Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 7/24/03
Provided by Suzanne
olivia: You were actually dangling over the edge of the roof?
Cassie: Yes. If it weren't for jeffrey o'neill, i wouldn't be here right now.
Olivia: Jeffrey o'neill. He has a heart after all, does he?
Cassie: Well, i don't know about that. I know he's got some strong arms.
Edmund: Now it's all over and you're safe, thank goodness. Boy, it's busy here today, isn't it?
Cassie: It is busy here. Looks like there's only one waitress for this whole place. We should probably get our order in early.
Olivia: Look, you guys really don't have to do this.
Cassie and edmund: Do what?
Olivia: Uh, the "let's entertain this depressed, pregnant, single lady to make her feel better thing."
Cassie: Is that what we're doing?
Olivia: Let's see, the last time we talked, I was throwing phillip's flowers out the door, and I was a little confused and obsessing. I think there's a connection.
Cassie: Yeah, okay, it's charity.
Edmund: No, no, it's not charity. It's more like pity.
Olivia: Ooh, do you feel bad enough to give me money?
Edmund: Well...
Cassie: No, actually, we were hoping that you would feel guilty and you could pick up the check. (Laughter) I am starving.
Olivia: Well, there's something to be said for getting away from the beacon for a while.
Lizzie: Dad?
Phillip: Hey.
Lizzie: Hey!
Phillip: Hi. Let me ask you something. Did you know when you called me that i was dying to spend some time with my favorite girl?
Lizzie: (Laughs)
phillip: Beth, hi.
Beth: Hi. Lizzie, you said you told your father that I was coming. (Laughs)
lizzie: I'm sorry, I was going to, but does it even matter?
Phillip: No, of course, it doesn't matter. No. Gives us a chance to catch up. Come on.
Beth: Okay.
Phillip: Oh, I meant to tell you, i was in the pool the other day with james.
Beth: Yeah?
Phillip: And he did a crawl, all the way across the length of the pool.
Beth: A real crawl? Not his standard dog paddle crawl?
Phillip: Yeah, a real crawl. He's a swimmer.
Beth: ...Lizzie, too.
Phillip: I know what you're thinking, but you know that little thing that he does, where he does like a little half- thing? No, he didn'T. He was actually... It was a crawl.
Gus: Were you, were you, were you working for mitch hendon? Were you tailing ben reade?
P.I.: Detective, I am not your guy. I swear.
Gus: Oh, come on.
P.I.: Why would i lie to you?
Gus: Hold on. Why would you lie to me? I don't know, let me think. Oh, yeah. Maybe you don't want to be linked to a guy that just got sent away for life for murdering somebody. Or-- and then better yet-- he's investigating somebody himself who's possibly a serial killer, so you don't want to, what, maybe risk your reputation, maybe your license, something like that, right?
P.I.: You know what? You don't believe me? That's fine. You know what? I'll open my books to you so you can check them yourself. Look, I have never had anything to do with this guy hendon or reade.
Gus: Fine, get out of here. Wait, whoa! If you do find out a name, if you do find out who the pi is, you're going to what? You're going to call who?
P.I.: You.
Gus: "You." That's right. Thank you very much.
Harley: Oh, i'm sorry. I heard that gus was in... You were listening?
Jeffrey: Yeah, I was listening. It's my case, too, ms. Cooper. I just caught the tail end of it, though. Hey.
Gus: Hey.
Harley: Hey. So, what happened? No go?
Gus: Here's what's going on: I've got a private investigator out there in the world somewhere who's got the crucial information. Give it to me, i can nail ben reade. You know what the problem is? I have no idea who this guy is.
Jeffrey: Forget about it. You don't have to worry about it. The only thing you have to worry about right now is packing your bags and getting the hell out of here.
Marina: Hey. Was there enough hot water in there for you to shower?
Shayne: Yeah. Felt good, get all the sweat and bug spray off of me from the hike.
Marina: Yeah, that hike was pretty rough. You know, I think after that we deserve some major down time, don't you?
Shayne: You know what? I've got to tell you that this whole thing, this whole time is down time.
