GL Transcript Thursday 7/31/03

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 7/31/03

Provided by Suzanne & Eric

Olivia: Security?

(Phillip's voice) Damn it!

Olivia: Phillip? Nevemi D. What are you doing here?

Phillip: Well, onceetso feeling bk infoot, I'm going to start looking for a gaeleaafy rod gasket.

Olivia: Get your gasket and get out of here. Now.

Reva: Joshua!

Josh: Hey.

Reva: h

Josh: It's so good to see you. How was... how was... your ight.

Reva: I wish I'd been on a rocket. Because I'll tell you something, from the timwe left lan al I've bn thking abouts shayne and worrying about him. Is he inside?

Josh: No, actually he's not. He's still at the bauer cabin. He didn't want to leave marina.

Reva: Well, what is she still doing up t?

Josh: Frank decided to take her statement there while it was still fresh in her mind.

Reva: What about

Josh: He was taken to ceds.

Reva:Put up a fight.

Josinjected himself with a drug. That tox drug. The same one that was used to kill the woman at the county club. But t doesn't look like it's going to make it.

Reva: The ship.

Josh: What did you say?

Reva: On my way here I had an image of a ship sailing away and disappearing over the horizon. This explains it. So ben's the murderer?

Josh: It looks at way.

Reva: Foupeople dd at t hands of someone so yog. Someone we thought we knew. It's almost impossible to believe.

Josh: He and marah we're dati living under the same roof. Mean, could you imagine possibilities, what might have happened to her.

Reva: Or to shayne trying to protect marina.

Josh: It kif putsur problems in perspective, doesn't it?

Reva: Yeah. We're going to have to p t aside so that we can help marah and shayne get through this.

Josh: I'm willing if you ar

frank: Read do this, hoy?

Marina: Yh. I ess.

Darci: Aynet's go outside. Givem some privacy.

Marina: No. I want him to stay here.

Shayne: Then I'm not going anywhere.

Frank: Do you know what would happen if I drove Marina right now to springfield to get her statement? It would turn into a regular media circus. And I don't think any ofs real want that to happen.

Shayne: Look, let me handle the reporters, okay. I'm used to telling them to stuff it.

Marina: Shayne, it's okay. D, just turn the thing on. Want to get this over with.

Ben reade.

He's going to be okay. He's going to be okay.

He's going to be fine.

Rick: The ambulance is coming in.

Jeffrey: Rick?

Rick: No. Mel, hey. Where do you want him?

Mel: All rit, what do we t?

Ems: Bp's low and dpping. No sensation in e extremities.

Holly: Ben. Ben, it's me, holl

Ross: Holly, let them work.

Mel: Holl..

Holly: He's not moving.

Mel: Stand back, please. Okaylet's let's movet.

Ric let let's set up a central line right away.

Mel: T's go. I'm sorry, y guyargoing to have to it out here, okay?

Hol y: Al I'm doing is waiting.

Ross: I'll wait with you. It's all rht.

Rk: Get another line arte op it. Open it now. Let's go.

Jef: Hey, hey, hey.

Rick: What?

Jeffrey: What are his chances? And give it to me straight.

Rick: If ben injected himself with somyn--

Jeffrey: Somynol. One of the ems guy confirmed it.

Ric then even a relatively small does thas nded for a woman...

Jeffrey: Like marina cooper.

Rick: Can be fatal.

Jeffrey: Can be or will be, door?

Rick: There's no way to revee the fect this toxin. Es that answer your question?

Jfreyall right. Yes, that answered my quon. Ink I gowork to do. I'm going to get started right now. And don't look at me like that. You're the medical eminer in this tN. You've seen corpse after corpse pile up at the morgue, oy.We need A. We ed a confession. We need it now and we need it on tape. Otherwise all we have is hearsay and speculation. And that, doctor, is nothing.

Phillip: In the time itould taketo pick it all up, I can ve it put together.

Olivia: How did you get in here?

