GL Transcript Friday 8/8/03

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 8/8/03

Provided by Suzanne

cassie: (Laughs)

edmund: I didn't know you cared about country club gossip.

Cassie: I don't at all. We're not alone. (Laughs)

edmund: Well, hello, little man. Nice of you to join us.

Cassie: And... Well, there is someone else who wanted to meet with us.

Danny: Come here, champ. Hey there.

Edmund: Danny. How can we help you?

Danny: So nice to see you, too, eddie. What, you didn't tell him?

Cassie: Well, i... I was just getting there.

Edmund: Tell me what?

Danny: I asked cassie to set up a little business meeting for us.

Edmund: Last business meeting we had, I almost ended up at the bottom of a lake.

Danny: You lived.

Edmund: Yes, well, still, you might understand my apprehension about doing business with you again.

Cassie: Okay. You know, why don't you just think about it. If we can get past the past, then maybe you can with danny, right?

Edmund: Well, danny's not quite as pretty as you are.

Cassie: Then do it for me, okay? Please.

Danny: Cassie? Um... I turned around and the little one took off. (Laughs)

cassie: Oh, god, I'll be back. I'll be back. R.J.? R.J.?

Edmund: All right, so let's hear it.

Danny: That was easier than i thought.

Edmund: I said, "let's hear it." That's not a yes to whatever it is you have to say. You know, I have to admire your nerve, danny.

Danny: Oh, yeah?

Edmund: Coming back to do business meetings with people you've tried to kill. You really are your mother's son, aren't you?

Danny: You're one to talk, moving in on your dead brother's wife after all the crimes you've committed against them.

Edmund: I'm starting over.

Danny: Very good. That makes two of us.

Cassie: R.J.. R.J., What are you doing?

Jeffrey: Oh, here's your mother now. What... Did you finally realize you were missing someone?

Cassie: R.J., Honey, could you please let go of the not-so -nice-man's leg.

R.J.: Daddy.

Michelle: Hey.

Bill: Hey. You still up for company?

Michelle: Yeah, sure, come on in. Yeah, danny's at a meeting and... Robbie's at my dad's, so it's just me. So, it was a nice service. I mean, that's what we're supposed to say, right?

Bill: You know what i was thinking the whole time? Instead of the flowers and the nice words, that he'd like a big party and a keg. (Laughs)

michelle: Don't make me laugh.

Bill: No, michelle, it's true. He hated being the center of attention.

Michelle: He... Well, maybe if he had been the center of our attention a long time ago, he'd still be here.

Bill: Would he? I have no idea.

Michelle: I don't know. It was like we... We wrapped up his whole life in a bow, and now we're supposed to put the whole thing behind us. And I can'T. I can'T. Everything seems just different.

Bill: (Sighs) they are different, michelle. Ben's gone. Well, look, you know what, we have two choices, okay? We can either sit here and dissect ourselves and ben and... And just talk about how guilty we feel.

Michelle: Okay, quick, second one.

Bill: Or... We can get trashed and do pretty much the same thing.

Michelle: Well, made my choice.

Bill: And i think ben would like that choice as well.

Tony: All right, what was so important you couldn't tell me over the phone?

Eden: I am so sorry, tony, for dragging you into my mess. If i had known, I would never have had you come to new york. I... I... I never wanted anything to happen to you and marah.

Tony: Listen, listen, listen, I helped you because it was the right thing to do. Marah and I are getting back on track. This thing with you, that's over.

Eden: No, it's not.

Tony: What?

Eden: You have to believe me. I never wanted this to happen.

Marah: Hey, eden, sorry. I left my stupid cell phone in the car and then had to track down the valet to track down the car. What's that?

Tony: Feels like pictures.Q

marah: Of what?

Tony: I was just about to find out.

Eden: No, no, no, no. You know... I am so disorganized. These are the ones that I wanted you to look at.

Marah: Oh, my god. They're... They're from the beacon gala.

Eden: I know, i am the worst at getting film developed.

Marah: Some of these pictures are really great. You know what, aunt cassie would love to see these. You have some good pictures of her and the kids. Do you mind if i steal them for a sec?

Eden: Sure. You didn't tell me that she was coming.

Tony: You know, i figured that you wouldn't mind.

Eden: I don't.

Tony: Listen, i didn't want her to be home alone, okay? This stuff with ben has her really upset, all right. What... What is it?

Marah: Look, it's me and... You and marina.

Tony: And ben.

