GL Transcript Thursday 8/14/03

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 8/14/03

Provided by Suzanne

olivia: Hi. I got some good news. I hope. I'm officially relieving you of your duties as my birth coach.

Cassie: Oh, well, you finally came to your senses and you're giving phillip a shot, huh?

Olivia: As my birthing coach. Nothing more.

Cassie: Right. He's wearing you down.

Olivia: No, no, no. He has just bent over backwards trying to prove that he deserves a place in this baby's life. And I can't argue with that. I agree he does.

Cassie: Okay. What about a place in your life?

Olivia: That's not up for negotiation.

Cassie: Oh, come on. Just admit it. You want to raise this baby with him.

Olivia: I admit it. All right. But not for me for this baby. This baby needs two parents. I see that now more than ever.

Cassie: Why? What's going on?

Olivia: Well, whether i like it or not, this baby is a spaulding and that comes with a whole set of problems that can only be made worse if phillip and I are on opposite sides, right? I hate to admit this. I don't want this child to turn out like lizzie.

Felecia: Well, welcome to my office for the day.

Lizzie: And why are we in here?

Felecia: Broken pipe. They've assured it'll be fixed before the end of the day.

Phillip: (Clearing throat) I wish people were as easy to fix as broken pipes.

Lizzie: And so now I'm broken?

Phillip: Oh, honey, that's not what i meant by that.

Felecia: Lizzie, do you feel that your father thinks you need to be repaired?

Lizzie: All i know is that daddy likes to fix things. Since you're not getting the job done, he's come to give it his shot.

Felicia: You agree that your father could join us.

Lizzie: Yeah, i don't know what i was thinking. I mean, I'm outnumbered. It's two against one. I really don't like my odds, okay.

Phillip: Now wait a minute. No, you are not walking out that door. Now we are going to start to close this distance between us right now.

Salerno: It's okay. Nice to see you, daniel. You've been missed.

Danny: I wish i could say the same, vinnie.

Salerno: How's business?

Danny: Oh, business has never been better. Or was when you agreed to stay out of town. It seems that you've got a little problem staying out of town.

Salerno: Well, new york keeps me busy, danny. You know, springfield holds no interest for me now that you've made it all squeaky clean.

Danny: Right. So then what's this, vinnie? Amateur photography is your new hobby?

Salerno: Tony's a bad boy.

Danny: So bad you offered him a job?

Salerno: These things happen. I'm like you. I'm more accepting.

Danny: I don't accept anyone messing with my family.

Salerno: I know you protect your own, but understand something. I feel the same way about eden. I think we can work something out. I'm not the only one that wants to keep tony and eden apart.

Bill: Well, it looks like someone did their homework.

Michelle: Yep, like i used to do yours. Hey, it looks like i still am.

Bill: No, no, no. No, no, no, no.

Michelle: Ah, the lewis filing system.

Bill: Never fails. All right, look I had some of my guys come down here and check out this space. Now we can go state of the art like the radio stations do it, or we can even go more high tech like nasa. Now if you check your e-mail every once in awhile you'll see the mark-up I did for our website, okay. It's got some chat rooms in there, im capabilities. It's... It's...

Michelle: Wow, okay, I guess I underestimated you. That sounds amazing. You are amazing.

Bill: That is quite true.

Eden: Hi.

Bill: Hey.

Eden: So did I interrupt? So, this is harley angels, huh? You know i always wanted to be one of charlie's.

Michelle: Yeah, me too. So you must be awfully proud of yourself.

Eden: What?

Michelle: The health center. I mean, wasn't that partly your idea? It was a good one. Why, what did you think I meant?

Bill: Um, i just got to clear the air here. I know that tony and marah broke up, okay. And for some reason danny seems to think that you are responsible. So could you please tell michelle that he is just overreacting and that you didn't have nothing to do with it. Eden, tell her you had nothing to do with breaking tony and marah up.