Phillipworked a littl charm on one of yo housekeepers. $50 worth of charm. What would you guess a spring release chassis divider looks like? You know, it's not bad enough that these instructions are half in danh. The pictures are half in danis oh, wait a minute. Maybe this. No.

Olivia: (Laughs)

Phillip: What's so funny?

Olivia: I really wish that had a picture of ts.

Phillip: Yeah. Well, I hate to break it to you, but I happen t very handy.

Olivia: Oh, right. You're just not used to dealing with divided chassis spring mugs or whatever it is. Lucky me.

Phillip: Does the baby need a crib?

Olivia: No. Not tonight, it doesn'T.

Phillip: Y don't you ju let me finish what I started? You know, it might not take quite as long if you'd like to help.

Olivia: My danish is really lousy.

Phillip: Good. You could fake it.

Olivia: (Grunts) oh, here an idea. Wouldn't it be great if relationships had instructions.

Pll: They d theyin dH.

W tre stoug

>>A: Here.This is ablyhat assis gy-thing.

Phillip: No.

Reva: I think we should dve up to the cabin so that we could be there for shayne.

Josh: Actually that's not a good idea right now.

Reva: Well, hneeds support.

Josh: Right now shayne is the one who is beingupportive. He's being trearin he risked his life to save hers, reva.

Reva: That doesn't surprise me. What I am wondering about though is how he ended in a shack in the mountains in the fst plac

Josh: Well, he and rina drove up there together. They wanted-- privacy.

Reva: Oh, that.

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: Oh. First marah, now se. When did our kids decide to grow up?

Josh: It just happens.

Reva: Yeah, well, I'm not ready for it.

Josh: (Laughs)

Reva: Thought maybe I was, but I'm not. There are so many rotten things out there thife's going to throat tm. And I feel t nd to prote them.

Josh: I'm sure you always wi.

Reva: But the truth is al either one of us could do is lovend sport them and hope they d't make the same mistakes we did.

Josh: Well, not everything we did s a mistake, was it?

Reva: No, we did come up with marah and shayne.

Josh: So when do you suose we're going to talk about it?

>>Eva: It?

Josh: The thing we're trying to avoid talking about. Your trip to italyith dr. Langha

Frank: K yo okay, let's art with wha enedfterou guys ma er.

Shayne: Oh,omon, fran, she'just going ttell you theme that already told you

Frayoow what,hayne, I think this is going to be a whole lot better if I just do this one on one with my daughter.

>>Ar: Da no.

Dar: That's not the lawthough, is it, frank.

Frank: Okay. Let's ju start this alover again. All right. You guys came up here, you had a great day, you went swimming, you did water skiing.

Marina: Yeah, we took a hike. It was nice. It was really ni.

>>Rank: And you made dinner. Then aerwards?

Marina: I went into the bedroom.

Frank: To change?

Marina: Yeah.

Frank: Okay, then what happened?

Marina: I don't know. I noticed that... I noticed that the window was open a lot further than the way that I had left it. I just didn'T... I didn't think any of that though, you . And thenomeo grabbed me from behind ae put a rag over my mouth. I don't know. It had like a ly wei sll to it-- kind of like metal. D thnext t knew I s waking up in ben's C.

Holly: How long... how long... what time is it?

Ross: Holly, ri and mel are going to tell us the mite they know anyin okay?

Marahhey, we came as soon as we heard.

Holly: Hi.

Michelle: Hows he?

Holly: I don't ...

Ros um, we havet heard ye but you gu have to check in at the desk, so they know who you are.

Tony: Okay.

Ross: Thanks.

Blake: Mom.

Holly: Oh, honey.

Blakemom. How could this ever happened?

Holly: How could we have not known?

>>D: What did theyl you? Oss: Well, they tme at he incted himselfh somyno

E oh,.

Ross: I know at bad.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry. Will you excuse us for a mute.

Ed: Ithere's anythi i could do to help.

Ross: Thanks. I'll let you know.

Jeffrey: Ross, I'm sorry that iturned out is way.

Ross: Ben's not going to make it, is h

Jeffrey: No, 's not. So do you want to come in there with me?

