Guiding Light Transcript Monday 7/28/03
Provided by Suzanne
harley: Hi, sweetie. It's me. I got your fax. You know that problem with the toner on the fax machine? I think it's still a problem, because I can only read half of the page. I was the one who was supposed to take care of that, right? Anyway i'm at company now. So if you wanted to fax me over here, or you could just call me and tell me what i can't read. Tell me that you miss me, because I miss you. And I hope that you find what you need to clear eden soon so that you can come home. I love you.
Blake: Pardon me if i don't share the feeling.
Harley: And blake says hi. Bye, sweetie. You don't love me?
Blake: Anything that's good for eden means it's bad for ben. What is that? Is that a fax from gus?
Harley: Maybe.
Blake: I want to see what's in it.
Eden: Wow! Look at this place. Vinnie must be moving up in the world.
Tony: The underworld.
Bodyguard: Don salerno was very disappointed he couldn't be here to welcome you.
Tony: He had business to deal with. He's an important man.
Bodyguard: He said you should makes yourselves comfortable.
Tony: Listen, i'd be careful what you say in here, okay? There has to be bugs everywhere and video cameras taping us. Okay, you know what? I'll go ahead and check out my room and then I'll be right back.
Bodyguard: This is your room, mr. Santos.
Eden: Excuse me. There must be a mistake. Tony and i are just friends.
Bodyguard: We read the papers, miss.
Tony: Well, maybe you just look at the pictures.
Bodyguard: Come on. There's no need to pretend here. Enjoy. That's what this place is all about.
Tony: Maybe you didn't hear the lady correctly. We need another room.
Shayne: Dad, no. I'm not just going to wait around here and do nothing.
Josh: Just hang tight, son.
Now, look, i just passed the
old general store in
I'll be there inside of 20
Shayne: Oh, 20 minutes. That's great, dad. Where's marina going to be in 20 minutes? Forget it. I've got to go look for her.
Josh: Has there been any word
from her, anything at all?
Shayne: No, no!
Josh: Where are you going to
go look, son?
You'll be wasting your time,
and besides, frank will need
information from you when he
gets there.
Now, how long ago did you call
Shayne: I don't know. It's been like... It seems like a thousand years already.
Josh: Stay put and wait for
Shayne: He already probably thinks i'm part of the problem.
Josh: Just tell him the
truth, son.
That's all you could do at this
Shayne: I've got to go. They're here.
Frank: Last place you saw her?
Shayne: She was in the bedroom.
> Frank: All right, reen, check it out. Consider it a crime scene. Brandon, search the grounds, now.
Shayne: Chief cooper...
Frank: I trusted you, shayne.
Shayne: I know.
Frank: How many times do i have to live this nightmare? My daughter looking me straight in the eye, lying to me about where she's going and who's she's going with. I guess you're just another one of those young punks who's out to just get her off alone, right?
Shayne: Hey, I'm not ben.
Frank: Well, sure as hell acted like him, didn't you? The most important thing right now is to find my daughter, make sure she's safe and sound.
Shayne: I know. What do you want me to do? What can i do?
Josh: Well, you can start by telling me what the hell you're doing up here? Because my daughter explicitly told me that she was going away with tammy winslow. Exactly what did happen up here, shayne? And who else knows that you're up here? And what do you think happened to my daughter? Well, don't just stand there, man, start talking! And this time, don't leave anything out.
Marina: (Moaning)
ben: Sleeping beauty finally wakes.
Marina: Ben?
Marina: Wait. What's going on? Where are we going?
Ben: Shh. Everything's fine now.
Marina: My head. Where's shayne?
Ben: You know, you're lucky i showed up when i did.
Marina: What are you talking about?
Ben: The bauer cabin. You were passed out on the floor.
Marina: No.
Ben: Dead to world. And alone, too. Shayne wasn't there either.
Marina: No. That doesn't make... That doesn't make any sense.
Ben: Well, it's pretty obvious to me. Either he ran off to get you help or he ran off, period. Were you guys drinking?
Marina: No. I mean, shayne... Shayne brought a bottle of champagne, but...
Ben: There you go.
Marina: No, we barely had any. We were... We were sitting on the coach. We were talking, ben.