Marah: Mom! Dad! I'm home. Well, I guess you're not. Uncle rusty, when are you going to remember that i moved?

Marah: Hey, you scared me.

Tony: Sorry. Shayne gave me a key. He was having trouble with the starter on his car and well, i didn't want to let him down just because we're not together. I just came by to pick up these. You could put that down now.

Marah: I'm sorry. I know you weren't going to hurt me.

Tony: No, i would die first.

Marah: Tony, we can not keep going over this. It's not going to change anything.

Tony: But pretending that you don't love me does?

Marah: I do love you. But we can't be together. When i saw the pictures of the girl, it just reminded me of everything. And I can't live each day of my life wondering if something might set you off or not.

Tony: That is not going to happen.

Marah: Tony, we have to make a clean break.

Tony: Marah, okay, I know you think that that you've made up your mind. But if you just listen to me one last time, you'll realize that you're making a mistake.

Michelle: Eden, you don't owe me any answers. And anyway i've got to get going. So...

Eden: No. No stay. We should clear this up. Look i know that danny doesn't like me and I know that he never will. And I know that you don't think i'm good enough for bill. So...

Bill: Whoa. Wait a minute now. Danny and michelle know more than anyone that someone can turn their life around, okay.

Eden: Yeah, well, maybe they don't know that it's harder to turn your life around than they think.

Bill: What are you saying?

Eden: What I'm saying is it is my fault that they broke up. I mean i didn't mean to do it, but I did.

Michelle: That really is my cue to go.

Eden: Look, salerno didn't like that tony was helping me to clear my name during the murder investigations. And when salerno doesn't like something, he shows it in a big way.

Bill: Okay.

Eden: So he sent me some photos.

Michelle: What kind of photos?

Eden: Tbey were pictures of tony with some girl that he met in chicago. And in the pictures it look like he had beaten her to pulp.

Michelle: What?

Eden: Look, i know. They may have been fixed. I don't know. Maybe they were real, but apparently they did the job.

Bill: So you showed these photos to marah?

Eden: No, i was showing them to tony so that he could know that salerno was messing with him. I never meant for marah to see them.

Bill: Then how did she see them?

Eden: It was an accident.

Michelle: An accident.

Eden: It was! Look, I had the photos in my purse and marah bumped into me and then these photos were everywhere and she saw everything and i tried to explain it to her, but she didn't understand. Look, bill, you've got to believe me. Come on, i did not mean to show her those photos.

Bill: Like hell i do.

Danny: So what are you telling me, vinnie? Do you want eden back? Take her. She's not even with tony. Right. You don't want eden.

Bill: Then what do I want?

Salerno: The same thing that you wanted when you sent your boys into springfield after telling me you vacated. You're testing me. You're saying in you're not so subtle way that even though you're physically off my turf, you're not. Not really.

Salerno: Tony's the one that showed up on my course though.

Danny: And you're the one who showed up at my house when my wife was there.

Salerno: Beautiful woman, your wife. We didn't get to spend much time together, but I saw enough to know that you're a very lucky man.

Danny: You're right. I am. I'm sure you feel the same way about your family.

Salerno: I do.

Danny: Yeah. You know, I think your sister made a smart move when she moved her family out of the city. Yeah, I think little vinnie is going to really like growing up in a small town. It's a much better environment for a kid.

Salerno: Don't even go there, man.

Danny: I already have. I know where they live, where the kids go to school, what time they're tucked in at night.

Salerno: Is that a threat?

Danny: You know, vin, i don't like doing business this way. But if this is how you're going to play, yeah, i'll sink to your level. I'm seeing that the best interest in my cousin stays healthy. Very healthy. Enjoy your meal.

Cassie: Look, i got to tell you that tammy has tried to become friends with lizzie, but it's been a real struggle for her.

Olivia: Lizzie... Lizzie's a really troubled kid. I don't imagine it'll be easy to be her friend.