Ross: You want to get a statement from him, jeffrey.

Jeffrey: Yeah, yeah. I thought you might want to be there for him.

Ross: Yeah.

Ed: I sorry.

Holly: You can't tell me everything is going to be all right.

I wish I could. There's nothing I'd like better.

Frank: All right, marina, ben tied you up in the shack and after he did that did he... did

in any way touch you or did he try to rape y?

>>Hayne: Oh,ome on. Do we have to go over this again right now? We stopped him. It's over.

Marina: No. No, he didn'T. He didn'T. He dn'T. And we kissed. And but mostly we just talked ou.

Frank: About what?

Marina: Aut h much he loved me. And wai scared, yeah. I wascared. I was angry. He just seemed so damaged.

Shayne: Donare if he was broken in half. Marina, he had no right to drug you and drag you off like he did.

Marina: I know. Know. And itould have gotten worse, you know. It would have. Mean I could just... I could tell that he was barely under control as it was. It was just... he was just really starting los, you know, and then he got this really crad look in his ey and it wast li tt's it. Anat'sn he kisme.

Frank: Marina, is that when shayne set off the explosion?

Marina: Yeah. Yeah. Actually if shayne hadn't come in when he did, you know, i mean, ben, probably would have...

Shayne: Look, can we just... you could get the rest of what happened after that from my statement, can't you? Please. Want to her home.

Mel: Ben, some people want to talk to you. Do you uerstand?

Ross: Rick, howong do y think he has? Ric abo an hour. Maybe le his organs are startg to shut down, ross.

>>Oss: Mel, uld I k with him for a mite?

Mel: Yeah.

Ross: Ben, it's ross, can you hear m

Ben: Just let me die.

Ross: Ben, I want you to realize that we know. Holly, blake and I, we know about the abuse, everything you've had to live with over the years.

Only wish that we had known sooner, beuse we would have untoodben. And we would have ed you.

Ben: Why? It's only me.

Jeffrey: Rey?

Rs: Yes.

Jeffrey: All right, I'm jeffrey o'neill, I'm the district attorney of springd. 'Re tmergcy ward of darspital in springfld. Are you reade? Are you ben reade?

Ben: Yes.

Jeffrey: Okay, ben, do you know where you are and what condition you're in?

Ben: I'm de.

Jeffrey: Would you like to make a statement?

Ben: Why not?

Jeffrey: Okay, good. Now has anyone coerced you or pressure you in anyway to t to this inrvie


Jeffrey: Fine. Let's start at the binning, okay withirl u gedo gknow, a high school girl named bridget waters.

Phillip: Ay, st hd like righther oka

Olivia: Okay. Y didn't yust pay mebo touts togeth

Phillu know w y many peo do ny th for me my fe en icomes tokidsi efer a handsn ap

Phillipno, actually I tnk the atement will be that i have been... I've been married to two dferent womeni ha three different childr and i stilven't maged tond up with a family.

Olia:O you're thinking th the fouh child with the third woman will do the trick? Hey, you kno maybe that's y you're so gung-ho of me lately. It's not that you're wild about me. Yojust want to stop screwing up so you can have that family.

Phillip: What's the matter? Worried that I'd take any family as long as ian g one?

Olivia: No, what I'm worried about is how much pain we cause ch other.

Phillip: Well, th we won't stop.

Will learn to stop doing that. You're going to be a part of my life. That's what I want.

Olivia: Really? Tell me why? What's so wonderful and unique about me that I get to be the one you want a family with?

Ed: Rand mel are ing everything they can for him.

Hollyahand nobody is saying he's going to be all right. How cod I miss the signs? Every one of them. I had no idea he was so tormented.

Blake: And was from the day he came backo springfield.

Holly: What was I doing then? Editing a story or producing a show. I was worrieaboumy career. Never mind about young man ming home.

Ed: Holly, this iyour faultanymore than himeing abused at stanton is your fat.

Holly: I wonder nder.

Jeffrey: You met idget when you were arastudent,s that right? You liked her didn't you, ben?

Ben: She seemed nice.

