Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 4/30/03
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Cassie: Okay, the menu's done and I'm fine with that.
Edmund: Of course you are. I gave in to everything you wanted.
Cassie: You did not give in. You still got your squishy appetizers.
Edmund: That's a fine description of a raw bar, don't you think, Tammy?
Cassie: Look, I’m concerned about what's going to happen here. You know, this is not San Cristobel. Things don't come straight from the ocean. What if people got food poisoning before the most important part?
Edmund: Good point, my entrance.
Cassie: Right. The receiving line. I was thinking we should do it by the French doors by the garden. What do you think?
Tammy: That'd be nice.
Edmund: That's good. I was thinking by the grand staircase for my address. How difficult do you think it would be to hook up a spotlight? Well?
Cassie: I'm getting really tired, because I thought you were serious for a minute there.
Edmund: Cassie, I long for the day when you'll take me seriously.
Cassie: (Laughs)
Reva: Well, isn't this cozy?
Tammy: Hi, Aunt Reva.
Reva: Hi, sweetie. How are you, Tammy? Must be a full moon tonight.
Alexandra: So, you're telling me that not even one of them has heard from him? Yes, no, I do appreciate that, yes. I understand. Yes, well, of course, that's the best we're hoping for. All right, thank you. Thank you. How are we doing?
Beth: I think I have just finished faxing every police station in the Midwest.
Alexandra: Thank you for all your help, Beth. Good grief, it's just a comfort having you here. Oh. You know, Olivia, you might at least act concerned about Alan. I mean, I'd hate to see you thrown right back into jail in suspect of his disappearance.
Olivia: I don't want anything to happen to Alan. You know that. I had my amnio today, and not that you care, but I’m a bit concerned. This baby is my top priority.
Alexandra: Of course, yes, the amnio. I forgot all about it. No. Well, then, of course that means you're able to have the paternity test, the all-important one now.
Olivia: You know what? Not that it matters, but Phillip is the only father this baby will ever know. Besides, I know it's his, test or no test.
Alexandra: You know, you really are an amazing woman, Olivia. You... You're not only able to be totally promiscuous, but able to tell the baby's paternal father without any medical or science help at all! You should be on Reva’s show...
Phillip: Nothing like home, sweet home for a little comfort and serenity. Any word?
Beth: No, no, nothing. We've faxed, we've called, and now we're just waiting.
Phillip: Uh-huh. Everybody playing nice while they wait?
Alexandra: Of course, dear.
Phillip: Yeah, that's what I thought.
Alexandra: Don't worry, Phillip, I was only giving Olivia some advice. You can't tell me that you don't want to know who... Who the father of this baby is. The results could change your life.
Phillip: That is not a subject that I care to discuss with you right now.
Alexandra: You mean you're going to tell me that you of all people don't think it's important for this baby to know who his real father is?
Phillip: I don't think it's important for you to know right now, so drop it. I mean it. I'm playing nice. I'm doing everything that's been asked of me. I have stepped in at the company and I'm putting a good face on the family while Alan is missing. But don't push me, because I can still walk away, and I will. And leave her alone. Whatever you may think of her, she is pregnant, and there is a child to consider.
Alexandra: Yes, of course, and I apologize if I’ve upset you, Olivia.
Olivia: Oh, don't worry about it. You know what? I'm just being a little sensitive today.
Beth: You know, Olivia, if I remember correctly, mild cramping after the amnio is normal. But certainly if you're feeling any sharp pains, you should call your doctor.
Phillip: You're not...
Olivia: No, no, no, no sharp pains. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you.
Beth: Well, it's normal to be nervous about everything your first time around.
Olivia: I agree, and I'm really overwhelmed. This baby means everything to me.
Phillip: Hey, why don't I take you back to the loft so you can get some rest?
Olivia: That sounds good. Yeah.
Phillip: Okay. Go ahead out to the car. I'll... I'll be right there.
Olivia: Okay. Thanks for the advice, Beth.
Phillip: Why did I think there was a possibility that we could all band together while Alan was missing?
Beth: Beats me.
Phillip: Hey. I would at least like to thank you for taking the high road. I mean that. I know it's still awkward with you and Olivia.