Eden: I'm so sorry. I forgot those were in there.

Marah: We all looked so happy. I was about to have my first meeting with a big shot designer, thanks to eden. You were so patient with me. And marina had borrowed her first fancy dress from me. And ben... God, we all looked so happy.

Tony: And we were. I mean, look at me, I'm smiling like an idiot. (Laughs)

marah: You really do look happy.

Tony: That must be because i was standing next to you.

Michelle: So when exactly did you guys realize you were madly in love with me? (Laughs)

bill: Well, let's see, how long have we known you? No, I'm sorry, i can't help your ego out there. We never talked about that sort of thing.

Michelle: Oh, come on. I thought that's all you did was talk about me when i wasn't around.

Bill: Well, i think in the beginning, we liked you despite the fact that you were a girl. And at some point, we liked you because of the fact that you are a girl.

Michelle: Yeah, which explains why one day you were fighting over who carried my books. The next day, you were torturing me.

Bill: Well, because one day you'd be walking around with your hat on backwards. And the next day, you'd have your hair down, walking in slow motion. Well, at least that's what ben would say.

Michelle: He was... He was a little romantic, wasn't he? So, why... Why did i choose you for my first kiss?

Bill: Because i was irresistible.

Michelle: No, i was not that shallow.

Bill: (Laughs)

michelle: But ben was sweet, though. And he had such... He had such a big heart. I'm glad i finally did get to kiss him. You know, the stupid night on the beach when danny and i were split up.

Bill: Right.

Michelle: It's just when i think about what he did to those other girls, i mean, what if...

Bill: Michelle, please, don'T...

Michelle: I know it's...

Bill: No, don't even think like that. Ben would have never ever hurt you.

Michelle: I know, i know, you're right. He protected me. And that's why i cannot... I can'T... I can't reconcile our ben with the guy who did those things to those girls. I just can't.

Bill: Yeah, you know what? Let's not talk about that. Let's not talk about that tonight. All right, because... Let me tell you how i want to remember ben. Fifth grade, track meet. Remember that kid could run like the wind.

Michelle: He could. He could run like the wind.

Bill: And his dad went to every race.

Michelle: Fletcher was good.

Bill: And my dad, he went to exactly one. Got on the wagon long enough to see me win my only race. You know why i won that race? Because ben threw it. Because it was more important to him to be a friend than to win. And that's how i want to remember ben.

Michelle: Yeah. And then he left for boarding school.

Bill: Why did we let him go?

Michelle: No, he thought it was going to be a great adventure. Remember? It was like... It was like one of the stories that he used to read in his books. God, he had such imagination and heart. How could somebody take advantage of a kid like that? That ruined his life and turn him into somebody who could do those things that he did? How does that happen?

Danny: Lewis construction has just completed the new business complex on fifth street.

Edmund: Yes, I've seen it.

Danny: Top floor's still empty. I've been saving it for the perfect client. Someone with prestige. Someone like you.

Edmund: My god, man, your timing is unbelievable. You offer me new space on the very day i get a letter from my landlords telling me the lease on my old space has been terminated.

Danny: (Laughs)

edmund: Something about an investor's buyout. Now, you wouldn't happen to know something about that, danny, would you?

Danny: I have no idea. But look at that. You need space; I have space. Everybody wins.

Edmund: Yes, you seem to be winning a lot lately. Fifth street is becoming a success, and in the process, so are you. You have everything your mother ever wanted. Plus the one thing she at least publicly never professed to want: Legitimacy.

Danny: I'm doing the best i can.

Edmund: You're a regular man of the people, aren't you? Or is that just what you want the world to believe?

Danny: What about you? What do you want the world to believe about you these days?

Edmund: I don't care about the world.

Danny: (Laughs)

edmund: I really don'T. I care about cassie. Losing richard, danny, brought me perspective. And I realize the only thing i want to do, the only responsibility i wanted was to take care of cassie and the children.

Danny: Atone for your sins?

Edmund: That's how it started. But what i've gotten in return is so much more than i ever deserved. I'm the first one to admit that. But I'll keep it just the same. Now, that's something I think you would understand, danny. Because there, i think, we have a great deal in common right now.

Danny: Well, not quite so much as you think.

Edmund: I'm content, danny. I don't give much thought to anything outside of preserving richard's legacy and taking care of his family. My dreams are probably not quite the size of yours right now, but... Come to think of it, i probably could learn a thing or two from you about crafting a new image.

