Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 7/30/03
By Suzanne & Eric
Marahhey, come on.
Ton you sure you want to do this? I meanu know, we don't have to.
Mardanny and mi helle are waiting inside.
Tony: I know. I know, but... (sighs) weld go toheingfield inn, have a nice dinner, just the two of us.
Marah: Tony, we can't just take off. We're celebrating.
Ton trust m there is not going to be any celebration-- noen I tell danny that i wentith eden tgo see salerno.
Marah: Danny will understand. You were trying to help out a fr.
Tony: I tried to lp eden.
Marah: So?
>>Ony: So when he hears her name, danny is gng to stop rstandin
Marah: Not necessarily. Look, if I don't have a problem with it, why would he?
Tony: Because danny doesn't trust eden, and he this we're nuts for giving the girl a chan.
Marah: You know, it not li we don't know the sco wheren's concerned.
>>Ony:Eah, I k I've ld but every time I bring up her name
Marah: Look, eden is trying really hard to become a better person.
Tony: I'vtold him that, b he's n buyg it.
Marah: Well, nny should believe in you, and he should trust your judgment. I do. Ere's no reason I shouldn't, right?
Michelle: There buzz. Hey, we we looking for you.
Buz just got here.
Danny: We heardt yowere onishing tp or...
>>Uz yea billy lewis. He had to cut it short.
Michelle: Well, we re hoping that you could make- something really special tonight.
Danny: We're lebrating. Spaulding enterprises signed onto the fifth street project. Buzz, aru okay?
Buzz: Extra special dinner, no problem.
Miclle: Hbuzzare usure you're okay Buzz: N got badeeling out mari
Dannywhat's going on?
Buzz:He dt sh up for . N't reacr onhe cl, or haey ofrank. I mean, it probably noth
Danny: Yeahi mean, ybe she just got a flat tire o something.
Michee: Yeah, whaver it isi'm sure marina's fine.
Danny: Yeah.
Frank: Ok, on everybo gets into place, nobody moves until I give the order. Arlear abo that?
Frank: Paulie? All ght, goo
Darci: Frank, look, iw m nosupposed to be here.
Fra: How'd you gepast the guys oside?
>>Arci: Officer jenkins recognized me. He saw how worried I was. I just... I want to do something.
Frank: Okay, then yan stay put, all right? That way I know you' be safe.
Darci: Ok.
Frank: I got to go. Shayne foundarina.
Darci: Oh, thank god.
Frank: I'm going to bri my daughter home.
Darci: Be careful
Jeffrey: Oa, whoa, whoa, whoa ld up there, big guy.
Frank: What is it
Jeffrey: Frank, dyou really think you oulddoing this? This kid's got your daughter. Do you think you can b objective?
Frank: I'm a cop. I'veot ao do. Jefey: You y that lik yore robocop. I mean, do you really think you can just stcoff the father in you? Rank: Look, I appreciate youronce. I cado this.
Jeffrey: Frank,his is the same thingoueprimanded gus aitoro for wityour sister.
Frank: I understand that. Th's why I'm notoi to let my eons cloud my judgment.W if you'll excuse me?
Josh: Wt a minu...
Frank: Josh, you can't go, I'm sorry.
Josh: My n's up tre, frank. In fact, both of kids are up there right now on that mountain. They'rin dange
frank: Okay, well, u just ha to trust shayne that 's not going to do anythingtupid.
Jeffrey: And ither are you, . Lewi you going to start playing hero, you're going to make things woe.
Shayne: I've got too something. I can't st stand here.
Ben: I'm ad wwaited. Your first time shoue special. Yoand ayidn'
Mara: N
>>En: Od. Odcause th would have be a mke I was meant e your first.
Marina:Hat are u ing do, ben? E you gog toape me?
Ben: W could you say th? I would never do somhing like that.
Marina: Then stop, okay?
Ben: I love you.
Marina: Ben... ben, stop! Look, this isn'tight.
Ben: Of course it's right
>>Arina: No. , No, not like this.
Ben: Oh, st p saying that. At'sng, huh? We're here togethe it kind of rantic in here...
Marina:Waed it to be more... ben, this isn't right.
Ben: Oh, stop. I love you. You love me.
Shayne: This tter wor (Marina sobbing softly)
Ben: What? Okay, stay right here. I'll be right back, okay.
