GL Transcript Friday 8/15/03

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 8/15/03

Provided by Suzanne

reva: No. No, no, no. No. Definitely not. No. (Sighs)

josh: Reva, what are you doing? Why aren't you dressed?

Reva: I'm calling holly. I can't do this.

Josh: You can't do what? Go on the air?

Reva: You know what? You were right. I mean, it's fine for christopher and arthur to go on television and tell people that they are psychics, but me? No. I know i have a gift, but i think I'm just still too green to be sharing that with the world so publicly.

Josh: Reva, that's not at all what you told me yesterday.

Reva: Well, i know, because yesterday I was feeling full of myself, you know? I'd just had that incredible experience with the ladies' room attendant the day before, and i just... I wasn't being realistic.

Josh: And now you are.

Reva: Holly can put a rerun on in its place.

Josh: Slow down for just a second here, okay? I don't think you're really doubting yourself. I think you're just a little nervous, and that's understandable.

Reva: What if i hurt someone by mistake? What if I mistakenly see something that isn't there?

Josh: It would prove that you're human, that you're fallible.

Reva: And if someone gets hurt because i'm fallible, is that fair?

Josh: Well, i don't know. Are you going to be telling your viewers that what you're doing is 100% scientific fact and it's indisputable truth?

Reva: No. No, of course not.

Josh: Then basically you'll be offering a disclaimer, right?

Reva: Yeah, but then that's like saying that it isn't real, that it isn't valid, and that makes it even worse. You know, just not this week, you know? I'm just not ready. Maybe next week I will be more comfortable, but just not today.

Josh: Wait. Honestly, reva, what's going to change in the next few weeks?

Reva: For starters? I'll find something to wear!

Josh: Wear this.

Jeffrey: Yeah, I got the package. Do me a favor: Next time you send me something, don't... Don't put it inside of a toy, all right? Well, there's this boy here and... Never mind, it's a long story, you don't want to hear it. Just... Right. Right. You, too. Mrs. Winslow! You're always bumping into me. Well, you're not mrs. Winslow.

Beth: No. Not anymore. Your phone, I'm sorry. It's my fault.

Jeffrey: Yeah, you're right, it is. So, how are you going to make it up to me?

Narrator: And after all that

waiting and all that effort,

here's the reward.

Together, you and your partner

have created the ultimate

miracle: You've brought a new

life into the world. (Applause)

lamaze coach: And there you have it: The miracle of birth. Are there any questions. Mm-hmm?

Phillip: Not so much a question, really, more of a comment.

Lamaze coach: Yes?

Phillip: No offense intended, but this video is very misleading.

Alexandra: Don't tell your father, but I've already had my people in paris put together some ideas for a new fragrance, just in case... In case he agrees with alan that I should be named head of the cosmetics division. Which he simply has to. And now that you will be interning, because you know what? You're going to be a vital part. You're input. (Laughs) I want you to smell this. What do you think? Is that beautiful? No, not to worry. Not to worry, darling. Plenty of other options out there they've come up with. And guess what? Whatever one you decide you like the best, I am going to have it named after you.

Lizzie: No, i think you should just wait until the new baby gets here and name it after her.

Alexandra: What?

Her? It's a girl.

Lizzie: Yes. Olivia surprised us with the wonderful news yesterday. Just when I thought me and dad were actually going to get close again.

Alexandra: Yeah, well, don't say that, darling. Come on.

Lizzie: No, seriously. If olivia had gotten her way, i would have been out of the picture completely.

Alexandra: Lizzie.

Lizzie: It's true!

Alexandra: Lizzie, darling, come on. Don't be so dramatic. You know your father adores you and olivia couldn't come between you if she tried.

Lizzie: She's more than trying. She's blackmailing me.

Alexandra: Blackmail?

Lizzie: Yeah. Olivia's threatening to say all these bad things about me to my mom and dad if i don't promise to see felicia until i'm old and gray. Oh, I forgot, I also have to worship the ground she walks on and pretend like i'm just so happy about my new baby sister coming.

Alexandra: You mean she's really threatening you, huh? Well, it doesn't seem that she could do that unless she thinks she has some hold over you, darling. Does she? Lizzie?

Lizzie: Well, see, it's tammy's fault, because she's just taking ben's death way too hard.

Alexandra: Well, we all have, darling.