Danny: It's not just an image.

Edmund: No, of course not. You're totally a new man. Just like me.

Cassie: R.J., Sweetie, you need to let go and come here so i can explain everything to you. I'm s-o-r-r-Y. I am.

Jeffrey: Yeah, I understand you are s-o-r-r-y, but the child has attached himself to my leg, so... Why are we spelling?

Cassie: Because i don't want him to think that he's done anything w-r-o-n-g.

Jeffrey: Well, he has attached himself to my l-e-g. So would you please talk to him?

R.J.: Daddy.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Cassie: R.J., Honey, do you remember when I tried to explain to you there was going to be a man living at the beacon who liked like daddy, but he wasn't daddy? His name is mr. O'neill. You know, you could help me out a little here.

Jeffrey: Hey, buddy. There we go, hey. How you doing? Look, I'm not your daddy, okay. I don't want to be your da... Well, it's not that I don't want to be your daddy, it's just that i don't want to be anyone's daddy, okay? I know i look a lot like your daddy, but your daddy was a prince. And I am definitely not that. I'm sure your mother will agree with me, okay. Now, look, i have hair on my face.

R.J.: Daddy.

Jeffrey: Okay. (Blows raspberry) do i look like your daddy now? No, no, see your daddy would never do that. Okay, I think we got it now.

R.J.: Daddy.

Jeffrey: Okay. Not that long ago I saved your a-S... Well, you know what i saved, okay. So now it's time for you to save me, okay. And right now would be a good


r.J.: Uncle edmund, it's daddy.

Jeffrey: (Sighs)

cassie: I've been trying to explain it to him, but...

Jeffrey: Look, I can't do much with this kid attached to my leg, you know.

Edmund: Here, allow me.

Jeffrey: Yeah, please.

Edmund: Hey, R.J., You want to go for a walk? Come on.

Jeffrey: I'll send you the dry cleaning bill, okay, how's that? Cb

cassie: The faces were the wrong way to go.

Jeffrey: Oh, really?

Cassie: Richard would have done that to make him happy, you know. Not to get rid of him.

Jeffrey: Well, I'm so sorry if my childcare skills disappoint you.

Cassie: They don'T. I know who you are. What i can't understand is why r.J. Can't feel the difference. I mean, I thought kids were supposed to sense that kind of thing, but...

Jeffrey: But I guess he must assess that deep down inside, I'm really a prince.

Cassie: (Laughs) right.

Jeffrey: There you see, laughing. I got a smile out of you and i didn't have to make a monkey face. Well, I guess I'm going to get out of here before your child attacks me again.

Cassie: Wait... I don't know... I didn't know if maybe you needed anything from me for the trial... For mr. Hendon's trial...

Jeffrey: No, no, no, it's handled. Thank you.

Cassie: It's handled. What do you mean, it's handled?

Jeffrey: Yeah, it's handled. Oh, boy.

Edmund: Well, i think we've come to an understanding.

R.J.: Hi, mr. O'neill.

Jeffrey: Hi, mr. R.J. Listen, good-bye, mr. R.J. Mr. O'neill needs a drink.

Cassie: Hey, come here. Let me see you. You... You were so brave to do that. And that was so important. You know why? Because you're' going to be seeing that man, mr. O'neill, a lot at the beacon. And that's where we live.

Edmund: Cassie?

Cassie: Yeah.

Edmund: I think we need to talk about your living arrangements.

Tony: I will wait forever for you to feel safe with me again. I love you.

Marah: I love you. I'm sorry. I'll go.

Tony: I can go.

Marah: No, it's... It's okay, I'll go. You just... Stay here, okay?

Danny: Hey.

Tony: Hey.

Danny: Hey, what's happening?

Tony: Hey, I didn't see you come in. Is michelle here, too?

Danny: No, she wanted some alone time at the house after ben's memorial.

Tony: Yeah.

Danny: And thought I'd take care of a little business. What was that all about with eden? I saw her fly out of here.

Tony: I don't know, i don't know. She... She called me down here. She wanted to talk about something, but then she just showed marah a bunch of old pictures. I don't know... Something is spooking out eden. And whatever it is, she doesn't want marah to know about it.

Eden: Okay, stop this, eden. You've got a good thing going with bill. You don't need anything or anyone else, all right?

Marah: Hey. Thank goodness for waterproof mascara, right?

Eden: I'm all right.

Marah: I guess we've all been kind of teary lately.

Eden: Yeah.

