understand, or is it because you just don't matter?

Eden: Tony, don't listen to him, all right. We came here and we did what we did what we needed to do.

Salerno: Everyone has to live in their own little hell, tony.

Tony: Now you're talking trash. Are you talking trash because you're scared? You forget you respected me enough to offer me a job.

Salerno: What do you think i needed a new accountant? I needed muscle, tony. What else are you good for? Eden, does this mean you're not coming back to my place?

Eden: I don't think we can both fit under one rock.

Salerno: I would have gone to the end of the world for you, babe.

Eden: Oh, yeah. But the question is, how long would you have stayed there?

Tony: Damn... Damn... Damn! Salerno ruins my life because of danny. Everything is about danny?

Eden: Tony, no.

Tony: Don't touch me!

Eden: Look it is not about danny, okay? Salerno is scum, all right. He doesn't know who you are. Deep down inside, I'm the only one who knows who you are. I always have.

Buzz: Great night, huh?

Marina: Oh, my gosh. I totally dumped on you in there. I'm so sorry.

Buzz: No, no, no.

Marina: Do you need me? Or...

Buzz: I got it under control. Sit. Sit. Sit, sit. So where's your main man?

Marina: He left me to be alone with my thoughts. Unfortunately, all i could think is be careful what you wish for.

Buzz: I've been there too many times. Why do i always do that? Why do i always... When i was in your dilemma, i must drive you crazy.

Marina: No, no. It doesn't. I mean it's not like you force things down my throat, you know. I feel like I understand.

Buzz: You know who would understand what you're going through right now?

Marina: Hmm.

Buzz: Can you guess?

Marina: Certainly not.

Buzz: Your mother.

Marina: Yeah, right.

Buzz: No. She went through a lot trying to figure out what she wanted in life. And when she started this exactly same as you. She just went for all dazzling stuff that ben gave you. The money, the glamorous life style, but then she figured out what she wanted.

Marina: After a while at least.

Buzz: She's the one you ought to talk to.

Marina: Why? Because you're too scared to tell me what to do with the money?

Buzz: I'm not afraid. It's just I connect the money to its source, to ben, and I want you to leave that behind you.

Marina: Exactly.

Buzz: On the other hand, you should get something good out of this mess. I mean could it be the money? Who knows? Great night.

Marina: Yeah. (Knock at the door)

marah: Hi.

Sandy: Hi.

Marah: Can I help you?

Sandy: You're marah, aren't you?

Marah: Yeah. Oh, oh, you must have found one of the fliers from the fashion show. I'm sorry. Just don't be offended. I wasn't expecting any guys. But you know what? I don't care. As long as you can sew.

Sandy: Sorry, i didn't come to sew. I came to thank you for what you said to me. Your phone call...

Marah: Wait. What phone call?

Sandy: On the radio. You called me.

Marah: How did you know that was me? I didn't tell you my name.

Sandy: Yeah, you said we trashed you and your family and friends. So i just narrowed it down to one of our favorite targets.

Marah: Wait. So you're the mole?

Sandy: See, i'm not going to tell him you said that. I narrowed that down. I'm actually the other guy.

Marah: You're sandy.

Sandy: Yes. Nice to meet you.

Michelle: We just got married again. So there's nothing that's going to separate us now.

Danny: Well, good. I'm glad to hear you talk that way.

Michelle: Well, almost nothing.

Danny: What do you mean?

Michelle: There's this certification course for physician assistants. It's a psych discipline.

Danny: Mm-hmm. Oh, well, that's good. That would be really... That's really useful r that hotline you want to set up, right?

Michelle: Exactly. Exactly. I'm just... I'm not sure that i like the location. It's at hunley university.

Danny: That's not close. How long are you talking about?

Michelle: Like a month or so.

Danny: A month.

Michelle: But you and robbie can come stay with me part of the time.

Danny: Well, yeah. Of course. Of course, we... I mean is that what this is about? You're thinking about going out of town for a while and you want to make sure i behave while you're away.

Michelle: Well, no. No. And second of all, i don't even know if I want to go.

Danny: Oh, you have to go. No, you have to go. It's decided. I just want you to feel secure that robbie and I are not going to go around throwing beatings in your absence. Are you kidding? I don't want to find out what it's like live without you ever again. Ever.

Michelle: Well you'll be a lot better off than poor tony.

Danny: I don't know about that, but I'm worried about him.

Michelle: The last time he and marah broke up...

Danny: I know.

Michelle: He went a little crazy. He lost control.

Danny: I know. Well, we'll see. He hasn't given up on marah yet. And I just have to support him any way I can and try to keep him away from the wrong elements.

Eden: I'm sorry about those pictures.

Tony: I don't... I don't want to hear it.

Eden: Now, tony, listen to me. Don't you... You don't want to do this.

Tony: Eden, eden, eden. We've always known that this could happen if we just let it. So let it.

Eden: No, tony. You don'T... You don't know.

Tony: Yes, I do.

Eden: Oh, my god. This is... This is like a dream.

Michelle: Next on "guiding light."

Shayne: What's wrong?

Marina: Ah! What isn't, shayne? I am going through, like, a major life crises right now and i need your help.

Eden: Tony, i wanted this for so long.

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