Guiding Light Transcript Friday 8/1/03
Provided by Suzanne & Eric
Olivia: hey, charlie, tnks for rescuing us.
Charl: When the we an put together, we argued the whole time it was gat.
Olivia: (Laughs) llu know what? Phillip tried and tried, but just couldn't make it wo.
Charlie: Babies have a way of brin people tother.
Olivia: I just ne you to fix myrib, charlienot myrelationship.
Charlie: Whever you say.
Tmy: Babcentral arouere.
Tammy: Mom st wted me to drop these offor you. Of course, if you ve a girl, yomay be out of luck.
>>Via: No. Aryou kidding ? Trucks are great. Besides, if it's a girl, she'll ve to learn how to play with thg boysght? Have you talked toour mom?
Tam: Yest called. E's having fun only cou actuallget excited about a hotel conferce.
Olivia: (Laug) well, I'll tnk her whei see he this stuff is eat. And it's vy colorful. I guess ys don come in a ceauve, huh? Mmy?
Tammy: It's just...
Olivi oh, I'm sorry. I know ben wasriend of yours.
Tmy: S.
Ovia: Younow, when peop like that die so young...
Tammy: Idn't hao E. Meone did everything but th ndle intoim.
Lizzi andhat, grandpa how it's done. Ooh,heck. Ah! (Laughs)
Alan: Well now, you know, izeth, I'mot very go fore my second cup of coee.
Lzie: Oh, sure. Mm-hmm.
>>Hos: I trio st her, mrspauing,ut she...
alan: Shealexandra. At's all right, thomas. I'll take er from here. So, sister dearest, what do we owe this unexpected pleasu
alera: Came over cause I ntedo make sure that lizzie's ok
Alan:Ell, ocour s's all righ why wouldn't she be?
>>Zie: What's wrong, aunt alex?
Alexandra: Oh, lordyou don't know
>>Zie: Kno?
Alexandra: Darling,t's about bereadLizzi what happ
Alexandra: Darl'm afen is e person who kied those people.
Alan: What? Lexandra: Well, appantly there'lot we dt knowabouben. I stl can't believthe whole thing self. Zie: He di n't hurt anyone else, did he?
Alexandra: Well, he kidnapped marina, but...
>>Zie: No,top. Just sto I dot want to he
Alendra: No, no, darlin heidn't harm hernot onbit. The police showed . Anyw, now... n it's just... it's aver.
Lizzie: What do youea
>>Lexandra: Oh, lizzie, darling. N took his own life. He's dead. Oh, I'm rry, sweetheart. I'm sorry.
>>Arina: I said a double order of hashbrowns. Hello in there what is tang so long?
Buzz:Hy don't y take brk? Let them catch up.
Marina: Can'T. I'veot refillsn three.
Buzz: Sit
Marina: N I c't, okay? I'm busy.
Buzhat abouthos cations you were going to take?
Marina: No can do. Got a coege wardrobe to bu those clots doy emselves.
Buzz: You sit, I'll buy. All righ I n't pretend to know at you're feeling, but I see you shing ound and I've be there, and no matter how much you rushit's going to catcup with you.
Marin oka there is nothing that's goingo catch and I'm not rushg. Here's me, going to take someons order. Hi, hoyou guys? You need something else with that? You need arink or anything? Don'ev dthat to me again
Mar: Po holly. She waso upset. I'm gladt ble and ross c be there fer.
Bill: Well, she's blang herself. Y noit's how I'm feeling right now. Lked through the door, i half-expted to sen sitting on the couch drinking my beer. But he's not.
Ton where did those flowers come from? D who cleaned up in he what's going on?
Eden: Hveryone.
Ty: Ede whaare you doing?
Eden: Iope I didnre you. I ju thought you guys might nt something. I st wh there was something could do
Mar: We, I ink you've done enoug
Ede what?
Marah: Well, whenou think about ityou' one made out from all of this. I mean, bes confession clear so youust be glad that he's ad, right? Grabome tylenol arthritis pain.
Bl: M, let's not fight each other, okay? Just lmy best friend.
Tl? Marah feels st as bad as you do, so just back off.
>>Ill: Don't tl me to back F. I'm justaying we shoul't each other, that'sll.
En:O, wait a se look, ths between me and marah. So why don't you just give ua nute.
Ton I don't thinkhat's a godea.
Marah: You know what? I thk that's a gre idea. I ha some ings to Y.