Cassie: Well, if she's about to do something or if she's done something, can you tell me. I don't feel like bailing tammy out of jail again.

Olivia: No, i think tammy's okay. She's kind of focused on me. She's never going to come to turns with the fact that her father and i are having a baby and that he's going to be a part of my life.

Cassie: So he is going to be a part of your life.

Olivia: He's going to be a part of my baby's life. The only role he's going to play in my life is my baby's father. Look, if i wasn't letting him into my life wouldn't he be coming with me to find out if this baby is a boy or a girl?

Cassie: Oh, well, you know, he still could. And okay, so what happened to wanting it to be a surprise?

Olivia: Well, i don't care what my decorator says about purple being the new yellow. I can't keep buying two of everything. Besides, the baby kicked yesterday, and i asked him to kick again. Once for boy, twice for girl. I'm one of these people. I have to know.

Cassie: I think there's another reason.

Olivia: I hate purple.

Cassie: Everyday this baby gets more real. And so do your feelings for phillip.

Lizzie: What did you guys do plan this in advance?

Lizzie: What did you guys do which one is the good cop and which one is the bad?

Phillip: Honey, this is not an interrogation? I'M... I'm trying to find a way to get things back to the way they used to be. There was a time when you felt like you could tell me just about anything.

Lizzie: Yeah, well, nothing is like the way it used to be.

Felicia: And what's changed all of that?

Lizzie: You really believe that if I tell you every ugly thought that i've ever had that i'll just suddenly be okay?

Felicia: No. But it might make you feel just a little bit better. Lizzie, what do you think has changed everything in your life?

Lizzie: It used to be that we were like other families. You know, the kind that doesn't have to make appointments to see each other. Like cassie and tammy and her brothers. They have dinner together every night and it's not scheduled. They just do it because they love each other.

Phillip: Honey, you and your mom are together every...

Lizzie: Yeah, but, dad, you're not there.

Phillip: I know that. And I'm sorry. But, honey, all you have to do is call me. I can come over for dinner anytime.

Lizzie: Dad, that's not the only thing.

Phillip: Well, then what else?

Lizzie: You don't want to know.

Phillip: Yes, i do.

Lizzie: It seems like i'm like this toy that... You're going to think i'm so stupid.

Phillip: Honey, i'm not going to think anything you tell me is stupid.

Lizzie: It's like i'm this toy that you and mom both made and I'm your first and you just want to take it everywhere you go. It might even be your favorite. It's like when i do something wrong, the second I screw up, you're just ready to put me back on the shelf and never play with me again.

Phillip: Honey, you can't possibly believe that. Oh, honey.

phillip: Come here. Come here. You listen to me. I love you. And it doesn't matter what you do or say or think or feel, i will still always love you. Because you're my little girl and you're going to be that forever whether you like it or not.

Lizzie: I'm just scared, daddy.

Phillip: Scared of what? Honey...

Felicia: Go ahead, lizzie.

Lizzie: I don't know.

Felicia: Honey, it's time for you to be honest with your father.

Lizzie: You gave up on my grandpa. And grandpa gave up on you and he traded you in for gus. I mean, it happens all the time in our family.

Phillip: But, honey, those are entirely different situations. I could never give up on you.

Lizzie: Yeah, well, when the baby gets here, he's... He's never done anything wrong or made any mistakes and then you're going to look at me and just see how screwed up I am. The baby's never made any mistakes, never done anything wrong, never been locked up, never had to have his head shrunk. And I hate that. I hate the baby and he's not even here. How can you love someone like me, dad? How could you love a...

Phillip: Come here. Let me tell you something. You're forgetting something very important, honey. You were the most perfect little baby girl. I remember the first time I held you in my arms. I was so afraid that i would break you. And I knew that you were the best thing that had ever happened to me. You changed my life.

Lizzie: Is that good?