Shayne: Marina!
>>Ara: Shayne!
Shayne: It's okay. 'S okay. It'sy. It's going to be okay. T you. Co on.
Marina: Okay.
B: What'she hurry?
Shayne: Look, you brought naere against her ll ok? She doesn't want to st.
Ben: Is that true? So you're leavinwith h? How could you dohis to
Marina: Ben, you need some help, okay?
Ben: Dot need your help! I justeed yo
Shayne: Marina, go.
Marina: I'm so rry, ben...
>>Hayne: Just go. Justo. (Marina seams)
Ben: Op it! Op it!
You don'ti will kill him.
Frank: , I'not going to leanyt hapn toher of our children, I pse you.
Josh:Ou just bring th safe.
Frank: T's goys.
Darci: Josh?
Jh: No, thank you.
Darci: Do you need me to call youraughter?
Josisten, I areciate that, I do. But I don'nt to worry her right now.
Jeffrey: It's none ofy business, but where's reva?
Jos she's iitaly righ now. She's in milan.
Jeffrey: Maybe you should, you know, her a call. E's not the type that would take this, you know, lying down. She might be a little P.O.'D if u ke t her in the dark.
Josh: I think he's rit about that. Wi you excuse me?
Darci: Sure.
Josh: Thank you. Yeah, hello. Do you speak english? Great. I'm trying to reach a guest there. Her name is reva shayne lewis. Yeah, I understand that, but this is her sban I'm joshua lewis, and it's very importt at I talk to her right now. Okay, fine. Could you have her cl me as soon as possible? It'srgent. Thank you.
Darci: Is there a problem, mr. O'neil
Jeffr: Proble no, no. No pblem, miatthews. So how y dng
Darci: Good, thanks
Jeffrey: Boy, you and frank are really getting along, aren't u? It's getting kind of serious, isn't it?
Darci: Well, I don'ow if I'd y that. We've been seeing each other.
Jfrey: "Seeing each other." Kindf like you were seeing someone else. Viie salerno. How's he doing the day tony: Hhey, hey, ifas ng to de anythinom you, do you thk that I wou ll you tt nt with ed to nork in the fst place
Mar: , That's what i thout.
>>Y: But?
Mah: No buts. Werust eother. We can tell each othernything.
Marahi mean, sohat if eden had a tng for you once?
Tony: O sheot over it realast. Bes, she kne she knew she could notompete with you.
Marah: All right. But if you decide that you ever want to go savsome damse distress that's not me again, I'm comiith you.
>>Y: Ar as I'm ncerned, there is not going to be anymore running off.
Marah: Oh, even better.
Tony: Are you readyo goo this?
Marah: Yeah. Tony, be saighwith danny, okay if you're not, he'll know thatsomething's up.E1
B you're ght, I'm not going to worry.
Michelle: Yeah,ust ve marina a lite time. I'm sure she'll come wtzing in here any mine with a really lame excuse.
Danny: Yeah. Speaking of exces, what took you guys so long? We were going to start celebrating without you.
Michee: Yeah.
Ty: Well, I had to gout of town, on business.
Marah: Yeah, hadome catching up O.
Buzz: Twoore glasses?
Michelle: Please. Please see, that's my favorite part out when dannys ouof town. It's the catching up when he cos home. (Laughter)
Danny: Thing better.
Buzz: Yaso to that. (Laughter)
>>Ny: Buzzur yourself a glass. Join us.
Michelle: Yeah. &
Buzz: Toastg the spauldings moving into fifth stet? Nah, I don't think so.
Marah: We are also toasting the santosoys.
Michelle:Eah, he you been down there lately?
Buzz: Yeah, it's loing up.
Tony: So, come on, what do you say?
Buzz: Oh, well, what the he?
Tony: Yeah,here you go.
Buzz: The santos family and the spauldings, go fige. (Lahter)
Ty: Lude.
Buzz: Sante.
Michelle: Cheer see, if you guys can win buzz overyou can do anything.
Marah: I second that,ut whole spaulding thiould t ha happened if it re danny and tonyrilliant anning.
Michellere, here.
Dannysowhatere you doing own? Whdn't I know out it?
>>Ony: Well, it was kind last-minute thing, an emergency.
Danny: Whatind of emergency? Why didn't you call me?