Eden:Ook, am not happy about whatpeto ben, t this obviously isn't abo ben. Is is about toright?
Marah: You know, eden...
En:Ou said you were fine with us going to york, but obviously you're not.
Marah: U kn, don't know what to thk. N't know whatohink bill and I agreed that tony was the only one w could hdle salerno. T eden, that wasneime thing. Thatas a necessary el. And en I find ououl isnnecsary time that two were spendg together while away.
Eden: Who told you abou that was that michelle?
Marah: It doesn't matter.
Eden: No, mlle has neverliked me.
Marahyou know w I liked yo I liked you. And I di care what anyone elseaid out yo I made u my frien now I need to know if I was a fool for doihat. Want to know if u've bn playing this whole time.
Shayne: Hey. It'sust me.
>>Arina:Hayne, what are you dog here?
>>Hayn don't remember my mom's brlianidea to all ge togeth tonht? Are we still on?
Marin o yh. Right. Uh, remind again who actly is ""
Shayne: Ben's friends.
Marina: Right. A ke.
Shayne: Kd of. Buit'll be difrent, u know? No adus there-- pt my mom, just to rve some foo- d we can alju hang oud talk. We can... or not talk, just listen to sic, wr. You kn
>>Arinit'll lika wakemtv-styl whathould we call it? "Rl wake"?
Shayne: Look, just beou say no, st think about it, ok?
Marina:Kal thk out it. I allyave to getack to work.
Buzz: Fou this out by the duster.
Marina: Okay. Well, if youound it the dumpster, wouldn't it follow th iwas trash? It's just sometuff iou in myloset. Itasgatherin dust, yoow? T to make om forse new college clothes. Justtick I where you found it.
Shayne: Oh, you knowhat? I'll take itor you
Buzz: I need you to look out for her, okay?
Shayn hey. W, this is w I aays y,"clean at yourwn risk." You dlmost lost yourittle iend, phanty. It's phay.You'vet fover,ht?
Marina: Phanty. Noitasn't a mistake. He just goes with the other trash. I'not a kid anymore, okay? I mean, there's no point in keeping that stuff around. It just collects dust.
Olivia: What did you mean by that?
Tammynothing, I'm just upset.
Olivia: No, you said th someone did everything b jab the needle. What were you talkinabout?
Tami don't know. Maybe I'm just tryinto make sense.
Olivia: Out of something that someone yo a can't make sense of? Peopler age aren't sup to die.
Tammy: What if... look,nlremy I knew that shayne and manaere up at the uer cabin, but someh ben found o and nt the soone tipped himffnd if thatomeone had ktheir mouth shut, then ben never would have kidnapped marina and he might still be a right now.
Olivia: Wait, wait. Aryou saying that re slipped up about ben?
Tammy: I didn't and he didn't but...
O but you tnk that meone did. Someone who ed to come between ri and shayne? Are you talkg out zzie? Artelling me tt lizz inteionally sent ben up to that cabin?
Lizzie: Ben. (Sobbing)Alendra: Zzie, I ow that you and ben had become friends.
Alan:El it's all heren blk and whit
le: I'm so sorry, aunt alex. I know howuch you loved hi ndra: Oh, did, sweetheart. I did. You ow, I've kno his fily all mye. It just...he w tng seems so ueal toe. I... I look this face. All I n seis that eet ung face who had cooal wrapped around his littlefinger. I could see he and michelle d billy ruing around the house. I don't derstand, it's jus.. it'S...
Alan: Something turd ben reade into this.
Alexandragot a call from ross. Eviden it happened aere lefts. Something seemedo happen to him when he s ay at school. Evidy, he was a viim of the t kind of abuse, you know? Nevequite recovered from it. But I think abouthat yng man lking nd with that... i , none of us knowing. I just wt to understand .
Alan: And we will neverunders thitragedy. That young man just e down, and we will never be able to put the pieces back gether.
>>Lexandra: I know it. I know it, alan, but it's how 's happened and wh
alan: How and why it ed is for the thepists. The st importahing is th
didot hurt r lizzie.
Lizzi ben would never have rt me.
>>Hillip: Hi. Hey. I heard oun.I'm soy. Are you ay?
Lzie: (Crying) dad, I dn't meanor this to happen.
Want this to haen, i r!
Eden: I can't deny that tony and I were spending a lot of time tether while yowereut of town, but is not what y think.
Marah: Then wt is it?
Ede tony ows was gettina hard te fromhe cops and from myrother, so he knewhat I needed a fend.