Phillip: It's more than good. It's wonderful. It's amazing. But I'll tell you something else. As overwhelmingly perfect as you were then, i love you so much more now. Because babies are beautiful. But you know what? They can't do the things that we can do. They can't go to the movies, they can't order pizza. They can't just hang out with each other, because we love each other the way we can. You are always going to be my best girl.

Lizzie: I really want to believe that.

Phillip: Well you better believe that. You better believe that.

Felicia: All right. I think you two have had enough for one day. Why don't you go do some of that hanging out that you've mentioned?

Phillip: Come on, sweetheart.

Felicia: This was really good work today. But it's just the beginning though. We'll do this again next week.

Phillip: Okay.

Lizzie: Can i say something real quick?

Felicia: Sure.

Lizzie: We didn't talk about olivia, and I know that dad really wants me to be friends with her, but I'm not sure i can do that. And I'm not sure what happens if i can'T.

Felicia: Phillip, i think lizzie needs to know that she's not going to lose you if she can't accept olivia.

Phillip: Honey, you're not going to lose me. All I'm asking you to do is work with me as far as olivia is concerned, okay?

Lizzie: I'll try.

Phillip: Okay.

Felicia: And we'll talk more about olivia next session.

Phillip: Okay.

Bill: You know this pattern is getting a little old.

Eden: Bill, don't do this. I'm telling you the truth. Bill, I don't care what they think. I just care what you think. What?

Michelle: I just can't imagine what seeing those pictures must have done to marah. I mean, no wonder she moved out.

Bill: Yeah, you and your friend salerno really did a number on her. Yeah.

Eden: Salerno is not my friend, okay? Look, this is the way he operates, okay. He showed me those pictures, because he knew exactly what it would do to tony.

Michelle: Yeah, and you just had to show them to marah, right?

Eden: Would you stop this? Look, I screwed up, okay. But I didn't mean to show those pictures to marah. I didn't want tony and marah to break up. Bill, come on. Don't do this. Don't let salerno get in between us, too.

Michelle: I'll call you about the help-line, okay.

Bill: Yeah.

Eden: Come on, say something. Anything.

Bill: You know what? It doesn't really matter what i want. What do you want now that tony's free?

Tony: Do you remember me, marah? Do you remember that guys that walked through the door of that club and fell for you the second he laid eyes on you? That guy was trouble. And that's what you were looking for.

Marah: I was looking for a way to rebel against my parents and there you were.

Tony: Yeah, but we found something more. You found the good in me. I mean before you my life as just one big fight, but you showed me there was more to it. I changed because of you. I mean you stood by me through tough times. That whole mess with catalina. There was no one else. I guess you regret that now.

Marah: I don't regret any of it.

Tony: I do i regret hurting you. And when i think about how i hurt you, if i could take it back, I would.

Marah: I know. I know. But you can'T.

Tony: Listen, after i hurt you my life was just... Was a mess, okay? But I fought my way back. And I fought my way back to you. And you forgave me. And we were happy. Weren't we?

Marah: Yeah. I can'T. I can'T.

Bill: (Laughs) oh, you... You're something.

Eden: Yeah, something good or something bad?

Bill: All right, I'm not going to share you. I'm going to share you with anybody.

Eden: I don't want tony. I only want you. (Both laughing)

bill: This is what I want you to do. I want you to take a little time, think about what you just said. And if you want to be with me, you know where to find me.

Cassie: Thank you. Hey. What are you doing?

Edmund: Did you know that you could order seeds from a catalog?

Cassie: I did. But I didn't know that you knew that.

Edmund: Well, i wanted to get a jump start on the garden at the farm. But unfortunately you can't order cows or chickens through a catalog. I checked.

Cassie: Whoa, mr. Ambassador. Why don't we worry about planning before we worry about cows and chickens. Besides we have so much other things to do. You know, we have to rebuild the barn, the farmhouse. There are experts that you know can help us with this. I know this plant guy at the university whose going to come show us what to plant and when.