Mar: I... younow, I wt to go to theathroom and check on my makeup.
Michelle: Oh, you look great.
Marah: Humor me.
Michelle: Oh, oka
Danny: So what was the ergency?
Ton I had to go to new yo with eden, to go see vinnie salerno.
Danny: What are you doing? I don't even kyou anymor
Tony: Are you going to give me a chance toxplainor are you just going tgive me re grief?
Danny: Hey, the only one giving anydy grief around here is you
Tony: I knew that you would be like this.
>>Annytony, I made it clear to you that I wanted two things from: Don't get ed in eden, anay away om vinnie salerno. And whato u do? You disrespe bot unts. Ony: The you go again.
>>Ny: What?
Ton "dipect"? Nn you are not the boss anore. We a businrss rtners.
Danny: Yeah. And m the business partnerho
thinks. You're not thinking.
Tony: You know,ou know thing about this.W3 eden needed my help.
>>Nymm-hmm poor eden.
Tony: She's my friend, okay? And marah'S. And the cops... look, her own brother is making her li a livingell.
Danny: Maybe thatause she'at the cente a multiple homicidcase.
Tony: Well, that's why we wento go see vnie sarno. He can provide her witan I.
Danny: You think the cops are going toisten that gu do they ev listeto us?
Tony: It was the truth.
>>Anny: How doou know?
Tony: Because edes going to go confront the guy herself.
Danny(ghs) you know she used to sleep with him.
Ton that was a long time ago.
Dannyat difference es it make to you? St te I heard, marah was you gifriend, not eden.
Tony: Look, all I'm doing...
Danny: Does marah know er you re?
Tony: Mah'sll for m helping out a friend.
>>Anny: Funny how you'reot exactly answering my questions, tony. Did marah know thayou and eden went off to new york together?
Tony: No. No, I tried talking to marah about it, but she had some family stuff that e was taking caref. I ld marah whei got back, and marah trusts me. Why n't you?
Danny: Maybe because marah on sees what she wants to see. But I see what's really going on.
Tony: Oh, yeah? And what's that?
Danny: You being an idiot.
Mice: Okay, they don't look too happy. You want to tell me what's going
M: All right, well, i wasn'too happy either last night when tony didn't come home, but then he explained everything.
>>Ichelle: Ething?
Marah: Yeah michelle, can I ask you something?
Michee: Yeah, a
>>Ah: Okay, if danad t end the night wi a biful girl to save herife,hat uld you y?
>>Ichee: Hdid at oe,buit was wme
Darci: Vinnieho?
Jeffrey: (Laughs) don't even try it. I've done thresech, eetheart.
DarciI didn't know you cared. (Laughs)
>>Ey: E ct of the maer is I'vead meye on you for quite so time now. You see, you're dating my chief of police.
Darci: Your chief.
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Darcidn't know you were his boss.
Jeffrey: Well, I'm not, chcally. Let's just say I le e guy a ot.
Darci: Mm-hmm.
Jefey: Sohen vinnie salerns ex-girlfriend pops up in camp cooper, kind of ke notice. But you were more than h girlfr, weren't you? You woed for the guy
Darci: (Laughs) I wouldn't know. I don't even know a sarno.
Jfrey: Yo sh you didn't know H.
Darci: I don'T.
Jfrey: I'veot yr mug shot on myesk, sweethet.
Darci: (Laughs) wellat's a mistake. I've never even been arrested.
Jeffrey: Arrest and convicted. 1999. Does that ring a bell? Solicitation and extortion. Th always was one vinnie's favotes.
Dar: (Sighs) all right, so what do you want from me?
Jey: You st have d it bad the guy. You did l that time and never gave him u
Darci: Just tell me what you want.
Jeffrey: I want to help you.
Darci: (Scoffs) right.
Jeffrey: You know, I could have done this in ont of frank. Now, the fact of theatter is, I'm worried for both of you.
Darci: Oh, don't ve me that I've knownuys like you before. You always have some sort of angle,o don't stand ere and try to tell me that you dug arou imy pt to help me,because it's bull.
Jeffrey: Tsk, tsk, tsk. Darci, darci. Rci-- may I call youarci?
Frank: Blue team, move in and
hoour positions.
Nobo goes in until I give the
Marina: Ben, don'T.
Ben: Dr the hatchet!