Marah: Okay.
Ede look, tony s t only onthat ever d up for me. I meanhe even made a point o it. So icheler or some stupid reporter got the wrong idea, I don't care. But do care at yhinknd I care wt bill thinks. Tony was jusbeg my friend.
Marah: Looki have no question about what tony interest is you. But I need to knowhat your terest is inim. I took your word and I welmed you into our housend i convinceeryolse to do the sa, especial tony. Ll I'ming right now fr you, in retuis a little bit ofonestybeuse if we don't have tha eden we don't haveriendship and we don't have anything.
Eden: Do you wahe truth I'm not going to lieo you. I think to great guy.
Marah: Ah. And so is bill.
T wl, wdidn't hear y more yling. Figured you both were fine.
>>Den: Wl, likbill said, this isnime when we should be arguing with each other.
Look, it's just$- important that we don't take each other for granted, that's all. Den: I'm s thayou lost yo frid.
Bill: Me, too. Look, you know what? I'm going et out ohe for a while.
En: Do you want some company?
Bill: Sure.Tony: Are you
Tammy: Forget it. Forget I said anything, olivia. Please. Zzie'sapab of me pretty messed-ustuf but not this.Olia: Did you tell lizzie about marina and shayne's trip?
Tammy: No, but she wathere just aer ialked to marin ab yore thinking she maybe overheard?
>>Livia: N no, no I don't ow
Tammy: But even if she did, i an, yeah, she had a crush on shayne feverbuif lizziewanted tbreathem up, s'd probly use her trust fund to buy the cubs. Shuldn't p marina ng.
Olivia: No, ocourse not. She wodn't do . I'm sure that ben found all on his own and lizzie had nothing to do with it.
>>Amand you're not just saying that?
>>Via: No. Thinthat if ben got it in his mind tt heo find marina, nothing could ve tten in his way. Lookyou can't blame yourself for thisokay?
Tammy: Not lizzie either?
Olia: And notizzie either.
Tammy: Thanks, oliv thanks for listening.
Oa: Any time. No, I'm not getting into it this time.
Alan: Elibeth, honey, n e is blaming you for what haened to ben.
Pllip: Honey, why...? Did you kn something about this about ben?
Lizzie: I just feel so guildad. I was jealous of marina. Ite e could just he y guy she wanted at the snap of her finger. I eshe ben and shayne atereet. I just dn't ink it shobe that easy for her. No, I didn't want this to happen
her, dad, and I didn'nt this to haen...
>>Hillip: List to me: Wishing that marina and shayne were not together is not what set is in motion. A wish is not whatenben up
that cabin. Now, h neyyo that.
Axazzie, your fath's right. You didn't wish this to happen.
Phillip: , Of coursnot.En things like this happen, we all feel a little ilty.
Feel ike tre should ve en something that we c do
prevent it. That doesn mean that it's your faul honey, it jueans tt you' a normal, nsite, wonderf ung girl whoeels a little helpless, causshe codn't prevent the death of a friend. Okay? Why don't we get out of here for awhile? Why don't we go get something to eat? Anlaceou wt.
Do you say?
Lize: You're on.
Phillip: Okay. Th's mgirl.
Alan: Thankou, sweetheart.
Alera: Well, I know you have a heart, alan, en I see you with lzie. T you don't fe a dn thin for ben ree? Heked for us.
Liv in thisouse when he s yog.
An: Wl,you.
Alexandra: We've known m since he'seen a child, for heaven's sakes. Alanthisa tragedy!
Alan: Life is full of trednd this one ca very close to our lizzie. Now, iuggehat in the futu, she ooseer friends a ttle more carefully.
Alexandra: , God, alan. Always so warm and compassionate.
Alan: Look, I did like that ung man very much. I thght had tremendous potential. And I alsonow that this strikes a chord within you, alandra, becau you los luja when he w very yo but nothg we cano will bring him ck. But there is one thi ian do: I can protect this family and
se that it is safe and sound.
Axandra: Well, does this plan of ection happen to also includelan? Is it time maybe we start over cause I very soat things got so out of control betweeus. Wish yousider stti fresh. Mr. O'neill.
>>Effr: Nice move. Don't let stoyou, please, because m dying to see how islays out. Of course, my ney's on t sister. oprah: We'll stop at nothing to find you the best of everying. U're going to get one! The best mac and cheese! Ooh! Darn it, ie to try again.