Edmund: Cassie, i don't want to consult an expert. I want to do this on our own. I can plant... I can get one of those planting for dummies book. Come on. Come on, i can do this.

Cassie: Oh, i believe you can. I just... I got this flash of you in overalls.

Edmund: Hmm. How did I look?

Cassie: Well, they were designer, of course, but you looked really cute.

Edmund: Oh, that's nice to know. Cassie, I... I know this isn't exactly my natural habitat, but i am having a wonderful time.

Cassie: I can't believe how... How easy it is to be with you.

Edmund: You know, i've been accused of many things in the course of my life, but never being easy.

Cassie: (Laughs) no, I look at all of our... Well my friends. And they're struggling to stay together. Or apart. And I know with you it's just... It's good. It's fun. It's easy.

Edmund: Well, it's like growing tomatoes.

Cassie: Tomatoes.

Edmund: Tomatoes. That's why so many people grow them. You just add a little water and oh.

Cassie: Oh, my. (Laughs) well, that'll be one way to get the garden to grow.

Edmund: Yeah.

Phillip: Hey, is everything all right?

Olivia: Everytuq i just took a tour of the maternity ward. The birthing instructor recommended that.

Felicia: Phillip, excuse me. Why don't we decide on an appointment for next week.

Phillip: Oh, right. Excuse me.

Lizzie: You're just here to check up on me.

Olivia: I'm glad to see you kept you appointment, lizzie.

Lizzie: Yeah, i had no choice. It's called blackmail.

Olivia: I want this to help you. I was just saying to lizzie, i think it's great that the two of you are seeing felecia.

Phillip: Yeah.

Olivia: Yeah.

Phillip: You do?

Lizzie: Oh, you know what? We should probably let olivia get back to her tour, right?

Olivia: I'm on my way out. It's okay.

Phillip: Actually so are we. Here, I'll take that for you.

Olivia: No, it's okay. It's not heavy.

Phillip: A lot of pink. Does that mean what I think?

Olivia: I just spoke with dr. Sedwick, and i was going to tell you in class. It's a girl. You're going to have another daughter.

phillip: So you're sure? We're having a little girl?

Olivia: Yeah.

Lizzie: (Laughs) wow, a little sister.

Phillip: Yeah. And she's going to need a big sister to show her the ropes.

Lizzie: Oh, i really doubt olivia wants her to be anything like me.

Olivia: Actually, i think it's great growing up with a sister.

Phillip: Yeah. Hey, let's celebrate.

Olivia: You know what? I need to take a raincheck, because I'm really tired. You two enjoy your time together and I'll see you tomorrow.

Phillip: Okay.

Lizzie: Look, you don't have to hide your happiness on my account. I have to go.

Phillip: Honey. (Knock at the door)

danny: Hey.

Marah: Hey, danny.

Danny: Can I come in?

Marah: Yeah.

Danny: So, what's going on, marah? I mean, eden accidentally on purpose showed you some pictures and that's it with you and tony.

Marah: It's for the best.

Danny: Come on, you're obviously unhappy about it. So is tony. How is that for the best?

Marah: Look, danny, i appreciate that you're trying to help, but this is between me and tony. And I have a lot of work to do, so...

Danny: Marah. Hiding behind your work is not going to help. Believe me, I know. Look, you and tony have been through a lot. And I know that you probably don't want to fight anymore, but you have to.

Marah: No. No, I don'T.

Danny: So what? That's it? Eden august wins?

Marah: Maybe. Maybe she understands tony a way that i can't.

Eden: Dear bill, i want you

to know that i meant what i

said earlier.

Tony is my friend and that's

all he is.

But, bill, you could be the

best thing that's ever happened

to me.

And all I want is the chance to

be the same to you.

Love eden. Tony, what are you doing here?

Tony: I need you, eden.

cassie: I see a reality show in your future.