Beth: It's fine. It is. And besides, I... I owe you one. I remember how reasonable you were when I was with Edmund and then Jim, too...
Phillip: Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We all know that you're a much better human being than I am. Any of our friends will confirm it.
Beth: True.
Phillip: I mean it: Thanks. And you, I also meant what I said to you. Back off. I'm handling the situation with Olivia.
Alexandra: That's wonderful, dear. I'm so relived to hear that.
Phillip: I'm so happy you're relieved. Bye, Beth. Alex.
Alexandra: Well, finally, maybe he's thinking with his brain.
Beth: What do you mean by that?
Alexandra: Well, if my hunch is right, I think Olivia will be packing soon and heading right back to the mother island.
Beth: Oh, Alex, I don't know about that. Even if this baby is Alan’s, Phillip and Olivia seem very close.
Alexandra: Don't destroy a happy moment. I happen to have so few of them these days. (Rustling outside)
Beth: Did you hear that?
Alexandra: What? It's the wind. It's a windy night.
Beth: No, that didn't sound like the wind. That sounded like somebody walking around outside.
Alexandra: Oh.
Edmund: Well, it's nice to see you, Reva.
Reva: (Laughs)
Cassie: Oh, we were working on the plans for the gala. The fund-raiser for Richard’s library. Just trying to pull it all together.
Reva: So, Edmund...
Edmund: Yes, Reva?
Reva: What's in it for you, hmm? Is this about embezzlement, or a little positive PR maybe? Or all of the above?
Edmund: Well, as impossible as I know this is to believe, Reva, it's just one step on my road to becoming a better person.
Reva: Oh, good Lord. And you're buying all of this?
Cassie: I'm not buying anything. I know that Edmund cares about this project as much as I do. Other than that, I don't trust him as far as I can throw him.
Edmund: And considering those martial arts moves you used on me, that's saying something.
Reva: So, we're supposed to believe that you're a new man after everything you've done to us?
Edmund: No. And I know you won't accept my apology...
Reva: You're right. Don't bother. And you're just going to forgive him after everything he's done to all of us?
Cassie: It wasn't making me happy to not forgive him. Richard loved his brother, and I know Richard would want me to move on. And you didn't come here to talk about that. You don't have to rush off, do you?
Reva: No, no, I don't intend to leave anytime soon.
Cassie: Good. Then let's have a drink.
Reva: Sounds good.
Edmund: That went well.
Tammy: Oh, yeah.
Edmund: Oh, Tammy, don't be deceived by the way your Aunt Reva treats me. Deep down she... She hates me a lot more than she lets on.
Tammy: She has reasons, you know. Pretty good ones.
Edmund: Yeah, I know.
Tammy: I don't think you care what my Aunt Reva thinks about you. You only care what my mom thinks. I'm not blind, Uncle Edmund. You're after my mom, aren't you?
Reva: So, Cassie, what exactly is going on between you and Edmund?
Cassie: I told you. We're just working on the fund-raiser together, that's all, okay? I don't trust him. I really don't. I mean, not really.
Reva: Edmund knows you're vulnerable, Cassie. He also knows that he's the one connection between you and Richard. And he's going to take advantage of that. When your guard is down, he will take advantage.
Cassie: And that's when I throw him right down the stairs. Reva, I am... I'm watching him, I am. I mean, and he's... So far, he's been on his best behavior. He has.
Reva: And you really believe that Richard would want you to forge a relationship with a brother who undermined him his entire life?
Cassie: Richard wants me to do whatever I have to do to find peace. Look, I had another one of those dreams, Reva. A very real dream where Richard, he came to me and he told me that he wanted me to move on, and he wanted me to find peace.
Reva: So you're best friends with Edmund now because of a dream?
Cassie: Oh, come on, I thought of all people, you would understand what I'm talking about here.
Reva: I know one thing. Richard would have done anything, anything in his life to protect you. And I don't think he would want you to trust Edmund for one minute.
Cassie: He wants me to help Edmund become a better man.
Reva: Rule number one: When it comes to men, they don't change. No way, no how. They can change themselves, but you have no control over that.
Cassie: Are you talking about Edmund or is something else going on here? What's up?
Reva: Josh and I had a little thing.
