GL Transcript Wednesday 5/28/03

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 5/28/03

By Eric

marah: Are you okay?

Tony: eden, what happened?

Marah: Are you ok?

Eden: Oh, I'm just a klutz.

Tony: What were you doing? What re you headi o wh's going on?

Eden: Yeah, I'm just going to my place and get some stuff. You know, we blew out of there so fast last night.

Marah: You can't go alone.

Eden: I'll be back before you know it. Oh, no, no, don't get th.

Tony: This is your meeting with salerno across town. Salerno's in springfield?

Eden: It's an old note, tony?

Tony: I don't believe you. Eden, you told us that you were done with this guy.

Eden: I am.

Tony: Well, I don't believe you. You know, we're letting you stay here because we think that salerno's got it in for you. And now you're going across to meet with him. Oh, this is not good.

Hley: Frank, what... what the hell is going on? Why do I have to hear about marina from Cassie? Where is marina?

Reva: Good morning. I know you said that you were going with Marina, but didn't expect it to be all night.

Shayne: I couldn't leave her and it got so late. I think she just... I think she just didn't want to go home.

Reva: Poor kid. She had to walk in on a dead body and then have ben arrested.

Shayne: Yeah, and on her birthday.

Reva: Okay, well, she looks really uncomfortable, so why don't you wake her up and take her ?

Shayne: No, she only slept out a half hour. I'm just going to wait it out with her.

Reva: Shayne--

Shayne: What?

Reva: You're a good friend. okay, i'm going to be with you in case if you need me for anything.

Shayne: A right.

(Cell phone rings)

Marina: Ben

Cassie: Excuse me, mr. Neill, can I have word with you please?

Jeffrey: Yeah, you could have a couple of words with me when m done her oka I'll find you. Now that--

Cassie: Well, I'll wait.

Jeffrey: Ok, mrs. Winslow, I just can't wait to hear what pressing issue ouind so important enough to interrupt my investigation.

Cassie: I need a time frame from you. When are you going to be out of re?

Jeffrey: I live here.

Cassie: Not you, you, although that would be nice. This. Ere are more cs than tre customers here.

Jeffrey: Well, that's what has when cusrs srt tting murdered. What

Cassie: I just can't believe someone walled here.

Jeffrey: Well, they were. And I've got aob to do, if you don't mind...

Cassie: Yea well, so do I. This hotel is how I make my living. These customers are checking out faster than I could print their receipts.

Jeffrey: So...?

Cassie: So what c I eect? What can I tell them? When am I going to get my hotel back?

Jeffrey: Well, you know, before you rudely interrupted me just now, watkins was telling me that his crew is breaking down up there.

Cassie: That's all you had to say.

Jeffrey: Well, that's all you should have asked.

Cassie: That's what I did ask.

Jeffrey: All right, rs nslo wver yosay. L I knows I spent way too much time on this conversation already.

Reva: Hey, S. Isrenything I ca to help you out?

Cassie: Yeah, you can keep me from rneill. Come

Cop #1: We're done here if you want to clean the place up.

Cassie: Well, no one is going to want to stay here. I might as well lock up this room and throw away the key.

Reva: That's not a bad idea.

Cassie: god, the thought of being electruted gives me the creeps. You know, they said th found print on the hairdryer plug.

They think it's ben reade'

Cassie: the forensics team did a number on this room. I'm going to have to have the carpet cleaned. I think I'm going to use the companth you and josh ed to clean the stu. At do you think about that? Reva?

Reva: Cassie, get the pole back here.

Cassie: What?

Reva: They...

Cassie: What?

Reva: They were wrong. Mrs. Hendon wasn't electrocuted. She was drowned.

Cassie: Reva, they found the blow dryer in the tub with her.

Reva: No, no, we got the police back here quick.

Cassie: Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait. Stop. How do you know that she was drowned?

Reva: I... I just know.

Cop #2: There's someone here to see you.

Ben: Marina? Oh, I thought you were someone se.

Holly: Well, I'm...

Ben: Thank you so much for coming.

Holly: Oh, of course. Sweetheart.

Ben: i didn't kill her.

Holly: I didn't believe it. Not for a second. But you did something. Never mind. We'll sort it out. Nobody could believe this is the face of a murderer. But not another word until we get you a lawyer, do you understand?

Ben: Yes. You heard?

Holly: You made the DA's case for him. Going on about this woman blackmailing you and being desperate to get rid of her. What were you thinking?