Edmund: Bite your tongue, woman.

Cassie: You think it's possible for us to have the best of both worlds? We could live at the farm and then have room service delivered to us whenever we want?

Edmund: No, no, no. You see I vote... I vote for a working farm where the kids don't just play, they work. They get their hands dirty. As a matter of fact, i think it's time I got my hands dirty, too.

Cassie: Oh, really?

Edmund: Mm-hmm.

Cassie: I have to remind you of that when you're mucking out the stalls.

Edmund: As long as there's a pond.

Cassie: For fishing?

Edmund: No, so we could swim with absolutely nothing on.

Cassie: I think we could sell that reality show.

Edmund: Hmm.

Cassie: (Laughs)

olivia: Get a room!

Cassie: I'm getting a farm.

Olivia: Oh.

Cassie: So what's the verdict?

Olivia: (Laughs)

cassie: Oh, a girl!

Edmund: Congratulations.

Olivia: Thank you.

Cassie: Oh, my god, a little girl.

Olivia: Thank you.

Cassie: Isn't that wonderful?

Olivia: It is. I really hope it is.

Felicia: Lizzie?

Lizzie: I just had to sit for a minute.

Felicia: I thought you and your dad were going to go out together?

Lizzie: Yeah, i didn't really feel up to it. I just sent him on his way. He and olivia are having a little girl. Their own little baby girl.

Felicia: And you would rather it been a boy.

Lizzie: I would rather it not... I really don't want to talk about this anymore, okay.

Felicia: Honey, this does not change the fact that you are still your father's first daughter.

Lizzie: But i'm not his little girl.

Felicia: Having a little sister isn't so bad. It could be fun. You could teach her things. She can really depend only on you. Lizzie?

Danny: You can't let a bunch of pictures make you forget what you know about tony.

Marah: It's not just the pictures. It's where you come from. It's a place that I don't understand and i don't want to understand and it's a part of tony that I just... I can't handle. I can't live my life wondering if he's going to snap from day to day and i won't.

Danny: Well, you don't have to. Tony's changed. He's not the same messed up, angry kid that we all knew. He's not. He's grown into a good man. And a lot of that is due to you.

Marah: But that angry kid is still in there inside of him somewhere, just like with ben.

Danny: No, marah, tony is not ben. He's not. He recognized he had a problem and he worked on it.

Marah: I don't know if that's enough.

Danny: I know that you love him, marah. And he loves you very much.

Marah: Yes. And love solves everything.

Danny: Sometimes it does.

Marah: Look, loving tony is easy, but that doesn't make it right.

Danny: I feel like... Well, i think you're making a big mistake. And I hope it isn't too late before you realize it.

Marah: I know what I'm doing.

Danny: Marah, i feel like you're looking for some kind of, I don't know, darkness that isn't there.

Marah: It is there. And it's always been there. I just didn't want to see it before. And I am not going to look the other way anymore. I can'T.

Danny: Okay. Okay. Just think about it.

Eden: You need me.

Tony: I have to make marah understand.

Eden: Look, i can't help you. She won't listen to me.

Tony: She's fixated on those damn pictures. I have to prove to her that i never hurt that woman.

Eden: Yeah, but you said that you don't remember.

Tony: I have to find her. I have to... I have to make her tell me the truth. Now you use to do this for a living. You used to set up men for salerno.

Eden: You want me to find out who she is?

Tony: You are the only one who can.

Eden: But i thought we said we weren't going to see each other after...

Tony: I have no other choice. This is the only way that i could win marah back. Now I helped you when you needed help with salerno. It's your turn.

Eden: I'm in.

Olivia: Next on "guiding light"...

Beth: You and olivia and this on again, off again relationship.

Phillip: Look, I'm not going to discuss my relationship with olivia with you.

Lizzie: Why do you always think I'm hiding some big secret from you or something?

Beth: I don't know, lizzie. Are you?

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