Ben: He drugged you, marina. It wouldn't take much. All he'd have to do is slip a little bit in your champagne.
Marina: Shayne would never do that.
Ben: You'd be surprised what a guy will do when he's got to have a girl. You're just too nice to see it, that's all.
Marina: Where are we going?
Ben someplace safe. You know, a lot's happened since i saw you last. I've got big news. Great news, really. My grandmother died.
Marina: That's great news?
Ben: She left me a million bucks-- nothing bad about that! (Laughs) more like the answer to our prayers.
Marina: What?
Ben: Everything was fine until I lost my trust fund. But I got money again now. Enough to get us back on track, do what we've got to do. Then we'll go to europe. Then we'll go to asia. You can shop all you want. Then when we come back home, you can cut a record, make a video. We'll jump-start your singing career.
Marina: Can you slow down a little bit? Because I'm feeling kind of woozy.
Ben: Yeah, yeah. Is that better?
Marina: Yeah.
> Ben: Marina, wait! Marina! (Car wheels screeching)
shayne: I don't know. After the hike we made dinner and then we just talked.
Frank: What did you do after the dinner and the talking?
Shayne: She went to the bedroom.
Frank: She did what?
Shayne: Just to change. She just went to change.
Frank: And then she didn't come back. Right?
Shayne: No. I knocked on the door. Nobody answered. So i went in.
Frank: And that's when you said the window was wide open?
Shayne: The window was open, yeah, and then i noticed... That's when I noticed her nightgown on the floor.
Frank: You didn't hear anything? You didn't even see anything? Not even a car driving off?
Shayne: No. I didn't hear or see anything.
Frank: Somebody must have broken in when you guys were hiking, just to bide time. There's an old access road out back. Someone could have put the car in neutral, let it roll down the hill, and then started it from there.
Shayne: I don't believe this.
Cop #1: Chief.
Frank: What?
Cop #1: I found this outside under the bedroom window.
Frank: What is it? It's chloroform or ether.
Cop #1: Some kind of sedative.
Shayne: What, are you saying somebody, what, knocked her out and just took her away?
Frank: Ben reade was just released from the hospital today. I need to put an apb on him right way.
Blake: I thought we were partners.
Harley: We... Were.
Blake: Oh. So what does this mean? You're working with gus now? You're going to scrape anything you can to make it look like ben's the murderer? Is that it?
Harley: Ben may be the murderer, blake.
Blake: Well, that hasn't been proven, harley.
Harley: Not yet.
Blake: You know what? Ben's a good kid. Oh, come on, just let me see what's in it.
Harley: I can't even read it, blake.
Blake: What a feeble excuse. It's in front of you. It... It doesn't... You can't read it?
Harley: No, i mean i seriously can't read it. Look, my fax machine is broken.
Blake: Oh.
Harley: And it's probably not important anyway.
Blake: Yeah, right.
Harley: Fine. Fine. It's a fax from gus. Something about switzerland. Something about a teacher who was fired. I can't read it.
Blake: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. A teacher.
Harley: Mm-hmm.
Blake: A teacher who might possibly be one of eden's escorts right now?
Harley: Oh, well, i hadn't thought of that.
Blake: Yeah, well, I come with a very good idea every once in a while.
Harley: Yes, but can you be objective about those ideas, blake?
Blake: Oh, oh, like gus is objective about eden? He's doing back flips to keep her out of handcuffs.
Harley: Well, can you blame him? He loves her.
Blake: You know what, i love ben. His grandmother died.
Harley: When?
Blake: This morning. In galena. I mean, she was sick for a long time, but can you imagine poor ben coming out of the hospital after almost having died himself, to hear this kind of news?
Harley: I'm sorry. I'm sorry about all of this.
Blake: I just can't stand feeling so helpless.
Harley: You know, blake, i didn't actually ask you down here to talk about ben. Or eden. Or to make you mad.
Blake: Well, what else is there?
Harley: There's this. You want to talk about a ring that you should hit with ammonia and a toothbrush every once and a while. Gee.
Harley: No, i want to talk about when i should marry gus.
Blake: I don't know. Maybe you should marry gus as soon as you send ben to prison.
Harley: Okay, you know what? That's not fair.