Jeffrey: Seemed. Does that mean she wasn't? Was it your idea to take her out the night that she was killed?

Ben: No.

Jeffrey: It was hers. What ee was her idea, ben?

Ben: Sex. She wanted it, but I wasn't ready. I couldn'T... she laughed at me.

Jeffr: Then what,? What did you do?

Ben: I put my hands on her throat to make her stop laughing.

Edmund: Holly, the tragedy of abuse isn't just the deceit and e denial. Itan so easily turn a victim into a vicmizer.

Jeffrey: You put yourands around her neck and then you... you didn't let go until bridget was quiet, right? Until she was dead. And then you left her body in that cave.

En: I was scared. I was always scared.

Jeffrey: Okay ben les talk about someone else now. Okay, let's talk abo jed simmons, the coroner. You took a class in forensic anthropology that he was teaching athe university. En one dayimmons mentioned that some remains have been found in a cave and you knew that those were bridget's remains. And you so knew at it wouldn't take somebody long to idenfy them as such, and then it wouldn't take the police long to intify you as her murrer. So you had to ll him, right? Yokilled jed simmo you straled him and then you threw his body in the la to make it look like a drowning, is that rit?

Ben: I had to. Nobody cou kno

bla: I still can't lieve is iening. Y of it.

>>Y: My mom sa kno someone, knowing who ty really are is the toughest thing there is. That's the only fronts that people put up. Images they project.

>>Ichell I reallthought i knew ben. Just... I... I can't believe how wrong I was.

Marah: He must have been so lonely.

Bill: It's like he never got a chan to eak up or stop hurting.

Ross: Jeffrey, I think we need to stop.

Ben: Renee. Her name was next.

Ross: Ben, you do not

Ben: I want to do one t right.

Jeffrey: Okay, ben. Tell me about renee. Where did you meet her?

Ben: Atool.

Jeffrey: At schoo she was student at springfield university. She also worked for someone, ben. She workedor eden august.

Ben: She needed money. She loved money.

Jfreyd she wanted mon from you, isn' right? D jed simmons was one of her clients.

Ben: Yeah, he told her.

Jeffrey: He told her what? Aboubrget's remains?

Ben: No, he thought she...

Ross: Ben. Ben, y could stop whener y want

Ben: How he thought she died.

>>Effrey: And she wanted some moneto keep quie is that right?

Ben: She said to pay her or she would go to the cops. Effrey: Another not-so-nice girl.

Ben: She wouldn't leave me alone. So I...

Jeffrey: So you what, ben? What did yo?

Ben: I lled her!

Jeffr: You killed her. And your secret was finally safe, wasn't it?

Ross: Enough.

Jeffrey: We're almost done here, ross. Ben...

Ben: I can't breath!

Jeffrey: N, y want to do one thing right do it now. Please. Ok. Stay with me now. Hang on. And tell me. There's only one more here. Tell me about ariana.

Ben: She was renee's roommate.

Jeffrey: She was renee's roommate.

Ben: Renee wouldn't keep quiet.

Jeffrey: That's right, she told ariana everything, t that right? She told her about bridget's remains, she told her about you and your involvement and your secret wasn't safe anymore, was it?

Ben: I went to the try club.

Jeffrey: Yeah, and alan splding watheranaria was s date. Anu didn'tnow that ariana wearing wire, t yoknew at she washe to y to help fd who the killer s, right? And you f she was quoned thait might all come and youould let at happen, cld you?

Bi trashed the power box.

Jeffrey: That's r 'syou trashed the power boen. You madeure the ts were out and when the lights were out, you iected her with somynol, the same drou incted yourself with. Isn't that rht?

Ben: It was easy.

Ross: I think that's a confession you don't need any more.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry. Thank you. N, if it was so easy, why didn't you kill marina?

Ben: I couldn't hurt her anymore.

Jeffrey: You loved her. Then why did you inject yourself, ben?

Ben: I couldn't hurt her anymore. Come here. Co here.

Jeffrey: Yeah?