Is the best of the st of the very best
Alexara: Welland what areyog here, mr. O'neill?
Jeffrey: We, I coulask the sa of you, couldn't I? Lan: Brought us the tragic news about ben reade. Yosee, in tis of cs, our family pulls ther.
Jeffrey: Ye, I noced that out your family. U're a study idomeic dyunction, yet whenever there'a diute, be it corporor filial or criminal, you guysw how to lock th ors and bury the bodies, don't you?Lan: Wl, we don't like to tax the court system.
Jefeywell, that very ghtful of you, mr. Spaulding. And he all this i thought that y felt that you webove the law. Exceptor those times when yo needed theaw to keep yrom slitting each othes roats. Is thie of those times?
Alexandra: We're here together today to mourn e loss of ben reade.
Jfr: Ah
Alexandra: And tohat do we owe the honor of your vihere - today, mr. O'neill? Sheer boredo
jefutine qutions, you know? There are still some areas that need to be clarified.
Alexand: Fine, fine. Whdon't you bmit any quesons you have righto our attorneys.
Alan: Now, w, now, alexandr don't be ungracious. Thman is only doing his job. Pleaseask aw
Alexandra: You aren't rious?
An: Why don you go and light a ndleen reade? Lexandra: Because I woul raer stay right he.
Alan: No. You are goin and you can lig onfor me, as well.
Axandra: Might as well light e for you, too, huh?
Alan: Well, mr. O'neill, you seem to be very intere in my family.
Jeffrey: Well, you're an interestinbunch, aren't you? Most interesng of all is this: Now why would a shark lin spaulding roll over and allow his sistero hand his e empire over his despid son?
Lizzi look, dad, I'm not going to falto pieces. And I n't need yo gi me one r littad speeches where you sait's okay to be
>>Hillip: Honey, I'm n going to give you a speech. You st your friend I'm sorry.And I will do whatever I can to try to helyou get through it, okay?
Lzie: Thanks.
Phillip: I know... we just have not been spending enough time ther laly.
Lize: Yeah, becau you live on the other side of town.
P: I knowhat. Ani've been inking a that. And about everything that you've gone throughce y've been back fm school. Honey, iatit that we are n under the me rooymore.
Lizzie: So does that mean u're thiof changing that? Da grapa's left your room extly how you le it. (Laughs)
Pllip: 'S a fring thought. I can't do tt, hey; you know th. Buat ie been thig about omthat would incle all of my children-- a place ere you anmes and za andhis w baby c all be together.I an, you know, olivia's going to be a part of that.
Lizzie: Even if she doesn't want to.
>>Hillip: Shwant, ho she's just afraid that she going to get hurt again by me.
>>Izzie: So what areou going to do, dad?
Phillip: I'm goto find a y to show her that, wi this nebaby, there can be a home and therbe a family that can inude her. U could help me wihat.
Eden: Come , let's geu some fooBill: Youaking caref me h? I kind of like it.
>>Orter: Ranhelps, "crion new" ed, wh are your now that you're noonger murder ect?
>>Ill: Get outf here, you je.
Repter: Anoth timthen,eden.
>>Ill: Loo he work for e "clarion." It's his job to be a jerk. Don't let him get to you.
Eden: No,ut it was a good question I mean, now at I'm not a murder suspect, what do I do
Bill: Oh,..u do have a chance to start over. Some peoe don't get that ben didn
Eden: Ben wasky. You're a good friend to him.
Bill:Eah, not gooenou
Eden: Yes, you were
bill: Look, en, don waste is chance, a right? Right now u can anything yowa to do. U can be anything you nt be. You st have toecide and for it.
>>. I don't know...
Bl: Eden, eden, do it. It's your choice. And if it turns out that t person you decide you wanto be dot want to be with me, wellthen... the soon I know the bett.
Mar: It's funny y: Huh?
Marah: I wanted e eryone to trust eden and here I s, i couldn't even take a cupf coee from r this morng.
T eden is not always the easiest person to understand.
Mar: Ah, buyou seem to.
Ty:Ometim marah, we'rem the same place. But, listen, I want to be who i am n witu. How can I make yeel better?
Mar: I just wthat I was stronger
Ty: You aref the stroest rsons th I know...
M: Yeah, but tharso mahings th don't undend, tony. Don't understand h somebod li ben cou do someinke this. I st don.
Tony: Wdoou mean, "someoneike ben"? Like you and eden, you say atou guys are from the same place, that's how I feel about N. Weamfrom the same place.So how could he end up dng thterriblehings?