Ben: What was I suppose to do? Dig myself deeper by lying to the police?

Holly: , Well...

Ben: And I thought the truth was suppose to set people free

Holly: Oh, honey.

Ben: Ah, the joke's on me. Thinking I could pull this escort j off without marina ever finding out. I never wanted to hurt her.

Holly: Marina? You ner wanted to hurt marina? Ben, is dead.

Ben: I . The ir thingi diit all R... w I w going to sa r rina buthe uth is I did it all for me marina: Did I break it?

Shayne: No. Next time you're upset, you don't have take out the poor little phone.

Marina: I don't even know exactly what it is I'm fling anymore, shayne. And I can't necessarily promise you who or what I'm going to take it out on. So, if y want to get o of here...

Shayne: I'm going to take my chances. I' take my chances. You know, you only slept about a half hr. You want to stretch out? Why don't tcout?

Marina: I'm t tired sleep.

Shayne: Are you hungry? We can eat. Let's... do you want to take a walk maybe? Let's take a walk. Maybe not.

Marina: Mean I just... i don't know what I'm supposed to be feeling right now, you know. It's like la night was supposed to be the greatest night of my fe a n woman is ad. And my boyfriend was sleeping with her hs be aused murdering her. And I know that ould feel reallyangry and betrayed d hurt. And the h is I just... i feel really empty. Thanks, shayne.

Shayne: For what?

Marina: For sticking with me. I mean I know that, you know, there are probably other places you'd rather be and things you rather do.

Shayne: Don't worry about it. Don't worry.

Marina: We, you've been a really good friend.

Shayne: Well, that's what we are, right? Realood fries. Uzre you

Marina: H

Buzz: Hey. Thanks for being h re a sta-up Y. Hey, you. So how are you holding up?

Marina: Ben keeps calling.

Buzz: He's supposed to be locked up.

Marina: I know. I don't know. He's called me like a gazillion times though.

Buzz: You're not picking up, are you?

Marina: No, I'm not.

Buzz: All right. You don't think he did it?

Marina: No. No. No, he's a creep, but he's not a murderer.

Buzz: All I can say is he's lucky he's bind bars, because your dad...

Marina: Right, listen. I know that you and Dad want to protect me and I know you want blame all this on ben, right? But really feel like a lot of this is my fault, too. I mean I'm the one whod his hotel room, I'm the one who wanted to take things to the next level and...

Buzz: I don't want to go there.

Marina: Listen, I need you to go there with me. Just tell me what's wrong with me.

Buzz: What?

Marina: Just honest. Because I know that there is something.

Buzz: Honey, there's nothing...

Marina: I mean whatever it was that I was giving ben just wasn't enough. I'm not enough. So i need you to stop being my grandfather for just a second and start being a guy, because something is missing. So please just tell me what it is.

Eden: Okay, so I'm meeting with salerno.

Tony: I knew it.

Eden: Look, it's not what you think. It is just to clear the ai

Tony: Then how come you were just sneg out right now?

Eden: I wasn't sneaking out. I'm not a prisoner her look, my clients and employees e showing up dead. And I know that raises som questions, but i think it is a stretch for danny to think that Salerno is tied to the murders because I worked for hi

Marah: I still don't think it's a good idea for you to go meet with salerno, eden. I mean he could be mad about you striking out on your own.

Eden: Yeah, but salerno's the one that called me to clear this up. And with things getting messier by the minute, I'm all for it.

Tony: You still't going to tus about this.

eden: Well, don't wait to make my problems your problems. I knew you guys were going be against me doing this etin

Tony: no. No, I think you should go. And I'm going to go with you.

Cassie: How do you know ramona hendon drowned?

Reva: Because I saw her. She was being forced under the water d ing held there and she was struggling.

Cassie: Reva. Reva, you know, you know that her hair was dry. You saw the blow dryer that the poliagged. It was fried. Look, I know that you've been having those flashes, but...

Reva: But what?

Cassie: Sometimes you're wrong. I know that you believe what you saw, but this is murder we're talking about. And you can't make a guess like this. Not when the evidence is pointing in a totally different direction. you n't do that. I'm having a private conversation with my sister.

Jeffrey: Well, maybe you shouldn't be saying it too loudly then. What's this about murder?

Cassie: It's none of your business.

Jeffry: We, yeah, is my business.

cassie: My si has ath sens

Jeffrey: Atn I see dead people kind of thing?

Reva: I thought I saw mrs. Hendon being drowned. I don't think she was electrocuted.