Shayne: Just go! Run! Just run, marina!
Mar na: I am not going anywhere.
Ben: I don't blame you for trying totect your little friend, t get realmarina. He is brainwhing you!
Marina: Ben, you know me tter than that.
Ben: Yeah, I used to believ that. You're buyininto alliscrap "ben a B. Ben'a ps. N's a kier."
Mar I neveraid that.
Beni casee it iyour es!
Syne: Jleher go.
>>En: Shutp! Shut don'u at he's dog? 'S trying turn you ainstme.
>>Arina: I am not agait you. Ok, I'trying totect you fromoing sometng tt you will regret.
Ben: It too late.
Mara: No. No, it is not too late. You've beethrough so mh. That teacher that did all of the...
Beni told that toou. I didn't want anybody else to know that!
Marina: Okay. Okay, okayokay. You're right, you' right that iwhy we should leav shne out of this. Look, we can go away. We can go away, ju you and me. We canust leave shayne here.
Ben: U don't really mean that.
Marina: Yes, I do.
Ben: No, you're tg to trick me.
Marina: Why? Why? Becausyou're freakme out righnow and I want y to stop? Yeah. Yeah, you are. And yeahdo. Look, ben, I s ill love you. I do, okay? And want to make all of that hurt go ay.
Ben: I love you
Marina: Ican all go away, okay? I want you to stop hurting. I wa to help you forge
Ben: I've dreamed I would hear you s that for so lg. I just wish I could lieve you.
Marina: You can. Yocan. I wouldn't say it if didn't mean it.
>>En: No ong as shae isn picture.
Shayne: (Yells)
Marina: Wait, shayne!
Marina: Daddy! oprah: The husband who became a woman. Every woman now is imaning at happens if your husband comes home and says --
"I've got a secret." Opra "ve got a sect." The fascinating journey from jes to jenny. - `
Ben: Stay back! Stay back!
Frank: All right, ben, just take it easy, l right? Nobody wants to hurt you. Alright? Watch, okay? Nobody wants to hurt you. Ben: I nt you out of here. Bo of
Frank: I can'do tt, ben.
Benlooks likeou d haveh chce. I got all card fnk.
Frankmaybsot I don't thk yowant to hurty little rl.
Ben: L I nt is for everybody to leave us alon
frank: Shne, I told you...
Ben: You're just dying to be the hero, aren't you, man?
Frankstay put.
Jusdoesn't want to see her get hurt. You'reot goi to make another stupid move like that, are you, shayne? Are u listening to evybody just wants marina to be safe.
Ben: I already told you, i want everybody of here!
Frank: Ben,ust let her go.
Ben: I can'T.
Frank: , I kn don't owe me any favors and I've been a jerko you, but mea you love my little girl, don't you?
Ben: Don't try to negotiate with me, fra
Frank: Ju answe estion.
You love my daughter?
Ben: Yes. Mohan anhing.
Fnkthenow could you not let her go? If you love her as much asou say you do...
Ben: Stop it!
Frank: You knowhat? What? Walk away from my lile baby? That never goingo happen.
B: She's t a aby anore, frank. She's l grown up, and e wants to be with me... at least she did until you stard lying about me.
Frank: I'm guil of that, i admit it. But nothing person. Look, I know I've been way overprotective about my daughter, but marina juscame back into lifain. I get a send chance toe a good dad. I'm t going to blow that, ben. I mean, yocan understand that, righ isn't ll abo second chance lo, now you've got one. Put the injector down. Let her go. If y do the ght thing here, I promise U... I prose you that they'll tre you fairly. You have my word.
Ben: Who'outhere? What are you doing, frank?
Jefi can't get him anymore. I've lost him.
Josh: Okay,hat'. I'm t going to wait around here anymore.
Jeffrey: , Whoa, , whoa, whoa. Where doou thi you're going?
Josh: Just get out of my way.
Jeffrey: Mr. Lewis, I know this is frustratin but these things take time.
J to say that because your kid's noin the line of fire. W move.
>>Effrey: All ght,h, okay, I dohave kid maybe if I hadid I woulde reacting sway you e right no that doesn't matter. You've to lefranand hi teo theijob.
Jos you know, the lasfew months, ali've been able to think about is my son's baseball career. I thk about him being big baseball hero, and rht n that seems very small. I just want him home safe.