Blake: All right. I'm sorry. (Sighs) you want the short answer?
Harley: Yes.
Blake: Do it as soon as possible. Oh, come on, you got the guy practically all wrapped up. Finish the job.
Harley: What about you and ross? I mean you've been dangling thing with him forever. You guys aren't together, committed, married.
Blake: Well, you know very well that ross and i work much better when we're pending, okay? We're on our best behavior that way. It's very different for you and gus.
Harley: Yeah, but the logistics of this thing, it's a nightmare.
Blake: How many weddings have i planned and cancelled in the last couple of years? You my dear, are talking to a walking encyclopedia of wedding crap. Watch and learn.
Tony: Hey, hey, hey, whatever you're thinking about this lady and myself, un-think it.
Eden: Tony, it's okay.
Tony: This lady and i don't sleep in the same bed. Capishe?
Bodyguard: Whatever you say, mr. Santos. But you are staying in this room.
Tony: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you not hearing me? Am i not making sense to you?
Bodyguard: The place is being renovated. My orders were to put you both in this room because it's the only one that's finished. Capishe?
Tony: Yeah, i get it. It wasn't your call anyway. I'll take it up with the boss in the morning.
Bodyguard: If you want.
Tony: Mm-hmm.
Bodyguard: Have a good night.
Tony: Yo, do me a favor. Don't go too far. We might need a bucket of ice or something.
Bodyguard: Yeah.
Tony: Renovations. Renovations. That's great. I guess we didn't time out our visit too well.
Eden: No, it's perfect timing if we get vinnie as my alibi.
Tony: Yeah, yeah, yeah, i ow. That's why... That's why i backed off about the room. Why tick off salerno when you're asking him for a favor?
Eden: Yeah. And vinnie is one guy you do not want to make angry.
Eden: No way.
Tony: What's up?
Eden: Nothing.
Tony: You know, eden, you're not having second thoughts about coming here, are you?
Eden: He used to make me wear this perfume. And then if a guy would so much as look at me, he would freak.
Tony: Oh, the jealous type, huh?
Eden: Yeah. Only, though, I'm afraid he's still jealous.
Tony: I thought you said that you guys were over a long time ago?
Eden: Well, yeah, but that doesn't mean he wants to see me with another guy.
Tony: You and i are not with each other, eden.
Eden: Well, i wonder if vinnie would believe that. Did you know that I couldn't date anyone for months after i broke up with him? If i met someone that I like clicked with... One time this guy just showed up with, like, this look in his eyes, like he'd just seen a ghost or something.
Tony: Or maybe he saw one of vinnie's associates.
Eden: Yeah, and then he would, like, start mumbling something like, "you know, i'm going to be really busy the next couple of months with my work." And I would never see hum again.
Tony: You know what? I don't scare so easy. And there's no reason for me to be scared in the first place. I mean, you and I are not an item.
Eden: I know that.
Tony: Yeah, and if our host thinks that he can play with our heads by putting us in the room together, think again. It's not going to work.
Eden: Well, what are we suppose to do, just ignore it?
Tony: That's right. Ignore it.
Eden: Well, there's only one bed. Supposed to ignore that?
Tony: You can take it. Look, perfect. I'll sleep in the chair. It's not going to be the first time.
Eden: Well, i guess we'll just have to make do. Wow. Look at this stuff. (Laughs)
tony: Well, i guess they don't call it a guest bedroom for nothing.
Eden: Yeah, but look at this. This is like something out of the movies or something. Isn't it beautiful? Have you ever seen anything this sexy before?
Bill: I don't know. Maybe buzz is right. Maybe there's a time to step back, give someone else the hose, let them put out the fire or start one. I don't know.
Ross: What are you talking about? Where's this fire?
Bill: Hey, ross. I...
Ross: Hi, bill. You okay?
Bill: Yeah, yeah. Sure. I'm, i'm fine.
Ross: Good. Going in to dinner?
Bill: No, i just ate. I just ate. I'm expecting to hear from someone, and i haven't, so i'm just thinking about maybe...
Ross: Well, you know, i heard from somebody recently. Your mother.
Bill: Hmm.