Lizzie: Yeah, but see, she thinks that his friends could have prevented this, maybe, and she's just throwing around all these crazy accusations.

Alexandra: What, about you?

Lizzie: She thinks that i sent ben up to the bauers' cabin after marina and shayne that day.

Alexandra: Really? Well, where would she get an idea like that? Lizzie?

Lizzie: I didn't do it, okay? But even if I did, it wouldn't be for the same reason that olivia and tammy are saying.

Alexandra: Really? Which is?

Lizzie: To hurt marina.

Alexandra: But you did do it? You did send ben up to the cabin?


Lizzie: He just... He said he just wanted to talk to her. How was I to know that he was going to kidnap her and try to kill her? What, am i a mind-reader now?

Alexandra: No, darling. It's just that i think it might have been prudent... I mean, marina was up there with another boy. Itight have been prudent to give her a call first.

Lizzie: Well, then I guess i'm not prudent. I didn't exactly think this out in advance. I'm sorry.

Alexandra: (Sighs) but are you, lizzie? Are you sorry?

Lizzie: How can i be sorry for something I didn't even mean to do?


Alexandra: (Sighs) all right, darling, now listen. I'm going to have to be very, very frank with you, because i'm not sure i buy this total innocence of yours. I mean, a lot of things have happened, circumstances that have really disturbed me lately. I mean, first there's the fire at your dorm at alston.

Lizzie: I didn't set that!

Alexandra: All right. All right, darling. But then there's also stealing back marina's car, and all of the waves that you've made between phillip and olivia.

Lizzie: Like you want him with her any more than i do.

Alexandra: All right, you're right, darling. I don't want phillip with olivia, but... (Laughs)

lizzie: Oh, and you haven't set any waves yourself? What about grandpa?

Alexandra: Fine. Fine, sure. Look where it's gotten me, huh? I mean... Kicked out of my own home. I'm having to beg your father to take me back into the fold in any way possible. Oh, lizzie. Come on, darling, learn something from my mistakes. And learn from your own, too, huh? Now, look, this thing with ben was a terrible, terrible tragedy.

Lizzie: Yeah, but there's nothing we can do to help him now.

Alexandra: Maybe that's true, but we can help you, darling.

Olivia: Don't mind my partner. He was suckled by wolves. He doesn't really play well with others. (Laughter)

phillip: Well, not wolves. Close. (Laughs) no, but actually, as the only member of the class that has experienced this first-hand, on more than one occasion...

Olivia: And i'm sure they would love to hear your war stories, but maybe some other time.

Phillip: I'm not criticizing the video, i'm really not. I thought it was relatively well done. But the part where they're talking about what you're going to feel when you're in the delivery room...

Olivia: Oh, no, no, no.

Phillip: ...When you're actually experiencing the process of it...

Olivia: Don't do this again. They don't want to hear how, you know, things can go wrong and how long labor can be, and how natural is really best when you're screaming for an epidural. (Laughs)

phillip: I wasn't going to say any of those things.

Olivia: Well, then you were going to talk about how overly sentimental the video was.

Phillip: No. All I was going to say is that the reality of being in the delivery room and seeing your child come into the world is a thousand times more miraculous and more magical than any video can ever depict. Especially if you're lucky enough to be sharing it with someone that you love. (Class murmurs appreciatively)

beth: Does it work?

Jeffrey: Hm?

Beth: Your phone. Does it work?

Jeffrey: Um... Um, I don't know.

Beth: Well, maybe you'd better check it, because if there is something wrong with it, I would be more than happy to...

Jeffrey: I'm checking it, i'm checking it. It's fine. Everything's... Everything seems to be okay. So, where were you going in such a hurry? You nearly bowled me over.

Beth: Why were you standing up in such a hurry?

Jeffrey: Well, maybe I was just meant to bump into such a beautiful woman.

Beth: (Laughs) I can't be that beautiful; you don't even remember me.

Jeffrey: No. No, no, no, no, no. We have not met. I would have remembered.

Beth: Okay, we didn't exactly meet, but we were in the same room together, or same space. Bauer patio, fourth of july.

Jeffrey: You... You were at the bauer barbecue? And you noticed me. And you remembered.

Beth: (Laughs) only because you look so much like richard winslow.

Jeffrey: Great. Another prince humperdinck groupie. Just what I thought.