Marina: Yeah, well, my dad will be very suspicious if i don't return to springfield with a tan. So, can I interest you in a little fun in the sun? Shayne?
Shayne: Yeah. Yeah.
Marina: Okay.
Shayne: Let's do it.
Marina: So, i already have the beach towels. I have snacks. I have cold drinks and we need... We need lotion. And also that. Could you grab that, and could you also make sure it has batteries in it?
Shayne: Yeah.
Marina: Thank you. (Coldplay song playing)
i never meant to cause you trouble
i never meant to do you wrong oh and if I ever caused you trouble
oh no i never meant to do you harm. (Radio playing)
marina: Hey. Not only does that thing have batteries, you actually managed to get pretty good reception.
Shayne: Yeah.
Marina: I love this song.
Shayne: I love this song, too.
Marina: Isn't it so great out here?
Shayne: You know what the best part is?
Marina: What? Nobody bugging you for your autograph?
Shayne: No. Nobody's around, period. You want me to put some of that lotion on your back?
Marina: Okay, thanks. I don't know, I mean, doesn't it just feel like springfield is a million miles away?
Shayne: Yeah. But it's not, though. Um, I have to tell you something.
Marina: What?
Shayne: When you were in the shower, I called remy just to make sure that our stories check out.
Marina: Is something wrong?
Shayne: Ben's grandmother died. I guess she was ill and he was set to go see her, but she died before he could get there.
Marina: Oh.
Shayne: I thought, you know, maybe you'd want to know, and i didn't want you to think that i was keeping it from you. You know, but if... If you want to call him or whatever, i totally understand.
Marina: You see that big rock on top of the mountain up there? It's lookout rock. It's, like, a really amazing piece of land. And one time when ben and I were up here skiing, he told me it was his dream to buy that property some day. And it's really beautiful from up there. I mean, you look down, and you can see the entire town. You can see the lakes and the houses and the roads, and everyone who lives down here has to look up at you. They have to look up to you. Hmm. That was really important to ben. And I hope he does buy that property, some day. I hope he gets what he wants to get out of life. I hope he finds somebody to share it with. I just know that somebody's not going to be me. I've already moved on.
Shayne: Really?
Marina: Yeah. Look, we don't have to talk about ben ever again. Okay? I am here right now because this is where i want to be-- with you.
Waitress: Hi.
Waitress: Hi. I'll be right with you guys, okay? Thanks.
Lizzie: Dad, we can go someplace else if you want.
Phillip: Why would we want to do that?
Lizzie: Well, i just thought maybe you'd be more comfortable or something.
Phillip: Honey, no. I'm perfectly comfortable here.
Lizzie: Okay.
Edmund: Olivia, if this is awkward for you...
Olivia: No, no, i'm fine. I...
Cassie: Are you sure?
Olivia: Yeah, it's just that if phillip should come over here-- and i pray that he doesn't-- there's something that i should mention to you.
Cassie: Okay.
Olivia: Remember that phone message I left you yesterday?
Cassie: The weird one that said nothing? Yeah.
Olivia: Yeah, well, i felt i needed to explain my situation in person.
Cassie: Situation?
Olivia: Yeah, cassie. You and I have grown even closer than you know.
Waitress: Hey, sorry it took me so long to get to you.
Phillip: That's okay. Looks like you're a little busy.
Waitress: Oh, yeah. Well, marina's out of town, the others both called in sick at the last minute, so I am just a teeny bit frazzled right now.
Phillip: That's rough. Sounds like you could use some help.
Waitress: Yeah, well, it's too late to call anyone.
Phillip: I am feeling positively unchivalrous. There's no need to call anyone. I'm here.
Beth: You? You think you can play waiter? (Laughs)
phillip: I've done it before. I even know where the aprons are.
Cassie: That's what the phone call was about? You told phillip that I was your birthing partner?
Olivia: He just showed up at my first class uninvited and assumed he would be my partner. I had to get out of it somehow.
Cassie: So you lied to phillip, and now if he says something to me, i have to lie to him now, too?
Phillip: Good afternoon, folks. My name's phillip. I'll be your waiter this afternoon.