Jeffrey: Not so fast.
Darci: Forget it. I'm not staying for round two.
>>Effroh, yeahyou are, because you want to heary angle. Arci: What?
Jeffrey: Yeah, remember? Guys like me, we always have angles. Ou took the fall for salerno but someone got you sprung early. No I'm assuming that's salerno himself. I'll take that as a yes.
Darci: Are you throh?
Jeffrey: But whenou got out, little miss eden s in the picture, wasn't she?
Dar: Vinnie and I bot moved on. So what?
Jeffrey: So... so maybe vinnie wasn't as ilove with you as you thought he was. Maybhe had you sprung for a reason. You ever think about that? Now,ou know his orgazation side aut, don't yo
Marah: I was talking about eden.
Michelle: I kind of figured that.
Mah: Is situation can't coe to you and danny.
Mhelle: Well, where did theyo?
Marah: New york. To talk to salernobout earing eden's name.
Michee: Vinnie salerno? I've met that guy; he'a total creep. Why didn'tgo with bill, or better yet by rself?
Marah: Well, bill suggested th, butony was the more lol choice. Michelle: Mm-hmm, sayeden.
Marah: Ny kwsno a he knows that life.
Michelle: Yeah, ando do r lile madam, which ishe ironic part. She lives fe, yet e needs tony to protect her?
Marah: Eden's gotten a raw deal. Ally, she ha do iru heromplely? Ably not but she has been aood iend E.
Miclle:Ian scal, i know.
Mahat w a really bi break fome.
Michell I kno I kw. And I admire youticking up for her, I d
Marah: Feel a "but" coming on.
Michelle: But wheyou we in italy, your so-call fend was all over your yfriend.
Marah: Well, they had to spend time together to clear eden's name.
Michelle: Sthey were clearing eden's name at shayne's baseball ge, and then at company afterwards...
Mah: We, ed doesn't ally have that my friends.
Michelle: Whaoubill?
Marah: I... I don't know. What does bill think about all of this?
Michelle: Youw, bill is a guy, and he sees what he wants to see. But you, on the other nd, need to wake up and see eden for what she really isore it's too late.
Tony: Youw, danny, I ran this family nce bore. Taking orno is like riding a bike.
Danny: What about gir like eden? Holl do you handle them?
Tony: That was a one-time deal. Besides, we got what we nt.
Danny: An alibi for eden.
Ty: Yeah. Salerno keeps surveillance merain all of his homes. Eden was with him in chicagon one of the days he murders.
Danny: Waecon you were ithe guy's house?
Tony: Yeah.
Danny: So ht you and eden on te.Ony: It wasn't like anything happened, all right?
Danny: So what? Salerno just handed the tape to you, juslike that?
Tony: Yeah.
Danny: Wh did he get in return?
Tony: Nothing. Listen, he gave eden the seed money for her business, and he takes a cut.
Danny: (Ghs)
Tony:Ey, u know what? She could have lied to me. Ateast she told me the truth.
Michelle:Ou guys ady to
some serious celebrat
Dny: Definite.
Rad announcer: Authorities
ve surroded a cabin on
lookout rock near laurel falls
state park, where suect in
the garden of eden murrs has
legedly taken a hostag thsuhas beendentd
ben reade, ofingfld.
>>Uzz: Is levy there? Ll, then watkins it's frank cper, sr. I am the father of thief of police. Listi real need to know wh's going on wi the ben reade situation. Because I'm pretty se he has my granddaughter in that cabin.
Michell oh, G. I can't believe this. T... not B.
Dan: Honey, wdon't know for sure what's ing on e cops couldn't make a case ainst fore.
Michelle:Eah, but d, it's difrent. If he has a hostage thisime...
Marah: What if it'S... wh if it's marina?
>>Ah: Oh, my gosh. Shayne must be going nuts.
Michelle: This is horrible.
Tony: Younow, what I hate to snything, but...
Marah: Tony, don'T.
>>Anny: Yeah, don'T.
Marah: This is baenou.
Tony: I'morry, but it's ue, you know? This takes eden out of the tion. If ben was the killer, then we don't ev n ed salerno as an alibi.
Dan: U know wha don't gi a damn oueden d I' bet youaler dot, eher. He's as tws ahead, tony. Eans he's t his eye on somethbigg thae garden of ke m
Ton you are wrong aga.