Cassie: You had a fight?
Reva: We had a fight. We had a fight about Shayne and Josh's obsession with Shayne’s baseball career. He's just pushing him too hard.
Cassie: What do you mean, a baseball career? The kid's in high school. How can he have a baseball career?
Reva: Exactly. And kids' interests change from week to week, and there's nothing wrong with that. But Josh has decided that this is the one road that Shayne needs to take. It's like Josh is making up for, I don't know, choices he had to make when he was Shayne’s age.
Cassie: Well, our parents do do that to their kids, you know.
Reva: I know. But Josh has gone off the deep end with this. He's acting so weird. I mean, I wish I could make him see how crazy he's being about this, but I can't even get through to him.
Cassie: Maybe it's because you're telling him that he's acting crazy. Maybe you should be a little more subtle.
Reva: I was subtle. Well, I wasn't subtle...
Cassie: Uh-huh.
Reva: ...Exactly. I don't know. He's a wonderful father. He is. I mean, he's the best. And I'm so grateful that he was around for the kids. He was the one constant for them, almost to the point where I feel like I shouldn't even have an opinion, because I wasn't there so much...
Cassie: Oh, come on, no. Don't take it that far. Don’t. Just take it easy on Josh, and give him a chance to work through this whole baseball thing with Shayne. I'm sure everything will be fine.
Reva: Take it easy. Give him a chance. Before I know it, you'll be asking me to forgive Edmund.
Cassie: I'm sorry. Did you come here to do a whole bunch of male bashing? Is that what it is? (Laughs)
Reva: Obviously I came to the wrong place. Well, I'm going to go home. ( Laughter) See you.
Cassie: Bye. Please be nice to my brother-in-law.
Reva: Okay. See you, Tammy.
Tammy: Bye.
Edmund: You've been reading far too many romance novels, young lady.
Tammy: I don't read romance novels. I just know what I see. You like my mom.
Edmund: Well, she's a very likable person... Most of the time.
Tammy: You know what I mean.
Edmund: Tammy, I know exactly what you mean, and of course I care about your mother and I care about you and I care about your brothers. And I know that Richard would want me to look out for all of you.
Tammy: I think you'd want my mom to look out for you in a different way.
Edmund: Yeah, you're probably right about that. Tammy, I admire how protective you are of your mother.
Tammy: She acts tough, but she's not, not really. I've seen her get hurt a lot.
Edmund: Yeah, I know. Beneath that tough and scrappy exterior is a very warm and loving person. And that's just one of the many reasons why my brother fell in love with her. Look, Tammy, I respect...
Tammy: I like you, Uncle Edmund, in spite of everything. But I want you to do me a favor. Stay away from my mom.
Phillip: Here you go.
Olivia: Thanks.
Phillip: How you feeling now?
Olivia: I'm better.
Phillip: Yeah?
Olivia: Yeah.
Phillip: Good. Oh, man. Thank God I have got this place to escape to. I don't know what I would do if I were stuck living in that house with all that craziness right now.
Olivia: Wait a minute, you don't miss Nolan’s end-of-the-day martini and cook's fabulous meals?
Phillip: You don't like my cooking?
Olivia: Your cooking... (Laughs) ...Is fine.
Phillip: Hey, I’m not the chef. That's your department. I'm just... I'm just doing what little I can until you're feeling more energetic.
Olivia: I know. Hey, how about I cook dinner tomorrow?
Phillip: I'm going to hold you to that. In the meantime, is there anything that I can get you? Do you want some tea or soup or...
Olivia: I just want you. I just really want you right here.
Phillip: Okay.
Olivia: Thanks.
Phillip: I'm here. Done. This is nice.
Olivia: Yeah, it's better than nice. Hey, thanks for taming your aunt, you know, earlier. She... Was coming at me full force when you walked in.
Phillip: Hey, that's all right. You know what? She's got nothing to say. She has no right to say anything about this baby.
Olivia: It's our baby.
(Cell phone rings)
Phillip: Hang on. I'm going to get that. Hello?
Technician: Mr. Spaulding? Kerry Baitinger here at the lab.
Phillip: Yeah, hi. Were you able to take care of that project that we discussed earlier?