Tony: So yo exiolence from my world, but not yrs.
Tha.. is what's botherg you? Pe from your world dono d things?
Eden: Are you blowing me off?
Bil no, I just... I don want to belindgain.
Eden: Likyou were with ben.
Bl: Like with ben.
Eden: Look, I know that ben's death was ally hd foyou. But wasn't it yothe other day thatas telling me that when things startet really tough,hat's whenou've got to stic out?
Bill: Eden, y're a crossroa rhtowokay. You have a clean slate.It's like when y're driving cross-country,ou know, and you'reriving ang and suddenlyverything just opens up. 'S jt thy and the road and you. The whe world in front you. And all this bad stuff that's been going on, that... that's behi Y. And that's wheou a right now. And I would lo to go along for the ri with you, but I justdon't want tbene of those thin that hold you bac
En: A you rethinking your choices?
Bilo. No, I'm looking rit at them. Look, eden, I... I lost N. I don't want to lose you, too. I know this cra, I know we hav't known each other for long, but. Sighs) .. you.
Ede wow. No one's ever needed me before. 'S... I ki of ke it. But I don'really kw what I'm supposed to do, T... I'm willing to give it a try.
Alan: A I fin interesting that higpowere new rk aorney would leave a ry coveted job and end uin springfield.
Jeffreyyeah, well, let's just sayhat I wore out my welce in the bigpp. I'm a big fan ofurearacy and I let that be know and I soon fou myself that close to presidi over traffi court cases. That's when your mayor contacted me and I figured this was e lesser of two ils.
Alan: Nic nice. Enough to make local girls swand charm the boys downtown. Buit sounda little rehesed. Itlso doesn't agree with my research.Jeffrey: Oh, yeah, we, wh did your research find?
Alan: It's what it 't . You knowople don't jusdrop off the face of the earth for manyearsithout leavi a trai
Jeffrey: Ahwell, e youretectives e no good.
>>Lan: And people o ha friein high places don't suddenly get kicked down to traffic court. No, k you're in springfield beuse you waobe in spngfield, because you're aer sometng big. Which leads me to my openg question: What are y doing here?
Jeffreydoing? He? Now?
Alan: You're trying my patience.
Jeffrey: Wetry this, mr spauing, okay? Still got an ocase on e books. It's a stalking case. We refer to it as the ho stkereva case. Now the local authorities might buy this loony alan spaulding bit, a't bitin okay. It snks like a rotn egg. No , you either are covering f aldra or phillip or bo, or u're blackmailing phillip or alexanorot I don't know, but I wanto . I waknow W.
Alan: So, we're both coring for someing. And h want to know why.
Jeffrey: So ts is a game?
An: Erything is game.
Jeffrey: Okay, you got it. Me on.
Lizzie: I hava confession
Phiip: What?
Lizzie: I know I talk about being grownup and everytng, but the kid in me al, really s you and mom toe back tother kind of ish, huh?
Phillip: No, darling. It'sust human. Buyour mom and I hav unatelarned that we seem to be better at being friends thaneing med. Buwe still ce veryuch about ch oth and we always will. And we're alwaysoing to be family because we have y and james.
Lize: Inow that and get it, but that doesn't change from wng things e differen
>>Hii know. Me, too. T that's one othe things about beg an alt you learthat youan'tays get evything you wan
Lize: Dad, you might not get olivia.
Phillip: Hone I wthere were a way thad explain to you why iave to give this a shot. I haveo foow through on th fothe baby'sake. And.Ndor oli
>>Livia: Take care oem for me, thanks.
Lizzie: Well, then gus I'll ge it my best s too.
Phillip: That's my girl.
Lizzie: Olivia, we were talking about you.
Marah, I'm sorry. I'm orry. It camout all wrong.
Ton yeah, well, abuse doesn't have aip codarah. It's not aut oide of the tracks or the other. It just it.Marahi know, but it ouldn't be.
Ton look... lk, inow, l righ that I' crossed lines my life that i shoun't have... bui am nothing likeen. U kn, ve tri to otect
family, melf you. Yocannot compare me. Look, I know'vmade mtakes. I've owned utohem. Buve wked hard to be a better person.
Marah: I know, I know that, i kn and I am not... this isn't abo u and ay?