Marah: I know i went after you the other day about ben.

Eden: It's all right, i understand.

Marah: No, I was totally out of line. What happened with him, it wasn't your fault.

Eden: Marah, it's... It's okay. I didn't help you much either, all right.

Marah: Come on, don't be like that.

Eden: Look, i know you're my friend, okay. So let's just leave it at that and... I'm just going to go...

Marah: Ed!Please don't be like this...

Eden: No... Sorry.

Marah: Stop it, stop it. What is this?

Eden: Look, it's not...

Marah: It's not what?

Eden: It's not what you think it is.

Marah: Why do you have these?

Eden: Look, salerno gave them to me, all right. These are fakes, all right. This is what vinnie does. He was upset from our trip to new york, and then tony doesn't' want to be in the mob. This is payback. Marah, listen to me, this is a setup, all right. You know tony is not capable of this.

Marah: I think I'm going to be sick.

Eden: No, marah, wait!

Danny: So if you're so confident that eden can't bust you and marah up, how come you look so nervous?

Tony: Danny, they've been gone a long time.

Danny: Right. You and marah are solid, right?

Tony: We were solid. Until this thing with ben came up. She didn't think ben was capable of what he did. And now she's questioning everyone. Even me.

Danny: Why? What does that have to do with you?

Tony: It's about the violence. I mean, she didn't ever think ben was able to do what he did. Now she remembers what i did to her. She can't let go of it.

Danny: But she knows that's not you anymore.

Tony: Yeah, she knows for one minute, and then something comes up and... Danny, look, that's why I brought her out here, because I wanted to just have fun tonight, and, you know, forget about everything.

Danny: Have fun at the country club?

Tony: Yeah.

Danny: No, it's good. It's good. Look at how far the santos boys have come.

Tony: Hey, you know, if i didn't know any better, I'd think that you were more concerned about how we look than how we really are.

Danny: What?

Tony: Yeah, i mean, i don't know, I'm here telling you about marah and me being on the rocks, and you're giving me some crap about how well we look? What is that?

Danny: Tony, you know i want you and marah to work it out.

Tony: Do you? Is that for me? Or is that for your business?

Danny: How can you even ask me that?

Tony: No, because lately you've been all about, you know, how good we look and how well we're coming up in the world. Your wife... Your wife just buried a best friend today, and that seems to be affecting everyone around here except for you. You're here on business.

Danny: You telling me how to run my life, tony?

Tony: No, danny, I'm not. But let me just tell you something about me and marah. This is nothing to do with our image; this is my life here. And you don't seem to see that.

Michelle: What are you doing?

Bill: I'm making a toast.

Michelle: Okay, wait, wait, you can't because I want to ask you something first.

Bill: Sure, what's up?

Michelle: Where do you think he is? I mean, you know, considering everything... Because he was hurt. But yet he hurt all those other people.

Bill: Well, like my dad would say, he's in the big tent in the sky.

Michelle: Even though...

Bill: Yep, where's there room for sinners and saints and everyone in-between.

Michelle: Do you really believe that...

Bill: That's where he is.

Michelle: Do you really believe that?

Bill: I have to.

Michelle: Yeah.

Bill: All right, back to the toast.

Michelle: Okay. Go for it.

Bill: To our friend, ben. We loved him no matter what.

Michelle: I want... (Sighs)

bill: What?

Michelle: I want it back.

Bill: I know.

Michelle: I want another chance to just... To get it right, you know? I want...

Bill: (Sighs) michelle, we all do.

Michelle: It's like, if he could have talked to someone, you know, he kept it all inside. If he could have... If he could have...

Bill: Look, look, look, look, look, with all your ifs, you're going to drive yourself crazy.

Michelle: I know, i know. But I feel like I have to do something. Maybe...

Bill: What, what, what would you do?

Michelle: I... Maybe... Maybe we could start like... Like something for... For troubled kids, abused kids, you know, like a hotline or an outreach program. I know it's not going to bring ben back, but it would be something.

Bill: Well, that's funny, eden said the same thing.

Michelle: Really?

Bill: Yeah, she's been seeing me, you know, try not to punch holes in the wall and... Well, she said i should put that all in someplace else, you know.

Michelle: Wow, now I know the world is really turning completely upside down if eden thought of it...

Bill: Come on, now, michelle, you don't even know her.

Michelle: I know. I just... What i do know, i don't like.

Bill: Well, i care about her. And she's wonderful.