Technician: The DNA test is a go. You'll be the only one receiving the paternity results. Just don't expect the results too quickly, Mr. Spaulding. The process takes a little time.
Phillip: I understand. Just do what you can. And I appreciate your help on this. I won't forget it. Thanks.
Olivia: Well, now that you're in charge, they just won't leave you alone, will they?
Phillip: They will now.
Beth: I could swear that someone's walking around out there.
Alexandra: Well, I don't see a thing. If we hear anything else, I'll just call Nolan and have him go outside exploring.
Beth: Oh, he'll love that. He's afraid of his own shadow. Why I am feeling so jittery tonight?
Alexandra: It may be the aftereffects of spending time with Olivia. It makes my flesh crawl.
Beth: Actually, I’m feeling a little sorry for her these days.
Alexandra: Oh, please.
Beth: No, no, it's been a while, but I remember what it's like to be tortured by Alan.
Alexandra: Well, there's a big difference. She deserves everything she's gotten, and more. What I’m concerned about is how she's going to make up for her losses.
Beth: With Phillip?
Alexandra: Exactly. I'm not going to stand by and watch her ruin his life. No, just because he happens to think he needs to rescue her from us.
Beth: Well, see, another good reason to back off and leave them alone right now.
Alexandra: So, you're saying take the high road, is that it?
Beth: That seems to be the only road I can take these days. After breaking up with Phillip and then Bill, I’ve got to hold onto my dignity. That seems to be all that I have. (Laughs) Cue the violins.
Alexandra: Oh, please, that is nonsense. You have Phillip’s love...
Beth: Oh, Alexandra.
Alexandra: Well, it's true. It's true. You're the love of his life, darling. And anything else that comes along, believe me, is just filler. And the way you behaved right in front of Olivia and Phillip just now, just proves to him once and again that you're head and shoulders above that devious tart.
Beth: I'll have to admit I hope he appreciates the effort I’m making with Olivia. It's a little hard not to resent her for coming out on top after all the things that she's done.
Alexandra: I understand. But she won't fool Phillip forever. I mean, look, she couldn't hang onto Richard Winslow or Josh Lewis. Phillip's not going to buy this forever. You know, believe me, darling, her world is going to come crashing down around her... (Scraping outside) ...Soon enough.
Beth: What is it? That's it again. That...
Alexandra: Nolan! Nolan, get in here. I need you right away.
Beth: Do you think that could be Alan?
Alexandra: Well, I hope so.
Beth: Oh, my God, it's Lizzie! Lizzie, stay... Stay right there!
Reva: Joshua? Hey. I'll check the kitchen. (Phone rings) Hello? Officer Tucker, long time, no hear, thank God. What's up? Tonight? In our backyard? Which neighbor was it that called in? Oh, no, she can see right into the yard. Okay. Well, I'll... Go ahead and turn the lights back on in the backyard, and I'll call if you there's any problem. Okay, thanks. Joshua, are you in here?
Alan: Nobody home but you and me, Reva.
Edmund: Ouch. You're certainly a chip off the old block, aren't you?
Tammy: Thank you.
Edmund: You're welcome. It's important to be able to stand up and express yourself in this world.
Tammy: I didn't think you liked it when women disagreed with you. Don't you usually lock them in a tower or something?
Edmund: Ah! I take that back. You're a lot tougher than your mother. (Laughs ) Tammy, honestly, I think Richard would be happy to know that you're trying to protect your mother from all the evils of this world.
Tammy: Like you.
Edmund: Well, exactly like me. I also know that they're a lot of people, now that you've grown up, they're going to try to tell you how to lead your life. I'm not going to be one of those people. But if you ever need any help... Hey, don't look at me like that. It's often the people who've made the most mistakes in life that can be the most help to people to try to avoid them. Seriously, if you ever need anything, I'm there.
Tammy: Thanks.
Cassie: Hey, everything okay over here?
Tammy: Sure.
Cassie: Good. Can you do me a favor?
Tammy: The boys.
Cassie: The boys. (Laughs)
Tammy: Yeah.
Cassie: Can you tell Nancy that she can go ahead and go?
Tammy: Yeah.
Cassie: Thanks.
Tammy: Good night, Uncle Edmund.