Ross: Yeah. And vanessa wrote me this nice long letter, and when she was talking about you, she said she hoped that no news was good news.
Bill: Because i haven't been in touch. Well, you know, that's not entirely my fault. She's pretty tough to pin down.
Ross: Yeah.
Bill: Yeah.
Ross: Always was. I miss her a lot.
Bill: Me, too. Me, too. You meeting blake for dinner? Because she.. She is in there. I saw her.
Ross: Oh, well, i'd better get in there in a minute, because, well, if you leave blake alone for any length of time, who knows what kind of trouble she's going to get into?
Bill: Seriously?
Ross: Oh, very seriously. You know, one thing blake and i have learned over the years, and that is, we need to stay close. Whenever we lose track of each other, bad things happen.
Bill: Oh, man.
Ross: What?
Bill: I don't know. I... Well, i let eden go solve a problem without me, and I don't know, I think I may have dropped the ball on that one. But then i was talking to buzz about it, and he says, "well, you know, sometimes it's good to step back and let someone else handle things. " I don't know what. I...
Ross: Well, might be good advice. You know, buzz is a pretty smart guy.
Bill: Yeah, he is. He is a smart guy. But he is also alone. So...
Ross: Well, now, bill, everybody's different. Everything happens to people at different times. You know, it took blake and I a long, long time to figure out what actually works and what doesn't work.
Bill: Did i ever tell you that i had the biggest crush on blake when i was a kid? I... (Ross laughs) I did. And I...
Ross: You see? I can't leave her alone even for a minute. (Bill laughs) you take care.
Bill: All right. Yeah, you, too. You, too.
Frank: I know it's out of your jurisdiction, but just get those choppers in here now.
Shayne: How could ben even know we were here? How could he even know marina and I were here?
Cop #2: There were some fresh tire tracks on that access road, frank.
Frank: It's got to be him. It's got to be. What's going on?
Trooper #1: Is there a problem here?
Trooper #2: Saw your lights. Thought you might need some assistance.
Trooper: My daughter was abducted.
Shayne: Did you guys see somebody leave? This tall, dark hair, probably driving, like...
Frank: Shayne, just leave it alone. Chief cooper, springfield P.D.
Trooper: And your daughter was abducted. I'll get on the horn to the fbi.
Frank: No, actually don't do that right now. I don't want to call this a kidnapping.
Shayne: You just said that ben took marina. Well, what's that?
Frank: If i get the fbi into all of this, it's going to take forever to get them set up. That'll just give ben reade more time to take marina further and further away.
Shayne: So why don't you just get these guys to help?
Josh: Son, son... Frank, i got him.
Frank: Josh, just do me a favor. Get him out of here.
Shayne: No. No way. I'm not going anywhere.
Josh: This way, son. Son? Son? Are you okay?
Shayne: What do you think?
Josh: Look, i'm sure that frank right now is doing everything he can to find marina.
Shayne: No, dad, I need to do something to help, okay. It's my fault.
Josh: No.
Shayne: Yes, it is. I shouldn't have come up. I mean nobody knew were going to be.
Josh: There's no way you could have perceived something like this was going to happen, son. It's not your fault.
Shayne: Oh, i couldn't have foreseen it? I couldn't have foreseen it? Ben just got out of the hospital.
Josh: Shayne...
Shayne: What's the first thing he's going to think of? Marina. You know, how could I been so stupid?
Josh: Son, you got to slow down. Please. Just settle down.
Shayne: We got to go. The car's right there.
Josh: Son. Shayne.
Ben: Marina!
Marina: Let me go!
Ben: Stop it! Don't you ever do that!
Marina: Or what? You're going to dope me up and lock me in the car?
Ben: I lost you once and it's not going to happen again. We're going to be happy.
Marina: Yeah, right when the whole kidnapping thing is over.
Ben: (Laughs) you got the greatest sense of humor.
Marina: Don't.
Ben: Marina, listen to me. I love you. And you love me. That's a given. We're meant to be together.
Marina: Yeah, by force if necessary.
Ben: Look, fighting me is not going to change anything. You might as well get used to it. From now on you and I will never be apart.
Marina: Look it, let's just.. Let's just forget the whole thing. You know, we'll just call it a mistake. Now just unlock the door.