Michelle: You guys are really getting serious, huh?

Bill: You don't even know her.

Michelle: I know. I just... What i do know, i don't like.

Michelle: Does she make you happy?

Bill: Yes, she does. In fact, i haven't felt this way since...

Michelle: Since when?

Bill: Since you.

Danny: Tony, tony, listen to me. You misunderstood what i said. I'm always your family. Always. Okay? It's going to work out with you and marah. You just hang in there. Will you?

Tony: Yeah, this thing... This thing's just got me on edge, you know? Tonight is the night we start turning things around.

Danny: Right. Come on. All right. I'll talk to you later.

Tony: All right.

Jeffrey: Hey, danny.

Danny: What?

Jeffrey: Where's michelle? I mean, the honeymoon's not over, is it?

Danny: No, she's home. Today was ben reade's memorial service. She's wiped out.

Jeffrey: Oh, yeah. I would hate to think that i went to all the trouble of officiating at your marriage and...

Danny: No, no, no, no, the vows stuck. We're doing great. Actually, I'm on my way home to her right now.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Danny: See you later.

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Danny: Take it easy.

Eden: Where's marah?

Tony: I don't know, you tell me. What happened?

Eden: She's gone, tony. And it's all my fault.

edmund: Cassie, i not good about working myself up to say what iave to say, so, I'm just going to plunge in, all right?

Cassie: Works for me... Most of the time.

Edmund: Good. Good. Here it goes. I found the plans that you and richard had drawn up, renovating the farm. You've told me how much tammy loves it there. You love it there. The kids need a place where they can run around and make as much noise as they want. And they also need a place where they can grow up. So what do you think?

Cassie: I think it's a great idea. I think it's... Too fast.

Edmund: Fast? You don't have to move in today.

Cassie: I... I think it's too fast for us. I'm not... Ready for us, you know, to live together. I really like where everything is right now. I... I... I really like how we are and... Please tell me you understand. Please tell me you understand this.

Edmund: Wait, wait. You thought I was asking you to move in with me?

Cassie: Weren't you?

Edmund: No. No. That is... That is far too big a step for me. I can tell you that much. Cassie, the house is for you and the children, that's all.

Cassie: Oh.

Michelle: Okay, how many times... How many times did you and ben see "star wars"? 20? 30?

Bill: Wait a minute now, are you just giving me a hard time because you just didn't get the force. All right, now, who was it who was trying to catch E.T. In her garage by putting rock candy in the mousetrap, huh?

Michelle: Whatever.

Bill: (Laughs) ow. Hey, you can take my eye out with that.

Michelle: Oh, hey. Hey, honey.

Danny: Hi.

Bill: Hey.

Michelle: Bill came over to see how I was... Holding up and we started to take a trip down memory lane.

Danny: I see. Well, I hope no one's driving on the trip, or driving themselves home.

Bill: (Laughs) no, no, I actually got a car coming.

Danny: Well, don't leave on my account.

Michelle: Hey, honey, bill and I decided that we want to do something for ben. We want to, like, start a hotline for troubled kids. You know, obviously it's not going to bring ben back, but we need to do something.

Danny: Yeah, well, it sounds good. I might even be able to give you some space at the new complex.

Michelle: That would be great. I mean, actually... Apparently, eden came up with the idea first and told bill that we should do something.

Danny: So eden's been helping you through this?

Bill: Hm? Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, she has.

Danny: Good. I just saw her at the club, actually. She looked pretty upset. I guess everybody's taking ben's death pretty hard.

Bill: Was she still there when you left?

Danny: I don't know. On her way out, I think.

Bill: All right. (Horn honks) oh, there's my car. All right, i'm going to get going, check on her, okay.

Michelle: Okay. I'll call you about the hotline.

Bill: All right, you do that, all right. Take care.

Danny: See you. So, what do we all got here?

Michelle: So... What was that?

Danny: What, what was what?

Michelle: You were digging about eden. Why?

Danny: Because, honey, she may not be the killer, but i still think she's bad news. Especially for tony.

Eden: I didn't mean for this to happen. I tried to stop it and then i tried to stop her...

Tony: Tell me... Tell me why marah ran off.

Eden: I am so stupid...

Tony: Just... Just tell me what happened. Why did she leave? Now, tell me what you told her.

Eden: All right, these are the pictures i originally brought to show you. They are from salerno and i switched them when she showed up.

Tony: Marah saw these?