Jeffrey: You can stop spinning your wheels.
Harley: What's this?
Gus: This is the name of the pi working for mitch hendon.
Jeffrey: Uh-huh.
Gus: Mitch... How did you get this?
Jeffrey: As you can see, he's in europe right now working on a case. He left the hotel du cap in cannes this morning and boarded a train for amsterdam. I wrote down the name of the hotel where he likes to stay, but the guy likes to move around a lot, so he may not be there for long, which is why i want you out of here asap.
Harley: Wait, whoa, whoa. You want him to go all the way to amsterdam to question this guy?
Jeffrey: Well, yeah, yeah. It's got to be done in person. It's the only way we can pin this guy down. Now, he may have evidence on tape, on film. He may not even be aware of it, okay? You're going to have to convince him to cooperate with us, or else.
Gus: Yeah, right, right. I could threaten him with his license.
Jeffrey: Yeah, yeah, yeah. He either cooperates fully or he loses his license when he comes back.
Gus: That's what I like about this guy. When i've got to bite somebody, he gives me a fresh set of teeth. I like it. Did you get that dna report that i sent over this morning?
Jeffrey: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, thanks. It's all the more reason we've got to hit this guy hard?
Harley: What dna report?
Gus: Rick sent it over. The bones, remember the bones? They were found in the cave, and it turns out that that is ben reade's ex-girlfriend bridget waters.
Jeffrey: Tell her how she died.
Gus: Strangled.
Harley: Like jed simmons.
Gus: Exactly.
Jeffrey: My secretary is making your travel arrangements, and she'll call you with your ticket information.
Bon voyage.
Gus: All right, thank you very much. Hey, o'neill?
Jeffrey: Yeah?
Gus: How did you get this information?
Jeffrey: I got my ways.
Gus: Yeah, no, I'm sure you do, I mean, because you know, those justice boys, they took mitch hendon and-- whoo-- he kind of fell into a black hole. I wanted to question him and ask him about the pi, ask him if the pi was even real and then, you know, I couldn't get anything, and then bang, out of thin air you get the name and you get the number. I mean, how?
Shayne: Got us some more ice.
Phillip: They're a little short-handed, so i'm just pitching in to help.
Olivia: Yeah, that's pretty helpful of you.
Phillip: I try.
Olivia: Oh. And of all the tables in this place, you just happened to get stuck with ours.
Phillip: Must just be lucky.
Olivia: Mm.
Phillip: Anybody like to hear the specials?
Olivia: No, not really.
Edmund: Yes, please. Recite it from memory.
Olivia: No, really, that won't be necessary.
Phillip: Oh, I don't mind.
Olivia: I do.
Phillip: Okay. Well, you all just look at your menus, and i'll be back in a little bit. Oh, cassie, olivia told me that you were going to be her birthing coach.
Cassie: Mm.
Phillip: Yeah. That's what I thought. I'd kind of love to hear how that came about some time.
Olivia: The nerve!
Cassie: Yeah, like expecting your business partner to lie when you don't even tell her about it first!
Olivia: Okay, fine, mea
culpa. Look, it won't be a lie if you say yes.
Cassie: (Laughs) you really want me to do it? I thought you just were saying that for phillip's benefit.
Olivia: Well, i need to have somebody in there, don't i?
Cassie: Yes, you do, but shouldn't it be someone that you're close to?
Olivia: Who? Who else do I have? Sam's away at school.
Cassie: Okay. Okay, I'll do it, but shouldn't it be someone that you have, like, a connection with?
Olivia: No, it shouldn'T. (Cell phone rings)
lizzie: Ben. Where are you?
Ben: I don't know. This map you drew me stinks, lizzie. Hello?
Lizzie: Uh, yeah. What's the problem? Are you lost?
Ben: Yeah, brilliant deduction. And thanks for the short-cut, too. I should have just come up the way I always do.
Lizzie: Okay, so where are you? What road are you on?
Ben: Dry creek. I turned onto it from route 2, like you said, and i'm supposed to take a left on state road 12, right? I mean, correct?
Lizzie: Correct.