Marah: You know what? I think we should call it a night.
Michee: Tnk youe ght. I'm really not in the mood t celebrate.
Tony: Danny, why do you always think everything is about you?
Dny: Trust me. Vinnie's got an agenda.
Tony: He y have an agenda, but it has nothing to do with you. He wants me on his payroll.
Danny: Really? News flash: That's everythg to do with me. So what'd you tell him?
Buzz: Listen, I'mot getting any answs on mara,o couldyou aslynno close up? I'm going to the staon, okay?
Dny: Sure.
Danny: No problem, bu.
Buzz: I owe you one. Anny: Okay. Od luck.
Miclle: Drive carefully, buzz. Your argument seems pretty pet right abouno wouldn't you sa guys?
>>Arci: Maybe you've forgotte b the mos important thing ghnow is getting shaynend marina back home to their parents.
>>Effrey: Oh, thank you very much. I haven't forgotten anything, okay I havether responsibilities as & the district attorney of springfield-- mainly to protect those citizens from thugs ke vinnie salerno.
Darci: You're a regular workhors why waste your time on me?
Jeffr: Becayo past,young , isbout tco back and bite you in your...
Darci: It was a lifetime ago.
Jeffrey: You're comomised don't you understand that?
Darci: At's it to you? Vinnie and iaven't even se each other in years.
Jefey: , T worry. You'lle seeing ve sale now that you're all cozied up with the chief of police.
Darci: Leave me the hell alone.
Jeffrey: I can't do tt. I cawatch you comise fran bring down his caer. Is tha what you reallwant t haen?
Dar: I would ner hurt$- frank.
Jeffreyoh, then wdo you call it?
Darci: I care about him. I wodn't be here if I didn'T.
Jefey: Well, then prove it. Help me, and help frank.
Darci: This has nothing to do withrank. You want salno.
Jeffrey: Yeah, I wa salerno. Want him bad. I'm sick and ted of that guy. Everhere turn, it's salerno this, it's salerno talt, and he's a lot more th eden augu'sx-lover. Ust me.
Darci: Yeah. You've got the wrong girl.
Jeffrey: Noi don't think ido. Now, you're into have to ma a choice here, okay? You're going to have tpick sides, okay? Me osalern what is it?
Darci: M ony own side free and cle.
Jefyou steep llinurself that, okay? Because nobody is evredclear of vnie salerno. He's goi to come a-knocking, and wh he does, I'ing to be your first phone ca
Darci: Aryou going to tell frank?
Jeffrey: Well, why don't we just play thatear?
Frank: All teams down!
Ben: Tell them toack off!
Frank: Repeat, all teams stand down now! Ben, take it easy. Take it easy. Go. Mo it.Get out of here. Go, go, go. Clear out. Ben, nobody meant to sneak up on you like tha okay? It's n going thaen again, I promise U. Just, evyby's concerned about evybody getting out goodhape, that all
Ben: Thing will evebe od aga, not fome.
Fra: What are you talng about? You don't know that.
Ben: Are yokidding me? This is my legacy. I'll always be the crazy guy who kidnapped ma cooper, the male escort who was accused all those ers. It's over for me.
Marina: Oh, yeah?
Fnk: Marina, don' marina?
Marin no,hat is not the ben reade that I know. E ben that I kw is art, sweet, lable guy whoants to make it big in the world, and i ow that he is still inhere. So you can't let me down, okay?
Ben: Invented him. He's not real.
Marina: No. (Sobs)
Ben: It was alln act.
Marina: No.
Ben: I don't even remembe who I used to be. It's empty inside. There's nothing there.
Mara: No, bit's not too late. Ayything is possible you can still be the man that you want to be. B: You ally bieve t don't you?
Marina: Yes. Yes, I do. I have to. U should, too.
Ben: Why couldn't I have met you before? You're the only good thing in my life. You'reo re
>>Ra: Be put injto down. Re n going tuse it. You lovey da wayoo much see thatow.
Ben: I do le her. At'she o thing inow. I love you so much, marina.
Frank: Ben!
Marina: (Screams)
Mah: Ell, we should probably head overmy parents' house to check shayne. Are you ready?
Tony: Sure.
>>Arah: Michelle, I'm soy about ben. I still can't believe it.