Ben: Do you believe in hell? I do. Because I'm already there. Oprah: When a husband becomes a woman, what becomes of his wife? Are you planning to stay with him?

I -- I love him. Oph: Hear from the families who are living it now. Ne 1 0ó 0 ?

Phillip: I admire your feistiness. You t anyone, yon't let anything get in ur way.

Olivia: Uh-uh. My heart has gotten in my way way too often. That's what got me in this mess in the first place. Next.

Phillip: There's always the way you make love.

Olivia: And how do I do that?

Phillip: Full out. Nothg held bac

Olivia: (Laughs u knen? You stw them a little enthusia in thch a they thi they've taken tshangr

Phill: Well, knowhat? Actu, yore rht. E's tually nothing tt i admire or respect about you. You're jusa big pain in my butt.How's at?

Ovia: Laughs) you know what fee lik

Phillip: At?

Olivi normal. For us.

Reporter: Randy phelps, "the clarion." Marina, how did it feel to be...

Shayne: Leave her alone.

Frank: Why don't you ys just go inside and I'll be right in. Hey, rdy? W's t a good time.

Buzz: Now, there's a sight for sore eyes.

>>Eva: Shayne.

Shayne: What are you doing?

Marina: Well,'m not the one in the hospital. Thanks to shayne.

Reva: I'm so proud . Your father told me everhing that happened so you don't hav to repeat anotherd of it.

>>Hayne: Tnks. I'm glad you're ck.

Reva: Me, too. Marina, I'm soorry this happened.

Marina: Yeah. I'm just, you know, still kind of...

Josh: Of se you are.

Buzz: Come on, sit. You hungry?

Marina: No.

Buzz: Y've got toe red.

Marina: I don't know. Maybe I should go see hi

Buzz: Ben.

Marina: Yeah, I mean, he's dying, you know? And I... I used to...

Buzz: I know.

>>Arci: Buzz? I think marina just needa little time to sort things out still, to try to figure out why ben turned that needle on himself.

Marina: Yeah,ell, I already did figure that out on my own. That's what makes this thi so rd. Ben did it fore.>>En: (Coug)

Mel: He doesn't have much ti.

B: Ross? (Coughs weakly)

Ross: I'm here, B. Listening.

Ben: Givehe money to marina.

Ross: Your grandmother's inheritance?

Ben: All of it. Givet all to mina.Promise me.

Ross: Will. You don't have to worry about it. You've done the ght thg, ben, so you rest now.

Jefey: Ll, he made a full confession.

Ed: Oh, lord.

Jeffrey: I think he felt better for it.

Holly: They should name me as accessory.

Blake: Oh, mom, please.

Holly: I keephinkg there mu havbeome hint, some something I could have pickeup on befhe had to resort to going around killing people.

Ross: Holly, you couldn't have done anytng else. He'd become a master at hiding his feelings from everybody.

Holly: Still, he didn't deserve to he his life turn out like this. He was a sweet boy. Look, all of you, you cared abouhim.

Ed: Yes.

Holly: You loved him.

Ed: They did, holly, and so did you.

Holly: Not enough. I didn't do enough.

Rick: He doesn't have much time. If you guy want to see him, thisould ba good time.

Ed: Go inside. Come on, I'll go with you.

Blake: Me, too. We'll all go, all right? Olly: I' do it. I should dit. Can'you do athing?

M: I'sorry. It's too late.

Ben: Help. Help me. (Gasping)

Phillip: What? We got it together before dawn?

Olivia: No, that we got it together, together. We we so in synch.

Phillip: Yeah, well. Put the instructions down. Thlessonn that.

Olivia:H, another statement. Spare me, will you?

Phillip: This... this is a crib.

Olivia:T is a crib. It's a crib. It's a criwith a piece missing.

Phillip: That's a duplicate. They do that with the small pieces. Sometimes they give you a duplicate in case you lose one. All right, all we've goto do isivthis baby a ir.

Ovia: Well, I te have a w mohs twaitor t

pllip: No, wrg. Baby f bear wi do the nors. Perfect. (Crib collapses)

Olivia: Ams) a duplicate, huh?