Ben: But either i passed it or they changed the name of it or something, because I've been driving for miles now, and i mean miles and...
Lizzie: Well, what was the name of the last road that you just passed? Do you remember?
Ben: Walgrove.
Lizzie: Right. Well, I think you're almost there. The next turnoff should be state route 12. (Hits car)
ben: It's terrific. It's great, it's perfect.
Lizzie: What's wrong?
Ben: Look, next time you make someone a map, give them some sense of the distances involved, okay? Draw it somewhat to scale. You've got half a mile looking the same as ten miles on this stupid thing.
Lizzie: Ben, would you please chill out? You're on the right track and you're almost there, so what's the problem? Ben?
Ben: What's the problem? The problem is i don't even know if i should be here right now, lizzie. Maybe I should just turn around and go home.
Lizzie: No, you can't do that.
Ben: Marina is with shayne. What's the point?
Lizzie: That is the point. She's with the wrong guy. The sooner you get there, the sooner you can show that to her, ben. And you just inherited all this money. It could be, like, the start of a new life for you guys, a totally clean slate. Right?
Ben: I guess.
Lizzie: You guess? Well, i know. It's you she wants, ben, not shayne, and the faster you get there, the faster you'll see that for yourself.
Ben: Yeah. Yeah, you're right, lizzie. Thank you.
Cop: Step away from the vehicle. You heard me.
Ben: I wasn't even driving, so i know I couldn't have been speeding.
Cop: There are signs posted every two miles along this road saying, "no parking or standing on roadside."
Ben: Yes, sir. I just stopped here for a second to look at my map.
Cop: "Unless your vehicle's disabled or it's an emergency." Was reading a map an emergency?
Ben: Well, actually...
Cop: Is your vehicle disabled?
Ben: No, sir. But I put some really cheap gas in it, and it's been knocking around really bad. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I guess I just must have, you know, not been paying attention because I didn't see any of these signs you mentioned. I'll get in my car right now and i'll take off.
Cop: Your taillight's busted. Looks like it happened right here.
Ben: Yeah, I kicked it when i thought I was lost. I was frustrated. I'll get it fixed the second i get back to town.
Cop: On these winding roads, working taillights are real important, mr. Reade, and the way I see it, there are two ways i can handle this. I can either write you a ticket and you give me your word you'll get this light repaired asap, or i write you a ticket and escort you down into town and make sure you get it repaired.
Ben: Look, officer, i know this is going to sound like a line, but I see that wedding ring on your finger, so I know you've been in love at least once in your life. Well, I'm in love right now with the most incredible girl, and we had something really special and i blew it-- totally my fault-- and I lost her. But today something happened that just might reverse all that, so that's where I'm headed right now, to find her, to tell her what an idiot I was and beg her to take me back. But if i don't get there right now... You have my word, sir, as a gentleman, that I will get this taillight fixed the second i get back to town. I promise you that. But please don't make me miss this opportunity, because I know i won't get another chance.
Cop: Don't make me sorry i gave you a break, kid.
Ben: I won't, sir. Thank you. Thank you. (Engine starts) I won't be sorry, sir. And neither will marina.
Marina: This is really perfect, isn't it?
Shayne: Yeah. Almost.
Marina: What do you mean, "almost"?
Shayne: You know what i mean.
Marina: No, i don't.
Shayne: Sure, you do. I mean, this is great, you know? Sunbathing and getting a tan is nice, but we didn't have to lie to our parents and sneak off to this deserted cabin to do it. Let's be honest about the real reason we came here.
Marina: What... What do you mean, "the real reason"?
Shayne: You know what i mean. It's been on my mind since the second i walked in here. I know... I know you've been thinking about it, too. Come on, you know what i'm talking about, don't you? Food.
Marina: Food?
Shayne: I'm starving. You said you were going to cook for me.
Marina: (Laughs)
shayne: Your famous chicken. You said you were going to cook for me. I think we may have a problem, though.
Marina: What?
Shayne: There's no charcoal.
Marina: Oh.
Shayne: Yeah. You know anywhere around here we could get some?
Marina: Yeah, there's that store I showed you on the way up here.