Michelle: Inow. . I'm sorry the whole evening had to end like this, but we'll catch up with u guys ler.
Marah: Yeah.
Mice: B.
Marah: Goodight.
Tony: Good night.
Danny: Tony you neveanswered my estion. What did you tell salerno about the job offer?
>>Ony: What do you think i said? I to him he could shove it but thank you for the vote of confidence.
Michelle: Hey, dot be mad at tony. This is all happening because of ed. None of would be gog on if it wasn't for her.
Danny: Tony's a big.
Dn't athing hen't nto do, believe me
Mhelle: Iuesso. I guess. : (Sighs) you' wored aut B. Dot.
Michell I c't hp it. Can'T. An, next to llhe's oldest fend in tho world.
Dannysweetie,ou know how the ne can be. It may not be nearlys baas it sounds.
Michelle: Yeah.
Danny: Right?
Miclle: Yeah. So why are guys so blind to her?
Dny: Hey, not every guy.
Michelle: Well, first ben and now ny. Aneven bill. Wh do you exct from a girl li eden, though? I mean, she's stl mixeup with vinnie sarno.
Danny: Ho want yoto do me a favor. Forgetboinnie salerno, okay?
Michelle:Hat guy is like the devil, danny. All he needs is slight toehold onome susceptible girl like eden, and he's bound to drag everyone ee down with hi
Mah: Tonywhy didn't y say anything to me about salerno'job offer?
Tony: I didn't think as a big deal.
Marah: Like you didn't think it was a big deal to telme that you and eden went to shayne's game togeer?
Tony: Didichelle say something to you?
Marah: Yeah, she mentioned it.
Tony:Ook,ou know at? That because michelle hates ed, because of bennd her escort servi and, hell, because ofill. Look, ba, I am not hiding anything froyou, if that's what you think.
Marah: I'm so I'm sorry. Th whole ben thing caught me off guard and it's fteaked me ou
Tony: That's whatou gote here for. (Cell phone ringing)
Jeffrey: Frk. Cooper, can hear me? Frank! Frank! (Cell phone ringing)
Rev josa? I got your message. What's wro?
Jh:'M sorry, I dn't wanto upset you, but I think you should know...
Reva: It's shayne, isn't please tell he's all right.
Frank: T emser st. Ha in theren. Ng ie,ld buddy help's on the wa>>Yne: It's over.
reva: They think that ben reade... oh, my god. Shua, I... where's shayne now?
Josh: He's with t police.
Reva: But he'all right.
Jos yes, I'm sure he'sfine. Reva, the thing is this: Ben kidnapd mari cooper. 'S holding her hostage in some shack nearby here. In fact, shae's thone who tracked them down.
Reva: Andhere are you now?
Josh: I'm at thuer cabin with jfr o'neill.
>>A: And shayne's with you.
Jh: No, he't, but...
Reva: Well, then how do you know he's ne?
Josh: Reva, I'm sure he's okay. Listen, just stay by the pne, okay? Wh I know , ll call.
Reva: No, I'll ll you, from the airport. M takinghe first ft home. Osh: Reva?
>>Effrey: I got through!
Mr. Les, I got throu to
frk cooper.
It's all over.
Joss shayne all right
Darci: What abo marina?
Jefey: They're both fine, okay I'll tell you everythingthe way. Let's go.
Marina: Okay, you fight, you hear me?
B: Treat her right, okay?
Mara: You just have tbe stro, okay? Because you're a fighter. You're a fighter, just le me.
Ben: I'm noworth it.
Marina: Yes, are.
Ben: I never thought I'd ever see anyone cry for me. I guess I was wrong.
Frank: Where's at ambulae? We'rsing him.
>>Ina: I'm sorry, ben. (Sobbing) I' sorry.
Ben: I'm Y.
Marina:O, just n'talk.
B: Dot forge, okay?
Marina: Just hang in ere, okay? Please, ben.
Ben: Next, on "guiding light." >>Livia: Y know men. You just show em a le thiasm in inch and they think they've taken you to shangrla.
Reva: This explains it. So ben's the murderer?
Ben: Come here. Do you believe in he? this bee dingight
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Dr. Pl: Today o "dr.Hil" -- you put lard in macaroni
We were out of butter.
Why how can i do something like this?
Dr. Phil: When you gave her a leaf blower,hat were you thin
Theusan wi