Beth: Well, we also have another connection.

Jeffrey: Oh, yeah?

Beth: My name is beth raines. Ring a bell?

Jeffrey: Well, I guarantee it will forever more.

Beth: My daughter is lizzie spaulding. The girl that you wanted to lock up for the rest of her life for an innocent teenage prank.

Jeffrey: Well... Well, i didn't lock her up.

Beth: No! But only because gus aitoro talked you out of it.

Jeffrey: Well, see? It just goes to show you i'm a man who can change his mind and i'm a real nice guy. See?

Beth: Ah. You certainly seem to think that you are.

Jeffrey: Well, if you give me some time, maybe i can convince you.

Beth: Are you propositioning me?

Jeffrey: Let me see. Are you single?

Beth: Yes.

Jeffrey: Then i'm propositioning you.

Beth: My lord, there's a lot of hot air in this room. It's been nice jousting with you, mr. O'neill.

Jeffrey: Ms. Raines? Sorry, beth. You know that thing with your daughter? I was just doing my job.

Beth: I never thought otherwise.

Jeffrey: Well, see? See? We can get along here. Hey, what are you up to these days, now that you've left the spaulding mansion?

Beth: And who says I've left the spaulding mansion?

Jeffrey: You mean you still live there with...

Beth: My kids? Yeah.

Jeffrey: In your ex's house. Wow. That's evolved. That's really... You know what? Hey, you're the perfect person. You can help me out here. Yes, please. Okay? You can give me the inside scoop on springfield's first family. What is up with alan? I mean, he wasn't really insane or crazy, right? He was faking it?

Beth: Oh, i see. You want me to spy on my children's grandfather for you. I think not.

Jeffrey: You know, there still could be a serious problem with my phone. If it does need to be repaired, I'll just send the bill to the spaulding mansion. Or maybe i'll just deliver it myself.

Josh: Come on, come on, come on. Sit down, sit down. Now, you're nervous, right? You're afraid you're going to go on live television and you're going to make a mistake, you're going to make a fool out of yourself.

Reva: Well, i don't really care about making a fool out of myself. It's not like it'd be the first time.

Josh: Well, that may be true, but why add to the list?

Reva: What if i just hurt someone by mistake? That's what worries me.

Josh: Okay. That's a valid point. In fact, that's a point I think i was trying to make to you the last time we spoke about this, but you shot it down.

Reva: Well, because...

Josh: Maybe, though, you're right. Why risk? Why risk giving somebody false information or false hope? What if that person gets angry at you and blames you for something? In fact, what exactly is the upside to this?

Reva: The upside is that i could possibly help people.

Josh: Well, maybe so. I know that's important to you, but you said that arthur seekamp's going to be there, right? You also said that arthur's much more advanced in his gifts than you are.

Reva: Well, uh, yeah, but... But christopher said that i could possibly add to the proceedings.

Josh: What, exactly?

Reva: Well, i could add my own unique perspective. Apparently, not that you think it's worth much.

Josh: I don't believe i said that.

Reva: Well, i thought you were supporting me, you know? That you were in my corner, on my side.

Josh: I think actually I am.

Reva: Look, joshua, i know that you have your doubts, but i do have a gift. It may be new to me and I may need to learn more, but I... What i can see and what I can do are very real and very powerful and if i can help people, not only can i help people, but i have to. Because I feel like it's my duty. I truly believe that. And if that means that i have to get up on television and make an ass out of myself, then so be it. And if it means that i unwittingly hurt somebody in the process-- I'm going to try my damnedest not to, but if i do-- then it's worth the risk. Yes, it's worth the risk. And you just played me like a fiddle, didn't you?

Josh: Yes, I did, darling.

Reva: You thought that if you could bait me, that you could trick me into...

Josh: Ow! Ow! Put down the... Put... I wasn't trying to trick you into anything.

Reva: You are so bad.

Josh: No, no, no. I was just trying to help you to see what i think you already know in your heart, reva. Yeah?

Reva: Yes.

Josh: Yeah?

Reva: Yes. Thank you.

Josh: Come here. Come on. That was good, that was good. Thank me again.

Reva: Mm.

Josh: Now, I do want to be honest with you.

Reva: Mm-hmm?

Josh: I do have concerns about you doing this show. In fact, some of those concerns are the same we just talked about. But if it's what you really want to do, i am with you. I support you 100%. Okay?