Shayne: Yeah, sounds good. Let's go get some.
Marina: Okay. Oh, actually, I have a good idea. Why don't I start dinner? I can, like, get the salad started and all that and you go get it, and that way when you come back, we can just throw the chicken on the grill.
Shayne: Yeah, but you don't want to stay here by yourself, do you?
Marina: Why not?
Shayne: I mean, with the prison just west of here. You've heard the stories.
Marina: There's not a prison here.
Shayne: Yeah, there is. Maximum security prison? They house only the most dangerous inmates? I mean, it's supposed to be pretty safe, but usually about one every year will escape-- one inmate-- and if they found their way up here, this would be, like, the perfect hiding place, you know? I mean, if you were by yourself, then they could... They could kidnap you, they could do
Marina: Oh, you! I knew that you were kidding.
Shayne: You did not. I had you.
Marina: Get in the car.
Shayne: Are you kidding me? You're trusting me with your car?
Marina: One scratch and you're a dead man. I'm serious. Which would be too bad because you're a little too cute to kill. Go, get out of here. I'll miss you.
Shayne: I'll miss you, too.
Jeffrwell, I got the pi's name because i had a pretty big motivator, gus: Guilt. You know, I felt pretty lousy when they wheeled away mitch hendon and you didn't even have a chance to investigate...
Gus: Then why would you let them wheel away mitch hendon in the first place?
Jeffrey: For what purpose? I mean, for god's sake, gus, you were with the feds for how long? All right? Jurisdictional precedence, you ever heard of that? You know how that works, right?
Gus: They didn't have to give you this number, but they did. Why?
Jeffrey: Well, maybe they were experiencing a little bit of guilt themselves when i got done calling them with all of my pleading phone calls, believe me.
Gus: Because I made the same phone calls, and they didn't give it to me.
Jeffrey: Well, maybe you weren't as pathetic as i was. Hm? Amsterdam. Lucky guy, huh? And stay out of those coffeehouses. See you.
Harley: You're not buying his story, are you?
Gus: No, it's not that. It's just I'm starting to see why the guy is as unpopular in this town as he is.
Phillip: Sorry about that.
Customer: Oh, thank you.
Beth: Hey.
Lizzie: Hi. I do not get what dad is up to.
Beth: Sure you do. He's trying to keep himself in olivia's line of sight 24/7.
Lizzie: Ah, so he's trying to be a pest.
Beth: (Laughs) yeah, something your father is very good at.
Lizzie: Yeah. You know him better than anyone. Better than olivia, that's for sure.
Beth: You think, huh? (Laughs)
lizzie: What?
Beth: Oh, come on, lizzie. You think I don't know what you're up to. "Oops, i forgot to tell dad that you were coming."
Lizzie: Well, i'm sorry, it's just obvious that you guys still love each other. And waiting for you guys to do something about it is excruciating.
Beth: That's because you're waiting for something that is never going to happen.
Lizzie: It could.
Beth: No.
Lizzie: Yes. All you have to do is just decide, mom.
Beth: We have decided. We're friends. And your father is with olivia, or at least he's trying to be.
Lizzie: Don't you see? That's just it. You shouldn't have to try to be with someone. You shouldn't have to make someone want you. There's just something not right with that.
Beth: All couples go through rough patches.
Lizzie: Yeah, well, it's always going to be rough between dad and olivia. They just... I don't know, they don't fit well as a couple, not like you and dad do. Don't you think there's a reason that you guys have been in each other's lives forever? Mom, it's because you're right for each other.
Olivia: Look, going through the process of giving birth, even just taking the classes to prepare you for it, it's very intense and personal. You know that.
Cassie: Yeah, but phillip is the baby's father. Shouldn't he be a part of that experience?
Olivia: Yeah, maybe he should, but taking those classes together will only bring us closer, and I can't risk that.
Edmund: But you do want phillip to be part of the baby's life, right?
Olivia: I do. I just don't want him to be a part of mine, and I have to keep that distinction very clear because I know him. He's going to cross lines, and i can't handle it.
Cassie: But he loves you.