Jeffrey: Really?

Cassie: Before you say anything...

Jeffrey: What like she's right?

Cassie: What?

Jeffrey: Yeah. Dr. Bauer just called me and confirmed that they found water in the woman's lungs. You hit the nail on e head, mrs. Lewis. Ramona hendon was owned.

Eden: I s spoiled by that trust fund, holly. And then one day it was gone. I mean what was I suppose to do? Do?

Holly: Get a job. Like a normal job.

Ben: I tried that, working for the spauldings, but they treated me like dirt.

Holly: Nobody starts at the top. You have to work your way up.

Ben: No, no. I wasn't able to pay my rent. I mean all my dates with marina involved a drive-thru window. Losing the trust fund was bad enough. I didn't wt to lose her, too.

Holly: If what the two of you had s special enough, the size of your wallet wouldn't have mattered.

Ben: Well I didn't wa to take that risk!

Holly: So getting a job as a male escort is a safe solution?

Ben: It's not how it sounds, all right? At least it wasn't at first. But then... then ramona started paying me extra .. and i started getting used to it. I even. Even liked it. I an here s this woman who was sophisticated and sexy and she wanted me. And the money was great. No strings attached.

Holly: Did you ever once stop and think about what you were doing?

Ben: Honestly? No. No, not until she started getting really demanding. And then h cra husba starte coming after me. Justand toback to w it was wit marina. But I was already r my head and w ramona'S...

Holly: Oh when you came back to town you were so independent. I didn't think you needed any more motring. I wish you had let me know what you we going through back when my help might have made a difference. This is... well, out of my hands. No, I will do everything I can for you.

Cop #2: Time's up.

Holly: I just got here.

Cop #2: And now your time up.

Holly: Oh, ney.

Ben: I'm scared, holly.

Holly: No, don't, don't be. L work it out. We'll work it out. Be strong. Be strong.

Buzz: There's something wrong with you.

Marina: No, that is what you have to say. And i need to just... just tell me, because I can take it.

Buzz: you want answer don't have to give. I don't know why ben would b a woman for pay when I... I'm sure he screwed up the best thing that ever happened to him. But it's not because you're not enough. If anything it's because you gave him too much.

Marina: What do you mean? I gave him too much what?

Buzz: Too much credit. He's not good enough for you.

Marina: So in other words, i just told you so. Just go ahead and say it. I know you and dad never liked him.

Buzz: Well, that's not exactly true. Look, I can sit here all afternoon and tell you what a jerk ben is, and what a prize you are. But thatout fi anything. And it s certain wouldn't chan the cthat riens wi dead. But this il tell you. I love you. You didn't do anything wrong. I'll get coffee.

Marina: Thanks. For nothing.

Shayne: That was kind of harsh.

Marina: (Moans I didn't really mean it. I just... n't know. You know, my grandfather giving me some pep talk, telling me that I'm really grea and ben's not, doesn't help me figure anything out he.

Shayne: You want my help?

Marina: If it's more rah-rah stuff, no thanks.

Shayne: Ben took you for granted because...

Marina: okay, I think this qualifies as rah-rah shayne.

Shayne: Because you let him.

Marina: What?

Shayne: I mean, you threw yourself at him from the beginning. He knew he didn't have to work ha. He knew he could have you ytime he wanted.

Marina: That's called flirting, shayne.

Shayne: You gave him too much. I mean, he knew... you know, he kn he didn't have work to dee you and he didn'T. Maybe that's why it was so rough with you guys.

(Cellphone rings)

Marina: You really ink ?

Shayne: Yeah. I've been thinking about it a lot.

Marina: So other words, i told you so.

Shayne: Kind of.

Marina: Yeah, well, I know wagoing to be hearing that at least ce today. So...

Shayne: Yeah, well, better from me than Buzz, right? You know, I think you're all osthings your grandfather said about you. What's tord used to... what did he say you were?

Marina: (Laughs slightly) a prize.

Shayne: Yeah, prize.

Marina: Oh, yh.

Shayne: I like that. That cool.

Marina: Yeah, that's me. I'm just one big, angry, miserable, lonely prize.

Shayne: Come , why do you do that? That's what I'm taout rit ther

Marina: What?

Shayne: Ys put yourself down. You know what? Just take n off this pedestal for once, huh? Put yourself up there. E if you'd de that i first place, you wouldn't be feeling miserable.