Reva: Yes. Thank you again. But just for the record, i am nervous, too, and that's why i think when we go on the air, i'm just going to let christopher and arthur do all the talking, and I'm going to observe this time, maybe just for the first few times, until i'm ready.

Josh: Really?

Reva: Yes, really.

Josh: Reva shayne lewis is just going to fade into the woodwork like some tiny little mouse and let others run the show?

Reva: I will.

Josh: I'll believe that when i see that, darling.

Reva: I will!

Josh: (Laughs)

reva: Cross my heart.

Josh: (Laughs)

Marah: You know, maybe mom's in makeup. I'll go check.

Shayne: Oh, you know what? Don't tell her i'm here because i want to surprise her.

Marah: Okay.

Marina: Aw. You're a good son, shayne.

Shayne: How's that?

Marina: Coming all the way back from your first road game at rookie league to support your mom.

Shayne: Yeah, well, i'm a great guy. And it looks like mom's not the only one in my family who could use some support right about now. Marah's putting up a pretty good front, but i think she's...

Marina: Yes, she's really upset. It's so weird, you know? I thought she and tony were going to, like, last forever. It just doesn't really make sense how something so good can go so bad so fast.

Shayne: Well, maybe it wasn't all that good to begin with.

Marina: Yeah. Life is full of surprises, huh?

Shayne: Yeah, well, some of them are pretty good ones.

Marina: Aw. Some are pretty bad, too, like us only having two weeks together before you have to go away to double a.

Shayne: I'm going to be back. I'm going to be back a lot, okay?

Marina: You promise?

Shayne: Like you're even going to notice I'm gone. You're going to be so wrapped up in starting school, you know, taking all your acting and singing classes-- not like you need them.

Marina: What, me? Am i or am i not a diva already?

Shayne: You are a certified diva, yes. And pretty soon, the whole world's going to know it and then you're going to forget all about little old me.

Marina: Oh, yeah, right.

Shayne: No, it's true. You're not going to have time for me. You're going to be too busy, because your albums are going to go platinum, right? And then you're going to have this beautiful mansion, you're going to have a bunch of big bodyguards following you around. You might even have your own clothing line.

Announcer: May I have the

envelope, please?

And the winner for best single

and best actress and best all-

around amazingly multitalented

new young performer is marina

cooper. (Applause)

marina: Thank you. (Laughs) (applause)

okay, I am... I'm just in awe.

I am in shock.

I just never... I really never

expected to...

Oh, okay, who to thank, who to

thank, who to thank.

Well, I guess, first of all i

have to thank my wonderful

family, my dad and my mom and

my aunt and my grandpa, buzz.

And oh, my director.

You were just amazing.

And my producer and my hair

stylist and oh, I'd like to

thank my pilates instructor.

And I guess most of all, i'd

like to thank the person that

stuck with me the whole time,

who stood by me through thick

and thin, who believed in me

even when I didn't believe in

myself, my own personal all-

star, mr. Shayne lewis.

Thank you.

Thank you, everyone.

This is just really such an


It is.

Thank you so much.

Thank you. (Applause)

I love you all.

Thank you.

Shayne: Hey, are you okay?

Marina: Yeah. Yeah, I think I really am going to be okay.

Olivia: So, i invite you in here to be my birthing coach and what do you do? You take over.

Phillip: And you hated it.

Olivia: Did i say that?

Phillip: You didn't hate it?

Olivia: No, i didn'T. I actually learned something. I'm glad you're going to be my coach, okay? You obviously know what you're doing and that means that I can count on you and hopefully i can relax a little bit when I get into the delivery room.

Phillip: Good. Because you're going to do great. And I will be with you, every step of the way. Oh, okay. I'll try not to take that personally.

Olivia: (Yawning): It's not personal. It's not personal. It's not. I just have my nap time, which is like clock work. I should get back to the beacon. Little miss spencer-spaulding needs her beauty sleep.

Phillip: I can take you. Tuck you both in, if you like.

Olivia: No, it's okay. I'll see you.

Lizzie: I should have never told you that olivia was blackmailing me.

Alexandra: No, no. I'm glad you did, darling. And look, it's not that I don't sympathize with you over olivia. I do, because I know how completely insufferably superior the woman can be. Have you heard about her "grand nap"?