Ben: Forget the life we're going to have together?
Marina: Ben, stop saying that.
Ben: You make it sound like every word out of my mouth is a mistake.
Marina: We're in different places now. It happens. If you could just unlock the door. I'm not going to tell anyone where you're going. I honestly don't know.
Ben: I think you'd like rome. Milan's great, too. Genoa. We'll do a whole month in northern italy. Under assumed names of course. With new names and new passports, we could go anywhere we want to. We'll hang out in tuscany, through the olive harvest then head to palermo for the winter. We'll get a place with a balcony overlooking the harbor. We could lie in bed at night and watch the ships come and go. Time will just stop. We won't even have a phone. Wait!
Marina: Ben, no!
Ben: You used to call me when you needed help. I was the one you wanted to protect you. Marina, you're not in trouble. I'm already here. One thing is the same though: I'm still your hero. Now. For all time. You'll see.
Shayne: Dad, listen to me. Marina is drugged. She's alone with him.
Josh: Stop! Stop!
Shayne: I got to go look for her.
Josh: Stop and listen to me. Listen to me. Marina's out there and she's in trouble, all right. All you could think about right now is going to help her. Believe me i understand what exactly what you're feeling right now. But you're not going to help marina if you go charging off in this way. In fact you might make the situation worse. Now I know in your gut you want to go, because you love her, right?
Shayne: Yes. I love her. Dad, listen, i love her. And what you don't... This is my fault.
Josh: It is... It is not your fault. And you have to stop saying that, son.
Shayne: You just keep telling me... Well, what are you telling me not to do anything? What does that...
Josh: I'm telling you not to do anything until you know what you're going to do.
Jeffrey: Hey, hey, hey. I heard what happened on the scanner. Are you all right, kid?
Shayne: No, i'm not all right.
Jeffrey: Is frank copper in there?
Josh: Yes, he's in there. I don't think he's all right either.
Frank: I don't think you get what i'm saying. I don't have time to wait for the fbi. My daughter's out there and she's missing. We got to act now.
Jeffrey: What's this about the fbi?
Frank: I wish i had the resources, but i don't know the proper channels.
Jeffrey: Maybe I could help you there, okay?
Frank: Like you helped me with mitch hendon?
Jeffrey: Frank, your daughter's been abducted by a kid who may be a serial murderer. Okay, do you want to get her back, or do you want to get her back lately?
Frank: What do you think?
Jeffrey: Well, then maybe you should think about letting me help you here, all right. Maybe you should think about letting me find you some support. Because that is why I came up here. I got friends in washington.
Frank: I bet you do. Thanks.
Jeffrey: You'll thank me when you get your little girl back.
Blake: All right, this is the lakeside manor. Best appetizer in the planet. Oh, oh, and this is the chanticlear. It has a viennese dessert table that vienna couldn't touch.
Ross: Blake, I can not believe that you have kept all of this information.
Blake: Yeah, well, if you can't live it, you might as well take notes on it. (Cell phone rings)
harley: Oh, this must be the library of congress wanting access to that filofax. (Laughter)
harley: Hello?
Frank: Harley, we got trouble.
Harley: What happened?
Frank: Marina vanished from the bauer cabin. Looks like ben reade abducted her.
Harley: He just got out of the hospital this morning. Okay, well, are you at the cabin now?
Frank: I am. I got two of my guys here, two state troopers, two choppers up in the air and waiting for backup. And I got jeffrey o'neill.
Harley: I'm on my way.
Frank: No, sis. Actually i need you to help me. I need you to find out what ben reade did today. I want you to call his friends, the hospital. See if you could get a sense of what he might be up to.
Harley: You got it.
Frank: Is dad still gone?
Harley: Yeah, he's still fishing with billy.
Frank: All right, sis, listen if he calls, don't tell him anything right now. All right, you know what? I got to go.
Harley: Frank, just hang in there, okay.
Frank: Yeah, right.
Ross: Harley, what was that all about?
Harley: Marina has disappeared. And frank is pretty certain that ben snatched her.
Blake: Why ben?
Harley: Well, it's not eden august whose got a crush on marina is it?
Tony: All right, all right. Come on, keep it together. Keep it together. Perfect. One more strike.