Frank: She's really hurting, sis. I can't believe I let this happen to my little girl.

Harley: You didn't le anything happen. Yes, marina knew good and well how you felt about ben. All right, what are you supposed to do, lock her in her room?

Frank: Why not?

Harley: Yeah, because that ways works really well.

Frank: I really wanted to stay on top of it this time.

Harley: Frank, stop. Sit down for second. Sit down. Listen to me. Listen. Okay. You did everything you could for me back then. And you did everything you could for marina now. You can'T... you can save us from ourselves. Hat if I were to talk to her, okay? Where is st the beacon? I can ad over there.

Frank: You can'T.

Harley: Oh, right. I don't have my badge anymore. I can't get in. Well, have you called eleni?

Frank: No. It's too soon. Don't worry. I'll call her and I'll let her know. I don't want her to hear it from any else I got go, sis.

Harley: All right, just wait a second. Okay, call me when marina comes home. I can bring the boys over. We'll spend some time with her.

Frank: That'll be great. Take her mind off that loser ben reade. There's one thing I did for my daughter, sis, I'll make absolutely sure that he never saw his face again.

Eden: Tony, this is a bad idea.

Tony: Listen, eden, it's settled. I'm going with you to go see salerno. Look, maybe... thank you. Maybe he has a motive for this meeting, maybe not. Either way, is going to take you seriously with me your side.

Eden: Oue dog thor

Tony: You and me both. Salerno is not the only one that I'm going to be keeping eye on.

Eden: Well, I told you, I'm not playing mes anymore.

Tony: oh, theyou've g nothintoe. Come on. Let's go.

Eden: marah..

Marah: I'm with ty on t one, eden. If salerno is as harmless as you say he is, then tony ing will just be a friend lending a hand. T if he is a threat, hing tony there will send a message at you have friends who are backing you up.

Eden: But you do believe me that I being straight, don't you?

Marah: Believe we're al dealing with each other onew l right now. And we should not question favors when they're offered.

Eden: All right then, I guess we better get going.

Tony: On a new level? What are we, like the three musketeers?

Marah: Oh, don't push it. Bye.

Tony: Bye.

(Car tires screeching)

Marah: Tony!

Marah: What happened? Are you all right?

Tony: There was a car, marah.

Marah: What? What? Are you in pain? Did it hit you? Are you okay?

Tony: I don't know. I don't know. I'm sorry. Sorry. This car just out of nowhere. We we crossing the street and it came fang us... wving.

Marah: A drunk driver?

Ton I don't know. I have no idea. All I know is that it prtilly came on the side. I pushed Eden out pf the way. Ouch. Are you okay? I'm sorry. It jt ca right. It practically came on top of us. It crashed into the garbage ca, and then it took off.

Marah: , My god, you guys both could have been killed.

Eden: No, it was . I looked at the driver and i recognized him. He worked for salerno.

Shayne: I'm sorry you what? I ouldn't haved. What do I know? Ati know anyway?

Marina: A lot.

Shayne: No, you're going through gh right now wit shooting off my mouth. I should have said more stuff like your grandfather said about you being a prize and...

Marina: No.

Shayne: And tl you the good stuff to...

Marina: No.

Shayne: No?

Marin no.

Shayne: Say something else. Yoreigging me out.

Marina: I don't know. M kind of hang a revelation here, you ow. I mean all that stuff that you sa to me. It just... it really made see. And I'nd of just still processing it. But it'se... it's exactly what I needed to hear, you know, all that sff about me just giving and giving and giving all the time. And ben ju. Just taking. D I don't know how you were able to see that when I wasn'T.

Shayne: I just spent a lot of time looking, I guess. You. And who you are.

(Cell phone rings)

Shayne: don't throw it.

Marina: Guess who?

S you're going to answer it this time or ignore it?

Marina: No. Nope this time I'm going to do something about it.

Jeffrey: So dr. Bauer called me and told me about theater in mrs. Hendon lungs right before I joined you and yo skeptic here at the crime scene.

Cassie: Skeptic? Excuse me, but wasn't her hair dry when she was found?

Jeffrey: It was aig. Ever heard of a wig?

(Cell phone rings)

Jeffrey: her hair was wet underneath.

Reva: So maybe heut it on heto make it lk like an electrocution.

Jeffrey: Now that's a good deduction. Not only is your sister a psychic, (Laughs) But she's a far better a detective than you are.

Cassie: She's hardly a psychic. I wouldn't call my sister a psychic, mr. O'neill, ok?