Edmund: Good night, Tammy. Thanks for the words of wisdom. Hey, I didn't expose her to any of my evil ways, I promise.
Cassie: I know. I heard. We should probably get back to work.
Edmund: Yeah.
Beth: Are you all right? You're cold as ice. Come over here and sit down. What were you doing, walking around out there like that? You're supposed to be away at school.
Alexandra: Lizzie, darling, are you all right? Do you need anything?
Lizzie: Nothing, Aunt Alex. Maybe... Actually, I’d like to see Grandpa. Is... Is he still awake?
Alexandra: Well, he happens to be out of town on business, darling. But I'm sure he'll want to see you the moment he gets back.
Lizzie: I miss him.
Beth: Hey, what's going on?
Lizzie: Mom, I had to come home.
Alexandra: Why? Did something happen to you?
(Thunder rumbling)
Lizzie: Where's Dad?
Alexandra: Well...
Beth: He’s...
Alexandra: He's with... He's with your grandfather. They're... They're... He'll be home soon. Sorry. (Laughs) You just have us, but I'm sure anything that's wrong, your mother and I can handle.
Beth: You never answered my question. What's going on?
Lizzie: There was a fire.
Beth: Where? At school?
Lizzie: It was awful. They evacuated the dorm and... Everyone was screaming and crying and... I just walked away.
Beth: And you didn't call anyone?
Lizzie: I didn't think about it. I just wanted to get home. So I took a bus to Chicago and... I hitched a ride from there.
Alexandra: Oh...
Beth: You hitched a ride...
Alexandra: Lizzie.
Beth: Lizzie, do you understand how dangerous that is?
Lizzie: I just wanted to get home, Mom. I wanted to see you and Dad and Grandpa and... And you, Aunt Alex. I never should have gone away to school the way I did. I'm so sorry I went away.
Beth: Oh, honey. I know that you're upset about the fire, and I don't blame you. But you loved Alston.
Lizzie: I don't want to go back there.
Alexandra: Well, you don't have to. There's no rule that says you have to finish school up in Connecticut, is there?
Beth: No, no, of course not.
Lizzie: I want to stay here.
Alexandra: All right, and so you shall. You shall. Fine. Nolan, yes, Miss Lizzie has arrived home unexpectedly, and I want you to get Nettie to run her a fresh bath, and then take her up some hot chocolate. All right, thank you. There we go. Easy as that, huh? Oh, welcome home, darling. (Laughs)
Lizzie: Thank you, Aunt Alex.
Alexandra: Oh.
Beth: I'm just worried there's something you're not telling us.
Alexandra: Beth, let's let Lizzie... Lizzie go chill, relax for a moment, huh?
Beth: Sure, yes, you're... You're right. Why don't you go up and take your bath and I'll be up in a bit?
Alexandra: Okay, okay, scoot, scoot.
Lizzie: It's so good to be home.
Alexandra: I think we have a lawsuit here. How dare that school not call us, not tell us the circumstances that she's missing?
Beth: Yes, I'd like to know why they didn't call us as well. I'd also like to know why you lied to Lizzie about Alan and Phillip.
Alan: What's the matter, Reva? You look pale. Did you have a rough night?
Reva: Get the hell out of my house, Alan.
Alan: Oh, Reva, what happened to that southern hospitality of yours?
Reva: You're out of luck. The police are already aware that someone's been lurking.
Alan: I'm not lurking, I'm just paying you a visit, that's all.
Reva: Are you determined to get yourself locked up in some prison psychiatric ward?
Alan: Now just calm down. I am not your stalker.
Reva: I know that. I've known it from the beginning, but that does not give you the right to break into my home.
Alan: Well, since you know that, and also knowing that we have quite a history together, I hope that you will hear me out. Since you know that I'm not your stalker, you should know that Alexandra has set both of us up.
Reva: Why would she set you up, Alan?
Alan: I'm not sure. But it's important for her to keep me off balance, and also to keep certain information from me.
Reva: What's going on with you, Alan? Something is. Does it have to do with Phillip?
Alan: Look, I didn't come here to catch up on family gossip. But what I have to tell you will affect both of our futures. Now, you remember when you visited me a few months ago in the hospital, you were thinking about doing an expose on the Spaulding family, something about the rich and the envied?