Olivia: This is not love. It's not love. It's about winning.
Cassie: I don't know about that. I don't know too many guys that would look that stupid just to win.
Phillip: Folks, i'm sorry it took me this long to get back to you. It's crazy.
Edmund: Phillip, make all the excuses you want. You're not getting any more than 15%.
Phillip: What can i bring you? We have some lovely strychnine.
Olivia: All right, you know what? That's enough. Just... I need to talk to you. Alone.
edmund: You sure we shouldn't stay inside, make sure everything's all right? See if olivia needs any backup?
Cassie: No, she's fine. Plus, isn't it a beautiful day?
Edmund: Yes, it certainly is.
Jeffrey: Oh, don't tell me there's a wait for a table. (Groans)
cassie: Hi. What are you doing here?
Jeffrey: Well, I came to get something to eat. That's what you normally do in a restaurant.
Edmund: Well, i wouldn't try it in there. The service is very slow today.
Jeffrey: Yeah, that kind of reminds me of a hotel I know of.
Cassie: Oh, so you don't appreciate my upgrade? The full-service suite, jacuzzi, terrace, lake views aren't to your liking?
Jeffrey: Well, I don't like jacuzzis, and I'm not really into baths, and considering what happens to people who take baths at your hotel...
Cassie: Did you see how i placed the hair dryer right next to the bathtub? Plugged it in for you.
Jeffrey: Yeah, that was very thoughtful of you.
Cassie: Well, i aim to please. Did you see that i only sprung for the continental breakfast. If i really liked you, you'd be getting steak and eggs.
Jeffrey: Well, what do I have to do for you to really like me? Save your whole family? (Cell phone rings)
cassie: Oop, excuse me.
Edmund: Mr. O'neill, I'm glad we have this moment alone. I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank you very much for what you did for cassie yesterday. It was really quite extraordinary.
Jeffrey: Well, you'd have done the same thing, ed, if you were there. Where were you, anyway? Oh, yeah, you were down in the lobby, weren't you, completely unaware that cassie was in any danger at all.
Edmund: I don't think anyone knew anything at that time.
Jeffrey: Oh. Of course, not. Well, don't feel bad, you know, that you weren't there when she needed you most. I'm sure that, you know, she... She won't hold it against you. See you.
Phillip: Is there a problem?
Olivia: No, no. I just feel the need to tell you something I actually prefer not to tell you, but i feel you have the right to know.
Phillip: Okay. What?
Olivia: I didn't ask cassie to be my birthing coach, not initially. It was only after you assumed you could usurp... I didn't ask her until just now.
Phillip: So you lied to me initially.
Olivia: Yes.
Phillip: But now you're coming clean. Why?
Olivia: Because i...
Phillip: Because you don't want there to be any more lies between us, right?
Olivia: Yes.
Phillip: And the reason for that is?
Olivia: It's because I...
Phillip: Because you still care about me, and us. Right? (Radio playing) (strange noise from outside)
marina: Shayne? (Music stops) huh, it's probably a raccoon. (Strange noise from outside) who is it? Shayne? (Knock from outside) shayne? (Knock from outside) what are you doing?
Gus: Okay.
Harley: Happy?
Gus: Yeah, I'm happy to see these. Wrap these up and take them on the plane.
Harley: Got you.
Gus: Yeah.
Cop: Detective aitoro?
Gus: Yeah?
Cop: This just came for you.
Gus: Oh, thank you. Yes.
Harley: Is that your airline ticket?
Gus: That's right, yeah. Just checking. Leaving when? Oh, whoa.
Harley: Ow. (Laughs) I guess you have to go where the leads take you, huh?
Gus: Yeah. Will you come with me?
Harley: (Groans)
gus: Come on, now.
Harley: (Groans)
gus: Come on.
Harley: I knew you were going to do this. Listen, listen...
Gus: Just come with me.
Harley: The problem is that your ticket is on the springfield police department.
Gus: Just come with me.
Harley: Mine would not be.
Gus: Just come with me. Come on, we can swing it.
Harley: No, no. Because, listen, you forget. We're giving all that money to marina's tuition fund now.