Lizzie: Her grand...?

Alexandra: Nap. At just this time, every day, olivia ascends the main staircase of the beacon to take her nap, which lasts precisely one hour. And god help any bellhop or maid who disturbs her, because they won't have a job then.

Lizzie: That's typical of her. She's such a witch.

Alexandra: And then after exactly one hour and one minute, olivia emerges at the top of the steps once again and descends them, just like queen victoria. And straight over to the desk, where a bellhop hands her a glass of very, very cold milk on a silver tray. Oh, it's quite a sight. It's really quite a show, believe me. (Laughs)

lizzie: I really don't get why dad doesn't see that awful side of her. That's the one thing i don't understand. I wish there was some way we could open his eyes to it.

Alexandra: Lizzie, you know what? You know what I think? I think that we don't have to do a thing. We just sit tight and we stay patient, because i have a hunch that given enough rope, olivia will hang herself. You know? She'll find some way to ruin this with phillip. On her very own. Lizzie?

Lizzie: I have to go.

Alexandra: You have to go? Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Are... Darling, are you sure you're all right?

Lizzie: I'm fine. Yeah.

Alexandra: Uh-huh? Fine?

Lizzie: Yeah.

Reva: Oh! You came all the way home to surprise your old mom?

Shayne: Pretty much, yeah.

Reva: Ask a stupid question. But, how did you know I was doing a special show? I mean, I purposely didn't say anything about it when i talked to you last night. Oh. Another dumb question.

Josh: And she calls herself a psychic.

Reva: Yeah. I wonder if holly's in yet. You know, I've got to go over a few things with her.

Josh: I'll go find out for you.

Reva: Thanks.

Josh: Sure.

Shayne: You know, mom, actually, we have to get going, too. We're going to go to company.

Reva: Oh, you're not going to stay for the show?

Marina: Yeah, we actually invited a bunch of people to watch it with us over there.

Reva: Oh. Okay. Okay. Well, then we'll see you later. Marina, if you'd like, you're more than happy to join us for dinner later? Just think about it?

Marina: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, maybe. Thanks.

Shayne: Good luck, mom.

Reva: Bye, sweetheart.

Shayne: Bye.

Reva: Love you.

Shayne: Love you, too.

Marah: Don't worry. You'll be great.

Reva: How did you know?

Marah: Well, I guess it runs in the family.

Reva: Well, now that you've done your daughterly cheerleading duties, you can just get yourself out of here.

Marah: Who says i'm leaving?

Reva: I do. Honey, i know that you've got a ton of things to do before your fashion show and you have to finish those sketches to send to mr. Pascal.

Marah: Yes, well, i can take a little bit of a break. And then, actually, I think I'm going to go to the museum to work over there. There's more room to spread out.

Reva: Are you sure you want to do that? Take the chance of running into tony?

Marah: He moved out.

Reva: Out of the museum? What, and back to the santos house? That awful, disgusting place?

Marah: No, he moved in with danny and michelle.

Reva: Oh. Oh, well. In that case, I suggest you get back to our house and you pack up and move out before dinnertime, young lady. (Laughs)

alexandra: At just this time

every day, olivia emerges at

the top of the steps once again

and descends them, just like

queen victoria.

Beth: Lizzie!

Lizzie: Mom. What are you doing here?

Beth: Well, i was having lunch with a friend. What are you doing here? I thought you were spending the day with aunt alex.

Lizzie: Yeah, that was the plan, but it kind of changed. I'm actually here to see tammy, to hang out. But she's not here. I can't find her.

Beth: Then come home with me. We'll ride home together.

Lizzie: No, i have to wait here! Um, for tammy. Uh, I just have to talk to her about something, you know?

Beth: Why? Is something wrong?

Lizzie: No, just normal girl talk. (Laughs)

beth: Are you sure?

Lizzie: Yeah. Why do you act like I'm hiding some big secret from you or something?

Beth: I don't know, lizzie. Are you?

Reva: You moved back home to lick your wounds after you broke up with tony and to avoid running into him at the museum.

Marah: And you were all for that.

Reva: Yeah, i was. Then. But now tony's moved out of the museum and you're still living at home licking your wounds and i don't think that's a good thing.

Marah: Well, you know what? Maybe I just like your cooking.

Reva: Oh, yeah? (Laughs) since when?