Eden: My bag dropped and then they fell out. I... I tried to get them away from her. Look, I brought these to show them to you, so you could... You could deal with salerno. I knew she couldn't handle this.

Tony: And you can, right? Right?

Eden: I don't care about those pictures. I know that you're a good man.

Tony: Where the hell did she go?

Eden: I don't know. She just... She... She just ran off. She said she wasn't feeling well. I... I am so sorry. Please, you have to believe me.

Tony: No, all i have to do is find marah.

Edmund: Cassie, the only offer I want you to consider is the one that i actually made. The house is for you and the children. Moving in together is... Is far too big a step for either one of us. I know that.

Cassie: But we are moving forward, right? You know, I mean, I feel closer to you every day, I do. And when i see you with my kids, like i was watching you with r.J., That is so special to me. And... Maybe that's something, you know, I'm going to want in the future. It's just not something... I'm just not ready for that today.

Edmund: Well, considering the fact that I never asked you in the first place, you have no reason to feel bad about it now.

Cassie: Well, we can't act like i didn't put it out there, right? You know, we have this big, pink, fat elephant sitting on the middle of the table. I offended you.

Edmund: Cassie, i don't bruise that easily. Well, yeah, I do, but... I'll get over it.ñR cassie, when i see something you need, I want to go right out and i want to get it for you. Now maybe that's too much. Maybe this present was just far too much, too soon. But that's exactly what it was. I don't want to play house with you, cassie. I would like to play doctor.

Cassie: (Laughs) I'm sorry.

Edmund: Don't be. Don't be sorry. Just take the present in the spirit it was given. For you, for your children. After all, you're the one who told me that caring for someone is giving and never expecting anything in return. And that is just what this is.

Cassie: Hold that thought. Wait a second. R.J., R.J. (Sighs)

jeffrey: All right, r.J. And I'm warning you, you're going to be bored at the bar.

Danny: So how you doing?

Michelle: I'm just tired. So tired.

Danny: So this isn't going to become a regular habit, is it? You drinking with other men while I'm out on business?

Michelle: A girl needs a hobby.

Danny: Uh-huh.

Michelle: It was special circumstances tonight.

Danny: I see. Well, did it help?

Michelle: Yeah. Yeah, I think ben would have appreciated our little wine fest.

Danny: Good. I'm glad that you and bill can be there for each other. Sorry to break up the party.

Michelle: No, i need to be with you. I mean, he's got eden to run off to. Thinks he's really falling for her. Thinks he's in love.

Danny: Wow, that's good. At least he's not mooning over you anymore.

Michelle: (Laughs) you don't even want... Tony anywhere near eden, and they're not even a couple. But it's okay for my best friend to be madly in love with her?

Danny: (Laughs) honey, bill's a big boy. If she's playing him, he should know.

Michelle: I hope you're right.

Bill: What's going on?

Eden: I am so glad you're here.

Bill: Danny said he saw you down at the club and you looked upset. What... What's up? You want to talk about it?

Eden: No.

Bill: Eden, what is it?

Eden: Bill, i really want to be good. I do. I want to be the kind of woman that you'd' want to be with.

Bill: Well, i told you, i'd be with you no matter what.

Eden: And i want to do what's right and... I don't know. Things just keep getting away from me and I... I know I can fix it, but I just... I need you to help me make it right.

Bill: Just tell me what you want me to do, that's all.

Eden: Bill, just tell me that you love me.

Bill: I love you, eden.

Eden: (Laughs) oh, boy, you're going to get it. (Laughs) s Ñ

tony: Look, eden told me that you saw the photos. We need to talk.

Marah: Okay, wait, me first. Tony, I am so sorry. Just five minutes after you tell me all of those wonderful things and say that we're going to work it out, I see the pictures and it's like all of your words just came crashing in on me. I... I know you were set up. Salerno probably got someone else to pose for the pictures and... I've seen what they can do with digital photography these days. He probably just put your head on somebody else's body.

Tony: No. He didn'T.

Marah: What do you mean?

Tony: I mean, what you saw in those pictures was the truth.

Next on "guiding light."

Marah: I don't understand, tony. I don't understand what you're trying to tell me. Did you do this to her or not?

Tony: I don't... I don't remember.

Alan: You're a fool if you give up on eden.

Gus: I... I don't think i have a choice.

Alan: Don't ever give up on your sister.

Reva: I would like to make a little minor change in the format of my show. I want to do a weekly segment on psychic readings.

This has been "guiding light."

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