Gus: Oh, no. Just come with me. Just come with me. We can still swing it, come on.
Harley: Oh, honey.
Gus: Please?
Harley: That's so tempting. It's so tempting.
Gus: I'm asking, please.
Harley: Do you remember... Do you remember we said the next time we go to europe, it'll be about us? It's going to be, you know, a vacation. It won't be about work.
Gus: "Work." "Won't be about work." So that's going to be soon that we'll do that?
Harley: It's going to be very soon.
Gus: Okay. Because we need it, you know. So i should get to go get myself together, go to the airport. Yeah.
Harley: You've got to do that right now, huh?
Gus: I've got to do it right now.
Harley: So then our good- bye's going to have to be, you know, in here.
Gus: Really? (Laughter) all right then.
Harley: (Yelps)
gus: Just looking for privacy. Don't mind me.
Harley: (Laughs)
cassie: Still waiting?
Jeffrey: Yeah, well i didn't realize it was such a wait here.
Edmund: Oh, look, our table's still available. Shall we?
Cassie: Sure.
Jeffrey: Well, I guess I'll go somewhere else.
Edmund: Good idea.
Jeffrey: See you later. Bye.
Cassie: Wait. Mr. O'neill, i wanted to ask you a few questions about mr. Hendon. Edmund, I'll be right back, okay?
Beth: Edmund, don't do it.
Edmund: Beth.
Beth: I've been watching you. I know that look in your eye. It's pure jealousy.
Edmund: Excuse me?
Beth: You're worried that cassie's going to get chummy with mr. O'neill, and that scares you because he looks like richard.
Edmund: Oh, please, beth. I don't think that...
Beth: Oh... (Laughs) yes, you know what i'm talking about, and i know. I went through the wringer known as your dark side, remember? Word of advice: Stuff that monster way, way down and don't let cassie see it or what it brings out in you, or you'll lose her.
Olivia: I didn't decide to clear things up with you so i could start things up with you again. I did it because i... We're both going to be parents to this child, and this little person deserves for us to be honest with each other from now on, you know? Not just because it's the right thing to do, but because we're setting an example.
Phillip: Okay.
Olivia: Okay.
Phillip: Then in the spirit of that honesty and cooperation, I would like to be your birthing coach.
Olivia: No.
Phillip: You just said...
Olivia: Nothing has changed.
Phillip: You... Has anything that i have said or done in the last couple of weeks gotten through to you at all? You think I make a habit of sending everybody flowers on a daily basis? You think I usually resort to this sort of nonsense to try to get somebody's...
Olivia: I think you'll do whatever you have to if you think it'll work.
Phillip: You know what? You're probably right. I guess I love you.
Olivia: No. You just hate losing. That's all this is, okay? It's a stunt, it's gamesmanship. But if you think this is a turn- on for me, it's not.
Phillip: Why don't you tell me what would be?
Olivia: Being with somebody who believes in me, who trusts me, whom i don't have to constantly prove myself to.
Phillip: You don'T. Not with me.
Olivia: Not until the next time you have reason to doubt me. And you know what? I deserved it at times. I've made plenty of my own mistakes. In fact, they're what got us here. And I take full responsibility for them.
Phillip: I take full responsibility for mine.
Olivia: Good. Then let's call it even and leave it at that, okay?
Phillip: Olivia.
Olivia: Don't. I'm not going down this road with you again, okay? I'm not. Because something's going to happen eventually, phillip. Only this time, there's going to be an innocent baby stuck in the middle, and we can't do that. We can't.
Marina: What are you doing?
Marina: What are you doing?
Shayne: Did i scare you?
Marina: No!
Shayne: Here, these are for you. Why don't you give me this thing? Thanks.
Marina: Wait. We didn't need any charcoal, did we?
Shayne: Nope.
Marina: So you made that up just so that you could pick those for me?
Shayne: So I could show you.
Marina: Show me what?
Phillip: Next, on "guiding
Bill: So, are you two going to tell me what I just walked in on, or are we going to play 20 questions?
Josh: I'm done chasing your mom around, okay? Those days are over.
This has been "guiding light."