Marah: Okay, okay. I get the idea. Boy, you know, i thought parents loved having their children live with them-- especially when they're as nice and neat and wonderful as i am.

Reva: I love you to death and i would love nothing more than to have you and shayne both just stay in the nest forever, but it's not healthy for any of us.

Marah: So this is what they call "tough love." All right, all right. I will move out of the house without a fight if you will do something for me.

Reva: Name it.

Marah: Will you plug my fashion show on air? We're doing it for a good cause. We're raising money for the hospital.

Reva: Absolutely. You don't even have to ask. Now you can do something for me.

Marah: Okay, what?

Reva: Give me back some of that tough love I've been dishing out-- or just ordinary love-- and tell me i'm not going to make a fool out of myself because my knees are knocking so badly that i think i'm going to pass out right now. (Laughter)

phillip: Well, I would say "penny for your thoughts," but i know that yours come with a much higher price tag than that. You're a hard woman to find.

Alexandra: Have you been looking for me?

Phillip: Mm-hmm.

Alexandra: What have I done wrong now?

Phillip: Nothing, since the last time I checked. Unless there's something that i should know about.

Alexandra: (Laughs)

phillip: No, I'm serious. You better tell me.

Alexandra: What are you serious about?

Phillip: I've been thinking and I would say that i've been too hard on you, but...

Alexandra: (Laughs)

phillip: ...That's not true. You did deserve it. But nevertheless, I've decided that it's time for you to come out of the doghouse.

Alexandra: Well, how magnanimous of you. What exactly brought on this change of heart?

Phillip: Oh, I don't know. The new life coming into the world, the company is doing well, I'm trying to focus on being positive. Not to mention the fact that you did help to talk lizzie into taking that internship. I appreciate that. You made it sound so glamorous, she couldn't turn it down.

Alexandra: Uh-huh. True. Yes. Well, you know, there is one way that you can ensure that she sticks with that internship.

Phillip: How's that?

Alexandra: Give in. Go ahead. Hire me as head of the company's cosmetics division. Come on, phillip.

Phillip: You know? Now, see, I come here to smoke the peace pipe and what are you doing? You're already angling to try to get something more from me. You're unbelievable. Next, you're going to be telling me that you've already done focus groups and r&d projections. You've got a perfume line picked out yet? Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

Alexandra: Oh, come on, phillip. You know i'm the best one for the job. I'll work harder than anyone else, and give me six months-- six months-- i'll turn this division around. If i don't, you can me. Can me, go out and hire someone new.

Phillip: Oh, what the hell. Okay. Okay.

Alexandra: I've got the job?

Phillip: You've got the job.

Alexandra: Oh, phillip! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Oh, oh, oh, you have no idea. All right. All right. All right, i think we should, you know, hit the road running, all right? Let's go in, with a whole new direction I want to discuss with you. You haven't had lunch, have you? Let's go. Come on.

Phillip: What have I done?

Tammy: So, was tammy supposed to meet you here at a certain time?

Lizzie: No, no certain time.

Beth: Well, i've got a couple of hours free. Why don't we go shopping, we could grab a bite to eat and hey, you could tell me about what happened with your dad and felicia.

Lizzie: It was fine.

Beth: So, did you talk about your little baby sister and how you feel about her?

Lizzie: Mom, please don't do that.

Beth: Do what?

Lizzie: Talk about my little sister like she's actually here. She's still an "it."

Beth: Oh, i beg to differ. If you could see that sonogram, you would know that she's very much a little person, with hair on her head and fingernails and eyelashes. Look over there. That's a newborn. Your little sister is almost as big as that.

Marah: Okay, look. When i had my purse idea and my fashion show idea, what did you say to me? You said, "marah, you must follow your passions fearlessly into the world, wherever they may take you."

Reva: I did not. (Laughter)

marah: Okay, well, they were words to that effect. And I think you should do the same thing with your gift.

Reva: Sweetheart, your gift is something tangible.

Marah: But yours is just as real and much more important. When you... You knew from the beginning that ben was a troubled kid and you even sensed that he was the killer.

Reva: Yeah, but my specifics were wrong, because I didn't know how to interpret them. I mean, if i had, maybe I would have saved some lives.

Marah: But now you do. Know how to interpret them, right? Or at least you're getting better at it.