Marah: 'S so weird. The same stars will be up there in the same places tomorrow night, but down here, everything will be so different.

Tony: You could have said goode to ben, marah.

Marah: I don't think so.

Tony: (Sighs)

Marah: I should go in.

>>Y: What,nd you're going to leave me out here with the sts? Marah: Tonymy dad called and sa thamy m wasack from ee and shayne is in there. So...

Tony: It's a major lewis reun I t that.

Marah: Look, I don't want you to get frustrated every time i want to spensomeime with my family.

Tony: Marah, you don't to ce between me and your family. I've told you thatefore. If you need someime tonigh thhem alon that's ne by me. In fact, you know what?

Ahead. Go ahead. I'llatch up with you later.

Marah: Are you sure?

Tony: Listen, all I have to think about is ben to realize holucky I am that ve got time to see you later. Say hi to your mom fore, okay?

>>Arah: Okay. Thanks.

Frank: Darci, tnk you.

Darci: What for?

Frank: I ju areciate you coming up to the bauer cabin. It really meant a lot to me that you were there. Justope jeffy o'neill wasn't too hard on you.

Marahit's sgoode everybody togeth. Even you. My brother's aig hero.

Marina: Yeah, he is.

Syne: Cut iout.

Josh: How are things at the hospital?

Marah: It's really good that you're home, mom.

Reva: Yeah, it is. Speaking of which, sweetie, i was thinking maybe you might want to invite marina and some of your other friends over to the house tomorrow.

Shayne: For wha

Reva: I don't know, just to talk, hang out, get back to some sort of normalcy.

Syne: What do you think? U up for that?

Marina: Uh, yeah. We'll just see how it goes.

Fnk: Hey, kiddo. You hanging in there? Hm? You doing okay?

Marina: Okay, just so that everyonows and ds not feel thneed to ask me again, I'm

doing fine.

Buzz: If you need to go somewhere, you know, get things straight, just go ahead. Drinks, every?

Frank: Ye sounds le a good idea.

Buzz: Here we go.

Frank: Thanks, dad.

Darci: Here, frank.

Frank: Thank you.

Darci: You're welcome.

Shayne: What happened to you? I looked up anyou were gone.

Marina: Ge. Yeah.

Shayne: Did you go to see ben?

Marina: This as far as i got.

Shayne: You shouldn't be alone right now.

Marina: Do you thinthat he is?

Shayne: Could we just not talk about...

Marina: I c't hate him. You know? Don't know, ma e he's already... (sighs)

Shae: Do you want to go there? I mean, it right acrosthe street. I'll walk you.

Marina: Ion't know.

Shayne: He hurt you, marina.

Marina: No, he didn't mean to hurt me, though. You know? I an, I don't think deep down he meant to hurt anyone. He just couldn't help it. But tonight he chose aferent pathyou know? He chose to stop the hurting.

Shayne: No. You were the best thing in his life. You can't feel badbouthat.

Marina: I keep thinking about this poem.

Shayne: What poem?

Marina: It's this one by longfellow. I don't even really remember the name. We had to memorize it for hool. I n't know, these two stanzas of it are just stuck in my head. "There are things of which I may not eak; there are dreams that nnot die; and there are thoughts that make the strong heart weak, and bring a pallor into the eek

and a mist before the eye.

Ane words of that fatal


come over me like a chill:

'A boy's will is the wind's


and the thoughts of youth are

long, long thoughts.

And deering's wo s are fresh

and fair,

and with joyha almost


myeart gs ba twander


and among the dreams of the

days that were

I find my lost youth again. And the strange and beautiful song,

the groves are r eating it

st l,

a boy's will is the wind's

will, and the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts.'"

Buzz: He's gone.

Next on "guiding light."

Did you know something about this about ben?

I just feelo ilty, dad.

Honey, no one is blaming you for what happened to B.

Olivia: Are you telling me that lizzie intentionally sent ben up to that cabin?

Marah: Ben's confession cleared you, so you must be glad that he's dead, right? 

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