Reva: You know something, cassie? Why don't we go outside for some air?

Jeffrey: yeah, ah, that's great. But I'm not done talking to you. Yoalent or your ft o whatever vou want to call it, i take it very serious I used to consulcs a visionaries likeack in n yo on cases. So iouldike to utilize your nts if you don't md on this case. So if you could sesomethg that my men can't or... isre something that you remember about the drowning? You know about the killer's face or any telng body language? Anything like that.

Reva: Well, you know it came and went pretty fast. I can't be sure.

Jeffrey: All right, well, ifre is anythihat comes up, I'd like to hear about it. And i'd like to, ao, know more about yo reva. N call y rev

Reva: sure.

Jeffrey: Yoow aut ts ft oyohow orks r yo maybe we could g togher isweek? Ah, wains. Ah, I didn't a cnce fini mnveron with watkins earlier. You'll excuse me

Cassie: "E canet toge this week." Boy, I he smooth.

Reva: Ce, wt is going on wityo

Cassie: told you keep away from me. F ok, you're not going to to him up on his offer, are you?

Reva: Maybe. Why not?

Cassie: reve hitng on you.

Jeffrey: Ye? Whats it Hat this o'neil guy is hitting on me

cassie: Yes, you should have heard him laig he asking l these estionout yo and when I told him that you wee happily married, it didn't phase him.

Reva: Maybe he's ng to get der yourkin. I ane obviously get a kick out of annoying you.

Cassie: Yeah, well, I'd like to kick him... right out of this tel.

Reva: The only thing he cares about ishis gihat I haveof seeing thingsause it comaybe help his case.

Cassie: Yeah, it could help his case he wld le to brking wi u th for sure.

Reva: oy. You know what? I understand where you're coming from, I do. But u armptely diissing what just went here. I did see something, cassie. And something that could e bese. H means at it uld important to o'neill. And if I didn't know better, I'd say you re jealous.

Holly: (Shrieks) Oh. I'm sorry.

Buzz: Nice to see, too.

Holly: How's marina

Buzz: Not good e out ohe a f minuteo. D ask ouben, but you know...

holly: you don't care.

Buzz: Not even a little.

Holly: Don't.

Buzz: I really don't care.

Holly: You know, buzz come on. We're going through the same thing right now. H these kidshore i all pain.

Buzz: Yeah, eept e of scredp rolly d it sn my granddaughter. Same. Meano we rl ovnto. (Gasps)

Holly: I'm sorry. I have to slow down. It's jt be a d

Buzz: Ands noen n yet.

Holly: what do you say can buy you coffee?

Buzz: 'L while i D.

Holly: Aryou everoi to tao me again?

Cassie: I am not jealous of you. I'm not jealous of your visions. I have no desire to witns estnead or tot asheof things th . And as f as Jeffrey o'neill is concerned, you know, I don't care I l likchard, tocruiser santa se. I don;t care a whainterehim. I don't -

Reva: N it's me assie: Even t'U.

Reva: Holly?

Holly: .

Cassie: hey.

Holly: I'so glad I fod you.

Reva: Came by to see if I needed some help. How are you holdind up?

Holly: I would feel a lot better if I thought I could do something to help ben. The police seem convinced that he's guilty of killing this ramona. And it looks like they might try and tie those other murders to him as well. So, I maybe crossinghical li her but I'm thinking of assigning a whole team of journal reporters to the case. See what they can dig up. Maybe they can find something to help.

Reva: I don't think there's anything unethical about that at all. I think it's a great idea. And I'm with you one hundred percent. Count me in.

Holly: Great.

Cop #2: You got another R. Let's make it quick, okay?

Ben: Marina I didn't think you'd come.

Marina: Y were tying up my phone.

Ben: I'm sorry about that. I was trying to call you when they brought me in, and i couldn't turn my pho off re I had it autodial.

Marina: You know what save it, ben. I'm here

Cop #2: Sorry, kid, one at a time.

Marina: It's all right, shayne. We'll be fine.

Ben: Thanks for coming. I know it couldn't have been eaor you.

Marina: It wasn'T.

Ben: But I didn't kill mrs. Hendon. I need you to believe me. I n't re what ybodse thin.

Marina: Wou should. It's tverye else's f th world who ve you locked upn he. Mypion dsn't really tter then ai guess it nev really tyou anyw

Ben: Don't y that. You matter to me, marina. You know how much I care about you.