Reva: Yeah, with christopher's help.

Marah: Well, isn't christopher the one who wanted you to do this show, and isn't christopher going to be right there beside you?

Reva: You have been talking to your father.

Josh: You ladies talking about me?

Marah: Hi.

Josh: Hello.

Reva: You know what? Your daughter is the perfect combination of the two of us, and that's a really frightening thing.

Josh: You still having any second thoughts?

Reva: No. No, I'm not. Not anymore. I am going to go on.

Josh: (Laughs)

reva: Very, very nervously, but I'm going to go on, and at the end of it, i will probably be a basket-case, but I'm going to go on! And right now, you are going to go home, you're going to pack up and move out. Now, go.

Marah: Okay, okay.

Josh: There she is, the reva we know and love. Huh? (Laughter)

stage manager: Reva? Show time.

Reva: Thanks, ned.

Alexandra: And these... These are the numbers we should be looking at in about six months. When the new fragrance is launched, I think we should name it after lizzie.

Phillip: Let me ask you something: How long have you been carrying all these materials around with you? Let me guess. Every day for weeks. Because you knew that you would eventually, if you pushed hard enough, wear me down and i would give you this job.

Alexandra: Oh, phillip. And it worked, didn't it? (Laughter)

phillip: This family. Okay, yes. You got the job. But let's be very clear about one thing.

Alexandra: I know, I know, i know. No games, no power plays. Honesty's the best policy.

Phillip: Honesty is the only policy.

Alexandra: (Laughs)

phillip: And if you find that even slightly amusing, i'll change my mind.

Alexandra: I don'T. Not at all. As a matter of fact, that's exactly what i want, which makes me broach a subject about your daughter.

Phillip: Okay.

Alexandra: I... Look, phillip, i'm just not sure you're aware how really unhappy she is right now, how disturbed she's feeling.

Phillip: Disturbed about what?

Alexandra: Well, you and olivia. This on-again, off-again relationship.

Phillip: I'm not going to discuss my relationship with olivia with you.

Alexandra: I don't want to discuss your relationship with olivia. I want to discuss your relationship with lizzie.

Phillip: Right. In the context of olivia and how much you dislike her.

Alexandra: No.

Phillip: How unsuitable she is and how she should never have been a spaulding.

Alexandra: No, it's not...

Phillip: Frankly, i do not care what you think.

Alexandra: Do you care what lizzie thinks? I mean, do you care how she feels?

Phillip: Of course I do. What kind of questions are these? Look, I know exactly what my daughter's going through right now. Some of it is unique to her, but some of it is what any normal teenager would go through when she fears that she is being supplanted in her father's affections by another woman.

Alexandra: Fine, phillip, but what are you doing about it?

Phillip: I'm doing a lot about it. I'm going to continue to do these same things. I'm going to keep talking to her. I'm going to monitor her therapy sessions. I'm going to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes.

Alexandra: What? Until she accepts olivia?

Phillip: No.

Alexandra: Come on, darling, what if that never happens?

Phillip: That is not the point. That's not the issue here. Look, lizzie made a lot of progress in her last therapy session. All right? Once this baby comes and she sees that it has not taken her place in my life, that i still love her just as much, everything will be fine.

Lizzie: My little sister's as big as that baby over there?

Beth: Sure. You remember how big james was when he was born.

Lizzie: I have a question. When babies are in your stomach, inside your womb, do they... Do they feel anything, like pain, or something like that?

Beth: Yeah. Some people believe that they can recognize the sound of their mother's voice, they pick up on vibrations of music, but you know all this stuff.

Lizzie: Yeah, i guess i forgot.

Beth: Well, i am getting ready to go home. Are you sure you don't want to join me? Okay. I'll see you later.

Bellboy: Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven...

Jeffrey: What's that all about?

Bellboy: The boss lady's about to descend the stairs. Her post-nap prenatal cocktail. She's like clockwork.

Jeffrey: Ah.

Bellboy: What'd i tell you?

Lizzie: Olivia!

Jeffrey: Olivia! Oh, my god. Are you all right?

Next, on "guiding light."

Beth: Yes, it's lizzie's handwriting. Now what? Damn it, tell me what's going to happen with my daughter!

Cassie: Olivia? Oh, my god. Are you okay? Nelson, call an ambulance.

Jeffrey: Get an ambulance!

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