Eden: Good game?
Tony: I don't believe this. How could call that a ball?
Eden: It's not a good game.
Tony: This ump is blind.
Eden: He's not the only one. Well, at least you're not a terminal channel surfer like most guys. Hey, could i borrow that remote when your games done?
Tony: Yeah. This game is practically.. It's practically over.
Eden: Do you like it?
Tony: Yes. You know, it's very nice color.
Eden: What do you think about the fit? Is that nice?
Tony: It works. You know what, eden? I'm going to give marah a call, you know, I'm going to let her know that everything is just fine. That's great. That's great. The phone's dead. I guess probably one of the workers cut the line. I'm going to go use the phone.
Eden: What? It's locked?
Tony: Yes. And that is no accident.
Eden: They locked us in here.
Tony: Yeah, yeah, i guess we're suppose to make ourselves comfortable or else. Hmm. No signal. What are you installing lead walls as part of the renovations/, salerno? Hey. (Knocking on the door) hey, open this door.
Bodyguard: The problem, mr. Santos.
Tony: Yeah, the door is locked. From the outside.
Bodyguard: For your own protection. The floors are rebuilt in the hall. We don't want you to slip through them and wind up downstairs.
Tony: Well, what about the phone? Well, I guess I'll just use yours, okay? All right, pick up. Pick up. Pick up. All right, well, i'm in new york and everything is fine. I kind of been missing you. Bad. Okay, I will call you tomorrow. Love you. Is there anyone you want to call? Maybe bill?
Eden: No. Bill knows where i am. And I don't show up tomorrow, this is the first place they'll look for me.
Tony: Hey, look, I don't want you to worry about anything. We're going to get out of here.
Harley: Ross, you're ben's lawyer. Have you seen him today?
Ross: Yes, I have. Holly and I were planning to drive ben to galena to visit with his grandmother.
Harley: Oh.
Blake: Yeah. But they got word that she died before they had the chance to leave.
Ross: And after we got the news i stayed at ben's and he talked me for quite some time and he was just sick with regret over all of the mistakes that he's made particularly with marina.
Harley: Well, do you think his grandmother's death might have, I don't know, unhinged him in some way?
Ross: He was upset. Naturally. But to kidnap his former girlfriend? No, I don't think so. Harley, I have dealt with ben for all of his life except for the time that he was at boarding school at stanton. And there is nothing in my experience that would lead me to believe that ben would capable of anything close to kidnapping.
Harley: Where's stanton?
Ross: It's a boarding school in switzerland. Why? Have you heard of it?
Harley: Just recently. This is a fax from gus where he talks about stanton... Switzerland and a teacher that had been fired there. Do you think there's a connection?
Ross: There could be. And I should make a call to find out.
Harley: Okay. What are you thinking, ross?
Ross: Nothing. It's just that i vividly remember this conversation that i had with fletcher where he told me that ben was seriously acting out directly after he got back from stanton.
Harley: Did ben say anything to you about something bad happening to him? Something strange?
Ross: Ben never did, no.
Blake: You know, he never talked about that school. He never even mentioned the name.
Harley: Well, it's time to get to the bottom of it, don't you think?
Ross: I'll make that call.
Harley: Thank you. And you know what, blake? You and I need to look at this thing just a little more closely.
Blake: Mm-hmm.
Frank: All right, i need you to check the access road leading to route 28.
Jeffrey: All right, frank, all the stuff you wanted. On the way.
Frank: You got them to provide all of this?
Jeffrey: Well, everything except for your own personal surveillance satellite.
Frank: Thank you. Satellite. Wait a minute. Marina's got a cell phone.
Jeffrey: She has a phone?
Frank: I bought her a brand new cell phone for her graduation. It's got a gps system built into it.
Jeffrey: All right, well, it's got to be turned on for anyone to get the signal.
Shayne: No. She joked and said that she was going to turn it alone, so that we could be invisible.
Frank: Well, wait we checked this place. The phones not here. She has to have it on her.
Jeffrey: Well, she certainly would have turned it on, right? To let us know where she was.
Shayne: Yeah, if she had the chance.
> Ben: We're here.
Marina: Help! Help!