Is out me and ben, and I'jurying to make so sense out of it and I can'
Tonyou know what, you are t going to like what i have to y about him. The y was hurt, and he kept it insi himlf for a long time. The guy s like a timbomb. Listen, I don't need to make excuses for him. I didnven like him but I thk... I think that he almost didn't ha a choice.
Marah: I thinthat theres always a choice. Tony: Good ov evil, right I don't think that it's that mple, marah. But I gues's where you and I are different.
Marah: Well, maybe there ju ist... isn't anynsr.
Ton or maybthe's just nonehat yolike.
Marah: Yeah, maybe not.
Bill: All right, so we're going to do this, you and me f re this time.
Eden: All right, but you realize you are going to be dating the new and improved ed. So that girl, the d girl that you fell for, is notoingo be around
Bl: Wel'my with th.
Eden: I don't know. I inyou're g to miss t bad ed.
Bill: Well, does this mean you art wearinflannel to bed? Cause that's okay. I can handle that. M guessing you'r wonderg if you can.
>>Den:Es. Some people e just good, right? I'm not. , It's going to beuphill battle.
B wl, we'll see, won't we?
>>Den: I donnow if I'm going to be any good at being good.
Bill:Eah,el will ta my cnces
Eden: O , who do?Bill: What do we do?What do do? You know what? I nt you to meet my family. I . I an, they arera peoe, they. But they're good pple and i think you'll f right in. I do. So what we're going to do is we're ing to start with my dad. How about dinner tonig
>>Den: (Stam that's hug
Bill: No, come on, let's do it.
Ede okay.
Bill: Yeah?
Eden: Bring him on.
Bill: Okay. Me here,ou (laug)
Alexand: Well, did. Lia candleor B. I lit one for you, too. Whknows, may some day you' actuallyoverour soul. Did mr. O'neill have anything intereinto say? Perhaps convince you to have the incompet ring reversed, so they canome after ?
Alan: Not a chance. You know, one very good thin
out oth fiasco that youorchestrated: I found my son. And I wot do athing to jeopardihat relaonship, by appear be too.
Alexandrawhat, sane?
An: Gus doe'tbt my sanity. As a matter of fact, he'veryppy that I'm not battling overcontrol of theompany. So havcided to leave thin the whey E. Phillip carun company, and you ll stay out of jail.
Alexandra: And you willtay out of spaulding?
Alan: Well, I'll stay of thoffice, but I do want my stk ba.
Alan: You don't have to like it; you just have to dit.Besides I y sweeten e pie. I magive you the pharmaceutical a cosmetic division. So you see, evyone wins.
Alexandra: (Laughs except phillip.
Alan:Ell, you leave phillip to me. You know, in a way, jeffrewas ght. We don't need the to inrvento protect us fr one another. In thend, take care oour own.
Phill: Y, wouldou le to join us
Ovia: No, thanks, iust wanted to see w liie was doing. Gured e'd be uet aer what hned with...
Lizzie: Thank you, oliv.
Phillip: Yeah, I've actually tried to get her out of the hoe, t to get her awrom the...or a ltle ile.
Olivi it's going to be nd officult to escape. I mean, all yo closest fries' les hging ithe lanc when I thi of what could have happed to rina.. (pager beeps)Phillip: , God, I have meeting I forgot about. At's all right, I can postne...
Lizzie: O no, it's okay, dad. I'll just go fintammy.
>>Hillip: You sure
Liz yeah.
Phillip: Because it's not abig de I can.
Lizzie: No, it' it's fine.
Phillip: Okay. Okay. I love you, thea.
Lizzi I love you, too
phillip: Evything's going to be .
Olivia: Bye. So... must have co as e a shock to find outhat ben was a murder.
Lizzie: Yea I think I'm all talked out about that.
Olivia: Wel y know, it's ki ogood to talk about things. It gets things o in the open. I ink tammfelt better about talking me.
Lizzie: Tammy? You talked to tammy?
Olivia: Yeah,he was a littverwught everything thappened. She... she couldn't figureut w n knew wherearwas.
Lizzie: Wel what does tha have to do with tammy?
Oliviell, it seems that she and remy were the only two peopleho knew that se and marina h gone up tthe can. And, yet, somehow ben fot.
Lizzie: Okay, well, why does it matter? Marina's okay now.Olivia: And ben is dead. It was you, wasn't it, lizzie?
Olivia:Ext on "guing light."
There anything you won't do or say to ge what youant, lizzie?
Lizzie:H, looo's talking.
Alan: Show me you can be cisive. Accept my offer and run th i becausm not gog to make it agai