Marina: Yeah,h,ugh to, like harass me with phone calls every five minutes or at.

Ben: I told you I'sorry about that. I never should have bothered you if I thought you were...

Marina: You know what? Forget it. N, you want me to believe that you didn't kill your boss? Fine. I believe you. Honestly, I haven't been dwelling on it too much. I've had other things on my mind, like, I don't y ex- boyfriend's colossal betrayal.

Ben: I hurt you. And sorry. I know that saying it doesn't make any difference, but all i have is words rit now. Plea don't let me go, marina. I need you.

Marina: Yeah, and I need you like I need a knife in my heart. (Crying) because that is what this feels like to me right now, ben!

Ben: I am so sorry.

Marina: Okay, think we're done.

Ben: Wait. Don't go. Please.

Marina: Why not?

Ben: Because... because i need an alibi.

Marina: What?

Ben: I don't know why i didn't think of this before. You we with lt night, marina and you ow that m innocent. You can tell the cops wh went down. Please! Please! You're the only person who could tell them I didn't do this.

Marina: O thwhy you conveniently forgot to turn off your phone. So that you uld wear me do th dozs ofls until i ca herreed your alibi? Wasn't it enough to break my heart, ben? No, you had to set me up, too?

Ben: It is not ke that. I swear. Ye I wanted to see you, but not for an alibi.

Marina: Wha d I'm just supposed to believe that this idea just popped into your head right now?

Ben: It did! Id. Look, you are the only one who could go through the time line. If the cops can pinpoint ramona's time of death...

Marina: Ramona?

Ben: Mrs. Hendon. If the cops could figure out that her time death lines up with... when you and I were...

Marina: Were what? Were what, ben when we were aut to the deed? Se me if I don't call it mang love. I can't believe you. U rew me a weak "I'm sorry" and then you expect me to turn around and do you a favor? Why should I do anything for you after the way that you've treated me? And you know, sorry doesn't cut it, ben.

Ben: You have every right t hate me. But you could not want me to go to jail for something I didn't do. All I'asking is for to tell t truth.

Marina: Fine. Fine. You want the truth? The truth is that I wasn't watching the clock, ben. Was to busy bein the ment wu. So I can't say exactly when you were with me and when you were with ramona. I could make something up, but that would be lying, which seems to be your specialty and not mine. Me? I have too much self-respect. At asi'd likethink so.

Ben: Marina, wait.

Reva: I will contact all of my sources. Maybe someone knows something or saw something that could help his case.

Holly: Thanks. I appreciate it so much.

Reva: Okay. You bet, sweetie.

Holly: Thank you. I'll see you back at the studio.

Reva: Okay.

Cassie: Bye, Holly. Why didn't you tell her?

Reva: Tell her what?

Case: About your vision. You saw mrs. hendon drown. You know that ben did not electrocute her.

Reva: No, but...

Cassie: But what?

Reva: I didn't tell jeffrey this and I'm definitely not going to tell holly but mrs. Hendon drowning wasn't the naw.

Cassie: Oh, my god. You... you saw, didn't you?

Reva: No, I can't be sure. But it was aan, ben's height and his build. It could have be.

Cassie: You've got to say something, reva.

Reva: No. Not until I know more. Because as you so kindly put it sometimes wrong. And if I say something that... that makes things worse for ben and it turns out he's innocent then I won't be able to live with myself.

Cassie: Yeah, well, what if he turns out to be guilty and you don't say anything. How are you going to live with yourself then? Listen, it's me. Listen, something happened he this morning with eden. I need to speak to you.

Marah: So you're sure this was no accident?

Eden: T car came right at me, ma salerno's guy wanted to take me out d he would have if tony wasn't there.

Tony: Listen, re not taking anymore chances. I am not going to let you out of my sight.

Eden: What? You're saying that like it's my fault.

Tony: Listen, salerno's guy practically mowed ownut there. You need somebody tochr and that person is going to be me.

Eden: What, like a bodyguard?

Tony: Y whatever S.

Eden: Don't nd on

m: Don't quon favors, remember?

Eden: All right, you know what? I'm too tired to fight with guys. I'm going to get some E.

Marah: No, no. No, stay here. Get it. Relax.

Eden: Thanks, you guys. Hey, it's me. That was some nice dri. A little too close for comfort, but you know it made a very convincing accident. So I won't complain.

Marah: tony, can you grab this? My hands are full.

Tony: Sure.

Eden: Hey, look I gotta go. But I owe you one.

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