Reva: And?
Alan: You still looking for a good story?
Reva: Why?
Alan: Because I’ve got a scoop that will knock them dead.
Reva: What's in it for you?
Alan: The simple pleasure of watching my sister get what she deserves. And when we're finished with her, she won't be able to crawl out of town like she did the last time she crossed me.
Reva: If what you're saying is true, that Alexandra set you up to be the stalker, then that makes her the stalker.
Alan: I don't want to talk until I know we have a deal but...
Reva: Stop...
Alan: Reva, I’m sorry, I'm sorry, please. It's important for me to know that we can work together, because we have been unjustly targeted. And another thing: You must not let anyone know that you have seen me alive.
Reva: Alan...
Alan: If we're to get to the truth, you cannot even tell Josh.
Reva: I can't keep secrets from him anymore.
Alan: I need freedom to maneuver and investigate. It's important, very important that we keep Alexandra off balance so that she will break. Well?
Reva: Alan, what does Alexandra have to do with this? I mean, what does she have to gain from going to such lengths to make it look like you're crazy?
Alan: Millions, thanks to a technicality in my father's will. Now, I still own the company.
Reva: Even though she's the CEO?
Alan: Yes, but I am the major shareholder. And if I had officially appointed a successor, Phillip for example, none of this would have happened.
Reva: But, of course, you are going to live forever, aren't you?
Alan: If I am incapacitated in any way, without having appointed a successor, then the control of the company goes sideways to Alexandra.
Reva: So Alexandra went to all this trouble of terrorizing, coming up with a plan to terrorize me and my family and make it look like you for what reason? For money that she doesn't even need?
Beth: Lizzie is a big girl. We can't keep secrets from her.
Alexandra: I just don't think we should bombard her the minute she walks in the house. I mean, she's very upset, as you can see. And the last thing she needs to hear is that her grandfather is at best missing, and that her father's lost his mind completely and moved in with his ex-stepmother.
Beth: I don't lie to Lizzie.
Alexandra: Well, you didn't, darling, I did. No, call... Call Phillip. Let him know what the situation is.
Beth: You just told her he's out of town.
Alexandra: Well, then tell her he came back early, that's all. Just call him, please. Besides, Phillip needs to be reminded that there are more... More people in his family to worry about than just Olivia and that baby!
Phillip: I think the doctor told you to take it easy, didn't he?
Olivia: Um, I hate to bring this up but is this... Is this because I'm pregnant?
Phillip: I just said that.
Olivia: No, I don't mean because you're concerned about my health. I mean because...
Phillip: Oh, Olivia, come on. No, no, you're... You are beautiful pregnant. And I'm... You're... You're more beautiful pregnant, if that... This isn't coming out right. Um... (Stammers) That's not it. It is not that I’m not attracted to you.
Olivia: It's just that maybe... Maybe things can't be like they were before.
Phillip: Before what?
Olivia: Before I allowed myself to trust in you and us, and before I fell into Alan’s bed.
Phillip: Look, I'm not going to pretend that what happened with you and Alan didn't change things. It did. But I care about you. And I care about this child that you're going to have. And you know what? It's going to be a good thing. You're... I can already see the changes in you because of this. And I think that you're... I think you're going to be a really great mother. And you're... You're... You're different than anyone that I have ever known, you really are. I don't know what I'm saying here. It's not easy, okay? This is... I'm not saying that I think this is going to be easy for either one of us. But I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. Okay?
Olivia: Okay. (Phone rings)
Phillip: Hello?
Beth: Phillip, hi. I'm sorry to call you so late.
Phillip: Beth, what's wrong?
Beth: Lizzie's home.
Phillip: What?
Beth: Apparently there was a fire at her school and she just bolted. I think she's in shock.
Phillip: Okay. I'll be right there.
Beth: No, Phillip, don't come.
Phillip: Don't come? Beth, she's my daughter, I want to see her.
Beth: She's overwrought.
Phillip: Look... Look, she doesn't even know where I'm living right now. I'll... I'll just... Just hang on, I'll be right there.
Beth: Phillip, Phillip... I think it's best if you don't come.