Ben: Marina! Marina!
Marina: Help! Somebody help me! Somebody... No, ben! No.
Ben: Calm down! Calm down! (Marina crying) calm down!
Marina: Stay away from me. Stay away from me!
Ben: I didn't want to have to do this.
Marina: Ben, don't come near me. Ben, don't come near me. I mean it.
Eden: Come on, kiss her. Just kiss her.
Tony: Oh, look. Like you had any doubt that he would.
Eden: He could have just walked away.
Tony: Well, did you hear the cheesy music?
Eden: Thanks. You just ruined a perfectly good cry.
Tony: Oh, you. You [ this stuff for an hour and a half.
Eden: Oh, well, it's better than you scream, stupid umps.
Tony: Yo, yo, vinnie, i don't know how you dealt with this chick for so long. But it's okay. You know what? We're going to sleep now. At least she is. She's in the bed. I'm in the chair. You can check your videotape in the morning. Comfy?
Eden: Yeah, i am. Are you?
Tony: Sure. You know. No, but it's cool, you know. It's only for one night.
Eden: I'm sorry, tony, that i dragged you here and that you end up sleeping in this chair.
Tony: Yep, such a nice guy.
Eden: You are such a nice guy. Sometimes. Good night.
Tony: Good night. What? What are you doing...
Eden: Nothing. It just these sheets are cold. It's okay, they're warming up. So i'll be quiet now. Sleep well.
Tony: You too.
Harley: This is ridiculous. We're not going to get anything else from this paper. Hey any luck?
Ross: I don't know stonewall in swiss-deutsch, but that's what the people at stanton school just did to me. When i asked them about the fired teacher, they pretended they couldn't understand enough english.
Blake: Do you think ben was involved? I mean maybe he complained about her or something?
Harley: The fax machine. The fax machine. Gus must have gotten my message. Okay, it says that he hooked up with the pi, mitch hendon's pi and that he's sending on a photo that the pi gave him.
Blake: That's ariana. That's one of eden's girls.
Harley: Otherwise known as victim number three.
Ross: And ben looks very angry.
Harley: Angry enough to kill?
Blake: Is that possible?
Ross: I don't know. Anything is possible. But...
Harley: If he has been playing with us this whole time then we really need to start worrying about marina now.
Frank: It's the phone company. They put me on hold. They're accessing her whackers, looking for a signal. Yeah, I'm here. Well, are you sure? Well, check again. Thank you. There's not a signal. She must have her cell phone off.
Josh: And there's absolutely no way the gps system could work unless the phone is on?
Frank: No.
Jeffrey: We'll find her.
Marina: Ben, stop it. Stop it. You're crazy!
Ben: Why are you saying that? Look, I don't want to hurt you.
Marina: Then let me go home.
Ben: (Laughs) I can't do that. I can'T. Not before everything happens. It has to.
Marina: What does that mean?
Ben: You have to forgive me, marina. And love me. Oh, it's going to be just like it used to be.
Marina: No.
Ben: We'll pick up right where we left off.
Marina: No. Never.
Ben: You're wrong. We're good together. You can't just walk away. And you'll forget about shayne. You will.
Marina: What are you going to do with me?
Ben: Be totally into me. Once we've been together. It almost happened that night at the beacon. You were so ready. You're the one that rented the room. (Laughs)
marina: What? You think I'm going to have sex with you?
Ben: Make love, marina. It is love.
Marina: Get away from me.
Ben: You know how many times i thought about that night? God, every single night, i think about that night. And I thought if i could just... If i could just hang on. If i could just wait long enough and she waits then it'll be okay. It'll work it out the way we want it to. I'm still going to be your first, marina.
Marina: Get away from me, ben! Ben, get away from me! (Crying)
ben: Okay, okay, okay. Shh. You're not ready. Marina, it's okay. You need some time. It's okay. It's okay. I understand. It's okay.
Marina: Daddy, please come get me.
Harley: Next on "guilding light"...
Marah: You're worried about tony and eden spending the night together?
Bill: I'm not jealous. I just have a bad feeling about all of this.
All things considered, eden's more of a killer than a victim.
Ben: I forgive for being with shayne. But you have to forgive me too.
This has been "guiding light."