Phillip: So, wait a minute, Lizzie is in trouble and you think the best thing that I could do is stay away?
Beth: Your aunt knew that you hadn't told Lizzie about your new place and Olivia. So she told her you were away on business. And if you show up tonight, Lizzie’s just going to get riled up. And what she needs is a good night's sleep.
Phillip: I don't know, Beth.
Beth: Phillip, she'll have enough to deal with tomorrow, with Alan missing and... Your situation. Please.
Phillip: Okay. I'm not happy about it, but okay.
Beth: Come first thing in the morning.
Phillip: Yeah, I will. Bye.
Olivia: Why is Lizzie home from school?
Phillip: There was a fire at the school and she came home. She didn't even tell me how she got home. She just told me that I should stay away.
Olivia: Lizzie is going to be upset when she hears about us.
Phillip: Mm-hmm. But it doesn't matter. She has to hear about everything from me. She's already been through enough because of Beth and me. We lied to her about it. It's just going to make everything worse.
Alexandra: Well, here she is.
Beth: Well, I talked to your father. And he's going to be here first thing in the morning.
Lizzie: Is he mad?
Beth: At the officials at your school, sweetie; not at you. How are you feeling?
Lizzie: Better. A little hungry.
Beth: Ah, always a good sign.
Alexandra: Oh, good. What can I have cook make you?
Lizzie: Oh, no, I just want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Beth: White bread?
Lizzie: Yes, please.
Beth: I think I can handle this. As a matter of fact, Alex, why don't you come with me? I think it's high time you learned how to make a sandwich.
Alexandra: Oh, dear, how interesting. Do you think we have white bread?
Beth: (Laughs)
Cassie: Hey.
Tammy: Hey.
Cassie: Something wrong? What's going on?
Tammy: Well, Nancy just wants to wait for you to come up. Are you guys almost done?
Edmund: I believe we are, Cassie.
Cassie: Yeah, I think we are.
Tammy: It's going to be really great-- the fund-raiser, I mean. Dad would really like what you're doing.
Cassie: And that's exactly why we're doing it, sweetie. Okay, well, good night.
Edmund: Good night.
Cassie: I'll see you upstairs. (Cell phone rings)
Tammy: Hello?
Lizzie: Tammy? It's me.
Tammy: Lizzie? Wow, I haven't heard from you in a long time.
Lizzie: That's because school was like a prison. They kept us tied up every second of the day. But I'm home now. What a relief.
Tammy: Wow, you get out early.
Lizzie: No, I took myself out. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.
Tammy: I guess you wanted to get home because of everything that's going on with your grandfather. It's so crazy. Who knew?
Lizzie: Knew what? What's going on?
Tammy: Oh, my gosh, I mean it's no big deal. Who really knows what's going with anyone, right? I... I really want to know about everything that's going on with you.
Lizzie: Oh, you will. How about tomorrow? I'll meet you at Company after your morning classes?
Tammy: Perfect. I'm glad you're home.
Lizzie: Liars. They're all liars.
Josh: Hi.
Reva: Hi. So are we speaking?
Josh: I don't think I really have a lot to say to you right now.
Reva: Joshua.
Josh: Reva, you made it very clear earlier. You think that I’m a bad influence on our son.
Reva: Well, that's not how I meant it.
Josh: I think it's exactly how you meant it. And the fact that you can't seem to understand my concern for him has really thrown me for a loop. I think I've been very supportive of your needs over the years.
Reva: Of course, you have. And I want to be supportive of you, too. It's... This is about our son. And I think that you're just being a little... You're putting premature pressure on him because of something that didn't go right for you when you were his age. I just don't know where it came from, this obsession you have with Shayne...
Josh: I'm not obsessed, Reva. I really don't appreciate the spin you're putting on this-- making my interest in our son into something unhealthy. Now, there have been a lot of times over the years that I've been obsessed about you, about finding you, or saving you, or helping you in some way, and that's been okay. But now that it's not about you, now that it's about somebody else that I love, it's wrong? I think we're done talking for the night.
Reva: Yeah, I think we are. (Sighs)
(Phone rings)
Alexandra: Hello? Hello? Is someone there? Alan, is that you?
Alan: (Laughs maniacally)